The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-14, Page 10iiirm tau • t THE\ LUCKNOWSENTINEL,1 UC#i;NOWr ONTARIO WE,T} Al NF.SDA'PR SEPT: 14th, 1955 For the 11 Breezes... . ,ALL -WOOL RAINBOVV.40RDERED BLANKETS. REVERSIBLE WOOL BLANKETS wlth°sa' 'ting binding in green, gold, blue,. by Ayers WOOL PLAID MOTOR RUGS —with fringe -in ,-authentie--.tartans,' FLA1q11TELETTE BLANKETS 70x90 and, 86x90' in IK:ingcot and Ibex: l S.EE' BY. THE SENTENE.L•.. AGED FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS °Free Pick -Up• and Delivery Monday 'and Thursday. 't ,It .:". {4 r„,..�,-•ire. . Ladles , Children's Wear .Piece Goods & Woollens • ALEX CAMERON PASSED: AWAY ,, LAST THURSDAY` The death 'of Alexander Cam - . Heron .occurred . -last :Thursday ;.morning at• the home of Mr and yrs. Charles- Elliott •of Lucknow; Mr.- Cameron suffered'. a heart at- tack the previous. Sunday: and. was taken to the Elliott Home. Alex -Was popular > argil a tam, Mar figure in ' the community' where he had spent his lifetime., He fanned; in the 'Lang:side' dis- trict. 'for many years . before 're .= tiring a. couple of years ago to • The former MMNall hoe, .. just �. .Horth cif' the , Village, 'wihere be. had :`Since. •resided. • He .:' was 7.1 years of, age... ; ' Ills' wife, „the :. former ' Annie' .• Stapleton, and infant daughter LL_Johanne ,edeceased_-_.him.,forty.: years ,ago. He is survived . by a ibrather Milos of Wingham and a sister, Annie Davis of Detroit.. :Another sister, Mrs:. Elymer Tif, ' fin. predeceased !him. several, years ago•' .. The funeral service was ” con- duc+ted on Saturday at the Walk- er funeral . home, . Wingham, by ,;'Rev. Alexander Nimmo of Wing - ham Presbyterian 'Church, Inter- • eaent was.in' Wingham Cemetery.: His old neighbors in Kinloss act- ed .as ` pallbearers,.: Charles .:Tay lor,• Wallace Conn, Johnson'Conn, Jamieson pettapiece, Wesley Tif- fin and. Fred Tiffin. BORN. MOE USON in . 'Wing/tarn . Geri= eral' . Hospital- on Monday; Sep-: t ober. 12th, 1955,' to Mr. and .Gordon Morrison R. R 1, •Lucknow, .a 'son. I.VIacMILLAN-mat Hotel: Dieu 116s-,, pital, St. Catherines, on. Friday, Sep tember -• 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs, Clifford 112acMillan, a' son,. 'John Clifford. -a 'brother for Christine and Michael.: c BARiGER.-in Wingham. General Hospital,' on, Saturday, Septem- ber' 3rd,' '1955,' to 'Mr` and •Mrs. Gordon Barger, R.. 3, Luoknow, a son -CAMPBFLl i: Wingb ata en= era. HosPital . on Tuesday, Sep- tember .6th, 1955,:•to. Mr; and ;Mrs. Robert 'Campbell, R. 3, Lucknow,, a'.ilau- hter THAT•. Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn conducted. the anniversar yAT Rev• Siindak. evenings Rev; Geo. Saab, of the 'f ervie-Chahnq $ Kinloss charge took Abe: even ng ,service here THAT Albert Harrington, Con. 4; Huron .Township, has again won first 'place in the field corn competition sponsored Iby, Ripley and Huron Agricultural Society. It is the third ' time ' in four years that` Ab has won top honors. THAT J. . H. ...Crawford, official '.agent . for John W Hanna, M;P.P.,. reports Mr. Hanna's election expenses in the June election as totalling $�2;931.34._ t o— THAT Miss Margaret Salkeld '4is teaching : this year at Lorne School in ,Montreal; She taught last'" year .at Watson: Lake' in the Yukon; and after :spend - mg the term in Quebec will'to "ers, members were appointed. , • represent the Association • at igary, and Vancouver. : :return' to the West.Coast. the ; various fall fairs • at . the . Theywill p : —0— County Federation of Agiicul-. vie Star Decals BEANS WITH PORK-•. 