The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-03-09, Page 14 1.011dithOW. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1955 , /TEN PAGES Fat 1 • Davidlt Carruthers, 4.1.404- • old Kinloss'ToWnShiplaymer and • reeve of the municipality, died 'suddenly on Monday ..night about midnight 'from_ _a___heart attack, • Ile, suffered the'seizute after re- tiring and passed away 'Within the hPtir. Pave had observed his 41st, birthday jug the day be- fore 'his death. 'The •cominunity Was profound- lyshocked and . saddened to learn of the death • of this popti, ler and genial, young man with a winning personality. . -•••• • .. . Dave was Serving his fifth terra as reeve Of Kinloss Townl ship,. and that day had attended ' the March :Meeting of the Coun- cil .Board, the fellowmembers of which are Harold Percy, P. Murray, Dan.T. McKinnon nd'EariSh Moffat. ' • . Reeve' Carruthers was elected tO that offiee by acclamation. at •orl.f isso, ".stidepeding ‘•• reeve GeorgeTiffin, and he had .ibeen returned by ..ac.clarnation • each Year since then.. to • that he had served four years • as, Councilldr, . standing second ,arnting the •candidates when first • elected in. December' of 1946', ' A Year ago Reeve. Carruthers Missed.; attaining' the Bruce Co. by a narrow,margrn and it Was a' foregone conclusion that he •would receive the honor rext year. • Dave . was orn in Kinloss . Township, on •MarCh' 6th, '1914. His father, the late John cai- iuthers,-..liassed away' in 1927, at .the age of. 41.Dave's wife ,was •' the former ,.Margaret Bell of , Ripley.. : She: survives with a `:•familY of three daughters; Mari.: lyn, 16; Amelia, 13‘ and Janet, 6.. IS SERIOIISL'VIU • Mr. and M. ThOrnaS-H. Burns haVe received' word-, that their SOZI, -,Stewart Burnsv. :of Detroit, is critically ill. Stewart under- ... went a -major loperation last year, and made a favorable recovery,. but Complications have deVelep- ect and no hope is.*entertained for recoVery. INJURED ASSESSOR GIVING UP POSITION Ashfield Township. •Council •is Calling for applications for the position of assessor, to succeed Gordon Valad, who,has given up, the 'Position. •• , • •Gordon ,lost the 'greater part of his left_hand_When±his,,fing- ter§ ..Were Mangled' irk a corn. 'picker 'late in jarinaty. He. is 'back in thehospital again for treatMent. •Also•surviving are his mother,* ..MrS.. John Carru•theks. of t9fv,m and three brothers/and few' sis- ters, Mrs. George -Fisher (Rena), of ,..Whitechurch; Mrs.. . Eldon Lowery (Alma). of Huron town- ship; John of Delhi; Elliott and , Irwin of Kinloss; Mrs. Ronald Forster '(Kathleen): of Lticknow and:Mrs. Duncan Simpson (Lil- lian) of Aslifield.. beePest, sym- pathy goes out to the bereaved' *in their- grievous loss of a dear husband, father, 'son and, bro. • BROTHER PASSES, William DOInaldson • p.a ssed away 7 in Winghani Hospital ;fast week • after a -brief ilfness:.."He swas :55 and Was born: on Con. 10, .Culross,' a son ef . the Jate Mr; and WS.. Thomas Donaldson. .He had :resided in •Tesswiter for 15 years. MrS. James. Smith of Holyrbod is. a sister.. The remains. are resting at the famjy-residerice-tinitil—Thursday- noon, with service to be -held. at 2-30 o'clock On Thursday 'after --1 noon . at ...Knox. , Presbyterian. Church, Ripley, *where Dave had been ',a. 'faithful member of the. choir 'for several :years.. The. ser- ' vice will. be Conducted -by Rev': '• - PRQMINENT.:AMBERLEY MERCHANT 'DIED • 'SUNDAY . . Th0 death JarrieSi--"Slitells, veteran, Arnberley rnerClaan't, Cui•red in Kincardine Hospital on Sunday •after ‘a lengthy, ill- , ness. He was, 73, years of age.. The funeral serviee Wa5 held in Pine Riyer United Church on afternoon •,'With in- terment in Kirical•dine',Cemoterk. Mr. Shielis is survived .by his son .Ross,, his -daughter-hit-law • and granddaughter;' MarY.. ElIen and. by four brothers' and a sister.' 