The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-09, Page 6'COMM011tarr ''op the k4111iglits: of the W0e4,5, Novo • teqiat AlhanY:44ver inta Elizabeth plo Eed UANX0W". Chinese air Lakes and ntirliee the additional farPe acored, "heavilIT 'againat„ the• 'power et Niagara. janarreee arIll Hankow and, . • :P.,Oarg. :Lake leat, week, T\;,,elve • ,'T.h.ou4anas 4030.noimi* gs pponese ceni.hat, prarieS• vor4 ,ANTON, chiaa, Japanese. „brought down during an air battle • planes last week -end bonthed this Oer tlie'eity between twenty,sir. ierge ceminercial city Of SOAthern • Japanese ships and probably' den-, ' China for 'the . fourth .0me as 'We tho number Of ,Chinese.fight7, Inannlays,, brinth ging e eatualtiee • Votrr,...Chinese plarieS were tenearly g,otm dead and,"elose said be shat tlown, , •5 000 Wolinded. • - A ,eity official aneohneed that ic*ecir DefePtce bcflielne- tho cauaItes in "or,ie hdmbing. CzOchosloyakia,, .alone, totalled ,..1,400 • deed and '-owOrtl todefend its, soveregny 2,100 uiure•:= • against' any attitelt,,` incerpOrated ,„ • all its Peoide between' the ages of , • - ...The British freight.; „ srll and sixty.. years in a gigantie British. Freighter Sunk defence. ceenae *.eekMADRID- this . Closely folloiging a blanket Or- • er ,Peritharries Was lioiohed and , , der that. all person, men, w'onien, sunk in, an Air raid On. 'Valencia and children, „must egilio tbein... 'barber lett week. No lives. were Selves With gas" Masks at onee, the kat"' ' Governinent. in * civil ctrtlinittce, ,--'- A •Spanish iiestel also Was sunk. required all.perienn of both .nexen Air .raid alarms. kept •the harbor. Ll'oln 0 to 60 to tabinstruction distric.*-i. a state ef teasiait:'whila In 'War PreParedneSe, ' ' the. -raiawas on • - • Tremendous .Great 1.41kes. .Project2,4 • OTTAWA,•4--A vast project for •'the de'Velopment of ..the 'Great Laket, Systeni and the, •St- -TAW- • rence River. Basin for bothship- i png and power needs hat been • ' proposed te the:Canadian Govern,' ,•xnent by •C.ordell, Anil, :Secretary _Of, State .for the United State',.• •In ,a surprise' •annouriceinerlY: 'Prfine,,Miriister Ma.elterizie 'Sing revealed to the House that nego- tiations'hdve already iesueti, in Li,. di ft ti oaty we1rth td 'States -bas agreedtte.. arrarte- „mentpliereby:.,:both he Canadian Gaternment and, the Ontario .Gov- ernMent could defer -responsibility for-develepment of their share of the tremendouS ',project ' • The United” States :Government has' also .agreled to accept surplus Ontario power and permit.the tali!) Geverninentto proceed with its plans. to divert the waters; Of - More Onions Being Grown, TORONTO ,— Weatern Ontario ' is going to •be, the cause 6f even More tears this year. The Ontario Agricultural Department's prelim,' ' friary estimate thews that onion • ilantillga ill that part have: 'creasedto 2,04 acres this spring' , ' • an increase of"249 over list year. • Esse; 'Kent and tambten are the .three greatest Oniongrowing counties ofAhe previnde, account- • irig for'2,093.acres. • • 'Neeiled , :OTTA.WAt-Wheat. eeeding. in " -the:Prairie' Provincee is piactieal- ly corripIeted,.but a'contirivariee of . • • adequaite. precipitation in the 1937 '- • drought. areas is essential'. if the ' :present stande are' te Main-• • , tained, the.:Deminicin Bureau .ef • ',Statiatics, reported in the 'first .of its series.ef,weekly telegraphie • ports. on crop conditions On the prairies. NEXT.WEEK--- A NEW FEATU will begin in this paper IE - A 'record of peisdrialities; Canadian, foreign,. wlioare.niiiking., history hi these 1:110nentotth tirnes Found Cure For Colds Moseow,.SeientiSt 'Reports De- vel�pment A • •Ser002. 'Which 'ElirOirtatek:' All Cold Synnotorni: 24 ;Hours ProFylathmir )3arilcin, heed or the Moscow. Institute .bt, Epidemiar. • 'logy and;MierobolOgyi.,,has rePorted, , development of' a aertim./which he. said bas never failed to eliminate . completely, all ,symptoms • of the ..Ceratniki cOld within 24 hours. Prof.4Idrikin,..Whe s been ex:. 'perimentiagmith the:serum for two Yeart,'Said lie tested it on himself: . •;:whenf he was ill, With.' the grippe.' andaweke ihe next day "complete- ly ,recovered." ' ' ' • • , • Firi, i sap peered'. After heing, tested on riiide• the ",seruzii 'was:Or/Plied" te ,86 members Of the institnte's,staff,and.ati.eqrial • ,•hunzber,of i'Oliiateers..suffering with 'grippe. • In everY%ease, he seid, ,it, • • aniiriated all 'signs Of grippe : wlth- in -. , • " wee. saidtto ,grow -best 'in'a hlekee einbrYo three or' rani.. ; days ,frontVhieb the .Serwii :obtaiaed, • • • * The Mic4 use'd ti tlie.experirrient,s first were injected ,with,:the sertini; • then With �. dose off,gripPe "drift , Stilheient. to eau te death: The mice. • reinained 'Ohre and • Were ' . given " ,tioset virus 100 times stronger. :thaw WoUld 'ordinarilbe,-reqUired ' 'to kill them: :When the/eel-tan wag injected they'reetriered, the Votes`, ter' •' , ' • addition to the instithle 'staff.. niefebera and Yeltritteera the" testa ,HWere condueted nsttdeiits at Mes- eOW7S Central, 11oSp1titt. ' Woodpeckers Are Fussy Creatures liDucelviakes Tt spectiolit.k - • 4 n'',177‘ V•777fgr..,TTIV,*:M*N. •"-' Premier Benito Mussolini adopts his most fameus• stance .as he iniliects • -his recent visit to Genoa, Italy, where he later made a strong, speech, ••-• . • • mt, • whfin7 • asked': If there 'it anY chalice of aelne dishoneet fishermae tniPping off tho Aos 3:-Psi1• ha 'Itaa., caught, . to earn the , MI:4We hen all own Way of nreyeating this hind of triekery becarise, the scars left liSr removal ef fins from a fingerliag, Cal? •eaSilY diStingniShed • fr..om- '404ra Mede On. 4. grown Ash. _ .•u 410.401, Vett/rut expert of the .departinent Will knoW* they , have to seek e new metbod ef tag. 'gilfg the fingerlings. Renieval •of „the fins ma Y hamper the. hah' in keeping 4way fyom, their natural en: enttes, FeW of. the InallEed ' saUnon ected to•-eP9ear ia Nova •geetfaii. waters so tlie,PO'Stbrs wUl PP placed in New. Brunewicit.: • • Yade Advisers or g• Cities clyttaiali,..Grivernment. cOnsid. r • ering ,Propoisal, Fte- ,veals, to lncrease Export Trade. a, heavily arnied,tapk, I, News In Review WHAT," NO NEWS?: Whys it .that nothing seems•to`' be going 'on' in'Canada this week -apart from ' the talk at Ottawa,' we mean? Rather harti,'on the newspapers; Yon' know, having so few .stories • to feature in the headlines " What's,. behind it all? , Why, everybody's, toe busy to beinaking-• news. British* Columbia is trYing • to cope with its ',urgent relief, • problem, While thinking about the• „ newhighway. throegh to Ala'ska;. Alberta is busy untying Social. ,:"Credit 'knols :and keeping,,,,a,„„ fin, TiTth'e 'Saskatchewan election"" pi'e;' the farmers of Saskatch'ewan -are ,blessedlY •busY on. the land, ' giving •little theOght to •hoW the election' Will turn. out; Quebee.`is • occupied with' provincial problems, taking trine toff neW•, and then -'for 'a -bit 'ef a "Red" ,hunt; While dewn • here in Old, Ontario everybody is -out gardening or•galfineor•disten- ing to the •crops grow, ". ,It's June. Isn't that. enough for anybody?. ' •with hark. "A. wOoderiboi can be• ' made and Covered •With strips Qt. llark, Or better, stillonakethe tonse froni woottirtnia Whicli•the,•barkhas not been. striPped. After tlie hous,e :-. is made place a; handful of sawdust in„the,...bottem' of It -to facilitate. the • buildingOf the- nest., ' ••,.• A house ,intended for,. a„, red -head: woodpecker -should. .have 'a' ,floOr SpaCe six by six inCh,es square,. The entrance 'bole should be Made . tWo inebes in dianieter and drilled drilled • about -'12. inches above the floor.: ihouhe'-ehotild bang from ' 30,feet above the ground... A 'flicker house should haVe ..Toor„.seven sev,en 1iiehes square. ' The entrance hole should be, two 71 and, One-half jaches in diameter and. 16 inches above. the floor. Hang • the house °trim Six •to 20 fedi abOVe the' ground; i'refer, %Their, Nests at Bottom Deep * 'bark 1-.1ole. in Vollow Tree • . - both' welociriecittis ,nnd illekers :prefer Ito Inake tieSts at ipie bOttotit of tv, deep,. dark hole; In a Therore it We Ant • to coal these' birdnett io th• e, 'garden *6 nitist i„up' Inst, the. Itind,,bt hOitsa.interided for '-.-WoOdpeok,.- ers flielterii .tilioutti be •eevered. " ' „tt Artificially Made Lightning Flash • Is -Shown Publicly At. tPhiladel- 11. lioltadge,. •...`"--CUld Sp itO P " -tiotifwoo f nes ' .• week' headlines. Seven persona, • ineidentally, were seriously hurnod •on the' 'seine ,occasion,* The film? . Mae-'Weat Picture.- Nuf.f said •Aci-l..1OF VS.PYS $3U Canada?Se defense program' at - the it Present. time : -is,' e, °sting $,3.11,• . • per, 'capita. ' Most,'Of.' thit niOney is wring iritO construction of :for- tifteatione on the 'Pacific coast: - '•We're .getting ;3ff easy over here.' In Great Britain,. the cost is eight times as much for every indiyidual.,. . • TIME 1..ii.111T: Although' the CzechoileValcian crisis has sub - tided .fortlie. rnonient-L-Gerrearly has found NA. bigger problea to `real,°cusis is to be expected • before' "the faThAtinielinitha been eciT•fer:' ,Czeelioslevakia- :tb. 'genie to- German. terms. •, For last week the leaderof. the ,Sadeten Gethian•(,treuble:rnaking) party in Czechoslovakia, made an announcement:' "BY next autumn a :solution Will have to be 'found, for the' ', Sudeten • questien • •Czeclioshivakia. Unless .Czecho= slevakia halts its "rePression";of • the; Sudeterr.-minority •and'xrants by 'direct action to, bring them • *Ain the frontiers of the •Reieh." SO •theiie,-koli are. NO. --- -REST- ARS:- 'Their long fightOver,Ithe,• . four "Winners'''. in the Will •Stork -'Derby are -;deserving •of . a little Otliet „iiia eii- : joy .their .new-found riches 'But ho, 'the big invasion has begun—'.' ta/esinen and. hangersIo.n , into ,the Torofito hoines of ,the four Tnothers. It will. apparently come 'to ' to an end only when each sunk Of -$75;00.0 has been -exhausted by , .lawyers' expenses,. new , care, ra- dios, refrigerators. •• , Not that, vigorous reeistance: isn't, beipg put up in • each casPl But you' know thos,e,.salesmen...: . •• • Man -Made 'lightning, has"' been:, shown publicly. Por -the .firtt tinte at ; the #ranklin:Institute,,In tehiladel- 0114 aud,the. denaMistratiori Will re-. main- there •perniarientlY:. • ficial bolt has a potential. of 500,00 yolte and strikes With enetigh power to smash gt, bleak,. Or, wood one .feOt: king ilia four inehet.,.thiek. The. db. ,charge .Is: itetittoed by, a ',giant surge generater, • by. the, "'Westin*', house Erectile, and Mantifattaing • • Canipanyi .„ • ,,,•tbe holt? .friade ..up Of particles ' tra-velling: at '2200 feet A pecoad,' abOtit • twice. the Velocity of, aonnd,. hit e its ',target •the force ofn hUllet,, Natistatlightning , hits "a bib* eqUivalent 'to a thirty peitind Shell diSeiteged WItIIaWZ- 'z'Ie veleci4—of 2,200 -feet qiere'- set -- end: ' tt". , • :rite current ift, takeri irem aa, or-, ,`diritity. household. socket; 'Tiospite •the 'high ,Voltage, little tOtal energy,. le 11111'9104 siP0:. tie. dash lasta list -than, tiVe,millionths, of a see-% end,. The current used, by aileiee; trie Onater h .pne sectind would pro'duce flve suclt.'dashes, A ilatti: ral-dhlit of 1,0 -00(000 velts arid. , . , 000 aropertS, lasting to. twent.Y. tnitlionths. tedotd. 'Mies 20 ,te.fit* a; kiloAVatt hatit, acCording to, flr. P,L.4ellaseht;, WeStitighbuite ret arch' enkineer,• • • ,EMPTY VICTORIES: :An int- • 'portant- Cable:frein 'Peiping 'Whieli' • caine througn, uncensored,: to :the,: lobe. and ,Mail and the Nei York '-Times, -neatly sums up the 'war-. sithatiOn.:in ..Chiria, as ft new. stands. Says, the correspondent: "It is idle te, say .the Japanese •.arshies have • `conquered' Many Provinces—the fat e are that the ,Japanese • authority' rarely runs • • beyond the range. of ". Japonep,e :guns • • : :politicallY and economically there isa 'grave danger 'of• Japan beckning hope- lessly: bogged. down *in the :vest morass...created, by the Chinese • stubborn refusal tO • admit military defeat."' • ' •1 • , :. For japanta conquer the Whole, , 'of .China,. and hold: it, seems At ,thie tinie • inipessible of accomp- lishment. But new .factors mey •yet e,iiter. and change the: situri- tion, Japan 'is reportedto liP nego- ' tiating,with. Gertnariy for ':arms, nitrilitioht -.support,: 'Offering in return a Portion of the , cenquered territery for clermany's ; later nib:. Should such a •dear ge, through, the outcoine of the Sine-. -Jan, conflict woeld be unpredict- able, 1-• • T .Kritain ifies °Channel's' Mouth *ill Solve 'Riddle I*, Appointmentl of, trade eoirtniit. -sioriers,..in 'reroute, Montreal and , other Canadian centres is being ,considered by the Departnieet of . Trade and Commer,ce in its efforts' , to ericobrage tlfe extension of Can,: ' ad'a's export ,• trade t ;aecording, to • ,A, '• E. ,I3ryan, Inspector Of : • the :.. Trade Commissioner Service. • • Such cominissioners..w,ould.'cOn, ' jer with And. adviee nianufectur, , era and other' businessmen • On • ceriditions in other ,countries ,• Mr. .Bryan'told 'the foreign trade con, • ference of the Canadian ChaMber •of COrnmeree at •,Hainilton last Week. He urged Canadian mann-, .faetarers to purse' foreign trade friore•VigorouslY. The resulting in,, , creased .business-1,veuld • enah1e. them tO be ind,epend,,ent ofthe de, •'In e‘stie market , f ..,.. ;• f'. Men prom in eke' in N odustr.y,. firi-„I::. . Ance-,-andcoiereerce attenned-the I - ":.#,Lide" cbrifererice,' first. Meeting. of ' its kindorganized in Canada: Many • technical , qUestions Were disuse - ed.: Miring .,..,the conferenee • -, the business leadera -sought to achieve ' • conceited ;action to ftirthel• the • Dominion'. :place' 'in :the Intelrea-, tietial market, . .Of fish Migration . • . • maritiines Project Is Tagging Salmon' Fingerling(' To • Find • Out Where' They Thousands ofsalmon spaWded in the Resagoeche River and turned lbote as fingerlings In the St. Jahn River in Nevi Brunswick are .get, ting ready. to return ' to •waterS an,dtthe -question- that fish; • erieg 'department officials 'are hop. - ing to arisWer is whether they will start up • the. Ileatigouche they2seekthe river freiii which they— ,' Started tO,lowfin'seae,ords.. • .• • Three . years. ego 49.9,000 D.:niche nge'iIin'gs veive1eas�d tlie•St.'•John as -part of t fiaherieSA department Plan la determ.lne chara'cteristics 'of the inigration-•01. Stii1M011.• Each one, of. the \little fish, bore: a price tag of one dellar' when it ws*plaCed in the. riven,. 'I',wo fins • were shipped off- each fingerling' and , anyone returning the sear' tis7 • sues, left,. by rmmovalof the fins, • to :the' departMent of to, ',gether :with information as tOhow:. its Weight will receive 'one dollar. • naval base is ,bsing built On lite Island: of Perllanci 10 'guard .the " • Western:! mouth, 'the • English channel,., from any. :attaek from 1SiriSh.,portt. :paba.te, to Protect anapproric.h .,•:.lisect by :the ill-fated:Spanish Arma" , da of .1533,:has :ong been 'a second,.• ary defence asset but achieved pri, • mat•Y, inoncrtariee,as a result of for-' • • eign intervention'An. the. Spanish • 'war• -and he themy .... at a h,,s power niight use Spanish: ports for • wartime Operations: • •_ • •; Modernization and •• extensiOn of the, harlibr:'.and. dockkard... at der way. Naval air squadrons soon Will, take'pVer a • • liare,g6;,Piaitia4ryeioftthiiteeil,knownslancl,ias including: "the .,h,tbe Verne,, normally •garrikined :by: the TREATY; HINGES ON, IT:. One reason whir' the National Govern: ment of Great Britain aPpearSte be anxious te-haveinsurge tGent eral,„ •Franco *in the SPapish • "civil" war, is that the •ontire, su'c-. cess of ,the neWly:Signed Ahglo- Italian treaty .hinges ppm:I, . ,tpeedy.• cOeclusion of the Wa'r , Spain. (The treaty 'cannot go into effect uz)tiPthe,war is over.) And' • since General Franc�. has appeared* for. Some tirri4Pto be On -the win- -Meg side A • • " The filin-prdgreSe oetIte insurg-. efit earnpaigit` in the SPAnish pep- irisula past few. 'weeks. then,' is causing t serious enibarrassreen ' to- both the 'British ;and ltalliiri governMents. if looks 'as 'though the- einharrassment is likely to continue, too: with General If'ranto:, inak.ing preparations to ;carry on •.his Part of 'the War into tbe rll and 'winter., ,,And •• the, I,oynlist Goverinnerit declares it Is nye- • parpd to old out_. gPONT4i0.606 CO.M111-15.,. T1ON: "Film Exploaien lin§ One Man," reeds One Of • liritaires largest warships eau an- chor ,.le., the gidebertz .. atering, ,and lealling Whatever 'th1e. etife.,of, the., , tide. The ;defence force :prohably , will be niostlY,fliglit tirliedo, boats:. , fiever, since they are hetter,seit: -, ed to . the narrow :waters of- the , , -channel. .„ ...', ' , : :', Alrea,dy the :site ; of :the , navy's . antisubmarine . Sehool;, ''Pertlarid .. semi W. ili 'he, the chief ' anti-stibinar- :. ine base,' - . sheltering'', it: "P force of swift motor :tarpedohoats',• .., .subinarilie, and bombing". planes. , Naval .exPetts .belieVe that "4 meet of Stall a' -"4s. iiiight,"worry",•rin In- vading''fleet miieli 'Ai the. Spanish ' Arreada.,Was, harried 350 y,:eersagO.. . . . . . , The , lel.nd. is' "heayily, armed. . Across Weyirionth. ' liay;',: Opposite .P.ortiand,' a costal defence hatterYi deg s, 10 in tho(ireat NV..••- -Is he, • ing'rertioritted.. , . 'Pedestrian Prelate , : ' There isY Only one scaly -backed „ ant -eater in• captivity, called. ,the --:,--A-frican-Parigolin; and it -it in the - London Zoo.' : CANADA •Death Ily Drowning, • The toll Of elrowning ,in On- tario (hiring 'the 'spying and sum- mer months is greater .than'. the• to: ,of highway traffic. It is a •heavy' price pay fer sport and recreation, , where . risk is pre- ferred .to' safety.—St. Catharines 'Standard. • . • - One: Every 20 Minutes ,• 'Divorces were granted at the recent assizes At London, grit., at • the rate of one every 20 1-nintitet.,• . after which we cannet. very well cOmPla4p, abe4:RettO or othr -- Brockville Corder and times. • • II It's- Safe For A While' Now that: ,Mr. •Crerar has. in- • fOrmed the. .House that Canada's ',the Arctic ;itegi-Ona ,yond dispute. We; .Will . 'breathe easier realizing there is' no 'danger* Of waking up some morning ,and .finding, some foreige power has: annexed an 'iceberg or two. . 'Peterborough Exarniner. 'Orivers Arebitfeient. •• 'It Is, surprising .hOw... 'se • ethPrWise. hone,st,, jest and &maid- • kale:hien; and wOmenbecOnte ,per=7 feet, boors, when th07. enter the -driving-:,set. :of..zakt aittomobite, In- - their hOrneS, .the 'street,. and at . Public gatherings, these, i''nOtttrists are, practiCally the pet.onifit tien' of' Courtesy" arid kindness: ' %Plate S. steering wheel 'hi their 'hands, and their;• Whole. .nature 5eems to ehapee.1.—Chatham News. PrOmote,17:0ter Forest ,Growt Canadian. SOientis.te, ,Reseaxe,k •-• InDlseacol7SerabiSItalligacte: Ca;4PeinCheedto..1: 9rolvth of Trees, Celladian Seieritieta are cendilet; irtk rosq4rebe whoi.1 • they 10P0 t'will od eYs tsomw ficaettbreanD4el.pnvirti; the; 120y41 4P.ciety • of Canada meetingnt Ottawa ' heard; papers . desCribing, the, vile plaYed; .by physielogigallY active chemicals • Dr. R, Clark et the Univei'v •.gr‘with., ' „` ,- • in OiMulatii1V.plant en:iroat sity of British columbia told the socty.chelnieal ''.allb4tanc44 • giyhtoodi;14t'aionevt: when I:eient in minute ,amounta , control growth in plants and anit,. mais in some' Wa.,y1 other than hy. • direct. nutritive mans, ••Prixetical Appncation D N. 11, Grace .og the National itesearch Laboratory? Ottawa; Said the regent -isolation and Pirnthesia Of' indolylacetie- acid,: a -groWth.: regulating, • chenaical ,found plants, .has • led to great activity , in this fteld a piaxit, bOshvnisti Response's 'of many'plants to tine: , other .,,,h"enricals ,stiggesced •'their . pract,. applica,ion to pici, PagatiOn of plants .bY ciitthfigs to , treatment of seeds and to redue- tion Of damage; in.:the of seed. if *e ,-get,, a frost 'during that first full moon in June. • 'In that hit of' coining events in June the menf011i firld'u-triple • -Mccase forgetting, .etVay frorn, ' borne for a day. When tbey•,,g.et , fed .up with the work.:, ' • There has ...been', a splendid ' bleoro, but ...not until after' the Jame drop:can the frhit• crop. be '1-loweVer, this much •is'• certain,-.rio bloom,, no crOpi-,,--Far- iner's,Advoc,a.te.• ) • • " 'The of Vcrizichester -x.iiii1V-Itslte sets Out' orifiiittir c'takil<irig °tour, of his. die-, Engligh pre-, 1..t.v• ;x nieI s 4sua1t 1),Y, (P,..(0111 tlie trip. • Bought At The Door just 'for entiosity,. We: bought an article' the .other day, which the doer -to -door saleStriaii,-‘ Said' waa sold. more cheaply, because the„ adVertiap." Caring it' With standard i adver,tised goods; it Was not .4 ,snr.prite to diSCoVer', it had, tett There, than the .tiaine kind of.' article ,ant-th,� quality • Was much inferior to its CoMpeti, ter, Which° bears .a i.rade Niagara.. ValisOke-, vie*, , • otiesF or une „ • • It Will. be just too Vat", chN year • ' ttt! WeDon't See, ith • e „Eye Merely .Catches The. . ' Light TraOslatey It Into Imaia`,. You may es well know you: do nbr, see with yOureyea. No,, your •eyea' d� net see --n� inorel than • •you •teke .,a' Picture with, the; lenti,' (if a ,eainera. The eye catelics. the • light 'and fociiiet it., on 'a sensitive • area,' but the,..brein translatesIt • into images:, Seehg s 'the WOFk , of the brain, :not' the -eye;.: jitat 1i1e :a sriaplhot '71-1 Made. on the. 'film, not on the:lens 'or .the ',Stint- ; ter; , says, John' Hix, ,in Physicals4 • Blind. When They -.Move •.