The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-18, Page 2• • ' PAGE TWO lffr • 4200 THE:. LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, . L JCKNOW, . C NTAIUQ est Wawanosi.. Bene its Pulc,HighhSchool Re -asses merit. • May 10, `1955 Minutes .of May Council Meeting l 'West Wawanosh T vp. Council, .held their ,regular meeting on May 10,, 1955, all. members:! Pres- ent • On a motion by Councillors Durnin and Miller, it, wad: de- tided. to request the County. As- sessor to snake `a check on • the. Assessors'. Equalization (1954); :concerning 04: No; 9, : Kinloss; before .Tune , 1st - ' next: Cauncil -was. .informed that. an assessors' • 'equalization, of; „Luck- i*aw Public, School section was; carried out on. May •. 9th,- 1955, whereby West Wawanosl's pet - • tentage was • !determined to -be 3.45 (previously it •was 5.34). . • It Was pointed ° out to Council. that West •Wawanosh'sassess•- angh. ent � for Lucknow Hv School District' purposes for 1955 • yvouid ,be ' $888,774.00. Under' • the new schedule of 'assessments' of the• 41Lc1u1aw._lI, S. District, .$838.774 represents. a . percentage of 15.773• -Of the 'totaal . assessniei t 'of - LHS .District. In 1954,; Vest Wawa - nosh's percentage was 18.399 to drop of 2.826 pere~ent), The Township°Brucillosis.Com- mittee and the . Brucilloais ' in- spectors • • met• • with: Township. Couiieils'• to•" discuss 'the • calfhood: vaccination program and ;its af- filiated Problems. It was moved by Councillor IVlcPbee and seconded'by. Coun- cillor, 'Culbert thatthe'' Township Pay ' the Brucillosis inspectors on Y the lists . of calves': as ' shown. by. the .inapectors''reports.. (Form 3) 1DA VIDIiiipuLAND ,HEADS DNGANNON' SWINE �CLUK. up to the<end of this past winter's. clean=up 'campaign. It was moved in amendment by. Councillor Durninr. arid • sec- onded. by Councillor Miller" that:, the Tonivnship pay the Brucillosis inspectors•: on 'the lists. of ca1v''e as shown iby the veterinarians' reports (Forms 2) up to the. end `of :the . aforementioned, •campaign. The Reee•, voted , in• favor ,of the, original motion: . It': was ',planned 'to `mare an inspection' tour " of 'Township: .roads on lay. ;18th next.' The following =accounts were ordered paid on motion by Coun- cillors 'Culbert and. McPhee. Wm. E. Gpod, part salary, Bru- cillosis inspector, $6.40; Howard Thompson, part 0 salary, Brucill- .osis : inspector, 25.20; . Frank. 'Mc- Quillixr, part. salary, • Brucillosos inspector, 32.80; Aliin Miller, art salary,. Brucillosis inspector, 27.00; James R..Curran, part sal- ary, Warble fly inspector, 120.00;• Herbert Finnigan, ' 1 lamb killed, 10.00; 'John A. 'Thompson, ` 1 live= stock . inspection, • 250; Mrs. May, Smith, relief allowance, 18.41; A. H. Erskine, County clerk, 'indig- ent indig-ent patient, 27.50; , Postmaster, Lucknow,;'. postage, ' 5.00; ' Provin- cial treasurer; ,-Ont. .Municipal Board • fees, '9.00, 4:. H. Blake, •Goderich,•. Huron C'o. Municipal• Association ..fe0, 15 00 Road • • experfditures; Gus 'Dev- ereaux, ev-ereaux, .911 and chain,. $11.95 Robertson I in 'steel i.cqlvert, ;105.36; 'Canacl Culvert Co. Ltdti, steel culvert; • . •117,72; . Imperial• Oil, Ltd, .' fuel oil;:' 7.8.40; ' Treas. of Ontario; • t x' on -.fuel,: 44.00;: Lorne'. •Ivers, clary, 157.50;. Wm. Forster, r euro' ing . snow ''fence;: 35,60; Lorne, . orsteic,, .rentovimg 'snow • ;fence; '' 1.20; H o w a r d The •erection .of officers for the Dungannon; 4-11 Swine Club took place. in• DDunganncn Agricultural, Hall on. April, 28th; ata meeting` beld jointly. With the . Dungan- non and ' Lucknow Calf Crubs. ' The• following 'officers : were, eleeccted president, David Kirk- : hand;' vice, pres., Wayne Brown;; • sec., Lorne Alton; press reporter; 'Douglas Kilpatrick: Mr. Harold Baker, the assistant agricultural representative, was "3n charge ---of the meeting' and • encouraged .the. members to ' at- tend the Huron County judging competition to be held in .,Sea-, forth on May 21st. . • ,,Johnson -Houston, Group The • Johnson -Houston Group. of 'the WA. -met at -the. -home of Mrs. George Joynt • , oni. • Wednesday, • May lith' with an attendance of y18..The 'theme Was The Home", '. /he meeting opened in the usual manner . with. _.hymn; scripture; prayer and business ,:dealt •;with: ' The follo�tvirvg program .was giv- • en: reading, "As the Twig . is Bent" by AVMs. E.• Taylor; solo . by, 'Ali Rae; reading, "Stay for Sup-' per" :.by.:;¥rs. L.'. MacLeodand. a readin'g' by 1V1rs..G. Irwin M. Rae gave a' talk ':on, •the,• trailer' camp ' at Lakeland,- Florida. Mrs.. E. •Taylor : explained. the. making of . a rug which she had hooked with yarn,• The , meeting closed. " .. with • ,the' miz` gall . benediction; Mrs. G. Irw;n conducted a doh:, test: and , the committee' in charge served lunch. .ectors • ' WEDNESDAY, . MAY 18th, 1955 aAK.4fvl7 Ai�•� �'ti♦irxiitZ;4L:.` Q�AC;.fit7):•L','. a'•.`_.-,--�r'"SSa.Ya!• ox�s•..• • � • . • • our ti . Your : Candidate las had a long ' and successful mil' in a great. .organizations • :.many � organizations,' and � his •yoke will: be felt 4.0 ne P rogress ive. Government. Sponsored by the Huron -Bruce Liberal Ass n. • • L1• • •. •0 1...�., r" ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O � r•♦ , � ♦ ♦ ♦ .♦ .Asp}......,...,•..... � ♦ .A.. Thompson, removing snow fence,' 5;50; Jol n•• R. •Tlion1,pson 'remov ing snow fence, 4:55; Joe Boyle; removing snow: fences 1 75, David McAllister, removing snow fence, .135.; 'Gus R e d rri o n d, remov-: ing- snow _-fence; ..70; Howard Sproul, ,removing' • snow .. fence,• 3:001 Gordon , : Spro . 1, removing snow fence, 2:10; Cairns :Altchi son, 'removing • snow: fence; 4;90;' Norman McDonald, .: .removing ingp is' • ERE'' RD SALE;, PRICES SHARPLY' FROM LAST YEAR •' Huron County Crop Report 'The sixth annual County Here- ford Spring, Sale ,saw' ;.27 bots, sell for an average of $312.00 a$ compared th the sale average of $271.00 a ' year ago, Bulls aver- aged $365.00 apiece with bred. heifers "bringing $329:00, • 'The Majority ajorty 'of cattle went to pas- ture this • , week and ' pasture growth is exceptional` ,for this season?of the' year A•. number of farmers are practicing zero feed • • ing with feeder • cattle •'th this year.1 A considerable acreage of eorrq was seeded in the South Fend of the' County during the week• Interest in 4-H Club work has •been quite keen this year and to `. date 520 members have joined 301- .41••:11 agricultural -clubs in ,the: Co., Which is an increase of,„ 100'rnerm• ' bers . ovei the 1954' inemberslr fp. ONTARIO. ctona snow fence, 11.00; :•Sandy Con:` structiori Co. . i Ltd., •-'su'pplying , gravel, • 136..40.--$713:38. • ou cil adjourned to, eet .0 n J m June 7th' next..':. J F. i•Foran, Township clerk. Your, co-operation is requested over . the week -end ' of May 20 to 23. Commencing —on—Friday =ev'ening --and continuing- to -Monday evening hundreds of thousands of Ontario motorists as Well as`. thousands from the other Provinces and from the States will be "taking'to the road". The exercise 'of Care, Courtesy_ and Common Sense will prevent most accidents or' collisions which ,icesui't in fatalities, human' suffering and financial. loss • • venihoug "you 'are a careful flirter' : keep your•`mind on the job. of : driving.. This: is • no time for . sight-seeing while ;driving.' "Don't Hurry" remember HURRY KILLS; 'Do your part to +make this, our first long summer week -end holiday, ACIDENT ' FREE, Minister'', ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS'. • Ki