The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-23, Page 112:00 4 TEAR- IN 4DVANCE-40a EXTRA TO C..3. A. FOR SALE. -20 young pigs. Apply to Arable Johnston: Let 1,, 'CCM. 0 Ashfield. FOR SALEA. Purebred shorthorn "I hell, 4 yrs. Old. Apply to •JOhll-Elarr; g HOlYrood R A 3. • ' ' • i , . . . FOR SALE,•:.: --A,..„, 2846 `Finite" 1 Threshing Separator with', cutter, I $400.00. Apply ,at 'Sentinel ' OffKe.. ' SHINGLES FOR ...S.4.4Fi-p, • G. i Zink, .`R....:.,:',t, LuckriOvee !Phone 777.•-•4 ' Goderich Rural. ' ' -. • • FOR SALE -A McCormick *Owe; with:two extra knives in Al condition --:Sell cheap for oash. APP/Y to Mrs. John McLeod, COn,2.,,Kinloss. • 'NOTICEe.41/111 the party Who took , the 'pitman shaft off' Ed. : James' , mower :at the 'Pervess....barn,, cm ..I.P,, • Kinloss, kindly retina same and .avoid further trouble, as 'they are known. ' 7 FOR SALEe-McCormick ...Deering Threshing Machine with feeder, ele- vator and chait blower; McCormick Deering tractor',*15-391.\ Tractor Plow, ] .„3 -furrow; set' of dOuble Ditt64-.:.all in good repair: Team of Colts, rising 3; 6 Beef 'Ring Heifers, -priced .to sell. Apply to Melvin Irwin, it 6; Luck- now.'Phone Ripley 10-r-6. , ' BABY, tilicKS. Livouity & satisfaction guaranteed, ' , -1 • ' ,. • 90% Pul- Cerek, ,1 7"7 -7 -'-"*"-'7 .---"Mified' lea (nets ' White . Leghortur'z;;.......:7e2 .'.1.3c ' 2c : Barred Rocks ......___-___Sc 10c 7e . N. }lamp...Reds ,..,......;.....,..8c • 12c• 6c. After June 18th,' one cent; less than ' above prices. Pidlets frofil one to oh& teen weeks old at right prices. DUNCAN. KENNEDY:' WINGHAM. ONT. 'PHONE II. • - • ' ' IMPLEMENT •DEMONSTRATION. • See the Massey -Harris twin -power .. 'trnattir, NO. gi One-way disc, No., 34 traction .trailer mower, at the farm Of - Allister; Hughes, on Wednesday afternoon;:---June---29th, -A. :- similar I de- i inotetratiert at another . point On Tidieday afternoon, ,June 30th., Enquire at Massey -Harris Shop for full ,particulars. c Here it a Practical Plan that will enable, you to blind, an independent business .0V.Your own with, the .dis- trihutien of over 200 guaranteed pro- ducts .in selectdiatriet. Every day S , . pay 430 Retieat orders on all goods. position is permanent, • not one-time sale *MO • Offer Open to honest, am- bitious; :alert' Men only. If interested_ , Write to FAMILEX CO., 570 'St: Cle- ment, :Montreal.. . •ASIIPIELD. GARDEN PARTY . At.. Blake's Hall On Friday evening, ',June 24th, :supper 6 to 8 'o'clock: The play PWhitiling'!. Will be presented by Blyth Dramatic Club: Admission - Adults, 3c; children fr to 12 years: 29e. • '2- ''' DANCE AT PARAMOITN ' Dance, in Peraindunt'Ilallthis 'Fri- day evening, June 24th. MeCartney'e orchestra. Gents 25C;• Ladies 150. ' WHITECHURCH INSTITUTE ' STRAWBERRY' FESTIVAL ' At linitechureh, Institute Hall on Tuesday • evening, ;tine ,28t11, straw- berry supper, , 6 to 8 O'clock. . ;The play' ‘tAli. Old Fashioned Mother", will be presented by Crewe Y. F. S. Ad- mission -Adults. . 350; 'Children,. g to ` 12 years, 15e: Should the Weather he Unfavorable' the entertainment will ,all he. held ,inside. 'BORN' :KIRKLAND-In Wingham General Hospital' on Wednesday, June 15th:to Mr. and. Mrs.' Gordon, Kirkland (nee ...teeiie Andrew) Of ;Pen,' a son, David, Archibald., To Mr. and Mrs. D. II.' Carruthers 'Saturday!. .Tune, lath,' a 'daughter, Marlyn Margaret. 