The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-25, Page 11• WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1955 Mrs. Alex Whyitock was hos- tess to the W,A, -meeting of Salem Church an Wednesday af- ternoon. There was a good at- tendance and a splendid meeting, Mrs,, Ethel Wilson, and IS/Ir. •Wrn• Kidd,- Toronto, ,spent the week -end with Mrs. Mary Wall, Mr: and Mrs. Orville -Wilson and Mr. James Wilson, • - gr. andW . Mrs.' Alex hytock, iboys visited Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Campbell and girls.of Kinloss ` Several: of the men attended a Church Meeting at Ripley on Fri-. day day' evening. • Our community was represent- ed` .at Kincardine on; 'Friday af- ternoon whei Premier Leslie ' Frost visited the Lakeside town. 'The sixth .meeting of the West=. ford Dairy Maids was. held ,,'at the • • home' of ()Ur leader, Mrs.; Perry Hodgins and Sharon' . Hod- gins on ,May .20th on• account of the illness pf Mrs, • 3as. ' Heidenby.: The first part'of the meeting•'was spent on ; working • on. the .;record. • •works. Beity, Alice and Sharon then" made. junket. Donna, Susie and Beatrice inade• corn starch pudding. Joyce, Elda and :Bar- bara made '. custard.. A dainty lunch was served. Beatrice Hal derlby •th•ariked..;the hostess.. Ther -next meeting.is- to -beheld at the honie, of. .our ; 'assistant leader, Joyce H. aider:4)y,• on May . 28th: LANGSIDE. Mrs:' David .Andersen' of 'Para- mount has been engaged. to teach at Langside school iii September and Miss Louise ;Ribey, of North Bruce at S.S. • No. '9.: Mr. Roy..; Gillespie .of Innerkip was a visitor ' during' week- end 'with •Mr. and NMrs.• William .Evans and Ted:: -It is .interesting. to note•,Mr, Gillespie ,rnet Mr. and ,4rs.'• Evans et • Woodstock ' when; ".they first came' to ..Canada from England and . where they. were 'first employed. • Mr. and :'Mrs. Sid Payne . and. son' 'Ra•y,rnond and ' Bryan Mur phy.of',•.Toronto. were week end visitors with• the Tiffin' families: Mr;. ancd•Mrs,..Russel ,Moore Si family were visitors &tiring the. :Week -end. with,iVlr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin _ _ • Mr.• and'' Mrs:- Jim: Henderson and friends of -Brantford' visited. with � Mi. and M s. Wesley` Tiffin. Mr: and 'Mrs. Bob •Evans and fami"ly . of London visited with Mr. and' Mrs'' Wm. Evans . and, 1 ed...on Sunday:. . Mr. and :'Mrs. Lloyd Smith en.d.. �VIr.;:• Reg . Smith of Petrolia ,were week -end Visitors at. Frank. Mil- ler•'s. •` •.. Mr. and IVITS4 Wm. Kennedy. of Wingham-and Marlow and. rd' Crow.st fi - — o • . T�incar�ne were visitors during, thea week -end at e home of MT.• and : Mrs.. John Crowston, . A dance will be held in . Lang - side Rall 'Friday night in `hobo ot IIug }r F:ea,g n who..-has'__:been stationed at Whitehorse and who is .being '.moved to 'the far north. Everyone welcomer Please bring lunch. .. • , Members -of the Dawson family spent the week -end with . Mr. 44.11- •,lea, o2i an4 Mr, and'Mr Huntley . Dawson ' and . family.: 'Miss. Thelma Feagan, Mr. : and Mrs, Roibert MacMillan. of God- • crich,, Mr. and Mrs. ,Donald Mac- Millan., of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.' Len Maylin, Robert and George of Simcoe were week,en.d •visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Feagan:.w , ST; ,PETER SYMPATHETIC An editor knocked at 'the Pearly Gates Ills face was scarred and ;oold; Re` stood before the man of •fate �lr adxnz-ss&o n to the -fu . Y "What Fhave •you done?" ,St. Peter asked,' "To gain admission here?" I ve _. been. ` .an editoi=,; sir",. - he said, - "For 'many and many a" yem'w. T e. Pearly Gate swung open wide . St Peter touched the bell. Come in'r,'he• skid, ' "and choose. your harp; ' . ' �ze�hyotrr�sh'�i�`t�l"1 y • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LtCKNOW, ONTARIO S----Atr-TOR7M117 IN. OLD. COUNTRY* .(PURPLE GROTE 'NEWS) - Mrs. Angus Graham of Ripley visited with. Mr:' and ,Mrs.. John 'Emerson; also Mr: and Mrs. Isaac Nixon and Delbert,, Mr. and Mrs.' Bert McClean, Mrs. • Wm. • McLean and Mrs, Sturgean of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. • Burton' ,Colli and family spent Sunday eve__ ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Stanley of :li•ipley. Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Hill visit- ed relatives in : Goderiu h last week s: : • Mss' john 'Colwell, is spending .a few days . with. liner daughter, Mrs. Dot% 11Mosh. • g ' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Needham, Nancy.'and Helen of Kincardine visited at the.. home of Mr: and Mrs. Victor •Gaw•ley .on Sunday. Mr • and Mrs..' John Emerson left` 'on Thursday for, Montreal •where .theywill embark on gthe liner "Letitia"for ;an''" extended tour of England, Scotland and Ireland. • Miss Sandra 'Woods ;visited her. Friend, Nancy . Dore, last week: PAGE ELEVEN FA tirLY' GATHERING . MA►RKS r, MOTHER'S 88th BIRTHDAY On'.May 12th, Mrs. Wm. Young of Langside, who resides with her .son. Clifford and family,. .had a Pleasant day; arngng her rela- tives, it being her 88th ` birthday. The d ay was •enhanced with beautiful sunshine,flowers bleorriing, trees out in leaf; and numerous o .felicitations ' from - friends and' relatives, The table was centred by two, birthday kes, around which was' a bount- ifu variety • of good things. �• r...Y oun .died in1933. •' ,T ose 'present were 'her fan ily and Mrs Clifford 'Young,` Mr, a d `Mrs. Ws, Yotirrg, 'Lang- side,,. • , and.. Mrs, BEd:" Moore;" W'hitech, ch; Mrs. Mae. Richard- son • an. • Wallace, Belmore; her 'sister,., ' r , and : Mrs. Wilson Wall, •Holyrd; her brother, Mr. and Mrs, alter '.Pinnell; Teeswater; her granddaughter and • great- granddaughter, Mrs.: Stokes, •and Elizabeth, . Gorrie;• Mrs.. Gordon Wall and • four ' children. There are fifteen grandchildren -Tees- water News, KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. and Mrs. Bert Martin and. children of Hamilton. 'visited'' at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Blaize Martin during the past. week Mr & Mrs: Frans Van Kemp - em and Children. of Toronto were visitor at 'the. home. of Mr. , and M.rs. Vann Osch over the holiday' week -end. x. Mr arid Mrs. Donald Frayne and Peter, are visitirig with rela ;tives in .. Kennora and Startford for a. few days: Visitors . here for the holiday week -end were Miss Florence Lamber.tus and .:Mary ,Theresa Martin of Hamilton,. Douglas Frayne of Toronto, Jos, Murphy of Toronto, Ed •Gilinore of Lon do:ri, .: Mr. and 'Mrs, Jos.. 'Reid- of Toronto; Mrs, Jack. Kinney of'De- troit, Mr. and Mrs._ Jack McCort- ',•ville of, Toronto, : Mr. and Mrs: Ambrose Hartman and Shirley of Kitchener.- The C.W.L. are' sponsoripg a benefit dance •at +,St. • Joseph's Parish Hall, Kingsbridge bn' Fri-. :day May., 27th, :for the inst i1 - tion• ofhydro" in the home.of Pat Sullivan; who_ :has. rendered- many: years' .of faithful . service ; to this community as caretaker 'Of our church and school. Carruthers'` ' orchestra will provide the music. for, dancing, and : a• large -crowd is expected, as :everyoneis cord! ially invited to; attend, • • More 'than -'12:00 -:persons ' filed i• n pilgrimage "Sunday afternpon to visit the ..Shrine of.Our Lady'. ,et--i.oux..des;-a-t-:Mo.unt-tr4osep h's- Motherhouse, in London. A score - of busses -'and- hundred • of cars- -brought: people from 'many dif- ferent parishes in Western On- tario to attend this first Diocesan —Pilgrimage, sponsored= liy t -he- C'W-L 'Rev. Henri Van Vynckt, P.P." of St. •Joseph's,, Kingsbridge,' who ;designed the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes; which is ,a replica 'of the original Grotto of Lourdes, in France, • directed this . pilgrimage The --RA, 'IRc ,--,A ,1' - . M•a•honey vicar general 'of the. London pio- cese,' mounted •the steps of the Shrine' and repeated the thrilling` story of the Grotto 'of. Lourdes, France. .• • ' After benediction of the 'Bless- ed Sacrament, the procession of the clergy, nuns,: Sir Knight of Columbus in capes and swords, C Brownies, Guides, Novices, 'CWL l and•children in native dress from Latvia, Poland; Czechoslovakia, 'Holland and Germany, in • recog-• nition'of Citizenship Day, return- ed. to the beautiful chapel . in the Mother Hoose while the nttr►s of tirlgr'i-rna --saftg- hymns: The Rev. j. L,. Hennessey,. dio- cesan 'director of the 'C,W.L. was. celebrant:: ,Assisting __Fath.c-r--. Van'- Vynckt, were Rev. O. •J.• Boyer of Waterford, Rev S. A. Toth of St, Augustine, "Rev, A. L. Nolan of Sarnia and Rev. J, P. Fin of London. 'the civic action •committee• of the C.W.L. - then served refresh - STEWART'S Your 'New ;Color Centre. For Aulcraft Pal • 77 . Basic • Shades 'FREE COLOR CHIPS ,: to take Mine for you to match.•your drapes and rugs. RUBBERIZED, WASHABLE, ODORLESS • DRIES IN ONE'.HOUR.; ... . so HOUSE PAINTS and ENAMELS,. 'Etc... FLOOR .TILE $t�wart's ;Ie oraGilts c tyin. & PAINT; WALLPAPER ..,,•and DRAPERIES and the W�ather; • Q. • •a• 4 , • + k• • .1 1, • 1 he man: on the pole: is :typica.l oLthemany_.Lydro employees who stand: ready; 24 :hours .a day, 7• days; • ; ,a 'week, to respond ; to` emergency calls for service.' .If trouble is of a minor nature'service' is restored proinptl . Sometimes. however, dueto severe storm's; .sleek or hurricanes, 'trouble reaches major proportions, When this Mappens,' crews work hard and. fast, to repair wires reBlace;poles and burnt. out distrbtitirig equipnent. This work ;is carried out;at any hour of the day or night until service. is ,restored, for .these then appreciate thaf wherever wires run people depend upon electricity for most of the conveniences and Comforts of modern. living, .. .....::::.... 1 he great scope and flexibility of " Ontario Hydro's province -wide. :operation, its resources of manpower and-egttiprnenti-rna..ke it'possible %o,._: cope with emergencies When they occur. , _t•'Mt 41, ;t PI tt