The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-14, Page 8v. '...,+" 'moi, • Fort The Easter Parade: COMPLETE YOUR EASTER ENSEMBLE WITH A PAIR, OF CHIC SHOES IN INDIVIDUAL, S T Y L E.' °A COItPLB'tE; CAND BLUE GABARDINE, WITH ;,CUBA/C.:- . RANGEmiN !PACE AND; ' CONTINENTAL' HEELS'. t4 ` 5 3.9 45 T • , YOUR ' FOOTWEAR " PROBLEMS. LET' USS, TARE CARE OF , . , .... ,, ,. WEASSU E RE: YOU`A PERFECTFIT IN;, •'ALL, TYPES OF sllb s Health Spot Shoes-FMen And Women • .�y ell � • • ' ath,W 1� Reed• iT ;IN TIME• FOR, EASTER er ul= vein -OI NEW NECKWEAR' A�-Wend Sao _ q SILK' FOULARDS:IN THD 'BETTER TYPE. OF TIE THAT ,y MOST MEN FAVOR 'RICH COL.ORI NGS. • IIt. IN, THE .NEW KVA. S iAPE'` SOC* a •OO NI 'S RT HEW S A•OUTS PANDING SELECTION' DF SMART PATTERNS . IN THE LATEST ,l 04•to . 9 ,VOLES, r c, >' HOSIERY• ili4DIPAirtiit,. BRACES, CAPS HATS OVERALLS'. • :,WORK `SHIRTS, ' PANTS AND WC, 'itaiman • / CLEANING United ;Church W. Mrs; Decker's grinip hadcharge: of the . W.M.S.: meeting on Wednesday: :The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Carter. Two chapters of the study boob was. taken by `Mrs. Peckerand Mia,' J, • R ' McNab • on "Home - and Foresgn :Missions" Mrs,,•Decker sang a solo Which was, Much, enjoyed. -Phe ptesident had, charge of devotional THE -:LUCRNO* sinetn4m,. 'Presentation' Mads To Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd Robb CQURRIES' --CORNERS - • . (Intended for Last Week) A farewell' party, was held in the' Club House on'Thurs. evening for Mr.: and Mrs.: Lloyd Robb and Anna who are moving near Pinkerton., ,The. aiolloving, address was; read; and sur money.•'was presented to ;Mr, } .se and Mrs. Robb. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Robb A few of 'pint friends and; neigh- bors, learning with regret of your ,de pasture'from. our midst,, have .gather•-' ed; here this 'evening to `show to you the esteems' you are held in the coni munity,. You both • always • served in the capacityof good friends and neighbours,;and your happy.';and con-, genial• -disposition has ; endeared,:you: Weask you to accept this gift not for • its. material value, but, that it might alwuys serve as,a sweet and; happy,. re ninisence of, •the Jest and token of our esteem: ,We one' and all wish'' you abundant success in your future• home and hope that some day we may have you back in. our midst"again. ,Signed;'' on 'behalf' of your' neigh- bours, and . friends -Messrs., David Little, • Adam Johnstone, and Ewart Tameison. • Mrs. Archie Johnston returned home after; spending the winter in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. James Neil- son exercises and plans 'weremadefor our :Easter Thankoffering Mrs. Rathwell led in. closing pvay�er,,. ns : St.: Peter's. Women's _._.. Guild_ • , 'St. Peter's: Women's Guild held their regular: meeting =on -Monday 'evening - April, 11t at the 9:home,of the pres- ident: A goodly number of members answered the roll Call with. their. °fav- orate; text.; After all business had been.