1000614 -At Ter040 General. Hs ' pita!, Thursday, June 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dawson (nee' Miss Win - tared MeQuillin). the ,birth of a son. OFFATIIti Kincardine , General Hospital, on Friday, June '17th; to 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moffat, OfterVie, a son. • 'DIED ' GLENN, -.-In Goderieti Iloapitat, on Tuesday, line., 1st; Dayid'' Glenn, be. loved husband Of Agnes FeWlar; 41 his 79th year. ' ' ,The funeral aerviee.,tvill be lielit it ; St, Pahl'a Anglican GhurehiDungan- non, on Thursday, lune 23rd, at2.00 sAletek. Intermentin Dungannon tetit.' iterV, riittigaliaati L. O. .1.,-: Will take. pit PIMPSTING Ai3TIO4g. 'Sentinel readers We" I3elieve ind,•intetesting the article in this is- u$'4A -Trip To A NaVy Yar-cr ^writ, 0 "A' jE.Aclias?"'n„ nativ'e Q,L.uo- . With the.various nation § in the bent:lig. present, on artnament. rograms, an insite into the feeerish ctivitiesat this linrtfeelr navy yanli s no deuht tytticarcif 'what is.gOing on hrbughOot the world. • SIDEWALK "MOWS UP" The. sudden and. extrenie, heat wave hich: „Struels here the first of ,.th,e eels, was the cause of a 'sun link e 'the, main street 'sideWalicin front f F. ,M. Pa,terson's Drug Store on esday afternoon. • . With gnite. an 'audible report, the utside block of concrete heaved 1:1p. everal inches and abut an hour later a sirriiliar: expansion buckled he inner block in the seine mann4r. ifirCHNElt BAND PLAYED HERE ON SATURDAY On Saturday. evening; twelve Merfl. erS of the Scotch Fusiliers Pipe Band f ,Kitchener,• joined with the ;16cal and, for the Presenting of theweekly aturday -night! hand concert. Tire ntire. band Was tWenty-two strong, 4.`cl ie.fine evening's ,dritertainneent, as 'pin:Via-ea •fOr,a large 'crowd that vas in town.' ') • • , • CHRISTIAN FEL1,41W-SHIP CLUB :"Three-miterte Sernionettes"" by the eMbers Will be one of the attract:. on4 at the Christian Fellowship this Friday .evening ' . A different program; every . week onsisting of Bible ' and Prophetic., Truths, Current and Missionaryl (Mies, Bible Competitions and Publie Speaking, Gospel Sin:end and •SPeciai Musical Numbers is being planned. We trust that every young person in he • town and surrounding '.eolintrY with no eppeintinente in their, church- es will 'fake advantage a this, oPpor- unity for .Christiantrainirig, A Ptatr, r Meetind •preceding the Club Meet- rng will be held each:, Friday at 7 P. m: to pray: God's blessing Upon the Club andto give opportunity fon. the young : people id learn to prey aloud in pnblie. Will those who ate %planning to orne please 'bring you ',Bible. and n vite a friend. Send lerv,ice' at 8 P. M. OB ITUARY REV: HENRY, 'JOHN: MILLER" There,. OSS.64 away • on. jime• llth, 1938; in Vancouver, 'Rev: .nenry John Miller. Ile was born 73 years age the 4th oeKinloss, on the farm now owned by Jrio. Morrison. His,. death illarl4 the Passing" of all the family of the late Thomas:and Ann Miller who eleardd the ferrn on the .41h. He taught :for n tinie 1-.1ortla lot LuCknow. befOre he entered the Meth°. odist.,,ministrti, Ontario he preeelt. ed at: Bervie and Dobhieton, in 1893 was , ordained, -going .to Manitoba where:he did pioneer WOrk in Snow- flake biiilding.e. church' and Parsdri- age at 'Yorktcin. eon .account :of, ill health, he was forced: to . leirtte thd Work while at Newdale, going to the 61iinate'' of British, Columbia, .where .he lived for. oyer 30 years.' Ile with his time& and.Mnsital.abil- ity 'won many filerids Where:be peed, LJR$DAY, JUN 24044. 1938 Rey,' L. Tucker .:Presented,, By Library • Boatd. llleitib.er Of, Librarr BOAS -For •Siti. Yeara PrOaented ' Witk Loyel 'VOaetiaa -Aa meeting Of. the LualmOw Lib- rary ,Board on 'WedriesdaY 2•"CVening;; fellow. :Mentbets of the. SOarcl -Made, the ••presentation, of a lovely venetian Mirror.' te their chairman, the sA Tucker, who has served on the Board since , et:ening .to Luelmeir •six years ' ago, ''. and who leaves here' 5)11:6Ar'teCiyou''CiP-eriyin.g', the, Preseiita,tion was tile following address: I Dear Mr. Tucker, • . It is a real 'pleasure for ns, . to everi a sma11 way show Our appre- ciation of your splendid Services on. . . . the: . Library Board, in diving it slieh good" leadership :' to the:: place:Which the Library now enjoys.. ..For,, your faithful work : you have son- heartfelt thanks asz.Well as out very best wishes and that the. Great God Of Love will bless you 4111 311 yenta,' •wherever you may he, is the earnest desire and prayer of. :your other -mentliets' Of the Liiclitteet Lib- rai'.' Board. , l'AST7-5FASTErt7JACIe•-":iMILLER-::';'7 ' PRESENTED'. WITH JtvirEl . • : • .The Settl,Minual. Meeting- of 'Wes Bruce Couiity Orange Ledge,..., was 'held at, Anibeiley the peat ,week, with L19yd tell, County Master in charge: • •A:highlight of the evening was the 'Presentatien of the; Past - Master'.S, "JO/vette' Mr. jack Miller of LueknoW, District Master for the past two years and an enthusiastic Orangenian The. address: was read by Wrn Itaidenby ..and the 'presentation' niade :by Ceettj .Couritjr, Ledge :decided to Celebrate' the. i2th;ef July in ;Chealey. ' • He had no children, but he was kindly. ministered ,to bY his,,,nenhoers and nieceliving in Vancouver. His two sisters 'Mrs. Walter Treleaven and .Mrs. , R. .J.' Cuyler, :passed On sonie year ago., • • . • J:VvplvirLig 'DOUBLEHEADER • IIERE o4 'itTLY• 1ST ,•. • Luckneve .Juveniles ,lare , getting primed' up. for e iippb141neadoi. base. ball battle on Friday'; July 1st. Both •g'anies are league gaineS.,„Anct it the loCalc can take the •pair, they. Will much 411.11reVe theft 'Standing... teEach! genie,, Will be SeVeii inningS. Vhe hrst battle with 'Whighene the ,visitere will, Start at -thted The :second Milne with the sttong bullgennon eel-nine/ides at:45ve • •••• • ' Webster Re -union NO, HALF II0I.IPAY NEXT WE:Eli, STORES. OVEN AT NIGHT • In view of the %04t .that 'July 1st, is a '911hlia • holiday, , the Thursday half holiday will not be ob- served by: Luelcoew merchants next Week. Stores, will teinain open on •Thursday evening as well as the ous, .t01110TY .0Pon:night on Wednesday. . Hear Yel near yet Bigger and bet-. ter.• -are aeffialined the results of the re-uniori picnic' of that Unions:Vett', Stet 'elan 'which took .pilee. it ;Jew, ett's Grir(re; Bayfield, on Saturday • Despite the th eo.tening weather of „ , . • , ,the zearly .morning,..sonie two hundred Valiant sons •and daughters of. the. 'name: .gathered • to wileaway-a, feW happy hours in a ,jOyoits cOrnpariy, where; true to fiction "Irish smiles" prevailed. , The LucknOw meinbers of the Farre. ily : 'enjoyed''.fihe hospitalitY of their sOnthesai...,relations,-, who supervised the arrangements for the SUMPtiniuS itincheeriS•ii noon•And. in the 'evening. At 2,30 in the afternobie, under -the .direetion. a a Stanley sport's cern.. the „sports were 'Well, 'participat,e4 and ,much enjoyed. $0 mirthful. were , , soree events that • even, 011 Sol dame' forth td.,,,sinile ,ancl, more pleasant 'Weather • conditions' marked , the Ire- Mainder of the 'day.. The following Were sibecessful in the .various eventS:. race, tinder 5 Years„.•Tonarrik."Consitt. 'George; poi eman ; race'.6,8 'Yeers';.: Dor- othy Turner,''Jiroroy Chaintani.giris .8-12 Years; tiiee .11TY,rtie: bOYS,:184.12, race, Anon MeKinley, • Itohert MeKinley;' race; Katherine Turner, MisS ."•PearSori; . yOund ,Jadies".: race, Elsie -Ritelde„Kntlierine ;Turner; Mar- ried , ladies' ince; 'Mrs. R. ,Chapinet; Alton; /tarried /nen?s. race; Real' eel' Cdusitt, Anion:'Coleinan; coatrace naryey Keyes andEttabelle Webster. . • e johnNieholsen and. Shirley Turner; Children's Shoe ' race,. ' Myrtle' Robett.,M0Kieley; men's shoe i..ade Russel Consitt, Ansn Colerrian; sack race, Robert . McKinley,: Anna. 'Reid: btopin • .distance. throwing, Nicholson; .knockiicghat off old .inan .depression, Mrs. X. M. 1%,lay4! man stepping eft dietance;.4.rds,., Toni Reid Novel relay as sStinvi and teen' "'Straw .and *atch.. and f.sreper Bag,,..added ;ainuSetnent to .the sportsandrevealed: talent an:long. the :111eMbers of the. ckin' After 'the'evening repot we,: mora •-joYenile, Members Were; taught a'le's, ten or two on lust new,..44ii.1.0,,,,pittran 'saint, .haVine‘, visited, the blarney 8tonc, really tells one. The fish • eident ptiagibiy,,.8adde. ..te.' blinder,. 4. • Rintiour conies to the tePortees,ear that the Meat . handSeind Webster gentletnan ittcnding t1).6146,1.11119,ii had his 0166 taken; Be this true Pt' et' e etWise,, .W6 are,eSSilteit that „ totheir respectiVe.'hoineS With • ElslEp 'BROADCAST SERIES` i LAST FRIDAY NIGHT The 13Inevvater Highwityr. broadcast featuring' :Cameren amides,' conunen- cgd over CKLW, Windsor lest Fridek evening and a number Of • Ltickn9w residents; who were aware Of the pro dram .listened.• in and were proud' to beat -this' Lucliziow born boy, perform . , creditablkt In addition lo singing four favorite nuffibers, ,Cameron 4outlines tourist •attractions at the following lakeside towns which. are sponsoring: the broad.cast, Goderich, Kincardine, Port Elgin Southarripton, Wiarton, Meetford,, ()Wen Soiled and ;aollingiood.' Theseries '' consists of thp-t.een broadcasts, ! Monday, ' Wednesday and Friday evenings • at .10.45 stand; • Cameron formerly of :the. punabens and Canadian Players Corporation is Widely known as an outstanding jias6 • heti Wife: .8tatiiiii-,CKEW;"Windsor and! 10e0Olt, 1040 kilocycles, penetrates, the station claims into an area in the, States, witha population in excess of ,13,600,0o0 people as well. as alarge Canadian' audienee. TWENTY-FIVE RINKS. IN DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Goderich Pair Win • Place - One Local. Rink In ''ItIciney 1 With ideal weather favoring the event, Ludicnow Bowling Club annual Scotch Doubles tournament was sue- essfully • staged 'last • Wednesday. 1:wentY-five 'rinks ' were entered„.; an inerease Of five rinks over last year's. . First place went to Joe Swaffield and Jina Cutt ef:IGOdertch; Beciehley and Willis c,f:'Seaforth were second; and 'Wellington McCey, and ' Wallwe :Miller, third, the only local rink to figure. in :the money. ''Fourth prize Went to Art Wilson and Ed Harrison of . Windham and -firth to 'Rev, 'John Pollock s of , Whitechurch ; and ',Rev. Boyle of Blyth. Over Trait Presented TO, Mrs-. Tucker At Meeting' Held On Wednesday Atternoon-,-Grinip Made Presenta- tion Friday ' At a ,meetand.on, Wednesday, after- , . , • imon of the three gropps of the Wo - Men's Association, Which includes all the ladies of the Unite Church con- gregation; MrS. (Rev.) T..- Tucker was preSetitecl With, a lovely silver • • • ' • . .• • ' serving trey. , In . the absence, of ,the ;'Aseciaticei president; ,Mrs. ItleKirri,,' the meeting wee. presided over by', Mrs. W. G. Andrew. The Program included, a snip bY Margaret. Rae; ifistruinee- tab, Mrs: G. A. Newton; „vocal duet, Ferri Alton and Marjory Hoffman and a readied by '*iSS Margaret MCCalr • ! • . . The presentation, corning as ;trete surprise to Mrs. !' Tucker, • was , made. by Mrs. ''Harold after Mrs. Andrew had read,' a ,fitting ad, 'dteSs. • • , Ws'eciAt.sits14Orrii ''mak‘is .,iyienibers:. of Mrs: Robert Fisher's group 9f the Wsimen's Association of the United! Ohtireb, paid e' surprise visit .to the...parsonage on Friday ev- ening.; vl'ilp11" Pesi; Presented Mra, S. T. Tutker, meniher of the 000, with a lovely Magazine rack. A plea- Sant.soeial evening mid, program ,was followed by bell* serv ed: r . SurPrise Pre-' Silverwoodi ,gos, Cream Buying.:$tations. New 100.VerOin,e.nt -1;egtilatiO6S, Re - entre' Cream, .0a-hered. By' Truck Deliyerecif To The area*, • ery So, Far. As The Loca Plant COncerlied..- EffecAave recelitlY' itnirient. 'regulation under the Daitiy Products Act, requires that cream •le collected by truck, :delivered 'to'. the creamery or shipped7 fffireugh, the Railway .' express 'Company. In 0;411ring, . the new regul- ation the Lucknew 'Plaut Silver - woods Dairies has closed its buY111g. Stations at Dengantum and Ripley. Cream enn n9 Ringer be left at stores to be picked uP; and farmers who sell cream to the local plant, nanst by the ,new regulation have their cream collected by truck or deliver it direct to •the creamery here., ' . The penalty set .for infractions of this. regulation, applicable to any or everyone involved, is a iniziiinum line ef $25.9e with a Maximum of $200.00: There_ is no question but that. the buying station and Other points for collection of crearri served as a con- venience to farmers and buyers alike , , ,end how popular the new regulatiOnS will be, remain to be seen. The chierreasen for this new GOv- drnment Enactment is elaimed to be With ,a'`view to ensure the .collectine- of a better grade of cream. "'•• . „ TO PROAO FAREWEIL ;The Preparatory service wiU be held -in the Luelmow United Church, Friday elienitig, June. 24th at 8 P.m. Rev; C. H. MacDonald Will give the addresS • -7` - The, Sacratrient of the Lord's Sup- per will be adinimstered at the morn-. ing service, ; June 26th. . Rev. , S. T.' 'rucker..Will :give his .fareW011. sermon at the evening service.... Stoti, ItOniOn The ScOtt reimion was held. this year On Saturday the ..1.8th day of June at thanonee of John :Nesbitt on the',south: tine; .which ;was the resi- denee of Mr.' Nesbit'S. father , and mothet Mr and Mrs. itobi. Nesbit: Mrs.; Nesbit's Maiden narrie was, :Sap - ah Scptt. The day was not so proniii- ind .the.forenoori,.bet cleared away aretirid noon and turned warmer and it was ideal in the afternoon. The number of people present showed that the interest 'in this gathering .once year, where the friends nieet one nn - other had• held iti•OWIL The ,iisnal 1 • 'APPGINttl). A,881'gr,rANT • 1,.PEI1V1861 111118IC • ••••147 Hovis and Sunsoy Bread •" WEEK END SPECIALS .fillEAFYLE •ROLLS -71 TUVFI PRUITT . RASPBERRY' TARTLETS CHELSEA 'BUNS' " CHOCOLAT CARES' .1 LAYER' CAKES - "JELLY .ROLL , . CHERRY cup DATE. S911.'A.REs. RAISIN"' PIES' TEY OUR RAISIN .,- WHOLE 'WHEAT AND HOME M.0..pg BR40$ HOLLYM4tN'S BAKERY sports, . racing, Softbill,•.'fbetball and other ..aniasemerits:were ' entered into: with -a: great .deal of enthosiasin. The new: order of serVing. ice cream. 'in- stead pf ()rendes arid; having b'oph• Where all the..riarnes of those present are recorded for future reference Was. carried dot'. aed. seemed . 'a : .success. There' were two deaths during ,the year. Mr. Sohn Brown and Mrs. Joe: They were reineMbered by 'a two Minute silence. andthe. syinprithY of the friends' go' out to their fam- iiies in 'their. bereaVeritent. ThebitSinesi 'Meeting,. the: election of officers :and eornmittees. were .ar- 'tended for -another Year, which meets. the ;third Saturday of 'lune' :at the , • „ . henie of. Mrs. ,A.dgie :Campbell , on , the IOth. of Kincardine • A .heattY 'Vote of.,,thanks ivag tend- ered Mr.. arid; .Mrs, John Nesbit for 'their 'kind' hoSpitalitY and in, OPenifie tip their home so that evetYbpdy had geed tittle: • ..' ' • • • . But that is not all. I am Stire.we all' enjoyed Mr. Wilson Walt on the"bag- pipee7it seemed to put new life into things end lie •mitY1 be with'its'agein next year, - • The peOple all Sat down to tea which wea'sufficietit to meet the needs af etety•tdi*',after; which' the People left'lot hone! HAPPY COIJSINS CO. TO PERPORM 'HERE .31,JNE 30TH ”The Happy„ "Ceusins"' •Popular. Elateklainers Te VeatureLPipe 'Band Concert Here Next Thursday Etien- ing• " The Happy CoUsins Ceneert Comp- any wilt be featured en the Pipe Band Concert ptegrane • to be .Presented :in the COmniiirtity Hall, Lucknow, next ThursdaS'evening, June 30th, at 8:15 sharp. •'" • ;,• : ' • , These ,nappy Cstusini";„, are Widely popular Western; 01,4tatia. and SQ pleasing are their lirOgrarna that .their services are con-; itantly iri' demand. The company .con -s sists of six versatile artists who pto- vide 'a Wide range of entertainment. of remit, niiith; antemelotty. This " Luekribw Pipe' Band Concert „ will he an outstanding' night's enter- tkininent that merits a large audience ,• 130WLING WINNERS • At. the ladc'es, bowling jitney on June •-14th winners were. Mrs, Helf-7.. Mrs..1). Hun - ton arid:.Mte. Clarke., On. Tuesday of this; week, the prize's were „won lby Solomon; Mrs., Clarke, Donald ,ItlecKenzie land Mi -S. SteWaid. In the mitied.jitneY on XendaY ev ening, the ladies' prizes went to Mrs. Solomon, Mrs, D. Ruston; Mrs. Clarke. and Mra, Doug14, With the men's prins won by Wellington •MeCoY, Isaac Miller,' Dr. Witi,'• Fowler and Wm. McPherson. . . MODERATOR DIES ,Elected ,Moderator of the FreshY7 terien Chuteli sin (nada' on June /sit Rev. .Donald MaeOdruin age 74., died at, his hoine Brockville on Monday thirty minutes . after being seized with a heart .attack. had;oecupied his puipit.onSonday and gave Ito evid- .enee of not being in his uSuat health , , 6gAptlAirtp futTpAY. Miss Andeey nenclergon, daughtei of Mt. arid: Mrs.A,W,ellington liendet- Soil, 'Wag ohe ;the gradnatei to "re- ceive lief diplonna,- when graduation . • WEDDINGS ODOR SON' --M atLE01) ' the home ! of het parents, en Wednesday. June' 1.5th, at 3 O'clock,' 'Grade Mary, only, daughter of Mr. and Alex ,MacLeod. Con. '2, Kin- loss, Township; becarne, the.. bride . of r,'Wilbeit Edgar Hodgkinson, elder on of. Mr.' apd, Mrs: J. B. Hodgkin- son of itifilitugh„ 'Ontario. tinder' the beantifully decorated alch a , the liv- ig robin; the bridal :Petty took their lilhees: ihe .eeiennenf • conducted bY Rev G. ' ..ypiirig,:_miss :Dorothy Nixon. cousin lof '•the, bride, played the Wedding 'magic. Given in: marriage by ither: father, the bride; was lovely in a drese of...white Silk. net and dium lace! over taffetta, with hat; ,dlovea: and shops: to match; het.00te. sage being Of sweetheart 'rose's. hi, Pink . with Maiden, hair 'fern, The-. bride's -atieridarit were Mi sh Greta nodgliinson; sister, of the groom and Miss Je'en :Struthers . of • Lec,knove. Both: Witte' dresses of pale pink silk Chiffon,. with 'White accessories :414. carried, 'honquots !Of4.: white roses and. .ferris. The bride's °only "brother, Mr. LaWterice MacLeod, , supported:: the groom', - ' • Following the, pet• embny, slaintS luncheon' was setVed; The dining' !torn and •tables were effeetieely decorated in 'white ;alicf.pitle blue, with SelliA‘ roes • encl. ;Candles, ' ceritteing. the )bride's table.' I ' In the evening a receptioe , wits ,held at. the •IllecLocid 4honie„ when •about 'end ,hundred And seventy-fiv'e invited guests were present. The • gifts, Were'niany and .6 eantiful;' she*, Mg the' high. .-+ ..s • whiCh. the young couple'are held. After the, te: dePtiOn the happy Couple left; aittid heat of good wishes, for e short OntheWreturif theY;Will' take up residence • • The 06SS ,t0).* n i'Os6WOOd. Shade (4 8116dt eitiih; :Mill' Pill 'TR:ate. 'Levy of Six and Eight -Tenths Milis For county Purposes Is. lAtest In 18 Yearn:- Big Road • Program For • . 1038. 'Report L Of Equalization Of Count; Assesiitneni Adopted. Busy ' Summer Session Concludes At Walkerton ,On Friday Night. The Bruce County Council held its sirininer„,sittingit at Waliterten from MOndaY night to Friday noon' a Last week, featured a very hay silo-. lon. That the social 'side of the session did not lose by shOltling the ssittings :in the Comity Town :instead of 'at : some lake port Or other point, ,Which usually, sees ; to it ;that a municipal Welconie in the -feral Of'a banquet is: tendered by. the visited corporation, Was shown in. the fact that the Better Business--Asiociation-oft-Widkertter7---'.-- tendered the :County legialatOrs a rOyal welcome in the form .of ban, quet at the ,Queen's Hotel, W'alkerton, en Tuesday evening; while -.Carrick, •• provided the .Warden ,qf .the County this year in the person of Reeve nenry_ Lantz; combined :with . .Mildmay in entertaining the 'Council at A' delightful supper in the,Coni:7 Ineicial ,Mildmay, on Wednes..