The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-10, Page 84 -�r • p. • d • 4 Ft • • PAGE •MITT' THE. LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCK OW , ONTARIO 1954. Chev.' Belair Coach;•`Powerglide,, fully equipped $1,995 1954; Chev,. Deluxe Sedan,. fully equipped Six .1954 Chev. Sedans, fully, equipped ;.,, .,,,. $1,745 .1953.Chev:. Sedan .. • -LS1,r- � 95"- • �:.., , :.,. $095 $1;095-' $1,095; '5 .950 . $ 895. • 1953' Chev. 'Sedan, ,fully equipped ....,.....,, 1951 Chev. Powerglide Sedan ,..,T 1951,• Chev- .Deluxe Coach .,. •,,.,.. ,w, .;;., 19 i0 Y" oiitfac `Deliuxe Sedan ' ' • FIREMEN, NOT BURNED -011T IN MONDAY 'BALL GAME. • Some of the intermediate • ball team and ,others were .having a practice at the Park •on ' Monday night, and. were gamely chall- enged by ;members of the local Fire Company who 'were eager for a game after °their regular; :meeting, • - • • Despite a game battle the, Fire- men went don: to'. a•• 9-7 defeat to the opposition. Line-up for the Firemen`.' was - George Taylor„ •Innes: •MapSween, Bill Johnstone,: Bud Thompson, Stuart Collyer; ' Tom Anderson, George Whitlby, Murray Render-; On Fioyd Milne and • Roy Ha.v- Their opposition, included . Al Baker; . Huh MacMillan, -Jack Cook, • Don Thompson, , ` Bob Hewat, Jack ' Chin, Charlie Chin and Al Irwin., .1949 Chev. Coach 1948' Chev. Sedan ' 1948 'Plymouth Sedan .,,..�>,... 1948 Pontiac Sedan, 1946 Pontiac5-Passenger Coupe ,TRUCKS' 1954 Chev.' 1/2 -Ton Pick-Up,:l low mileage - 1950: Ford V /2 Ton Pick -Ur 1947 Chev. 34 -Ton •Pick -Up .............. Huron County's Foremost Used :Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms -. Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer Phone- -73x, . Brussels LANSIDE' • This community extends deep sympathy to Mr. Wan. MacIntyre , in the passing ,of his .brother,: Mr. Archie MaaIntyre of Con. 2, west. ',Sympathy is • also • 'extended .. to. 'Mrs: Maclntyre and family,. Who "'were :: fon' 'et( residents, of this. community: slid also to. all other relatives. Mr: Lawrence ;MacLeod and Mr. Whir . Evans: purchased threshing. anaachines recently. Mrs. • Cyril (Nettie) Kernaahan. of " Vancouver,. B:C.; is a, visitor. with' her sister, . Mrs: . Mary Jane Tiffin: and ` Mrr and Mrs. Russel Ritchie and Tiffin families'..Bett'y. Lou •MacLagan ;of: Londoin is also a visitor at the Ritchie' home,: Miss Margaret: Steer. -:of London has: spent two , wiveeks' ,'vacation +with her ::parents; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer Mr; and Mrs: `'Harold` Caird :.of Kingston, formerly of . Lydden,' 'Sask.; were •.visitors, with.'Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Tiffin. '• Mr. and .Mrs. Jack' Hayes of Lawonia., " Michigan,: were visitors with the ..Tiffin families: Mrs. -home- f�firi=returned Sitar�Ja .(with .them after . a visit with friends there. Visitors recently; With-. Mr.. and Mrs. 'Frank Miller 'were, Mr,. and, Mrs.: Bruce' Smith, Doiina;• Viola and Mary Anne 'of - Soubhanpton, Mr. and Mrs. •Lloyd. Smith of Pe- trolia, Mrs. Stanley .Swass and Eliza'b'eth Ann; and` Eddie'°Smith of Tiverton. Miss Dorothy Smith 'is.a holiday v"isitor'•at'"present.' Congratulations to Mr. & ,:Mrs. John::Morrisonon the birth of- {a ..son in W in'ghain. Hospital ,• 0 of e • ..r th ' the or Threshing is .d day' •with • ,craps proving quite satisfactory in • spite . of . so much dry weather.. ... . Miss Melba Clow of Toronto- is. a holiday visitor:' with her aunt, Mrs. Wm:' 'Orr. Mrs. Wm.:Scott 'eom<pleted her five-week . u,usic course in Tor cntoi,'ahis week: ' Marion,=Scott -spent a week in Toronto holitlaying. • Mrs. Wni. MacIntyre: Was able. to return home from' Windham Hospital two weeks ago' after having a.:bady cast put 'on follow- ing• her aeeident ' when she , fell to• the ground'.when a.. limb;:br.oke on, :a cherry tree, • ' Misses Donelda -d • Nancy • Cochrane* are,' spending ` a ,While - .=Joe— 'and, ' " ork a •--'i'�lredford---�w =at �.,, Betty Marriott . were holiday vis=' iters' at the:Cochrane Cochrane home • W;DNESDAY, AUG. loth, 19513; { SPECIALIZE® ') BUSINESS TRAINING Practical, Instruction in all . Conon eia1 Subjects.. ;Courses ' Approved by the Canadian . Business Schools Association, Modern Equipment... FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th GODERICFI BUSINESS COLLEGE East' Street Goderich, Ontario Phone,428W STANDING: B?Y • • Lucknow Intermediates have wound up' the regular 'ball sche dule ,with. the "C"' grouping, and are presently : standing. by , await- ingw word of who the Y in the W.O.A.A.'Interniediate 'B' .playoffs. It is' expected that play will. commence about the ,'end of this week. '• ' With •'' a : welt -balanced young: team, most' of Whom' could be ,playing junior:ball, a strong pitching. staff, ' and a 'number of: emierianced veteran ; players, it is anticipated that local ball fans 11 befreal 1 ff • games. ccordofol oor: Vinyl -Plastic Solid 'Core Folding :'Doors..For: INTERIOR DOORS ROOM DIVIDERS CLOS ET a • ,4; . .r, CLOSURES l-lere's a truly new. Vinyl Plastic .:Foldiing. door featuring scientific new developments. Warp roof,. battens (47 wide)' running tje vertica length of the ."door in individual ockets assure atcordian' folding, give you a :solid ore folding door. ' SIX. CO ORS FROM `:WHICH TO CHO HENDERSON ,. BER :U.I1VYITED. Lucknow uwMM1i{i�41�. ,Phone 150 4, 0444! OntatiO • wi in " for some p aye Tied For. Second The•Lucknow::rink of Isaac Mil- ler and Robt Rae tied for second place in the Lloyd' and. Son doubles: tournament at "VOingham. in which 36 rinks competed. A London; duo wanthe event, with 3 wins plus; aggregat 52 •The was n•' two �w iwosom o ILL a e ckn as e points'behind, and ;tied .with How " - er ard �h..rbondy. _-and . Mel Dana... hue:, WEDDING: BEL S • 01,0N-FERG.U'SON North. Street United Church, Goderich; was decorated -With white • and 'blue gladioli, • ferns, :palms and candleabra • for the marriage of Alva Lorraine •Fer= •guson, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Ferguson, Goderich, and, ,formerly of 'Lucknow, to James, I...awrepee Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Olson of Toronto. The • •double ring, -ceremony, at 3.30 p,m. on Saturday, July. 30th., was ' performed by :Rev. 1?1:.. A. • Dickinson:: Given • in marriage. by .' her father, the : bride's • full-length gown was of foam•:: white.,Chan-. tillytype lace:and 'tulle, with lace bodice .and scalloped portrait neckline. ;Vile e - -Ione -lace sleeves- :forrned•points overthe handstand the bouffant" tulle skirt featured tiers. of tulle . edged . with . *cal: loped lace• ending, in a chapel train: Her headdress was a heart - shaped '-'lace cap with pleated edges holding ,a fingertip':veil of 1 • • JUSTICE "QU4IIFIES FOR ONTARIO AMAT.UER BALL.` Meaford Knights have been ;given the O.K. to play in -.the senior "A playdowns' in the O.n tario IlAinateur' Softball Associa tion with Charlie.. Justice on they mound. To qualify Charlie " has been "transferred" ' from Detroit 'to Meaford `and according to -the Meaford Empress, "Justice has: ,beer'' named 'recreational director. of the Meaford Amateur Athletic Association, ,and has, .taken up.his duties". 1Vleaford will meet such cluibs as Windsor, Hai—ninon" and Tor- onto rn the : senior provincial playdowns. The Set-up provides a .good: chuckle in .centres •where Char lie has performed. andis known. But "Hank" Sritith:' of the Port Elgin Tithes ' is more than. amus- ed - he's justifiably perturbed .and calls on •Mr. Frank , Feaver; of the O:A.S.A. for' some' explain in+g in' what he terms "a• real stinkeroo". It seems that a year ago Port Elgin made, application to- enter the O.A.S.A. senior ' playdowns With _..Russ . :Johnston. on the mound, The application • was turned down on the: comrri•.utin4 non=residence rule. , GREENS , .O•VERTAXED FOR ,TWILIGHT DOUBLES : ` The local greens -were, overtax- ed :on Thursday, July 28th,..; fora twilight tournament. Twenty-two rinks cornpeted , with :several local' •bowlers withdrawing from play te accomodate.th visitors. -Winning •rrr ks ' were, ,McLen=- nan, •Seaforth, ' three .,wins plus 25; BaeChler, Goderich, 3 -plus 15;- Barnett, Paisley, .2 ,plus 15; Sher Bondy, : Wingham, . ; 2 plus' 18; Thomas, Brussels,, 2 plus ;17; 'MO - Lean,. •Seaforth, ; 2 ' plus' 17, ' LUCKNOW, DEFEATS 'BERVIE; PT: :ALBERT,, BY 6-1 COUNT • French • iilusio . -She carried a.. tresoent 'bouquet. of white ;r.oses. and . stephanotis.; , Mrs. Elwood `Vint of • Nesbitt,.' Man., was Matron Of. honor and the • bridesmaids were", M i s,s' Edythe' Barlow , of. Goderich and. Mrs. Jahn. Charian , of .'Toronto, sister of 'the- g oorh, Flower girl was Patricia Ferguson, niece of the bride. All were gowned alike. The , flower girlwore :"a fa11- length.dr.ess and the others wore ballerina -length dresses of white' nylon eyelet over white taffeta. 'with blue taffeta sashes 'and; mat= thing. 'picture :hats: The' tnatron Ofhonor and •bridesmaids'carried small -hand bouque � of • blue feathered carnations: The • flower' • girl carried :a' , basket of simi•la'r• flowers Charles " Lison of : Dar t"mouth, was ,best Man, Ushers were 1Reg Ferguson' of London, aad • John ; Chalbrian Of Toronto,: Mrs.. J: Snider •.was organis:t. ".. Soloist'was ":Mrs..John. Larnior bf 'Galt who sang "Because" and the, "Wedding Prayer": • • The. reception :was held •'a,t the,: Sine.' The Sentinel* :'wept ..:on. .holidays the- Lucknow .Interm'ed� iate ball chub has. von two games in as many 'starts by„ defeating; Bervie :and Port Albert • both by a .score. of 6-1. Grant ,• Chisholm .rung up an impressive count of 18:Strikeouts' it the Port Albert. game : which was "sweet victory .ov.er his form er, teammates. Baker did the re- ceiving..: Slan Dougherty struck out .11 for Port Albert In. the Bervie game, Chisholm shone again, , striking out 17 bat- ters.'George Westlake was on . the r.eceiving end: :Goderich .Pavilion • where. the, .bride'smother ree.eived, Wearing a dress of ice pink embossed crystal'ette with` ,white "accessor-• ies and"a' corsage. of ; white.ste- phanotis • and' pink carnations, She yeas •;assisted by. the groom's •mother; who. ,wore• a dress , of beige ; shantung With' brown .ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow roses, For a wedding -rip 'to--=No.i th-- t ern :Ontario; the 'bride wore a white linen .'suit . •w.ith red and. .white ` accessories.'. ,Her .corsage 'was • red roses. The, couple will: reside in :Toronto'. ,BORN' $:U,SHELL—in , 'Kincardine Hos= pital . on .:July 23; -.1955 to Mr•._..: and Mrs: .Donald Bushell., R.. 2,- Holyrood, a son, Donald -Bruce, WYLDS-Lin Kincardine Hospital. on . July 28, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. ,...• Warren• Wylds, R. 3, Lucknow.;-, a 'son. VAN DIEPEN -- in Kincardine Hospital • on July 29, 1955, to • Mr;' and Mrs. • Theo. Van ' Diepen, 'R. ' 7. Lucknow, a daughter, Joanne, TAYLOR-AIr; an d mfVirs, Floyd 5:. ` Taylor. announce . the birth of 'a son, John Donald, in Sarnia Gen eral Hospital,. Monday, July ' l lth, 1955e ---a brother'for'Jiudith Anne. Doubles ' Winners Two. .Lucknow - rink were among • the - Winners in a :'44 -rink. doubles tournament at Hanover recently. Roy Finlayson and Fred ‘Tacksori were 6th and , Garfield MacDonald and Alex MacNay; At a similar • tournament at Seaforth: Roy and Fred captured third• ---place- -and-j-I ewird-Ag-rrei and Murray Couse placed fifth.. With a neck -and -neck 'race on it the American League; a bus load plans to take in, . the Detroit Cleveland game in ..the Motor City next Tuesday'•niglt. Trans- portation, which:includes seats at the' park, can Still" be obtained rby, contacting Harvey Webster or Harold Greer. •, • • 1'0th Anniversary .Fergus. Highland Ganes SATURDAY, FAUGUST 2Otb,, 1955 ' 1. VICTORIA PARK, FERGIi1S, ONTARIO Dancingfiill dmission 75'c • g f r�Mas ed Bands .—ATrack and Field Events Sig Dance in Fergus Arena at Night. "Canada's Most ColorfulHighland: Spectacle" 14)r----pesiti-ve--t-estrL.ts fr ttn . toot--41-is " and-- associated nd-associated arthritic -rheumatic symptoms' sec Mr. 'Pickering, at SPECIAL FOOT CLINIC WINGHAM -- Queen's Hotel WED,NESDAY,. AUG; 17th -11 a.ni. to 8 pArte And 'Each Two 25 years''. eacper en.ee • :, Come, you'll. oe glad you did! ' M