The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-06-02, Page 1s. • 40,4 • 7- ••"" 1200.„, A yEAR,71 I14'ADVOICE.,•"•50c. MORA TO 11.-1S7: A • LuoiNo .71-1WOriAY JU1.F. 2fl4-1038; . . . • . ••• .0EI)AR FOR SALE .Charies Steward, Lucknow. • *‘4'.', . •,•• • CEMETERY CORP mEgTiNo" The annual meeting :of South Kin- • loss Cemetery Corporation will. be: • held at South, Kinross Church .on, Wednssday. June 8th, at 2 0*ClOck. p.M.-,-DOntild MacLean, See'• : . • .,"REFRIGERATOR--=-NORGE, with ri; ten year warranty, brand, 'neiv. ••.• limited miniher only, $169,95...For further 'particulars Write Heintznian •and CO. 242 Dundas Street, London: : No obligation. ' COURT OF REVISION •"' Court Of Revisionon tl4e, Assess- ment Roll of West Wawanosh Town- ship, will be held at the Township "•'Hall on Tuesday, 'lime l4th, 1983, at 10 o'clock a.m.:. • " , Durnin Phillips; Clerk. BABY CHICKS • Livaliliity &- satisfaction guaranteed. 90%.P0I- Cock - Mixed lets..erels• • • ,White • I.eghorns, 7c 13c 2c Barred. ,Rocks 8c • 1.0c 7s: N. }lamp. Reds .....8c ":7120-4 Se • After June 18th, one emit' less than 'above prices. Pullets from one to six- teenweeks old at right prices. - • DUNCAN: KENNEDY,. wpiGgAm; ONT..'PHONE 38. • NOTICE. •.RE GREENHILL CEMETERY ' WHEREAS it is, the desire of the. Board of Management----to7maintain •• the cemetery in as beautiful ihnditien • as possible, and whereas this can only . be accomplished if each and every • --be it therefore resolved' that the . caretaker cut all lots _atliti-stild. roe- ays, an e. is e.on Y one a -, lowed to do this and he is hereby au- thorized to collect the proper fee •for - cutting said lots from all lot owners other than thoseT on perpetual up= • heep. Fee, Single lot $1.00; Double lot $1.50.: • • ILOALndGIERAL) • St.'Peters.A. Y. P. A. Pesented their Phqi "StiroPle $imon Si:In131e" in-Bervie. last--T-huidy evening-.. • 'Pale -Betty ,,MacDonald, daughter of Mrs. Duncan KneDOhald,.. is quite ill with :pfleElruOflia., . R. T. Camet-PO44 recovering front an illness that threatened tp develop. to Pneumonia, Mr: Old Mrs: W: Bailey, of De- troit Speil.t a few days With Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Burns. - • Mrs. C.. M. Johnston of 'Sarnia is spending a, week with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Webster.' Mrs. 'Percy awl Alvin of Detroit were visitors tha first uf the Week with frienns,in this connininity. Allan McConnel • and Johnnie Mo - Innes set out for Larder Lake on Wednesday to _try, their fortune 'in the North. s. • Mrs. Ann Pinnell. of Brantford Spent the past week visiting with her -neice, Mi sJvhita1t1afldlft Wraith. • . • " Mr, and -Mrs. ',OeOrge Huston and children of Toronto, were recent vis - iters with- his parenta, Mr. and MrS. David Huston: ' Mr. Thomas Aitchison not en- joying good' health having been con- fined to, bed for some two weeks with , • 'and. Nfrs. Fred ...C,oN and 'Mr.. tihd Mrs. tree,e,. ,cole and Mr. 'Ilarcjd Francis, all of Delhi, visited..gundayt, atf..Mrs, John.:„.MaeDeugall,*._ .:0 TIT" OF by bi.a; The weliderfor motion'•Piettires. o e, PpeBand Conimences Summer Concerts..Saturclay . . 