The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-31, Page 355 'WEDNESDAY., oA,'UG. 31st, 1055 P MULIrIN -PERRY A wedding of interest locally as solemnized in Meaford ,Uni ted church on Saturday, August 6th,, at two o'clock, when Verna Agnes, only daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.' Vernon Perry,, Meaford, be- came the :bride . ofGordon Allan Mullin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mullin, Listowel; and formerly of Lucknow. • ',Rev. Gordan. Lapp of ficiated at the double' ring Gere molly, which. • . was performed against •a •,backgrou?od of stand= • .ards • of bridal •white gladioli. Alan C�eabtree'Tliresi ec: at4he: organ. and .played the wedding music• and,' accompanied the solo- ist,•Wishart Campbell,director of '.music at CFIRB,. ,who" sang ,"the Lord's ' Prayer" • and "0 Perfect Love" • . Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride was charining in. • her long white gown of lace, ny ion and net fashioned with very full" skirt : and •fitted bodice, the neckline of which was banded white satin with 'a . large ; bow at the ' back. Her chapel " veil' fell frOin a .small, pillbox ;hat which was trirmed .with pearls 'and: she carried' a;. white",Bible and white' orchid with' 'clusters of'stephan otis. A single strand of •:pearls,; lace: mittens ' and White •sli;ppers, ornamented . withrhinestones, completed her costurne. She; was attended by .Miss•Dor= othy.:Hopkins as. maid. of honor and 1VIrs ..Barry.' Wallaoe and Mrs. Leroy Watterwortli: ' .'as bride's maids, alt of whom wore gowns of tissue'' nylon taffeta made• in: similar design . with •.matching hats. ; The maid of honor was in orchid and the • bridesmaids in pastel green..Their flowers were V-shaped.:' bouquets, compliment ing thebride's initial Debbie :Ospper, the tiny flower girl Wore a. frock of yellow ny Ion with. a circlet , of yellow contrasting shades of gladioli in flowers in, .her, hair arid carrying nosegay -of ---pink 'laaks-pu The ringbearer, b ares, :Dennis Boyle, 1 on en i;. ►n. br )s to h • TRE LUCK,NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO UCKN•OW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev*. G. • A:. Meikle jphn, • B.A.,. B,D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 10. a.m.: Sunday School. Morning 'Worship. p 7 m.' :Evening -Service'-• carried the: wedding -banes White .' satin cushion:' ` • William Mullin, Listowel; fibro- ther•'of the, groom,. was best,'nian and ;the • .ushers .were Thomas Perry, and Bud' Bitton, Following. the ceremony a re ception was held at Pauls. Hotel. Mrs; Perry received the guests. taffeta with matching hat of vel- vet and mohair, • and shoes* and gloves of the same shade and cor- sage of talisman roses. ' She was. assisted by the groom's mother; wearing 1arkspur blue .once; and nylon With pink hat and..., ,gloves and corsage of pink :roses. .The, bride's ' table was decorat 'ed :in pink and • white 'larkspur. and white"candles circling the four-tierweddingcake. Later the young 'Couple left ,on a wedding trip through 'A1gon- quin Park,. visiting Ottawa,, Mon_. • treal, Quebec City and the Lam:. entains,. and `then spent a couple of weeks at Point. Clark. For tra-� veiling the bride chose a white. fitted dress .With , thatching dust `er, picture;. hat in_ ,purple velvet, .and': her French `Suede gloves, shoes and':bag', were: the same shade. She' wore, a choker and. earrings Of `rhinestones and, violet orchid corsages Out -of •town guests were ;• f r-om tocaltGenerat ms's. JamMaeNaughto n and Jimmy spent a couple of days at. the C,N.E. ' Mr. And Mrs; 1ertrarn Curran, Bev. and Danny of London, vis,- ited relatives in •the community, Mr.. and. yrs. Aubrey. Higgins, of Detroit were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Curran. 1 rnest McAllister of Windsor -visited friends in ,the; coxnmun- «sty, , Mr and `Mrs. Charles _Pearce - of '•aiitford. were visitors with ;,her mother, Mrs T..J Ander- son _ and other relatives. • Mr<, and Mrs. N. S. Calvertp and_. ,Joyce of Paris''visited "last. week with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Doug- las.