The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-17, Page 2Vi • „ w v } i 4. . 4 11 , ?AGE. TWO Itint LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' ENTIl +)I.. LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, "AU!G,. 17th, 1955: L.H.S. ° `GRA1 E.T;:; l..l'.L EXAM RESULTS • Beverley ,Ashton: •Trig., C. Syfbil Barger: E, Comp,, I; E. Lit:; III; L. Comp., III; Fr. A., 311; .Fr. Comp., "II; Chem., C; Bot:, C; Zool., C.,.: Percy Barr:, Trig, C. Charles Chin: E. Lit., C; Alga, Geom., II; Trig., I; Chem. ,. C. • James Hackett.: E. E., Lit,, C;' Fr,:•Au:, C.;• Fr. Comp.;. _C; Trig., C: Jahn Helm; E. Comp:, C; C.: . G'rladys 'Klparck�- E. Corny, C;; E. Lit.; •III;., Fr, Au,, 111; 'Fr. Comp„' C; 'ITist., C. Mack • MacDonald'. E. 'Cpmp:, ;E.. at, Th • Fr. Au: I Fr. 14g. I;. Geom., I J; Chem„ I; 'Phys. . I; Zool., II. Beverley Mael enzie;'. Trig., I. Kenneth .MacNay: Trig., 1.. Murray McDonagh: E, Comp.., 31; Phys.,• . III. ' . Laurin McNain: E. Comp., III Lat. Comp:, I1I; Fr. Au., IT; Fr, Comp., III. • • Erl na•, Percy: E. 'Comp,' C; E. Lit.; ;C; • Fr. Au.,• C; Fr. Comp,,` C;' Alg., 111;.. Geom., C; Zool.,C, George Rs Trig., II....... • • James Comp., C, Ruth Trel... Bards: Hist., .11; C' Sp. Au;; C; Sp. wen. • Sp. Au., 'C. 'WANT BI So. that .f planned,. Br 'to know the year-old gir ng the. Pacli these. gi; to Beverley TOWNIES NAMES ll;' activities can. be ►wnie leaders 'desire names, of all eight-' s 'who: will be'°join- this` fall. The' names is shoiiid•, be given Ashton. CULROSS CORNERS Beverley and Doris Wall spent last week iri Teeswater . with their • grandmother, Mrs, L. Whitehead.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall and. Mr. Allan Wall and Sharon, Kin- lough, spent Sunday With. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen, - Strnday visitors; with. Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Brown and Reg were Mr. •Ed McCallumm and- Clarence. and Mrs. May Jackson, Wroxeter and ` Miss Annie WalL._and, Mrs. Gertie • Walsh, Ifnlough. ' • The 'syinpathy of; the commun- ity is' 'extended to a'nenibers ' 9f the Graharri family in•the;loss Of a kind -and loving mother, : the late Mrs, '.Herbert Graham Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Schrnacl er and Helen, accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Schumacher ' of Walkerton left Monday. on a motor trip to the •West which is 'expected to; take them as . far as Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin • Zettel of Walkerton are in ,charge during' the : S:chumachers' , absence;' Donnie and Billy Schtunacher of Walkerton ' spent . part of last week with Mr. ;and Mrs. Frank. 'Schumacher And family: • Mr. and Mrs... Alex; Whytock spent the Week -end, with . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fraser, Owen :Sound. • 'Major and :.Mrs.: Howard Mills, London,. spent' a few, `' days last week with Mr,. and . Mrs.: Alex Whytock and family., Mr. • Fred Thompson 'spent an, afternoon at the •sarrfg home. HA , 'INTERESTING OVERSEAS TRIP Mr." .and Mrs. ?John. Emerson of Purple Grove arrived home re. cently • from a' seven week visit to the British Isles, They made' the. trip •on the liner •"Captain Cook", a veteran ship formerly known as the "Letitia", ' • Atter •,leaving 1Vlontr eal on May 28th they were favored• wlth calm sea and most of the time itwas, difficult "to realize, one was on water. On. the evening of, -the; third day they experienced what the -ocean__: can be • like when rough and Made.. slow. 