The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 3• • LESSON VII ' TESTING DISCIPLESHIP BY SERVIcElsilatIlt 10:17-31 follow me: 'Mark . . • , , • T.11.P, LESSON IIS SETTING Tirne,e,-Late F utry early :March, A -P., 30:. ' `. • Vliteee't-Peraea, the portion 'of Pal- datine on the eastern aide of the jor- •dan, ppposite%Galilee. • ' ' Thisi fascinating story• of the rich yqung ruler is also found in Matt., • 19:16-22 and Luke 18:18f23.. There, . is hardly .anything in all the Gospels , There gripping, more penetrating,. •with a lesson more important, than • the meeting •ot 'Jesus with this young man. i7. And, as he was going forth in- te the Way. Of cotn•se this refers to • Jesus, who is last mentiened by name in .verse 14: Thee rari. one to him. ,Matthew•tells us that this person was beth young and wealthy, and Luke tells usthat be was a:ruler in 'Israel,. :which; •while in :this place it could hardly mean that he was a member , • of • the,,,,Sanhadrin......Prohibly.±_ini* that•he was one high' in authority in some ,•loeil Synagogue.. This person had Much -to his, advantage--eyouth. L01', atel:.wetrith. .This 0 else • Was •one .ol. hielt .!haracter,.4s ,we dis- emer;.ia. reading the story. . And ltneeieci to :hi;.n, and asked him, Coed Teaelier,, what shall I de that l' may inherit'eternal life? To begin with, this man was not satisfund....titgaLlat. ' possessions "; his ' author- " 'ity, all gig power'. and vigor. arid' joy of yoUth,, which. he certainly n,easesa- ' ed Were not Meeting ,.the. deepest • rieed of his heart erid he Pnew it •-fag .§Seg.S. 1h'0•• •t• Efe, by; Which is 'Meant 7 not. only; life that continuea through. out all' the eteibiities, but life which:. • 'satisfies; Which.la always :'cleep.„.• arid . rieli and:abundant; •k life that really, . comes :front , God,,lite.'that ,hestows, ..perfect peace and abOunding joy; life , that grows 'mere wonderful Witli..eV- erY •.passing day: What he w.aated • Was-what„.alL.nsen_ip_their 'better...me- „Inenta,liaVe lenged. for down through • ill:the age's. ' • • Something To Be Done . . In. the secoad. place, we note' that this man -felt that there was 'some- ; things:that heshould do; some great •..task heshould undertake, to. obtain •, ihat which. his 'heart most longed for.. In the thied.placOfrwe,...mnst not fail. j:t• o* observe the true_hurnility of this •" 18:: And Astra 'said unto. him; Why calleat: then me goad? none Is :good • save, One, even, Ged,:. When .the young ruler called Jeans .00d and. asked . what '"•good,thingl,!.:_lie_shOtild;db....to. Or everything on this earth; No.Sacrifice Wanteek' ..1 .22. But his Conntenatice fell at the Saying; and he went away: sorrowful. The, verbhere translated ; "his coun- tenance fell" is used of the sadden- ing of either the face of. natureor thehuinan f,aCe, The answer dicl n'ot eiiisilerate, but . it gave hbn. pain, .which was visible ,on his countenance. For he :was one that had great lios- • Sessiona,t This man Ws -anted something • better:013ln he. had, but he.. was not. Prepared. in "'Ma,ker"•-nny sacrifice. to get it. If Chrtat could aceept such Millions of peo-Ple- wonld. join .,the. chnrch tit'once: He wanted God, but not at the c'ost of his gold; he Wanted life,. but not at the, expense of lux- ury. 23. And jesualodked round about, and saith unto his disciples, , How hardly shall they thP.t have ,riehes, en- ter into the kingdoni of Odd! This young: man .was undoubtedly prepar- ed , to do ,i;auch and to meat Jesus half -way, 'het:he:was' not, ea'dY to go the whole -way -and. to put all at the 'Service of Christ. ' • ' 24,. And ite .disciples were amazed a't his words. Thera, as now, there was an 'established 'relation in :which wealth enabled its possessor to come to the front ,and.occupy the more 'prominent position... ' Dut ,Jeahe ans- wereth again, arid .saith tiiito• them, Children, how hard it is for them that trust in -riches to, entef the kingdom of Gad! 25. It is easier for a. canyel to go through' a needle's eye, than for. a rich.man to enter into -the kingdom :of God. Jesus .nreant arf ac-' tuel air.' actual camel, ,".so here carael and needle's' eye are ace tual. jesus means' that '*.t.laltrt oa- st e or a rid' men whe trusts in Lit...heat° intO the kingdorii:. ., 26. And they Were astonished ei- _ ceadingly,, saykunto him, Then who can be say, ...iain 'life; the'question Was in.' whit • ..sense he :.rneafit The ques- tion of .Sesus wis asked to bring homo te.... the rider the meaning of :this Wc;ril::*: To •-shOW What ''...jeada .ineana, he paints out that greatness in the' •Orise eon be predicated oilly b,y God.' So fA.' is this freiri denying the ,G.adliend of jeans. that ' it ',actitially.asSerts it for hiiii. The . . man. ‘iatlina :led. to, lo.ok-at lents .in new Way, that indeed Jesus may ...cad, .e§.$.9ntin'llr' one With God as hia. . . •• •2.Duty To One's Neighboui- - 'Thou, knowest..the cornMan& Monts. ' Do net , kill, D� -not toinini'e Dont steal, De not bear ! false ..witness, •Do'not.'defratid, Honer • ,thy father and mother. „HaVing, de- • clared that Only God himself Was . good,' the Lord Jesus nowpoints the; . . . ' young; mare to God's commandments, ;which; tenting froin God, are .O.ften, • calIed ,agoecl" .in. the.Old and*Were given- for our,,good. • The Lord cites only 'thelb cominoridthents ' Which regulate itin'a duty- ,to•hbi „ i` ably .beeahae they ad-. •'mi,,�f, a, relatively -simPle'aPplica- ,,. .,--fion,to the, cOnduat of life. • ,2(),. And he said tint,p hirm., Teach- , ' 6r, •alt;theae•thing6.1inVe • L observed • : from my youth. , The young man ek-. petted. Joan§ to make a great deli.V,-;' „erance that .woUldthrow the nee'ded ...light 'Upon., his • own darkened .soul. , 21: And Jesus laOking, hint: Loved him: And •silid. unto him, One then lackeSt.:'. The •'verb ' here translated ."ladkett." iS the same, as :that translated 'Rorn. 3-:23, "fall " '•ahort 'cif • the glory Of, God." Jeans ' "kneW and .knowa•.,the heart perfectly. He knew' what this maii. needed ‘vithotit sneeulatieft or far- , the): questioes.; and when lie„finally • diagnosed his case, , the diagnosis . Could he -absolutely depended upon. • Go, sell "whatsoever then' haat, anid. give to the poor, and thou shalt have. — treastn•e in heavenand come, follow : Me. ,Jeaus does not tell all Men Who , folio -VV. him to 'Self their pealie.Ssions, , What he is: getting PC ia the 'One thing which this man had set up in "that he thitkg,,e I1must have, and that 'is, in thi,s. • young- miri!s ohzo,his • wotileh. Now, he One canhave eter-4 , %hal life when he puts his .hope And trust in Anything that belong to this ..earth, whether it be material things, Persian, .or ideal; It 'should be h person, or an ideal; Eternal life an heither be had by giving un anything ,Art - Experts Are Hreng11ajes rur:B1taiii. ,, • • , These , five Britons arrived in• New :York aboard the •9ueen •Mary. 