The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-07, Page 7nl, ing en's WEDNESDA'''', •SEPT., t, .1956 MONIMIENTgi, ..• :SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON We are the only. manufac- • tuners: in this part of .Ontario of:. high. ,. class : montaments ;who J npdrt granite.ffrom the. Old'•Country in the rough. by .thecarload and process from • the rogh .oto the itnishea: monument, ••No' middleman. When choosing a monument come and •see oneof the largest selections in,Ontario. Established over 'sixty years. Write or phone, Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKEL,TON MEMORIALS WALKERTON 3"i. : HELENS Mass. Margaret Miller' student nurse at Stratford , General '. Hos- •pital, is having' an enforced, hol- iday at • her • hone' here because of an attackof boils., • .Mr. and Mr Ernest_, Hall.:' of Orton; Mr.". and Mrs.. 'Jahn' Hall of Lucknow arid ;Mr. and Mrs. W7n;. THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, 1•TL CKNQ.W, ONTARIO. .ST. 'HELENS E'VLA FO-RIALE OF HOGS. A program whereby hogs, can 'be directed to the best market in accordance with dei and has ibecome..a necessity in. Ontario and will be instituted in mid- Septernberl according to Chas., McInnis, president' of the . Ontario Hog Producers. This program' is designed ,to strengthen the pro curers'', bargaining position and has .'been • necessitated, by , the large percentage of .the hogs which Were ered :;dir Oct . to packing plants.. These direct 'deliveries.' were largely. in 'response to extra •ayments P made to„ truckers..by, packers,',.to. .en-, courage delivery of hogs. •to' their' particular,*Plants. In preparation for the direc- tion program,: the Hog Producers. rave licensed truckers' ' who handle hogs, and `.their co-opera- tive' selling . agency , has been planning the • establi'shment of new assembly . yards to, •which .hogs will be brought and 'from which' they will be 'directed to' the points ;where: they. are in .greatest .demand, Yards will ibe established at Windsor, London, Stratford, . Barrie' and Peter- borough,. in.:addition, to the facil- ities established last year .at 'Kit ener and the public stockyards at Under the. the• new direction. pro - grain, hogs picked up at.the farm by .'a trucker; .will be :taken . to the nearest assernbly • yard There,the i, trucker ..will. be . told to, deliver them to the plant . to • which they.. 'have 'been sold—or possibly :the _animals_may;:be ur-- .loaded.;Facilities for, -proper feed- ing ,and "watering of ` hogs are • Writ ^ Purdon was hostess. for the September Meeting of the: Women's Institute held on Thurs- day afternoon with a large at- tendance. Mrs Andrew Gaunt, the president, •was in the.. chaf r and the . roll call was well re spond'ed to- with an exchange of flower ' slips. It was announced that, the deed of the. C'ommun- .ity Hall had' 'beet received, and is now legally owned by the; Wp- men's. Institute. It was ,decided obs erre•-Mlle-Tgolden ; #anniver= nary' of oar -Institute with an af.. ternoon tea on 'Thursday after- noo n�, October 29th: The re -open: ih•g, •of.; the• hall will : 1ie observed 'later-,•':It,,was' agreed. i✓ . to Have°.ate. furnace cleaned: and the roof re- paired, A ' fine paper ,on the •motto :."Life is like a garden,•it bears the. seeds we . sow", pre- pared by Mrs. G Stuart,,, was. read by, Mrs: James Curran. Mary B. Purdon and. Mrs. Chester . Tay, lor. entertained 'with. -piano solos' and Mrs.' W.•.A .Mi11er•. conducted a quiz. At the' conclusion .after noon tea was: •enjoyed• with Mrs. T rvey Webb, Mrs. Curran and; Ntrs. W. A. Miller as. hostesses,, Anniversary services will be held in'the' United .Church on Thanksgiving Sunday; • October 9th, 'with •the minister, M. Ralph Howlett, :.in. :charge. ' Miss Isabelle MacPherson en-. tered St.'• Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on Thursday as • a nurse -in training. • Isabelle., was name: for the weekend. Plans are being made'• for' a Sunday School picnic at the 1'Oth Bridge on_ Saturday afternoon: Everyone is, welcome. Brewer Mrs. Ernest Galant and .Karen, of Brussels were available ,at these yards; as well 'were' visitors - 4,n. 'l'oronto last recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. as facilities for, washing and; cis- 'week �F. E Ni ,Kice.•and Mr. G. A. .Webb, infecting, the trucks. Scales are. • • • �Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holt of also •provided to enable the Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Charles weighing of the liver hogs. From • • Bryan and Lorna of Tottenham these records, .; the marketing were ' visitors -with:LMr•• a_.-.ne can .check. on�th:e_dr Webb and Mr.' and Mrs. E. W::ing percentages. of hogs' and gath- ' Rice on Labor Pay: • er very valuable data -which can School . ,re g"•pened on Tuesday be 'used 'to the benefit of the pro with Karen Gaunt, Marilyn Lip- pro- d. Commenting on'' ;the air pert, Hughie Todd, John Lyons ection program; Mr; • Mclnnis said and Raymond "Ramage in: the be the continued large percentage of ginners•class at St. Helens .hogs delivered direct to packing: school, plants lied made it impossible for the marketing .agency to 'bargain Attending -High School! Norma • 1V!'urray,. Marilyn and .p.0 n a 1 d MacTavish, Beverley Gaunt, ,Betty ' McDonald, Neil "Rintoul, Dontna, Woods, i 'orana Forster.,, Doris and 'Lois 1Vtiller, Marvin McDonald: Archie Mc- Quillan and ,Eddy Gaunt area at. - ,tending Lucknow ' District High School an lison..-Webb; ` Barry effectively. Hbw can you bargain when your buyer..already hasthe product. killed,: and:. processed in his, plant; he' 'asks. The new • plan: Will overcome this problem 'since thehogs' will go to. the. :plant only aftei agreement has. been reached 'on 'Price. The direction . ''program will and.Ivan, McT' 11o"el.T'inate the special pay - and • are going • to: merits to . truckers by the pack-' Wingham District High 1School'. ers These payments .• had been made by ' the packers to ensure their receiving the share of hogs they needed—to—meet—their e= ARTHUR H.• .CARRUTH • q-tiirements. However,, this - will The, death of 'Arthur Hunter- be unnecessary now, since the Carruth,; well known .resident of : or11y way;the packer. Can 'sure Listowel, and formerly of.'Luek�, of :sufficient hogs will be to.,bid. now,, ;occurred iii .Listowel Mem- `competitively for them from the oriel hospital Tuesday, August On'tario_. log Producers "Co -oiler- •3Oth, at the .age . of 51. He .had ativec7which has• toe responsibil=- been in Poor health. for come selling of selling all, Or?'.ario ,hogs. time. His ';death • was .due to ' •a .going for 'slaughter; Elimination of 'these: payments to truckers . should 'enable pays ment of, higher prices to the ,pro curer. Reports have placed them as high as '43.00 perhog in some cases. This meant the packer paid that :amount `aver and `above. the market .price,' but the producer received little if any oLthat-sum:.: Mr; McInnis adds that the -.-116g. Producers` have • .no ,intention ' of squeezing . ' the. 'truckers,' They provide a: necessary. service and should receive fair .„payment, However, he feels the 'trucker is' hired by the fernier, and; Pay - merit for' his service 'should only. come from the farmer, who in turn should 'receive the full price' paid, for. the hogs by the packer. or butcher who buys therm rs '►Ff Ys. heart condition. Following in his father's "'loot- step,' Arthur was a noted ••bands- man. He ,was ,a Member 'of the Listowel `',Brass. Band and after it disbanded he held together a .'