The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 4tI...ELDIN ► and 1n h. floral , ace a ..$ hop Work. • No .Job. Too. Large -, :WO Job Too. Small WE $AVE, INS11L4 D.: MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE EQWTIPMENT, MANNEDBY • .EXPERIENCED; HELP: , Aria ou wit job. We' guarantee satisfaction . -and our g�Y r t lo .. p estimates:are within *vomit. EHUNTER H UNTER BRIDGE' &BOILER._wWORKS 3Q"ncadne, :. Ontario.• The .troiiAleWith a`1of of • out er i. oto ars, a r in , the ,, d;,�!, .., Ce4d t; to,;, Dun= da ;: Ik He �d i- s' at :t. heY try to 'hug' • t e. b , wrA •.curd . The; young'. bride. was' extolling the virtue o e husa' .. s f; her ,. b nd to a friend. " Geor is'::s p+p bat th mo " eo us . , ge 1,.... • 8 < alt• g . rge0 man' 'n th orld " 'ah said: " ' i. w e He giv s me •a-nY hing Credit canbuy. - r -r 1 LIICKNOW SENTINEL sI • • Tt11,JRSDA;A Jbill $T 1111T 1,9$8..„ HELENS Miss Irene Woods left last! week. in company .with friends from Wat erloo, fora three weeks' Motor trip to Chai?lQttetawhn, , I'ripee• Ldwal•t1 I•land:l, Mr: Archie .Pollock was z3; recent visitor with his brethel•,rp las,et•: Mr. Jai. Iiyde,' , . The Auguste meeting -of • the. Wo- -men's o;:men's institute was ;held,: in, the Com- .munity Hall, with 21),,ladies present. The roll call "Where I met my hal; 'band$'•Acaused' much•:•aniusement with its wide, variety .of answers.' It was, ;annow1ced that ;s. ,five -clay 'short course.: in Health -education -will be held in October. Mas. McKenzie Webb:' v1 ga a a splendid . paper on:. a Home. making"' and : Phillips `Mrs., Durnin. Philli • ,x favored with apaleo sofo" Lunch; wasserved'• th host ss s s' b ,, _...,,e e ., ,MrS.' W. Ye. Rutherford Mr•s ; Lor•ne• Durni in and. Miss Annie Durnm,. when the new coal oil Stove recently purchased -.was' used." tea Mr.. and Mrs: Wilfred Dickson, Billy, Hiram and Shindey DeFreis of Clandeboye,. were., 1ecent. guests at Mr. W,:McQuillin's.:• Mr. Archie Taylor has returned to North. Bay after a •visit with his daughter, Mrs.:.Robert: Buchanan and 11.1r. Buchanan. 'Recent guests :of. Mr, A.,'G..:Webb and Mr. and:' Mrs. E:w Ilice were W "Mr, and Mrs. Richard Bryan of Hills - burg and Mrs. Ed. Snyder` and Avis Marie of ,Detroit.' - • Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard `black, and daughters .arid Miss Beth , Park : of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. Sam:, Swan: and':Mis' s Refit Swan- and Mr. g, Geon e , Swan ' Sr. of. Ripley,-•wer' visitors•.• - ceiitl wit . y. .h and d Mrs <;Jolin Swan. Miss W. D." Rutherford" ]eft; '.on 'Tuesday, to, oe thea est' of• Miss g9l • • IF'loience ,St4rOof'Evanston,,'111, ]i[lse Stuart, who hv�tg frequent_ ''tor. here, is recovering from a .recent serious operation: Mr. .and Mrs: Edwin Packwood, flet -and-.Edwin-:-of Manhattan, 141tiss,'Wanda Douglas of whaotlow Grove and Mr• Callum Cameron of .Detroit) Were visitors -last week ;with • Mr, and Mrs. John Cameron The: visit ,orthe e Picl:vvoods Was brought to a sad end- i{ig, whenthey werecalled back to. %ed: York by the_ critical condition of Mr. 'Pickwood's, nephew, vi rho hid. been burned in. a gasolu e : explosion Vyhile at camp. Miss.:Ethel Robertson, `Miss`.M. C; ltuther•ford," Mrs. W.-I..Miller and Miss Dorothy Miller, spent'the week, en Beech, at B uc . ,' .' We:. boas ' o t ab u ' peace P ace in Ontario' obliv' 1 loos, to the'.fighting oil the army .worm. and the grasshopper `' fronts.. • • 0.- • • '�l I) lIVES'SON,' DR. 