The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-05-11, Page 4. i"+ • r,l !S Aro • v. VOR ',SALE: — Mandarin Mandarin soya beans, for- seed, grown and' for Sale ,by" Baynard. •Ackert, Holy- .rood; :phone:_=24-30;. Ripley.. _ 4e. ISS. FORSALE'--10. pigsw•teady: .- to Wean. Wrri. - Forster,, R. :R. 1, Lucknow, , ' CARPEN WORK phone Lea Beauchamp, :97=w ,Lucknow. • WANTED�,TO BUY --a boy's jun- ior bicycle in good condition. Ira Dickie; R R, 5, ,Lucknow, phone 26-r-2$ Ripley. FOR SAI,,E-building: 21 ft x .12 ft., plastered and .wired ..2 rooms; barn; 12x20' 'ft; 2 floors; double siding. Jerry ,Dalton, R. ° 3. God's erich, phone Dungannon I2 -r1.... METAL ` NAS PLATES • Can be :°used on' truckfarmer:� ., :gates or rural , mail; boxes: Out- standing value. Will last • 'for. years. Set of two ;.pl+es for , $1.00 d t HarSi •Wyse ICOMING'EVENTS BINGO# BINGO! $.e. sure .to 'attend the Fire- men's bingo 13th, and Reasonable c rates, sound Pro Arena, Friday, in• the Mildmay ,every; second Friday.' ay. 14 gains ' to tion & prompt, satisfactory at. ` $40 . each, 3 specials at . $200 . . ':settlement of claims. each, Admission $1.00. . Extra ' .. FAMISH MOFFAT cards 25c,. 5 for $1,00. •Doors open ouRir 3Local' ,Agent at 7.45,' Crimes start at 9.00 pan. +; R.. , Teesvwater sharp 'Phone Teeswater : 57-r.41rAltri IAMENT . HILL REPORT , . WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th, 1955. Insure WitWThe CULROSS MUTUAL. ° FIRE INSURANCE CO, for • ' Andy Robinson; Federal Mem- bei for Parliament for Bruce, Will .' "r.•;. ARMSTRONG ive his sixth report, from Parl give .Hill ,of' this session Over ,CKNX, Sunday; May 15th at 10.15 a.m., and also 'over 'CFOS, Owen F OPTOMETRIST GODS ICH' postpaid. Sen o ar y 105 Wharncliffe° Rd; N„ ,London,, Sound on Tuesday; gay 17.that R APPOINTMENT Ont~ ,Give initial, name and ad- '7.00 pan.. • 'Phone 1100 dress. , • lntm formation •A •. �. Ladies• ' , .AUXILIARY '.DANCE : For i "The Auxiliary tothe ent. or In ;ORDERS TAKEN for mail •box ABERDEEN `ANGUS, SALE C d• Legion will hold a e H on wn H ruc T � o Gre th.. i in aria ion . .. . ur Aberdesn: a all on • Fri- See Wm.. A Schmid, slims,. lawn. signs,.' . r Sale of nine prize an 'Phone ,16:7-w,; Lucknow • Ronald Forster. Angus Associations day May 20th: Dool" - one uc no , hold .at. . the:• Walkerton Sales, • , Carruthers Orchestra. Lunch :CUSTOM CAR PAINTING .. Arena on Thursday, May .19th, c _ ounter : • Dress up • your car . with a • new ,1955 Show at 1 , p.m. Sale ' cata- _ Standard --- -e--- logues on request, T. Stewart DANCE RECITAL. Cobper Markdale, Secretary. • The first. annual dance recital, p , featuring children of; the• Luck= now Dancing School, will be held in• the Lucknow 'District High. :School auditorium for two nights,: Friday and. • Saturday, May, 20th and 2lst. They'll ,be, supported :b . guest; stars , including .;•..fan y. adian champion pipers from the 48th ': 'Highlanders . '-'of . Toronto. Show starts: at .8.15.. Admission 50c:• and''35c., ,See •bills for de- tails. x ;,:; CONCERT. AND DANCE: , In• Langside Community' Hall, Friday, .'1VIay. ' 13th; at 8.30, .pre- sented' by'` S.S. No. 9 •Kinloss: Music by' 'Mins. ins