The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 8• • 4,7 PRWIFilliAllt HEARING • PRESBYTERIAN W. ,S, � i` GODERICH, '-r--5 • s SINESs BRIEFS i'he :July meetmg'of the PreabYtelr,. + A coroner's r . in Win .hair► .last Ian. W'. N y til.'81. S; 'rasa' held ` in thebase- � ,., ... ... Bask to. School Sale of Boys', Girls. • .r W� decided that Mildred Ruth Ma;' meat �With Kn. •H',. Mullin; presiding, r.,ndChildren's; CllOthng.� Hose arid, 'gee* infant daugh}.er of Mr, and Mrs. ; The meeting, opened," with a. h mn ' ,001' " ' ,, ..,. _ ..�_ _. Y... r S<la,_.�. .SxrPPlies4 .�':��---M,dtiIiKET llt`m. Magee, of Morris Township . met , , ;,., ., reading .by Mra,. Mullein and STORE, .. ,drowning - .athands •... � by ug• ....,, .the h ties ; af, .II'rs. Russell; led. in Prayer, The min- Be mother . • a.i.t . _.:._ :...... C".t es_,. ._...w .... ere •' dealt ealt with and d, M rs .Rich -1.4MrMa eeappeared in Goderch ardsbq gavethe..Bible Stud Miss, •,...__- I N ME. MO,' R I A .,. M ' *at Thursday charged withMurder M. M'aeDonaW Sang o.The ToFis,"BARGE R--Inloving •re m•: o r y • o d was•„remanded a week The Pre- Oar Deaconesses was prepared Gby1nY dear • Mother,Mrs, ; Margaret hearingwill e heldtoday Mrs.. W. Huston and readbyMrs. ar er, Who died one year ago 'Aug - .i Madethe trialProbably.willbe be-er an.. Mrs. Porteous ffaIea reading Mother dear, I ani so lonely • -k ( • y) ,and an ease a commitment. Rpsef. Miss MacPherson led in pro - rst 13, 1937. ore JusticeMcTa eat thefatl,T e m ting closedwith and Since the daYYou &bakes u:'Nova mDer. �iis , ay MacLeod offered prayer. 'And .my: memory. lingeis often Ugliest, .teatimon was given:ofeRev W Youngof Hsall will conT your grave not. #a�:6vay, • craned 'relations for some:time past;, duct services' in the, Presb No one. know leomuch" miss ,m P t,, ,Presbyterian s w I you, between the accused.:wornan and her 'Church•next Sunda . I ,No one knows the .bitter' Pain "I have suffered since I lost• you ` Life has never: been •the. same. in my heart your ,memory , lingers'. Sweetlyten er • f d ,�x send and true; There, is ' a a ....not a 'day, .dear, mother, : That I, do not.' think` of you.; • Sadly. missed• by son,' Gordon. INMEIVIORIAM, :BARGER—In loving memory of •My dear mother,- ` Mrs Margaret Barger,' who passed away' on August 13, 1937, ' Gone "But Forgotten, . by her son Georgo•_ • "m -laws' , with: whom: she lived• under thed ;• whir ro f e . o ,but in different; • arts M. •..• "Gentlemend ,measur•,e of the house. The• father of'' accused ' through, ,. :. goes: through, Parliament, we will. all. has interested himself in hr ' ,: .; s eau= 'be'or'Easy,Street,' ,,, • •' - her t3t.., s defence and two lawyers have:' Old.' El tor: "A `e ' ' been, engaged in her behalf. . , ec Y sweeprn .• RETAI • \, .lis Cr.l'C1\'•LAWyE. iN TWO; MURDER •TRIALS Mr. Campbell. Grant of Walkerton is making an enviable reputation lot himself as a criminal lawyer, and at. the' present time is 'the defensecpun sel in testi .:murder cases .which is ung' common 'in this `law abiding section. of .rural . Ontario ' Mri Grant has been engaged '.'to'. defend Wilfrid' Goll, 'the Carrick Township., youth, ,a ' •former` employee at Geo.. Scott's garage, who. is 'charged' with 'slaying.his employer,: William 'Copeland :' at Harriston,.;{and his'`'services• have also ;:been retained by the defense in the charge of •mur,= der' against Mrs. William. Magee of near' Wingham, who, it is alleged, drowned her 10=months-old daughter in .a. water trough 'at the farm home. Attended,. Corps 'Reunion 'Mr. E D.' Cameron;' was ''among. those'AO: -attendedthe Canadian Corps reunion ,at.` Toronto during the week -end when "over • 100,000 veterans gathered`. for 'the last get-together. "Tex"„had' as his room -mate, Col, H. E •: Pence of Kingston, formerly,y pub= lisber of 'the Walkerton' Telescope, sirdalsa riad�thepiivilege. of hoer nabbing with :Hon. Dr'.the she new'' Conservative leader, who.', was Medical. Officer of the 20th. battalion, which was: under the command of,Col. Pense during • the war.—Walkerton • Herald.Times A naturalist; is responsible ' for the statement :that fish"have no:':means of • communication: Possibly that •ex- plains the reason why :so many' fish-' erinen never-get;any •responise to the lines they drop them. DEWAN TAKES UP ONTARIO PROTEST. Claims Ontario Farmer . Has Heel_ Forgotten Min. Of Canada So Far As The Railways;: And : Federal -Au- thoritie,Are Concerned A :-gtowing, protest in Ontario over the unequalized 'freight rates' on wheat,. has : been ;taken up by - Hon. P. M.'Dewan,. Ontario Minister of. Agri- culture Last week, prior to Ottawa, setting the- minimum wheat price for • West-' ernwheat at. 80 cents a bush el, Mr Dewan'}n• communication with Prime Minister , MacKenzie King'' • protested what he'said was; 'a'' •,discrimination against Ontario farmers 'setting. a fixed price' for ,western. what, while at' the same tune he pays 21: cents,per cwt. on wheat for . freight service, which the Western• farmer; the Arn• erican` farmer' and:, Argentine' 'corn grower gets, for '13 --cents; 'tisrung ex_ actly, .the same `railway facilities. Mr: Dewan ,pointed out that, at the present time' offerings 'for .Ontario Wheat were from" 35c' to 65e In his letter, Mr. Dewar `asked; "Is it fair' that the Ontario farmer should be 'discriminated against in both• the. matter of price'and,l-drat of freight rates ?, After all, 'he must bear. a part of 'the' burden of the' guaranteed price and the lower rates provided •for ,the Western farmer. ZVIr? Ii ing in reply pointed out that the •Government, in approving' the prlee fixed by .the wheat ;b'oard,. were 'ac`tm`g`under'the-tegisiativp •authority donfeirred by the Cani da'`WheatBoard Act `applying only to the Western provinces, and it was riot possible .un- dere existing legislation to: 'empower the 'wheat board to extend ' is open, ation to the Ptovince'of 'Ontario, He �• made no menti'on^however- -le the ,protest; o'f' freight's rate disctim ' inatfon; which' 'May mean that :this iS a matter that Ottaw a plates to con, ,• • txcKNOw SENTINEL. AFEKING 'FRIENDS I OR BRIDE -ELECT AND ...L: ...: , NEW ...., YEDS (MAFEItING NEWS) _. MIS$, • Ferne Tv amley spent .last Week with, Mr,,•and Mrs. Eldon Twani ley at: their, cottage at Port 'Albert. Mr„and 'Mrs. Norrinan ) Grahame Of° Toronto'were, recent visitors: with mr and. Mrs, Jo, a M hn Blake, . Mr. and 'Mtr Gordon' K' la and babe .of Zion, spent Sunday after. noon .wh n i't . Mr .. and: Mrs; Harvey An derson.