'progress that night, ' On the .eighth day they arriv-, ed in Liverpool but .•• were•• held!, up '. a •day' owing: to, the• dock strike, asthe big. liners' have to be. `towed in with tugs. They had the :same difficulty at. Glasgow .where they• Thad the .same . ex- perience getting up the 'Clyde. On. the tenth day from leaning Mon- treal' .they. disern!barked :at Glas- gow and spent two, days .at Dry- men; a .village 18.. miles from. Glasgow. . They visited through Central. Scotland, including' Stirling; Dun=. dee, Carnanstie, Edinburgh, Ayr and many :places throughout Ayr—, Johnston,. Mark Johnston; Lorne shire put decided' their visit' in Culbert, Charles .Gathers, ' Scotland wouldn't • ,•be•:.complete old. MaPherson, Richard Baker: Don - with 't . .t tothet• town of , Dumfries and: see e house where Robbie Burns lived. The community.. Was., saddened Saturday, August 5th; ' to learn. OBITUARY . The death of Maria E. Harris, beloved' Wife of the late W. E. Switzer, occurred in. Kincardine General Hospital. on Sunday, August 7th., Mrs. Switzer turas in her 91st, year., She was born in Kinloss Township' on . August 2, 1865. She was a daughter of the late Mr. George Harris and Eliz -abeth. Robertson. She: was a member of"the United Church of Ripley arid sang in , the. choir .for many. years. She had' a dress - Maker's shop there, • Mis. Switzer is • 'survived by two. stepsons, and."one ste dau-. ghter; ` Also , surviving ' 'are one 'brother and .three sisters, Homer, Almira and' :Birdie, and'. Mrs. El- len McPherson of ' 'Winghanti. The funeral, was held from the, McLennan -MacKenzie McMor.ial Chapel, Lucknow, on. " Tuesday, August 9th. The service ' was con. ducted,by Rev. Grant .Meiklejohn. of Lucknow. Interment was in South Kinloss ' Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Wm. Eadie, Harold Harris, :Robert • McDonald, How- ard •Harris,'Cecil Congram; Gor,= don • MacPherson; Plower bearers' were 'Donal'd MacPherson, Earl - Harris, Leslie. Congrarn,. Richard, Elliott, Goldwin Harris,. Clifford, ou a ' 'yisi ancie>x. MRS.' VINCENT; WARDELL Theytook a night !boat to 'B. 1- .'•fast; leaving Glasgow at seven of the • unexpected death of THAT the most recent equipment installed' at the Baker .Private Hospital is '. a • 500 -gallon pro-:. pane' gas storage ' tank. • • 4 NT .... k�.' r,:.. • ADVANCE SALE. TICKETS orellq— • • Each ticket :admits one adult or two children. o clock' and :arriving in Belfast. Emma . Rebecca, : Dagg, wife of the, ` following morning.' Vincent' • Wardell who passed "We received 'quite a . shock away at the . home of her daugh- ,w he':n: we' .first,. arrived :,in:' Bel- 'm ter (Valeria)• Mrs. William' R. fast"; said Mr' and Mrs. Enver-• Culbert Con: 8, . Huron . Twp. Son. "We had .'•read • and heard Born in i Lucan, November 5th, late Rich- about .and had: seen . pictures 'of ] 870, `daughter of the 1 F, a t Culbert, and liz be.h C 1 !bomb i' • r n thepity; ard to Rich - the, born damage , e !b t, Dagg g Y .. E but a 's' we drove through' the she' wed *Vincent' ;Wardell an De - streets +from Donegall quay we . cember 1.3, 1899 and they settled on. the farm now owned ,.by ,Dan Gossell,.' Con, 12; ;Huron: In 1944 they:: moved to",`their' daughters home -where -she, ,ventIhe- past 11. years, • Mrs. Wardell 'is the 'last 'of a ,family" of °nine. She is a member of S.t .Paul's Anglican Church, Ripley:She leaves:to mourn her loss her '. husband, .one 'daughter, Mrs. Wm. ' Culbert;'' one grandson Mervyn • and one ' : great grand - the loss`of life is concerned ;On daughter, Joan.