The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-31, Page 9' A WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31st, 1955.. WHITECHURCH . • Mr. and' Mrs. ,Elroy Laidlaw,, • Joanne, :Jane • and 'Paul, Visited on Sunday. with Mr and Mrs., Ross 'Cardiff at Brussels. Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Small of Torontoar.e visiting her sister,. Mrs, Dune MacGregor, Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Moore & family are visiting a , few days with his> parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Mooris. _. Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Scott of Ripley visited on Sunday With her ..sister,, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. !easlick Mr. and- Mrs.' • Gib—Harziilton visited <on . Sunday *ith, her par- ents, Mr . and Mrs.. A. E, 'Buck: Mrs: W. J Henderson of Wing- hare. and' her .brother, 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart Of Galt,vis- ited last `week .with Mrs. Ken- . . nedy and Pete.. •. ' Mr.` and • Mrs: Hank Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. Thom and Jack Gillies visited. • one evening last week with Mrs. • Kennedy and Pete. • ,Mr. and Mrs: Ed;Moore' and family moved ' to Lucknow last. week to half of Claire : Agnew's double house. We will miss: them, in. our • community. • Messrs;: Bill Pitrdon, Ross and Mac MacGregor and Gordon :Wel-wood have left - On. a. trip to Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gillespie 'arid: Mrs. Marks of London, who has " been visiting there; visited` with friends 'at'. Grand Bend on. ;Sun -i day, Mr; and *Mrs. Sid Payne, son Raymond, and •graindsson • Sid • of Toronto spent • the weep -end at Tiffin relatives. F Mr. and • Mrs. Can? •Simmons .and ..Nancy.,.".Mr. ;and. Mrs, Clayton: Scholtz, all of London,. spent the weep -end with their parents: Mr. and :Mrs.' ''Jas. Mackey „of l' Y, Toronto spent the week -end with ' Mr.` and .Mrs... WAR. Farrier.' Mr. and • Mrs. Carman. Farrier, -Brian ancF Colleen .:of `;1Vr mxcp, are visiting With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Farrier: Miss Sumi',Iwainato of Toronto. is visiting with Mrs:' ;George Mc- Clenaghan and' Mildred. . .Mr. and Mrs:' Ralph ' Howlett and'. family of West Montrose, Mr. arid Mrs. W. Varey and Mr.; and Mrs.• W. Clark and' son _Jack of Scotland, Ont., all visited 'with Mr:. and Mrs Clarence .McClen. ghan on . Sunday • .Mr. and Mrs: Russell Ritchie,. Mr.. and.•. Mr's.. Fred '.Tiffin' .and _Mrs. Nettie Kernahan motored to Sarnia. on Saturday 'Where they met ' Mr. and : Mrs. 'Jack Fakes of Detroit: -Mrs: -• Kerrahan wen t on to Detroit 'with: Mr. and Mrs. Hayes to spend the next . few weeks.:: XI1GSBR1 Mr. and Mrs.. Jos. C. Dalton of `Detroit are 'visiting at the ` home .Of Mr, and , Mrs.. Jerry Dal ton. Mrs: Peter Vogt and Mrs. Ar - I thur' Ribar of Detroit are week- end visitors at' ' the 'home of Mr, 'Frank' Srdlllivan. - 1VIr. and 'Mrs. Edwin Meyer' visited with friends in . Owen Sound' .and'. Collingwood' during the `past' week. • and Mrs.. Cletus Reynolds an -_�thxee,-children -4f- Sudbury spent a few das at the home of Mr. and. Mrs'. Ray Dal ur Dalton d ing the past. week, Mrs. ,Rey= nolds,• 'Sr., . returned to ' Sudbury with them for a visit there. , Solemn requiem mass was celebrated in 'St... Joseph's church at 10 a.m.' on Friday morning for thelate . Bridget Anne Dal ton,' .who died ; in ..St. Joseph's l'iospital, ' London, • on August 23rd` in her $$th :year, with 'Rev, Father Kerwin, ,C.R.,. celebrant. Rev. Father Ulbanski of . St. Avtustine---as--beecon;and Laval 1VIoCormick, C.R. as sub - deacon,. with .:the Seminarians choir'. The pallbearers were Jos'.. O'Keefe,..Franke -Dalton _-Jos:, C. . Dalton,... Mark *Dalton Raymond Dalton and ' John Dalton. , 'S.• .D It ri . Mrs.. L. ;i<•,etta-:_Mo1yneaux_ . of Dalin and' four daughters and son Jack: Mr. Mauriee Griffin 'of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Chen -ter ' O'Reilly of Detroit; Mr. 'and • THELUCKNOW SENTINEL;' Ii,LLCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE; Steaks, chops, spare rl6s,: glorified, by charcoal dashes seasoned • to perfection'.. and ice-cold Coca-Cola—Ah, there's a Meal! The frosty ' • goodness -of Coke points up..the iaste of food. ,WARNING: Better • have* 'plenty 'Of everything including Coke!" Handy cartons iripke it easy: a• Authorised:bottleref Coca -Coca under Contract with Coca-Cola fI ' CAMPBELL TWEED) E• Goderich, . O'nt... g • Phone: 489. 10.55', "Coke is;a ;registered: trade nark Miss. Jos. C. 'Dalton of ' 'Detroit; Mr. 1VLaurice ''O'Reilly o'f• Detroit; Mrs. Herb Lamphrey and Ernest Young of Goderich and. Mrs: Mc- .Quillin of Stratford were among the 'relatives from' a distance. • Congratulations to Mr.; & . Mrs., P. Captein upon the . birth of a daughter in Goderich `,hospital ,on August . 23rd. • 1Vlr, and' Mrs. Clifton Austin returned to' their, home in Tim- mirs i da . after . a three viTeek'5 visit here. ;Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'Frayne returned ' with them: 'Miss Delores I altc.n of Detroit is visiting with relatives here., • Mrs. , J. Fitzgerald' and Mrs:' M: Gardner' spent at. couple of., days last, week with 'Mr, :and. Mrs. 'Al- iOert Campbell; Auburn: .Mr. Tow Fowl'er visited a week with. his cousins,. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson,' Ripley. Taken . Suddenly . Ill eny >< Village • citizens • .and relatives• were shocked to thear of the sud- den 'illness 'of Mr. Herb Stothers. Mr: and Mrs, Stothers had been DUNGANNON . . Rev: W. 'J. 'Watt and. Mr•s. Watt of Whitechurch were visitors' at the week -end with their son, :Rev G 1?a_V t Nfrs, �?i�att _ snd family at the. parsonage. Holidays '',are just.:Nabout •over and public school reopens 'here on.. Tuesday, September 6th. : •Mr. and'1V1zs. David:Hardy and family of .Brussels visited' on Sunday with their nephew, Mr. 'Gordon Schultzj4,Mrs Schultz and daughters. ; Mrs. Jim Thorne is visiting her son .Mr Jack Thorne, Port Elgin, i;ng • and.; returned horn.e shortly after midnight. He, 'was stricken with ' a 'weak shell' • as he was leaving ,the car toenter the house.. Medical:' help was sum- moned quickly and he was taken by arnbulari'ce to' Goderich : Hos- pital. Transfusions were 'given' and x -•rays will; be taken this week to deter'rnin•e the trouble. Wo wish to hear of him being restored to JliealtilLi • before long. Mr. arid- -Arthur_.Roach and Mrs. •Ethel Flay of Listowel renbwed,acquaintanceshere on Sunday,, visiting Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Ryan and others. • 'Garay and • Noreen • Baxter, children of. Mr. and Mrs.' Sheldon Boater. -spent soine holidays their' grandrzarents,• Mr. • and Mrs. ,,Hebb, Stother. . . . Mr. D. S. Fines, Toronto,, on a ‘two week vacation, 'spent last Weekwith her ..brothers, Cecil week wi h her. brothers, Cecil and Har Yd Elake. Mr A vine Henry, formerly 'of` the l lfast district, was. ah in- vited `.nest at the .. Cook •picrric held -at: Kincardine :Beach ' on Sunday., The Errington' reunion picnic - was held' at• Harbor Park •on •Sun- day, August 21st, where it was reported--about-fib felatives-g-atIv.-- eyed. , Miss. Pearl. Caldwell' of Luck now . and her brother, Mr.' Ben Caldwell of' Wind or spent two weeks at home in the village completing" renovation.. Decide • Country Life Best' The August meeting ' of the Dungannon Women's' Institute was held in the •basementof the United . Church with..each- morn - her . orn-her. to bring a guest,,,Mrs. Lorne. l-Iasty, 2nd. vice press;: was in. the ' chair. The roll call was .answer- ed . by: naming a vegetable hay,: ing the first' letter of"the •tnern ber''s surname. It was decided to- stake over the 'booth at the Fall 'Fair arid also sponsor the usual •'ay"for-. thi blind ori "'.Fair Day, It is the wish' zsf the mem- ber's tri have the community co-. • operate iii unprovingg the ap-' pearance of Huron County, which is the district project this year. Mrs. W: A. Culbert, gave an in- teresting topic on' the motto, "'Nature never spoils her work.•by' being in a hurry". Mrs. Mel Reed, ' Mrs. Clare; and Mrs. W., Andrei, ,were. th'ejudges, for a very fine debate, "Resollied that .country life is .better than town life'', Mrs -Cecil: Blake .spoke for .the alffirrnative and Mrs. II. ,McWhin- We y f or he negative. The judges . gave their decision in favor'' of '1 the. affirmative. ,A sing song and the serving of lunch concluded a', pleasant evening. The hostesses' wer Mrs.. C. Fowler, Mrs. J..Fih-. ni. , - Mrs.. P.red Young, Mrs. S. K' trick; 'Mr. H.' Stothers. R • •1:1. Fr rbairn and ' Mrs'. irbairn ofQntreal,°' formerly 'of -Dungannon. l•,'ere recent vis - 'tors u,nt h rl ' and ,•Mrs. . .1t: Stothers. a MAKING OIL'. SUR' EY i:1T• ASHEIELD TOWNSHIP A _survey,: is ; currentlybeim. made in the D'ungannon and Port Albert areas, testing for oil or gas. The work is..being done "by a ew Of -men -of -the. Sei:s- mograph `Service Corporation ' which ep bees for lame oil' solar= - 'panics.' ... :�r..;r rsr a�►�. i�lwlld+s'+111!. t�� � JIl•"�..'�"�+',.�d�r armor �IMi�t',}'.�'.. ''. �?`�►.:�Y�.ru:.'.'�YOi"''n'�.y: ':y 1Kai�'it...Id".,� '. 4a