-tsransacted,•, the evening was • apent,in sewing for the sale of 'work. Next meeting will be held April_'25th, at the home of Mrs. T. W. LSmith United Church Y. P.sr•a• The Literary group had. charge of the meeting on Monday night.opening with. hymn .500. and the repeating of • the Lord's prayer. Mary Fisher read the ' scripture' lesson' and.: hymn 315 { was 'then • sung. The 'Minutes' ' were read, roll calledand offering taken, )with Mr. Tucker leading in prayer. Mrs: N. Wilson then favored us with a p p iano instrumental and the topic was. very ably taken .by' Mrs.Rathwell A few games were then enjoyed.with hymn 550 and the Mizpah; benedictiozi bringing , the meeting to a close. Presbyterian Guild' The meeting opened' -:by singing. hymn 374, followed by , the scripture the Lord's . prayer. repeated ' in `unison. •Hymn 215 was -sung and the :'follow- ing Program: reading by. Miss Gretta Campbell;' piano solo, Jean Forster;. :; solo, Mr. Horace' Aitchison; reading, Mvriei: Patterson and. the • topic' by • Mr. ' Melntyre. Hymn 213' was sung and: the' meeting`' closed by 'repeating the Miz a benediction 1. p,h PRESBYTERIAN'W.M. S The April 'meeting' of the' W. M. S. was held at the home. of :• Mrs. Horace Aitchison. Mrs C. '11. MacDonald pre- . sicie4i and; the meeting: opened With 'a hymn andthe l'iScripture .;reading by Mrs.; A.. P. Stewart. Mrs. : Russell` then led -in- Prayer.. The-,BibleY . Stud :-wa's given by Mrs. R. V. Macig,enzie; foll- owed : by prayer by • Miss ` Mary Mac Leod. Miss ' MacPherson then ' gave 'reading. The •topic,: ,on Manitoba.: wa preparedby Aitchison sang a solo and after. the closin p ra ye • : ci g p y, r a so sal . trilite was en- RESSING' AND; REPAIRIN 7 , rs', arl�. ii .. `-�E F � MAZI • BARGAINS SCORES o AMAZING � � s . ERED DURING TIIIS :.ALE OPER W G SALE F r ,I Instance: ns a ce... osier �S.:ecai. Y' P LADIES' PURE . SILK CHIFFON 'HOOSE. '39c` GIRL$' Print- Dr esses' ., Made . from Sitart Tab.rsmt Priuta . with eoatrastii( • Trim. 'Shags .8 to •14. Watch-. ,For Oar .Sale B�II:: ra C mored Full.., • ney' Savrng•; Bargarns, lis Thew -` SHAM A 0 SA1�E ' AT Lucknow IN MEMORIA1VI '- "I, , T•o•astmaster's, introduction: Gentle. NIXON-In loving memory„ of our 'man, you .have been giving your at - dear -mother, Mrs- Ralph' -Nixon; •wla tention-te tnrrkey stuffed. with sage: passed awayApril. . , ' . to • P 1934. , Now;will you give .your ,attention tom, Ever remembered ,by, the Family ;.'a` sage stuffed with turkey., • THURSDAY, APRIL 14TN,,12$8 • CA. L .and GENER .*"Tomorrow is Good Friday and ;a. liublic holiday.:• . •. . Mies AudreyHorneBus- of Shaw's. mess College, Toronto, is ape ndin the week at her hems, ' . 'fr- Re• member, to let the SentineLknow, of your Easter visitors;,. ,or • 1i; ;you visit' out of :town 'for -the P holida .' . • Miss eteila Steward spent a ;few days of last ,week With, friends: in: Toronto„ Bargains 'in Men'sand:. Boys Work °clothing,' Shirts, Pants;, Overalls. ; TIIIE 'MARKET STORE,,` Mrs: N+,E., Bushell ie in, Oakville, this week Attending, fethe Hamilton. Con- ri'' • renee ,Branch of the Women's MIs • sionar" • Society : x # i St.: Peters A. Y. P.' A.' will pre - ;eat .. "Simple