•. - • Miss. Mary Horton- hasretui nec.1 home.after• a pleasant visit with re,, • lat' eves ' A.vety pleasant 'aftteinoon. was s e .last:. p tit Tuesda - , at Kintai be'at;h y 1. , whenyhood, ;a number o f girls in,:khas�'nei li g bowere invited down to. M s, S, B.Ate-there, •edtt e .• i i i ag Sw m ng 'Was ;enjoyed, durini the early part of the afternoon; `after. which the girls all '•gatliered • at. the cottage to shower Miss 'Olive:• Anderson, 'who -la to: be married_: thisweeks and 'who: will soon- be leaving .our Afigliborhood, Two baskets' Well laden with ' inany oeautiful and; useful, gifts werecar, tied out by little Kathleen' and Ruth Stothers.. After • the gifts: ,had, been opened and "admired by everyone; Olive ' tirade •a very: :fitting' reply; .honking her .many, friends for their 'Kindness, Fohowing this a '.social hour was, spent during 'which lunch was served; Olive then very kindly. invited the girls tea trousseau., tee at' her home, Thursday afternoon, from two till ;five o'clock. ' The Y. P. S.. held their' • regular meeting list' Friday evening in 'the hall: After. the usual program, two presentations were , made; one .to•' Mr. and. Mrs. Harold, Webster and' the ,other' to !Miss`,Olive Anderson, bride: to -be. 'Mr,; Jerry Crantson read ; the address for the newlyweds and -Miss• 'Anna -Irvin made the' presentation. YIr, .Cecil Johnston 'read the address for Miss Anderson, and Mrs Hugh 'Menary .made the `the presentation, They - both were •the: recipients, of .a• beauti- - i'ul inantel' clock. The: following ad- dresses were read Blake Community, . Augtistt;5th; 1938 ask: and Mrs., Harold` -Webster, Dear,,Winnifred,,and Harold,' ' It affords'lus; a great 'deal. of ,plea- mire. .to' gather here :this. evening, in. honour :of your reeent marriage,'' We congratulate : ourselxes' that you both belong 'to our coni thine and there- fore we are not losing either of You. • You,,have both been willing . and heerful' workers 1 in every depart 7.nent of our church: and, conimnunity ictivities, a fact , we heartily appre- crate. Nye feel that°this is a:fitting time O' show in some .,tangible way,i that the beat wishes of'rthis commuiriity •ollow you as'•you begin life together -n -:Your home. May only sunshine •fall. ��n Your'vpat}iway ' ' Will oyou accept this gift as' a token 'f our good -wily and as •a • ren/hide it the •esteem in which, you. are 'hel here in.:poet home community? •• Signed on behalf:of the .Blake Com rriunrty, • Anna 'Irvin, Harold,on behalf ' of 'his wife, t1 th thanked ,their friends,' and expresse heir appreciation• in, a very: effiicien ,Wanner.` • Ness Olive Anderson,,--' near ,Oliver ,We;' your friends of this chuicl • Sunday School, and Young ' People Society, , have: gathered here ft/nigh to' •express 'in 'some tangibi"e, way sou+ sincere appreciation' of your ears: c .y 'faithful ser vice, as organist' .'. of : our church,• also as ,teacher in the Sunda y School and a , worker` in ,the'. young b people's Isociety: You.have endeared yourself to our`: hearts, .b ou akin - Y Y r d 1y, .spirit, ''of helpfulness, in all • other ,activities,Outside' the church: We sure you of every reason to regret our ,toss, ..but we pray;•that every, success may 'attend you in' your• new: home. We have .no• doubt 'that' our 'loss will be anothers gain.