The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-28, Page 70955 DR, of ns WEPN•ESI A., SEPT; 28tah, 1955 . UIVDUSTRIAL INFORMATION 5ni70HT IN GEORGIAN BAY GE ly &•: 'r a north .with. and re o€• arty Was:. >tall now - :o go Were. and wet ;oun the ith a lat early in a Aerie - 'then, . r • law s. In 51 in, cured. THE. LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCICNOW, ONTARIO the .• District 'ol Muskoka. 'and. r . .round.. Reporting to a directors' meet- ing in • ' Midland on 3N, ed,nesday', September 21st, Association sec- retary Clarkson McCaul said that, $12,330:had been 'paid in by the 59 municipalities. An addi- tional $10,000 per year will .be• provided fol'- .the development program .'by the Ontario govern- ment; By ,unanimous vote ' the dir ectors agreed to establish the of •fives, of the Association in, Mid- land,. Temporary quarters have been • provided' ,without charge. by`. the--stow---of Millar d -since Aug= est .3rs and permanent ;space will be available ''in the news:anuni-, cipal building for• which ,tenders are . shortly to•. be.called, Second vice president Prank Powell, Q C., of Parry Sound, was named, ..a ' committee of ..one to review. the `proposed by-laws., General manager Neville Keefe reported that .in the 'Past six- weeks he had. visited :25 of the 29 municipalities in Bruce, Grey and Dufferin, and that the municipalities in the _remainder of •the Georgian; Bay region 'would. be surveyed. in •`the mediate future. `"`I:. have escorted three 'indus- trial prospects Jo .•various lova-:' tions in zones . 1, 2 : and ' 3, and, have on file eight interested companies",•.- he --told the. ; meet - Mr Keefe .was . asked to pre-. pare a questionnaire ,to go to all 'member municipalities' seeking. ;details' ' on .available . industrial: Sites and'the nature of• the pro ducts, ,.' by 'products and custom services available 'from.. eacisting' 'industries • ' Is Your. Subscription Paid? Fifty nine municipalities.' in the Georgian Bay . region have now joinedthe recently, estab fished Devel. opment Association serving the counties of '.Bruce, • Dufferin, Grey and Siancoe and LyceumJheatre: WINGHAM First:Showing at 7.15 . porn.. Thursday, Friday,. Saturday SEPT, 29=3.0,, OCT, sl Kirk Douglas, Sella Daryl, `�TkIE RACERS''. There, are thrills galore. •in, :this highly exciting 'auto sports car racing .mmelodrarna. You becomea participant in :the dangerous. sport •.as the' racing .cars jockey for position. and swerve around , hairpin, curves at death. defying speeds. • Matinee Saturday at 2.00 p.m.' Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday. OCTOBER 3-4-5 Victor Mature, Richard Egan in' "VIOLENT. SATURDAY" (adult entertainment) This is 'a taut: and ':exciting thriller with the. plot • about the. preparation and execu- tion . bf . a bank . robbery in • a small modern mining com- munity.' • Phone ' 181 1.1111.11.11.411.11.04111.01111111111 Kincardine PAYING . HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A . Specialty.. In accordance with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected. for . your protection. • • 4•1,410i0111104/41111.9.1111111•04111M114111.0 IMM11.04.1111.1111•1111.1111., iii✓-iiii�ii�iii-iii-iiiiii�iiii-�ii�✓•iiii�ii law. out- bev- bars,P_ I. Let ,latus, lac arlo ;nts the rpy roof bed tan. ,lent • the trio. ;ars: sn 8 The following used units must be sold at 'BARGAIN !RICES to make room'for new h95, cars. 1054 MONARCH BLUE SEDAN, like new 1954=FORD--BLUE SEDAN, ,lowf. mileage 1954 FORD BLUE SEDAN, very low mileage 1953 FORD GREEN SEDAN, a real buy • -1953 FORD CUSTOM COACH, a snap 1952 CHEVROLET COACH; 'one•owner car 1952 CHEV ":SEDAN DELIVERY, dual purpose 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN, clean inside and out' 1951 DODGE COACH, .A1 'condition 1:-95-,}-DODGE-SEDAN, with radio__._ •19A9 34DS OB. LE -SEDAN, new tires 'and paint 1951 'FORD TRACTORS ,• overhauled and guar- • anteed MANY OLDER MODELS All above units thoroughly ` overhauled and reconditioned. to ALspecif'i'cations. All sold with 90 -day, guarantee:' 0_ .Phone 23 7,; Wingham' MacWilliams LIMITED by ROSEMARY THYME pickling and canning ... that is what most housewives find themselves ;busy at these days, I'm' sure. Pears and plums and peppers and. cucumbers. and to f m•atoes. Sometimes, when the 'xiaskets cover , thepantry floor - one might ,be. inclined to wish mat nature had not; been ,so sh alt . "at' .ons e, c , Since: i have a full 'basket peppers: • • to • 4o now, I've ' :been hunting out some ,recipes. here are two I'M planning , on getting at as soon. as I finish this, and mail it, Pepper •.Hash • 8 sweet green. peppers, 8, sweet :red 'peppers, 1: cup chopped onion,. "1 cup chop ped celery, 2. cups vinegar, :1 Cup. sugar,, 1 tbsp. salt. Remove seeds