• , , .Even f. yotir eyesare narrnal you areblind all:the time they' are in motion!: In ddr tp see;- .the, • htintaii, eye- must' bfixed on. itt • Sebjeet.:• 'When". YOU glance' from• ' one, coluirin Of a magazine ,to. ari- • otber, you, :do not see, the actual : . ,shifting "c,,f the •visibn, iimge; -All' you see is theneW picture 'formed: • when yo'ur eyee come ....to' ,rest • again: • , As yen read this page you ' - tot see: the words Or letters '',that •are ,printed' on ;it, ,You,'. juet„ see • the 'Whit�. space, around the :let.: ,Tviieei..3kblaudtkue'cif, tett': •rtiee- , White backgrOund reflects,sa. lot... Thus, When you, look at the•letter- . Yon, do not,see a black, eirele '__..-.Wliat•you de see 1k:4...white disk • ' • serroarided by' a -Margin of ,hoth4 • ingriess and set .aga!inSt • 'bac.kground. '1 , " '• ' 'What They Hear'About US • "Canada," said ',Ord Tvveeds7 muirrte-the ScOttith- far - niers thcother.•daY,...'"gets ,rotten • 'Phblitity; toe 'muCh.for. the fail:. tires and 'too little' for ,'the sue? cesses.". There is Much truth, in thatremark. " , 'The world" hear's about Our WeStern'drought,.• the problem of our railways 'but Much•less about •otir . solid, eacrariplishments. er- haps. the wOrld ,dees not rceliie that this small .popUlation in half. • a century'. has made a nation.,nut •er scattered settlements,'has iriade ' „a goOd start In the development ' • of 'rich -natural resoerces, is one *, of the .foremott trading. countries on earth. Sotntimes in the: face •, 'Of -immediate difficulties, ..we fail to bear these' facts. in mind eydn. among oUfselves. OttaWa4Our-4, .the 'EMP,if?E • • DOnit, KilLYour ,boctor • Di; Harry Stark, of Stoke, ington, dthe' age of 35., bhti reaehed what, mot of .us would, all "sticeese.,.1 -1fe had 'VerY good prrietice:; his' patients. loved •' -11.. Stark died last *kelt, He • died-iti 'the ' MeSt Unspectaeular Way a man can bed, • But he iave is life- for"e (NI= flea:100bl he probably scarcely- ' knew. • Dr; Stark ceetracfed bloed pois- • °Meg' frere the patient, The pat " • tient still liVes, He is. curd. Next.„,tinie you say,$ ,a0ho.' the deeter"Sli Wait-t-"---thinle,. Of . • • - 1 tome day YOU,' Might' kill yOnt tioew, Sunday 'patch'c, 1 'f *1 14iniBirth Rate;'.. • In .0n. A.0.0..sokons. May Lose Grip .KUia; Areai,..Minister ::• . Or -Agriculture Fears. • M, •DeWandOntarie'.intn-, ister of agrujuliure„ sal& in an ad- dress at Brantford last Month Chat ' farmers fleed bette'i oig-kni,it on f,for 'the Purpose of find distributing tbeir`prOillnits", : .to.meet the Orgaitization• of the per -H. .deal. , • •Farniar Mord Hit' ' 'The departinent agricaltt 10 :MAY' de all it Call to help •the far, • • incr.' but 'it Can, da Very 'little 'coo.. pared .to what the ...fernier can teen added -it-was :the tie- . partniews4ini to agouti the epP.or 'trinity 'Of traio,lig toe ),,,000g nieir and -3..61111g wenien Dewae 'Conaidered 'tiritt,• al, ,thengh,e'COtiontic'kouditiOns had' • prov,ed tonSiderablyduOtig the pat few. yeitts, th.a, farnicr had ee hard' daring' the: depression' It ,Wolthl take eonaiderable time be-. '!OVertakeii hittS'ele" et'Uct elt- ;loYs returning preePeritY.` — . trisality' rieSt• , agercultetrd Minister ''empfrk,i0;.. Sized, . the. netessitYJ: 61' '"quality' !WA" if °Marie:tat:of producteworri. • to k,e6P tplace :Ott' the Auttricets, • The rniniater ,attered warning' • that ritral 'Ontario WAS to ififoor.oe' i),isgitid."-Oti.of the., etnittel' of t• he- Ang16,Saxen rate and inte that ot.• fOreign Attithigrant agrarfatiS,- Mt. PeWlL1Lelfilbasized that St4, tisticak.records innICIUSivolY • toitthitted .dOerease fu the farini., preit, hirth-rate ittqliter Tirilfinee T,i37•• • area -birth *rite fit' this. broVineeiniL 4 thie,.tegether .,(Ifift to. the thrari tentres forodist :the- daft. ger,he fettred, , • . t., .. . . i' •