orchestra 'Ad=. - :mission" 50c. and 25c. Lunch coup= ter, 'SUBSCRIPTION. SERVICE , •1 gateway signs Y dance spot ''prize. Quilt to 'be '.raffled., • Contact Mrs,.. o -Hales and • 27' females. is beteg 29 L k w ours, solird, or ,two tone, • N. W. WINTERSTEIN' PARM :AGENCY A• first ' line : farm . implement , agency immediately available for Lucknow: Area. Excellent oppor- KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT' • Parents who •Pl to send child ren to Kindergarten in. .Septem- ber September are asked to notify.Mrs. Isa- belle •,MacKenziie., . Kindergarten• tunity for. 'right party. ApPY•teacher, not. later than May. 31`st Box M, Lucknow Sentinel. • WANTED—two ladies. for .part ,tune -sales work three or .four evenings per. 'week,' Above; aver - 'age `age earnings . Mrs. Carrie Kirk- wood, -..93 .Madison ,St.,. London._ ,IT'S NEW! ' : IT'S :DIFFERENT•!• All'children enrolled must; be 5 years of age as. at December. 31, 1959• Public Sc Mlurde, C Lucknow ;P hoot: Board. K. C. `.Chairman LAWN MOWERS ,Repaired and sharpened,. Power; mowers a ; specialty: For ',prompt arid,efficient service, .see or •call E.'�W._RICE�ST. ;_HELENS R. 2, ' Lucknow Phone 211 r-31 ,FOR SALE• :-•Beatty gas washer; hi, • good repair, . ',International :cream Separator:: 1928: • Eord-:ae= dn and other articles. Mrs.- Jas. a,. Aitchison, R 1 •.Lucknow; phone- $7-r-12 •. • MEAT FOR SALE the Good = beef for sale : Y quarter. Beef killed under license' from the : Departanent .9f Health.: Raynard . Ackert, Holyrood =• 'P -hone= -2 89 Il ip'ley; Sanitary Sewage • Disposal Have . your. septic tanks, 'cess- pools, cellars; , etc.,. pumped : and cleaned with .• ° sanitary' modern equipment A11 work' guaranteed. , satisfactory ., For .. ctuick ,service write : or phone ' Louis Blake, Briissels, Ont., phone . Brussels See The:: A riazir g. Merry.'. Tiller Garden . Tractor :Light in Weight - Yet Will' do Three Jobs at nce Seed. E W: RICE, Lucknow, R: 2: • 'Phone:' 21-1-r-31 • of : boxed. COMPLETE • 'LINE greeting cards in stock :' You save 'vei--Half �whe-ri—yo'u-buy. cards -o by the • box.. Don• Thompson, ,phone 33 or 35. •• 4.4 Accountant Business and 'Tax Service,: Monthly Audits' For the Merchant, . Professional° Man and-Farmer -in-the_Kilpatric Office k Block Monday to Friday P.O. Bok 74, Lucknow, . Ont • SEED FOR SALE -we have,: on hand,' ' a full .stock of `clover seeds,.. grass. seeds and...pasture mixtures at rock bottom prices: Callus . for seed oats , or barley. Harvey' Hagedorn,,, ' phone: 71 24 _Ripley. BABY CHICKS Started ° pullets.• Or • dayold. Bray • Hatchery has them for .prompt shipment. Or' • mixed 13e sureyou chicks.have stock �. to produce on ; better` markets when .prices : are ,on the up. Signs point to possible scarcity of lay • ers. Be'prepar..ed:. Ask us for list, 'agent s- • . • D, Rf112CYSFOlT L irrrow. We . can service, you: 'with new 'or renewal, subscriptions :to most any national. 