• . Miss Donna Bertrand of Mid- land `visited with 'Judy Webster at Amberley .Beach, for a few days. . In a .costume of orchid lace over' and daughter of ,Kirkland, Lake' visited with his, sister,. Mrs. Fred Martin 'and Mr. Martina Mr. -and Mts. Alfred Mitchell. r'. Toronto, Listow e1;' Kitclrener, Ar-: thug. and. Lucknow.. • .T s ai£,wav rw•.:•. Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all theawater you want, -instantly,. at the turn of a - tap.:It.costs you only about lc per:1,000 gallons. ONL TTG -O 1 t UP, TO 1e:MONTHS TO PAY Y for Dump ;fixtures antiantiour installation charge • Our all=inclusive EMCO BUDGET PLAN Covers your completesystem-pump, stank, Pipe, kitchen and bathroom"fixtures, taps in all Your buildings and the cot of installa- tion, You can enjoy the comfort, savings; leisurand safety"ofuakr'u fou pay for Mr: ;'and Mrs. -Fred' Anderson and sons Michael'and Dennis of London, ,were : holiday visitors with' friends` in. the community.. John Hogan of Ashfield under- went an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday Morning'. of last week.: . Mr. and Mrs. , Lorne. Hamilton and` son • John of ,Hamilton are visiting ,with his mother,, Mrs. Jack Hamilton' •and. •other rela- tives. • Sgt.;. and Mrs. George Robins and children Joyanne. ,said ,Ran of 'Downtview spent a couple weeks at the ,cottage at..the ..F of the Twelfth • • Mr. and Mrs.. T.A. • Camero are spending . couple of we with . relative : at Perth. The came. from 'Perth ,. to :'Ashfie Township- thirty-seven. years • ag r. an r ond�Joinst of Toronto . ar spending a cou of weeks at Point Clark, and. vi iting here • wit his parents, M and Mrs. P.M.Johnston.. ..: ,RandY" .f: of oot n. wee PAGE; AT THE RED' AND WHI. TE STORE - T. WILLIAMS MARMALADE, -24 oz. jai ' 29c Clarks PORK, and BEANS, 20 .oz. tin; ___ 2 for 33c :Dare's Chocolate Coated MARSHMALLOW COOK. Ib. _ � _w 35c EASII�IR � T SHORTENING, fib, .25c Mother Parker's COFFEE,: lb... tin _ :_ $1405 15oz. 15c K and Varietes..' All finds cif.' •Pr�zeu Foos Hall's. Ethh�niyf(odMarket• 'Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Free Delivery, 'Phone .26 her 'parental home. Dr. K.: R M ..Thompson, Mrs. .Th'onipSon' and four • sons, Ken, Bruce; Bob and John of Chicago are spending..a week- at Point Clark. Mr.. and :..Mrs.. Andrew Thompson, David, •.Shiela 'arid Roddy of; Bowmanville .spent' the. week=end ' here and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'F. Thompson and daughters Barbara. and Elizabeth of Tor- onto were Sunday: guests .It. was. the. first,. time the •brothers ; had on ,:•�,. rs a s. rty e of M -Mr. ' and Mrs...13111 Johnstone were recent visitors' in Milwau= kee..with; Holly Caird, who is. at present visiting' .here ..with' his sister, 'Mrs.' .Russell Johnstone. i�d; on' )}le s- r: Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Judge and son *:Janes of 'Jackson., Mich., re-- turned lastweek after 'a , ten-day visit with .1VIr. .and . Mrs; Connie. •Hogan' and other relatives. .Mr.' and Mrs Norman MacLeod 'and three girls. of Loridon 'and Mrs. Jack•Leaney. and Gary of Sutton .West' 'were recent • visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs.. Tom And erson. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Keith .Hacket and sons Brian and Craig of Tar ontp visited here with 'their par encs ;Mr. and. Mrs,: Tom. Hackett and on .their return were, a.ccom.- ponied tby Mrs. Hackett who will spend a few days in the . city. t. been. together since. 'the death of their mother, Mrs.. D. M. Thomp- son. Only absentee brother: was Gordon of Lethbridge. ' Again we . point . out' that'The Sentinel welcomes:' personal item.' for 'this column: Bring them in, send them in or phone: them in.. We ` require your co-operation in. keeping us, informed on these items and . other •newsvlorth'y� events of which .,Ave may, have no knowledge. For... LUCICNOW DISTRICT HIGH ,SCHOOL GRADE IX . ii., .Words Axe Important, :General Shop .' $215 • I Bk,... I 35c Canada and• The •'Americas' Cours Premair de Francis' $1•.50 . IChoose .Again 1 Words Are Important, Bk II • Good Heahth General Science, Bk. 4 Cours •de Fri/flier - de • Francis • .Living Latin �\ Grass of Parnassus, ,..: �.- Learning to Write Words' Are Important, 1Bk 3 Physics for Canadian • Schools . $2:60 World History from. Ancient Times to 1760 .$2.50. Living Latin $2.15' --General-Shop- GRADE. X • 80c Essentials of. Business.• $1.75 35c New.: Course., in,Typing . $1.50 $1.70 Ontario Writing Course, $2.20 Bk 3•,25c Q General ;Shop $2.15 $1..50- Work Book for Essentials ' $2.15 of Business: Practice .. 80c 4 ' GRADE XI ' 1.90 Cours'Moyen de;"Francis, $2 00 $1,50 Good Health '. . , $1.70 New Course -hi BOO -1G- keeping $135 • Ontario Writing 'Course, • Bk.:3' 25e Adventures $1.25 1Vlodern Geometry for H.S. : -$I45-� 35c GRADE XII • $1.90 A New.A1gebra' for H S: $1.75 $1.75 Recuel de Lectures .. 1 1.15: 2.0 'typing & Office Practice 1:60` Good : Health ..... •• 1:70 35c .World History from 1760 ' $115 to Present Times .:..: $2.50. .25 Cours Moyen de , Francis, 70c Pt. I. $1.50. '. GRADE XIII . Recent visitors withMrs. Wm: Bushell ,were Mrs. J' W. Colwell, .Kinlough; Mrs,.H. Mitchell, Mrs. J . In : : Pollock and Ruth Forster of . Ripley; Mr. and :Mrs. George •-Colwell and. Jack, Holyrood; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert '.Blackwell London. , . Visitors at .:bhe home of Mrs. Wrn; Murdie on Sunday were Mr. and- Mrs. Will lvlogg'of Galt; :theirdaughter' and husband, Mr. and Mrs._Ecl_:.Stinerman .and tGo children,. Grace Anne -and Nor- man of Preston. Mr, and Mrs. Graham. MacNay and daughter .Lynda of Ottawa sperrt a few days last week 'with his brothers, Ifelso and ;Allen MacNay : Qraham`s son, Donald, plans to enter Queens Uni'ver-. sity at Kingston this' fall" to, study rnedacine. Cpl, and Mrs.• A. G, 'Aitchison and_ .daughters Joan and Judy of Kingston have been holidaying with Mr., • and Mrs: Jack Camp- bell at Point Clark and .:with. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchison in Wingharn, • Ed Gilmore . underwent an op-' . eration . in ' St.. Joseph's- Hospital recently. Mrs.' Gilmore spent Some time in London and in her absence Mrs. Wray Pierson and sons. I envy, .ate . Jerry visited at. We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of lobo and-materiaiss-=Phoxre or -Carrie --into--our_-shop -and_ really inaziensive running water. tho'.DURO way can be; rhone ULLuckfowr• • • Grass of Parnassus ... . Essays & • Short Stories "' Learning to, Write:....,� Words Are• Important, ;Bkc4' • • Living Latin 'Chemistry A'First Course. Chemistry .Manual New Horizons $1.95 Upper School Physics Conrad Youth 'General Biology The Skin of Our Teeth Sr. Chemistry, Cornish McBeth 75c A Lab Manual of Chemistry Longer .Poems: for Upper - New Analytical -Geometry School : 65c ,Alge+bra a 'Senior Course $1.75. •Words .Have Wings .....,: 65c Elements . ••of' Trig and . A Hand Book --for- ' • -- .Composition .......�. ; ,90c Cours Moyen, Bk. 2 $1.50 North America and the , ' Les'. Matres Conteurs .... $1.50 Modern World $2.65 •Zipper Binding Cases • moderately, priced°in a var- . iety of colors at $2.25, $2.49, ! $2,95, $3.25, $3,50, .$3.95,. $3.98, $4.98;. $5.30 . Superjtor Ring Binder ' 3 rings, 3 sizes ...,...: ... 85c Master Ring Binder .2 rings ..... .. . 35c • Matheniatical Sets ...: '5c • Water Colors' ,..„'z...."......,.,..,... 75.0 a Exercise Rooks' cial.schoel opening value reg. ' IOC ea. :.,., 4 for 29C Refils for 3 -Ring Binder' . 15c - ' 25c - 50c Ball Point' Pens 35c - .49c 59c,-. $195'.- $1.98 -Fountain Pens • • 59c - $1.00 - $1,95 and up ._ Watermans Ink .. ...,....,•,,... 25c- Shaefers Skrip ................:23c: McKIM 32 Ii•VCKNOW, ONT `8E • REXALL 5t`lt'ORE P -- ONCE --• L C.: • ,• , •