The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 6• 121. w,I D• 4''_ DAY', MAY ..18th, 1955:1, • "A little painting and ' fixing up woad make it like' a new louse. I wish wqq had the ready cash...." "Well, why don't you borrow. the money. My Bankis making ' Home Improvement Loans for this very thing. Thies a very practical sugges•' tion. See your local B. of M, manager about a Home Improve-; lanai Loan. today. And ask' for your copy of this folder: )3 of M Home ImProve-• went Loans are inex- pensive• interest at. only 51/4% per annum'. —repayable iri• easy instalments. ' • iL4 !RN • it • 4 r i9{ ,C- ."Or BA! F MONTREAL ow .• _Branch : .'COUSE <`n Manager iffekK•IHG':WI1111,CANADIANS•IN EVERY•WAL'K or LIFE,S'INCE:1817 • P.,22os ' Mr. —Denzil. • Statters • of ' Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Cox and .• renew.ed old acquaint, :ances. on' Con..' -•..:Q/ ' tilr. d ' KIN LOrUG G and M ewiraidth Gibson of LondoA visi and Mrs.,Lyman' Sutton. • .Mrs. Howard. Thompson pre sidedfor the W.A. meeting at. the home of Edna and,May'Boy1e when ,plans Were. completed for a delegation to attend the• Deazy- ery meeting, for Bruce being held. in. Lion's Head, Mrs. '41,, Col= well read,;the 1118th psalm for the r pture reading and also gave; he ..meditation. . Mrs.; !rein,.Hod- guns read the thought for 'the ,day. Each member answered the 611 call with the. word "B1ess ed".: A ,special collection' was - taken for the work of the • Col- umbia Coast Mission. It was ,de - 'tided to •'quilt at the next meet- ing ', eet-ing', which 'will be held at the church with Mrs. J. W. Colwell hostess. Mrs.. • Gertrude Walsh re- ported 'on • highlights . of .the: Dio-. cesan W:A, annual. Two mission- ary readings. •from the: Living, message 'were given by Mrs. Geo. Haider -thy, and •May Boyle. Suit - :able hymns Were, sung and pray- ers ' offered ' arid the' benediction brought• the . meeting, to a close. Mrs. Jim,• Smith gave' the . clos- ing remarksafter which refresh- Black -bender. son Group • The May meeting of. Group III of the W.A. of the • United church' was. held on Wednesday evening ,in the Fellowship Roomof the cdliurch. Thea theme hymn and 'prayer opened the meeting, with ,Mrs. Henderson ' presiding.. Ther. roll call was answered by twenty members, op ••the first church I attended. Business was discussed and a report ' given'. by the con- vener, of the Christian Fellowship committee, Mrs. Haag , presided for the program. Readings were. given by Mrs McKim, _..Mrs '• T.' Andersen ariad 4 Hazel Webster, The scripture 'and. Meditation was given by Mr's. Hoag,, A piano, solo was given • by Mrs Harvey 'Web sten: A .sple'ndid paper prepared by Miss Mary MacLeod on the message of the flowers, was read by .Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie. An interesting 'contest was held arid lunch was served by the com` mittee in. charge. rnents` were served. • Mrd 11. A Graham spent the Breckles on May 23rd at.2. p.m, past week : with . 'Mr, and Mrs. • ; Levi Eckenswiller at Seaforth., • Mr ;and Mrs: Ardell• Mason: of • The pupils' oif our,. school with Huron' ,spent. Sunday , with Mrs:. their 'teacher, , Mrs: Burton Col- lins, • enjoyed a 'ball .game . and picnic at the. Westford 'School. on Friday afternoon ' ' •Kenneth 'Sitroeder,• son. .of: Mr.. and • Mrs. John •Stroeder' return .ed bome:'froan London where he has been a patient at: Victoria Hospital. ..1111e, sixth -,-meeting'., of "The Holyrood Merry Milkmaids" :was held at the ' home • of Barbara Murray:', :The meeting :opened with thetheme song. Nine mem hers •answered• the roll . Call ; by giving ;the•-m-enu--they had plan- ned for .a children's.: party built around milk. Following the bus- :ness ; period,.:Sandra • Percy,.•Shir- ley Congram .and.. Donna. Nichol- son' demonstrated the making , of egg -nog and Barbara -Murray. pre- ;and family 4 •HALDEN.BY': ELECTR " LC MOTOR .SERVICE Armature and Field Winding;: Brushes, Bearings; Etc. • ' Repairs to • Fractional and Integral `"Horsepower Meters, ; Also, Electric Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, ,Drills, Etc HALDENBY ELECTRIC: • • Kinlough. Phone ' Ripley 1114-29 ' pared cereal gruel for an invalid. Erlma Percy assisted by' the jun- ior girls, made .vegetable . • soup. Corn starch pudding was made by Joan Sutton. The leader, Mrs. P. A. Murray, : held a discussion On points to remernlber when setting up, •a tray. A .tray •for .a sick room 'was •prepared. A vote .:of thanks to,• Mrs. Murray and, Barbara • was moved by Shir- ley .Congram..'The next .meeting will. •be at the home of • Laura; J. W . Caiwelh Mrs: H A. Graham . is visiting with Mr. and . 