1:41,040,*'Morchohts Join.io Make • , This. An Outstanding Night7--ManY Bargains Offered To ;Mark' The First . Saturday ‘1‘iigot Appearance Lucknow Pipe Band.7 , “HoOtt lVforit"' but going to'be n big night in Lueltnolvi this,• Saturday, 'Rine , 4th, . , the Lucknow ,Pipe Band Makes its first Saturday night appearance. 1 ' The Hand con,tinde its weekly . -...oncerts throughout the summer, bu , mark their initial appearance this aturclay, Merchants, win) Make' this SOMMer a,ntertainnien't pos- sible, are "Joining to make it , (Mt- I • REV. GE?1E L DOUGLAS, B.A. twenty-one days on the. Pacific, .being standing night from the shopPerS, wpoint: as well. • 'bring them • to Canada They were , On • page eight of this istie is ' • • •• ieveral oases, so Jar as space. lep3, listing -In . 1148; honour graduate of 'Knox. Ca. delayed three days.. by storins, and full. page advertisement, who ordained a .rainiatei, after a four-day rail trip from 'Tan; . ' •• • alloW-Asorne-of--the- Wbere they Were Met by their father, • Merchantfi will •be offering an Sat.: uda no inducted, .'as minister of . ethae4Barnodt,soi.lotpaeirtimiptii:.1 4nnouiwen.int • Di...unmiondhill Church,. Niagara That . aliening the'. Chin family- cpneert, which I cs t 'rhur*day: Rev;- Douglas, who. Father and Mettler and thirteen:- chil, yill .Start at 8-30 , ! ;Isk'sjunnlajd. StitiestvdaIttiesito,. drib'een, i,‘,11‘,•ire?ree. ubnoiytesd tfia,orm"thechfii4rsat, time. Two thousand copies of The Sentinel ! are. being published this Week '; Be in SulidaY• • • - on iEllaigrriYistiandTiFi,ely•ankoirhaarein•thednabthle9rteck;:s.vir,pheiet. , • . . . • - , fiuelinew early • Saturday,•::, enjoy ' evening and be convinced that there , ; . . httenine..ia7dreoa_ parentsmadeaciftiyipo-arso, atgh9e1:1" is not a better shopping the.. Prosentation4iade To • tiistyietthan' ' • Ctio'Oie Chin iS::-45r-and' 711.fai: • MnFarniEy United -As-- . 100- . • •.., Barents 'AO ,TPirteen Children Are United For First Time As Three Sons Arrire. Here, Friday After Twenty -Five Day .Trip, From War • -Torn, 'China „ Worries for the safety of, three of thelV, family of thirteen children are , •„ :now an end for 'Mr,- and ,,CharleS Chin of Lucknow. On •Friday • their three Sons, Jim; Harry and Prank arrived in Locknow- after a t\:\ enty-nve day trip from.,Hong Keng C'hirit where they have -been living • with their grandparents' • While ,the:boys ' have been living in i'coMpaiativp safety in, Hong Kong, • .developments in the Sino-Japanese . struggle decided their .parents to IMAS Hovis and Sunsoy Bread EEK E.14b SPECIALS pl--t$Aivi ' PUFFS: '. • LAYER CAKES ,Dou,p4Nt.i'ts '..., '.• :,:''. ... ' ... ' -.TAra 'TARTS . d'll t 1,414k BUNS'.r°,,,,-; MAPLE WALNUT TARTS , CALL AT OUR ,STORE AND PROCURE A: BREAD -DIET , . BOOK. LIMITED Kulg13.01, • 11 • •MOTION PICTURE OF THE LIFE' OF, ',CHRIST They- have con- • Rev: Tucker Friday :RC's, Years of g6'• • , , • . ' ducted a restaurant in Lucknow. for " • • s.orne • ten years, and: parents and dal- Meirihers•Of Vironten'O'Bihle• Claes:And •dpen have beccime quite popular. in Sunday cheat Teachers Wake ,ere..,,„trie : sematien •I f Flo° • am •a • •hildren• have • been" 'born. , ••_ _ ' 'ren are; .1-6; liarrY, 151,:Sain, 13; Fiank. 12; William, 11; able -f� ePart,i'lg;Fast°r • • ' the fainotiS Oberainergan. productions-. a (Explicate made at WM. SCHMID'S' ... - . . ...., , , , .,•• .7-...--.:.:. .. . These pictures Were ,actuany preducen. . , •,• Albeit, 10; Geo ge 9; Mary,17; , \; •:. : , in. ,Enrope, • Holy Land' .andEgypt,. ...kt. a .very,pleasant social gathefing..margafet,,, 5; moriey:. 4' ;,, ,Giadyst ..3;. .JEWELLEItY sToRE. - . . . , . .... . Tucker, • .1400k over . our. large rano of „Neiv They are interspers'ed. 'With 'ore;ani i on 1•1 aY, e, en• ng, Rev. $. cbarles Jr 18, . months and Baby . , , • , . Sainples of ''Suiting. and TbP. eciats, .drenesirai ahd charai music,- - . ...1 \v ho •retii,les from, , ative ministrY the Was •presented Jackie, 2-2/2 months' ... • ' • : - • . tailin-ed strletlY ..uP4o-date.--Vemple , This ',film . is ' Snonsm'ed. by, the' 'end 91 this 'irmith, The ,publisher tried.• a little ama- Clarke, .IVIerdharit 'Tailor. . ., • • ''‘National Bureau f'or • Religious' and' with •a fleor 'lamp and .end , table; by: , 4 '. • . • TeUr 'p o otap y o e arm y o h t '0- h' f th ' f -1 ' if Hanging baskets, tripods, or other ' ••• • ' . -.' obstructions, not allowed lit the cern- 1VIr. :end • Mrs, Lloyd :RaybUrn And . ''. '. .. • .: ,.: son Bobby and.. Mrs. 'Will Hudson, .al•l •• ' etery. . ' „.. ,, of 1)etroit,,sperit the week -end Witt! , ' I The caretaker. Brian .sell all'.1ots .and ' Mrs. Wesley liudson, 2nd Conees,sion•' collect _the price fer sable at time cif , •. , • purchase. , . • • . , . MSS Agnes ' Geddes nt..,1-ramilt.on ' Sidneir. Whitby, Havelock ' St.'',' is' 'spent the week -end. with 'friends here; the °metal esotaker. accompanyingM.issJoan ' Maceall.ii.M, ,. • GREENHILL CEMETERY CO., . who was a :visitor at the home 'cif X,-•':: : • LIMITED"' - • :. .• her .another,'Mrs. R, obett...MacCallnini .; 'rViF: D. Anderson ,," Pres,. • ' ' ' ' '' ' ' • , wm.s.murdic seo,y, :. • .. 'Xr. 'and Mrs. Jire BOWden :: 'sOn Jiiiiiiiie and -', Mrs Alex"- 1.:eitelt of ...10r: A FORTUNE, Init.i. pleasant. I-.104truit . Were viSiiei 1.%t, . , profitable business for,. earaest. and i ?Ali. Charles Coot. en8d'bvtilii.ler Mr. tlyned's pereeii.....inthe,....ctistrict,,joyer the. week,:end. s ' ......, actiVer:_peOlile.l.zAtir.•40pendttble ': can operate 'this sonPre business in a, • Miss Joy Hen ' derson ,Who has Com- reierved -dist-rid; 204: • ..D.Uaranteed"' 'Pl r2t'Yd (.)L11'43e.. at•''th.70:1nadian 11‘,1athercraft. lio.!•;pitalin "Toronto is • home necessities used .by millions of ..ending the week with her-, parents. people Safe and. advantageOus cash Mr. and Mrs. Wellington '1-Ienclerson' -•• EducatiOnal Film's:" .It is. riot treated .members • of , the . (long ., omens :Nlonday, . and the cut in' this „ issue is as -a MOVie.iiMply, .but • is given in.a niblel.. 'Glass •••aafl teachers 9f. the: 5-11: r,'.7. the result. 'Ttie.'piettire Was taken at very 'reverent and devotional manner; _claV S°1°°1,.• , :•.' 