The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-12-01, Page 5AsesiagamEwEEEEEEs„ 'awnTheatre WINGIIAM sluts at s, at. ',eacePt dakMahe two,ws ay LIE R 'n - f TFsidif. Mem' Sauces~ other 1, 2' 3° CONSTANCE BBNNETI' 19f1 AN AHERNE' y -.r o s e, e , .. r e - • Lire7e:.:. [�7e'fielilY.114 a triP mid'tirii .1.4 :030 tis Lneiali.' This s dht' era iese,napudy.. AL •YELTALK" '& ."51EW-'' y. • , Tuesday. 1Yedaesday ber...5.- 6 (CHARD DIiX, cel MORRIS . ,,. GIANT'. :,... The rest :K twew plots aka sMtsi' their • fives sib nearly /wit ib i ti iicrease the safety etawrierei=i1 ssiatiw., 1. •Rhiriy• I 'Mir •y e. ,.1 BERVIE - DuNGANNoN Mr and Uri. . ;Leonard' Spencer a 'baDetroitnksgiying) wene laithst Ththe'ursday (Uy S. disis'- ter. Mrs. Bert, Bradford.latter'$ : Mr. .and •Mrs; •, Chas.. • Fowler' and little son,. 5th• .concession• of ' Ashfield, mewed to ` the village on Tuesday to live in, the , house recently' vacated by Mr. Frank Glen} and'faniily. Mr, Max '11o1Tnian is showing little sight of 'improving. since; last. Week a ben he was very loW. We hope tct soon hear of a change to" recovery., Miss, Cora Dickson siert the week= a end at Xitchener., , - Sir. m.id Mrs. ;Harvey Andrews and children,, Doualdaa • and Isabelle, spent Sunday with coons ns; ,Mr; and Mrs; , Cori' Sow erby, Goderielf Temos/tip.. *.Mr. Nellie, Shackleton' is, . nursing at. the -home of :Mr. and Mrs.. Abe Culbert. D.frs.' Colbert is somewhat better. noun '' A 'number of youirg People. rnet at'Mr. and Mrs. Brace • McArthur Wed- lnesday ; inigbt of last *eek. with . the PurPo'se of organizing ,'a Badminton • Club, . retreral sinnedrpand at a• meeting Wednesday • of this• Week, 'a, committee is ,beim appointed to'corn- n:ence activity. * Mrs: Martini Van Doern' (whobefore her marriage'was' Misas Ethel Scott)• with her.fonr children, Douglas ,Har- , ry, Helen' and Kenneth from Charing Cross near Chatarri, has spent a week' visiting, Mr. and' Mrs. • W. A. Mr. and Mrs Howard McAof Flesherton visited Mr. and Mrs 0., 'Irwin ori ' ' Scania~, alsir Mists .Ge s Celia Fentland' who haQ been ill for over two months The Executive of the Kinitetl.: ruin day Sehooi-rnet-•-Monday';might:-of-tliis- `week . and arranged 'to' hold :a Xmas enitertaininent on D. 24th. blr , lrnllies Haines spent . a 'while last week at, the :Royal Winter' Fair at Toronto •and visiting relatives at Kitekener. , Mi s� John livens at the hone of Mr.. Chas Elliott has not beenm the fest: of health, lately:. Mrs S David S. Herrington ani •irr v- ed • to Luck -now lately and has been = The Senior Women's "Institute met Thursday November 24th atthe home of Mrs. Geo. Hodge':with 14 members mild two visitors present_ Mrs.. Lorne: ;ndetE a an4h meeting openedIvensin thepreusual way tbye singing the Institute Ode, The Rol Call was answered by `The.' Place Like To Visit }Best..". A committee 0' Mesdames R. McDonald & Wm. Stec - 1, ac -as appointed to: arrange for the December meeting for be !veld at Mr f ,orne Iversk ..It was decided)I for - th xinter months to .start the Meeting; • 2,30 p.m. Mrs: Jones 'gave a splend- id paper on "Peace" as the peace con, senor.. Mrs R. McDonald gave a re Hort on the Officers' . Rally; . ' Mrs.. Stewart -led in art iiiterestin and unusual "Geography Match". Mrs Ryan. and Mrs.' Jones as ' captains,. ended in a tie of ,the two sides., Lt neh' Was •served by the,hoste"ssr Bilesdamw lvers; Richardson and Roath ; At the December • meeting ;a 10e ':Gift ctin hanofge will _other beyears: i•arried out as the cu .:. Mrs. in. 'Brayi. *returned:' Tuesda3 to. her home after • spending a fe. days in Godench receiving' medics treatment and visiting Mrs.; Stepher' An' Electors' Meeting for nominat ions of Reeve and . ;Councillors 'wa. Feld at she Township, Hall Of Wes Wawanosh fast Friday, November, 25 The ' present' reeve,` Wm. Stewart , re I, fused': to contest ..the :coming electior" which leaves 'Cairns.. ' Aitchison, Al-. bert' Gammie and Thos. Webster, al' whoin are present. • councillors it' a three .cornered tangle for •Reece Brown Smyth a ' present cannel -Bac, was returned by acclamation, as *err. three new councillors, Harold Gaunt.. Wallace Miller and 'Gordon . McPher. . 1.- Ashfield.:, has as ` contestants- counci loci," Lorneohiiston, 'Cecil' Johnston, Gordon Stewart, , Joseph. •Killon'gb . and Fred ' Anderson, and those for Reeve are,. Alex McDonald Sarni Sherwood and deputy are Gilbert Frayne," and W. A. Culbert. Mrs. Saris Swan returned at the e..of last week to her .hoie:,at Rip - fey after visiting, among friends. ir this district. etiiteak rs able to'he ' up>a l le.eaeb day 'ate c n"ie a low Detect TRUCK AND'C 4B COLLIDE •1 ON ZETLAND 'HILL �• bliss ,Floss jai Dorn* I t east aRessk. rttto conduct a' three -moat ,I€ome. >;cry n ih Course mvr.Par ,'the' D1apartme . Agriculture at -Tara, Bruce County: comrrrenciiig November. 22nd_ • -Mrs *Whitney ci€. Nile is house Hat: Needham sad Heaittof s a hs oil; Z tnrday' and home a new ,car. axe friends on' Con. 9. W , Pinnell ' tad .'son . of Kinlough ale wiring. the 'Bated 'Church for i. g at the home of Mr.- Thos. Stot&en_ ; si , r: -J obrm% Duo*wnt. to 'Godeaicb o7r Meedaiy to visit, • for a few .days With relatives. ' II+11rs IZ. A. bf• e enzre who suffered D. of ' wired Otto ! ' Mims •Gertrude sad Alice, Hewitt keeping a . weak sperl . at 'the "rated • Church morning, 'ot 'Hewitt's buildings . an Con. 5. service; is now: quite; ky When 'Proceeding to . W nghain'.,•'a bout fi p. m, oh . Wednesday eirenili Iasi week on the ►lhiite•_hmreh • road Highway: No. '86, a British Ai nynericai OH. truecit• driven by Alee Reid crasher into:a barer on the rear of. Ne Me Neil, j.pimpres- of Ripley, car. The trarlei ;vias• demolished ,and' the car danth ; toa the' extent of $75:'while 'dauueg ,to ;the • truck.. amounted `to., :No dne• was ininreel • It appears that Mi *Leman, who wee wee proceeding' to Wingharn; . stopped 'anodal, :.Lsrnsacd ro• T'HE.,• LUCKNQW SENT1NEI Publiahtd every Thu,Ydal morning at Luckhow, Ontario; Meet • A. D. MaeKenzle Proprietor s b Campbell T p.on--Tgbliher •'.,' THURSDAY. DECEMBER Int; 1938 BOUNDARY WEST The .annual November bocce ng of the Paramount UJ. F. W O wsg held. at :the home of Mrs- Kempton obi. Iuov- eanber 15th. There was a real,: gond' attendance' eonsldering, read. condit- ions: The meeting opened in' the, •uspa) mann*. Tice •treasurer's .report of the. Past year. ,'eras .read by ;Mrs"' Albert Cook with a fair balance on hand. •The. president, Miss Ethel Martin vaeated, the chair, 'and ; Mrs. Jack Hamilton, took her plaCe. • A business discission followed and it *as decided tolet the election of officers stand until the be- ginning of the New Year until we • II vpeeive a repwct from. tale annual eot ventior. A rlatt r of appreciation frooi:. Mrs_ Martin' was read. •.. A splendid' Progta Mewed': Instrumental by Ruby Reid; Paper Milk and Diet; by Mis: Wm, Kempton Current Events by,Etlel Martin;;.Due, by Mrs. Diel. Reynard and Mrs;, Jag.' Hamilton .. Reading ' by Mrs. Al be ri ;'odk.. ,Instrumental by Verna. Ham ?