'bent on .a study of the possibilities fo , purchaaing military aircraft in the United States and C anada. Left to'.1, right, they., are, Commodore Sir Arthur commander': of the ,Fetirthi3onibing, drauplit'eaerve Corrariarider James G, Wen, Command a Caspe: Jahn, of .the Fleet. air: arm; Squadron Leader Chars E,....H.orrek, and Frederick Itewarth, civilian e.ngieeer. • • • • ••• • ' 27, "J'esus looking upon ,,. With, inen it ;Is. Ininciaalble, but . not With 'God; :for all things are lioi4sible with God. , What', .)-eti.§ Meant Wee t hatGodVveilltriTrable 66; to: change a . Mari'a :heart by. Ake- trieVement ,of •the Hely Spirit,. by thaaaerifice,which the Lord, jeans Christ , was , seen to, 'offer; that,. however great the nian's wealth Might...be; ...hia6heart 'would not be resting, in his wealth;- but he would loti.e. God with alrof his heart, with all of his Mind; 'with, „611-' • of • his 'stre*Itt,i and'thus in spite •�f all of. his,Vealth:. he, Would -.be 'saved,: • •.:• •••• 28., peter began •tii, say unto him, ,Le; wo harye left all, :arid-, have 'fel-. lowed thee 'Frein their position the. -question was inevitable.. Instead • of adding te....,their....worldly.:_,genda_this, associatiet •had diniinished it. Th y. 'had: horne. ev.erYthi n.g' for .. him, What return, would •be .' in greatileta Make them?... 29, Jesus said; Voi'ily 1 say Unto Yon;:: There is no; manthat, hath left, heuseker.brethren, or sisters; .ornio- 'ther,:' or father, , or children, or for ;my sakc and ' forthe, gospel's 'Sake. 30, Olit'Ite aliall,releive a him.- dredfolii.nOW hi this tirne .houses, and brethren, arid. sisters, and',recithers, and children, .and lands, with persecutions; and; iri the ,World to come et:.' :anal life. , ,When one f4ve§ up a life' of sin and lives' for . Christ, he has,„4":„, ,clearer Mind aria a • str'oxyrer and A...fpeace, in 1iik healAi.te'. never knew .beiblei and _a-.-7-wiaclain that :conies ",dei,Vn frjii4ibove,:,all.ef .will '•eriablhiri to ' do in Ms. life what he Chtild "not so. aneeeiafullY'do , previen-sly. , • . • There i!, a higher meaning 'to,. our , . , - 1,..0,rd's'.14Ords nlso. One 'house gone, but one 'hundred doors open. One brother.in the flesh Iciet;• but 'a.'theu- sand :brethren .in thespirit,: whose, love is deeper 'and wboae,..kinship is., profounder, gained. ' ,31. But many that -ftref,'ficat . shall be last; and the first:.Many who, are.' drat, here., in thia life, even in religious Matters, in church :affairs,' -hecatise of great .gifts, Orcongenial personality, or because of Self -Seek,: Will. :in the kingdom of God he they .will have a'ininor.plac; ' Whereas. Many who new are in •Ob- - liVion,..Wheab names are not eVen. Icknewn, will, bectiese;cif, the purity of, :their lives; the•-abeeluteriesi of their rove for • Christ,-, be .given 'first place . in the kingdom wherelovo and.ain- cerity and holiness will be the vir- taps by W,;bfet nen will be judged by the King himself. nal c 4). ents own raffic o creases Croiiientim—"rnirrs ..Told That Streets Are. ,More Dangerous Than -Factories;' IndUstri Pointing Wax for Reduction of Auto: Accidenti • - CAM THow a'-'.17traOi Forest' :s,. , e.xv.L•171Tntl and, rdseareli jolt the Part of .'•fereat„ aiithPri ties Canada the last., 'twenty Yeare.1),EkYe hroughtinlidut great' advances the deVelepment of intent:, equtp- and tochnhlue for' detecting hnd. forest fires.: The. •ifae.of the. airplane for fire pati•ol and trans,: . irortatiori, the developnient of' light portable fire ,-pumps 'and. 