1 •,'. :. ';'. the dinner" hour, : which .We' gnetsed ' This magnificent pi.:6gram of' picture, • • :Streper • was : served; at the cont.- - 'Was'Alie,':surest time, to",'•fired.""thera, all ' crowds. in the largest chtirche,s•• in .followed 'by. an interesting Progyarn, : The :busy inetber,... who-. alWays beeps c a:nada. , , , .4 . .. , , ‘... : ,,. preSiclect ever by Mr. W: .1.,, ‘Maclien-...• 'the elf,idren tfuite• pieseheole, , had • EverYPhe is .•:welceine.. -..A free Will ,ziO,.., Sunday' ; 8C1i0O1 : superintendent. 'them: ter_2*(1 .eitit .' i,n. their II Sunday offering...Wilt 15e, talren: Do not miss T- program. opened 'with: &omronnity "best,,...to .gef- their Pictui-e talcen, ai4. this .. pictrire 'tb bo,preSented in the ,ing,'illig•:..grid, .ineludect a' 'reediug . bv - ,. • Lhe pretitt.ParentS •Nvere 'as eager for Lucknow . 'United Chpreb, .Saturday :NliS8 IMargare.t.. McCalluni;.: solo, ,Mrs., ,ile eVent,as were .the Childrem • , music and . address is attracting great, 'mencement Of tile, evening, which was , 'at• home.- • `t• instruinental Mr. S Mor- - • • • . June 4th irt 3.1.5.P. M. • - - ' a'be hoys ••had their hair slicked Wil on and Eldon Henderson" . • - • • • . trio, .-411S.' J. W. Joynt, Ali's. do•rn find little 111drY With her 'rib- FOlt111FR ST. HEI FNS. M-Itl Twit R '.\ ( i z : * _ , . ! , iwnied hair 'was enquiring of Sinter ',,iio . Instrumontal I! y M r .s_Nortnalt, ._ . .... • . ----.- . ACCEPTS" _:CA L ..TO, HICKSON,- -1,--,1--- -• --, --, . ;,--,-- , , ,•-,, , ,„ :-'111arparet ••if Iler oorls weie star•ng'* • , . - v.i, 11,011 and .binfka. emariss...pv.„alessi b... . . rille,ongre;e,ations .,zs Biaka?„..n. and. alt.. RaeErhest Aciteiv.,10,a 4, t .i-' f," intere.Stinge eager 'and .. )roud family no squabbling or poutr ti: '0. Maeltenzie, 'wni....Vtiirdie, gob- m' ' ‘3"al . P . 1015t..iiii: United Cliiiiiht`gm,'.near'WOod- ,\ ndersoni Arlio.: expres§d 4r4ireCi#0 .. irrg, but everyone 1.ttent• on. getting -itoeti. whieli feral • on .liai,en hay- ' • • il th, pi- 't • "t k." Inc • h Id day School' a d fl ' h; - s tl 'et. ,nartieular :int,erest for, the -three:boys extended a call to ReV. '.11, G.',Arilkin- -son. of . I. inga___._1:.and• formerly of -.St Plan: S4IIA.R.E:..DEAL...NO risk..'F _...-...nr....,.:and-.-41VIes ' ..G. ---W„ Mc_Gregor, Helens7-11-eT.'77VVilkinson• will succe*d : free par, ,tieulart,•writa to "FAMILEk their '.dallkhter',.DOrina and Mr. HoY ;''ReV i1J, A. •waikei; who has accepted 'Marine; all, of . Chicago, spent ; thP a.•'..ca' , to Wooditeek. - • . .:CO." '5'10.: St: ..paineit .'st.. IVIontreal;• .. Week -end at the McGregor home, Ros .-• ,'. if .3hrii Wjsh to .!:get somewhere.' 1 We . understand that Rev. W. .J.., :.., • ''' • i ..:-.-÷-•;L-- :....„,...„.1..,...,„,,,•.••;,, , ... 0 L . , ,,e:. of •INI,r. Tucker's assistance! in,the'Sdn;' : ` . rk .0 losing . m3 a .,• 1. i 1 whn,,a_1.3juxiea.d_. ,(..30.:_..4,„..,:to_ecam:i::p. leap_ Li -t'. id 4' appropriate z i, Pat r . . address 1 . : w s : : *read , . That China i pi.ep46*,,for what . • .. ... . , . . this 'farnily :circle. ; • "• •::: .:'.' hp.",1:.es.3.elx!‘ittiGonrarirt:ToMactrt,ecD,,bi;rrixtrid.