` Irene Culbert.' • began to realize, what a terrific bombing the. ci ty had; received. There could be seen open. spaces -where once --stood rows -o -Shops - in the busiest sections. o£: down-, town:: As we . proceeded out of • :town' towards:t'he outskirts'it was clear the.destruction was general and • the ,people of all classes .suf- fered greatly.,:Belfast •we•learned. had six • raids'. altogetler.'bat . two of "'them: were: deadly so far: 'as Only Advance Sate Tickets Holders are .eligible .for draw `on: 1955 C R 1 *.DODGE REGENT SEDAN 1* CHEVROLET 210 DELUXE w • •''All •ticke s must be in"by '9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 17th to be eligible for draw which will be made at. 10:15. p.m., on same date, in frontof Grandstand. -BUY YOaUR TICKETS EARLY.. THERE'S" A 'WESTERN AIR Al.... 1 • 1 `Tyyh1 SE. -QI�ID o ISI, . w. 0; JACKSON Menge► ro� +'s one fateful night.:600:people were • The . funeral :service' was held killed: When the second raid on Monday, August 8th, conduct- came a few days later, the prop- ed .by, Rev: H. L Jennings. PalT.- erty, damage .was enormous and: bearers were Ebner, :Pollard, John 400- pepple' lost . their lives. Smith; Elliott, Johnston, .Dan DEVOTED CHURCH. ''�t�O►�IFEI�AS�S -;M (ST. HELENS NEWS) Miss Mary C Rutherford; The death occurred in Wing. ham General Hospital on- Wed- nesday afternoon, .August 10th of • Miss;' Mary C. Rutherford .a lie- • loved, •life-long resident .of the St. Helens district, Miss Ruther ford had been an uncomplaining. patient in, the hospital since last - October : when she suffered :a stroke; ' In her '77th year, • she . was a` daughter of the late Mr..' and'. Mrs, John B :ftt}therfeird,..,*110-•-.--., 'predeceased her, the former .in; X1928 arid the latter ,ii 1938.'• Miss, Rutherford loved her, • church and, had �beeri ` a .devoted"•• member of the'" St. 'Helens church throughout the years.' ~She had • served as president of the, former Harris • Mission' Band; was past president and a life member, of the .W:MS. and- had• been. the efficient , secretary=treasurer of .• the church for • over . forty years,' The funeral -service, conducted' , iby Mr.. Ralph. Howlett, . the 'mini:, ster of .St, Helens United Church, was. held ' in the" McLennan anclz MacKenzie Mei'norial Chapel; Lucknow, • on. Friday; 'afternoon With . interment • in Greenhill •Cemetery, Six neighbors, Messrs. Brown Harper Peter Campbell; Wm A.,:Hunnphrey, ,Louie :Woods, Alex: Purves and'' Colin ;McDon- ald acted as •palllbearers.: Miss Rutherford, who' .will be ,greatly missed by • a wide circle ;of friends, is survived.:by, tiwo• sisters and a brother, Mrs. W. 1. Mi'lle'r •(Margaret),' • Wilhemine and •.Hi High Rutherford,'.all 'of ..' St. ' •Helens;'also by three nieces and'• a ,nephew,, Mrs. T. J. Todd, and ' Miss Isabel Miller. of, St: . Helens, .M Int re':of Brace - bridge . rs. G. c B a M S. y 'and Mr:' Gordon Miller' of London., Mr, and`' Mrs.. Jack'Nor'rnan�: of Toronto were recent visitors with : li n :1VIrs; Frank Mc ui n. ',Or.' and Q 1 - Miss-1Vlargaret Miller - e'tu ned ''to' her', duties :as: student nurse at tlie� Stratford'-" General Hospital" .on •Sunday. . Mrs:' • John Webster of l of 9mta is. ,a visitor, with her sister; :Nil's. `Cranston and other relatives... 'Mrs: D. ':Todd has return:ed'from. a' .:two weeks' holiday • with. Mr. and :Mrs: .Neely Todd and', family • at'. Pirie Hiirst . Island near Gan-.• anoque Miss Florence Stuart of Evan- ston vanston . Ill:, is 'th'e guest .of' Miss: W. D. Rutherford. Friends :.who lived • outside fhe' Gossell, Walter Wilson and Cal - city. told .us they could not im-, Veit Findlay agine how the !city, survived: • It Westin, 'bearer were : Oran was : a raging • :inferno m and the 'Westill, Larney Hall, ` Howard price':' the. people of Ulster paid Dagg, Dalton ' Wardell, 'William: fortheir loyalty''..,' `. Tout George Hall,-Leslie:•'War- After spending: a. few 'days in dell, Wm. Hall; Wm.. Geo., War the city,. and attending quite a .dell. -Titirriber-of----Orange-Loctge-ineet. ings, . Mr. and Mrs.. Emerson ;left: Iby ' train. for Enniskillen,` .where. they were entertained with :true Irish hospitality, . then back ; to, Ballamallard `.where they visited with relatives: Itwas with a good deal of ' regret `that they had to inform . the people that:they were Unable ' to 'remain for . the July 12th celebration. Theywent. by +boat to Glasgow and from there to Carlisle, Leeds and Manchest- At Manchester they •were greet 'ed. with. a "fill up'•'; '.when trying to obtain hotel accomodation, but when the clerk learned they were -Canadians: -his• 'attitu-dechanged- and 'with a "well, let me . see"; they soon had -one of the best rooms in the hostelry. • Canada m was. the magic word and: Mr. and ,Mrs. Emerson db - served that everywhere .' Canad- ians enjoy prestige .and are 're- ceived most courteously in;•Eng- land, .Scotland and Ireland. LIST. WILL BE CORRECTED S -OO -H I'-Oi1'RE OND-ERING- , '1h2 Sentinel mailing list will be corrected shortly for the in formation of those, who ha ve paid their subscription in recen weeks and. may be wondering why' their label date. has not been changed, And lay: the away,: 'if you are in arrears, we'd• appreciate your pro,pt attention to the matter, A bathing *beauty is wort) 'wading ior.' a girl BORN COULZTNEY-in-.: Wingham-'-Gen-- .eral, Hospital on Monday, August. 1st; .1955,.t6. Mr. and Mrs. •:Joseph Courtney; . R '' i•, Dungannon; a. son.. • 1VIcQU1LL• IN in Wingham ` Gen- eral, en •eralHospital on Tuesday;, 'July 26th, 1955, to. Mr., and Mrs. Rich-: and Mcuillin, . R. 3, Holyrood, a daughter. MORRISON=in Wingham :Gen- eral Hospital,' on Saturday, July •-3A'th�-•�1-955�a--Mr':--=a-nd-lVYrs:-John- E. Morrison, R. 5, ` Lucknow,. a son. BOWLERin Kincardine Hospi tal: on August 5th, 1.955, to Mr. and ' Mrs. Morris Bowler., R, 3,. Goderich,, a daughter, Elizabeth Jane.. A.CKERT-in 'Kincart1ihe • Hospi- tal' on August. 6th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Ackert, R. 3, Kincardirie, .a 'daug? t'er M-cQUI.1 LII r--Wi 'h iios- pital. on Friday, August 5, to Mr:, and Mrs. Carmen McQuilli»,; a ' son, Lorne Albert, a brother'.for Jim and Lorraine; CHAMNlY-in Wingham Cener= al Hospital on Saturday,',Idly 23, 1,955;. -to NII sand Mrs. Stuart: Charnney' (nee. Lois Webster), R. 2, Auburn, a daughter, a sister terve Dianne and Donna, et n• SIJFFF RED HEART'. ATTACK iCharres Barber_ of C:;•:lliwack, who learned thenting' at •The , Sentinel •Office early in the century, has suffered'' g series of, heart attacks;:. Although : some., What -unproved -hc':is still . 'ill. Mr. Barbar is .a :nephew ; of Mrs...WM. :McNal•l; of tQwn•' Tooled To Repair Al.l, Makes Of Tractors • Allis' Chalmers "B"RA TRACTOR -In In 'A-1 .Condition • •• PLOWS:. • ONE USED PLOW ': Sub Soilers, ,Pan •Breakers ' Before Buying See L';, ` For • Spreaders, . Blowers Forage", Harvesters, Wagons Corn Pl�kcrs and 1lu.11iErrs KINL::OUGH GARAGE B>It•ECI(I ES Phone I84-20; .Itilrley : THE NOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS