The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-21, Page 5-74 tRSDAY! 14. 21ST,19. . , A,. 4i4'777 ro, " ' W1061:11* Marta 4t‘II P. M. Except SathidaY 4turdaY Night, :Two Shows 7,45,1041 9.45 'OS*" 0.*;:- (Iiir.1:1"•..$,S.rtet: pril 21.22 Maria -n Wldon • A WESTERN .rIcTinapWJTH PLENTY OF . ACTION , . AlsoN ,':•, •'"ADY'• ;eLYDE" "CARTOON", , • "NEWS!, . . . Tues T SPECIAL r 25-k27 Thb. t. wildly acclaiming tba magnificent pichWisation of Pearl kluelt's•prixo•Winning novel! • ”Juat se theY,aaw it atli2.20;n roadilnkWing4ge, m,uwyoucmnthrflIto Its niiglat, spietaale,, touching " %.••cita4a "at PaPu!ar Priced • Ali WI; M Pict, r th Yi$ ALT EN CONNOLLY, . 1111$ u• ch. ChArIvs auevon iestle "IiX(1111. „....A0MXSSIONf-L- ADULTS; • 35c, • CHILDREN 20c.! 2.!_ pima To THE LiplaTii -90. THIS. ' PICTURE T#ERiWILL • r . Rev. and Mrs. Patton and 'viiited withlkr. and 'Mrs. Les. :Ritchie on Sunday., .1Vliss .Frances and Mr.:J. J. Gilmore of London, also Misses Della and Mart garet Gilmore, of iiteilener; • :spent Sunday with. Mr. and' Mrs, H. Gilmore. .-21.11tiss Agnes Mallick, Who has been , . visiting with her friend, Mrs. Jake . • „ , ,Hunter,, has -returned home. , • - 'Miss Lorena Hogan, Of Marksiale,is "..:‘,\;.>: • Spending. the •vacation with; 4.417 par., - • . enta. here. Misses Jean Long, Barbara Culbert and Marie Pollock of .RiPley are .daying. this week -with -friends in De - Mies Phyllis Gaynor is visitirig with her•grandmother, during the Easter holidays. • Miss Emilia MoDenagh and her 4 7 :Mrs. Geo. Topp and Bobbiof I..oridon spent the week -end with Mr. andiMri. C. E. McDonagh: • • • Mr .Leonard Eitehie hits• returned :home: :later adaisting Mr.., • Gordon' Itirklandifor the past six Weeks. • • , • Mrs. Jn6.1tICKinnon- and jean. et Tiverton returned home with kr: ge- • Kinnon. on. Sunday after' spending:the • past three' weeks with her parents,' Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Hunter. • Misses Jean 'Long and:Barbara Cut- hert are spending the Easter weelvin Detroit . with the latter's. ' sisters. . Andrew 'Culbert' has 'retorned to •Windsor after ,a two Weeks' VII Car tiOn at his home' here.' , •-• MisSes"Sadie Farrish•nnd 'Marjorie Biesett of 'Goderich:.:Ire '.spending the - Easter -holidays at, then, honaes. , • , Quite a...number attended, the' re-• eeption held in Paramount Hall Wed-. nesday •evening for MisS. Phyllis, Mac - •Donald, *(i Wish *them many happy years Of married •We. Miss ,Jian ':Nelson :Of Lucknow . is Visiting' at her•slionie; , on. 10: The Creeks are teenaing vvith fish, and everyone is engaged in fishing... Catharine :Mackenzie • ef• :Stratford is.sPencling her vacation at , her* hOnie here.. • '. Miss,.. jean LOng. is :Visiting in De. Mr.:',George Bonen., of Montreal paid, . thing iiisit,.tO,hia 'home here, .• • • Dr. Arnold, .O6Win o'f Toronto Spent' HiSter . With: his _father; , Mr, john' • '.". • . • ' ,...• Mre„:',Litrither$ 44 Toronto visited with .friends here Over 'the' Weekrend. 'spending! the i,veel<',Witli Rapid, ClitY! 'Mende. . , and Mit., ',Fred . Mr. of TOrtoirte :and kr... and. gra. A. dell teihy,tii,er Were: here Atten, !me the tuneriti Soh*, • • - ' .Tho ,8aerikhierit..d the 11.44rd'62$09' -Pet .waa obeerVeit the ,PrOsbyterituu atitah 'oh $ttUdarihothhig with Rev J it gaedltilvary F'innediDown By Log That Required 'Team To !Remove (WHITECHIJRCH NEWS) „One daY. last 'Week while Mr, Jack' was skicidirig up Wood! in the torah; a leg.i011ed on his lege; pinning him down so that he Wds.unable to . . „ , • get up.. He: was fortunate to.. have 1. Thos.' Henderson vvorking With;.him inthe bush and' With•the aid 'of the, team, the leg Was- remoVed.,Jaek ;Med no ,serionejinjuriee,: other than -a - 'pair Of, sore lega, ' :$ :(• . •• .. • . Mr. and., Mrs:: •.ifiblis and „family of Wingliam; haye moved into 'our vill- age in the Kew block. I , Mr. Sam Huichison-hasoveck-the•• contents' of his blackoinith 'shop! here to Wirighain,,41-iere he will(blaCkSmitb .Miss Catharine. Patterson,. Mr.:' and Mrs,: Thompson . IViiss T.hoMpson . of 'Stratford, • visited' 'op Geed Friday with the'former's niotlier, , Olive ..Garton of: Leamington, spent the week -end. here With her fa- ther, • Mr.. George', Garton, Mr, Alex:Inglis, spent the ,weekr•dmi with. his parents, Mr.'. and Mrs, Thos: ',Inglis. • , • • . Miss Jean COulter on the ',nursing staff of • ByrOp.,Sanatoriani near Lon- don, spent, the We'ek-end'here„.alSo her Sister,'-Misi Flora Coulter cif .Strat, ford 'Normal is sPendine the', Eaateri holidays With their parents, Mr: and Mrs.' Wm. • J. Potilter.: .• Mr. , and Mrs-.. John Griffin'and' son tarry Of Detroit' are visiting. there; Messrs. John and Patrick: Mc- Millan and. other relatives:. IMr. Jai, Bart of liOlyro:Od'is.'Work, ing for Mr.', Jas. !orate'', The ,Y$ of 'the Presbyterian ChOreli, gut . On their • ',play' .'"flefe' CoMeo Charlie4;' in the ,Titstiti.itc last Tuesday 'evening, 'The hall,Was. Paeleed- to . Capacity,' and the-Plar WaS Very good; each taking their part Welt. !,.Mrs.," K. Bell of' GOderith, eftent OC,Pd 'Friday' with ' her , slater, Mrs, John '•Medharles. • • '• ' ' and Mrs. Dam -an Kennedy, of Winghani; Mr. and Mrs. nin, and little Son, john David (if Si. Helens • and Mrs, Harry Tichborne Of. dedefiehi lpeiit Sunday With their mether, Mrs David 'Kennedy ''. • Green of Kitehener spent the $Week -end with her 'paren Mr.- and Mrs.. " ' ' ' ..• Beater 'Report . . No: 12, E..,& Wawanosh . :Grade VIII., --Wilfred Ramage 12.2; George McGee 88.7; Gladys: 1VIPOurtieY Grade VIIL-Rozella Philips 75,8; , nileen Snell 75..4; Ada DOw.15.;',1-1,‘ar, • , '.(4.Fa(,)e vt-taig Webster, 79.2; Cello Marie .65.1f • ," . Grade V" --,Ruth' trWin '73;`: ketroeth • • 4 41..0 4 „.. t$ E LtICENOW SENTISEL $ 41114 04NNON „ 40 41*, 1 I ar alSt er .44',11,470111dr 4 " Douglas and. Doreen Of !GOderick'are Easter "Week.:vitiitora with 41413. Q. C.. BrOwn,„ - 'Mr. and -1VIrs. Nerniall Treleaven Of Torento spent the week -end with their Mother, M. *ht., Treleipen. iting for a:Week'With her sister, Mrs. Harvey • Mrs, Ellen IShackleto,a• arrived back: to her' honteafter spending the winter .with her son Ehneth ; Shackleton . , . . , :and' Children in'Dettoit. • , - *Mr, •and sMro.' Bert Wiggins and littfe;daughter. yallery of Brantford, Oreepending Easter holidays withIVIr. arid XrS, . * Mr and., VIrS. tIOS. ,Alfon,,, kerne and J. 40.- spent Good Friday.With Mr: arid 1VIrs. .J. Donnelly, Kitchener. '•• ,Miss•Genevieve Hamilton, ../th em- ployee .of the RoY-41 Bank, .Toronto,, is erijoyiriga.tvio-,3veeksiOraeation•-atrthe- 'home' of her 'parents, Mr; tis. Hamilton.' • • SYNODWILL NEET'IN , --•-(Contimied, the, Old' Form" and will l3e conducted 'tblirejhytirAch': HI:41:3totIrcli:en '011.3.53:6Crer4ItY'oefb't°hYp', Synod', . . 'PIA 1854 ,t4O., liUrOrk Tract was our- veYed'and:PlaCed On the market. Meny ot the ,',ONV.X10ii$, 4 , we nirk kne'N thein, were opened. for. settletnent and. into.the "'bush" the trek be4aP• 4Pq and Ireland.' AfanY ' of 'th. S4.60,0 'Of Pie Settlere Came' from- Scotlaad. round Bluevale, .Endies,, Whitechtirch, -vva-s ,at*,--g-irrozila'ciloiviiiiirG" 7alid .Vho'favorite,h3riflIhrtils.'ir 06 -elf Church, let us not forget .the -circuit riders of. the•fOriner,,Meyb,odist church, Men of ' God. they werei,Wbose corning 1884,-al,t. St , Helens' in .1863 .and . in. in the memories Of ' the Past. as/ they 'relate "themselves to the Presbyteriari ' at Eadie 4ePlregn;ritnitzo'e'l•':C18.1-;;Iti eal3tf•I u9W:rYhai tg)leellh.Y11.114' . ?Q; :1;hi;ni Hill it r Wingliain in 8,6'.6. lint, white, we revel nearest points:, PresgYterian Churches whose presence .- in. the. homes always; 'Away", by Violet Twainiley .a -Benediction. The Anglican • Chub was 1117ilithlopresentnj75red,'ThT ! °frheeclosingrinwae• ' Mr. and Mrs..W. F. Nickel, Feerrte, also 'played its' Part and the -rernern, - taken- Dengla' and Bruce' and Mrs. Henry brarieeel of her 'ininiStrY• are. :among hymn l'g was sting and MizPab ben- Yundt Of Stratford were Sunday. vis.-; bur choicest •thoughts: .. . . edietic•T -repeated; itors' with Mr. and Mrs. Heber EedY. ! Th Presbyterfes . of,. Lopdo,p' .' , and. , 4. . „ - --Mies- ,Mitigaret---Pentlandi• --teaCher -Hriron-played-anrimportant- -part -_Unit d Chtirch__Y-__PS • ' . • at Southampton; is enjoying the Eas,2, ; establishing : the Mild Kirk iri our,,onday night, when an Eaater Pro - : was held oh . The regular meeting • ter Ynektien with'ol ' her ethDr, Mrs. midst ,in 1860 the PresbYterYiyi , of Lon- . . - - J. ,A. B. 'Pentland. ' $ den sent Rev. John Rennie, in ' re- 'gram Was Presented.' ' The meetTg" . Miss jean ' Stahel's.nd a'Mr. and slionse te. the appeal -of the :Presby- pePettentiend; wofilitillyLinoildls83p'raeynedr iibne,urnei.: -_,Miss.' Ellis Stothers of yor,onto,' Were terians living along, the "Upper lVfait, . W:dek,end visitors With -their father, ,larid" river,. who preached. in the hinne sonJean Struthers read. the scrip..- hire' lesson, and the explanation 'was read by Kathleen ThOrn. Fred Wairi wright then sang a. solo, with hymn. 187, closing the devotional' period.. The programL,eonsisted -of -readings by .Marjorie Solombri and. Mable Mae.- ..,RCH NEWS: -PreabYterian-Guild !Meeting Monday evening. 9p- ened b'y ainging rsalin 94. The seri' 'tire leseon, 1was read by ISenhel. lae. an, the berd'e PraY'er ',,repeated tntiSOf1; 1-lynin§ 214 :and 2.12" were. sun fennWed. IV a trio .bk 'Pegg',' Marion 'and Helen MacDonald:, The topic -on "JOhn Knox"! wria 'taken by Jim Henderson Hyind 203 was sung and the- meeting elesed by repeating , _ the Mizpah benediction. • firicketbi. Y. 11. The meeting opened Witli-heinin 179 and tOpeating the Lord's -prayer 'in 7tePriswotc111;yrh.: tn,485innwt:s4v.itlie;en, rspiZg;anfil- . , • • . adonted. -"Leader:for: next week :.ckl'hea71P4af.nireeardOir4E,Icaokne;-i4IdetrOon'wtaosOkgivtebne, by Vera Little. Scripture Was read by Jean Cameron: The topic "I serve the Eine was' giVen by Myrtle Johnston. 4' Mr. Thos. .stotherS.. 'Ilisa" Jean iSto7,-"f . Mr. ,ThOinas Eadies and organized thers came back to her fathers Mon-, the 'Congregation into a •Mission stn - •day from Toronto;, accompanied by tiou.: The CluirCh:noW. kno:wn' as Eadr. her:friends, Misses Buiet; who hayP. a . its; is named hi hoitor of • Mr.. Eddies pottage at Tort Albert • '' •in whose home the congregation War,' 1VIrsor="Pree-e*Ired-.140-. her--44-1Pli 9..-4-rganie41. - a ....._t. ......_ ' -__Li.__:. home ifter7•ependirig the Winter with; -...che3,.eluXolls ll alei'Priel.,8H eb.6.teried eneaninuteiit .e.cia. her 'daughter Alma ;MacDonald ' at ont.)g • . -. - • " worship in- the, log houses arid left his Lang:Side:. imprint Upon the .,conun.unity. From Mr': and Mri..,. Robt. , e , h v : Hiiron Presbytery came Rev. Mr. Mc- v'isiting..,this ',Week '•with them their . • • . • ; • • • . grainichilSreh; Loreen, , .DOnald• 'a.d: 'houses .and School lichise n' ear:* St. •: . • • Leari 'of .Clinton to preach 'in ;the ' log" ,Patsy Niyens,.'"Saltford: . . Helena. ',Of',114i.. MacLean. the. :follow, Mrs.. Jas. 'Alton, Lucknow,,and dau ing.: story ',is told . One Saturday. even- ghter,' Mies. Olive. . Alton, Toronto, , . ing he was making .his Way through A4)1tont.S1'1;11;ii'g!*;:i7411 Mr 'llild'N'irs;'." !las: the hnefihe missed beet& .thrown,', over :the .creek . • upon r.. the. lag that had Mr..' and Mrs..C.-.Elhott -visited on which' he had to erase. Darkness •came Good Friday 'with, mt.. and Mrs. Peter On and how to get to Mi John '''Paln- MCCall. at Lacknow;.' -- A eron's, in AN'11050' hfillIO be was to stay, Mrs Chas COngram,,and,her datigh7 bothered him, ••The ' darkness deepened ter •• Mrs: ,Chai. 'iShiell , Of Wingharn;' and Mr: MacLeanis:anXiety inereas.ed. . . „ --y-isited:Mr.„._and.-MiS.,-W.;.:.A,. Culbert Doughti. Scot that '• be :N%;.as, .. he . knelt on Monday : -.0.' dOwn and ',pi...aired . Out loudly .for the . • . . . . . . .. . . • 4 , :Miss. Eva .KillOtigh,'. R.N.., , Teronte and :Mr.' ' Vin' . , Kellyainm 'nd son. jiY , , • •• • • :of.Walton; were';weekend ,: visitore ,. corning, -up to 1111r. Meer Witlitheis„..parenter.Mr.„„and,„Mcsprayerand .,44s-, .. , . . ... ..., , 1 . but l' Can .take you to Mi Cameron's." --t-hdar.relit-eMrs:1V-M-Crosier.-. A. Hint:nigh. . ' .', ' . ' ..` ' •• ' ' Lean. called 'out, "I arii,- not.: the. LOA • _ Mr and Mrs:,. Miirray DYer a 'rid:lit,. , 'Mr., arid, Mh. 'IcennY' Campbell 'and nig•ht instead:of in 'the -hush, ,Huron farnily,..M.r.s.'AnbreY. Higgins and bOys l[tle':danghter,,PatriCia •Of ,Eden„Mills, And`'Mael.j.ean=sleft' at Catnerort''a that . were week -end; visitora. 'With. Mr,' and ,. ' • PresbyterY contributed also, to the . of Detroit:spent' the 'week end and :Mra,. Thoe; 'Iiickspn, Sr.' . . ' ' ' Mr Menar Mrs Eiggrits 4iiie.ylid.aanydwilth. their mother, Mrs Men Infant Passes ' Away; ' establishing of the ••Ohurch7 in Wing- 'barn In 1866 the Wizighani aOngre- el' /.393',. ''t.e 'reinsining 'for .4.4Sele'• one , a SQ o y re amwrig an instrumental 'by Jessie. MacKen- zie. The' Ea:ster message 'Was then given by ReY. Mr. 'Tucker; folleived by a •pantomirne, gated by Marjorie lioffniarr;. Celia Wilson, Audrey Catiipbelr and Mary ,,Stritthers,, with the hymn' "Jesus keep 'me near the oss,"' ;being sling, b$,.. Mrs. JOyht, Tucker closed the meeting with, 'the-benediction,-Sec'y, , c Etw Miss Agnes "Millock spent a 'few days. with her cOusin Mrs. Jake Hun- ter, :Zion.' ' • . r •• •'Mr, Eniiii ,Conifort ..of St.---Cathei--.' !-;?/..0.: .0.....diYePt. _Ills'. footatelia-- to John 'ines is 'tiftlYenell that a , genial spending the holidays with his Cameron's. It 'uncles,. 'Harold' and -Cecil Blake. Irish datholic,'IVIr'• 1VIctan heaid the . Mr. and‘ Mrs. Wm: Campbell of Donnybrook spent the week -end with T eeker-o baliy-d u ter. -gation, was organized by Rev: W. C. -71 of Mr. axid 'Mrs. Warner Andrew, your,. t h f - "-Mr. and, Mrs. N. J.' Treleaven, Tor- g, sen • to ,ing afn or , that • • • onto, Mrs. Annie Treleaven and Mrs, named. Mary 'Elizabeth; Pasied :away at '.the' Sick. Children's Hospital Sun- day afternoon. The faneral tocikplace at the home-. of the, parents: on Men- dayafternoon; at. which a ifinaber. Of • , . friend s and neighbors .Igathered with RelY. C: MacDonald' in' charge, ,.Ii' - purpose by, :Huron PresbYtery, •• The Sanie ,'Preabytery-'in ;1864 • sent Mr. MacDonald to ..organize a' congrega- tion at Wlitechurch: :This congrega- tion worshipped in Mr: ,Hainkiton'a barn and *as. named. EaSt KinloSe. , „ . • The • yeare.. have: brought ,inany. ternient was,in. Dungannon peme v •ehan s mission ations have INEATH OF WM. BRAY • Early Tuesday morning death re- moved one of ourelderly citizens . in the person 'of IMF. *rn, Bray,. at Goa - midi Hospital, in his 76th year: . He. was a. on of the late' 'Mr. -John .and 'Mary. Bray, born .near Port •Hope. There Were' seven children, he .being the only son,with six girls, who are namely, 1VIrs, Matilda Weller. and .Mrs. EdithOopelaini,„„.of ,Goderich, the ,oth••; become 'large congrega,tions, new ad- justments',. ,"Charges", hame' been, Made,, tide have been seyered and, :new Ones • ' • - Rev. 1Robert Leask was the first. minister 4t Whitechurch, 'but White- phoreh ..at that time was. linked ,With St. Helens; r Then a, mission Was sta-. ted .at IFOrdVee which was connected • with t e ens. The • Fordyce mission - Fraziees oiirtice Of Dtinginnorio 'spent .SaturdaY with Mr. and 1VIrs. Bert Tre-!.: , Dr. andMrs. Harry'Hall Of Gader, ich and Miss 'Letitia Drat -ley' spent , _ deed Friday with. Mr.'and Mrs. T. M. 'Durnin. . . _ • Master Chester Finnigan spent the holidays % with his. grandmother, Mre. .Chatimey '..and other friends near, Bel ;grave .'.•• , .4, Mr.' and Mrs: Ronald Storms were Week -end guests with' their.,Parents near Har,riStOri.. 'Miss:• Beatrice :•?Treleaven Spent Thursday with" her -friend; MisS.Isobel• Girvin near .Nile. '. • Mdevelefie 'Mr. Victor., Whitley apst 'faintly 're- iri- ers having pasSed aWay, ' rs, Mary tTyin ofEast Wa- 4 • •' T414K5 W.44.!0111: „pig • . PAGE Fin; 1 l'ACK ROBERTS • and Sally have been • "friends' fcif some time. But 'Jack took: Sally by surprise (she really hadn't expected a ring this spring), and in this Case one, ring • • naturally led to, another., Sally just has to call Mother who is ;visiting out,Of-town. ,tWe're. to be Married right away:: she .says happily And Sally will a11 Setae Of her oiit7of-tOwn • friends,. as well who will appreciate -having the news'`Iirst".. WoUldn't you? , Y. I). S.., OLIVE.T Reduction s in telephone rates -local and long di •, an-tr7M-c-w-e7-el savings telaphorie .user's in Ontario and Quebec of nearly one 'million, dallarS 'yearly. The . 