4-11. etuits , •-•OROANIZE NEXT WEEK • PRIZE- DRAW Wl&NERS Thirty dollars in Merchandise, vouchers was put up for •a ,‘BooSter Club" draw .at the Juv- enile hockey'. apatch • on Satur- day. The .v.rinners were; lst, Mrs. Orland RichardS, $15.00; 2nd, G. Gomersall of"Blythi .00700; 3rd, Alex MacNay, $5.00. ; • ... The Legjon 'netted a little over $30 00 frorp .the draw, which will assist in :financing,.the trip to Port, Perry. CAR, SHATTERS:-, SHIPP WINDOWS: -4 car, driven by-Carrrieri John- ston of Concession-. 10, :kinioss: . , • Township, Was ;extensively ,dam' -- aged -early lasti?Friday Morning whe.n, it crashed through the Co- op Grocery Store Window. The crash caused the 'windoW•:display of 'jams- and jellies to be strewn onthesidewalk and in the in- terior of •the store. :The impact . of the Crash 'caused. the Nate grass in the west window in the Market Store, owned. by .N. J, WelWook---to----ohager, apse •into -,the window. • The win - do* adjoining the Co-op ;was not broken. .• carinen' told-, Town Constable AleX, Havens • that he • was .ipro-. ceeding WeSt through' the village When a' ear pulled' out froin'his right' at •the Post . Office corner. When he -swerved to the leTtto miss 'a ycollision, .theear:, veered out of control and crashed: into the: ,C&op Store: The ,window frame was badlydamaged as well as shattering shattering, the plate • • ••• • • . •.:-The .driver escaped. Unhurt from the :accident': • , • ., • • ounal Discusses. New Assessment gure 1 For High, School Purposes Lucknow :.Village. Council. at the regular *March meeting 'Mon- day night gave By -Law No. 3 its: final reading aPproving_the issu- ing of debentures 'in the'ainciunt Of $51,777.77, toward the construc • tiOn. Of the • new chronic patients Whig af-Wingliam. general Hos- pital.' • "EY-1.,,aws 4,. 5' and 6 were also passed 'apPointing A. M. Harper of :Goderich.•as' 'auditor- and A. M. Havens and E. H'. Agnew as toWn' Ibreman and. 'clerk-frea* 'Inter; reSpeetiVely.. ; Mr Harper succeeds the firth Broughton, Whose .resignation was received_ Mr. Hall)6es sal- ary s 250. He has already com- menced his duties with. the auditing Of the :C.hoOl, boo1s. •C'ouncil.' voted $450 td the, anitt 'to Cover Major Area on) ee din,g_f_urriac_eLi ns 6114 .aticin, Cable tieSto reinforcetke building' and These :three • expenditures ex, ceeded $400.. Discuss AssessMent, CoUncildiScussecl the ctirrnii MoVeto: have , Lucknow,; adopt the, new Bruce County equalized , ,aSsessment for taxation .purposes. in. connection with inaintenance costs of the. Luclinew Distri,ct .High 'Lticknow's a‘z..sess•-, of.:the COst .of the: School; and :SALE CRQWDS SO 'BIG RAD, 'TO 'LOCK 'DOORS The Market ,Store opened a gigantic store -wide -sate *on Fri- daY, morning of last week with the Swarm, of shoppers so great that it was necessary at tithes to 145,ck the .doors for the aug- mentedStaff to ;cope. With the:- bargain 'hunters: T'he doors opened at 10 -o'clock and within,4he .hOut if Was nec- essary to. drop the latch,: and again' at rition` hour 'so - that .the staff .could grab a. snack. *The .sale continues With new and ..,repeat bargains to matchi last ;week's opening offerings. " • •• 4) . .. Have,. .,u vyed yOur Sen- provides for pn automatic year yorene- ly ‘, increase 01.- .$200 unti.1: the tinet.subseriAtionl. " • "": ' • •.' • maximum salary is reached. ' The , communication pointed. f . out that because of . the acute - MARK *T11 IRTI ETH ANNiVERSARY/1 . scarcity and arid' increasing demand • .. . • • TEACH ERS ASK • .SALA RY BOOST , A- substantial salary, irierease.- has..been -asked by menabers :of the :teaching staff of the Luck-. now .District High School. Theo, Dis:triet.9130ard received 0-1. . quest; at ,their—regular" meeting on Monday evening, , which .bore the signaturesof all Staff meth:. bers, With the eNcePtiOn. Of Priiii2; cipal P -r. W., Hoag, • • 7 • • , -, The request was fOr furthe'r- raise of $300 ',each, • oVer. and -above the regular increment of, •$293 annually: . „ A. salary scalewas adopted last, year „by k,the 'Board, which • for .teachers,. SOrne- other Boards are offering specialsalary in- ducements to retain their pres- ent: staffi: view of this the local ,request was presented. for the- 13tiard'i, censidertation.