„Iviaalxtehlie.., caotet,, will •Probably,' be a.; long and , bitter : was • boin' out upon the boys' hie, and ' Mrs. 'Juba Kilpitrick • the. arrival,, Mr. ti.!: dr trOune•kbeepal,tki•o; •,t,i,h4nel. the Of, :v..Waiht,:echd '..,y.ears:444.0vir; are .being .'given •strict by the fad' that all boys '16. • • teacher. c ; ,. '• - '• .. .. . 'i• • •,1hliisill'i.:4'slix''teteliltig!7°biisi.tlidina'y whjii°str'tthreecle , • •„ .•• . • - , ' weeks ago, was, in this class, and . a SPECIAI.-'111ESSitt.GE FOR ,._''. - ...he not been brought to Cariada, Might" '. • - I IIE- BRI-DE4O-BE• •ere I•lolhaVe -been- callecrto,zdefend ' • : _....L:_•-• . , .'..,' ' • :. his -country; .1 •• '-".. • - • • . . , • •,., , : Y.C11.1 ark..:ket a eopY , Of the Bridal .: 1Vreatli'Sbak-for.litrides;...by dropping into win. A. Schinid'i` Jewellery' Store ..in.liticknow..ItS ,prepared"tb,inake•'it much 'easier• for 'You to plan the • de- • d 14e ion ..at the Ly- - • Ashfield, Oireuit the end. of the Month.' ceuin :Theatre thiS Court to -!hear and deteriaine, the. ft)? ,Ths., new aPPOintinept has not as 3iet.:adinuice in adniission Prieds•iS 'Heidi!: peals .against ,the Assessment Hell. of 'been..., aanbuaced• •.. • • starring Shirley Temple: Th first of heading' Tri:Is pastorate on " Notice is:: hereby given that .PattOn is to • ' ' — ' the .the Village of; Lueknew for the 'Year .1Vii.--..-Thoinas' A. McKeith of liez.en- Weeris fors --"The Devil 14 v • ' 1938 will be held in the Municipal moire, Sask.,,in Kenewing his Sentinel Dliine featuriii RiChard nix and . . g Offices on Tuesday the 'Seventh diti subscriptionf thig‘ week saYs,'e "W' ar `1`)an • .I'e, , , always pleased to...receive AThe Sen.- , • • • • •, , , • tinelw , is 'is- the sure."' eekly ,letter Mr.' and D L MaD• Mr;i: c of Tune, 1938, at eight 0,eiech ; 'd , ,Dafted. at ,'LuCitnaw; Ontario; this fJ .rom the home own. Arlen ,e 60riS. .-Janiestown, Caryntihe.;,8.6., son• -,of mre. johnii 1.7T' iyi•eor,meaeDniatrtnIlliedNe•fielo-ein'edtil7niethtik d: psfe‘e.Yt°huer.,iii,N:IN'endv,d.1.11:g,e• AdneclieNtz'shile •22rdt day of . May, 19,38. • • • , jOiln • •• • • Joseph Agnew, Clerk;• arruthers o Kinl ss, has' been tran- • 'h h . s n ley, 37 JiarbordToronto and LOCAL LADY BEREAVED .•• Margaret Dudley of Lucknow received. word Saturday, of the dea,t4 a her inother-in-law. Mrs. Clara Dad-- • . wit t ein to spend an extended 1.261.10ihe Bridal' Wr ath' rings:. .Hand . 'NOTICE TO, CREDITORS' ' ' the Band of Monti.eal to Guelph.. Jahn; • : yoiiiiii find ScbinicPs Prices begin. foil; ,'W.ife ,of the ' late :Mr.• George, Dudley Sr. She_ passed peacefully. away. WI - * ' sferred from the Hanover .larKwil °f holiday'.. 5., • ' ' ; , . 1 . iy settings. guaranteedpc, ec .. • ' IN THE mAttpR of the Estate of 'joined- the Hank as a member Of :the • Miss Fiora W.,,ebst ei:1S making grad - lower than you, expect to for, suc Thul.daY °vetting' 'q.115T 26th' Th° r•••••• :Francis' Henry HaldenbY ..lail of the 1.0e0 :stntr., ',: .. , ,.um. recovery Min. a serious i nessi duality. : , 11 - Mains; were taken to the home offher . • • - . . •- 24th. of IVfay. For a time shea.has • . • serviee waS held with: interment in that csommenced tWo years ago on the , . ' , son Geotge Dudley, where the funeral, , TownshiP of culross in, the Courity of . Brtice, Fariner,7deceased._ IteV.,,Ritkard Appointed', able rto 'be up .daily, and. is' looking .FOR SALE NOTICE IS•Hputirr dIVEN , --Number of good 'pianos' .Park. Lawn • Cemetery.' Mrs,. DudleY. i Pur.: ' '. ite.tior, At..,:fort ItOw'aii... . . forward to wariner days; so she niiiy. and a Wide" selection of household of .tditvn- Was unable .to attend' the . • 'furniture. R. J.: Moore, Lucknow. ' ' funerhl, : •• ' ' '' ••': ' 'silent to the 'Statute in that ' behalf, , • . , , ,, get out ardurid More. . . .', ;that all creditOrs, and others having :_. •.. St.. Peters , Om gre gatihit .Made Pres- '-' cialPia-akainst--the;',•:-Est.ato-of;-the Said • Francis Henry Haidenby, deceased,' entrati6a on ViLdak Evening T 'R t .Rickard: Whe ' Has-"stleen ASsistaut who ,died on or. about the Fourteenth : „• t,uy of February: A, .D.:71688.;. de, r.e.. .. In Th,e., Local . Pour -Point Parish :linked to forward their' claims' duly , ' For 'ulP"Ords' To 'TWO ''. Year. ' proven to the undersigned Exec t' ' ' ' . '''. Pijor to 'the', departure -of ke•ti: P. II. of ' the .;will: of , the said Francis. Henry ,c. 1 -.-, 1.2sric..etracoiigt•egationitl pPeseatittioti • iialdepby;•••on , or ' before' the Fourth s Peter's_ Church; :i...,ucknov ,..Nyas •• :f,daY, Of ',Tune A. V. 1938; after Which. niade at...a pleasant gathering ,on, date the the' said tkeentOr. Will proceed' ilaY eVenint• Pcrilli}val'ds U, t IV° Years' • ,.414N;Ick'11d;1'•be'a4sirantiln.t:II` •'to.1istrbute the assets of the eState 10eai Veut_paltpai,lab.aL\eiauN•:' `having regard 'only to and 'being re- • Dungannon, Port Albert:rarid f: ipl"Y' sponsible 010 for the cretins of Which Rev.; Rickard, ‘'t as' Prese•nted-With1i, he shall then have notice.' • - .: .fl-lierie,_al 've‘stnient• known asa ,..stole t • i • 'i "* ""(tress' wIll read bY;11:"1' (11161IY. -- Men andr• the preSciita liomde-b • n - aN; Dated at• Lucknow, Ontario, this . ' 12th day of MaY A. D. 1938; :.'4. II Smith, congregattenal -AV0001.4•" ' ', William E.: Haldenby, ,., \ of 'St. Peters; , ,Rev. ,Rickard .imide- a • . II: R. 1..Holyrood, Ont.,.; •fitting reply • in , acknoWledging the • ' Executor. . . i •r• • slibit "prOgram Wt1S liTOMS11t01.• PLAY, AND DANCE ' inpludint, the 'following another's, in. • stit.men als by Kathlaeen Piest rid "Singing ' Marines," .24 :sailors on Rexford .0sti ander ; ,olo,. Cat in .1 board the Good Ship Lollypop, prep, .reading.; DPI•othy Cooke,, ente- .n ' Town Hall, ; Tu Llano* Friday and morn Ili 0,, siogitig, Lench Was :"el% d di adies Giiild. • Jun q ,3i'd at 8.15 by Knox Choir, kiaitneni •jeft, for. r °wren. •;,i'n'e' lakticegwaier, tinder •auspices ',Ladies ;first of the week -Where he Will 'be' in • Change Lodge, .I.aicknety. Dance after, Admission to play, and .dance 25d. Children 15e.,'• ; PLAY AND DANCE • • yes of Love, 3 -act comedy -drama in the Parish Dungannon, 'Friday June 3rd at 8.26. Presented by Blyth -talent, under auttnicea 'of Dungannon Agricultural Speiety,• Admission 25e and 15e. Dance after,, gents 35d, ladies trod: , • k toiNct• • . In Paramount 'Hall. On *WAY even:. • ing,•JUnd 3rd. Mtisid by 6, pfato awing band. Atimisaion.