'YI NG'I PS For Iyer , Accident- Goosed P* High y Speeding There' • Are •T.lousauds' • Gloried „l�y Low Breeding- ,Sayre' "Dad""Always Assume Other Driver Is Crary' 'McEvoy; noted', satirist. novel;{ ist'and feature writer, recently wrote. a book celled "Father Meets,Son,' published :by. J. B. Lippincott:, . in which a modern father, patterned after the *famed Lord Chesterfield, wrote a "series -of letters, to his sun Who ' had, just entered'the business world after'rather • hectic" college career:. The: letters discussed' every= s a ec 'f o the'Young- . P t , . man s.' future` life' —questions* of . e mploy'ment, marriage social res on ' i ' "e stb rtr s and' s • o • p._.. 1 o n n oneoccasion .,lad •w ss the Who. w working .a,hi,. t t as private t. e,.me a Pias chauffeur, took his employer's car Out one , night ''without: permission and. "wrapped it.around' a ,lamp -post" Father ;McEvoy,' 'when he . heard about the accident sa do i a wrote his son a letter containing ,a• great deal of food for thought* which should be thoroughly, digested everyone who drives a car. Here • what he wrote: Dear Son: You used up :a lot oI paper . explaining how the accident was not your fault, and, I can believe you...But you' are going to coiitinue to drive cars, and a few words on. the subjeet' won't .do ,any. harm; In the 25. Years* that .1: have ;been , driving, auto;, niobhes, . T have .never met' anyi9ne who had an', aecident'through his own ,Who was;. always;th'e:ear, the road:, or, 'the Other Fellow., , Mostly, • the Other Fellows This other' Fellow is •worth 'some study. There seems to be' nQ 'escap; ing him., Too Igok at him, "-1;9Willc you o think he was 'harmless,• but last yea. the . killed •'a great many people, . and „injuredl,manyomany, more. I have seer the; , Other Fellow, and • certainly, he. doesn't look like a ''killer. 'Soros tinier, he is a 'young, nice -hooking- kid. lik, you: ; Sometimes .he ` is •a `mild-lookinh middle-aged 'fellow like me. Some times' he is a gentle, sweet little wom•, an like your mothir, but that only goes ' to ' show '1You .' can't judge by appearances., He's .a, killer, and , no:mistake, diad "`something is:going to be done•.about ;it=or; is pit ? Some time age;', the champion ;safe= •ty driver of ' one of the . largest .butt --'companres in the"'°world"w$s' gena 'banquet and 'a medal. He . had , roam- pleted half a;:millon miles without` on:occident. Whenthey called en him .for a.'speech.,he ;rose ad said: "I. ain't. niueh., of a hand• at, making':' speeches. if suppose 'You want to knob v how 1 got away so' .long without an acad.,' ent? I just, got one rule. I` drive l'ikc the other fellow' -was crazy. So .that.. seems' to explain it, The, ;Other::Fellow is crazy. .yon cat out of line 'on a, two-lane road,' don't, ex Oct -him, t6..l rt you push him. ni o the ditch,„so you can eat 'in again.: If you pass a' car ;on a blind curve, don't' ex pert the fellow coining., the: °other . way to besensible about, it and `:go off...the .d and cut into: the• field to let•yoir • • ?To IT w'Y 601101011.- • . ' waE•r rs of. an Unidentified our .locisl ^/bi e . sae ling ,'Mere reoeived 0 tawa:•', ,rep /bite. ° in,Yontceel, ndoo, representatives' ttai.iiten end :assns'.. Toronto. broke the •,' que4eC” asoline to .... Our re en , ga lons. � • .this 8' ' • motorists' in 8.'ide Bal • ven'•'hundre ed.sts' the � the .. ,matee.i alt ' twang drain • :,approxi after,h these,pheir ,inks. . Upon! r,t ed ' thea call. aas•in 'esentative9 ` heir, our'rePr ogtained t. 9 '"star. is and d tr , . these' notoria 'Vie tabulate 15te . of• ed;.answect 'to she Corte utlbiaa certify sent• 8na:'C8 ., v0rtise reports tin tete tiny;..1939. .. ttile.S ore .uctea during oond L'f�. ' . his•,StudY ,Mas 'DYttg6.K`0"IE5. • T sYct+T. Ptt.. :920.OUT' U OF 1069 'M T O ORISTS .CONVINCEI�:'THEMSELV$S .'� , . ,• THAT': •THE NEW. BLUE ' SUrI'OGO' IMPROVED: THE . . PERFORMANCE •• OF THEIR''' CARS h ; •These.moto, sts were peopl'e'like; ourself ; came: from ali walks of life,; drove riractiCall. all. makes of cars.