'linen . fire apparatus for ;coairaunieetiere- hand ,..sprOy• and .iniscellapequa'' equipment , are ea. ,few of • the resulta.. " • . •,.• • . Locate 'F re rs In .lighting a,..fOreat. fire,' the most 'inipbrtant,!tliing4alci locate. it. as soon aktiO4Ihre after 'it .has • sterted. mike -date forest " .administratieri high: •toWors 'of, wood. or steel, .usually With -a---cob in • on top, die&ed'atuJtible points. When A fii-e'ls seated hy, the look -out he takes 'a •bearifig. on the ,smOke",by,meani.'cif•.kepeCial in- strument called 'a• fire -finder •and tele- phones this •hear.ing "-tb headquarters. Ir. two, ormore bearings -canhe.•:had • . from other )looXouts, :.thost:ore.:16:*04t. on the. map at head', 'qUarterS,,a14 the .point Where, all ueh bearings intersect- is • the locittien of 6-40. , , ,„ : . . Detrease.in Area.. • • , When a:fire is located, it is import- ant to get tire7ligliters'ia the acelie•aa :quickly as possible.. The ,,..feetina of trrinanert for hien and ,equipment inay be:bY • fliotor. trucl,,.power boat, iir• eatioe; 'Or .Onj foot, depending bn the, region and terrain,' If the,. fire is. sniall, or if thereee no. Water'.avAilable it eontrelled ;by removing alt in flarrunahle material deWit to the strip. aretind *the,:fire. The .fire As. prevented froat, crossing this ,.eleareil strip, hi.lo burps iteelf;ent.,,, If ,Source.of. sitnply is available gaseline lire pumps .and long beep: of •flre are '-usedj much As in. a 'aitY. 'fire...The ''men use' band spray. puinpa :fed frorn.:Water "hags qv 'tanks, carried on,their ,backs..• RefleCting:the,efileieecy et' Canada's forest fire proteetion. organizations, statiStica cornpiled.by the Department' ef Nines andResourees, Ottawa, show a decrease, of ehont (.30. per cont In .the. area... -Of Merclianteld4 timber btirnd per fire, during the Period 3.9.18,,to07, ,Canin. Is Tried " •• On ltiardee Charge Idaho. a deg which animated` in court M. New, York cs.p:• a; charge of drowningsmalrboyin canal,i has six mdths -of a. "jail"' tent' Still to serve. . Althetigh.acqifitted Of Wirthl niur- der'a,t his frita in August; 193611kfa-. ho WAS, sentenced by Jilatice of 'the Peabe•kinner Benedict, to .787 days'. eoriOtieMe-nt,' should not fro .tilhliWpti,"t6 l'o•-y is i.o‘,9,1er's Yard. • ... Industry tan.pciint••the way in ac- cident .prevention and a Way •mnst, be. 'pointed to ;stop the. wholesale slaingli-' ter:autortiobile traffieie piliiig upto greater hcights evert, year; „.'Lehis: 131,Ake Daft; of Welland; declared' last ,week . Toronto -at the annual Con •Vention of:. the - Accident Prevention Associations of Ontario., Accidents in industry .have Ledi steadily ,declining, .he., emphasized; while antemobile_deaths: are inercas- ing appalling extent. . ,Indhstry, has` lieen.se,enceess,ful in its accident :prevention Work that.a man is 'safer 'today in the .midst of,svhirling wheels • and speeding machinery than 'lie, is in his home ' Or ...en :route between his home and the factOry'''' where': .'he Yrrorka.': : • . Home Is Very Datigercinv Rome: ii'One of the. niest • dangerous places, Mr. Duff saith, because a slip - p017 rug,. a: bathtub or .a.: chair that is:. not wh-EfilKe-Iitter .thinIts7itTis are .greater hazards than 'electricity or disease. , Ac'ci'dents iri the lime. sare responsible fOr :35 per -cent, of • alt: deaths, . the •natoinehile .taUses, 24 peit.:cent„-am.1.,Lind uStnyris,.-responsible- for only' 1:7- per'eent:.. ••,.i -' ,, •: . ': ,,.. ... , „"What ,•aliall•lit.prefit . • he miked '• . . . '.to.,save a .-inan in the shop . or. Save' . , him in hid:home .if he,is to go put. • and get k Wed' on the. b igh Way , . or •Ici'l 1 ' .sbineorie. else?" ' .7. ••• • ..•-• • -0 ; Last year autoine'bile's killed,' 766 . . „ ., . , •peOple,);,in .(intarip,'0,rnanY men; wo- men . and chilifren. a's' make up An .0„V, age. incornorafed' village, the speak= dri"liainted out. Thdarray of injtired. and Maimed MpAted ...to 12,992. If the' aut-omobild bh's any "luck" ' thia- :eek-erid ' Mr, Duff said,'it • Will 'kill' five .perSans•and. injure 40 in Ontario. . . ,. . • One Lar.gest .lobt of"The job ofaccident prevention is • one -of the laigest jobs; ' we have 'in . Canada. There iS'' Only one- httier 'fibld' On this earth for activities df this kind, for Canada ranks 'second Only to thce .United States in mOrtal- ity froinaceidental •CauseS,!' he de- clared. For Hh fjoine th. V. CaiToli.; 'W.T11, known Scot.- h , as' teacher -author; Sail's from N. w York alalard• the ..Queen Mary,‘ ar- roll arrived, O'p this -Continent With eiteLil,:leitteredc,'SiiitNige. He siit�d With. three trerika. full of clot hieg; hebought,here, , .„ • • • our .flaii-d—writing Shouis What Talent You Possess By LAWRENCE •HttiBEItT ,(Graphologist and Payhologist) Are yon discontented in the work you are doing!? • Do you feel that you ,are a square peg in a r'onnd hole; tied, down tp.' work that, is ,distaate- •ful to Yew? ion are, you are but One of a vast number -of . people, for one Of thernoat frequent.qoeries, that is put to. rne. the host• of letters I. re, c.eive ynu tell'frorarny hand - Writing -whether I• have any talent? . I swould like.to. get into work that is, more congenial arid ,better -paid.” flandwriting:analysis,•Playa ini- 'Portant Part 'in...bringing relief to a „loTort4.7nfg.' .DOESpeople. s.hB:o owe awl' ;ea t yteauienri hand • heve.. ;It May be ority• allateht talent that needs inech,deVeloping before it" Can be put to practical th..:6„, but if is, there.. And. if Yon :can bilt realiSe it,. you Can, set to werh, to.lelifberate on itand realise your i,c, . •',Jame time ago a young 'man liVing Northern Ontario wrOte to Me He • .as gr:oc.ery assistant?" earning a. • „aggardly. pittance. He was naturahe '.y dissatiSned. Could I give him any tdvice about hirriaelf? His handwritingrshowed' two things . talv.tr_bx, :Mustindieate !lad not ctiltivated.„ it to any .ektent, 1:'.n.d..he lacked self-•confiderice * told him. frankly that he needed Proper ..eig , firso, to develop more self-ass'ilranee, , iind then to .cuitivate his musical tab, ures.frfor prairie agrieulture.; ' ' " exciies of AsOragns .. and; Rim- ..ent.- • Without. the. one the 'second' . harb Come Under Nem . '.. • .w'ould. be no-uSeto hint for h.e would R ni . . lack the confidence tc impreaS ethers . • • ...-. • .., . • .* with.his talent; • , .• :: , ,'• •I ,heard from him aa'airi,.:biit when t'""7"rt was a, conSul.MITe—fiTirelie ore„ 7Frs"-et-tt,tirnifig—the information • agriekiltural. .OXPtert:S. '....111c1 engilleeiS '. 