The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-10, Page 3o. n. IT r•' x.• WEDNESDAY, AUG, 10th, 1055 Mrs. H, L. Jennings hasq•eturn ed from visiting friends. in Kent; Ohio. ,Mrs. W. D., Gardner? of Ashfield, whp has been quite ,poorly of late, was admitted recently to Baker's Private Hospital. ••• Mi* `and Mrs: Glen Fredrick - 'ori (Dorothy Lillico). and dau-, ghters. Roberta ' and Janyce: of Wazata, Minnesota, 'spent . a few•• days recently with, her uncle arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs J, W ; Joynt:` Nur. and. Mrs. W, S' ' Reid, Bob and Karen and` Miss Fern "Reid. of.. St'rathroy. have been holiday. ung at Point 'Clark- , Mrs::; R C. Passrnore. and.., sons: Ronald and . Robert 'of, Cochrane are visiting with 'Mr. and •Mrs.. S. -B. Stothers. Mr. and' Mrs, 'Malcolm Mac- Lennan and •daughter. Jean of Barrie are vacationing this week. at Point Clark upon their return from a 'motor. trip to Banff; Van- ctiuver, Victoria and . Yellowstone Park. Bial' • Mathers• of the Canadian isspending �is . Navy his furlough twith his,. parents, •Mr.. ,and Mrs. Jim Mothers, Cpl. and Mrs. Doug' Clark:•and children, Patricia; Anri and Tom of Ottawa; were holiday visitors with relatives here During' their. Patricia es quite' sick for a couple ;of days.... . . Mr: and' Mrs. .Dic'k' Reed and song Ronnie` and Jimmy. of De- troit were :holiday visitors with his :_parents,: Mr, and Mrs: W. • G=, • Visitors at the'. home of . Mir,. Reed. and Mrs. A. Nicholson, Wheeler Miss Gertrude Treleaven of •St over the.' week -end, .. were. London . is visiting this week with Ms`s. ' Florence MacFa y 'denr, • Win . Y Urs..R: H. Thompson arid. Miss nipeg; Mrs: Catherine. Pulfet, i. r • Helen Thompson.`: • .Mrs. Torsi Mellors • and 'Shirley, v ' Mr.' and :Mrs. Bert Alton, and Mrs.' .Al Dinning and 'Barbara, h" Mr and Mrs.. Thomas ' Blake en- ;:Mrs: Jack ;'Forbes and •Ruth, all joYed a...motor,.trip to . Niagara of Toronto; •Mr. and. Mrs: .Stan Falls last, week.' The outing.,• 'cll.Reay, Harold and Bud` of Walk - d, . maxed the' occasion' of Mr.. and erton.:: . Mrs. -_Blake's golden •-wedding an- Miss Judith AnneTailor has niversa. ry returned. to her home .in ..Sarnia Mr. Chester Crich of Carberry,, after 'spending a week with:: Mr. Manitoba, and „Miss .; Gertrude and Mrs. Roy' •Havens: , Crich .of Toronto visited with Mr. Mrsc '.Carrick..•.Dau' s la •- of New ��. and` Mrs Harold Treleaven and '''ork;,was. a recent • .visitor "with' Mrs, Fowler:. 4. Miss; Christina Carrick and Miss: Mrs. .Harold 'Treleaven., Jack 'Dorothy`Douglas. Treleaven 'and Miss Jane John- t ' Rev. •and Mrs. George L. Doug-' stone visited on ..Sunday with las and two children, George and (Ruth ' Treleaven" . at Orchard' Robert of Woodstock,' were 're- Beac:i, ` Lake • Simode cent' visitors. , with Miss Christin.a Mr.. and . Mrs.. • Dan MacKay. Carrick' and Miss Dorothy Doug - visited;; recently with his.sister, Mr. and . Mrs:. Alex Piirdon of Mrs. George Elliott . 'has 'been town. visiting' at North Bay with Mr. Mr: and Mrs Murray, Couse and .'Mrs: Bruce MacLeod (Una. have been on a two weeksmotor Elliott): trip to the' Maritimes.• Mr:,and MrS. Stewart Cameron: Mr. and Mrs' Wallace Twam'- and children; Mary Ann' and ley ' of London . .were.;callers‹-ori Roddy' of Port Colborne, ,were re_ friends • in the "'community •at ,the cent visitors : here ,with his bro • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LU•CKNQW,; ONTARIO SIXTH AND .NINTH Mr; and Mrs, 'Robert Lawrence of .Kenora, : Ont, spent a week reoently with,' their aunt and uncle, *r, and Mrs. ,Tames' K. Wilson. • Mrs. Bob Smyth, Bobby, Linda and. Carol. of Toronto visited for three weeks , with Mrs. Bessie Stewart and Mr. ,Brown Sinyth.. Mrs. Jas. MacKenzie of. •Kitcli'-' • ener spent a. few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. -' Robert McAllister and Mary Lou. , • , Mr. and Mrs John Noonan.' anti• Ross' of .Kincardine were • recent visitors with Mr.. an'd_Mrs_' .cliff_ Murray arid fancily. Sharon :Nor `man returned. 'home ;with them after spending- a we'ek's • holiday with relatives here, While ori" their' vacation,. Mr. and. Mrs.: Allan D'urnin; Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Durnin and 'Janet of London spent a few days with. Mr: and Mrs., James Durnin. Jan- et remained for a 'longer .holi- day, . • Mr._' and 'Mrs: Keith Humphrey and Gordon of Dryden,: Ont,, 'Mu. and Mrs, Ernest Post,, Eileen Post and Marry 'Ann Thompson ot Nor- mandale •were holiday': visitors with Mr •;,.and 'Mrs, •Jas.: Kt Wil- son and 'other relatives'. • Mr. and ,Mrs.. Wm. Cook, ,pin and ;Saar of Chesley were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Lorne Durnin' and boys. ' Little 'Miss Barbara Pollock cif 1�Tile spent a. few 'days `,with her aunt end' uncle, Mr. and • Mrs. Clifford. Kilpatrick;= PAGE. THRETr! KINLOLiGF• Mr, and Mrs, S O. Parry of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. ' Tilford Morgan and on of California vis- ited with. Mr. and Mr, James M. Hodgins• and then went to Angus to spend the • week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hodgins. Mr.' Keith .Maulden returned hon3e;.after holidaying at •Fonthiji with his cousin, Miss Peggy Phil- lips. Mr,- and Mrs.• Harry Rieck and Donna, ' Mr,. and Mrs. Adolph Rieok and . Doris, all' of Peters- burg, . visited , : Sunday With. Mr, anELIV1rs..1Roy Schneller arid: saris= ilyM : •arie, ' Schneller returned! iorne;' with ''them after.: spendinig a three -:week holiday., with, •her grandparents, • Mr,, and Mrs. Her 'pian :Rieck at Petersburg: Miss. Marion Shantz . spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs._ Wrn. Wall, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm.' D. Cox and, the . Rev: Benson Cox left on. Wed, nesday frorn Port .MgcNich l� on a. circle "tour which, includesViC- toria,' B.C., `San Francisco, Kan- sas: City' and Detroit. They.' will stop over at • several • places en - route:... Ir. Gerald Rhody' is in' charge of the Cox home while they, are away. :' Rev. and. Mrs. Andrew; Lane and.' their niece, Mrs. Currie (the rformerMarjorie:MacDonald) who. are 'holidaying •at;' Bruj.e, Beach, were..`recent visitors. with 'the Lane:. `families here, • Congrattiiatioris to' Mr. & Mrs. Perry • Bushell on the birthof. twins. A • brother and''sister .for Judy; Mr.'.:Earl:e:Percy of Matheson is visiting �vtl relatives hereand at Kincardine. .. Visitors• _from Detroit; St."'.Cath- arin.es, Maiiheson, • Burlington, Kitchener, Toronto, Wing'hain, Ripley andLucknow were among those attending 'the. Percy picnic'. which. was,:held .on .Saturday af- ternoon This, picnic will •.be held. next year: on. the third week::min- July, with Mrs. Perry Hodgins as president, and: Mrs. Charlie Hodgins,' 'secretary. . Mr,_.a_nd:.Mrs.'Clifford_ Lloyd- Sr„, son Paul of Toriawanda,.N:' ,Y:;' were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs Wn-i. 'Wall. They ,'have ;been. .'holidaying et Rest -A -While Lodge .at Bruce' Beath.- • Mrs.': George ,Haiden+by ` accom-: panted. Ma::� and . Mrs. Clare Sperl- ing to •.Toronto on .Sunday. • Misses Donna and Evelyn' Nich- olson returned honie after.,hol.i- daying. at. Glarus. • Miss .Karen N'icholsort spent a few: days; with Judy' Nicholsorr'af Ripley.., rr.. Bride -Elect Honored . . . T. LISTEN! for" the ' Ec�fl�my F�od Market Fresh Fruits . & Vegetables = Free Delivery, Phone Z eted in pink and w!hite... A short program was given by Miss Ruby. 1Bonnet w'hqT played . the accord- aan. 