`,. The .libm6.• of Mr. and.' Mrs. George, Jafaine.,. LUcknow„ Was -the scene of 'a happy- event on Saturday, . February.. 26th, ',when the Couple 'celebrated their thirt-, if...th Wedding :anniversary. They, have two Children, Kenneth of LuCknow and Alice, Mrs. Donald Mal:coil*Of Nairn,. Ontario, afia there are se'Veri' grandchildren, all if whom were present. Other relatives in attendance were. :Miss Lillian Harrison . of God.- erich, a 'Sister.' of Mrs. Jardine, and 'Mr, and Harri- son 'of paltford; the former ,,a brother' Of Mrs.' Jardine - and •Mr • ari4 •Jonathan Fisher of ten:miller, the latter* . a" colgin' of Mrs. Jardine, and their dau- .ghter and.hgsband, .Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Classen of Springfield. . , In the afternoon. Mrs; 'Harrison and Mrs. Fisher ,poured tea, and in the. eVening*Mrs: Harrison and Miss. Harrison. Mrs. Ken Jardine and Mrs. Malcolm, assisted tby Mrs. Classen, admitted guests and Served lunch.. Mrs. John Wraith and MM. Russell:Wilton WeretN.in'. charge of affairs, :and kept 'everything running,sinooth- ly: for the waitresses. Many. friends called' and visit= ed, which .was.:a.: great . source of pleasure, especially to Mr, •./Jar- dine, who has been iconfineed'to the house .fpr the past several months ,:owing • to illness, •.and th0. -received some lovely *gifts and a host of greeting cards, all of which ) were greatly appreci- ated. Their friends join in Wish- ing them (thank happy returns Of Ifferk7;'and•iV,MaTY. • over the• tWenty-year deb'enture p.eribd represents a cOnsider,abie . : Couricil decided' to give the matter More Consideration ,before - reaching a decidion.c: -Under the new assessment pro- pOSal, the .1955 pro rata break- down Wduld as 'folloWs,. With: the perOntage- : . compared with last yeat's .percentage borne by each. municipality:, • . 1955 , then t figure //SO] 2:0001 • and under the new assessment will jump , .to $l,•024.495C' fnit WhiCh Council: has'', reardod: as too. high.' • ' The' ..now,. figUre wtlUld nu in an. increase of tibout .6 Percent ii Lucknow's pro.,.rata share.oi school costs* : • a 1 :The point. wt ,Wa 1,, assistant agricul • ci or ric Ina I-3t.tt'kno\v„11-ad tural, representative for Britce.' airood to Pay an arld.iional 1 County, announces a' new on the 'capital cot or .the for _holding -4-11-1- Chtla tion meetings. TacSday, March • 15th,* ,is 'the day set aside to organize all ,lttbk$ BrUce County`,.anci will '.12eknown as "4-H 'Club 1)8y. i.1) llruce County". " Th*.11ipley Club will meet in the Township Hall next Tuescl-aY .even,ing at 0.3.0, "ldin on an assessnwnt o $0i21000. 'The t1a6stion then arose that if this basis of assessment was • dispenseel with; Would Lucknow. be obligated to pay the additional share in, respe,ct to building cOstk ' This extra • mil1, and a, half amounts to $91q ear, over and ' Assessment 1955 To- .1954 % Ashfield . West .Wdlkanosh , ..8,38,744:. 15.891 - Kinloss •l,541,336 Greenock . • • • 148,100 2.806. 3,599 Ctilross -7132792 2515 2.951 Lucknow ' 1,024,495 19.4.13• 13,364 •5.399 29,202 27.306 :$5,278O97 100. 100. GreetrOck.:;asSesSinent---figure-. .stibject change, but would have .verr'' little affeet on the overall picture, . ''Ten•••Wood:•,:tt:triders AN'ere LCei ed but ,turther. mformation. was required ' befOre.: a wvatcl g ..t he. coritra4. The . in:pOrtance .ler, •St. Helens; -Sandy McDOn-. 'Councillor ,Tovnf raised cr(isi; was• forcibly :ernbhaisized :ald, Mi Young, Belfast.; zinol-4.-clgot3tion of 110•N''. t°' ('°n- durinf'2; Hintrican,e Hagel„ and:, Donald:Son; Lanes; trol disposal' of:,garhnge thc: 00\fe,ct orke... again .. that the Red _MacTreripan,...