from , peppers'. !Chop very fine, (onions and• peppers go :through the food chopper very nicely).. .Cover, with boiling. water, Leet stand .till cool. Again cover, with boiling water' and salt; Let stand 10 minutes. brain well. Mix with remaining ingredients. Cook about 20 min. Pour into steril- ized jars. • Seal While . hot. This is 'a nice sweet relish with• -cold meats. Red. Pepper '.lolly:- 5 cups apple •:juice, ,4 large belle peppers, "5. cups sugar (I have used 4 cups and .really liked it better,. I. believe). Putpeppers through food chopper Drain` af- ter .chopping. Ilse apple, juice ex- tracted as for. apple 'Jelly. •Boil. juice 15 rein:; add chopped pep •ers and boil 10 min.: longer,' Acid• warmed sugar. Boil* till mixture 'shows* jelly,.test. .Pour. into..ster-: ilized glasses. ,Seal when ..cold. Pear Apple. Chutney:: 4 'large, pears, 3. medium .apples; '2 large ,onions,, 1. lemon, 3/4 cup crystal;_ lized ginger, . 1 cup seeded rais- ins, 21/4 clips brown: sugar,; 11/2 tsp. salt, •2 Cups. cider vinegar, .1 tsp. • cinnamon, 1/4. tsp.: allspice, 1/4 tsp.' 'nutmeg. Peel' the pears and remove cores . Chop ` into small pieces : (should:have three. cups). ;' Peel apples, . core..Cut in to small pieces, making '., 2 :cups. Pee -I -on -ions -and Chop -fine; Wash. lemon and chop skin skin and 'Pulp into veryfine.- pieces. •'Chop .gin- Lfin. 1Vlix-chopped. pears,: ap-:: pies, onions, ' lemon,. ginger, 'rais- ins, sugar, salt;' 'vinegar, add •spices. .Cook mixture' 'about ':30: until •fruit.is tender. and the mixture has thickened. Pour in- to hot. sterilized : j;ars. • and seal tightly. ' Makes +two pints.. In: this I like. to put • the apples' 'and onions and' raisins:.- through the food .chopper.. . . Blue . Plum Conserve: , T'wct oranges, 4 • limes, 5 lbs. blue plums, , 4 cup-.: raisins, 9 'cups sugar, 11 cupswalnuts:(niay''be omittedY. Squeeze the'juice from o'rangesand limes : .,(makes one, cup): Wash .the skin and chop finely.. Wash and remove pits from plums. plums:. Chop: .Mix fruit juices; -rinds, plums, risks,' sugar together. Cook over low :heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture thickens, 'about, 1 hour. Cut•nUts 'in .h rf; 'add. Cook 15 rrtin, longer..Pour into prepared, jelly :glasses. Cool. ,Seal.. with" paraffin. •': Pear Honey: 4 Ylbs , pears, 1 8- oz. carrti-s}hed Pineapl l -, lemons,. 3 lbs. sugar: Wash;. pare and core; pears. Cut into .small Pieces, .' ,Drain pineapple. • Slice legions, Combine pears, drained pineapple and sugar ina sauce- pans Bring to boil.. Reduce heat and cook slowly until juice lias. thickened to consistency of corn syrup. Add the sliced lemons and cook 5 'min. loniger: Pour into hot sterilized jars, ' Cool, seal with paraffin. ' Uncooked Pepper Hast l teed -W ium: sized cabbage; four large onions, 4 . green sweet peppers, red sweet peppers, 1 bunch cel- ery.'Chop cabbage. and : onions fine Put in crock with scant 1' cup salt. Let stand overnight.; Then .drain Well, ' and , add pep- pers a.n.i 'celery, chopped fine. Y ilei . hy,1: .'u'rt;3r, 4 tin(.ir#1„. PAGE SEVEN Play. ouseTheacie Friday and Saturday, , Sept. 30th, Oct.:1st Two: Shows Each 141004.$ 7.30 Saturday Matinee ":at • Bud ABBOTT''. and Lou COSTELLO • ,. ire' _ w0. "GO, TO MARS". They'reon' an •outer -space' spree in their newest,: biggest :outb�xrst: of sf%1^?rity. v.: -..7'.-17r$, a panic fin ..a anisguided m ie• .. WINTER AIR CONDITIONING UNITS eittrll Tar Ecav y4 • • Thismodem furnace: withdgutomaticallycon. trolled heat provides humid. •. iled . filtered; evenly _'warmed and circulated air for health and coin•'. fort . .. no stale fumes to odours, in the house when you own a: Clare. And it's so economical to buy and operate! Come in and 'see this beautiful new furnace for yourself. D Healt'hfu1-Air. is'filtered, humidi evenly warmed and circulated, # Carefree -Automatic therntostaft, controls.. • Clean.-Filters:r'eniove dust and •e t from air.. t# Dependabka-Built with fined ma - Wieland guaranteed by a-tenialand'guaranteed'by Clare Bros-, •Economical -Delivers maximum heat from.. fuel used. Murdie.:B .:Som Phone 10,: 'Lucknow, Ont. vinegar to j ust. come to top. Stir vial: Tilt iri j ars. Add 2 .oz Lard seed if you :wish. :' • WANTS ANSWER . TO'' HYD O RATIFVARIANCE Mayor J. E. fluckins o. erich wants "an' .e.plana ,erich .Wants.. an : explanation of, -why ",Goderich pays $48.75 ani Seaforth •$38.50 per kilowatt :per• year for power purchased front ' the 'H.E.P.C. They have been ' trying for five years to get a satisfactory answpr, but without results M�Iuekns a�yould. Like God- an answer that :the man on Of 'street .can understand. ' POE .lit �.r FOR ALL YOUR FARM REQUIREMENTS' 'Call At Your Local Co=op cknow district Aug Auf•tir6.o,'_Atertairr •m.SY.:Jss,ialti.o.:sfIYz.Nw..Li2�;