Simon , Simple", a, bit uriou's'•three-act comedy, in •the =Town, Hall, Thursday, April 21st. ' Mr.and • •;• Mrs. `Elmer 'Farrish, Maxine. and Nilly .of Gorrie, visited ori Sat. with' ,Mr. and Mrs. John .D. Mr, 'and • Mrs: Wesley Alton, Rubs, and Leonard`. of London spent the week -end with . Mr. and Mrs. David Little. ° 1frs izabe 1i"-SEerwood' , visa e,` with•, her sister Mrs: Emeline"Sher wood `of Belfast Hackett's Y. P. 3.... The Y. P. U: was held on April 7 _and opened with hymn 191,•; followed by repeating the ''Lord's prayer in • unison, .• Hymn; 181 •.was sung, 'after which Rev."Patton led in prayer Min- utes ofs. the .last meeting were; read and adopted., Blake Alton is in'charge sof this' week's; •program which was held on:• Wednesday night: Alex Hoc=, •kett took the' chair,:' with. the follow- ing program: scripture lesson''wait read 'by Lenore • MacDonald; Berna- dine . Alton .gave the topic .Refusing the Cross a 'reading'. "Sanctuary" .,was given by Elsie Vint, after'which a Gordon<: and: Myrtle Johnstone :sang s• a, duet.,. Revs Patton '; gave a short Mrs. Porteous.. Mrs. H:: talk "Seeing the good in*titers". The meeting,:closed with hymn 205 and repeating the `Mizpah ,benediction: Choir practice was held . afterwards, FULL' LINE OF :ALFALFA,'RED CLOVER,' AISIKE, YELLOW" & • WHITE SWEET CLOVER, . ORCHARD: GRASS,. KENTUCKY r .EN :' SLUE...GRASSI, PASTURE 'MIXTURES, +� ' MASTER POULTRY FEEDS • CRICK STARTER, GROWING MASH, SCRATCH', GRAIN. FUL 0 PEP POULTRY OU TRY EED • ' S CRICK STARTER, 'GROWING' MSA SCRATCH GRAIN FREE Fi DING HOPPER WITH,; EACH 100 LBS. `STARTER.`'' LAICE HURON- TROUT IN' BRINE N.O. 1 FISH 'PHONE • 91-W FIOR., FAIR PRICES; 'HONEST VALUE Mr. Norman Jamieson of Woodville, s ent;the •week -end with N. E. Bush el . Mr.Jamieson bas been assistant to Mr. Bushell for the last.six weeka. Remember ,,....the' Easter Monday night: dance; Town Hall,:. Lucknow.• McCrtney's---orchestra.• Admission, everyone 25c. Mrs. Wm. Hewat and 'Aon Bobby 'Of Siscoe, l Quebec are. visiting with her parents ..Mr. and Mrs.. R. H. Thompson..• ` "Everybody, Works But Father" .in Simple Simon Simple, to. be presented in the Town.- Hall, . next' - Thursday, April :`21st, Mr. • and:' Mrs Bill' Huston. and : Mr.: and, Mrs. Ralph; Schaffstal 4 f• Detroit; spent' the week -end: with the formers; :Y0 A: :. - _- 0 ' RE LUCKY IF. YOU- HAVE N.,pT• a(?jJGIIT,..YOU$^. CONGOLEUM RUGS,' " PRICES ON CONIGOLE11UPcitUGS HAVE TAKEN A DROP STOCK HAS. •SHIPPED. _. S. BEEN • UNDER THE NEW' LOW PRICE. to-�,.you NS _...AVE. XOU r MONEY NEW'. PATTERNS,1 T • U LITY .STOCK FLOO Oi L ' �IN 1 �OTHYD.: 01) .2 .1.rt1/4 :l empleion. Bob MacKenzie is home from Tor- onto "• to " spend a holiday with his; grandparents, :Mr' and' Mrs. Hugh Macintosh:'' Finlayson. Bros..fecently completed •' redecorating, their . store and, install- ing an iimproved display arrangement, in. them • show - windows. Mr: Harry McQuillin is out for 'the.' first this 'week, ,af` being. ofi to his home with:. pneterumonia,cnwhichned was checked --in the' early; anuses P of the illness. ' CORRECTION_ Special price;. on, ladies' mannish, tailored made -to- measure ;Suits and top' _coats, . $1,8.