• 1'. ; • In , order to 'seal , our mutual love •arid' friendship, and • as a . token'of 'the 'happy' relations.:enjoyed in'our Midst; we: present you; with this clock; ho' P ing that in after ,years, every tick' -if the clock may recall pleasant" re - :collections. of .days you' spent in 0 oar midst. :Signed on ,behalf of : the •''Church Congregation, Mrs, Hugh .Menery Cecil •Johnston, 'Mies Anderson then thanked her •friends in.a ,few Well chosen :words. • Lunch was served and brought an en, ioyable.e ening''to a close. d err. d: t t • f FORD READS BIBLE' EVERY DAY •'Henry Ford' has a, Bible in -ever' s room of his house. He' has provided these• extra copies so that' he may have, one handy: wherever .he happens to -•sit-dvi Duthien: Durthe *oirl7l' War, it1'r. • Ford;* with Woodrow Wi sone• made a pledge to;read ' .,the Bibbe �et idaY Amida11 thedemands bf a. bU�yw lifeT.:lie lras�kepE-hi: e- �� • LO(ALandGENERAL Your co -operationia' •making t la column ,interesting' is. solicted. , Per- sonals; ',sent,` .telephoned Or brought to The', Sentinel Office, : will be apprec- iated! • MrS.P..eullis s spending iniurt's holiday inChicago,•• Mrs Hilda -ill ” s ,. .. Miller of Windsor Was a visitor with friends' here Inst: week,. rs. M E Altonand: , , Miss Alnia, Alton spent last: eek• inTor wl . ...onto.:., •'; Mrs. M. B. O'Neil! of', Vancouver is a. - sue at st .,.t the, ,home of:;Mr.and, Mrs; W. .J .. , tile, eMi s sStevEileen. ' en of Toronto, visited here her.ftrend Miss: Audrey Horne. •.. • . M . H rv eyNaYfor of~Lon•... doA.sPe nt a; few days with his mother, `•Mrs, Wnr. lyaytor. • Mr. -and Mrs. P. J. Naylor of Tor, onto are holidaying ..'with ? relatives here; ' . Misses; Mary Anderson and -Doris, Hulett of London were week -end guests' of Miss, Alma Alton. ...,Mr. and: Mrs.. Albert Gardner and Freddy. of Toronto, visited at :Fraser Paterson's:; over the. Week -end.' ' J Bud .Orr,"and Joe Agnew returned last week fi4mm . Kintail 'where, they had attended the. Presbyterian Boys' Camp. fc Mr: and, 'Mrs. Jas. Nikon of Detroit and. ' Mrs. 'Jos. Nixon • and son Jimmie of Dorchester, are- visitors"•in the community. Mr. 'Wm. Donaldson and, daughter Dorothy of Ottawa spent , a week . at the home of his sister, Mrs:: Collyer',; 'Miss • Joy Henderson, a graduate of the Mothereraft Hospital, is on an enforced: holiday as a: -result : of a broken- finger • Mr and Mrs.. '.I..Stewart; Ivan and Barbara of °Niagara .Falls, Will spend, the ;week -end with; : Mr. • and Mrs. W, 'W, Mr.., and :Mrs. • Thomas , Webster ' of Tuenearsd.,Glaayniis, attended the. funeral; of Mr:; George' .Baker of Tiverton, which. was held to Greenhill Cemetery on ' Mr. 'C: J. 'McGregor. Of •;Watet lee, Mr. .Roderick and Mr. and .Mrs: Fred McGregor, , of Kintail, spent,. Sunday with . their ,brother, Mr. Donald ,: Mc Gregor`of town. ;Mrs . Albert Aitchison, and . • dough - tiers 'Beverley :.Ann and Diane are spending an enjoyable holiday with their grandparents kr,-a d. Mrs:: -Fin- lay Malcolm, Havelock' : Street. `• ELEVEN `AT'`'PARTY WERE ' :OVER ` EIGHTY Whitechurch. 'Boasts' Octogenarian Graup--Of-11 ,'Within' -Mile And -A-- Ralf AHaif . of___The„Villigehose-Agre Totalled. 