'Young • People's rneeting' . of Olivet 'Sunday School:Waa held in the hurch''on:. Wednesday ,eVeriing, April -1.8th, the president, ;J.e.sin •McGiiire in the chair; There:Were 19 ,membefs present. The meeting:was opened, as usual by the Opeliiriecerernony, and hymn, 5,62..waS '8ung. Our . secretary; Jessie 'MeCharles being, absent, assistant-'-sectetarY,;-- etli-HMeTavish acted, ,and took Charge; bf our roll call. After a' hymni,the Lord's •prayer was repeated in Unisen.. CharlieRouIteon read:the .scrijaiire*.leason. After the Collection' was,..taken,We sang:ao our. second 345.. Mt*. W. -Steele took- Charge, of our topic, chbosing, as -her -subject' "Reading".'and :gave us: •a• very:. interesting andThteeful :talk. Cliff. Wyldei and Waiter. Walden. gave . us two ,),(,iolin selections; which'. • were much enjoyed' bV all .Op_r_ineeting Was brought to a ' elose: by the use of hymn nrimher 360 and. Mrs. W. J. .Rotilston leading • in • prayer.• ...The :Meeting, for the evening was in charge of ..Nbrine Walden arid ',her conunittee. The next .rneeting Will' be in charge ,i.1 MA'S. b. Brooks, and her committee,' it being ;:lyfiseionary' night': At 'the , . close of the Meeting, our. convener far recreation' period, Clifford ' Wyldes; then tool'. 'charge of' the rest of the ev,enirig and condticted, smite very in- teresting . conteste... 'Friends: and neighbors f"Mrs. D. 'Stewart wig' be glad to,learn that she is able to beoutagain. Master Lovell :McGuire is' doing:fine after returning•from -Kincardine Hos- pital. . • • • ;:' , • Mr: and MrS•'. ;J. H. Howe. 'from , . turned home Saturdasr, niMtchell, -spent the.-7week=eii-atrthe- ght • :hoine-(q the- latter's'ifather;'' kr, Thoi. App. Copelat,id;. Mr -s. pi4a Farro‘ii, 4'1.1wda,::9nn.d4t;ieedhtaith•f}lio,elit! sps ,„„,quire•. mrg. ',Elizabeth Bone and Mrs Ann.Wbiteehurch, Lois reeman o Leeburn, I M S • •, • .'. g:rEkY,'•').?ut jS noW With WhitObliurch, 'spent' last 'we,elFend. with her aunt, :r M. S. • . • $.- • • he 4pri meeting. of the .01rve r. kr. Bray lwas -.married 52, 'years ago to Miss Rebecea, Farrow, and celebrated their ,Golden iveddittg_'• • the, setond Of June, two' years ago. When first inarried they settled at: Pori- „Albeit. and later moved .to, farin' in• Merris -township. Befere c'om; ing - the• village twi; years ago, they 'farmed for twenty -Ole 'years on the 6th concesSipn of West- WaWannsh). To theit were born two daUghters: Lucy (kra.' John Garniso) TorenitO; and FlerenCe, (Mrs:*, J. ROW?) 'OP' tho fitbcOnCesdiori'of WeStWavvanosh: The funeral took place Thinsday at 2 p.m: at the 'home With, Reif.. T. It Turner in charge; Interment ifi • • gannoo cemetery. ;$ • Mr; John Cainpbell on the 10th con. spent Tuesday afternepri H. Alton and on Wednesday, visitora 4r4LRoy AJtonjto/soix, ClaYton. and Mr. and Mrs, D. Alton Mr. and Mrs: Bert Alton, Francea and Kerineth and Mi et Richard McQuillin • of Lticknow, .Parbour, 71;.8; Isabel 51.8, - Mr. bavid. opw' ..60'd:p•ric'his Irwin 79,2; Helen Barbour 68.5; John ton• - .4 ' Grade III--LEva 'Dew 81,,5; Dorine Visiting; With IVtt and. Mrs; Chas.' Al- •• Grade ,68,6; 'Vyetta Phi ips 57.2 ‘' the ,head- the SereW,' Vien the crew heionries bet it pan be ternoved' ot'Y • ta§itY$• arade Taylor,' C4,6od;, .t land 'Good; , Earl 0000$• Lauretta Meturhey, v•-• N.Vi,nglittpl, Was 