&0, --- :and' up at, :, EMPLE.,_CLARKE"S;.. • n Mer chs Tarlo . t, Visitors the fit* , of the week' with Mr. and' Mrs Kissel;;'were Mr, Trios. Stewart and -=Mrs.. G. P: Lyman' of. Rochester, Mrs. ; Hamilton "'Clutton and Betty`,' Ann of: "Goderich ,and Mr. and ';Mrs.: N S. Lochrey of ,,Thedford.' Miss Muriel• Solomon is•'with here -grandfather,-.Mr...>Satn...McGuire-.at..._.. the home of his daughter, 'Mrs. Mills • near:' Bervie.: Mr. McGuire :is making satisfactory • progress after a ling! thy, -serious' illness. • , New'Books At Library • A new shipment' of books has been received ;•,at'. the .Public, Library and will be put• in - circulation :thls Satur- day, some in the afternoon and some in the evening. A 'list of the' books: 1 Will, be printed in next' week's, issue. • Mrs. E. J. Thom'and Mr. and Mrs. C c iThe; zipson: spent; • thelntter .0a of the 'Week in Peterborough, owing'• to the' serious illness in Nicholls. Hos...; pital:. of.. the former's 'daughter, Miss Ilelen '. Thom, whose condition :'is now considerably, improved. A E AT' S 6N PEA L ..: ,�„ R .MAN S,• ,. I ' 'OATS ,-� The e 1� 'a: n lit ar o •• . 9 , . Y, f f these coats-. include imported' . woolens, woretede,'tweeds & bright fleeces' • and in all' fashion- able styles from the sleekly fitted to ' the '.casual box' DRESSES Those are ` in styles destined for .fame and:: materials such as.marquis- ette pin strip, or of flower- ed silk and sheers LADIES', HOSE _':Sheer: chiffon :hose". in the new ,spring `:colours,. at only<79c per pair MEN'S SIWRTS—New stri-, esi ns With Forfused ed d, B w Collars, atyled 'by Forsyth 'Y°Ong Mfa>>,S At Alt Leading.. From Coast to; Coast it's a great tnven tion; always' a smart crease down. the front,' of your trou- sers. Ask-the_fancily-to- pick: a Giadleigh` .suit': next- -time you're , due. for one. You'll be the''smartest dressed iii• school .: .m i r MEN --. New S CRAVATS tterns styled b Forsyth, ' ps . Y Y. WHERE STYLE AND ECONOMY MEET- ,,, . LUCKNOW, ONT.:.• 'PHONE '85, Kenneth.;MacLean of Wingham will '• be the speaker: It is hoped that every_ ene will remember this�."special Think - offering 'meeting by their" presence' acid 'gifts. art-----t-- St.. Peter's :; A: Y. P. A., will are sent "Simple 'Simon Simple, a arious three -act comedy,', in -the, Town • Hall;. Thiursday, Api';1. 21st: , The Easter Thankoffering_.' the, _A-Anerchent stated in his, will:.: 1__ W. • it: S. will: be held Easter, (Sunda want' six of' my creditors •for •all in the. Presbyterian Church- it the ,bearers—they have carried me 'so ,time of the evening serriee. Eev.' to • • , • .: � _ . : rig they may as, welt,finish t1te, job: 'Bread. Diet News. TUNE,'IN THE, ,PROGRAM •DR.:P TER• HARRIS: ON . Cr K,., I�r X. Every • SUNDAY 1.30=1.45 P.M. •ASK FOR THE FREE _ _ I BREADS -DIET BOOKLET. AT ,. •.IfOLiaYli+1AN S BAKERY ns_71141V111111 -r:>w1 f i cite 'tl1W nspection. venien mpletie N The Stor :w Mocks Spread .Out �s Beep Re�,rr�nged For Your Lacknow ►one , YYIIi`piL2'hijP� "' wuw6:ai • • •