1Vtrs.' :Lei . Ecken sviiiller : •at Seafortiih..' Mr. and ••Mrs..Clayton Nichol son and family spent' Sunday with . Mr: and .Mrs. • Bert. Nichol- son and fariiily. Mr.' and Mrs . J. Whiteford 'of Grand •Bend and Mrs. Mary Simpson, .o.. Hensall visited on Sunday . with 'Edna and May Boyle...: Mr., and. Mrs.- Arthur Graham .visited _ Saturday ,with "Mrs _Gra- ham, :Mr. and 'Mrs. Levi Ecken swiller : and Douglas at.':Seaforth.: Mr: ,.and .Mrs. • Albert Trafford sof Hanover. visited Sunday with Mr.' 'and Mrs. Alex, ;Percy and. 444 Mi11ions of Canadians v 'kno ;-the:value'-of a- bank account ,the security and comfort it brings, the peace of mind it:asures; the enterprise: it makes possible. When you keep' your money in a chartered bank you' know it is safe. And fyotl ate dealing' with friendly, experienced„people, skilled in the' managemenC of :money. and-anxious"to share their knowledge with .you. 'There is a,type of account' to..suit your purpose, some, designed to 'help you, accumulate funds, `'others' featuring the convenience of.chequing.• :. Your Ideal branch bank provides these and,. many other ser`viccs •It,is. much more than a handy,:. you a 'safe place:to keep 'money. It is a banking serViceieentre `where you•.can count on prompt and• �i. • . Only a chaste -red range of banking h O SAVIS ACCOUNTSe'y Keep your naonsafe; pay ysteady interest;. encour- _ge...the bAlitiof.thAft.,..:.:... tourteOus attention to all "your banking- needs. CURRENT. ACCOUNTS ' For in:divid'uals and companies' who pay y ,cheque; your can- ='celled thegiues serve -as receipts: THS CHARTERED BANKS SERVING bank •offers a full, servicer,: including: OINKING. BY.MAIL''• 'Convenient,and saves time.. :All your routine banking can be handled in this :way, • 7OLNT ACC'OUNTS, Savings or Current;' for two ar nnore people, any of wkiom can "snake• dcpbsits, or-withdrs ars: 'SOUTH . COMMUNITY • Tooled To •Repair All Makes Of Tractors Allis • Chalmers "B TRACTOR In -A-1. ',Condition John 'Deere Row : Crop • Tricycle` 11i'EW ` UTILITY TRACTOR with .hydraulics and plow 40 CRAWLER, FOUR -ROLLERS' • 2 USED PLOWS See Us For Combines. before buying • Wagons, Discs, Drills, Cultivators, Etc.'. • KI'NLQUGH GARAGE W -BRECKLES' Phone ,18-r-20, Ripley THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS HELENS.. • >. ".,: Remember Sunday,' . May the.'date of the animal Flower' Sunday and Sunday School am -0 versary, in the United_ Chureh, : Mr. John .1VIcQ}illnr:eturned .' hbme on Saturday after pending Ceek -with his daughter,' Mrs. arl Johnston at ;Bluevale. •Miss Lillian Popp of Dungan; non was 'the guest of Miss Lois! Webb for the week -end. 4 Little,: Miss ' Lo,rene ,Errington - had—her-tonsils: -tonsils: removecl: *at; tie__L:._ Wingham • Hospital on. Saturday. ' Rev.: George Watt of ` I ungan- non was guest minister, ;on. Sun- ,_ day when the. Sacrament of the Lord's' . Supper • was Observed.. Caryl -Anne,' infant 'daughter ,of 'Mr.'•• and :Mrs,', George Webster. and Corinne bgrina, infant•'dau- .ghter ,Of .: Mr. ' and Its. Allan_ 'Cranston Were. ibaptized Mrs. Chris Shelton' of ,Lurkrow was- guest -speaker at "Elie Mas --_ meeting ,of the Women's Insti- tute, She explained: the mane_ facture 'of their, beautiful wooden trays and demonstrated the painting. of there. She very' g14ac iously donated the two ” trays to:. the Institute: • • Miss Margaret Miller, student nurse at, the Stratford Qenetal 'Hospital, who has; . been spending a two.'w,eek vacation at her home r ,. Sunda Erin , LondO": where ,she w"ill train• in - tario: Hospital. " for ih.ree themonOnths 'he Was accompanied.by Mr, and Mrs. ° Miller, Doris and: Lois; whe • ' "Visited With Mr... and Mrs.•._ JeW,.; Sparkes, Plan to attend 'the play, :and dance h •the Community Hall on Monday night under the auspices • • bf • 'the Wot•nen's: Institute. play; ''Zeke and Dafsie", wall be. .seutnd•.heuvale: P're- bytes an it:P,4U,• •