The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-15, Page 7• • Samuel Henry Hardy, :$3; Pub- • Iisfher, Dies! at Port Rowan ..': Samuel Henry° hardy, for 004i17 45 years editor and publisher" of the Port Rowan; News, died .in 'Simcoe. Hospital .last month after a linger ing illness Born in; Blanshard Tewpshipi Perth County, February 16, 1855, he taught schot31' and worked.'. on an, Ottawanewepaper befoee he came to Port Rowan Among the :pupils who received: instruction from ,hini• was Senator, .Arthur'Meigthen,.,for- • mer .premien of Canada,. After . teaching school he .studied ,,at Vic toric4-College; before its .:r:eihovar frotn, Cobour.'g, to Toronto,••and sheet entered • newspaper work. While" in : Ottaiva lie "covered" parliatnentary c .affairs during • the regime ; of Sir` • •• Johia; A.',Macdonald' •"aa'prinie. min• liter, • ' Mt, Hardy' Went,to PortRower; 45 years ago liking over, the local. • • weekly newspaper. He continued, at'the helm until ayear ago when. • • failing health brought about his re- •„ tirenient. 'He was active in muni, cipal•affairre and for 30 years serve ed ed on .the "school board, • Hfs wife,,, formerly Etta. Abbott, St. "Mary, died; some years ago:. Au only son,: Arthur, was killed in i; action in 1916,,, ' Zr • •A►reas Sti�� � '• Maw;Needela of Problem Will Be A: Consider- ' ' able One In Parts of, South- .' ern. Saskatchewan Where.` Grasshoppers and, Rust Did; shamage .,, _. ,. • ... . ,..,.. , Large sections'. of • the'southeast,' north central and :southwest 'Sas- . katghewan will, be on• relief 'again this. w niter,. `according to "nforina- :• elan brought to th,e..-attention, of l t ..:. . W. Dawson,:provineial relief of$ .. ".ter, at a conference :of 55 `relief :of fice'rs and ,agricultural•.field; men.• On basis of ;information gathered • by the" mein within .the past week or' two Maps are ':being. •prepared showing.: the 'condition of crops • in • ...one ' instance, and gardens in -the • • The. .reliefproblem will be:.•a'con- ,•siderable one alt ''over Southern.. Saskatche►iran ;• .wherever' *Tartiis wheat , Was sown. because of the,, . losses, . caused: by "rtist • and ` grass • hoppers, iu the Opinion of the res.' lief; .inves'tigators. . Labor ' Minister'"' Major James Clark Major�James' H. Clark; Windsor, ... pis' mentiiined as the lo�,rrcal ch!oi:ce ,.for Speaker. 'This;importa:it .post; is left vacant hy the' promotion of'. '• -the former Speaker, the 'Hon.' N. C. Hipel, to the position of minis ter of labor. ' ig Irrigation' Survey Com et' �• REGINA.-An'errgineering.survey - .fee.. the • largest'ri , i igatioii 'pi`ojeot yet undeet'akeii by„Pi'a rile Farm;' h e R ablitafiotr Ac.offieials in Sas-' katcl!iewan .has; been: e i npleted key;- engineers. . • • The.,sUi•vey slrows that 'tlie pro- ject, .located in the. So ift current , area, about' 15.0 miles' west. of here, • iseelphysically "possible' bet it is yet to be determined whether lt:'is• eco- . nomically fea'sible, The Week would • nvol:ve the construction of, •a.ciam across Swift deeeeiit 'Creek and the • • irrigation of.'o'rev' 20,000 a'cre's, of w • • '•land'. .. ' • .. 'WoUltl'ewater. Thousands et. Acres eerIre ; suf'vey of 'the proposed Work' is all :that hps .been .authorized for this Year, [f teis 'approved at• Ole e. tawalIconstt''tiction could not begin until some, lime in 1939 at ;tlr.e. eni tient: • Also., eonlplc,ted is ,a Stie,voy. tit it'll' e ;extens on to the t'el • Markt ivr'iga tion 't3roject,, involving the iirlga�• • lien of•;Mother .3,000 acres of land...' Tlus wouldbri ig total arca. ie Val ltiarie•=distt Tet tip to •9,000:a re.s.' Australia will install two -►tali !radio dotillnunicatlon' at bine air., a., 1port, .K , . Ny SunsiaV BSc 00 Lesson- LESSON Xli re`ei JONATHAN, COURAGEOUS ETA. Jonathan, Courageous Friendship. 1 S'amuet, 14:1-46,; • 18:14; 19;1 e0:1-43; 23:1b 18; '2 Samuel 1:17-27 Printed Text, I Samuel 20 4.17 Golden Text — "A friend'; Ioveth, 'at all times'! --- Proverbs. 17:17.,. THE LESSON IN ITS' SETTING` . ime The major part of 'Jona.. then's Hee' falls in the batter part. of :his. father's, •life, which can be ceard to, be somewhere between tine ars 1100--B:Oeecud-1056 -B C: Place—Miebmash Is a deep ` re -a• "vine running` from, the .highlands of Benjannin clown to Jericho,: Gili•. eat, is,, probably, a conspicuous.litIl- Six: ,milesn theast. of Jerusalem:. !, new known as Jeba.. • Jonathan of our lesson is the eldest•son: of " Saul, Israel's first 'king, and -1s, ..therefore,, , a member of the tribe of.:Benjamin. He was regarded iii hid father's lifetime • as heir to the throne. Like Snul,,• he was a' man of great strength and activity. "Of all 'tlie:.stories in the . Old Testament, • there. is none whid**.• appeals, so' quickly • to one's sympa- thies as that of Jonathan: • • More than twenty -yearn... have• elapsed'since the victory over the Pliilesitines.recorded, in ,chapter 14,: during Which time Saul proves him • self to unfit for such a high post•, tion as king over ist•ael,:; David :is f anointed to be Soul's ` sueeessor, and: Goliath, the Philistine giant, is slain, by David, who is: brought into the presence of. Saul as Israel's. great deliverer.. At' this hem' Jona than's and David's •friendship.' be gins. •It 1s eeele interesting to note that :•. • in no, place in the sacred ' record is David..sai'd to have' loved Jonathan. The. love, is always:' on Jonat1ian's side' .for David. While'. every, one would 'grant that David certainly • [I did` love'. Jonathan, yet • the iieeord would seem to I indicate that they inore...unselfish,, the`• •.deeper; •. the' more• .,spontaneous ; love; was 'On. the , ,part . of Jonathan: 4.' The' n• said 'Jonathan+ ., unto: Da- vid, Wha.tsoewer thyso u ' . 1 desi?;eth, I, will even do 'it for thee. ' ee .5• •Allo David, said, unto Jonathan, Behold: to-inoi•row is • the, itew moon and.�i • should hot fail ,to sit 'with. the king ,., at:neat but let- me go,• that, 1' m'ay: