The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-23, Page 314. #rfdriro• 77,--.4,Ar4f47r7K4feref. .1P Spotz,oi 1--Layak - - •elvels"1) CEDAR STRIP CONSTRUCTION . M.'. I,. • t rt,,,E LL • • • Et, ft; '4,1. 4 cr.. • WRiTE. FOR FREE: CATALOGUE ;Amnon, , reivkiiiats; family out- bowds,ritaior boaniWide risk,* , of mochas with priess II cd d there'. hreltl, r9luxaticr, o P, terboroLah yo 1 rnioy tint,ja vocutton at lor. coo t ho yea, f, yLaIs to ccme t'eteibolouqh Six ;,risirt.ction assures you better value Icstfg satzsiaction. PETEgIAMIGH 8 1:1 A T 5 14744 OvEll F.1rY YEARS. tILIJLI NIGHT 1:.et'erbicough Ca'eoe' cc):, -4641 Water, Peterborough,, Ont:•. . ' • • _ , ' LESSON Xill an angel, hut Mateliew and. Lithe ' SHARING SERMICE, WITH THE do Tbe-aPPearanee of that.. Meg - LIVING OHRIST; • • ;, tenger angwereci'etery pnrpose,that Marti .1440, 19,o" 26. • •wa6 requiied 1 the Circiiinstances.'•'• 'Golden they went" -T•if Drake 'down the .obstacle of 'lthe .foith and -Preached everyWhere,. the , giiard; it. threw Iopep-. the tomb. to Lord 'working 1,t1th, theM. Mark • 'complete -linspettion•-• 'and It gave.' ' 10.; 20. • . .t adequate : atsui•ance andgultraticefo:: "-:-*.m.T1-1E-L-ESSON-1N";ITS-.S.ETTING'„, .."the .W0-:AriOh and the..,apostles,.. .• . • .. 'r» ---T1?e first twe appearances 6 And he saith,..'unte then E' ' • •rqcoriled,.14 rthiS• leshon•oceptrod: ,•••111:q..antaied:' Ye seek"Jesub,.the•Itla- • .Sunday, A.D.;•30.....' The Sozaiene ho haCh beeit. ci•uejfied.:.' • , called Great Commission was git en t he is igen; heit nothet e. be- iainne days later; the.adcentiontoak 1141d, the -Place Where they•1aid1:11,133i ,. place. On' Ida'y 'fl--- .":The ;angel shows. a .perfeet k'now.,,, , , • ' .„ "' • ' , • ledge, ..hrst .ot •the,•;...heart,a; ifthes .•'11ace.4.-The firgt-ro appearances' *omen, ittid 'then of the meaning of , . fig leetan•occurred i 'the citf.; ' • the tremendouS e-ve-nts which had,: of-Jerlisalem.• The Great .Comlnis-„' occiirred, 'during -the preceding 'few slop was -given.SonieWhers ivCal, : :hourS, That" the betlY dr -Christ as ;Bee. 'The' ascension- tedlt. plate en.• •not therei,atery' one, ceull' See; that': . top -of the Itleunit-'ot Olives' near Christ had I froni L)e dead • '• • they co -al 1 -NOW •IM: • a ceiain . . ,L And When the„ seb,h.ath as anal:, they Were told ,of it.'„firat past T1e JeWiSh •Sabbath ' was by the ••augel,,,..am) !II-tembythe . • • aunt -et Friday to; sunset Sit Loid,•,' ' - nr.daYi'andthre•etents now to be de •; The witgl(F.:fli411..4,att ioi 13 .niarlied` • . -Scribed Occin•red•dur ing' what 'we... . With .1.it.'"9Pe1111e53 • •and •frankneia'' .. • -shonici'sPeak of, as Saturday afght”. ..allif,'•sincer•fty and . hlitoricatriesa ' :Mary 141a.gcla1enel.4This.ls she , Ott": • which no One can .deny.: whom, long „before •this,J;eing' .' • .7.:"Iput• go;:.te1,1 his discipleV;and„. . bad cast seten•demena.:(Lnke Peter: Re •goeth before.' yeti into and I who with 'othei onien, 't.sas it Gqhlee there; shall Ye gee ..11.linv as • Calvary :when Jet.tig was eiueitied Ite Said uflto you. ,mThis..assureg. , (Mark. ;15:40,47).,:". . And Ma the thein that 'there would be„no:breatli,, mother of James 'The ••mother of . •-betweep )11?eir farther' eiperiences• • `, the;two.apostleS;; janie.t.; and J„Oset,, • atUl' the ,on hicinx.'..thei ' as else :among.. the • int -omen 'Who: . 'were .entering. . • • ". were ,neer the 'crOds *hen: Jesus p f th U k• • Wis criicified• Mark 1S.::'40,47). And., ..8. And they Weiit. 'ou•ti, and. iled. ISalasne. Sap/Me Was ,one'• of the , fro' the. tomb; . for.' treniiiiing and women: Wile iiiiiiiitere.4.•••f0 Jsus a tonisinnerii. hatt'come upOu them: : 'Whenhe as • Sabering in Galilee " • the ••v•;,eird,; here -.translated ,“at.top.- 16:', 40, 411. LBtinghf'•sificea, : ,Isbnienel is the Greek. Word eksta- • that ,they might come and anoint. " sis;, 'front which,- 'comes • our word' hin.Nicodeniu's, had already be "ecstasy "; it, nieant.'"a'franspOrt.Of 'Stetted, one hundred pounds weight Wonder and amazement that carries • , on the bedy,and tornb, but.• . • •, that was .an expreSsion-of„ -theirs; they /mitt wing 'their own the best. and the mist they ,• . can give.. . , • ,Z. AndYery eArly on the first.da . . , of the week. Tine wthild correspond . 11. • • of course, to, our Sunday. T.hey come te the toMb When :the •tun 'wag i4ex1-. ' •• • : :The Stone Railed4WaY, •• ;. ' 3, And they. were Saying among. ' 'themseitet.'. It.-ia..certainly clear ijth.thiS. record..and 7 all thp . other .t ;thispel recotils'that ileithpr. the i‘oi;- :men . nor any.o,t theldisciplet had "1 • any', thought that, Jesus ..-had risen! : trent, the-:tleed; 11� told,-the'in• that 'fie Would rise,, even feld thein on.• What; day Would, rite ; bot. their' , • .1ae1ig1iliearta refused • '2. • • ',tiat.wh.tt he:predicted would come • ' ,t�, pass.. • Who' roll tit 'away he •sione, 'from_ the dor ofthe • many ttimits reeve br`trotigh" was cat Silting the front to hold the. stone, :along which' It• " to °Pcii $1r1"vet, • the. entranee. - As • a ',ride, this trough Wed slightly dloning, ." So that the loWeat .part- *bald be ittnnediately in front of the",/lPer wetild thus "peed: Much , thoi•e strength to :. move" It aWay ,. from 'itd 'position than to Move it ." into' Position: If severakineri -be needed to .roll• it .aieng, under ^ dihaty elraittattinees,. Mere weuld; . , be needed to lift it out. • .'ket .ahd the roll it • " 4. And 'looking', 044 'they sen ' that -pne, 18' rolled beat: 'foi it Was 4c:endi0g. greet) The falling Of 'the. stone ht./Opened' after the retiree - ton. The Com1-ng:9f 'the augel. for. the.r�llthg back of ‚the Slone) ' not tha't l'esut ',Might Past Out et the „orate; 'but 10. dhow that he had' . • Atip4'raliee of, .tlie! Anger ' 'Mid, entering into. .the' tomb, they' Stitt' A, young aati Sittittg.oh arrayed %in a .Witite ...,,Ibbevaild-theyLiVere„.itriagedl,- Mark •'...11bOt 6t hinitelf, thia person • .1i4tr • • out .rif. themselves.': And -they,' 1,, equal with God, and has reassinn; said nothing, to arty 'one- fa. they etl •rightful •place at God's iight ; I • • VV'eadihg "AnniVciligr: • • • • :44 .., N? ,:.:4..•,,, :... ....1•0&,....MAIMO ,-, 1t, Three orchids were all the Dukeof Windsor could lay hands on for a, gift; to bit duchess on their first Wedding anniversarY.. The. thicat Couple are ••huty making extensive. altered:ens: ..to . the Chatee% de la• Crog-• an the French, Riviera, They celebrated tbeir•anniversary Jane 30, at a Riviera Dat91.-,.A, hast -y' search • of the neighberheod by the duke brought „the only , • three orchids -hi the tlittriet:' ' '' • • • Testatirant, and ,:When it .einie:tinIe. to pay, the check• she -discovered, to , -.1er-hortorthat--she- hadn't -enough-- , Illy': VIRGINIA., 4Vhen,Ine.ne ...yOrk recently Sheliad what. might. :lite been, an entbartasting-experi- ,She luriched,alone -in. a small -.. • • the •oite..religion that does ,not,;•deniand. , . .