The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-26, Page 2• *40 • r". ' ' y_._Walter Forder • , . Syncpsis :The story opens With a scene in an ,Ameilcan, .masic..hall., .a British. artiSteLwith..a :000 .010 for , • stage t'ala0.1P,;" ,has. finished his turn:, •' 1.0,..his, dressing -roc in he iinda Myatt-, Ing him" i.is_yonng..litothet," Who -1S endeavouring to•eiteat. frarn, a racket • In which he, has Vet 'himself Involved, home to • Englanct, but 010 '.00(6i.erii4t1C13.- IS, in, •terrupted by itti- entry of meni Who; 'producing' pistols, . demand that. the younger man. ,'Com,e, away - Witb thorn,: He refuses and the older •broth, er intervenes, with the , result that both are shot and left for .deac4 ,Several' year . lapse; .erid the scene Is changed to an; old . hour:), Owl's . Croft,on the 'East .Coast Of :England: It has been bequeathed by an seeedri . tile Man to his nephew, FRANK DIG; BY, Who, On.taking:.poesession of the- negleCtect place, Of Al n104#...scared.. out .. of his wits by what seem to be pay .ohie.halppo , . . , Diy ,enlists the help of NIAXTON • •H U NT r 3,`,Who, , has a rePtitatilit for Private inVdstigation, and tha•tvil- tike op residence at Owl's Croft; where , ..„ they ,e're..atten.',.- -by an -elderly cod. M and.itii.liS....BABILOW.••••The couple . are •;tir but Digby . , findt• that 'other servants he engages refine to stay. • , • the. Iirst ,OVerling of: :Hunter's stay in the house there-i'are .anacCogni, able 'floESPe and ringing 'Of belis, and; , uncanny •things.4,-”spen to an ancient' -presres r" dta. • • • steps Are ,heard,.. outside 'the iibrary. CASA LOMA. 'Sir Henry- ,,Pellatt, dollar • Castleron-,the-Hill, Spadina Road. Toronto, now open to the public. • Hour's; tour with 'guide, through - 'castle, toWef, tunnel, tatcs, art, galleries, and Coronation room.,•spe- ,etai exhibits and, souvenirs. Open 10 a.m. tin 9 p.m. Adults. _25n-7-C1ii1- dren 15e;- except Sundays. ' S VERY 'AIINCfir . .„ ow ti au, eel? Tired?' Irritable?”' No am- • bitioM? Look at ••_ your, , watch -note 'the time. The *same -time tomorrow:- cotrl- , • pare.. how you feel then • with. the ••wfay you do right now: In the meantiznee stop • at • .youtdrug-tore and, tonight, drink 'a cup, of •Garfield Tea. ' ' TonIght-“Clems up inEune"=-',. _ Feel•-;DIfferent---Tontorrowl . Lose that let -down feeling. Let Garfield, l'ea cleanasay undigested wastes, in- testinal 'left -over-." ,. Acts • gently, promptly, thdroughly. Drink' like ord. Inary' tea. 10c -25c. _ • 0 .„• Write for FREE SAMPLE of Oarfield Headache Powder - also Garfield Tea, used for constipatidn, acid 'indigestion, and to "keep- ;clean - In- = ••• • side." • . Write:•'Oarilelcl Tea ' Co., Dept. 163, - Brooklyn, • N.Y. • A. Ooze Ave., Toronto, Can.. Dept. 15a. , ; , at Teething Cross, fretful, feyarish-unless the little - system is working tun right. Steedman's • Powders.- the standby of .mothers the • erotic', over for more than -leo years- •' gently cleanse the system of imqrities which are often the cause of f erish, • mess .upset,stomach and other tr ubles' au teething time. At your druggises. RorFREE samjile and booklet' . • . . °Hints to Mothers" Write John •Steedman & Co., Dent. 19, 442- St. (labriel Alontreal. ve surto ti:). ?rent POWDERS • 7eething fo'.7reos • Look for the double EE symbol on -each package; t P, • •• .Ta $13,95 One; and .tiro-httnier • modes aratlable. Asa " 'stir dealet, et write tot .•Nut, 5'01.1Mitt ' !THE Cieft..kMAN LAMP Morrove CO.. LTA n 1 It edokliia drat toe kitchen,/ elimmet • temp. *Burns 96% Mr.". fuelt *Make! ' Ita own Ifni from gas°. tine. L • a ' 41Use it anywhere. io Woes, or,..eonaa. neations. - • iLitihts Instantly., " No prerheatins. ' IsEcohcitnleal. One ^N'tcalion of fuel op, ' Hates both burn. • ars 15 to 20 hburs.• W iroroato, oat, . • • 22-438 jtolding bis breath 'taking • all peaStble care IP see and not be kiegiar. Digttik..peerecl 'with. ever: growing...inter-. est: • , • • ; Slowly the pagel,moved: .to,diselose , black '•gap and 'behlaili .the: wainscot a lean, • white band eMei•ged, followediby an:..ernV. and then a body. A•stOoping inan ,tepPect into: the room noiselessly. ;Irani the apert".:te .and, stood uptight after, a..minnent'S.,surveY, "of the *Parttne. • •. , _Who could he be? , Digby • felt his heartAhumplag .with the :excitement of thememeat. . .ThP. figure,t.,PPedsilently over :to first ono lamp and then theInther, and, speedllY;estingiiilhed.theia,'-and-Chen proceeded ,to ..131Ow t'otit• the lights of the 'candles. • , • •• " • The man, if man .it was, that Digby'S startled gaze beheld„*Tas-dressed like a' monk Or padre, wearing a 'bunched .gown falling l�w abuL his.. ankles and tied:mith :A Cord:around •lits, v,vaist. Hts head was ePveloPed In a cowl whlch ihrouded..his face completely. • : • 1. • Upoa the wall' hupg a sixteenth -cen- tury dagger,' an affair of wonderfully„ . .shaped.. brass and steel.,.. • • • • The Empty Air • , . .. A Jong, leanhand reached out and 'lifted it' from its hook, Placed what ap- peared to Digby be7a- card upon the "able, , and With A vigorous jerk irnpal- ed It with :the dagger... Thud!_:DigbY:' could see the:11401e of the. weapon vibrating with the force of the; impact, as It hurled. 'itself into -'• ...Pullingr'his hood,' still: closer, the padre like figure blew out the one re; mining 1.• India and flitted adross the floor into the *library, That Was Digby's cue for, action. He Sprang forward; and raced over to tli" 'ou!...Wheovet you are. Whirs your little game?"-', • : ' He 'flung '.apen'. the doer Whieli flitting:. figure •a'had •eloged, atid then fumbling for . his matches • lit a Candle' and :peered-inte.',the. dark apartinent. leather folding screen.. offered the: fainteat, Chance' of a hiding .14ace: and this, withont. :ceremony, -)31g133) threw over • mdenie out, I've enotted.you,...Now. what's. the. •$amel" -• . ' Once again that -Chilling, .SenSa: ••of the': uneminyL'Seirt- 'cold ,shivers -‘ceurs- ing dawn hisspino as herealised that he 'addr'essed the enaptY, alr.•• . ,jiggered!' t • he .,...geSPed. •"Not hete-but.I..1.COuld swear-"• • • --He-pausodr-j-ooted to the spot, f�r barna upon the gusty wind, , .• Onise that low, mournful • howl 'of.. the ghee*. henna. • Then it. WaS .that';pentc seized ',linen Ifini, JIlind Unreasoning panic, and. stunibling across the hall4oungo. he made for the -.dark, night- Blunderiug and faaing in the rain, he inade.„ his 'way :through ;the maze and tnysterY.of the garden. • Just how.. puzzling the lay -out of a -garden aftdr 'dark can be was prodigious, • he ..cOni• niegietli• as 'he alternately sqUeezed, thrOngh the.,soft earth of aitlower 'bed, or blundered throligh''a...net4ork• Of. clinging vines, •kis brain racedas. he stumbled through the darkness: "Henter!l'unter! called: softly. . • GallowsOn :Cliff' •. He reached a spat where a '.high liedge:sheltered him. from the farce Of thegale,. and ,he Paesed. to • VOPe his face :with his handkerchief.. • Frain 'Over the 'lawii. he beheld the Strange,. business Ofthe hall. lights be, "Ingl.eictingniened . . • "Now What 'Can that nieenTi. he innt- tered,,,11,Vily Mrs.' Barlow light Up -and their 'Wish • *O.' •,putout 'the' , • , ..,„ Sure enough thoights gave place to fraot.i-r§s., and ,Digby kept lii stand .iti 'puzzlement, .'vvittehitig,' the .! Windawa,', Then. Iie, saw the ,glinitner of a niatCh ;and fintillY A. lighted.: Candle c'atried "iroin the hall rote a side The •Sdjoining.wincloW was .accottlinglY. hit with the carichles fallit..gleara, and. the hag], wiV dark again, , • ,• Then- c•ain a a fa in satind of ,a stnash, as then:ill Soniething had fallen over. "WhAt. on..earth is the wofnail up to, ff. idsclbliiotinrg With .cat1(.11es ' that Mad a ' 'If he 'had inoved One step .as 'he had - intended, he Would liavie been seen by swiftly'-inoVing .1igiire WhiCh. sudden- ly frein thedarkness of: the, building; • It tante from the shadow and net--"fron1 the door., • ' "'Hullo; • 'Who's this?' there . was something familiar in the Shade*: 1Iapplly at thfs 'pointa the .hall lights "Caine back again; scineone Weide Was lighting tip once inert., :and Digby Caught sightof, the sharply nittlitied tont Or 4 '-..lilliti;";141,fr. -11Oodeirinct• y•ut..loto 5druisisi ere lir roblcs earn HOW to Cook In Unusual Prison Domestic Train - big Helps to Reformi- Them • , Cook stoves and Sewing,rna'Phinea •-•••-iaatead of arina and bars --, are keeping the gunman's raft% the nar- cotic addict and •other feminine law- breakers inside:One Of the -Most un- usual prisons in the warici! It is. the federal industrial institu- tion for women ' at AldersonW Va Its warden, motherly Dr. Mary. Har- ris, '.described it at a conference' Or officials of •the U. S.' gg,federaj-pi- Soir and. refoTi iries.•. Oew, of the w�mcn 114.0W *•hoWto 'COOk when they rPOrne to the institu., tion," she Said. "Still fewer know how to sew. But most of theM repay enjoy those and .other things assoei- ated with home -making once - they learn.", . 'Housed InWe-if Cottagei, Dr. Maria' 500 ' women , inmates . are [housed in neat cottage type buildings Which leek 'like A girl's col- lege, and would be easy •to es.,ape • But guards, • arms, ;Steel, gfilei, marching' prison feet all, are 'Missing, Nearly .50 per centof the, inmates, are narcotic act vioiatois„ ,Another 20 per 'cent: havebroken liquoi. laws.' , • 'Many are released int,o, squalid surroundings.. :Yet, Elerpie said, their training in a 4rnestio or , indus- . 0141 • arts so_effectivithat few beferne rePeaters. Only 21 of' the 361 para1ed in 11 years have Vio- lated theft- 'probation. othing.Cooter or Smart Than This Laura VVheeler Crochet a•-• reparations Hundred', and, thouSanila. of Canadia -families-will bo taleing,---to,ther:roado •tlie 2ith of Ma. SOMp 'raa51.kg"Ju ' going f0.r a drive_,: others vlsithi T,hansands be ..10911gd towards. gtassy 'slope o a Shady grove !her ;theycan spread 'gilt their ,picnic 'foe 1.and the sun and. enjoy ..the we 11 St g. 'l'his will probably be the first. Pi nic-or the .season for 'most Of us s let's make..it one al the hest. 'Th out:cf-denra ':Seettts, to *het appetite antl-.01Pnicketal' are re40y to 'pet an . „ think', by thetiteio..te• food is 'served 'Den't let that be a reason, 'howeve for net ptepating the most, attractiy and.; appetizing lunch possible,. An another thought,, yeti haPpen..to b thinking': Of driving into the countr ,to visit relatiiee or ' friends,a good Idea to-take"aloavspinething7t sepplenient the hostess' ineOU. Not whole meal perhaps, ,OtIt a maat Oat .a baled or a deliciOn.S Cake, It save your prospective boatesi, a lot of wor -and makes :you doubly welcenie fo Your thoughtfulness. : Here are vartou -recipes which-Caa-,be-nrorked--ln•to-:you picnic iflonu ,or. taken Aidog • on you 0; s y . r, a a a r: Bolivia Potato Salad cups cold boiled potatoes,' qut • 1/2 -Inch cubes ' , • ' .2 tablespoons pinilento, chopped- tablespean , onion or-thiyes, ffnel • • Chopped '• -3-hardrcciolted eggs, .choppeld -5 tablespoons, inay,onnaise . 