'corinee:ted . with 81he'-. IVIrs..Lorne. .Emmon.s. vale` and adies.,Bloeyttle: was at One , ' kr:- and ' Mts. It.. j. Hunter..of,:Luc- tirner;Cmine.cted With • ' Arirbyville iur know visited her *. Parents, • Mr. ,. and . , , , • . I ,PrT11:7,1,si:rit'er' l'i.''s,' nientioned, that. a• ' ..gr• .and. Mrs. Wilf,red ,Dre'nnail and: NIrs; Bert 'Treleaven .on Sunday.. , . . „ „ . .. . tie* Moderator.. Will be •elected, at the' :children 'spent' Friday- ;evening% vith opening' sederunt, This brings • to . I. and MIS. James Drennan._near inind-thardiriirirliktY-tlitee' . yeais ,Kintail, .4 • ... ' the Synod has been functioriing, keit- 'WM. PHILLIPS' -DIES '. . • ..:. land „Pre,sbYtyerY has been litho:Aired, '. . five tinies. in. having, one oi its niini,:. ' • A. resident' Of "Goderich !Or 36 years,. Williarn Phillips;'75-, died 'at.' his home On , St.' David Street, on' Saturday. 13(n -n. 'in Allitreld-To•Wrisiiip,• son o Saintiel and Esther' Jana Phillips; he inatiied: :Maria -Jewell, , of Colborne •ToWnshii)„ whO" survives., 'fi's does' One , itiughtr, ..Mrs. ., W„ 0,, "Patton; of i Goderieh, There also' are to sisters, :Mrs!, Thomit's Ferguson,;'of Liicknow, l'and Mies Mark Phillips of. Toronto. .iieat. Iiioneot. (141,0_,Ed.KL ‘•06..„, Jiar.d.L;13efere_goine to ?clench, Mr.. Pl_rilms ' ' ' a • ' 1 ' 1 ' their, Parents telt tif iiiefclentS Cifiteiii.s'.11v.ed • in EdgraVe ,4113d DupiatMee. hefore,' iie- hsteh6a t.O such 0, One A 'Tile. 'funeral '*e.'e 4104 MonclaY, don.' feiii,i daysi ago no in nnegination •,„(.1"ted',•/' ,i,eif' ,..-1)''' "t'• Lnire': ° •Ktle.3 eotild see 'the erowde 418', .ibe Wiiikvi. r1-60Yter.i4', hl.tre'll, the roaaS,'''S'otireJOr initeS, ',going to . .. ••• . ,.., .• ward t 0. place • !of mee .ing, eny..to ,sca tere . group but took up land . , ' 2 "title '1%oeo Preabyteriane settled In alSo, rAbother'notie-of long ago that adirosg , tonilship., '• Pkiiy6,,,' irie.otirigs: is 'renfairibefed- TS: 'fieV: 'Peter Currie; Were held ;in Elder MaCKay'S ,botrie on.; Ent i' Mtist 'atitp 'for' I'litiVel'itot, the. ,t14, 4th .61 that toWhship, 'ohe bf.the 'right, to'presthue ,Oh• the good'hature ,Irst- hiiiiisters Iii , the Teeswhfr 'dig, ,,d, .the 'tditOr "'and' perhaps. it . Would ; trict wai Itev,d.b.A.dait Ma Cay A high., 'SerVe Me ritht Were he le eketelige land SedtPnitin :Wild net Only- preached .:his prerogative •atid tise his seisSors, , ters alsiPointed as Moderator:: Itev..; •McQuarrie,•of' Whigharn: in 1892; Rev: • , Rev. J. S. Hardie, 'Ashfield, in 1019; Rev.. D. Peri•ier Virighturi, 1021,; arid' Rey. 'T. .D. IVICCullough,'• kincar- din , in.1981. The" Writer delights to, cOnirerse ,With thee: Who are .weIl „spent years, .**110 as children rehlemlier the A tustY screw tan be reinOVed by path* a poker l'ed hot and apply it. , W. M..1S, was held.'•iii the church:: '..(in '.Thirrsday afternoon, Aprif'14th.• The president 'Mrs. R. Black in the .Chiiii., There were. 16 •inembera „present.' The• rneeting'..opened• !...)y. the', use .ch't 'yinn 183. The :roll call Was ,answered!' y an Easter th.Might• The initirites • .of • the last. meeting Were ,read by the 'seere- tary,, kzes. Omer ,Brooks. 