916 Years' ' Fourteen elderly people of White church communityspent a very pleas-• ant afternoon redently' . when' they ga,hered at�the home of Mrs. Robert Mo`wb'ray"to.. celebrate the, ninety- second' "birthday of heti, father, Mr• •Hector MacKay. Those who were present were.. Mi. and Mrs. MacKay, • Mr, and' Mrs. John' Gillespie,, Mrs. • Gilchrist, .,Mr•'s. Alec Reid, :lir and •Mts. Eli Jacques, Mr: Wm: ' $arbour,' Mr. and `Mrs. Frank Henry, Miss 'Catherine ,Ross, Mr. Jas Ross: and:Mrs-., James. ,MacGregor,` Eleven of these folks •wire eighty- or over with their combined'ages ` total ling 916' years, and all live• •within- a mile and a' half' of 'the•village,' ."They enjoyed a" grand afternoon, several carrying•, en their conversat- ions ;in Gaelic, and•` Mrs.•:.MacGregor sal►g • a Gaelic song, • All enjoyed. the, fine supper'served in the prettily orated, dining room; with:. the' lovely birthday, cake centring' the' . dining • table. Mrs. Mowbray,' had the picture' '`of the group taken; all of whom. ex- pressed gratitude for the pleasure they had' had' in'. being' together once Mr. McKay was 'married 'to .Kath•• wine,, McDonald `in. Seaforth' 61 'years age, Ile Was lora',in Inverness, S,cdt- la d,n X18 ,,,i 46 and at thetiage Of seven years came 'to, Nova''Scotia to settle with 'his parents..Several years later he "moved' to Woodstock;,Settling' at •Lorca; and finally novel ;to; near Fifty-two'years ago he Whitechurch•: , began his job of collecting ,cream` for a creamery: 'rhe acrem. the' • - , , n was. drawn' by a .team of horses, a covered tank wagon being used 'for the creaiii. Until „O .fe years.ago this 'worthy Sent, followed' this trade. retiring ;at Hie age of X80,, Mdatva Y.y s,invery 'poor health. last. fall, spending • six weeks in; the hospital, but, he is now' in good heath and does plenty; of• work On hie fariii i -tria`t`'' 0611iosh: THURSDAY, :s1DGU<S Ji'J H, 1918, r b ` WITIi. SCHOOL .OPENING 'LESS .THAN • 4 'WEENS AWAY - • lon ex �f ,. O e FRESH MERCHANDISE ,AT THRILLING. ,S'A'VINGS! ' . L i,', RLS DREJSESHared 'shirt's, braidtrimming.Sls 6 'rs-10; yrs Reg, $1.00,; Manufacture Clea a ce :, ;. , rr.:. B'OY r . S E U 5,- , .;;. S HR :SLTCKEIft 5 IT . .button. on waist,�exfia quality matrial, red,, blue, brown .atri es Re s, 59c .Manu c e r. - 5 'CHILDREN'S 5 LA CKS brow n withgreen g Ren or, yellow trimiu, • ing. ,R. e. g . �. :. 7. PINK, L1vENEfors Making ,tailored dresses.' 3..6.": wide,Reg,Sale t .:, � . . • ...It 1. , ,. 'Pert MUSLIN : ' r�' . N Flora 1 Fatter ” , .. ,:. ns. Clearing at Yd 19c. PI LA IN' N .. D I UR , :... ., G D C E E for S P s as Fi Mies. .. Y ._ t N .�` A . i Yd e.&•28c. e o °reb an• • 'Valentine ,.• tyar » w .•n e Two Names In Work�. oes That;: Mean,: Comfort aAni Lon g Weser. • WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK,IN BOTH OF THESE WELL KNOWN 'MAKE OF WORK • BOOTS IN `• URUS U i s CALF, MENNONITE; AND RETAN .UPPERS,, Also , .. 'Arch A• , . ch Corrective Shoes For : -Those Sore. Feet. To Show You ese Shoes. - s well a eel • The Women's Institute' will hold a basket..picn'ie;at•the park "below"'the Bowling Green Clubhouse, for 'mem- b'ers ..and their families; on Friday;. August .12th at 2:3.0 o`clock:` Mrs .:,EleMcLeod drew e, lucky .nameizab,•on:. Iissth - Zyld-'Stewardth's°, contest card, and Mr`s,' Quin; Leeming= ton'and Jack, 1VIacCah; Lucknow, .won, }ucky numbers: Mr. Austin .,Reed of the. •Market ,Square:,:branch, of, the Bank of Mon- treat at .London is spending: his hol- idays with • bis another' and, brother. Mrs ' T. S.'. Reid. and Eldon, at their cottage at, Point. Clark. Mrs J E.' Carmichael and .her dau- ghterMiss •Jessie_of .Edmonton, have- enjoyed a trip. east ss far as Montreal' and are at present visiting with -the. former's:. sisters and brother, Misses Jean and Elizabeth Lyons .. and 'Mr; James T. Lyons., • Recent ; visitors. 'with Mr.','and' Mrs; 'David Huston, were Mr, • and ' .Mrs. Bill Huston . of. 'Detroit,' Mr. and Mrs. George' Huston and family, of ; Toronto, and Mr. Andrew •Huston, of The • Rob ert Simpson Company whp. has , been transferred from Regina to Toronto. • 'Mr',Ale,F Smith; arrived -home last week from the Indian Mission : school at. Norway" Hoose,, Manitoba, for. a. brief visit with' his parents, Mi. and Mrs. ' J. J. "Smith ;Ile• attended. the Boys' Camp •'at Miramichi' Bay near Port Elgin last.week Suter Cut' Face Stumbling on the step' of. Charlie Chin's °restaurant ori Monday ,morn ing, •Mr. James`.Howey fell face first:' against the door`; ""shattering the glass, which gashed , hie , nose and, scratched- his, faee. Fortunate it wits that his injuries were not "serious. I Mr.' Barvey MacDougall'of Toronto. spent the • .Vireek,-end :with • tris parent•• here, before leaving for nNova ` Scotia to attend a United i'armers Co -ober ative• convention:' Harve accom a • y , p nice. -Dr. ",and Mrs Clarenee. MCMillqn of Toronto to ' New Brunswick inhere' their" -will' visit with Mrs.. IMcMillan's. parents.. McTavish: '"An' so ye leav• e Oar on, Monday, What.ai•e ye daein 'he morn's:.nic}it?'� • Jarvie, "Tomorrow,'• Thur da`''::!'I 've � y, I e noengagement:" i'An' the . - ' e next n}Cht?" "I'm free then; too:" ' 'An'' What will. Ye be daein on Sat' On Saturday t 'dine • With Buchans,'' the "What 'a peetl Aa vItnted ' dinner+' w1' " Ye, tae take us `on Satttrilay;7 • ' Customer: ''IS there much. give to thus cloth ?" Dry Goon- Clerk i� ' That's Scotch Tweed') Fall' S .m les . ' r Here. TIP TOP' -, T�►' ICOR ' S, Smartest . -Patterns Greatest• .Value ONE PRICE HF 0 FMAN. ,BAR 4;,-: 1 EID'' BAKE %HONE 68: The - surest way. to 'hold a • soft job ; is to .put a lot ;of' hard` work into it - WE' PI.IT t.WE`.PI.IT' A LOT OF HARD WORK, AL%1G WITH THE' BEST INGREDIENTS INTO. THE, MAKING• OF GLDEN" CRUST• BREAD.: P- `` It Pays Us',i n Sat}sfagtion ' And It' 'Pay's. You To Buy: ", "GOLDEN ' CRUST'' the Bread that is ' Different. • WEEK -END 'SPECIALS ' Banana Cake' ' • • ,Muffin?; `Date 'Nut' Cake ' Scones Jelly' Rolls ' • ASSORTMENT OF PIES, TARTS AND OTiiER CHOICE BAKING` ICE , CREA'M=-SOFT°„ 1)RIN• ItS' CARS.. C;OLLIOE Cars: -driven b •Red Y vera 'Johnston., and Edward' Little sideswiped, on • Grey Ox Hill on. S'un<Jay',evening. af= ter dark,' Beth'. cat'e ;suffered' similar' ,damage„ having the.: running hoards•- erumpled, and other. dainagee of riot mayor' propot'tioi . No injuries Wet'e ' X received., The mialiap fl l invest.- - gated by constable lir.'J,' Moore, Pried a ;'...y ggs will keep their. shale tine riot .4tiC1 to the -1'iQrr i f a ` Iiht h of salt is deed tot•' • he Ct.yrrrb •fait, 4 K. •;i