1 tablespoow,vinegar.• y2,., teaspoon...salt , 'Dish of white' pepper Rub .bowl• in wnich •salad is to !be. ecrWith.eut-sr e of ofe':ok gazhic 11' desured. Add 'potatoes., :pimientes, onion, and eigs. 'Combine 1 tattle-. spoon, mayonnaise With yinegar, salt; land: pepper, and add tii.."petata mix I titre. Toss together lightly and Chill_ 1 hear Or longer.' Add .reinaining, may 'omiaise and blend. Arrange in crisp lettuee,...cups and ,Sprinkle. With ehop .4hiv90,::ServO:s. 6, • . • 11 —7•41,11'lp4a ' - Savory 'meat colf. .1, thick ?..'thch :alicea of Loot . toola P01441.4 round bcef, ,gyfiitud %; Mtp ehlelt:•-•PPP•kingq.1910P4,' • '• Briiall 010.0P, fi;ooly: phoPt1g4, • cup canned toPrOgOef4 w• teaspoons: salt , A4.; teaspoon" :pepper Fry out 0.41t pork PAU, ,49100h brown., Add pork: 4;41 drippings to. other ingredients and •-tutx :thoroughly,,, :•Pii•liO, in !Pat 0.44 '40 hot oven • (450, deg., p'.): 15 , minutes; 'then decrease heat to .moderate ,.(3.50 deg. F.): and bake 30 Minntes. longer' at until done. . This loafwlIl slice uteely, when pA;rott.. Serves 10, • • . • • • , Oatmeal Drop cokipp,. % cup;Sifted. .teaspoon baklng powder teaspepa,ninniec, 14 teaspoon salt, ,eup, , hater:.or ,othe,r.. shortening 4'. Cup hroWfr, auger,. firmly. Racked .egg; well. beaten • 1 cup iaishis, chopped f/2. cup rnlhhi ' • Sift flOur, once,. tneaSure, add liakIng- poWder, uutineg, and -Salt, and..sift again::..Cream 'butter,: add sugar grad- ually.. and. 'cream together u'ntil. light and. fluffy.' Add , egg and raisins. ,Add. - • rigleses.PuPs help You,, kiap,f1 • Relieves that stuffy -feeling after' eating.'Cleanses crevices between teeth, too...assures sweetbreath. • A simple (ditto health! • Buy some now' 'Bruen:in, Ceet but big in benefits! Enjoy it after evety.meal.m-rnillfons *0-31 . nueleas. It the cells are healthy, he. pointed -out; the ---degeneration-- -may lead ,to cancerput if the cella are cancerous:the ,degeneration ,may lead to their 'death aid thns „cure the- dis•a- ease:. , .,Arls-wering an urgent call, a dos- -oatmeal; -Add-flour.;,---alternately" with toi.. flew 1,600' miles. from , Athens' •Greece,. te Londen in la hours. ' milk, a small amount at a time. Drop froth teaspoon on ungreased baking 'sheet. Bake in moderate oven (350 deg. v.) 15 minutes. Makes 2 'dozen cookies. . •cRotHETEED:OEs, PATTERN 1782 Lai WIVnot make ,yolir 'daughter a pastel crochet'.`roack-•:-'-`perhaPs.„,at the lowest price youever paid for such value, such style! You know how expensive such dresses • are to buy. You save greatly 'by investing ina few bells . of mercerized 'crochet .cott :ton (that's, all .it takes .for .one of these adorabie easily -washed frocks„) The bodice is made in, siniPle .Puff 'stitch, with picot loop finish, dainty as can be; fat. neck and sleeves. :The skirtcontrasts with bodice','. in • a chain loop stitch' vverked round and round; you have 'no. seeing to worry about. • And how those firm stitches f will be adthired, how -they Will was and wear! 4'S likely you'll want to make several,for gifts dufirig,leistire surrimor hours. Pattern' 1/70 con - „tains directions for making the in sizes 4 to a 611, one pattern) ; An iihistratiOn'of i and Of stitches; Materials .required; photograph of pattern' stitch. ; Send 20 cents in coins (stamps cannot be ..decepteci) fpr. this patterntO "WilSon Needlecraft DePt., 73' • West' Adelaide St., Toronto.. • Write plainly, PATTERN NUMBER, Your NAME and ADDRESS .• • • eloaked. In an instant he Was abreast, of •where the watcher drauChed. .• ith certeility of direction de/IPR/ the, dark, tjte Man chine on, and Oigby,. with cat hike caution, stole behind, the, beisterous wind ' serving to mask the, sound of his steps'. • ' He could not See his 'friend ahead for, longer than a stipend or tWo; ut his, senses served hifi. Well and he hung On doggedlY. ; ' • .2 • . The. Path ,as cleaner, but the ground rough,' and Dighy itneW they. were • beyond the s, dentin -ea. Of the gar- den and,. judging by 'the. ditectjon �f the wind and salty spray,,approaching the. top ot the• • The. aea bele* reifected, Aa,lighter. ,Shade• than the ,filetek heavens above, And; heCould Make: edt the tern), Of Ms ,(4't) be 6ofiptitied). , • • 'Filled Jam Cookies • OUR'S-. •511te'd 'flOUr ••••'3 teaspeane.:baking powder •,. '1/2 teaspoon salt .•• • . . . . 2)3 -pew butter or tither shortening 'q,.Cury brown sugar, firinlypacked 1 •egg, well beaten 1 teaspoon Vanilla. 1/3' Cue %milk • ' •• • ' • •,•Atiy'.kind-tarjain -,(apriCetcetc-.)-" .•_,Bift sneer once, :' measgre,.'add.!baking poWder,and salt,' and sift again,.Oream butter • flieraughly, add ;Sugar. gradw. 'Ally,' and, cream together until-. light' and fluffy. At/cc:egg and•Vanilla; . then addiffl-ou :4.-ff-a I te enately7With • nil1it7-ff: smahl .arnouirt at a.tirne. Seat after each addition 'until -sfiotath. 'chill 'Un- til flmii.enongh to roll. Rohl 1/8 inch: thiCk'. on slightly flawed: board:, '‘: tut with ,2-ineh cooky cutter. teeepoeti . jam •�n a Circle,. and place •another .circle oii top, pressing edges together. --Sake on iingreaSedbalting 'sheet In het oven (425 :clew '6 le 3 .rnintitee. Makes 2 dozen COI:dries. • ,Gingerbread Cul). Cakes. , 2 :cups sifted Cake ftour 2 teaspoonshaking powder .14:teaspoon soda,' 2, teadpoons,. ginger • 1. teaspoon. cinnamon %:.teaspOon Salt' • , 1/3 cup butter :Or other shortening . eup suga• , egg, 2/3.-,CUP.iticilassee %:'.•Cup sour Milk • flour once, measure, add baking p:Oyvdei.' soda,. spices', and .salt, and sift together, :three tiMes.:'-tCream:-.butter, thorbiighly, adde'eugar. gradually,:' and creain together Until light, and flaky,. Aga: eg and molasses;: then ternatel•Y • With. , a entailaniairnt at a tirne. Beat•-afEer each addition t'l srnooth -hake' in greased' cup- cake pans in imoderate oven. (375 deg. 20 minutes, or untfl done., • Makes :2 dozop.' 4 ' •• , • :Rip ',IA/Orilla • Why It yogi'. children Suffet. gnea an old 1118W• gligiand ikernedy is available. Send two dollars, to CONNECTICUT REMEple-CO,.. Robin 421,, 73 Adelaide Si. West, _ . Toronto , • . • • A GENIUS • • DR. R. V. Pierce, whod 'titittre Ai*ear§-hdre,.vg$‘ A ,prefound, student -Of ,the Medicinal. qualitics"Of fernediet roots and • herbs.. ' M For . 70 _ . years' Dr,...,Pierce's.' • tioldeiicdicS1 Discovery „has' becit ' sold in the:drug. stores. Of the United States ' And Canada, It you 'WM' to Vitir„.vigor•atiti -try.-this "15tecoVcrY; • from the intestineS„aiiis digestion, acts as a tOnid. Buy no*rNeW size, tablets .50c.; liquid $1.00 and $1.857 ..' , , Cist.01004eil4ve Iri•Northerii Zones Wth • , _•_.