'Aftei- the business part of the meeting,. hymn vvas Sling. and:':Mrs: .0'.47Brooks; ,'oiti ,4pril• coriVener, and her, poininittee, Mrs, W. Levet, 'IVIA ' yogati, Reta. Walden and Mrs. R. thiek took charge ...if the.ineeting, The ilev''Otional'leaflei , "The ',onirev, 'and ,the ' WhOle , Wide. , , World", Was taken by Mrs,,O. troOks.. Then the .stUdy • bOok ,was,Ayell. titkoh by 110s. i,„ .Vogiht. dealing ,with. "If X Were a. WOnlan in' Afriea'.'. Reta *al, den fliVereci•ua With .a,'solo whiCh. We all'enOy-Otirtenipprtrfie -Sec., 'Mils. Mae. MeGiiire,' secured MrS,,.....8$: BOW-, ets,„ who had beeh. 'sent aa, a 'delegate frehi other, ,. societies. •te the • anritial ,..aotivoition '!of :Ana.. Ontario' •TeiliPet:-.• mice Pederationlield in . Trinity till., :tea' .. Cinireli, .toronto„' to .give , is a Very interesting and helpful • report. Alter' a ote Of :thanks; half been eX.- ,tericled 'to Mit'. tiOWereler Coining and givbag us „this: report, hymn 146. was Sling ;and , out. . meeting was. brought to: .0. tIose, by. VrS. R. 'Week' leadiugt prayer, The May 'It'Oetihg. .will he - , COURPIES'CORNERS Miss Ruby. McQiioid o, Harailton, in London: spent the , 'week -end .with her sister, Mrs. James ' Little and Mr: Little. Mies Vera:Little visitedwith'friends London . . . • Mtss. MaryMeInries: of Teeswater. , • . , returned home tin Sunday after spend - mg a week with Ms's Myrtle John- . I Frans. Johnston returned home from • London after assisting Mrs.' W.,M, Johnston InoVe ,to Windsor."„ "Mises. Jean Nelson Eileen and Grace Camphell ,of, LricknOW High - Se' hodi, .Melda and Hilda Lane'', of; Or- illia and Winifred „Lame, of 'BelgraVe, and Mr.: Duncan .MacKay are . spend- ing, the .holidays, attheir respective_ hoines,, • ' •• • . • Miss. 'Louise Campbell is -visiting' w4h M, r.' 11Oul.sten •at Lf4o:unhdr?or, n.‘ Ar ,o•o• Hi 1 oh' sS'ipuei.iit Jadloa. s. two' hn6 pnr 0' i•v.n. ing ,and lip under the!doctor!s care; • • 'Mr, and, Mrs. Lorne Farrisb; and family and Mr. and Mrs. John D:.Far: rish' visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Robb, Pinkerton.'' t. • 4thOCON. • KINLOSS. MaDOuga o . Vist iting with'fiiendsj.here, , , ., • . Mr, Herbert, ,Buckton.: spent' ..tho • • week -end in Toritrito,... ' W .M. S .'held . „ very 'successful baking' sale on, &hut - g the Easter holidays at her home.: Mr: R. McQuillin iS spending:It few daYs in Toronto., , Mrs. ',Wm. Robb of "LuckneW, spent Menday With • MI'S. Mr. Harvey MCDougall Was up frcini:; Toronto, over the •week -end. Mrs, .Oliver MeCharles, , who h&» been Seriously' ill, Much improVed.: The ; U: F. W. O., Meeting e , • - held in the Orange Hall ,on Thursday, • , -harge of ' jean McGuire as' don; • Vener and her. helpers, Mrs. G. Brooks; --- Mrs, J, Mack; Mrs. "McCharles 'and: Betit MeTairish: ' ' ' • (Hien:led laat *. Inst before the .elesing hynip Siinday;:kr., J; RoUlstoM'read the following address to Mrs .Colling and Ate; go'se-nladk,. presented- the hyinn; ern., , April 10th, 10.38; bear 'Mrs. the congregatiori onvet tTfilterChtn-Th, are filing this. 'OPPor, tUnity of ekiirespiiig our 'gratitude fof ,your iund,114.• 1lUrilig' a. long' and faithful!. life,• you!have -giVen Your gervices--iffeely and willingly in all Our Church activ., ties and • we ask rAi to accept* thiS hyninary ae 'entail' teken of,'our: apprettattoti., • ; • ' ' •We' present this, book, hoping •that • you' 111ive to ,Ohjey nmore years atneng..ns, 81gned 0tii. 1..)o elf f, •„ CO1gr6gatioh„ 1; I