„ . „ , . , • • , that, the; .sinner.- tate:. himself, -but: •that• he .permit the Son' �f God. to''. •"Save..blin and keep hlxi safe BUV• be that dishelieteth shall be :con= •• Nothing • is. taidi, here of • .'those *.bo:Ileei• hear :the . gospel, and,thifs never get either to beliete- • or .to .• •• • •.• ",.'"Ore Ascension • •• 19. So] then • the .14ord 'jes,us„ after there, was re-,. . . , . •,c;eived up 'into •liekVerk, •'and • ,sat dOwiat; the • right ;hand.' Of ..God . dudtakesCh•rist up ...into. heaven freaa`whence,hee-had.'Conae. flis SittingdoWn at:the. right harid• Of.,,Ged means,, or.cOurge,•.that "hie ..work -of r niptbon n arth..iftns' mid' that, he biin'splf is co. •-'were•afraid. ' Theywere beholding . .„'something That' no 'eyes i had. 'ever, • ••:,,, hefcire • seen ih,.,liuniair“..,:histarY, • something. that Wa.s aboie he laws. ,.• 'of „nature and. beyond, the, achieve- • . ,.. ... ... .. , .. • • • ., • , •, • ;•',....ine,nt. of .anY.manorgren p • Of: ;pen; ' They were, in ' the, Pretence...of:am•% . wnipotence,•• and „they knew it.,.',.' - 14.. And ' at tertva rd s . he Wei .ntalii-.: .."..fested Unto ;the. eleven •theniseites'12: at they pat, at Meet.. •our,Lord 41):" .."Pearect;.' according to.•,tho, retpra4. which" we have'; lin, • five' :different . . oecaeong,on,.1.he day. ot :his' retir: reetion.. .. And lie • Upbraided •• tlieni:'"e Heretofore lie had.onlY'rebuked 1..he„ : antis tlea,.•but:,:now' ft May• -have been,. . that ,something. sharper,__thatt. re...' buko was necessary' to reuse:the/if . . from the .faithleSs. despclgenpy in- . .'ft.o, whieh tileY had been'plutiged 'by • ',th0. cr‘ieifi*lon. 'With, theittnnhelief ' 1.1t1 hardness' Of fieart,•beeatiae"they lielleted 'not - thein, that.. had'. seen . • iiiin after be. *ad• risen.; Pilid rent . 'Of. all unbelief is .iii,thip beart-,stiff-', ' ...nest .that.refilhet-to heed etidyjeid '. t� -the proper 6yidetice;" •• :'• ., int° Ail ,The. World .1,- : 'i5: And he aid •titito, Sheba.: GO' , • Ye',-ititO all the o•World, and .preah.. ,the gospel. t� .the•Whole creation , What then is..1'the':gospOl?''' it .igt• the- go's:W.. neWs ,that.,• the" -Lord Is. it, iisent' ,it,we• only have ,the teaching nt,JeStia, wo.h64 ne gosp;i. it We ,Onik hate the tieetaint of his. per• .. , .feet life, we have mi .gOspel., If We:, . Only hate:. the crtiSs, we .,lid•te.. tie ,. , gespel. Ali these becanie, Part Of .., • , gespel becauSe of • itS Central . ,truthl Whichl :it . that of the' .reant;,, . ' .rection:. NO hUnian b,eirigAS shut - Out from the' gospel. bylestit; ..ah!•; .solutelY all are to 'belleve-thiegoa• .- .. , , pel with the' one purpoSe that all ' •,,., are to be ' sated, ,. The expression,, ' toaehet to tbe and of ttiine, 1? tt,,ii . gaiod' how'. tile tiAiii;t0 Could. 'h- alt the gospel that•far, the answer , is,. through. tile NeW TostaMen(atitt . the 'Veldebt •oiery man tOtO Ofeftell•I' .,. . . ... . . . _ _ „ . ... . 011 and teaches the'NeW.TeStiithent. „..,„.:16 tie.-that-belle\iet11--ich1214--hitli---- iti&i 44 i. 1 he ifaVed•:- the:ultAitititS' ; end of' Ch 1 V d 'ming. the'objeee • i...othteaohing t e gospel intfilit hien. •20. And they Welit:fertif.. This re • ,fera ..primarily to the; eleven epos- tjes hitt .MS0 to all' those. Who ..e'n: • •• • • .• . gaged in the. prOclamation of the ••••gottiel„ in the apostolic period. of , •And,',..pregelied•ev erytth,ere:' The Lard. Working with' them. ..:Witheut ;We e.ditnet'•, woik, and,,wiehetit Us he wfll not;'a . but together,"'nothing.is.imfioselhle:. . And. cantirming .the , Word, by: the , ,digns't.hat I:Arnett' • VerY. signifiCalitly. this. is the only liface". ' allorkarks Gos.Po•I Where .jetni. • Is •spokeh Of at •the Lord. Frani, • new on it becomeS the 'familiar •. t.ttbe, the r 'With 'thevaine leant, or tlie•name Chi•fstc or bothef them combined,..bSed by. the Christian church. • Weds Italian Prince , PrinceGuido Go nn,. iee-consui in Toronto, wed MOs- cow-horri Tatiana Conus, AHOVto in New York recently with the consent o/ Xing VittAt_lnlman., ael. •The wedding has' been ,tWice postponed hecanse ofticia1:perrnis-- 3ion f or the Priiise to marry was • hot forthcoming: Miss Corms' ,worlteil as a salesgirl, in a Fifth Avenue perftitne Shen. 'inoney; i" • ,•,.• • • : „ . . , She "apPealed:-to.'the manager,. asking `him' , 'cash a. ' Check for the aniature. ' He' asehred • hei• that he•Votild... SO. She *rate , . the check,-4ndhe•Promptly•frained it. , ' J wit,. one •rn Ore . case • Where a well hilew ace. was wort:I,. a or; ,. Ray Francis it looking forWardto -September, When:ter- Current Ina- , tiOa:pietare, contract eitIiireel Sbe "going -Off for-a-"Im.-"a-eation fti Plerez "in 'a place.. tor rIPIAlst 4 -*IVO heeoming'ilwrA,.411.4..mor9 dent, that radio , pramb gaming fr91.11 ettlee' and -atatlana., New- York• are better Oen a., lot of those broadeast trorn,tbe big city.? One . reason 'Is t•hat fast -talking • agents *ean sell talent .t1I4t. 'reallyy Teed, questiongd. /int 'long ago,.bout the sueeetsof a .cortain • singer her agent, broke down. and- 4011feste,d 'abotit.,how $he" "'had, heel] bailt tip, pushed • ahead; "how he landed his contract and tligt elae fM" her, .N'oy- she's one• of radio e1eb ti drawin,y• t. huge Salary ,f rbet work PP U.Well. known 'prograni, •And a.1,ot of girla sing on local:bromic:a:es Made In Mealier. stations arg, ever; so nitich• better. s,-' _ • litAY Europe,And nobody ,can .blanie• her • for wanting to be rid of the'•nioViet 'for. a.,While, 'at least. :Rad pibtures,. 'have. agetted ber pftc value, .but When.'she' tought.tor •roles that the knew wonid •be „good, she did not get:Abet-IL Noir that theatrical , 'prodticert go to Holly,Wood IV1101' .;•• they want •te 'estot•ilei,v, plays; be,that e WM.-return to the Stage •• when'' that vacation it 'over, llere't an: ad& note on. the 'ol▪ d stagetscreen• battle. Stage poor, • •wad. a Very , sticeessftil.'play: • The., nip:Het beinght it and 'made, it. over •-7:threw. away, the•-stery and stariok tcrateb, NOW:, soMe • of., the " stocli coMpanteaVibbld.iika , . to do the, stage Yersier"hur inie"of -- the autliers;•Edna,Verlier, vton't . ,the ,to theinbecanse ihn"feels that tbQ, filin'•Version wag so Mach, ...better 'iha the origiPleil "'' • -i • .• .Itiext..11/116, you see -a cobweb on the Screen, think of the ,man. Who Is 71-llyweocrt• •exPert.'eohivehatalter, 3eSS NYOlt yebent...4s8igp- .. /Pent .' Was constrliethig;.inoi•ti than tWO •InileS, ot eabweht for a Castle W.arner 'Brothers' "Otiiiaped.", :He has 4 gadget'that squirts a ,rub-• , bet carripnund.„In a 'tiny thread. Then he Weaves' the threads into a cobweb "pattern; 'and. •spiiiYs • Rtein • Pdint. • Kay K:Yee'r with his Caege Xnowledge has a:grand' 7brograin with ,a -really 710W idea: • Kyser's frora the, West, Where a &eat deal. Of the„ .taignt Sedina to conic iron/ .these Remember %, him On Wednesday , bights. • iyho bi oft a fidili; may rettith to„ the .tedie Pt•egrain :sorted eoliths. ago... left:then,: ' etauo drafigthernent, ..tiVit • Seripta...• Ilin•Sitlita,retiSOti•wan giv while Charlie , • ItieCarthy ihrig4PeC0Me Sp Pantilar,en that tadl ndgiti1i that oe erin't, , .• DDS' A&D pakee has another daughter; that inakes two daughters and 'two sons . Claudette Colbert ipent just an , hour in. New York after. arriving 'from Europe and before:leaving Or Hollywood . Irene Itich'i3. radio Sponsor had akra to let ber•play •"' Lchnna. Burbin's mother in '"That: Certain Age" en the . Luise -Reiner didn't want to play a leading role 'in "The. Great Waltz". Mitii the Company showed' her F.ran, • ciaca Gael's' tests inthe bart • Which was• a :lit•tle hard on Fran 'Cisear • • • • '7- 4 ' The :Jee bon.f. Will be,'"aired" over the red net- work' of the National'. Broadeasting Compa4 at 10 p:rn. Eastern Day: /Wit Saving Time; jute 22; Clem McCkthr the hIow-by,.., blow 'description. Caadian ,14did 'Corp.; prechicert. oft.. VeFOrett Groslen -Majestic and Rogers Radios. 11170' ,j1,W; dlo log; listing'..air doiwgti6; foi eign ,and "LJT.$.4. :apd-,i'shert 'Wave • statient also a :Weekly' Menu'. of- hest 'Wealcl inir;lit chain' PragrOlsi, ' lid' 'Mailed. to anyone' Writing 'to Can ' dian Radio .terP'Oretion, .622 Flet • Strget Wet, -.Toronto... RePlaeing .the jack.Benny ' day, ,7,pan.,b113d. networkprOgrar• n during the .summer ' months is: the • "Ophliby :LObby". Voted by the na-' —.-tieres----rattioclit.017"17-1$et( 'the ontStandine idea' shett Of ,-.:1947," • It takes, the 'air 414- g. • `grain features Tiayvillmani con- , dtietor of a•obb.sr 'Lobb. at 14aster • ' a. Cei.•einonigg, .FrOni six -to:- ten • differe4 habbYists will conie ?rem,. ' all, Walks of fife .and all partPt the world, each, #eek, to ' •for.-Ltheir-4tolab,y2-7,—ThiS•---hout-pre-- seats' peciple ,Who,..hava 'fotind 7:14xifidn ansd"..sonietirries-profit . in „ . 'hObbies. aintiii(VSeti Sign . a.. .41 Aporaii*tpurt Whg4T Ab.. Is.Accusod AssOlt. PiiY '44 1,,darY. Alla? tWO, WIN'es. of; an aboriginal living neer Parivip,*.Atittralla,.found. their pal. OusY. po Strong that itt effect's cul - g fight in which 1j.44471-6, utta.elted.the other wife; . - When she "appeared in the,.Dar,.. Win Sporeine Court for trial' on the. aseaultt Outarny,.' , 'dumb, had 40 give her, evidence in ,. sign language; Tall. and ,gatnit,. • i'dt11. Matted hair and 'hash'ingi eyes; Deilainy• made hp for her lack At. ,words by Mstrinic alWty. Shd-re-eutcted the flglit .- with Wife /10Mbei'Two,ftlyidly pottray-• '‘ lug how they .iopiht;;;scratuhed,:bit,:' kicked and pulled each 'Other's • hair. he stiarle'd and wepti: she. WrigOed; in' agony as- she Showed., • :hew' Abe: felt .11i! Aajl'g teeth in h'er arm. .she 'showed how' She . • stealthily 4ebed up .a knife and • plitaged.it inte.*ary's rin; • •• • • • The Perforinance "fatchiated, ell In court excent, .41ary who • 1.00ked berech".. • •• . T -4e 'judge-, hatind over' DuMnly . for six.. maths. He. Said ft: would . be" an in'teresting.experiment, never: .p'reviousi,y tried ,on.'en. 