'Ile did Nivrite it,wail'fo,. tell me 'that need. In plannipg rehabilitation 'lanes Continue Continue j 'Western Sprvey Started List 100,—.sfhotograPli- • ing of. 2.P.,94)0 Squire Miles Of Laid IS, MO For 1938 Armed with eanteras instead of in* chine -gnus four Royal Canadian ;Air • Force airplanes have begun survey oPeratipaS west Of Swift Current,'„ The;,• are', continuing the aeriell 44er, , Vey of the prairie drcaught area. whie.b.,' started 'last year. Some 2,8,000: square miles of countryin Sotithweatern PAP- kateliewarr.;ainl Seuthern Alberta Were. . photographed by f.orce cameramen' , last-Sernner aud This, year it is hoged, toadd apother 29',0qQ. muare •milki to the area...Upon' Nvhich the government ' • has eernelete tepograPhigal .tien, • -' ...•"" • ' • , • •,).„ 'The. '.area,•• to pireteaTaplied th Year pxtr.no,,,,-,• rore•hly frau Swift rent ie•'• the • Canadian Vac line running• .1)cliween teed and, Caltgary.. • •••• In SaskateheWan it , 'extends. .SQ1411- ward to the United States bpr4er, and includes the sohtliwe.st corner of the prAyinee. , . - The aerial 'survey is•part the•goi,7 ' erinnerit'S sactiVities .seeking mitt- • gate '.the ,effects of drought on, fJie piairies to .plan water censerve.tiOn. works whie.h will: be useful futtira. -years, .ande•tod-just—land-usage to apii and: eh/natio 'eonditions... •• ' °Complete Picture • It . was found an Aerial photograph gives :a• complete picture of • the land, shows the location. of 'streams; lakes, . aloughs and water courses and also the character of 'thpsoil Thus aerial photogr'aphy; is. co-nsid- ered ,the speediest and most effective • ,I,re.htinclung .asparag•ItiTmin-• .barla,Met'cli-arits are retniired thiS Year by, MON gOVeVill110t1t.,l'e111a1OrIS to he - was. in.chiedgo andearninga.fair7,- put".. them ,:u.p in ,hund14,..ef: Specified. weiglit: • . •,' ly :geed •I*king in -.an prchestra., , „ . ' V-s4iirtael4..with(4t..a4TOM XJ.,T ounce , or 16 -ounce 'bunches!, 'A little •ve'eting.' analYsie, he • probably Would . . „ leeway. of one 'ounce is allowed ler "ha'e Ire,e21 t'l•Iggling 6.1°114 ift v11." shrinkage, 'after they 'are- bundled eat .14g'e • '", ' • ; 's :OW USe11/11 - these weights.• They must not vveigh , . • . • •' less than Sev,en••or 1'4--�unces respect- Do YOU 'Wish to kno‘ti what "talent you possess?' Would you like to: knoW liertb3rOshire, ,Ertg.-4urni*6: piitily they. .mnst- weight, ,eight lvelY' when. sold. j3'et wfrah Abby ik,C4: kb...make: the, Most, , o, your .erwn , . " jugs Complete In Fortner Hanle.. and 16./ otinceS :specified. . • . And. Baskets,:nf.,Petatoes • Fornierly retailers. 'Could put thdra' up ,iti any sized bundles With . the :stilt' that: custorners':'cduld not tell \Ojai. value' they .were, getting. F.Oreed. rhubarb. can only be Offered for. sale in hurichea fro.tri ,t0 17 ounces in Weight...When. packed. and not ,less than • 15 :ounces ,per• bunc when _offered Ifo'r .sale. , • .,'• .is 'also; required by.the regtila-• ,tio,ns_coveriag:_fpit.:. d..,:NegotableS • that„,,liPtatOes'.Can,'onlY_ be sold by weight; A basket of potatoes 'must. weigh ten pounds for six quarts! ead. 18; pounds for 11 quarts.," ower of Pen ono,'S pdn -fs.'a ye'r'i precarious thing, to deriend.on for a living, but •.relying onfit is h picot adVelittire, ae- oordhg :to Leslie',Gerdon,,,,Parnatd, :Preildent of the .Canadian •Author's Association., In' a .werld that is- sharpening its . swerd,,- it is , geed thing; for. the 'writer 10 sharnen his pen, •that •he may have Soine stimulus against: indignatien over :the 'Weeld's •beliaiour; .he temthe ddrihdiaii. 1.3xess Cluby•at.Montreala:. .)•,/er Tbia S6rious" Art: Haritard described "inbinerits. in the, life ef a,..NVI'll•Cr..7 Al..0614 theS'e' "mpments" *ere ,the •,storie*s ."that,:come. as gift if 'from the • SUbeehatiotila;". peribde Of hard Work nnd discouragenrentt When the 3767767 done; When the eheciuor aceeptimee ,.eonies, and' seeing the 'story actually hetWebn, the two coVers Of the book, The Power of the pen and of the, preas Mattered treinendonsiy,. declar,, 'ed late Ar'd,-Apd "we inuat neVer' take o irselVes foe:seriously .and bp, 6Olrio.4 onaorotth.". .;t1NVO.:OSPIIII01$ in writifig, •fio • Have,, .yOui! :nny. friends : Of Wctikl-Famous. Figure. . . , . Cech. Rhodes' old, wins's; ial3ishon'a , ‘StertfprrkqiertfqrdaSire, *.w1.11 be op- ened. shortly ap :'• N...., 'The 'vicarage'. Where. he, .,W4••,. 'horn , 35 years ago and the, CenTaniOn house ' • have '.,!been. -4epuitect. by the 7-Riptlea.; . : • , BhAittdilltrtli etenkii:err:.1t.07trhls.titc Iht St.. Toronto, .Ont;:,' ,YA11..:letters . are o are coun- ell. With eir,elidO.Wz.nent, , Most delighted of all over. the reo'cilii 7 of .ther::Vidarage,froM:Itaideiteliet state• sErnnia New?nan, aged --84,- who for Bc.-1‘14., fkiioops- •••••:- Most of the 'fitrniehifigs. have come 'froniAlie neighlaohrhoOd. The drawIng robin ' ".stuff" 'curtain's, found'in Much Hacitianar-are.;-;80---yea-rig-Old;. and, antimateaaars; afid crochete4 . bed- spi'ead were made 120 .iekiii-ago by Mrs. •SpeechleY,a famous :Ipeal Jace• maker.,* .• .:!;•• ' :•• The- early Victorian ' serVice in: the ' .•, • .. • . . -diningzreora, o .pottern of„.4aoss- roSes„,..•aed:in.one.Corner. is ,a.";hu.c.rilridffte. l-',: by, a droning noisel"like. an aeria- stiaiid Bible as it plane" the inoriiing,,of, the yobber,y., , Sir Edinana, Said lie •Wpa nat. wor, 0111z...es/the pictnres Were'fully in- "surecti against!all. risks:hitt, .even •againat there heing .tiny• diet)* er the instirane.e claini.." • • : .tehose reel charactel you would like,. to know? Send; faikiy.loiig specimei of 'writing, and with E4e14:, speeiinen enclose;l0c to help defray.' cost of :handling: .Enclose with. Stamped ad- dressed erivelclio (airri.iswrence: Hib- bert, ' Room 421, 73 West Adelaide , $teleu-N-fictures White.. ElejAiaiit" . . They're 'TOO. Valuable to be Mar-:. • kettilliVH.Tliievet Anywhere , In the 'World " . LONDON.--71?e theft ').of £100,000 ($500,0-06) ,wortli of Old Masters from'. eAstle. was no nearer :soltitiqii • this •Week., , • Pplice incjuiries yielded no 'deVel-: opinenta; ,An ',art t.eknert termed the 'robbery':.a.',""4„.Vhit•e; elephant • picture theitr :paying:' ,iS: 110, avail- abte • rniii*et for the: pictures any- . where in; the.. World., They 'ard- t'.bo fernpus to he Old •Or' to, be ,enjoyed by:a 'secret, htlf.er."'• • • ". -He Predicted .they Wohld. reniain S•hidtlexin the hone they;cetildbe ied to the owner 8ir 'Edmund collector :end inining.com- papy 'director,: for raesein..., One Was a Rernliraridt,..- TbO, l'oblievg entered ',.Sii.,'.Eiintitn,crs ...Castle !in .Kent':Cotinty lay• cutting 'pope f vont Wiiiddw. Ttiey, cht from, their. frames . five eelebrated Pena- ing's of which •the most noted •,:'was. • • • , ReMbrandt'a portrait of his first. Wife ' • , , "Satlea At Her ,Toilet," • , • ,tiOgs ,bsf'Tdhlin,sSoi•oug:Ii.,- .:•!sLady ;,(21pr•RdS". and ' "ThP. O.r.1 Of -Suffolk" by •nols;''and "Illati With Ilig7 by .V..an .Pyke;• Pietnish painter, 'completed the *-Fully Insured 'A special •watch.waS set tip t�. pre- vent the pictures' from : being sniug- gled aut,,of.'EnglaficL, , • .