20 'oz., SPBERRY---JA11 Breakfast .Club, , Z4, Viz, COOKED SPAGHETTI ' Catelli, '15 .oz. HARD GLOS4 LIQUID WAX • Johnson's, pints • TIDE, GIANT' SIZE 15c off Deal , A • :k FREE' DELIVERY cknow I G A Market "PHONE 20,' 'LUCKNOW,• ONTLRIO• • THAT ata meeting of the exe- cutive, xe-cutive,1 and directors of the .Huron County °Cream Produc- • Lean ,and . Allan 'Farrell .left' last week' on 'a motor trip thio 'thea. West; ' and among 'other points will visit. at -Regina, Cal - THAT. Lorne Johnston, who has • . ture booth. The representative • io had more:than his share of at Dungannon is Clifford Hack- CBC 'BROADCAST ON sickness'' and 'surgery' in recent • :.et+t;, R::7, Lucknow and at Luck- THE WEEKLY PAPER years, is not enjoying :'contu- now, Harold Gaunt, R. . R. 2, ' tied good health and on Tues , Lucknow.. 'From the.' composing room: to 'day . returned ' to Westaninster • —o•= • the rural mailbox • there. are many Hospital,' . London; for another THAT Bob . Macintosh • flew: to problem; a . weekly newspaper.- ' `.`gUing. OVer"i ' Winnipeg 'at' ' the week -end', onman has' to face. To give the • a .cattle :buying trip: Listener an, insight into some of THAT' 'the . ipoiitra t af� a Negro --o•ma-- - ahem " arid""to -describe the'wor1 boy, painted by •: ' Niers Irene 'T. Joe Whitby,who is stmt= done on: a weekly paper, Taylor,com- London `• artist, < was the Can-mentator Bill:' Herbert ', of ' the toned 'at. Halifax in'• judged the •;best painting in adian. Navy : '.has • 'returned to CPC's Vancouver studios mads a ; the `; amateur art section at as Oast . after '. a .•two special. .visit `to '.,the- office and the E t,C • months' tour of '. the 'Great backshop of .: the Ladner Optitrnst, Lakes aboard the mine sweep a . weekly . paper published . in: er H.M.C.S,. Trinity. ' ' ' . Ladner, B.0 —o`= -o- .Herbert will broadcast his THAT Fall Fair. Sectretary Ale*. THAT John ,Gammie.has taken findings on the n' `Canadia Scene" MacN,ay; would:appreciate «Jif '.• over the Fairview Dairy,' milk program on. Sunday, • September exhibitors would pick:u„p_their rout,' which was in charge of 1'8tih„ at 5.00, p.m. EDT on: C -BC g entries tags. well ` in' advance Jack ',McKim. during the 'sum-= Trans -Canada, and'with Optnn .he of . t -:fair, and have ttion riser. Jack is returning oto .Wes; - ist publisher= Edgar Dunning --will ,-- �filled out when exhibits are tern •to resume his studies: „in report on" how , a, weekly news - `brought in. Medicine. paper: differs from ;.a; .city ,daily• -o— . , and how it has come to to called TI -IAT Howard Robb, Ewan, Mac- "The Coinmunityy Watchdog",: MOFFATT=-in Wingham General W tern Fair. Mrs. Taylor. Hospital, on Tuesday', September is a ..sister of Miss 'Nellie. Venning of town 6th, 1955,: to Mr. and Mrs- David, Moffatt, R. '3, Holyrood, .a .son., Balfour McLean, who has .been a member of the Royal Sank staff at .Kincardine, has been trans- ferred to Newmarket.