The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-23, Page 7WEDNESDAY,- FED. ,23rd, 1955 . "CLIFTON ArreHISON• Clifton Aitchison passed away at' South Waterloo ',Memorial • Hotpital ark Saturday,. February Igth,':in his Ord Year. Death was • due to a coronary thrOm•botiS. • : • Cliff, as , Was, •POpularly • known. in Lucknow, •spent the • greater part of his lifetbrie here;. • and by his genial and friendly-, /Attire Made manY.•,friencis.., • , • • He was •a Son of the late• , Thomas Aitchison and Emily ' Day and was born at Wingharn h. MarCh .He came to .1uek0 his, -parents- at:. :a • yeiith, 'and followed:: in hi.s fath- er's:footsteps as a -Cabinet maker, the Lucknew .Table CoMPanYi, In 037 he, inoved--4o,Hetpeler-to • follow his : tfade. With the Hes- - peler 'Furniture C.ompany and •later his farrtily Joined lOrKi there, Mrs. • Aitchison •was formerly ronnia Urquhart"' Oi Tiverton,' and Whe was. a stenographer at the • ideal factory, They ' were par,: • ried• here orr—March'-.7th, .1928, Besides his Wide,* two sons tur- :' viVe,. Roy • and . Tom; both of Peterborough„ • Of •the Aitchison 'family; 'a ,brOther • ..Horace of 'Whighd'in the sole surVivor.:. .7.,predeeeasing Cliff Were. three •• brothers, FOY When a 'boy Or *9 at Wingharri;, Aylmer while Over- • seas, during World War I; Ernie of Barrister'. afid •their only. sit- • • ter; 'Mrs, 'Wm. Forster( :Mary) •Of • ,• West Wawaneth, ,whose death. oc- curred little ,mor, than •a year. . . • agO. • Mri• Aitchison was a.; member of •the Setsien and Beard of Man-. agers St. Andrew's Presby- • •terian Church;'Hettieler, and was menibef ,the 1.0.0,F; •:Lodge which he. joined in .1.4uCknoW,' • SerVice was •held Hetpeler •• on Sunday' and: ,:•the.• reznains brought tp, the, Johnstone Fun - era in Luckriow for ser vice oi MonaaY/ afternOon. Pen-. ••:: ducted.•by'.his pastor; • Rev Mull- Hollanl of. HeSpeler, assisted by Rev. WallaegMcCI.ean of .•Luck- , • • . , , 46 _LANGSI -rf . • Mr, and,' Mrs. .Chester Feagan and Bryan visited with Mr. Fea- gan't. aunt, Miss 1VIa* Clirrie at Nile on 'Thursday afternoon. • The L.adies Aid was- held at the hofne. of Mrs Wesley Young Weclnesdak evening with 11. lad- ies 'and some children attending, NU'S:• Wm. 'Scott presided. Mrs, Bert Meffit read. the scripture With.. Mrs.. Lloyd Moffat • giving the meditation'and prayer. D r- ing ing • the butinets.period it . wa decided to" -Rack .`the woollen foi blankets • by Karch 9. A un que •Idea is planned for the y by making 'A -siriall clOriatiento- wards ';thorgari , fund, to. be taped on ai_paperplate,_, on ,all tpecia.1•!..days of "the .year; ' Sortie .discussion .was held • toivards get- ting up a. one -act play to be. giy- en the night of the pot 'Rick :P per. Reading.s- were given by • Mrs. C. Feagan, Mrs. WM'. Evans, , . , LoOkNow SENTITNEL 1.413`CKN4T', ONTARIO • rigsidehool • closed the arst, o • is wee owing •o teacher, Mr. Pinkerton and. sev- eral' pupils "having the 'flu, , Young People's Society . • 71 he • Langsiclek4Y.P.S,. ' met. at th,3 home ot :Mr. arid Mrs, Char- )1ie, 'rain on 'Monday. evening; February 14th. The -Vice presi- dent, Charles . Tiffin, presided. The scripture reading was given by James Richard.sen; The offer- ing•'waS taken by- Donna lVfoffat followed by the topic. by Clar- ence Crowston, casWell Closed the . meetingw,ifti;prayer: .next. meeting .0)0'111 be held at thehome of -r. and Mrs, Jas, Richardson on".rebruary 28 ,With" the ..secial conveners, 'Mrs Wm. 0"&ett and Miss Colleen Tiffin in charge.:.: , ' • • , • PAGE SEVEN, DUN NON- • The Milky' Way Club, Dunganrion Modern Cooks" held a meeting on Saturdfry, Febru- ary 19th atthe home of the lead- er, Ms, Harvey Mole with the assistant leader, Mrs Richard Kilpatrick, • also Preierit. TIe meeting Opened by rePeati*g the 441 pledge, and the roll call was 'answered by • "Why •milk • is a • good food". The • leaders gave• a derlionstration .en: hol'av to pas- 7 teurpe milk in • three ways. Af- ter a discusikm on !