—group- rusiciana who played, for local functions until the Lis- =--tow oy d--Girjs-113and-' was-. organized. He also played ' with: several orchestras as long. ,as his health permitted:' :He wag keen- 1y • interested in sports . •and at- .. tended gauzes when. he was; able.* 'Born August •9, ".1904, at 'Hen, - worth, he was a Son ofthe late Mr. Ind •M•rs, .Joseph Carruth. The family resided in • Lucknow for several years during and fol- lowing World War. II. Ori' June 14th, 1930, he married Cora Mc- --�'-Laclrlafi._- t Windsor, �wrho ' stir- vives'him, June 14th of 'this year Mr: and Mrs. .Carruth qui'etly Celebrated, their 25th wedding allnive •_ . Until is forced his retire- merit he was carder foreman at ,the Maitland Spinning : Mills at Listowel ° A mernber of JnoX i rei+b ;terian Ohara, he also ibe- long, 'to' moo, Brotherhood. Besides' his Wife he % .a !y ed by one„, sister, Miss Hattie Carruth, Harriston, 'He was, pre- deceased by a brother Fred and twi5' sisters; `Mrs± t ]nils''*iteh7soir (Verna) and iytrs. Wm. Haolkett (Margaret', ,The funeral was '}field rom:.'the Harrison-GibsOn funeral home, Listotx, el, Thuraday r a.tternoon at 2.30 p.m. with Rey, .111. ' . •teat-. nares offic is n .:,..,4.4 t .PAGE SEVElst SIXTH. _ AND :NINTH , Ross, .burn aam. on • g the • Junior Fanners who enjoyed a trip to Detroit last Wednesday. Mrs. Josephine MacTavish vis ,ited last week with relatives in. London. Jirnrriie. Cook and J. D. Durnin left on Friday for' the West on the harvest. excursion. Mr. and Mrs. "James Wilson took their daughter Barbara to London on Tuesday where she will ` enter ' Victoria Hospital_;, wt4 ^train for a nurse; Mr .: and,, Mrs.. Hugb.Caineron of Kincardine were,: visitors on Sunday with 'Annie, ` Robert and John; Durnain. . The .Sixth Line -neighbors , and friends held a shower last week at Tom , Webster's cottage at Port Albert 'for ',Miss Barbara Wilson. She received many lovely ; gifts. .Mr. °Bob Smyth of Toronto visited last week with his aunt, Mrs.. Bessie Stewart and' uncle, Mr. Brown ,Smyth. Mrs.: ' Bob (Smyth, Carol, . Lynda and Bobby: returned . home.. : with him after holidaying here. Miss Lois Webster was present_ ed with a luggage. set . by 'the Sixth Line .neighbors,: prior to her leaving for Stratford .Normal 'Mr and Mrs.. James 'Durnin_ spent the week -end with rela tires' at Kincardine*.: ,• ZION The school bell . rang`: again. op Tuesday, with .IyIrs.. Frank Ritchie as the teacher... ` Barry . • `McDonagh and ,'Chris Raynard . have gone, to. High School'.: .. and Mrs: Will.. Ritchie vis- ited Sunday with :Mr and Mrs. 1 a Tooled To Repair All • Makes O . 1 actors Allis: Chalmers, "B»' TRACTOR. Irl . A -I • Condition ONE USEDPLOW .`" Sub Soilers, Pan Breakers '• Before Buying See Us For PLOWS. Spreaders, Blowers.. Forage Harvesters, Wagons . Corn Pickers and Huskers KINLOuGH GARAGE W.• BREC,KLES Phone 18-r-20, " Ripley THE HOME OF QUALITYSERVIG and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARS Jim Smith tif' Molesworth. Miss Gladys McDonald. of St. Helens ,. spent a . few days with Miss Elaine Cook. ' :Mr, and :Mrs ? Eldon ' Ritchie & Ji'nmie visited Sunday even 'with Mr. , and, Mrs. Cliff 'McPhee. of .Auburn. , There' willbe no :.'church M�r� vice on Sunday as it is:anniver. sary at Blake's: You c • ao :have, an EXTENSION tele one anywhere in • ,; our home f e ...in• bedroom, hail or guestroonf—from: attic togarage'-- . if You have fwo or more extra telephones pht is your EXTENSIONS save time, steps:, and .energlr; proYide._privacy w.' • "`"""home a. --1L----- n�e tires, trou • :4.in the basement laundry, workshop or p layi'oom., rine only charged for one EXTENSIONS are convenient, 'morning, non and night i installation.. Call our Telephone Business Office for an immediate installation r ' m'1 ` 9 litiriiiirti'mang• title"! r rwn