The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-21, Page 9E$ : Y, PT 21st;w495 • t =IOW ..SENTINEL, womOW, ONTARu HELP TUE BLIND to help themselves 1 r r • $57.00Q E N.EFInt (Commtnity Chests and; Mveleiord Grants will. prpyide $46,000) to train, rahabilitata; , : r and house the 450 $1.1Nd.In this district ' CN.I.B TRI COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON - MIDDLSsEX PERTH (Excluding-yondon-of,W5trai ford) your help is needed too! I Send .Ypipur Donatio'rr Todioy ' to ref fetaehginnon or C°N.t.ti",'London, Ontario ....circ❖; k pee- ser- hureh, t : Sun-. ascan' sere. vicinity ir `'at of •' Sim- • week Laugh-:` e 'were Lr" and - yltyand . . of• the teld ' on e, tierce ors. H. • of: both lesson wed by , after ;ing, the V'orman. cle - on: rrange- special other' Thank rn Mrs. ers re rt Tay-.. s :certi esented pointed meeting. Thome Link". e close.,.: re Mrs... Cham ' 1eraber$_ Chairma >, H. D. THOMPSON, Lucknow. Local ' •GE.lriINE„ uror► Jr. Farrner Relates )versea.sTo-Lr HighligI.ts - • (Dv J 1 eedham.l shows are. Moved 'around from 1 Paul's Cathedral and rnany snore > For the past fare, years the !city to city each year and: it re-. places and buildings that we had •Department. • of Agriculture •for Ontario has sponsoredn change visit with England and Scotland. England sends, four young .farmers and Scotland sends our arnd. they 'are guests of the. Junior F'arxners-of Ontario and the Department. quires, quite •a lot of work moving a ex the grandstand and other build=- ings. Mostof the .livestock and exhibits "are housed . in tents.. • There -are • many large 'farms in 'England as, well as the *nail type farm. • In the grain. 'gnaw- ing districts in .'the south 'there are farms of:f.rom .700 ' 'to • 1000 acres with soma even urger.,. Tn -England 'there' are- a lot of dif, ferer t- breeds .of cattle, ";some . of `which. I had never rd ., of be- fore, suech as .Lincoln Reds,,.Dek- ter; 'Kerry, Red Angus;- Golloway, De►:onand many more. • Only the common types of .beef cattle like Hereford and Shorthorn ha\\ve spread beyond England, • . We - spent the last five days in London and. it is really a big • place: . Severe million people and. about 30 Mires from one side to the, other with' •340 miles. of :sub- way,' :sub- way,' all of 'which seemed huge: to us. Ontario House. in London 'entertained us onedayand the rest, of the tirne we 'were... guests of the English Young Farmers. We saw Buckingham .Palace, Big Ben, Parliament .Buildings; . Sit. This year's Ontario. delega%tion Was: Marilyn `Parks of i~Tastings. Cq: Marie,a,Saunders,Haldirnand. Co, Bev`: Grey. of Durhan-i. Co., and myself frons Bruce CO.,. with Gordon Bennett, a for'i ser Huron Co" . agricultural', representative =as' the leader. . Leaving • Montreal on the' Em- press of Australia on May 23rd and ' arriving in Liverpool 'on May. 31st,• the group .went by bus to •Scotland • for , a month and then, to England till July 27th. oivE REASQN .WHY. THEA' . It is hard to. write . a that one KA I RSH EA HOST .sees or bears trona talking to. 111EEDS YOUR HELP people, so I' will try and mention. TCS NA/ 4.1 .. BRANCHES' " • some 'of the things that seem the • Though she is only five years Most important ' TheKairshea Women's Inati- old; Janet , Heinbuch . is leaving 1l We allfound that 'On a , trip Lute • entertained . ladies •from' home this: week. to face the . war ld ' i people . like this it is. , the pe p1. you:, Lueki ow,. Paramount' and Tees- On ..her own. She is ibliad, and meet• and. talk with that you ; re- water Institutes at their, Septern-• wants to learn to play the' piano .ber 'Meeting' '" held • at •Holyrood and read: and write:. --=braille, of menibeanost. It is not the ,num - gall. Mrs.' P: Steer and 'Mrs: T. course, And she will -have' other:bet' of • 'Places - you_ or the Atistin ;Were hostesses. Mrs. D..L< little girls like she is to ,play ' number: of miles you travel that MacKinnon presided.. Mrs. C. with. • •• 3oiu get the most information from, but the ,conversation you. Roulston read :