-Why We Ilse Milk and • how to -01-e5,r safe with:, --NoteS. ."*erel takerr •' horme pasteuri,zation ., on Miik ix -cli-fferent ways was made b' the leaders and served ,to 'the iniembersThe .qtieen; clos. • ed the Meeting, -:.•• • The Urfited :Church W.A4 Met •at the home of Mrs: Herb. Flnni- gan'wtth the President,flArs. Hr- yey 2).1ton,, leading. After sing- ing the theme hymn,. the. Lord's prayer was 'repeated in unisOn. Mrs.. Everett Errington read. the scripture. Mrs, Fred young •gavp the:lesson thought. After• the rcal call.. the financial' report was giv- en and. the' Material fOr.the choir gowns were on disPlay. •A 'gat KINGSBRIDGE • • ee -en visitors. here were ,Mitt• Mary' 1Vlurphy• Toronto, Sirs Jos. :Fitzpatrick and Ken- .1eth Of Wingharn, 1Vir. and • Hanford and family '• of Galt. , • Air:. Maurice •BoWler or Toron- to 'Visited , with his family' :here •41,u -ink the patt, .Mrt,Aleynolds returned to 'her home here'. after a two-month visit .with relatives in Galt, Mrs. M. Sheridan, Ma* :Sher- iclafl an,c1,2Jahrtill-Spent the• week -ed with relatives ilton • The Ord.,party 'and clanee held in the' Edarith /hall.- last. Monday. .spentereo. . the, • Ushers Club Was., 'very Weli • attended and 'a •pleasant eyenine was...enjoyed : by. •all: those .present. ° The prizes fpr yhe• progressive . :games .played Went to IV,1-S. Jos, Court.. ney and Mr: .H, Captein,.• : Mrs M .',Peter and Diane welt! .gue.:.-40; at the wed: ding ,tif Yvoi:ne.Lefevre a niece. at ••Tilitimburg: during ,t4se , past •week. . •• ..,• ' .` Mr. 'and'. Mrs- .Miss Irene 'Mcarthy, Mr and .Mrt. VZin. McCarthy,Threse and Pa tricia Ann Of Detroit, an ..•• , Interment was, in Wingham -Cemetery. ,'The pallbearers :Were . Allister Hughes, 'Jack McDonald, •.• Walter 1V.1.;:i:Xinzie, 13,4rt Garnist, • Clare .13,yr „ews Stewart „ • • Webb. • • WHITECHURCH Mit., Wm. 'Orr and'• Williarn Soortt. Mrs. Farish ,..iffat 'and Mrs. Scott prepared tie .prograrn. Mr. Bert Meffat offered her home for • the March 'fleeting,A dainty' lunah .Was served, by the hoStess,.. •'Mr, 'and:Mrs. ;,,Huine tiution Of. n.ear. Ooderich visited with' Mrs, Clutten's sister.. Mrs. Chester keagari.). Mr: Feagan and Bryan on Friday, •. ; At—the" 'euchre. partY, ',at- the "community -•hail, .Mrs. Clifford Yung and: Donald Huffman. Won. the. high prizes and 'WM,' 'Young theAlow Man. A small Crowd Was In attendance, A .dance ,is plan- ned -.:for .:this 'Friday 'eVening. Mr. and Mrs. Bilir‘pawsen" find 'Billy of Lonaon:tpe:nt the week: .and. With Mr. Joshua DaWSoq, 1W' and. ',Mrs:. Huntley DaWscin, :and ;family• . .. • „:'• •. Mi. and:. Mrt., Leonard Ritchie . . and baby: :Elizabeth .of Lucknow • • • Visited Fridaii evening: with .Mr. and Mrs: RUss.eIl Ritchie '.Congratulations . a n d: •211-raTiv. :happy :i?eturnt the,4clay-'4o, Edward :McQuillin„,•Sr., Who. ob- served his 86th birthday Orr Sat- urdaY, ...February :He' it. Spending: 'the 'winter: . with his • daughter, Mrs; Harold DaWson, Totorite. • 'SPrink must t,e arotEnd the cornei.. ano starlings have • put appearance' ;this week -end. . • N. ,,Earl.Dren 12 an, •Mr. and Mrs: Ray Dalton ,and and'° Mrs..% ;were : among the guests:Who attended the :Mc- Carihy-Melelisa wedding at ',St.. 11/LiCh.aers% church in London' on. Sattirdav; .Febi-tratv • 19th. • , FIALD.ENBY I- -E.1,.ECTRIC ,MOTOli * • SERVICE. ' Armature. and Field. Winding; - • -Brushes. Bearings, Etc, '• 1 kePairs ' to •' . Fractional and Inte ral c.s tg .• "• Horsepower •Mot ---,Alto' ElectrioFant, V 'CLUJ:Ms, Clipper,s,.Willt,,.Ete. ' ,,' • ' 'HALDEN.BY Kri.:C.ARIC: . ,•. .4. • Kinlough ..- • • ?hope Ripley 111-r, 49 ... will be donated to the • Baker. , .IiotheinLtieknowandone to , • the Victor 'Girls Mitsion. Hornet in. Toronto.. Cornmitteet, Were: ap- pointed )for.--ithe congregational supper on. March 18: Mri., Phil-, lipsread "A:•'Chapter ip thestudy • book. Mrs. Geoige Hodgins con- ducted,•;a contest, Mrs. .41tori;. the. preSident,,i thanked' f,:tfie • hostess •ler the Use ' of'. her':•honie and these ,taking part.' •lunch cerninittee were Mrs F. Young, • Mrs: A. gli.erwood, Mrs. Chester !Finnigan and :Mrs.:George Hed- ges. siCINLOUGI JKON.UM*NTS'. Mrs. Lyni.a.n Sutton Spe'rit a, da_ysin____LondOM With: .her .dghter. Ruth.. • The Happy Hour .:.Fetrurn held thei, mreting this. Week' on Mon- day even ng at the home of Mr and 'Mrs. WeJey Guest:They-at( inyited t�: join . with. South Lin(' Harmony and Purple Grove For,. urnin- the Purple' Grove ScligO: next '..Monday: for the :review night.„ • •• • • • • 1 • We. are.:,.the 'only .,inanufac7 turers in this part 'Of OtitariO'' of high plass .moriminents • Who.import grahlte from thi'.1 •-Old Country insthe rough by, . the earlOad' and process from • the *rough to the finished'. •monument .; NO middleman.. • When „choosing monuMent:. one of thi-.4-• largest :s ctions in ,Ontatio;7. ••'• •Es: ished over sixty years,, rite or phone WalkextOn S and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS • wALKER'iox and .MeS. SinnnonS,.. • and. Mary .of:.'.London .spent the,: . week -end With her Piirerits, Mr and Mrs. dilas. Martin,' . .Mr. and Mrs. Alex! Purv4...s"ef St. Helent'Visited with .Mrs. Ken- nedy and Pete On.' Fridar... Mrs; Harry Tichborne of •God- erich Spent a:couple of days last ' week '!with Mrs: :Kennedy., Mrs: • Dune Kennedy visited with ',MrS.. —Kennedyn,--T-lifirsda. ••• Mr, 'and Mrs. Harry iyipss• and -family-t)t.Brigihtvigited,Withliet, • parents-, Mr, and Mrt,. B. a:MC.7 ' Clenaghan„ Mr .' Chas Gillespie and Mitt Kay • Morgan, of Tweet° Visiteu - With the :farmer's: brother, Mr; :thid *Mrs. ...T. G.. Gillespie • ' •"• The ,regularmonthlyrneeting of the ,W.1%:S; :of United. church .was: -,held it 'the horne: of Ivir, 'and Mrs. JG. Gillespie • 6n'• VThidnesday with ..• Mrs : .11.° Laidlaw :as:"teeretary and Mrs. E. ••.G.:68-1cor-th--as-..:presidetifiri charge Of the Meeting. The ,meeting 'op- ened With Hymn" 2. .Mrs. Milan' 1:•41111, pra 'yerOther •pray-,. „ Wee taken by- Mrs. J. rieQe;reff, .Mrs. 0.• Farrier, •1Mr3.. • .:Greskorth ' and • Mrs. - Plans were discussed .for • the World Day of Prayer 'being •held "in the United Church on„Felday, ."Ii'ehruary -25th with Rey 'Caswell 4 • .„•• „as. •-guest sp'eaker: The roil call • Was .answered with •a scripture. Mrs, G. E. Farrier' favored with .instrutrientali Mrs,' Watt •'had charge.of the sttidy book on • India, .1-Iymn .269 v(iag stog and Mrs. Groskorth 'closed the ipeetL with p:rayer: 'rh,e. regular A. pl eetihg followed' the wJyr.8 •niee.14,0, •• • " , • .11/tri;, Gorge Fishcr,:$argira Doris ,are sPending 'a few 'days with's her dattghter,‘Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed ot. London... • Mr,' .„1.r)d Mrs, Donald dil1f.1$pie ail& son of Sarnia •visited with frjends On Sunday,. ' • •• ." Mrs, Ittme Paterson Of Tor-. (alto ipent. the 4wee,ke•end with .lior* mother, Mrs. •Taylor. „. nefits 0 M1111111,1[01' Your..local -„bank is Oin essential hnk, between , ur-cornrnunity and i'lle'vvho..1 ; , $:• • As cOmnitmities :VeVelopt benkin4 serc/ices are rna.1,e ava"ilable td.m. eet.new and.growm need4, :1 ran a.n n • • ' (d. • - • areas Cariadians enjoy the :sane.hroad re,mot,e rarige of ,ban.k-stvioeS'il.the--saine serlse-Of4e0:.-,,..rit.Y .• r•-• 4.1 • • Banking Canada. wotk.s in such a:, way that your local: branchi;manager brings • youall the resources, knowledge and experience of the bank he represents: It has 'branch eS throughout Canada and ptovides.,' contacts the world over: The bent S of this .,branch banking Systeni, deveibped to • • • meet Canadian needs, are demonstrated . --every, day -by the quality- arid -Scope ‘,..y.,our local bankin service. '11Ars!K.4- coMmowtTy.. ,