The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-02, Page 2o LTCKNOW, ONTARIO THE . LOCI 21OW SENTINEL,_. ----• - Tit IREEVE' OPPOSES ACCEPTING ROAD Two miles of highway passing through Port Albert in Ashfield Township were 'revertedtothe 1 e township in a by-law .passed Hugon County ,Council, The road is ...the 'section that was by-passed 'by the new road: and. bridge built last year on No. 21. Highway.. • • Decision to turn . the -section • over to the "township ,waS. made over, theabjection of Ashfield Reeve eeecrlBlake-as- a 'resolution -- to draft the necessary by-law wet pa ed by a vote. of 25 to. 7 Recommendation that the road, be reverted . wats :included in the - report of the -Rbad Committee, but Mr. Blake said he would like to have any -decision delayed un- til he could "get facts and figures to defend my municipality". County' Clerk -Treasurer A. H. Erskine explained to council, .that... it was" the practice for the county, to turn Oyer such`` roads after the :liad •turned' thein over to provinc ,e the county. • ,The iby-law, however, • will. not be effective until approved iby an Ontario' : Government . ;order -in council: • Until then, the county' will •be ,:reslorisiible for upkeep of the two -•mile .piece of highway. The •road. includes two twist - and a bridge which . was ing. hills; _ . 'bri e: replaced by the new the • . `Mr. Blake said he. felt the town, ship 'should 'not be saddled with having .tobear the cost Of upkeep of' the section ,of road and the bridge, which; he said; ;could con 'ceivably.cost ttetownship a geed. deal, of money in repairs.. • tl MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH Al TDERSON On Sunday, January' 30th, Mr, and 'Mrs. J.' P. Anderson of fawn. 'observed their 55th , wedding�an- niversary On .Saturdaye y were. happily,--st`prised_�by arrival of' Mr. and Mrs. William Blue 'from, Detroit laden • down with all the .needs •ior a birthday '• a o t dinner` at which � a.• few intim • . friends; were present, '•F'olloWing the bountiful•repast, • a . pleasant',;social evening was • spent° • Among those • iz . ;attend- _ ance- _'were 'Mr. :and Mrs. Blue (Ehe1). and their diangliter,'. Mrs. Don • Gillespie ie and.. M . Gillespie of ' 'Detroit, Mr. ..and Mrs: Ed Thom; . Mt'.. and ?Ara. ' Grant Mac- Diarinid, 'Bessie Reavie, . Mr. W. W. Hill, Mr. an 1 rs. Carrierori • MacDonald. and° Mrs'. 'J. Cranston,, ' e..'neighbor•in. , the ,Gammie .Apart - anent on, Main Street, where Mr. ''a 'Mrs Andersoir have- reside& since sellingthe farm • early last, •Fall. 'iyirs. Anderson was formerly Ellie Torrance; daughter of the late•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Torrance. Mr. Anderson was ' a ,.son 'of. the late Nrr. ' and 'Mrs,- Archibald- Anderson-;---They rchibald-Anderson -They were married. by Rev. Angus MacKay of Luck - now Presbyterian Church at the, Torrance home at ,the 'turn' of'the. century, January 38th, 1900, .and Xesided on ' the Anderson ' home- stead until retiring, to Lucknow 'in the" 'fall,: when the. farm .passed out of. •. the . Anderson, name for the first :time since ithad been taken up as virgin land "over. 90 years ago. . ° ' • Mr. and' Mrs.,. Anderson :.have one• .daughter . .Ethel. They were grievously bereaved a . couple:_ of years ago • by the :death of their. only" son, 'Torrance: Anderson... congratulations and :best wish- _es_are::. extend-ect_' ".Joe. and El lie by a host of . friends: lone181 Kincar'dine' • AYI1�C,><� 'HIGHEST PRICES. FOR' LIVE -POULTRY it •• < ultin , A S cia Y... . • . � . •'Poultry, C. g Pe i ent •re lations our poultry, In accordance, ,:.with govern. gu„ • are <thorou hly .washed • and d' Infected 'coops g �. for. "y•our pr•otection ,.,. ..; ., •; ::,,..:,,.. a,...,, ..�,...,...,... ,�...,.,.,.. .4 , e• WEDNESDAY) ) FEB: 2nd, 1955 o Bailey Beauty Salon 1, I gid. WILL BE CLOSED, from Monday, Februar .. Saturday, February' y`12 0 inclusive While Mr. and. Mrs:' Bailey Attend. ' A -One., Week • Course .Fat t6e: FASCIOLAE ACADEMY OF ADVANCED .HAIR DESIGN` TORONTO. JAIL TERMS';GIVEN I GASOLINE THEFTS.. ":Finis .was written toan epi- demic of gasoline thefts in Heron and Kinloss Townships; with the Fenten8ng of three Huron ,Town, 'ship youths .by Magistrate O...C. McClevis. j Two ;of, the :youths were given • two months _` .in true•County t gaol, while %the youngest Of- the trio .escaped–With. suspended sen tence.:The, young' arien Vwere,, tak en • into custody, a few ;weeks ago, :in``Kincardine; A`,pumping 'device WasT found in- the„pick-up truck_ owned ,by, one of - them. ;Richard' Elliott ' of :Kinloss • was. one • of the victiins of • .tlie : gas stealing, he • having •been victim= ized on more than' one"`oocasion-` SNOW 'PILES : UP DURING PAST WEEK At least two feet of snow blanketed this innmediate vicinity, during the '.past week, 'and has. kept snowplows and •_snow ..re- moval crews, busy. Thehie w on:Tuesday night. 'of last week ;was` very localized and didn't hit the lake; shore dis- trict south :nor: the area• south. of Belfast to any. .degree . ,Sane. then, however,' the• snowfall : has been snore general• with' the Vill- age appearing illage::appearing -to be' right in,. the. •heart•. of the snow (belt. ` 0. Both ;public and `:,high schools operated as :usual' last week;' al- though Thursday's :. attendance :was light .as,. school busses . failed to make the; rounds that one day; ideal - as a” !`first • drink". wine for .youth.R It is, one• of • the "innocent' l hoine cocktail drinks--;Advt • Pastor . Leonard Thirsk, .. 'who. had :ministered to the Teeswater Pentecostal. congregation s. rice 1954, has gone 'to‘ '.Orangeville for • a. month; prior to taking over the charge at Koanoka. His successor at .Teesiwater is: Rev Wm. David - .son of 'Waterloo... LORNE REID :TAKES OVER (Continued :from- Page -1) •Gerald, the• ;'business ' has.. since been operated as S. • C.. Rathwell & Son. • •While an • expert at shoe ' fitt ng;', and, a., good salesman; 'Mr. 1%athwell:always :retained•'his love, JUST SHERRY "Yeti can't get .drunk 'on sherry' declared the gracious hostess :to ,a,* hesitant youth.. But :she is, dead;' wrong.. Sherry . is def- initely an .alcoholic beverage:.It is made •from' the fermentation: of white grapes. ` After pressing, the_ grapes are. "plastered", ;.e. ;sprinkled with gypsum to: ',aid` fermentation, After: this • process; reducing ,the sugar content down to : 8 : or, 10 degrees, alcohol, ' often in the form of brandy,• is added to .bring the vuine• uup to 18 or 20 degrees of., alcohol, 'content: In- deed; evennatural sherry is` no weak sister, in ',the.• family of ,sweet ;wines. Herewith compare five statisties'.re : t e. average per- cent.' of alcoholic .• strength' con tained in several kinds of sweet wine.. Claret` 10.5, champagne 11.0, for the cobbler's, .bench and ;Spent sherry (natural) 16, (fortified) much of. his .time in .the "back po shop", and . no doubt when •,he re= .turns to' town in' the spring will pick.' up the tools occasionally. Paralyzed. By Polio His :successor, • Lorne Reid, is well ' .qualified oto .carry "on. He. has. been • with Mr• Rathwell, for eleven , year .and .knows_• ;all phases of..the shoe repair: busi- ness.. Lorne, the son of ,Mr and"M,rs• Manson '; Reid, ;`-is , :twenty-nine, years old and for thirteen; years' he has been -totally_- par-alyz-ed—; fsom,the hips down, from the rav- j 9 ages' bf polio: `' He was 16 when strrelceh d "Don'tar�► to talk ME into anything else -I know', a 3 'i investment when I see one. 1/247c, Guaranteed 'Trust Certificates ! • . Authorized investment. for trust funds • Short term --five years' i' '3j/z% yearly interest, payable half yearly Milrear " ' elmnulates'. t- $ 0t UO Ville IP, or• deic pi'ive• folder.". µ THE • ti' TRUSTS C'O R" P0 R .A '� O N. HEAD' OFFICE 39'2 Bay S. Toronto 20,rt• (natural) 16, *(fortified) 22. You CAN get .drunk on sheriy:' •Not' many do' perhaps; for it is served . in small''Toaes. But ;itis MONUMENTS'. • WALKERTON • We are the• .only ` manufae-• • tuners' in this part of Ontario• of high class monuments who• import granite from the • Old Country to .the :roughaby • the carload and proeess'from• the 'rough to ;+the . finished • Monument_ No ` middlteman: When choosing a monument come •:arid F.; see one : of the` largest. selections in Ontario. Established over "sixty years Write or phone Walkerton: 8. and reverse charges... SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON • • .Direct From Leadin kit Clubs ', trig :the terrifying epidemic that 1, • hit this community in 1941 :Sinceis then he has 'never walked,,' nor t ! has he any use, whatever of his legs. His -sole -means oir.locomotion.I 1 is' by use of his hands, and he has become expert at getting into his fording wheel chair, and from the* chat into .,his car. The. car ;•' is fitted With special hand con trols and• he ,drives. •quite• well. Two powerful arms enable 'him to .1 -hove about with agility and 1 to go up and down stairs when he–occasion dem-ands.. i ' BiAANCH OFFICE t+3• D"untbp .5,4 Lorne has `courageously risen above his handicap to make his, way inthe world, become self- supporting,"arid eiljOy what pleais- • ures are permitted •1o• whirn. And through it all never fails to flash that winning ,smite arid -cheery I. word. • . So to Lorne, from. hiss many friends, it's good luck •and best wishes. as.lie launches out on his o'wn shoe repair, business, 1 '! '1 r.• • Nightly :B:3A uc. ,;sponsored by,, ' 1.The i.► ucknow Branch Canadian Legion s. i i arm..,,..6...o...,isi,,,, .i..... .... a.r,.; �ital.„s,,��Y.►uwiw�r4iiu�MNr+i�rw.w�r!�!?�'�”-' , . • til in , :UCKNOW TOWN HALL Is ,Hypnotism Fake or Scientific Fact? See For:;Yourself '!, i WEDNESDAY; Ta'IUR ` . SDAY FRIDAY, !ebruar Fantastic Fascinating -- ,Funny Admission:4i