'magazines, ncl•u'd- ing farm magazines; •daily .papers, etc, It . costs you . nothing more, but will. save you time and both- er. Just .a .phone •call to us,. and. you will get immediate service. • . DON THOMPSON • The Lucknow Sentinel "Phone 35' or 33; AUCTION SALE ; fiction Sale" of farm property; implements •a d house- hold "effects of ..the estate of the, late' John Carter,.at the residence, •pan.: Registered Aberdeen -Angus I atiiii'le ri rthhof-CN:RR: station cows, -haus,us, heifers. .Valuable. - on Thurstta , 11raY 12th . at 2.00 cattle good pedigrees, accredit ' .an-2'wo-parcels-of--land.�:o r • ed F• a mers-aricV-stockren a,m '' �•'ed subject • to reserve bid. See Mg to meet present day .demand. bills. Emile : MacLennan, .Auc.; for quality beef 'should; patron- Richard ' Carter, •Executor.. ize this sale:Only Angus cattle. produce "Red. ,Triangle "Brand beef"., Sale catalogues free. C,` Runniii'g, Secretary, ' Fergus. AUCTION .SALE' CARD-OF—THANKS We.. We . wish to express our most sincere thanks, for the: manykind acts and expressions of sympathy extended us rin our bereavement:. These _ kind• thoughtful acts_Were. indeed;, appreciated. • • , The Grahame Family HOUSE FOR SALE modern' 8 - room brick house on-'lia•velock :Stroil-furnace—har-dwood loor<s: Apply. to Dr. T• B. Clelarri; Luck 'I NSURANCE FIRE, WIND,, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE• . • AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insurre• .With Jack • Today. J. A. McDONAGH.. .: A. R.R . 3, Lucknow,' Ont. 'Phone 61-5,' Dungannon R. S. HETHERINGTON, QC.,, 'Barrister, Etc'. Wingham and Lucknow I)`1 LUCRNOW Ec• Monday and` Wednesday Located in. the Mun.:icipal' Office 'p'hone . Wingham • Office . 40, Residence 97 Of : choice livestock at the, farm of. Malcolm m .;MacLeod, „Lot . 20; Con: 8, one mile west of Ripley, on :Tuesday, M'a.Y `17th .; at 2.00 good - D1ar-ha1. milkier cows; 12.,young cattle:. These are, W ANDREW Barrister. and' Solicitor • LISTOWEL, 'ON.TARIO IN LUCKNOW.. • . Every, Wednesday ,and ' ';Saturday Afternoon ' Office: in the • Joynt ;Block Telephone ,;Kenneth J, MacKenzie, R.O. Optometrist . . LISTOWEL ONT. at the former •Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley,. 10. ,a.m. to 9. p:•m., WEDNESDA, MAY '11th . . and every Second Wednesday; Eyes examined Glasses fitted ent hone For appoizutm p Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, •Ripley.. AGN,EWS' AGENCY .Howard Agnew dos, , Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario .Insurance Agents' Association CrENERAL , INSURANCE Established Over .30 Years Ago • Telepho f fes. Business 39 ' Residence 138 office 135 Residence 31-J.. MCLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERV•ICE Services conducted accord- ing to your'wishes at your Home, your,. Church, or :at our . IVIe'mori.al `.Chapel at n� additional charge: AMBULANCE,' SERVICE• :P..STUART MacKENZIE • 'IN LUCKNOW ; Each Wednesday OFFICE ,IN r HEN.DERSON.BLOCK • Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO, :`� TENDERS l •• Township of Ashfield ied Tender's for caretakef'of Town -ship-•of-Ashfield 'picnic--:gro}}��nds.. at West End of Con.' 12, Lake a choice Iot ,of -Durham cattle..1 Front, will•be received by the Credit terms:, Donald Blue,,. At1c:; undersigned up to May 20, • 1955, Malcolm MacLeod,.' Prop. at 5 n m. •Grass to be cut •when • AUCTION SAiLE necessary--..-, g anb ag e--to_b y••.ed and disposed of.-Car etaker• to FergusMay• 21st Aaur,, 1 . supplygarbage cans, keep toilets in sanitary condition, tables,: etc.' tti 1? -el l ced"oil gr Unci and-i€ept. in condition and. 'stored inside -when-not-in-use.; . as well as any 'extras;.that are , needed.' .TifideT, to be in a lump sum. Work will be under supervision of an ap- pointed Inspector.-.' Donald. • Sitpson, Kntail, • - Clerk, 'Township of Ashfield. 4 CHROME PISTON RINGS More and• more car 'owners are njoying the • wonderful service of these chrome •rings.' Let • ane Install a: set : in: your motor ` now, Also valve grinding, ignition: and earl:), /Work, N. W. WINTERSTEIN. 't1 1,. V' • T,h.e -property'• of the late Eliz- abeth England, • 11/2 miles north of •Lucknow, ' Will ' be offered ' for sale by public auction on Satur-. day,, May 21st at• .7,30 p.m. D,S.T. •The• property, ' Lot Nil. 8, con- sista of 2 'acres More or less and 'On said land is a 11 storey ,frame home, Small barn.and,hen house Property . offered' SULject , to rex serve bid. Terms.• 10% on day df ���:."�ate�•�i;30�du�ie��Tt� P.izabeth England: Emile Mac Lennart, Auer • ARTIFI,CIAL, INSEMINATION' " Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls .'Are Used" Artificial insemination service far'all ••breeds-•of-•-cat-tle:-Fir -sex vice or information: phone Clin- ton 242 collect, • between • 7:30 and 10:00 a.m..on week days ,and up and 9:30 a.m. on .Sundays, ' RE• ST HOME ACCQMODATION A,ccornodation ' a v a i l a•b 1 e• at Carruther's ' Convalescent Homer Home -cooked meals, modern .con- veniences, warm. 'Registered mfrs- ing available if "regUiwe4' :n ease ,oai eRg yi o . ll,utt-tdr- ruthers; ' R. 3, Holyrooar p orte 27-16 Ripley..' *I NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP • We -Naive-•Been-W-Memori-ai- CraftstneFor 'Thirty -Five. .Years,' Always Using; THE • BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Ccro.1ery Letterin•g a Specialty.. • R. A. SPOTTON• P1 t* -25d; ivi on IOH-N-STONE'S: ,Phone -181,: 'Lucknow, • ,Day or Night • • STATE. FARM MV.TUAL AU'TOMOB LLE: INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN' WILSON '3,." Goder`ch.. '. Phone 80-r-8. Dungannon E. I SIS RANG FUI+IERAL• HOME. 'Phone' 76 ' Day • or Night' - - �lnurulance -Ser-vice _ -: r• ..'USE OF FUUNERAL HOME± At No Extra. Cod ' . 'Moderate: Prices G: ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist ffice on Patrick St.,,just : off; the Main SL- in L WINGHAM w: Professional Eye Examination Optical, Services ° `n ment'. • Evenings.by appointment. 'Phone: ,Office 770; Res. 291 ,Co -Operative Lite' Insurance ; Co -Operative ,Automobile '" insurance Mercantile &, Farm Fire 'Insurance - • Ec• onomical ;a•nd Re1-iable.-. 'See T A.: CAMERON LliCKNOW :,P�"iohe�''f0�r�10..,_Durigan�otir�..• BENSON own LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. 'Phdnle Carlow 2105. Rz° t It iP rpt *1be rt RONA3.D. G. McCANN Public ; Accounta1 t- - • - CLINTON, 'ONTARIO Phones: 561, 455 Office: Royal. Bank Buuding• Residence:R'attenbur:y St., 4 ROY N. BENTLEY > >i"ublic Accountant • 4 Brittania .fid• . ' ' (corner South SSl•1.... GOD,ERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011 E r T