• • De,tecti4ea*.'were inclined to 'think -the-paintiligs• . ar- "ried awaY'in'an 'airplane. One guest at the' castle reCalled being disturb- used to, be :when .Cecirs father :teal nierning• pt., , In Mrs..Rlied.es" ,bedrooin is an • old (our -poster like the 'fl'orie in. Cecil. was ,born, and a' swing.:.ernclle;; or . Mahogany with cane. sisIes; .,,which 16 '. • hrehalilY; the one in Which she rocked hiiir to Sleep';. • ' •:.• • . . C"ecire own. roam, one of ;two lSuilt above the.':roeff-"Oi the. famity, grew,. has. an Veit. 'bedstead. Writing and ;shelves" .Of books as; an old .frie ; remembers them: • . .2• •d Ghan&Says His , • Dcus. Are. ing , K.: • Gandhi , has :predicted his early , ' "l\iy dayfi:ard.,.rintribered," ;the .6.9- y.eAr_bid nationallat: leader, 'Wrote , the-11:6"dnimOtErg.tiin.i)".1.-:- -.:"IFor the .first' tinie in. 59 Years „I ,fitid if 10:. tfm; sib nath -of desporld- ,etie.y;: All .atheitt inc i ,darknesa;, I ani."nraying ...ff. have •d6' • ' Which teetdd me a%,is, 'thy of Of 'a •votart of truth ". • ngIishwomen Ttirt•L'iso Turban • For .Sports .•: New Western Plan F,or-SheepRaising Departifient of Agricialturo.Pnr-,; , chac,es U. 8.FIod . Purchase o'f.,, two .11qeks r,of' Mire 11-,lainhoullet • sheento' itriproV'O ‘'shecp .1.aisirig in. Western ,Canada :and' pro,. :Vide! fainiers there.; with :1evelnti6-;„, procitiegik ,reniaining, .. eeniparatively:-. conatitrit in .drought perieda ,Was .A117 • • nottneed 'Vy., the :DePartnient' of Agri-. • Culture, Ottawa,,:last inenthi' • Each,' . flock ''Ccitisisia , ;of , 200 ,PW,e5f .aucl, six ranis. - ',.4.. , • .. ' .7". .' ." . . . • „Vile ptirehase.., arranged. by ',Agri; , . culture ,Miniato:r .ai.dmc.i, ,is partof . a prOgremcfor 'sheep iniprovement in ' • ,the• \Vest. . Obtained in ' Wyoming, • Utah and Montana, the sheep ,are at ....the.„Doniiriion ..tkperimentel Tatra,. ,./... Lethbridge, Alta;,, and' the •Dunburzi- ' I.:Inge 'operated by the University . of . ,SaaltatelViiii..' " . . for' improVemeiit or i:ayiThounee mieely 4. . , . ... . ., ' . ContinuOtkif itatirtiv,ernen,i Policy.. '..-To.proVill'e.,:fer a, eentinuelia paliey in the Peniiition, the"Agricult,ure Iet pu.ltment 11(15 appoitited A (hrije,:lrialt", 01111,11lill'Oii.A. A.,...Macilillati,' tisSe-,." ,clinic:elief ' Of the riepht7iiieht.' ,r.i,o- ' dnet•fon ,,'56rvice;.',, R... A. Ilasninsson, ' 11,itilien, I.•;,-.\re-erliTielita-1 Pitrlia,teiltz 'bridge., tied Pi•iif, A', II, V.Velip DePOIt' , meat jof . Animal Husbandry; Univer-... .iity ,of Saskriteiit!WAU,.• , ' . `. ' ' ..,,I. •.. ',.rhii committee Wilt outine mid de-. the'1)11 'ding pelieY tor tile ttc-O* , • ileel,s, , Eh'eli'V.;ar two ..)ti'011,'"81:1,,,,C4. . '..1.):1;:t .a' 1.70tlit::::;')Iiott.erti`pher.. • ' . • ' elial:ei-tu; as i;itie. i'„,;,.: pit, ttlr:(.ifer'1.10,1,0,c,.:d :N. t'llii r Pti NC i I/ . bk ,o,troiiti , L. .• , , . ., • ,,, • ,.. ..... , ,. ,..... :, , .., .... ,,, i ..s.j.,.... ,i...' . , . AN • ,,. ...1`. -,., . • it.i. F.•1,Alatehewnri. an ,1 •6116, fit Al4 • .. , '-')- Intent liplitr-as„)-rmo"„iiig'" Thiee,.f.t..ctiqt ,at-lfrolkiands-IIi.wk..•E,iiglatitt--i•W--;.zeita, w.-4- -lo.1101(•'''-'Aro.,4-R11. 11411-'w.0 . -... fair hpect„atcWie 'UlinVt'i.,,:re vi 014 inte.reslill hl.' in j 4' T ' ' ''' 1' i it .. ' . , ...... ,. . '. .. .