The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-09, Page 101' THE LIttNOW SENTINEL,:'1UCKNOW, ONTARIO • • • • • .11 Arrived' 4 in Men's vad.,11,,adies' Tailored -to -Measure SUITS By THE''HOUSE OF STONE Free Pick -Up and, Delivery Monday :and ihUrsday. BREWERS BEARING GIFTS WEDDNESDAY, ' MARCH the-merouty 'clipped_. to 11 • degrees above 'zero early. Mon- . clay mornirig and with; a,stiff to. be the' "Shivertestn, -day—Of ,the year: Tnesday mornirig 'a similar • temperature 'wa. re-' • during the Morning. ° THAT a. note from. Cec McAl-: pine, which, accoMpanied 'Sentinel renewaL ; says they are huilditrg :a. new office .Windsor and with the octra' work involved,. holiday time, which Means getting ,back up • 'this way to see Old friends, PRICBD FOR SPRING FIATTiES wait :LeathirS, $3 '95 $4 95 ill'1:"Ck' ling Mid 'Hospital on- •SatUrdaY, FetruarY 'shown in • the way .the brewers WIERSMA.•,-7on February 26th. in "Rinse/ Wiersnia, a son. LAPP in. Wingham .•Geriaal Hospital, on. Tuesday, -February pital on. Saturday', 'March 5th, to • • Memorial Hospital on Wean -a: - day, March 2nd, to Rev. and Mi. train' their public. relations men. In .one brochure ,issued for their gnidanee there are no tewer than '134 -special 'days and events -listed; On these: occasions the smooth. brewery ,agents'; polished° off .by Courses., of . training- in 'ptiblic relations, very pleasing in. -pertonality; will play their b.ere,. 'some co-operative there. Perhaps a 'little financial assist- ance,- ylossibly' a little entertain - 'Merit The prestige .'and standing of .the Trade is thi.* definitely and %easily enhanced,••• for there many respectable but unsuspect-• Trig ----geople these brewers' agents bearing • . eous pian to leave: Daytona ,before. returning home They eicpect to arriVe here about the. • 'first of April. .Raithwe 11.0Son Fine FoOtweir For All .The Fa il . THAT we received a letter .last week from an-ou- scriber which read: "Please dimmtinue sending The Se.n- THAT- - and Mrs. Albert Mor- ton received word last week that their • son Bob, who re= in' hospital at ,Stt, JOhns, Que- bec, with' virus pneumonia."' for a xnonth With relatives arid attend the wedding -in. Calgary • of Mrs, Altciri's brother, Joe HawkwOod. Joe is known to 'a !MAT Glen Tasker 'has returned to the "BCAP station at 'Green-. 'Wood; NOva $cotiai after spend-', Mg most •or the Winter taking a, cenrse •at• Norfolk; Virginia,' THAT" Mr. anct•Mrs. George Al - .ton and Douglas .left, on Thurs- day by bust- for Western Canada wh they Will, visit THAT with. the KairShea Insti- March 25th, 4 • timely yards gpodi. window, is, being feat-. ured at Ashton's: Ladies' and Men's Wear, window models 'effeCtively draped with colorful suggestion's, for,- that 'THAT there. Were five, tables. at Friday. ivIrS. Bill Stanley won Shirley' 'Mae; JO; Donald' the Awdliary Shoot ,party . THAT Lucknow District High SchOol students •nd teachers are btisY 'with ;final rehearsals 'for the concert to be presetue(t this Thursday and 'FridaYand• • which prorniSea to be ono . • the entertairunerit:highlightS'.of the seaion. • should bear in 'mind that ped-, and common sense in drivina through puddles .is nothing . • Mr. ;arid Mrs. John F‘irinigap, the. ladies' 'prize and., Mri. Al, Roy, Sim. of Mr. and -,,Mfs.• lkeu-' • ,Irwin and Fred Jackson. were ben John SallOws, GOderich.. The tied for the , Man's priz'e• with. wedding take place in 1VIrs. Irwin ..winning .the cut: . MarCh. *IDE CLEARANCE::SALE'WAS; • • • .Work, and 'Sport resies $1 99- EaCh $4 Table • Five -Star) Specia s ROBINHOOD CAKE, MIX, White, 45 CORN SYRUP BR,:)WN JUGS . _Excellent wearing sub 69c Paik RAYON HOSE full fashioned, regular 39c GIRLS' .DRESSES MOO •MAPLE.*EAF FLAKES' Triple Size 'COOKIES, 12 oz. or over Assorted Varietie,s • Str,iped' and Floral FLETTES Sanforized , MEN'S. 'BIB O'ALLS Men's of, a better brand ' :TEE SHIRTS . 29c Each • • • • • • •