- Theytested New Blue S inocabyways,, under' eoactly' :the, same conditions ou Will encounter.—tested Blue, ''SUnoco-` •against : the ' • gasolines the had :been using,", 30 of them • 13 'of which were .premium .prided, PROVINE THAT ..B E 'SUNOCO :IS' A :MOTOR FUEL OF:.'SUCH AMAZING • SUPERIORITY: TFrA . IT .RANKS AS ,AN OUTSTANDING GA OLINE. y ':. L LLM �MUwiir', ati.arL»wale • • cc l hwrSD L•MN11AL YNII.X.an '. t4.N'N• yeiAimmoL,L,1' . X.,w L+q Xan ♦ r•. 1141 1i1 Y XiTM1gY} • rre •,Juar',21a . 1538 ' Sil Oil 'CoepaeY, batted. Toronto, Ontario. Centleien:— Thio Mtll advise you 'i.hat'our'repreaentatlei we* ' Present -during the.'thling of denied of iiesoline, in 'both Montt -Oil and Torentov,need is the taste rhioh you., tare aakiog'•on gasoline haiibd by you Canada•'a Nee Caaolino',- Theao Bruns 000 sealed with our narks `Math •tamperproot;aoala: Sapplen•df ills near"gaeoiiieeerb bonppared' .'our laboratory rich iaeplao of the 'New elue'Siia000 '• • taken et random Croat rotail.doaledo' tanks, ,Our ' Analytes show.thnt,the gesol'lne used in these teetd 99* Itho same' in every reapect':ae the No, Glue Sunoco nor on sale to tho nubile except tor•the' blue coloring�(( •ehioh, wo understand, vas,omitted to avoid identitioa+ tlon,by aotorigto in tho•toets. .. ' .In our opinion theColoring doeh not affeot ;b*' •� pprtoraanco of thlefgabellne in any way, • YOute'. yery frilly, 1fw :lc 00AUI 'AND teekNY, L111i'ti ' darittral Vieo-Preside ifs' r, L.ABORATOR', ATALYSIS: PROVED . THE GASOLINE THEY TESTE.D, WAS ' THE SAKE AS 'THAT SOLD IkODAY; AT ANY BLUE .SUNOCO :PUHP' AND AT REGULAR - GAS'• PRICE: Test this NEAT, ;m p roved Blue Sunoco today in yotir own car. Do h1ke thesepuitorists did: n vin e c ...• f, y o urse1f that Blue Sunoco is today's,. outstandiiw motor fuel at sib prices' • • GULAG GAS PRH by He's just crazy enough to ru'ii right, into you because You are • on his side' of the '-road, If ,you speed through a main intersection, You will meet a' lot'of people 'Who 'are crazy. en ough to think , they have the right of wayjust,., because . they are on through . street and You: are • eomin in off' a' side' street.' If'o Y ulike to' pas: on''a hill, don't be 'surprised' if 'a car comes over the crest and the driver doesn't ' lea '• .yon R over y ,u dr run under you That Would' be th ' e sa ne,'thing to du, of, course_-but•you see—he's s cra-; Yes,• he's.crazy,, •btit• you are. rude-- and th'at's what -=.rakes him crazy. It doesn't matter NO . much` if you are Walking down the'street' and: you' are rade, enough to • push' someone aside but if you are. rude enough to push hint aside with a three -ton auto rno bile you'll going 60,"miles'an hour,' kill 'him. You can ` elbow i our through a crowd if ,yon y way y ware that -m• polite,; and do no damage at all... But when .'elbo' y .'' you, w our 'way ''thio 'h ng. Traffic with your bad manners ^stepped up ' to .:. hundred; ..:r ahorsepoweP, •your`e: bound' to do a ''lot of damage : a ;lot of innocent people,'fo •' . For..., every .occident'caiised by ,..high ,Speeding there are' a. thousand caused ty low •brebding. Ie it,'coincidence that the :consistent- which leads, in fatalities lagsin; `formal)'ties ? We 'may: not b'c themost nlnc via ,people ton ` two feet; but we: certainly are the:—terrors. on Four wheels 'My. boy, You' 'may think it is tisay.to be polite,, but a kisu on ar warm cheek is' worth ,two on n cold' . brow. Today. youpremluritr•M' agar• it* rather' civility.' Each,year ;our manner.