The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-10, Page 7'WEDNESDA.X;, AUG:. IOth, 1955: yceun• Theatre WINGHAM First Showing at 7.15 p.m. ' • Thursday,. Friday, Saturday . • • AUGUST i1-12-13 "A PRIZE OF GOLD"' Richard Wid'markand Mai Zetterling star in this adven- ture melodraina, in 'color, This, picture has 'thrills, excitement' .and romnce'-in .post-war.-Rgr--:- kan, . ' '' No•, Saturday. Matinee Monday; Tuesday;'. 'Wednesday' AUGIIST 15-16-17' "HELL'S • ISLAND" John Payne and Mary, M'ur- • phy star . in this adventure' 'melodrama in VistaVision and Color, CULROSS: CORNERS , Cangratulations to -Mr. .8c Mrs.• Clayton .Meyer on the .birth , Of • a daughter in. Wingham ;Hospital .on August : 2nd. . . Miss . ' `Joan Collison, Preston,' 'has returned •'homeafter holi- daying with, her aunt, Mrs.. Cath erine . O'Neil. ' ' Mr., .Dori :.Bell: of Toronto . is spending 'some' time at Hannas. • Miss Helen 5c'hurnacher is• ern- ' Iployed at the' 'home of Mr..and .Mrs. • Clayton Moyer. 1VIr. .Harry. `''Brown, ,Richmond Hill, spent the week -lend; at Frank' Brown's.... • Mr, and Mrs. • Steven Wolos chuk,' Winnipeg, • are visiting her. ;;parents, Mr; and::. Mrs;aDunc Thompson :and other relatives. We are glad' to .report that __Mrs:. Clayton -Meyer.' and • infant daughter were able to be brought ,home from' Win:gla7n :Hospital 'ori Sunday .. • Mr ,and Mrs<Mrdford VF�aIi— Donnie Visited • Sunday with Mr. and': Mrs.. Tom Hackett- of Ash- - f"ield..• • Mr. aid' Mrs. Jack • Schumacher visited : Sunday with ,Mr. and Mrs. .Win, :Lloyd at Rest -A -While 'cottage at Bruce 'Beach. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW,, ONT11 b I -SEE B.X TH •,SENTINEL: . 'THAT services• are cancellted. 'for• August -14th _ -and--Au.gu st .,.. st in the, four' congregations' of • • Luoknow parish while, the rnlivk ister, the .Rev. .•H; '.Lip Jennings, Is 6Qn vacation. • •• 'THAT• Bert Ward .placed a floral tribute on the grave .of, Dr.. A. G. Elliott, in : Greenhill 'Cern=' etery on the ' anniversary ,of his; death on. August 2nd. Dr. El- liott ' died in 1923' and in. the intervening 32 years Bert • has never failed to pay' this tribute to the' beloved doctor, . THAT 'Miss •Marlene MacLennan of the Bell Telephone. staff in London; underwent an ,appen-` 'dectorny in.• London on Satur- • day. • .. THAT .Rev, C. W. -DeWitt` . Cosens of Wesley United Church, Tor• onto;, conductedthe service in Auburn . United Church.' on: • Sunday: morning. The congrega- tions. of .Westfield and Donny - 'brook . 'wOrshipp'ed • with • the 'Auburn ' congregations. Rev. Cosens was a former. ,pastor on • the 'Ashfield Circuit:. —0, THAT Spence •Irwin has, added to his power equipment by the purchase of a John Deere bull 'dozer from Wally' Breckles of Kinlough. ' . • • • THAT from Mrs: C A. (Willene) adford:.o Ed:monton__we ••re=_ •ceived the following , letter:: "Do hope there is still brie: to get • THAT' Dr. D R. Finlayson of . Sunnylbrook Hospital,.• and a .native of the Lochalsh district, is reported to be in improved health and able to , leave the hospital, following, a.' very seri- tills illness, . ^a� .THAT 'NormWell.wood of .Wiry- • .ham. ". andproprietor of The Market Store in. Lucknow took quite .a rubbing. recently. fol "leaving" one of his four child ren at 'Bruce' • Beach. It seems `.=the Wellwood family and rel= atives were returning :from a the ' beach in ',three cars,,' and when •. they • got home :• and "counted noses",one.; of the .girls .was " missing.. Sl e was 'playing' with" a 'neighbor girl • at • the beach., with each of the drivers • as-, sinning she was in the other ear. Norm •' had to make ' a hur- ' tried round trip: --o— THAT in reference in our • last issue.'to Mr.: and :Mrs. .James Arnold • having moved .' from ' Deloraine, Manitoba, ,'to Luck-. now, "we named. her. brothers and •sister living : at Lucknow, abut neglected to mention that Mrs.. Alex Hackett of Ashfield , is' a 'Sister. —o— THAT H.• .f. A. Taylor; :formerly, of the St.' Helens district, not- ifies us of a.'change of address. from Edmonton ,' to '':.Beaver ', Lodge, • Alberta,• where he ' will :ibe , employed' until •spring on the construction of a 'new hos- !pita'. . He says it, is one of. the PAGE SOW • Playhouse Theatre FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 13 1 1 Two •Shows. Each Night at 7.30. Saturday Matinee' at 2.30 DONALD O'CONNOR and FRANCIS THE TAiGKING MO*.(• .i. d 11 back" :`together ` int s their . ,newest arid.: Iunnie'x` • adventure ' �They're' ' . u r, ,that• adds up to more hilarious trouble. m �s FRANCIS COVERS. THE •BIG • TOW''H,: 'Phone 1 g 1 . . • ''Kincardine • PAYING HIGHEST PRICES .FOR LIVE POULTRY . Poultry Culling:A Specialty In accordance' with: government regulations our poultry • ; coops ate `thoroughly . washed and disinfected' • • , • for your protection. r• •Lane • are . now holidaying with• ; er, : f}'ld secretary for the •. ,C N.I:B., and himself blind recently ,visited this' distrix, making ' arrangements for the their, ',daughter, Mrs. A.M. Phillips and ,n, Mr.. Phiihps at. • • Fonth`ilL . TIIAT Luc'know is not the only Bruce County' centre with .an • idle fuirniture, plant. The'South- anipton Furniture ' Company' finest farming communities in ''plant,.land and equipment, has rwhicchhe has ever been:. been offered for sale after .be ing idle for,severa1 months... THAT the fact that he'.hasreach; •ed • the octogenarian;' class THAT . Wingham• Fire Co: 'recent - .doesn't, deter Kinloss Townshiply obtained • a. resuscitator; at Clerk, J. R.. Lane, from lend- ' : a coat of • $.575. ing a helping hand at haying' --a►- and harvest time. After help- THAT H. - D. Thompson has again ing with , the.hay haw: -he`" rode the been appointed .. :d Lucknow chair- binder at harvest.time and thenman ':for the.'•fail campaign -on stooked ,• shearfor-sheaf 'with :: Thalt of. the. Canadian Insti- his Son-in-law.- Mr,. and Mrs. t . for the Blind. 'E. F. Wheel campaign', Lucknow's ;quota. will be about '$200:: '• Buys Bottling Business C C. Tweedie has 'sold the Goderich .Bottling Works busi- ness to • Jim Bisset • of. ;Goderiih„ who is well ,known to 'ina'ny here,„• having' held 'down'. third • base .for the Lticknow Legionnaire; in the fastball' loop; . ; • Small btry to pal: ',I'd go out: • and seek my -fortune-if I ; cirasri needed ; so badly 'at hose as, : A..dependent" . • —copy of the } ntaii W:I::cook ta��� : � � ��rr�rr�r r �r�,,> „ k. book. Have . been :so interested .'. ' . .. . ever ' since I .saw they'•were • 'having one ,printed, and 'rrieant ',_ to send for one before"; Mrs..1 Radford's• cook book :is ori the. j vwayo'. West, and . if anyone ' else. is` 'won dering;-=-thcmc'• .;.I....q....n•11111111,l,4,1141=10giJ•=116o,r•Mr, i.IMIrb'iMoSwo411Mn ,r0011u011111u1111u au111lia,11.er,4em.p41.n411•4 aterloo Cattle na assn ere Better Bulls •Are Used" • The early 1955' harvest season is over in most sections and farmers' thoughts will be with their livestock ani ! breeding program." : 1 • • When planning.:your breeding program, consider': 1. The low cost . of getting your ;cows bred 'artificially. '. ;�' • Life •.membership $5.00 (snot payable each • year). $5.00• per cow for members $6.00 per cow for non-members 3 2. The' money making qualities of your calves will be betster than average..•This ;will amount to more , than the total cost of Artificial Breeding, Dairy or Beer cattle. s 1 1 •1 1 r 1 3. COWS will get in .calf the sameas with natural breeding. ,... yg _ and in man cases, better and. there, is no, din er of spreading disease: 1 • 4.' The FEED and SPACE used by it potentially dangerous i; bull' can'be utilized for OTHER PURPOSES. 5. Many herds have had •the same cows bred artificially ars: 'as well as_up to.four or five generations. 1..TiforiEsenveurmaioyRes(Iney hears that cows, will not 'conceive arti- ficially year after year ' and • that artificially sired heifers 1.Will not conceive when bred 'artificially, have nO foundation.' • For service or more information, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: CLINTON 515 eNote our new number. between""7.30 a ul 10,00' Chi. W4ek '7,30 and 9.30 , a.m. Sundays and; Holidays.' • , r • F •I +�w Iqr s yr,rr►n�r nwM►ri/M�r1r►u nwariYrrt .E.ftew�mira�rrrrirn:r�wirs urnii►a r• rki ItiMc�li�O rd err � wi►rbwrA�Mbnf�tiw�yiii�tir�+ri►'u�►w�rw�ira+�►A�wbiiiic4;ow.iirroarbu+rarrRiriraiami} w�..a .... wit.,.,w:,.m..,.....t«..•.•«..N...,.d., ,P.'fi*+•' +neevnb7:y�wm iY•`;. e,. r.;.S�.s .,.....,., �. .:.. _ r .......kete;:.t,r..,:e,q s4 k.M ;i:r:. - .._. .. ..w,.wu�....:tniw: t..�M+ ,e r..T'Ve.i."ra::.L•. eaa •a O itil.IGERAIu�r, fg �r �cr frierators eep Freezers oolers • as: low ' as as lov as '. as low a ' Visit .... . . LUCKNOVV'S. REFRIGERATION IL1 .:z '4 rr w District Co-operative Phone 71 Lucknow, Ontario . •CdrIY.. J6.i��.:Y. �� r� 3F•'�1 '.. •.. .i�,:Y': _. -.. �.i %v$iai,: ��i pi.M,J�...Yi•�iie'AY4kY.ir.:.mi�i',!'tl�i • r