• 25c' and. 15e1-"Ett.erY-1 AtaIdenitt; • 40 ••• Retreat ,for • the week in. preparation for his ordination, which will. he Coe - ducted by 'Rt. Ite,v. Chacles- A, Seager, ,Lord Bishop be Iluten,Dibe,000,...in St, Joha'a, Church:. Louthin thi, Sunday. Bishop Seager has alinottneed.' the apperritment be Rey, Percy 'low e hiekard,'.13.A.,L,Th; as roam, of St. John's Aeglicart Church at Port Rowan the appointment to become effectiye on ",Jtine 12t11,. the parish include* churches at. ?oft *Man, St. Williams. and Rowan MiII• ; No, stiedeSpOr has- been appeinted as assistant. t,, •Iree". A. A. MAIiiritty., present rector of 'ft :Peter's parish, who it is expected will conduct the ; Work of the Pariah unassisted for the atitittnee inbtitlia. •., 4;0:- • airily Of 15 Unite .s Three Sans Return -Frain China ., • iltd1T- LEFT 1O HIOl1T=•BACK R6W-LI1li 11,1i'Y :SAM 'CV-PtItt 11,61W-WILIAAM, OBORGt, Ati1t11.1* PRANIt • it,CAV ti *m'tA D-tiy,•JACNIX, rif012,Leit,'MAUZ 61.,A1V'S' IstAltdAUT MN* ' 11/11•,, CHIN' 'WITH 81fAltLES' , • . ,JR • •,• • +1,1 ALWAYS THE VitELCOmE GIFT! Sie;plicity Tot •Itylii sets No rrietternisiie design apart', from.* , , 'the, erdinarY. 3 perfect • diamonds., ' tiecldedly differentdifferentand very dtic: • 'side cliyitortds fla:elcirie the .• brilliant; perfect solitaire. This • is 'a rine: of ,true beatity.. in • white .?r mend •••• • • '$840 . thmid • LUCKNOW EVERY DIAMOND GUARANTEED Pr-RFECT :• ICEMAREABLE :GROWTH • . • • ,Red CJoi1 and- Alfalfa; on the farni.,of George ::Kennedy is eyidence of...,a`.:.rerparkable .gi•owth this spring. On :Monday, George pulled. out:a: few• roti as pinor.; The red',cloVer which is breaking out in head, .ineastres4 twenty=•five inches in. length and the alfalfa-Tiwenty,eight'inches. • • ";•. Robt, :Moffat On :Tuesday ;'displayed a. .sample of. fall Wheat" which . has attained ••'a growth of., exactly' three .feet above the • ground. , IN mgmQRIA,K • FISHER--4In;!, lovieg, .1:net-nary • 'of •Wm. J. Fislier, who 'Passed away One year 'ago today,: June 6th, 1927. The- depths of sorrier we cannot Of the :less -of one 'we loved so, Well, And while he.. sleep's a. peaceful *leer), His niemoty..we" shall always 'keep. .•Rembered bY Son and Daughter. . • • • . Clansinen Net '$120., • At.iMay24tLCelebratlofl • : .firrenile Bali Teatn• Who Ilan Ie *. freslithent llooth In , Connection With .,Jtrihbaree Night. P,rofited, To Somew hat tyeri: $.10;99. , • . TRIBUTE T6 iR4IT: meKoi• Editor Of , Sentinel: ' • May,1 supplement your excellent : sketch of the, late . Principal Jan' MacKay of Winnipeg in . last weeks::: ••. Sentinel with a brief personal refer- • ence:t • . It was My privilege' to he for sev- eral years a fellow, ineinber with Rev, 1:5r.