$',. become cruder ns:'otlr fag-' ohne' 'becomes more :refined; .Wide roads'•won't preventaccidents, so lobar as' they Continue to,"filr`1"Jp: rvflJ row people; Gond brakeq'.on carq ani:'. no protection against ba'd' breaker The MaitlandLettglie J...uYer,ile oat -of -5 championship series between'. Goderich and , Cl t .n•ll tied ,up. . n o is' a .With a:game ,each. Goderich 'took the :. first game 10, to 4; but at Clint -0% they suffered l 20 to G set back on Monday r, •t h one' to. W'n ham dropped tou u t .. , ,t. in, the ,Bruce 'League-- C , Port Elgin 1 � s : . Ale •" ' schedule: on Monday, ' whcn.th_ • Lake,. siders eked out an' 8 to 6 'win in eleven -innings.: .. .. • * :* * .e'•. °'. ' Winghain were :, to meet. Kuicardin on: Tuesday, 'hut Kincardine could nu<t,; . field -a -team- Kincardine is out. of the' running however ' and what will de•- elope is : unknown as 'this , is' written,, Should :the. game go to. ''W inghani by default, they mill ..neat Port Elgin -in a tie breaker. The winner to 'meet Teeswater for the southern;, . group, championship; The"' winners of this aeries. meeting: Wiartori For the Bruce, , League "C" title:, . , , Art McCartney and •Boward Agnew ;handled the Monday' fixture, in Wing - ham The .Bruce League "13" playoffs are: on, :With the 'Slugging Hanover tram pounding out a 7. to i. 9, vietoiy: over Owen 'Sound on Saturday, behind the ixehit pitching.. of Bob Byridgeford. .. Eliminating Hensall',on Monday by'.• a o 'count,"iGoderich ,qualified to'• mee4•tt: Clinton`for the Harron;Perth; championship. Irwin ' and Finlayson • formed the, Goderich Pottery..` • :* *; • t.' •; . . • Sporting, activities in; the 'village • - ,ince the.. Juveniles foldg, d up, 'are con:: ; fined te,tennis and bowling. With the tennis courts in iniproved / condition, this. year, the:club"is enjoy-- ink njoy=ing4 a fairly active : and: en'thusiasti'c io. season .' • ;.* • •. • With ideal summer. nights, bowlint r.• as..usual-4s..a. favorite. suint i '.:spurt. with both the 1+tidies anti. men. . With mrd August . •approaching, .summer, wily soon: be on the -wane, and ere long hockey talk will come to,'the . tore. _ Lneknow' will quite - likely be rep-' resected this winter •by• a Junior and Intermediate steam .and ': no doubt a Juvenile team if such : a loop' opera-tes•- W hat�rrateraal..:..w.11L;.be-available ; ': for ,these teams;' is unknown , at the' aoment,• but it is time some steps were. -taken in arieffort to bolster the , 'intermediate squad • u . BERVIE r. 1! • Mites Lola Chadbourne of 'Toronto is holidaying4 at her home here. Mas E ; Appleyard: has returned home froin 'Guelph vh'ere she took a 3untrner' course for teachers: Mr Russel Myers•. of 'Detroit was the guest of his cousin;; Rev. C. McRitc 'ie C h Rey. and ' �rs.• d ,. Mille`n'' and . family •., of Baltimor 'v, site .� e,.�.r d,11+Iis,•.John'Stur goon. , Mr. and Mr • s, Jas. •SCewart''of. St. Catherines visited' his aunt, Ml's,• Jas.• Hunter and other, relatives here; dui a' • ` ing '•.the .past week. Mrs• Ann Fair is.visiting her chin gh' , ' enheim, ,Tris • annualparty 9f t . A of .tei'Brvie' Perish is being hedW on WedneesdatayBl'on the'rectohe l•y'lawn.'Thc'' guest • speaker., will ibe Miss Maud Alexander' of Walkerton. '. • Mr:.Win. n Pinnell and son Of Kin: • ,lough are: wiring, b J'ohnson's,;house for hydro., Mr. and 'MrsE. A,p -le srd and family spent the 'week -end in hlatnil- Miss Jea1i flushed: of LAuducknow vis - tied her cousin ':Miss rey Arm- strong,' Mr, Glenn Needham'arrivell Loi from`* Kingston •on Friday.' • A num! ei' from here-, attended the funeral on. Sunday of the 'late 'Chas: Fuller oil' Con. 9: • Mr and Mrs Jos; Em'inerson Of I card`ne visited 'friends font the South Line on Sunday, • -• behavior. The •growing 'Broyles -i , of- .', automobile fatalities willhot vett around the drafting board - ,but.' tldund,the family:table". Thetl'ive eat' ,''rave a irlon8ter• under', the' hood,,.. ,eitti'se there will be a ens `thee • Airectibi iate'f tit•: i