„ Jay 'evening., Reeve NV. C. Winter of Walkerton took the County Parlia- ment to the annual.' Horse Races at Walkerton :on Wednesday afternoon, while Reeve S. M. Ewart of Chesley alSo treated' the county ,Fatlierato 'a theatre party in Chesley's, newly es- tablished Picture Show on ,Thersde,y' ' evening. , • . County Rates, .. The most :important item . of bus- iness at .the June session .is always the fixing of: the. County ,Rates, as thii deterniines the amount .of taxes .each municipality has to 'contribute to the 'CpunteTreasury for the year. The County leyy•for 1,938 Ayes fixed at 6.8. mills .On the dollar as against . 8 mills' in 1937. 'rhis,,reduction does not, however, mean any . greet re- duction CoiintY'f.attee as under the • new ;school legislation the costs the : education of County punils instead of being paid out of the general funds .is now payable separate tax by the: 'municipality Where the pupils 'reside, and the I amount is no longer included in the County rates.' The 0.8 muis will provide a, levy Of $194; , 7,45.40 for general County purposes, but in • addition the. Municipalities • • • o'clock. • . , - " • will - The brdl boys have started out seib big tickets for. this holiday bill, and will be calling oe yell it they hoe wed - not already, done so. The tickets; good for both games, :sell at la dime a "Veee hride and the hiteriiidA the ti6 'doiie theft r •bet in dieing, you your . only baseball'turncd • this aeison, itte'Worthy of yeti)" sup-. tott)PSr ifitilloPi6o hrtiell5athig el' et raining tit he 0 n dian 1Vtothet- gray, weed, coat, I Slid tidgeSsolie, to a Seridatt At the gOivenido 'port • . tea y the picnic of June Sho 1q a qoloist of ciy pleasing i.oic craft, , • lq.Os garY A. Douglas, clengt,er of Mr'George Douglas has ''eqq aPPPilitqd .sies‘stalvt, nosic In the 'Xitefiener and Waterle'e Schools, ittise.'bettgliwo or a nitinber df ••years;has been On' the staff of the !Margaret 'Avenue gclieel,'"Kitchenet. exercises Of BruceCountyHospital, AVoikerton were „held in the Town Hall thre last PriclAY OPuing- •• • 41.1dtSi is the third - of the netloar' Set sisters nutting profession IVIatiorie is a graduate'. of Stratford .001161'41 arid Joy twohtlyl. cOmpleted which have no High or Continuation Sdho6le ,to .support, are required to levy the 'further stim of $33,279.,59': ; for the cost of educating their minds,. to. that the total tax levy , for . 1938 will. be $228;015.99' as against. $22D.,- 112.2.1 raised' in 1937.Of ; the :1938 • • levy miiis or about $86,000,00. is 'for • expenditures on county reeds' and,: as the • gevetnnient pays a to% sub- sidy'cin the expenditure made. by •the • 'o0O'no fori the - - TClotUtinotily,'.'otfhis4bent $16o will prov,id! • County Roads doeirilitteei• County Highways • 4Vs in 1937, the .‘fCounty 'btt 'fy :Oa6i con- siderabler'r: by assurning theroad from Alleriford to Tobetinory as 'a Provincial High- wa, the County' ifighWays•CoMmIttee tecormiiefided in their, report the ..tis.• suthilig..bY the County of .the foflow- ing TOWnthip roads,, the inereasi,he7' ink Aix:hit. 45 • '• ' The•Ith,•Concessie 'f , , n„,o - dine • iron the Bine Water Highway easterly to the 'Green:66k boundary 'about, rnuies. ; . • ' . (2), The 15th .8ideroad from the Satili1e road -southerly tothe titolii the rterliarit 'Redd rietthetlY to toetitet with the. Pinkerton highway', (Continucd on Pogo' 4).: :'• • . .