•. John MacKay' On the 'Board • of PUblication of the . United ,Church. I • admired and liked:him from the first. but When we found that each had pleasant metnerieS of days in Kinross; County of Bruce, there was an added , •touah. to our. fellowship. My first% efforts, as to a leacher were at Holy - 10011 on Oie• 8th Con. of Kinloss, and .' one of his first ventures at public , speaking was on the 6th Crin, of ,the same Township, some -time later. He,. Went 'far after that beginning and Was • •t counted one of the great 'men of the -Church. He. was Missed from: the nue' meeting:of the Board at Toronto in April; but it was not thonght, that ; , his. Work was • done. • . Fitting'-eeference will be...Ina:de-in- the courts Of the; Church :to his life and work. My , simpler tribute' to his memory is made where 4t' May be rend ;perhaps.by: some of the folk who knew. him in ;the • days of his' , young manhood, • , . John' Ellibtt .• ' • London, Ont., , At ateetiag Of The • Claesinen on ,„ • e'i•iday ,,coots Were• received ;Tom tife onunittees in charge Pf the* various ,conc(lssieeS, at the Jam- IN:‘,ight, 'in the CO,iriniunit* Hall" 6.1) the.evening oP 11i 240, Net pro. eeeds • meotinted to $119.87. • : • • , .•1 ite.'"i,011 eshitient booth Juvenilo, Halt'leain, who i•oshieg pro- uodt, ,tci oyer $8.0.00 for, ,protit .somewhat 'o\t'er the $30.00 , appreciation wits 11 ed liy .1 he Clansineti from Seek .thiel,roi\ ' of the Jnyea- t11:1111<illg Thd, Club 'for, pontos,: ion to 11.1:1,inliatnhteubibesttliti.t.e. .7• ino, teeeipts: $935 • • I'rties 48.21 , • • ' $45.58 Dapee, gi•ess re,:eipts ...,$83:60 ExneriSbs 36,00 • „ • ' $53.0•0 :Penny ,....,.....$ 8.• Li,., •, , i'rizos .. . .. . ,,,, , , ....,..„..,.... la •--"--Y--.4,. 6.00 _A„,,,136.,t 4, ,c,-1 •:,0, 4,- , Priies-, ,...."'T 4%.;•.:,•ti$29.25•_,. ' .,..•.. ... ,, 649*.i.A.19.4.••• 7,i 0 • , . •; , ..,........- $2;1.55: ..;ipiti Whvoi, 6ross '....:,:v...,..';,...:$61A6 : • pt'izo, ' .;:;,,,,..14.;...,:,..:.. 27.55. • • -• ' '; -..--.....L.-- $34.25: 14 '.4' 4 : (40net41 EXPeliSeS " • ' ti • l'ipe Band ,Priati.PrintingAdtti. Truel5ing gt. Incidental's .••••., 0,50 N ckceed , 1?1ED SUDDENLY IN • WESI • •. , cs. Rehert Button received a niw.sage on Tuesday informingher of the death „el Robei.t Carson . of Sliaueaven, Sask.; husband of Belle Howe. daitghterof Mr. and Mrs. John efote of tucknow. Beskies, the bei.eaved widow, foto': children stir. Vive,4 „ • , ' . ,• Mr. 'Carson's, death was evidently, 'sudden,' as i letter a few days prior,: inade,no mention ef his illitesS; . 4 9 ' • • • BETTER: .BE CAREFUL' Ithas eome to Our attention that thei•e are in circulation a few small and Inc go coppers„ which h4.1.00 been. given. a Silver waSh"to ,resemble teii'. and ttventy=five , cent :pieCe, • respect - 1 'ely„This is a criminal offense and if the Wash is being applied locally the offender is taking Otte a. chane of a severe penalty. 'MacDonald is attendingr the Oeneral .Assembly of •the Vitsbt.teelan Church Whieh••meets in Torah. to June Mr. MacDonald IS Coll..: veclor of the Asserably ,Cpinntittee to Sdike Standing' COrniiiittees , • , *ear a.Wita•Off •"./ ' q'iteu never Milt the water till' the 'well runs .atf.Y. was in effect hist Ptikitty itioyning,, when water Usata on One Outh side of the 'village. were. without water for .4 -couple of hours,. while a 'damaged hydrant Was being tOltid•td near tho flak mill. , , •