The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-25, Page 10• 91WPIlitit 111,1:470twAkviiralw, 041° • PAGE 'ITN'. •• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK140•Vit, 'ONTARIO • FOU1TINCE4S1 ,,,,311,0,,,,,xisx.::,.xec„2,;;;;.:,,r0,,,:xor$v;,:,,,,t..1•<::Kikv>3ez.72.-4r:"..,,,,•-:,,,:3p.,,,,vrozicow.x#ypy0;.,..,...;.;,..,,,..4,....,,..........,_, .,.. .....- ........... - , ..... _ 4 •->. -.0-,..:-.K...,,,,re,z.*;:mate,,,N, 40..;•,;:%, „,f, • • , .• ' • F.: • , - . .. , ,f.,.,.••,. . o X.. . , Li• beral: Asstitlatiolt.: .1i. ,..,. . .. • . . t.:. • A , A. The Huron -Bruce • • , . YOUR. LIBERAL CANDIDATE • •••••" • • ••••• • • • N A man who has .shown throughouttheyears a ,single •.. to •give to the-publip WEDNESDAY, MAY •25th, t95 Misses, Betty 'and Joan Hamil- ton Were home .for the holiday week -end. .,•• Mr.. and Mrs. Bev Sangster of Toronto and Miss Margaret Mac- Donald of 'Sarnia. spent the.week- Old at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. E. MacDonald.• M. and. Mrs., Ira Dickie and !boys were in London Saturday and visited at the home of Mrs. Grace MacIver, . • •.•Mrs: R. Martin enjoyed a 'bus trip to Detroit on Friday.. , . • Mack. MacDonald, as. rep- resentative. fromLucknow triot High .8.ohOol,'wase'entertain- 'ed by the London. Free press in London on 14ticlaY and •Sattirclay. ;Mrs., D. L. MacKinnon -1k John vasited .relatives • in Toronto a week ago Sunday. • ' ' Mrs. Mary. .Routledge (Mary Martin), a former resident of the,. 4th Con., 'of Verdun, Manitoba, is visiting at the home of ;her niece, Mrs: Douglas Graham:. • •• . • • • . • Place ur- Omer it. gi • it • ••• • ' • • ..44;•.,! • HUGH HILL • • Sponsored : by the Huron-BruceLibra1 Association • ,. . .• . • . . . • . ' , ... • •. ••• . LUCKNOWOPENS. BALL SEASON NEXT WEEK - 1.1Ueknow: has an • intermediate !spitball learn • entered • in, the Which„..is Scheduled to theSeason. athome .on,Fri- • day of: next Week. . • Lucitrietv'S c•ritry is a "B" eat egory team playing in group Comprised of. Underwikod,' Bervie, Port'4Albert, 'Ripley and. - • •• The first round 14 the scilied- •'tile- is asfllows: • . , • 31.-Underweed. at Pt.,.rt Arkert-• •••3,.7,Ri1ey at 'Bervie 3--Benniller at Lucknow • • • 3 --;-Port Albeit at tinderwpod :.6---oR,ip,ley.Lucknow 6—UnderWoO4at enmiller • 8=Bervje. at 'Port Albert 19-71;ucinoW at Underwood' 13enrniller at Ripley • 13.Henrni11er at •Bervie' 13,7-hderwood at Lucktiow 14—Port Albert at • Rirley 1.7---Bervie at Underwood . 17—Ripley Benmiller • 17---Lucknow at Pert 'Albert 20--Underwoo4 .at•Ripley 20--Lucknow at Berne 24—Prt Albert at 'Bervie 24, ---Ripley at Underwood . • .24-4.,tc1now at Beniniller • . 27-tervie at Lucknow • 27—Benmiller at Port Albert 30—Bemi1tPx Unclerwbod ...• 4-BerVieat RiPley 4---Bervie At Benniiller •5 ----Tort Albert At •Lucknow' 8L -Ripley at Port Albert •, 8—Underwood at tervie 20—Port Albert at Beprniller 11—Lucknow at Ripley SALEkli:OOK$ • AND RESTAURANT PADA " MANUFACTUME',0 iy DONNYBROOK ,witILLIVIr-Land ..41/41Ekk, John R; Thompson during the week -end included Miss Lucy. Thompson of Oncondago, Mr.'and Mrs. •. Harold Thompson • ,:.and children • of Tillsonburg; • Mr. ;Clayton Martin -of, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe ThompSon: of • . •• • Mr, arid.Mrs Melvin Craig and. daughters of BluevAle•were Sun-, • day visitore. with heir parents, Mr. and, Mrs...Mark Arinstrong. Recent Visitors. With Mr. and Mrs. R. Charriney' included. •Mr, and Mrs. 