'aborigine." An interpreter: had, to' explain: tv., signa the meaningof beinghquad; ..t,:iA:r..l,:t01.-Ipisu.‘inpra.eiy1,01.thaa,c,e,, was ..#01 ra.tctFc•sr.n:Se:. dpeitetdekegina .8 Followed • down , Albert. • 'street; at. 2$ miles an hour by a. rtiot,or•-• CYcle, constable,' Earl, E. Robinson :had :the ctiatinetierrin-pelice eet14"- ' ntbeing,the firet nian. in.•Regina,:•• . possibly'. the first .in Canada, . fined for •simetWig, in a farin'tiec," , ..,Robinsdn't". lather', R.- A; Rp15- Anson, a ,farner,- appeared and, en- tered a plea of, guilty. 'The •;.-pezi-' alty was aid,;eosts. • • • ROhinson :said that ,the ,traetiit yids afr en' ,,to ,•1001a. 'froni ; Paul; Whip., •passing along the;• 'streets of St: Paul' and Winnipeg. Without objections fro/litre. poke::: d-'7e1ainfed•••-that-thelliTtra7 normal tpecd in hi,,h 'gear ,Of 30 • rule' -an hoer and had .averaged 28' • miles. an hour :on .the trin. ' " • Over : 27,0,00. -road crossings '11-1" Britain has been' ti•ii;pped with b:edeitriap' beaconS. • • --7parrtt1qg poerti aitaen eggShells,. '•collecti,ng balls, of string and; h0bY 'elephant 'hair:S.4nd raising 600-••• • potnici snapping turtles. • 4 - EXHIBITION A demonstration to the wolid of the'arts,,sciences and indugtries of ,the liritiSh People •,.. - an exhibition, .which ha, been acclairned; the .'greatest siece'Wernbley., 4 offers op :added ,jridueernent to Visit • Scotland year. , ;;.•••:•::;;:zif.v:v• V1' , "Bonnie SoOtIaihr." is not just a plirase•:>;' .. for Scotland hat a wealth of, traditiOnand scenic. P6velineSg her people: are charmingly hospitable and ykaiters are warrn- lyy WelCome. See the ,Great txhiitioif at Bellahonston -Park (only ..114 mileSyftOrri ' .GlasgOvv). and then fake the,epportunity to, visit Scotlatid'S:lieautiftil'eolintryside. • Y91/ will Step, right idto ,§totland When •• • you embark at Montreal'Ort ati"All-Sdottish', the `•'11;tTI T I A''' Or "AT Theircharming airra4phete makes ,one feet ' , ingtantly "at borne". YOU Will aPpreelate the attentiVo effitiency of your 'IsteWerd atid stekyatdesS : they grid. their.' forebears havebeen•':iti•• the servide,' the,* • LIOnaldSOnS kit generations. • Mirrimueri Reics ' "Tourist Claig Class, ti32, vou'e t41-aonp • • /Ott' .-thAkct lothe he4rt et , .5.1(1.40:th ••4K%i:y.. • tlor'tier 1130 & WrIliffAkon stei- (Ei;gioi ael) • " Toronto a e. pn upip • 49nOmer Says That Moon's' CM410 14, Pl9tted, by the " ,..garth's Tin*.e--14 Now •Pix ge.conds: Out., The . thean., Asirthiomer; 1laral4 Spencer Jones said •at I..endon,, Eng - last., week, has jiimped its ' track. "And 'it's all •the "earth"s -fault," tpe. astronomer,told a inget- • Jag of the. Hoyal: (Agervat9rY' 01' •Oreenwieh, • "It took ,•na Years, ,to pin this en :the'earth," he said. '4Tlte apparent . deviation new is .grater thaa;ac. any tinie since, records have been, kept."- PP‘'.1?r4q Ptt. ' Unknown Brake Oper t ly the ',eaity'a eartiVs• t1me 15..reeitoried • bY: its rirtation, • Jones • explained. Somewhere an ttpknown gigantic brake has snd- denly bcon1P,mpld op. the,spinning W orld, Slowiig it tiewii, he said.. -ipt. Martha DaVidsop,"Preoicletil. the' British Astronoroicil• AsOcia- tidm estimated ,this • sldwing,doWrK process was 'gOing• on at the rate 'of • ahotit 1 -00th Second every:century.' At present, he said,•the 'moon. Is :about six seconds ig timeoff It•B beaten; tra4.r; ' .• It's ,a11-5.terY ppietting-to tbe ••• tronomers, • . ' • . creased Penalty For Apple Thieves Oanatliansi-lio are. too "old tO'• clinib,a tree, orare still yoUng eilongh" to "'shinny" tree,' are f1' 'ons, under ,the .law it one, amend- • ' ;Men t te ,Crindnal Code resent, „pd_by.;-..Tustice -,Mials.ten4;Lapointe to parliament,becomes • • .The proposal piovides• , . Two Years de, jail 'Par stealing an •• • • years: for .lifting),a handful. "•.! Ofcherries , .-• ' ,, • .,.•••,•-, , „Ttvo ' for pulhng. down .a.'•hUnch o! hlacs' '• The "!,aineaditi4nts • are: L, , What PrOtiOlied 'La*.Says ..‘olie who stealg. •anY • .. plant,. root ..or. „or : vegetable - •,• production growing' In anyTi,gareletk.: velia-rdr-pleadur e'7ground.--7--nin Spry- ground;•.hot house,'. green-11611Se,, -.pens esrny is guilty or an afferibe , on,summary, conviction to penalty not excee,ding450oter: and :abeve the valtie•ef the. p.rePeittY ...Stolen •qr the hittlint of In3ury. done;', pi to ...two years' .fraprisOn-s.,.., •Ment, Or;tlo'both.". .(Previously the a:.fina-of-42.0-over the .; „ value "or to' one mOinthislinprison7., went, wfth dr.Withont liardlabor.") FossilsFound Aged2,000,000 After Quarry Blasting in Berkie Township, neat Fort Erie -- Earliest' Breathing Animal. , Weird' Markings in S. piece of •..rrs•ck .:disiod'ked by 'IlYnnteile' in, 0 41 (1 rry "'John.• Firs:On, in •Bertie,', , . . Township,: 'near• Pert Erie, •On.f.ario, 'have heen..iddritided.:.bY4,Hob,ert:Cii-, -Menhage; ,itadent,-nt ;Queen's .• • versity, as. a fossil :,•of ;. „sPe.cie •'f,EuryPeertS 're/nines"' he, : •te:the' Silurian era of. the age;•alcirm of life, living some 2;006,00.0 or 3,6'00060 'years accerdf.g"to geOlegists:,A Rare -..• • reptile 'iDiscoveryThe Sllurian belietetl• . One. of ,the • earliest 'kir-breathing . . ',creatures to. inhabIL.the.eartb. Geo •1,logiStd:f.'4...ke.,.,tinft'alo• '5111-Sear/I.:Of 1 • ;Sciendgaalef 'ihe.•.find i a tare'ene.,: ' .Th first feSsil'wastotind,by Jas.. • JitinclY, .94.4,/tliagara.t...Falls,:- an em.- ployee,,, and Since. then two. More. , beVerbeen dug, tip; • .They are in the: ..110ine 'Eilsen,,Sherk in , S tevens- • .Liii:',•kiader kg. EllitlY.1. Attending Movies p-reading".saYS4liss !Ora, Forster,, of Winnipeg, "Will' nev- er he an :exact selene. It.),Is an' • ort." Slie Was ;in: Torontla ,last Week for thef'Convention of the., Cainidign. Federation •of 1.',10,11ead- ing organizations, •, • "There. are,itonic ,8•Ouricit •Which .aPPenr. t�. be 11 almost. identical as • ,fornint'V'by .the lips. If I were. tell 'yet/ to .ainuse the bahy, you,' might think I had .asked ,you ,to Abuse the' 1?a,by,'.k. .orAraeoi,,n1..:0410i4 rdJi Mote ob,•.: . tervatioti. than rnerely Watching • the mOvenient 'et the lip.s. The general expres:sion .of' the: .ettee, the noVernent• of the tongue, if it, ' iin be•seen,----the pdople• Whe,fleit't • ' Open their Mouths aro hartr-to read irruseles or, the throat, all . assist in .discovering the WOrits. . Charlie 111cCarthy' (the oquist's (lummy) Vve wutehed,:sev- eval thnes in the '1,119•s•int,' and his 'inOVenientt are .good. Clark Gable ea.sy.` to read, 4na• 'Greta Garbo is Most difficult to, catch)! , , People . Who contorted their inciptha. rant Used ,gangster lingo ent'of the side,, Were hard She added‘ . • ; " ' • *