• Frank municipal dump,. and 'suggest:0'd crass is a of MacLennan,. tochals.h.c. -A., a roadway plan that bight 1i.,yos, Its ,.,;50rvicT,§" a:re.1Courtne-y, A 111, berle "Ross. ' Solve the prehlem, theroi whenever we 'need Shiells, Amberle;): Mr. 1Vlan$L. To ot Roy': Truck? • fortunate 'are we when ' oui.. tole field, liolYrood Va••mer, 1.101;v: ."CounCillor MoWbray' itepOrte'd' is siminly-that Of „. . rood; Mrs. Willits, Whitechtti,e1r:. Lye:, frill -piing: and tree 'Cutting Twelve To Mate Cantrass, -;•Mr.,.•Chapmaii, Whitechureh. • will be necessary, and. also in ,„, The „Village , Crew of canyass:-...' 4,„ StotherS, ehairnian of the reEtard td. the POWer mown:' that &II'S inelvdei "tvieive men whose local .Brapeir,ay I.Ve.7are- itfo will need., rePlacing, follow;s: . mg forward' to your help and •co-' • it felt . it may be too :light South Side. of Main Sti•eet, '„opei•ation • in making:this. Lloyd North' Side of Main caMpaign' su,..6.cessful... A -special for the, job. • A ftirthef pi-obleth of 'the pro- Street, -.8111 Johnston;. ,South of request • ,is Fiade" '.the perty Chairman was :What to do Main 'Street and West of'itiver, stove league" to get- behirid our with the.. 1948 ,5ydro truck :,'Stothers., Bin Arnold; canipaign each of the. above have extensive repairs. made, 'or South ' of l\Taic-i Street and East viaces", l,ny a new: one. ligte views . of .6f River,, Bob Finlay", 'Donald Mc- Donations''rnay., also be left"' by the 11.,E.P.C., are to be Obtairi6i1 Nofth of,Main Street to ',anyone at McKim's? bttig *Store in. this. regard before any action' Rose Street and East of or the. Bank of lVfontreal... Innea .MatSWeen,' Bruce, MacKen- .taken. The.B�ard took no definite.. action off Monday night; but will confer with the, inspector on the ° matter ,at anearlydate. The brief, included a• salary and assessment breakdown of high, .school 'areas.. Sal- aries, in 1954. ranged from an 'av- erage high,' of .$4,252 at Listowel• ,to an average low at Port Elgin of .$3,587. The ,local average' di 43,866.- • •• ' • ' HONORED ON .rwrigtp iiirEinowG ANNIVERSAFtY Mr. and ,111r.s...Henry Leishman.y. of Goderich.. recently 'marked - their golden wedding anniVer.- sary: Pouring tea at . open house. were Mrs. • William. Douglas of. I.a.l.*riOW, a sister Of Leish- man and Mrs Robert: Rutledge of. .'Goderieh-. -and.; ".Mrs John Thompson , Auburn,. sisters, ofi Mrs. Leishnian.' Mr .-• and MrS. LeiShrnan,.' are: both .10 and were. born 411 East Wawanosh. She :Is :the • fOrmer. ▪ Charnney.. 'They ...Were married at the *bride's home in WestAyawanosh on February 28, ,19M05r.. .h.as been, ariT Orangeman. for 53 years ancl-..haS missed. crily.- One 12th. of: July -Parade!, He: was presented with -an. engraved cane ,by..,,,Goderich L.0.1.4 and Mrs.' Leishman 'With 7' a cUp:andtttsaucer:Itt ' 140c4i. p: Cross Funds Drive Gets . . • Underway Next Week Plans. are Complete"for'lannag. iie; North' Of Main Street and frig -the _ annual carnPaigri of the'. Wes,i 61..River7,1aii-ST Batton, .E17 'LLicknow. and Vicinity•JArarich of :nier ,LTaibach.;.• North of Bese St. the:. Canadian 'Reds. cross,. and and and 'East of 'River, ponald. Mac - canvassers Will 'Swing. into *action :Leap, jim• Henderson, , • 'on Monday toii'make a house -t�- Donate At Rural. Stores -hrotige selicitatt-Oh support of- • -No. carivaSs----haS'beeri:;:arranged:•' this Worthy ,cause; rndn,eY outside of/ the village but those ' .3re.i,t, give is an indication of your Who 'wish. to subscribe' will "'find. - -Stipporf!.of 'a great humanitarian those who operate' country,,tb,res • orgaiiizaion .whiqh, h•elp's• the prepared ,to 'aceept. 'contributions people, the community, the pa- and .give, receipLi for the same. minidn",' the World:. :They • are:as Isaac Mi] - 7"4„ , A 4, above Lucknow $ pr,o. rata ;,.;.• late , , ° • 4°, • it °