• Red -Heads, They Are Par- OCUlarly ;SenSitive . to.. Stro • • •• • • -ce In . • • • • The.;,btOnde and, the fed head are found almost 0xclusively, in Northern .temPerate, zones. , A, rerun* for . this May be found in (!he fact' that these types are Par ticuiatly -Sensitive-to ex-, pasure to the ulti•a• violet rays in 'sun-. light Red haired And . fair Persons. ,who •have work .that exposes them , continuously :.to these rays are deft- • nitely disposed ,to cancer of states pi-, Frani Blutnenthal,,fornierly at the University,of Mieltigart Medical Scheel,. in a 'recent 'lecture in Minim- apohs Radiation, partleAtarly X rays; (rays iom tailioactive, substances and ultra Violet light, •can both produce and. pure Caticei• ofthe ' It Cauees'degen , • Travel Made • Constipated-, salesman ,Says • Kiiischerr. Keeps s' Toes" • . am a commercial , traveller," writes a correspondent- Pend-. dueto - endlese ;travelling by train' and AutrO WTAnd4hateekinecon ed. I (16., not keep myself internally clean. Kruschen Salta, Is °the only thing.that will idaa this effectively and not interfere with My work. •.I tate a large' dose of Krusehea..evety•satur: day.,eight and on, Sunday', Wherfi have no' work to do, the Salts Act .on Me. On 'week -days 1..take a email dose' on It is necessary that , I .be .go11. iny toeS'.:all; through the day, and this le the only way thia- it poss110, can be done. • • • ':•Itruichen . Salts is an excellent re eine. for:Maintaining a 'condition of in ternal .cleanlinees: 'The numerous salts In Kruschen stimUlate.yeuriliternal organs., to smooth, . regular action. Your inside is•thus.kept clear of those:. .impurities which; . When, allowed 'ta 'sea curnulate,Aower the..:_winiletone' of the eration of. -the -cells -by affaeting-The system. For 15 ConseculiueYears .'t4IIRE.11011[11AVETRAVELLE BY THIS CREAT FLEET (han his simple fact ,eloquently ciptinonstrates the world- wide Confidence in the, splendid traditions of British seamanship, 'service:and discipline which continue to distinguish Cunard White Sty after. nearly a century', of .uninterrupted trans-Atlantic service.' The Ships Of • the Canadian Service,fleet, sailing Weekly Via.tlie,short, ..scenic St: ,Lawrence route to Europe, play thejr part • in upholding Cunard Whitt Star's eminence in the travel world. Wide wilt *andfrequency of sailings between Montreal, New •YOrk and Boston ancli,the principal , ..ports of Zngland, Ireland, Scotland and France are ftnaintained, by SI Vast fleet of modern vessels, led by Hr. hakes Irpi�CC tlie YtMS. "QUEEN MARY" Suet Cirtoat Variety of accomModation at . Moderate coati. • *Au !who front „ Cabin Cfax Jaiinat Chit _In efil Third.Class191:, . _ _ CUNARD WHIT!da, SJA, BAY et Waniw too Sta. •ue on omes Tbat ilhYs-kinn gives. kenidn For That "14t -Down!" FO011ing on a mow day Morning , Nqtwithstandin:Hodiontitig liPPP to tii0i4ght on he subject, problemof .blue Monday remains as '.batfiing as ever. It .19 ,neverthelese It, Sys the r4sw, York sw4, ..; ouprpQ08:1,.s34,0.u,att,Ox:0:40:::11:911 Or.r,d9:110-Or' Monday than to find out holy to avoid. and. ;then de: er refratn..•'.from-•doh)g;----T--.- whatelre'r hetells you. You will be lucky If the following •RanclaY lan:f the bluest ever. ' • • . IntuffieleritReat , • , Canadian,PhY.sician came to gr ps. with the -difficulty- When lie Old a 6117 vention celebratinghealth week tha,te W nit:ends vvitli their "'mild • dissipa-' • • (lone Of picaleS, radios and movies are " ,tiftOirbad for school children. 'Assect- lag that abo4t 1 percent, ofthese have • chronic 'ailment's ofthe heart,: he ar- gued that this was c0oness ass to utfieltdt rest: But even this, if' ac- ceptedittitheatiirrt tulli.fir3re_value, eiplalas OfilY h .Everybody .iniows that, trAue expen- dititre‘of energy over a weekend Makes for weariness :and .dePreasiOn. on •Mondny. Bt' man/ -if person who has -devote(' 14s Saturdays .and Sun- 'daYs eatingsleep_ing. and„,., - resting has:likeWise experienced weart•, 'ain,ess.and de,pression an i‘loriday: 'As wi the cld theory • about iiredestina- lion; it 'Weald SeeLi: Pill you Are equal ly Condemned, Whatever. you 'de; or - aetner-you: da , or retrain. ; • '.....,.A.:-g:led_lay,guess..le-that: roast -or -Us are' in bondage to., hlue Nlonday be • . we Expect Trio Much • The. fundrintentel, ertor *S. perhaps le' expecting 'too Much of the autontatiet It 'the MadhineYitSelt. let-doWn, is .Marked 11 maj .afford we -e0 est7td-theThe T15iifTi Is Ull• , f* to expect the 'hOdy totake up In t• hour or So on Minday Morning ail. -. ,tbe,slack p ,out 'between; Friday af,-' Mot orning Apparently then, the only thing ta':.:• , • be done about 'blue Monday is to be -- as ..philest,:ihiCal about it as possible,.. To ask a person • to . he•sw:et •and ieas enable' with all' With :.Wrhoin he May ' • ' • • Come in contact on any given ••Men- . • ay 19 perhapato imposetee severe . Strata Upon' hrinan nature ••, • • hildren's Fears • Mostly Acquire F"rOfei*or. or 1Psieholeiy., Wat:fts • Pareate•!-Aigaiiist,:-Frightening.:- ...OffsPring - . .• the ' Child has ,only.. three, Or 'four , • -natitral-lemSreadlloaseTwilith :are a c- quired during • babYlio0t,1: ar,O .• usue113r the most .dangerous and the result, •:-• That ie the belief Dr.' iniproper, care ' a' • Pant C V.Oung, professor.of psychology at Lou ,isiana State Unlversity Di Young, picked Up A' feW 'fears 'When' a he. .sald_.,'ar•Lclu.t:oFe . wa:rw,h,,ceornipdofi'ehe .ep,(.1ke P . .`9,1any,parentS.,-play oat he feareef. their:children in :Order ,to, Maki) them obey., to keep., then* .from interfering,. ••• to keep them .down ,” Dr. ,Young Said, "only. to find tater that they are bting. •ing :up' a shy, timid,IstaY4t-hOrtie dreain cieature fle'19 afraid: •Of his awe' shadow ; 'afraid thathe will 'lase his. .4Oh, afraid.' CO speak ,to those he'. • Meets, afraid that .those be meets ' Might Speak' to hie', and more.,afraid that they, Wea't sPeak,.to,him "•OnIy ifeW Natural Fear .. "By Cateful investigation;".Dr Young continued, "it has been' feund- that', the child' has only three. or. four, . -natiiral--fenra;-'-•-thtreat 'are -acquired... He Screams.: Or 'Cringes With fear,; ik he. IS alt but allowed to fol..; second,' 'if a `tottd7:011ild IS.: Made ,near, him ;, • third, Ifsonie Sudden, intense, or long • catitinuedpain' tifflictl him; 'ftnit.t.h„ if he isnandied-too roughly.'" All othe¼ fears, Dr, Young warned, are :ICarned.... Parents who, 'scare:their cliildreit' with' bragey-man • storiesto Inake them be quiet, or• :pot .thein. In elesets, or • otherWise pithieli them for, misbeltavioui ere 'lnstilhlng',dangerous. '• 'fears, in thc Child:, he sai:d. •• :, tridian Woman Died For One Hour Only 'ecing, a. *oaten -stop • breathing ; for • an hour, and -then tonic) to Iifc. [again is one of the experiences .of i Dr: A. Nand, of Agra, s.India. fie is ii reediCal.' ,officer for the United Provinces', Health'. Service and is yiso iting the iversitY -of .Toronto8-4 study :public health ,measures. The:, woman ceased breathing •andher heart • stopped 'beating, Dr. Nand swears. She Wasa member t.sa ligions sect which- heldthe ' 'belief that it is • necessary, I to' clisioclife loneself :from the body to 'achieve', • true meditation, Dr. Nund said. Bee control ',over her; • muscles; even to lungs and heart, was Sti -perfect that she '.cottid:: practically itase to hive,, he added,, ,bri Nand' declaresthe it sure Science NI' sainetbing 'froth -this teat ' '