- • For. School.or•Dress Wear MEN'S,: BOYS', -YOUTHS'SCAMPERS—.- $5.95,. $5.95,. $4.95, $3.95 SISMAN - TREDDERS . DRESS OXFORDS • B,. and D Widths SIS_MAN' THOROBILT WORK SHOES for Boya ._,._: _ _.._ White Gym 'Shoes, Running-. Shoes, '.Loafers, Saddle Oxfords A Full.: Range. a of; Back-fo-School Shoes.. ••. Rathwell B-Soin- kine . Footwear. For All The Family THAT in .the Huron District 'the, the ' ducks "axid,,_g_eese open •seas .on runs from • • October . 1st to • Decemiber ; 15th. The limit for ducks is 8' per ,day. With a' two. - day' bag limit and for geese : it's .5. per day with a two-day 6 -'"rl,•t41111i1111M44•106•111111,,Al10410t14111111111111111114N.NY110o;agn, THAT 'Mr: and : rs.. Rae Watson and•fatnily,`'have.. moved into :t„emporary living quarters: in their new' home that is.. under eonstrudtion• on; the .farm_wihich Rae recently bought on 'the. 12th of West Wawanosh from —Lawrence:—Reid. --The :children' are 'attending Lucknow, Public and High Schools. ' —o_ THAT a third public' school in- spector has- been appointed in, 1Iuron_Countywi.thiheadsittar ers in Exeter, He is G: J Gor- man,: formerly of the Kitchener eaeVli st,a f: The other.in 'spectors are J, H. Kinkead and G. *G. Gardiner; both of God erich. . 14' HART BATTERI.ES: (1-2 Year. Warranty) 13 -Plate Tractor : 17=Plate Ford Car ..,., $15.60, Ex. • 17 -Plate Ford' Truck` 15.85, Ex, KRALINATOR OIL FILTERS, 89c - $1.70 ,BONDED BRAKE ..SHOES, complete set 4 wheels':,:., ,. $9.90 ;$% ' OFF ALL. 'BALL ' GLOVES ' . PRESTON 'ANTI—FREEZE WATCH' FOR OUR . PRICE TY-REa • .'PHONE 65, LUCKNOW . raw,lsotfoin,.,teum• .ii4m.i4ssoow04mottti.n...ttoslotto.'4y •/%/%/-/-/-/•///. //%///, ///i//%�////%/%//%/%%/%%%/////%/%//%%%%///%///+//%///•/%%%//%%%%%%%%%% • "6. .GIRLS' SWEATERS • Botany wool sweaters; colors reds. blue and navy, "sizes 2, '4, 6 $1.98 CHILDREN'S JAMA -S Two-piece fleece • Palo 4amas, size 2, 4, 6, colors pink, blue and - yellgv�t. Pair .:.:,., „ ,, $1.69:... OTTAWA 'VALLEY YARN . Wool and nylon blend yarn, 2 and 3 ply. 1 skein (1J ib) 69c LADIES' CARDIGANS 100 .percent botany wool cardi- gans, :colors 'grey; blue; "turquoise and navy, sizes 14-2b'., • $2,88' BOYS' SOCKS . Alt.- nylon; lastex tap; assorts stripes of green,• brown, navvy.. & , grey.. Sizes 8' to 101%2. Pr....,. t59c .n ,a..rraxc :,,rte. .. ,_. _ .. .. :,emmcrm�r aa..e�,n:r�rw�m.,.r�:.uaa. ..�•,saw:w m.. .:c., e-+” �.. un n K-v..,s� �., ,. , .. .n,.. ... r MEN'S. WORK PANTS --:anforized striped cottonade. 'Col ors .blue, grey or, brown.. Sizes • 30 ta-�4 waist .......:.... ......... 3:95 -..,•. BOYS' WINDBREAKERS. Water -repellant cotton and ace tate poplin,. ,fully -lined, ;brown, rust, maroon ° a.nd..blue,: Sizes 3, 4; 5 and 6 years •.Y„.,.YA•✓.. 4• $3.50 BOYS' TROUSERS ' Well .styled serviceable gabar, utile. Beige; ..brown, grey & bluce..' •,� Sizes -...;8 .;to.,.16--years , ..�;� 3 £39 • MEN'S' DRESS SOCiKS. Cottbr and`Awool with xiorlThck4 and toe..Balf sock length. Si cs 10.1, ' :11 and 111 ,•,.:.„y.....W.,. 435C Ly '