'Elliott •Sandy a Luck-. . mow, Miss Joai Doerr of. Niagara: FalLs and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chainnek and Larry of Auburn,: •Mr..and Mrs. Stuart CharnneY, • Diane .and .Donna were Sunday Visitors with Mr. and .Mrs.; Wm. Webster •of Fordyce.. Mr Toni Arrristreng of • Lon • don spent the week -end' at the • home Of 'his tot -other; 'Mr Mark Aranitrong. • ' Sunday yi4119.rs • with Mr, and Mrs. Norman.. Thompson' & farri- • ily.included Mr. and Mrs, Ed -Win Thornpson and, family of Wing- • ham and Mr. and' ;Mrs: Cecil Chimney of Belgrave, • , At' • • ' THE. SEN'AINTEi;.. OFFICE Phone. 35, 1,,Ueknik* • 4.4 FAO 1741 • Fnr Pnnfiqg andSiding • that lasts and protects °. • "„„ • • • • • • 4; • , , • • t, • • ' • if • — • • • . . ' ..0 " . , . • . . . .' • .: 1 . f • ,, r• ' •,t‘i • " ' • •• •. 210 lb: singles in blends ofRed, Gee -en and Slue P •' ciimplete stock Oil hand. • SPECIAL CE POSY muctuRe • We Recommend VVESTEEL - • "Security" -Ribbed ROOFING 14• aftranized or Aluminum 4 GivesompIetei WEATHERPROOF IMF Because "WESTEEL" SHEETS give a full 321/2" coverage you can actually save one square or more on a large barn. ' ,Available inl all lengths. • We'll gladly supply Free Estimates. SPECIAL PRICE ON QUANTITY ORDERS 0, •ATTEND:GRANDDAUGHTER'S WEDDINGOHIO • • vismoommonimmomm SHIP 'COLLECT To Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario • Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Obtain .sacks and. twine • • .• •without charge frent • ••Lucknow, Ont. • •:or by Writing to-,• • CANADIAN. COOPERATIVE WOOL: GROWERS' LIMITED . • 211. BayStreet, Toronte, .Canada • • •Ziinman Cofficiated,••before.the al- tar which" was decorated. Nolith baskets of white floWers,'eandel- abra and 'palms.. •• ',•:' There' were guests freni Day: ton, Greenyille • and Bowling Green, Ohio; and Mr. and Mrs, George Dunse.ath, TQr; • In •a candlelight ceremonyat the First .Lutheran.Church, Day- ton, Ohio, At :7:30 ry.m, May 4, Phyllis Ann Stanley, only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Burton, A. Stanley, :Clinton, exchanged vows and rings with. Richard AndreW Dohrne, son of Mr.. and Mrs. •A. C. Dohme; Dayton; Ohio. •Pastor .onto; Mrs..IdaStailiey-, the brideg', .grantiiother, •Lucknow; Mr; and 'Mr. .02 j. Stnley; Clinton:- Mi.. and Mr.. William Jervis and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Castle, Clinton. For.' the- honeYr000n • trip Chicago the bride Worehavy blu2 linen sheath dresswith matching • coat and powder blUe .accessories ard- Wore a. White orchid. The • young couple Will: make their horiie i Dayton, Ohio. 44.1.•44.04simpir•oanktkiii...414.04issimimis•ini ...6.•.4i'voot,kae..kupik.)46,4komibrompifotkim•••••••••.•sle) ASPHALT ROOFING Give your Horne colour as well 4 . as protection. ***:%r.'" • • i.;;;,••:.• • Make' gardening a pleasure this Spring with the right tools . . . we have a complete' selection tochoose-from:- S• pring is "• PAINT UP'? time. • We carrya complete stock of •"PITTSBURGH PAINTS" • ',for iriside and outside use. Over 300 • colors4rom-wbicli-tcfr-ehoose. Pittsburgh. "TITANIC WHITE71$ WHITE and ,STAYS' WHITE. • A Henderson John , W • Lucknow PhoneASO • ber , , •: • .• rio.. '39sr rz.i.4120:1•0•4.. WE HAVE ON HANDi. Heavy Pai:b. Wire Steel Fencing Posts and CEMENT ter ac !noon! plumbMg, Heating, Wiring, EaVetroughing • . • phone 50, Liieltnomt .• A.. • *milk )4•11•ikiti•oiem. ,..isiotoomo.m•Itimoti,imoit.0.0•110ikiii00.0•11111.0.01..141.140.1410.iinii...niiMou/Op