'S'heila Haldenby , and Laura E'reckles'' sang 'a ;duet. Readings were given by* Frances Scott, Mrs.. Perry. Hodgins and 'Mrs - Milton Walsh, ' who "also was chairlady . Mrs. ` Wesley Guest 'read ars addressto the bride'' ex- •pressing best wishes, and, a,pres ;entation of. gifts ; was made by. Jean Sutton and • Elaine Murray a Those assisting were :Mrs:' Grey; Mrs. Morley Bushell .and. Miss . Joan Sutton, while<Mrs. man - Sutton., 'read the :attached verses.. day . thanked , the . ladies and extended: • an • invitation' to her : home where' • her' trousseau Was . displayed, - 'The district .Bible'. ;Vacation Schoolclosed with a successful achieveanent night held,. in the Presbyterian, `Church on Friday evening. The , Rev: J. Prest was in the chair.. Each group contrib-. uted to. the .program and ; •certifi cotes :were presented.' The 'direct-. or for the school was Miss. May Boyle and ' the • teachers . were Mrs. Howard,, Thompson, intermediate. girls; . Rev J:, Prest, intermediate boys; Junior boys and giris, Miss May Boyle; primary •• boy`s. ' and. girls;. Mrs,'_ Frank ,Maulden. Each teacher had a• number of helpers. Miss ...Mary . 'McCosh., was song leader. The:. treasurer• was* Mrs, Ferry Hodgins, Who presented ,a. Fatisfactory -report. The average attendance was .80, The ladies• of •thee community in turn:.served rer,, fres'lments each day. Pupils at-' Miss .Kathileen;.Lane' was .'hon- tended from. Teeswater, Kin- ored at a miscellaneous shower lough,, Purple. Grove; Ripley, week -end :on their . return from' they; Kenneth and his .sister,- :Mrs. held in :-the Anglican Church' ;par-: Holyrood and , district, Westford a trip to Manitoulin Island. N, E. Bushell.• ' 10 which •was :tastefuu1l ' • decor and the 10th Con., ; Lang'side and. •-— Bervie • and• •vacationers :here. Gib Mrs .Gerald,_ son .sof Londoxi, Miss . Myrtle Siinith and Mr. Bruce Smith 'Of Lambet_arid are- visiting with Mr. ' and . Mrs, Lyman Sut'' ton... Mr. and Mrs. Lorne' Kraemer and' son Larry' of • Tor -onto have been holid�lyrrng, at the home.. of, cher,. parents, Mr. and Mrs, P.: • Miurray.:' ' Miss Amelia' Carruthers of Ripley has :''been visiting• with Miss `Barbara Murray,'. `. The H,W.I.'met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. P. A: Murray with Mrs..: 'Frank, Thorripson . in charge. Thea. meet- ing opened with the ode and, Mary Stewart Collect. Mr's. Leo urray an. rs. . rise aemer -were appointed • judges .for the homemade rolls. Mrs. Perry Hod- gins gave a recipe for Spanish cream: Mrs. ' Frank Maulden gave the current events. The roll call' was. a supper dish. Mrs. Wes- ley " Guest,.' convener, was in charge: ofthe following pr:,grarii,: The motto, "You can preach a 'better sermon", was well taken by Mrs. Lyman Sutton Mrs. Jim 'S i.. , . . ._ mith.._...re-ad;..-.._a�_po-em . and --Mrs ;Perry •tIodigins read th magic milk bottle., Mrs, :Wesley Guest rave the .tonic, "Cheese in the Diet". Miss Edna . Boyle; -favored with 'a piano number. Mrs..Fren,lk Moulden: gave the closing re- marks. Lunch was served. Mrs,- Arthur Phillips of Font - hill spent a few clays with',M'rb' and Mrs. Frank M gulden, Ret' parents,. Ur. Anna :Ars, 'J. R. Lane, J !oa pay for: it on th KITCHEN—running water tilts BATHROOM—oil the convert kitchsn . chores—laundry and. fence of a city home to protect' dishesaretlone;inhalf the time. . your family', health and adds to your•comfort. Budget plan! why lug waterby hand: any' longer? Install a ,Duro Pumping System now *nd enjoy running . .water• is you lay for'it. Saive time, save'labour,' cut operating costs. !bl AS LOW AS IC DOWN UP,r:IC 18 MONTHS 7C PAY for pump, fixtures• and installation, too. ' The EMCO' Budget Plan will cover your com- - piete water system- pump, tank, pipe,..kirchen and b. throbm fixtures, taps .in alt bu.ldiir s. and the' cost of installation.You• can •have the. Whole job done NOW and pay for it over.;the' ,next year and a half.' Ask tot -an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked our on' the, . EMCO Budget Plan. . �/isf�r Pltolne;Us'•Witlsarvt-Delap-`---` BARNS -..So much easier to,' water_ihe stock,. and so.much - extra -;protection against {keV: WOOS ' ,.iwu. CO.1UimKd• • urdie ,. _ Son Phone 10, Lucknow 4. .— ......... .. .—..eemlinAi..tis•Mil +siiinr% "Mirk rl/!'./tag Wilk ..�:,.'� r�`.'ll�llK.1�Scr returned home with her for a visit. • • Congratulations to Mr. &:•Mrs: Carrnpbell Brown. (nee Kathileen,' Lane) who • were : married on Saturday noon at .the bride's, parents, Mr. end Mrs. Malcolm, Lane, Nhx: and Mrs- Everett Lane and • family spent the ;welt=end .with' Mr. -and Mrs,..Malcolm Lane, •On : Thursday : (today) :August': lith, the Anglican W.A. 4114: Ev ening Guild will 'meet • it . the • ." church for a quilting with Mrs- Howard Thompson '. hostess. AIL ' ladies are :Cordially' invited. Miss Sandra Percy is. visiting with her cousin, Nancy Irwin., Betty Ann and Mary.. Joan Lapp of Winghani: visited • Last (week wi'th..Joan Percy.• Billy' Percy spent a few days- 'A .. with Douglas' Lapp at...Wingharin.; Karen Arnold, `of Bervie- visited:, With: . her aunt,. Mrs. • Harold Percy. ''.Mrs. Ethel ;Jaynes and jean of .Wingharn__s+pent_ a day_:Ast week, with 'Mr: and Mrs. Perry Hod- gins.. Sharon. Hodgins returned home with theli:. • Mr. • and Mrs. Ronald . Bur g. ess. 'of . St:. Thomas visited on Friday 'along the line: • "NO THANKS" George could hardly believe it. 'Fred, a most prornisiig comer to their outfit,had fallen down. in . one particular. ' .11e-• never took a 'Cocktail at their weekly luncheon: One day George tactfully brought up the, matter. . "As a ..matter.: of fact I never- tduch it", said. Fred:' • "Oh why?,, Geol-ge booked hire straight in.'' t • ]ice seen too mud' ,of the, harm it does. No,, I' don't take • it, and I never iri-. tend to". • "Hrpm. Stand right :i p on your own feet all alone, eh?" "Yes: If.I don't waist something that. I'. know is ' bad, nobodycart. persuade me' to 'take it"... • Sequel • of . this TRUE story?' Within 'three weeks Georgic had., ' a group' with him at 'a "No. Thanks" table. • Incidentally • (?) George is' to-" day 'Assist. Sales -Manager of .hi`. firm.---Advt. Skinnymenwomen gain 5,10,15 Ibis. Get New' PeVint, Vigor �t'liat a thrill! Hein ' • limhs fill elut; ugly fool•- lows fill up neck., no• longer serawuy;, hc7dy' loses half-starved, sickly '-be;su- pole" look --because of poor appetite/1st to lack of iron. Thoysands of girls, we.ncn. men, wbr> never could stain before. Are rum proud of • shapely, healthy 1ookin;; 'Thery+ thank Ostrra "r bah, 'Tablets: Contains iron, vi= tamin Br, calcium. .HeIpe build bit o , imp!o+'e a�tpe tile. and .dugesbon :ti;.- fowl •-.. _..._. gives you -moire streinggi .add ftmsrisliment; i►clvta pot llcah on Imre banes. • • Get Lovely CrMrvaa �s yoiM• gain Postitd . y*, gain lovelier curves tom. Try Crttiee'* Unit Tuttle* today. Sea bow quieletheyr'help build ria twirl's' . "skinny", due.. to iron defiCieute. "'Get- actluaiitteiil b tiae anly eidd: -At Lill-cittgsgist,t: • • c sIll�i'i i,"',_'. A 'Ail *die, ,. Ar, !34*.'u"sesieNtiY' `cis`: