The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 5,w*W.:•to wow, al', • 1. tatrtil),AY; MARM1Of 948. THE LUCKNO* SHrINEL •i PAGE FIVE , .• • o. ri 0. :itatOvel.' 4 peribri of ydait. itei vitli ieit, parents vedhtly • g9 • • r a iti jiecu. a harp'.". . • . • . .. , . • • . . . . ....,,,, _,.....,...,,...„.....,,z...„.....„..,....,.,.,-„,„...,..,. DONNYBROOK 0 LYR OD. 0 DUN.GA N YOU - I S - D A.L11...'..TH/11..,!/... 7.....„....„...,,, ,, s 0. it T S., 11 E , ., .., ., . . 1 .1.1 .„._,NOti. :. • .,.. ....... . . ..,• "., ...........-.. ,,--,•••••,-...., . 5+ . • Lyce.,um. Theatre .. • 'W ING H AM RS • • • •Sh9Vr . Starts ''..itt is.' Po.y;',. • . .• . , . .. . , (Cantinned lin* .11age. );')' -. , lIerp. the 4nvenilos rig' h.t. . into the Rilal$ when: beeirey fans; Are just e- . . , ,. ., , i. .• what ... .ittt little, ginning i,f) 1,.4 Ige ...,., A Mi.. . .., . . lhe Vtroxriews .Institut..e, Plot ... col • Al'r, and Mrs.. Wpf. • Fadie D.ori:-; '-. " ' 'fie t the herne of. .• ''-.- - - ' • • Wednesdayaafternoon 4 .. L'r ' ' and Lorne Spent' Ou.riday . et ' 1VIrs.. ¥r. ?IrP.. 'Tas. Pur.`3,01-, The progrePl. was': Rae' he) 'CO'lliert"a.'; • 7 • ' ' ' . • • h '• ' f• M • Bert' ThoMpson ' . ' • . - • .... •,,,,•; '. • gl. ..aige... o,.. , r4.. , . ..,... .. .. . • ,• 1,, -1VIr. grid MI s..• lioN!,vard Tie ills, mrs' , . 4 . ... :the- 4.41.?ea(e,..Tho:.•fterris. . . M.I's.•-. • Oa. Kb „_3_:$•-tte. w- a -r -t • rec.. - eivect. .13 nasty fall •*on• Monday afternoon • at • -- -. • , - ...• -. . . ... ahit'theaotm•ine'g.tdhis6174aatii,mnegn..•ttsi.e:,f,.bsheze7u4lidroer. - - • ' ' ' ... , '..' , . • - ..-....,•.. • - •,. , has • .' • . ..it• , '•• . • / ,.. i ,t,r,,:r4 ' • r d • . . ./..; .. ‘'. • • • .. . ., . . •Thur,silay,, . Friday . . , •:idt'IAARCH' 10 ... .,i . . , ' . ROLAND, YOUNG. , .. ... . .. . . •.' '. 'CONSTANCE CARY .. • ,.. In ... . t it • .-.:TOPP Year's: ' Most C'011iedy,-firlie ' Stony . . ta .,peek• h3„, Tharae . 'Also. - "TRA,v.iptirAL.10.,. .,.. . And, "NEWS" Sl!ilircillY • • .., , 11-12 * BENNET' GRANT ' . • • . • . • ,,'"i .., • • . ER , Unusual .'. ' is rioh, '. sm!tb.,,,,.. ,' . .. .• . ..,. .. ., , .. :' ... . . .. team we've get. in Olean lqms,' ''' • ' ', ' i.. .., '* ...ir ''.4, ' * .." .. . ... . . . ,., 1 . There'll be. same Jililior materia .tbere nei'tt. geaaeo,. ,ae.1,0,,,is.• gh, o. otin,...• flf -anti ni,ine of the kid', are 'Tet. over *•"': ..... . • t. t * +. , t * .7' . '• - - • .b ,..'" . •• '-'• '.• - - ',. .6 no team ex' TO! Weights tho; , . - They" , • • • . • at that and 'Oen they deck, oot, in, piiipoek,e.„,..regalia,- loo.k,like-'4.Pretty..aPPPalted,• •htisky ',bunch of , kids. •-• - ',. .. . • • . . ' • ... • ' .•'.0,iiitiii."`,:.-c.',.,t•li'''.a.,:t,.*Ilipl.e-y.*.tt.014.b.te,d...i'i.,....:, 10g...,mit.•03. • .. • , .. - . Mu -Donald cattle under the. age. .u.rthit....,..R.0. ..,.1.01.w,qx.-•ei,',,',... i .,043.,:. ....tp,14-1.,..;,..I.A..rn......0, . • - •-• - • ,had t.e.: ... d • . r . ....:voil-,,.. ...,pen .ariAl'hi dad-..• ..o.. ."' sol)? •, citing to. that effect.: to satisfy the :ealivapar of committee on.' .sEhd.ii;Ja,tiooritilaernsd. gInivttonrgiiAtpi:,TiV,4'8, golna,t,i:On,,,-. ' ' ' " " ti ' ' thi- - . - ,.. " „. ..a,abject. Nvere. Kis; ,Niar.k.. • .A.- rmst.:1•'°..a•?: and Donna Armstrong, The subleet ' 11 11 ' • 4'S estions for of the roll . Ca_ •waa ,.....agg,•,•• . . ... . `‘,Perenniel • Borders?", The. election of '6f,cei.S •Viill'he held at,,the'no?ct. meet-. .. - -. ... . t''committee . . , ling and a.nomina ion ••Wa.. • ' , .. . -•, • •. composed,. of. Mrs Mason ; .MeAllister,.„, Nips.' ,...MarY . A. :1Srot. he. Y - and, IVIrs.• jas.'.•Craig'i. ' •• . '• ' . •• ...--• 'Ile W.' M S ,twill meet in • hp base- :4. *.,,,. ..r., . • •;,. : ...,,,:•,(• ,Ir. -... . • ..f, _oleo of the church- oh. Thursday. 'af- - t',•• r. . ,. .• - • On....', ., ''',"' -,' '' ' .. .;,..., ../.„,•. ... _ The 'Y',. -P:.§. met on F. x.igaY, • eYennip., •Mariaret.' 'Jefferson' Presidit6.:• . Jean, .. :. • . , • - 11"(1' l'tierl gpe"nt• • Fri'citty- e*,-,,e-niisnsg.,Eatl'.sltrli'e'r.v.Rmiethe,0-tf•c17,BEellli;oatstt'S..sen't: •'. ... - .• : . . ' • .. '. , the pat Ni'Oek With '..Mis's ',Wirinifred• Aeicert,..' . •: . •- - • ' '' ' •.' .4- , f , • • , • Mr, end, Mrs",. John. Bal.r arid ,emil, . vrere„ Saturd.ay • evening visitorS. at, *•., . Albert' •Thoinpsen's. ' .. • ' - ' '..i - 4 17 ' . ' . . . , Ivligs• Eileen vale& was .a. • recent •Nrif.:,,'it-'91.C.'16.t),..i. 14Si41:0s,...at:.,L-,4•rgiii..,,•..., , , • ' Itif, :140nard.• mutrey.. ef. WeatfOrt!`:•!..4•''''‘Yel spent Sunday 'it 'Mr James'"Velacirs, . . ,mr.s..;.r...flos,:,,,•.'.. n.(i..,,,t,4.1....1.. 41,1..ti Mrs„.. Hi • 11 .11 .• •'' -were visitor-, .- . Ow.ai . al -,P. ' . , . . .!....... .1,•,,,:itil,.,. K. ..iyi.a. a. i'diOO. • f.i:.ie..n,..ds,, • on • 't•irifdaY . •' . Mr and ,mra... Lloyd Rule 'of Ter-. e'akn•'-'del.'iwidr•tsV,it guAs I? - ' : • ' - . . Mr. Wm. Bowers ..yyhe ..been ''‘,ii,tin, g..,1:1.1!.-,si.s.,t.ier.:,: Mrs...D,i.11, ..0.1in. .41'4: also Mr .. Ed Bowers, has returned to I'll's. iri.-11., ,..,.1.71,.4S,.t.,,..1140.1n...a..41, . . . . .., Little Miss Donanne ...Caesar is ,niiming' a • very -sore , knee. since -, a . . ._ . . , . fel*. ''..',arl. ..M.' it..11044 gll'`vva.-.s. .144..7. ing- • in the Wit'.;,4 19t-Irt‘ '‘'i'Pl;, ' .: , ',,, Mi. . Hank .Irwin, and niece, Mrs.," - .. . . ' , .. • • -- - • . ,p4r..4.14: Fowler,. visited a • .filv , days With friend S at ' Paisley- ' Mr Melville 1..a.71-7, .b...ei. ,de.11,,,,.-.wt,.4 i.jo..h.ed., .with.. e.hingreg k II b. decided'.'. not . to :last ;wee , . e • .aa.. • - - 4,. .,: , . . . . • . ,s•l'oe". 411y; more with .,,mi. ,i'id.. M,rs".,,Gordetil"..".Jaiii5g41rde‘M. '''at"; , ,, ,.... h. .'. . r .i. i,.. eh , •9'..piatiNItei:?r,i'l;s„. ..a,ut:It, tendedivltts!, • .R.:001).. : . . .• . , . ...,",,,.., . . ,... '. /.. • • ',.w ,.......... •••••,44.:g0;:;•:. •;?•;i:;;:e.,,.... .. ,. ` ' .. , .: ' , ,...,? .• ..,.. /. ,...,, „.. 4. .1.,:::. '4r. :o• .d .fi': -,..4,p .,.. - : 1*.- . :i. . si.. ••••• .. r0.. . .... . ..".,:t. , r I' „ , .•• ....?. ' , 74 / 5.0...4 ; • X...4 ' ;,:::?,.,!.•::.:. • ;•;. •••; • - ... ,.:.,..2,,.,•: Nr.' '4"4:.ii .. famimiy.,0-45W:f.4. . ....0 ..„, / • %• . ...)9'.. 1 .,•"- . . .., .. " - .. . ,. ..• . • • '. Monday, •: Tuetiday, ' Wednesday. ' - MARC•It 1445-16 .• ' " ' ' . the•'• scripture"5'1 .' Ripley menegernent..' • • :. . " - • • ' Robinson • read ,, ..., • lesson, • reading was also given by pona.10.•,;•0, . t .. * 41, „ t• a .' ' ,.fack • Cook, .7.13.n.'S.ter,....w..iiity .. d ,;:237.h.tht7i3,60,11.s4tc71.4y,'''th.e.....1,14,F,c!".,,,„,;•,..;;Iti., gn).v,_.pn...:.L:. • • t;e•-e's•••,Spaern:i•i•ttsh,eiwre. jhohtrili.e'mlan!..17. 1.V.1dr . , 8etni. icl• Con, •• East -; ' ' . , rs.,:Mor.i'i.a.TIO.dOins. sPent of,e1.1..on.er. m.i.i,e• e....z... t:, day afternoon 'to Dungannon.. tem_ e"'-' ' tel.5'• Mrs, -Co.ngra, in is remaining .for ..ys4,.wit.h,..1. .;ile:itielisi'f6t111:1106a,.1d .c.01.1. . i • I. . ... ,',' • r, , , 44.' ,•,.*:. °is' .. .0, 1$ ---"--'7---'--t•-•'- . -----'*•---.-----.------- MARTHA •RAYE • • • • '- •„ - . . ROBERT CUIVI,MIN.ES • .-.•••••in--:- ' " ' -- loydW•ylds-a.re,-;atiother-trioofhig, . --------- - , . -- --- - ' • * ' " • ' • • . • • •.mr.s.. w. 1:.,. Crozier of. crowe,r, spet----t., 'falloWs so, fa as 'height is :concern-. . a few days last week with.. her -par-' ed probebly measuring Up about kbe ' - ' • . .. . • • ,. • . ' • ', ' •• " • , • - •ents • Mr" and Mrs W.. IL Campbell: 5, ft,".10: claSs. , •••• • • . Mr. Will Craig of London spent, the .•. • . ,. . • . . .. . . , -gunda- -at-----M-T•Mark-4-olnistorvs„_...........,,.._..A.,,Igia6.0.. - ,, y ... .. . .. , .. ., ... . :Messrs. Jerome' iValad;•Fletchel• and. •• Van' ce 'BillingSly spent the •Week -end. t •G•• �lph ' •• . • - • ., ...ivi ., .. : 1., Wellington.. • . , • . , i Richard Of London, visited for ' the V' k -end •with Ms ...sister Mrs. Goi•-• den Stewart,. what'll he had net 'seen, %.,r_ • - • ....;:::„ ., :. •,..;:;.*i •• 4 ..,..10 , ''''"19•0?,,,,' ••:-/. .. . - .• "HIDEAWAY -GIRL". • ' ' - ' ' • ' .. ' • -Oh 'Boy, Martha .-Rae IS Here ' ' : •gain - week -end with hi parents, : mr. ,and, But What Dahmer, AitchiSan,...the Mrs . . , , .,, , •: Jas.. Craig.. Eedy brothers and Button lack • in . .,,,,, , . ..• . 1 ' - • • • • •' • ' ;.' ' . • B'ERVIE ; . ' • - for twelve .Years, .04.4-4 . Wesley Pepper, . , , .. ,. • another brother; 'who, is .employed .et 'NZ!. • Wni.. Crenstan's,• visited"en..Stin; . • . ,. . Am, . NO • - • • : AlsO "puktE...FEuD", (MCCarthy ,and..Bergen)- • • . •, - - - ..- - - • --.„-:-..„ ,•••_. • • "SWING FOR .SALg". , , . . ,"COLOURED . CARTOON" , . f •Iength they • more than make up . or . 'in ..; avoirdupois •so its .no gang 'of, HURON AND .KIN.LOSS .,. , Striplings 'that Clark 'Finlayson 'took • • • ' ' ...-TELBi;HO.NB SYST E..1%1 • • •• ' ... •-•th•- - • ' • 't '• ..under-his-wing-inte-in-. e...seagon-... (L.._ _. - •,. , ". ' ' 7. .--- . . • turn into a clever little hockey.' ma-, . ., . , . . March ..5ths, ?ion, , chine. '. . : • .. ' ' • • • The'. •ComPthsiliners .'of.• the •. Huron - ' - ' • •• - • • • . • . ' • .... . . .... ' Kinloss Municipal • 'Telephone. : . Miss Diltz of Waterford' • and Nisi Venable of . Toronto . Faith, Mission .bave.. "14-4-sn' conducting ' special ,se.r•s7-: .:. - . •,••• ices. •on • this ...circuit :during, •the pasi., three ,iweeics., Last week they weir . ' - , • • . . ., . , , ,•. . Mr Graham •Pinkney,.. senior room teeeher at the public school, resumed •his duties Monday: morning., ‘efter a week's illness ' ..• ''' . . . ',. • • ., . • Mrs Minnie ,iyfirinie ' Jones ,spent: a , week her Mrs. . . • , • '. The weather Just lift ..tllie candlestick candlestick' another doesn't count . receiver and maker ..c11 of the .When, ., the are ready parr' butcher,.the the . • y9.0 haNe• a • ... ,baker, to. serve ;you., ',telephone. - . ,telephOne. ' • I, . . ,the.. • • ., -'•-• )11.5t, 4, ip...., . . Secretary's office Sony Old Man Winters on the ''vvy System met. tu. he with ..coasin.;.• ... .instance; ,. plays . . . , .. . . • ' day, .. • . . .., . . :Out, for we like. to watch you ,go.. On :the . above • date.' at .2...0...p.,in.. Neil ,mge7itaietfilRepvt.ir..sL;n'aS.A.1,Tet.h.te' 141;Ti..addt.iArILS,....Aerildc:.rec.weint'stlyr.i. • ' 'Guild"' 'St: :smoothing your every ...Nothing else gives, so.; • 7 . ' . in 'comfOrt and: safety, for little .... ' • '•i, .4, t, I *' ..* * • ' MacKay, president, occupied the Chair . ". .• • ' . ' .. ' - se's, ,and Music are being- very' Much. ,. • . .. - • • ' ... .'••• ., •• . enjoyed The' playei • seivice, on • • the Ladies' of Patil'S , . .. . . ••,„ • : • • • • met the vice • tniich convenience, so t. ., • .To 'hear A repOrt' •Of .• the season's 'Members' ,:were all present . , , . • COUGHS,' ' DISTEMPER, ' t.v.t. • ,trid; te discitss• any Matters. Moved by• Dan D ..McDo Ald secon- ; ., - • " ; •• • • . . • • - • the 'Worlds..Day, 9f: Pr,ayer, ie 'Knox • . . .. 0/wren; was well •ett'gnd. ed. Miss Diltz ,cburph at...the, name ,of. • - preSidentik. Mrs. Harvey' •Mole. :•:,Tbe meeting Was 'Onened with hifrrin .„‘.,‘,1.1.1•104,4, (81 ‘s . 1 ••••. • . BROKEN. WINO. (.-4:,hogicie Anteri t* a:', metingL,..0 *---,e4L1 ' • ' -,.... t..,.:.the,41.:;1.... ........ ;.....•.'_. • .......„,_;.7........tiets.,.....e,,;te..,.. .a; II pa ,.. . ,. . , , .:, 'have met:their lilaster id la6a1;:e103.'"and. i'llter66te&ci4X01.5:-;11"- rni*ijea:'16f.•.lat meeting be ' ,c1°15M". • •. ZEV-made the Mak.; . ers of Buckley's Mixture„.. 4eerl, called •. for tonight (T.:. ui.s. aY)' ac•-rea. a.rt le .. • '. • : ,..,:-.:,•• ladies.:,thhk 'pert and. -.Mies :Venables .,.,a ,. 2..0.7s r, e, ., *, 1 • , • 9 4 * heir' --P. '1-1:''Rickard,''fallOWed•By'praY-; . . .. • •• ac'cAst.o• . ,....• •:,.. • . : -• • Stockmen, tonitry . breed.: ,..; hi. the ••Cominunity Hall rooin. '...• '•••' ..: • ' Moved by'Steivart Needhant,"•secon.• gave .,..a splendid talk on • Prayer. The ' ' er in ,unison. After,. the. btisineaS •,•Part, "•Mr . I • . .; 4. ' ZEV say ; fie positively; , „ Paisley' and Chesley :will battle it •....Silfe fire" relief for all respiratory. .. ". ', • • -1.... .... .- • .„, ..,.. e• ch am 'in, horses, battle, .sheep, pigs, '.., out for the.,.vy,..u..n.1- 1,e.eXa co., are' .ppultiy and 'dogs. It is ,arnazing. how .. nionship. - '4,-; ' : quickly .it• ieci .resuits . in' the 'most stub- • , .. • ' • . .' • bOrn eases. Ili fact, w,e guarantee ZEV , . • lb do' in,a'day or tivd what it took old- ' ..' .fashioned remedies. month to do. Pet' I What' a series it sheald. he ;as:these . ••, size .5,0r , Stock' size. $1.00. 'Get ,zEy, at tWil neighboring towns clash Cliesley Al s•A. E.•,'•31eKIM'S'... - '6,74,,a-tinie winner4, :will .he Set,.„ozi.talt- , • , .. : . , . .. ded. by ,Iban' .D." McDonald, that...tne, fella...wing 'aePotinta••be..."0:04:. ••••I''. • •',.." ..".' ' Matt. • Gemmell salary* Feb.,' .$10(1.,. operation. $3.5.00;:..w,..: 4.. Lane, ::Feb. salary, ' ,' .$1,.‘0,54?; ..• '' Ripley '•••-.,icp.resS , printing reports . and notice 415...2.0.,. . . • .. 'Geo: 1.. Eremerton,..flagging meterial. ,. . . , . , . . . • . 'Reis. *P-ot:-+---, h t .' children sEin.i - two choruses ' 'd, Miss .D.liti aild'• MiSs''. Venables •ang.;:ft,....very.:.'.' hyi'.e ciii.t...... b . ''' ..,. . . Mrs.' 1...„. Stout has 'returned to ;the. Village'. follawing.2.a..vilit. in •F'alinser:-... - . • j• . '. .• • ' . ' ' ' .., ston,.. • •,• . : ••• ••• ' • ' ' , ,. , ' Alis. .Flora °M. „irteLean ;of Th.:Orton. . . - .... IS .a. visitors att. he 'home ...of 'her'...ii..iec'c. f ' the nteeting Rickard:gave. n ,v.ei.y. interesting talk on his. miSsieri- 'lity.:-'ivork' .. iiinth.,i'i . 'the ,• Indiana :at: At James Bay and sins -Wed pictures At the close clase 'Of• the naeeting•the. hostess' • • ' • _served a lovely .. lunch; ...with, 'a • ..ea." '• .• joying, - e a ernoon, , .... , ... ..., ___The.• ' .•gen10.1L......E. oneen's': Institutei. ......„,„, - . ' ..itie ..... - -ing---.-the'-Free'Pi ess•••• -trophy-for-the • . , .• , .. . -40-c; g: nipityi,q7exIntss, ' mi's • 'dordon'iMeiiander.....'.• ' :court' .tyhtst .. .... third, consecutive l time; - . Carried.. ','•'•.•• ''',' ' • - .' ... . , „ .. moved....by,Dan .1)", -McDOna •,., sep- . • • • . . . . . ., . , Mri. Stanley. P'air: Made a', trip.....to spoaspred,a , party , im,i.iiie...P....aBr itSth • ''d:Bl_wenadsa_Y,vv.'i-en'yneenrincgt,.. ...I ...,„ 4, ,.'• t .0 ____._ •,,,, Fl-itt-D.---NOTES ' • ' . ,. . .. . , • _:_., • . . ... ... „ • ,. Chesley....elinkinated. 'Mitchell " in. •twc. „.. ande.d. 123'" Wil 'MaelC,45,?." that ,we' 're- 'Matt.; Chatheitt_recently. • -.....,-...,---'-•••••'.,. .• . . ' The Young Peciple's"..Weekir.meetiii0- ..h4d'..,Eii'' „.H...Barlal.afoon ss . e y , . r .. . the: ladY's prize ana:.the g,ent's..Prize . , . , • . . .. .• sti•eiggt,'.'"Whilelt lank ..a. third', &tine. " ti ir.. and . is. -. , . . tet .an.d .M.i. . before Paisley. eastcd . St, ratford,, C, tty.,•.. . an 'Mfg- -Alhert.. Helnk", inotoi•ed .' fi League' Chinins, ' '" .. • '-• ' .. Itind .Genimell'S• salary and•••9P. ... eratiorkaec... o. un.t. 1$%. .of, total c. tit. W ,T,...., . and'. gess ' .1.1:* Martyn •:,.end i'S .to be the•-•'ilitited ••Chureli• ,parsonage .n,ext Settirday ,evenitig•• . '.. • :w 'zit te Mr • Otte POPP.' •Mrs, Berten Roe'ch, vice•-nr,esident :of the...I.nstitute .0'• , . 'TiVeitayn • Mandl:1.4. wherd fhey ' .. .. • ,I.mile 1 .. . .. Was. chairman far the following pra7.• . , . .snent t.". ,. ... Commissioners. 10% : Francis • •Gem, .. .,, . • • ... ,, th 'But in .the -firkt • game on Tuesday • ••••• , • • •• .. • • • • • . . . . • 'Mt and Mrs: Sam Gibsati, of .1..aurr Chesley. overwheinied Paisley .0. to .1.,...other..salatieS..reMein' . .• ....• • : ' niell ,6 cents .Per mile for 2nd eat... All: . • . . . •. ,.... . . . . , the seine ••:as. ,r.grami' ZION: , vocal numbers. by -Mr John - li• ,Afarthl, • Crewe; accompanied •.laY 'Miss , •Jiine s . _ . . ., . ler' visited. with :Mrs, Gibson on San- - - '''' - * ''''• '''` • '''' •*• ••• ' • •••-• . - .: . - •• ' ' . . .. • .frere : April 1st • i •.; .. • .' . • • • .. , Mrs: Win.: Frances Crozier, . and.:, PP:riii" 'a [duet; , • • . • • daY..•:... ._ ' , •••• :in -playdowns; the ',Han; : • • -,' • • • . .. . -::Moved:by._Steweit Nee.dhann,. •that. - Visitors . with Mr and . _ Ritchie:Ail:tinge. 'the - Vieek.‘4nd Were RUtledge sang .MOsieibY NY: • -*:-.• Jaek: itYan 'violin San:Bina- ''-' ' ... .the..junior "Mrs...Jake, Hunter..sp.ent a Tew.TdA.ys Over -7alre.%..rte.n. • 'Serie s'".". 'Stole. •• the. . Wre.".Set," the:folio:Whitt. SalarieS, M•itt: with arid • .........-.---- ,,i . .. • ' ,,' ' :..... ... , .. . ..• • . ,. • . • . . . . . . .. ..-..- Mr. 4.T•lias..-Reid-a•nd-„..1Wissi„.1-1sieRtt•:-:,,with,--'-gtntar•L-ancla-reed,Ing--,..by--Miss_ . • • r ,iii • Laekriow last. week • ' • • . • • .• . • ' 'Mrs.' R. E, Gilmore spent the. week. . end with friendS.in'''KitChener: .-- • . • ' ' . „. .: ....,... ,..., .. v ',, ' • 2; . ...Miss. Emmit..McDonagn returneot, t( . . , . . . . -' , 'Landon. , • .efter e.'"two.: weeks' ,"...yecatio. n.'' . with her. parernts... • • • • ... •slrw:7-These ,two•-tea.m. PlAY-e-4 ,t. 're'0.' games last ;week,. One. of; thein -.'6,0i minutes'. overthaer'"•04. each t4Ine''..en•-• 'tle'a.,..•i7,7ith a .3•- deadloek... The fourth: bettle...on'MOndaY••.•iiiebt, saw'.aneilier: •A': -3• -•tie. At. the;:end',of 60, minutes, but • • • -" • .• .., ••• Walkerton .seared tiVa. overtime goals .;.,,,:._, ..' . Gemmell, W....T. Lane MosS. H:' Ater'F'. 'tYn..5.6/0. yefund, of-1.total cat.. All.,oth, .61.•,•?'elErtain-'.t4e, '-aanle as, ' freal."APT-it. •ist;'1.938.-Lost..1 ..., • . . ' Moved by Stewart ...Needlinin •sec-• anded.,by Dan 'D. :MeDaneld, , that this • • , • meeting do. now ...adjourn, • .° • 'meet ,,,. NO Melba Fowleti..• . Refreshments were cide', .,%.i.a.i:.ne.,...,ria,.mis, Violet Bit:Chic --'''' , ot .Stratferd.." -••: .: .. " .::' ..,. , .1 , : . served. ', . • . ., , _ . , . .. ' ' ...MigS••.Ade 'Webster 'and. Mri. Rich:. • ' -Death .0f -Samuel' •Fin.pigaa•' - ' AND ECONOMY aro' Gardner, spent SetUrdaY in Lon- ' 'teeth ecCured,•te" Mr: Samuel • Fin-; - : i . 1.0 • • - .. ., .'' '" • • • ' • • . • . • . • - . • - - . .. • • . • . .. ' . ••• • •• '4 - • ' ' ' ' ntgan at Clinton passing. in his 72nd 2 Mrs.:•Isaac,.••Andrew , Visited . over the' "VeCr. ' Ile..: is'. the ' brother • Of - Messrs,: . . . , • . . . , , • . , vt•eekend ' with her sister, ..Mis, 'Joint: Richard,; Jas and 'Wm. 'Finnigan"' '9f. - - • tiatified-40.0meet---Soii-thanintari, -•egain-,Aprii4nciriet.-tlie•-•-kisne-1-'-hour- ,'• . "ii • ••-•'• i4.. 'xi at i V.•Ler• ‘ ' .. . . • ,andi-q. .. • . i'' 1,... • .' .'..." '...'. ..•!:: . ., ... - •• ... • . the next. round: • , , • , .,, • . . 'And, place--R....H....Martyn, See'y. .. • • • , . . •ssorylBO,M1141M;D:ly,S•a esT ..:S .w. • ' 1 z..t „'„ I it '., who -- p.endine•:-this' vicinity His health.' Was not .10-'• .--. the Winter with her her da.iiihte. ,r,. iii.... bust, . Yet , the end. • cam, . ,e. unexpectedly . . . , RIED Or .Pitlded Canadian:FiSli is one.. • I Larne Woods and Mr.; Woods. - • •tak•ing a severe .. paralytic ' stroke. at ' • • • • •• ., .. •.; __,...L_ . --'"I ' l'r-"nirgti'llave---been-a--fineneial-lian-4. 7r. ... '. '''" • '-'' - ' • .• ..::, , . .... . . . ... . • "Of ' ancleanonit-•• • . • ' • . ' Y.' p'..8* ' ' ot. . . '•The , Young; ,Peoplesr, . Meeting • •• . :- . e. OlivetSundayScho61,was ,held inth •"•,chur.th on Wednesday. e.vening,.Mar...,„ . • The • President jean McGuire 1n, the •••-chair. There 'Wei.i. 21 members • : .4The• ineeting,' was opened' ea 'usual by . :• the eriening ceremony and hyMn :214 '.wai. sung.,Owing ,to• -•.•the absence ofth'e. secretary, •.. Jessie.' McCharles; Beth ' .MeTaVish acted, as • secretarY:. fer'.the taken' bY ' • •• • • i*: : ' 'ailo, .,:f0.1., both : Hanover was. •noSed birtl.r-during', the .sehedule....T.hey •• ,, •• . gime i ,, ,•.pr,esenl• '-ei.,!'ea a•'•c• ', in an .unsignpd"nlaypt, rePlaYed .the:•gaMe'...and 'ham 3. te.,.2, giving .m.•.,C4et•:.;'Y'(TaPc.e,rte•". 'f-a.1.....,itaap. ' '''''': ' Al " • '.1-1" 04..y...en:opg .;:qt a playOir. out; ' tiro-. *ie' h.Durham used ee • • .• • • - : • --win, the 'Protest, defeated Dui their the..right.,to. • . ' h6.',1°F.• ' ' - • • • '. - ' '''''. - ' Teeswater..Ball. Club Banks , ,tturjer ,. • ... • ''On . New - ... • . With league.' hockey ...in •the' diScerd..., . • ,' base-. 'Tees.weter fans'have turned to hall; end talk. •ig ..very;:. very optinkistie ,for.the:.coniing season..•Why•,yOu ask! BecatiSe , :, We . have •• been .-for,tunete enough.. in - getting: the consent . , . firs.t-rate,' pitcher . to' do the hurling tor the' Teesers,. ‘`Bing',' Wylie is, the .'froin • . Mr. W111 Reed rapid. City .--,of-the-rnost,nourishing _ • i:ri. the :.end • of .itt.le, .iis017 IliS ,r,einairis. ... , 4 , • _ • " • .. ..bUSY•lit-th..6 community with his saw ...tvere'bronght.to the 'home, of hiS .1.-ii10- , °eel focid. that riiOney' can buy,' It is rich in,: •itio, outfit.: ,.. , -• ,. , . „ • „ . • • , ther Rich.ard......Fihnigan ...on. the .4th • I Y'...„.piateins,, and in. the..inineral elements that .' ,7 • T.!1:.. '.,..P.: -:.t.t :,;!;:i.;m..Monday.:T:-. .6::TIce,s5joa ',.o.:', .i..7..... W:..a.W. .ano.a.h....., Whicl.i• ' ".• ... • .. .: .' • '. .. : ' . ''. ,.., ,..,,,,,,;,..: .. • ..,.. .. ..., .. ... 71-„ittild gOod.he 1th • • - ' ' - • , . , , ing. at•„,th:e. hot . , . ... .. , .w..as . the, birthplace' at tne• .aeceasea.• - • Wm. Ritchie: ,.% . ' • •The service 'Was. at .2 P.M:.On Tuesday ,••• • No matter '..where.youlye,..your dealer can, . .....,;., alt.' end.. Mrs'.. -Win. 'Webster"; and afternoon,..:with Rev :: Pomeroy . of the • . . .,,•' - .. •• • .. ••. • secure Dried or Pickled ,Cdiradian •P•i.h for Kenneth, •mae end Helen of, Lacknow Nile. officiating, and a large number , , .. , . . Kenneth, ,. .. • .,.• . ..., , . , • .• ,.., „ . .. . . .. on Sunday after- of. friends' 'gathered • in respect. . The • , . .• • ; . . . . , ' , • • , : • . , . Were. „Zion A in,t0,1:S , , , . . . „. .. ,.,, . - ..asy7fC:o'dY:a'pu:r6.:Iclaonck.c. ;1.1:loiaod7dofCrk9".hsakCe4, ' . evening. The roil call' iyas • , . : ' • • . • lad' in quebtion, .4nd all.. repOrts aci.nrcii.e'd:ca:4;k,.. . noon... ' ' ' ..; '', ' ' "; " • •• • , • • . „ 'remains 'were laid to, reit. in •Dungan-, theocroetnahry lierilL.I.fli-eyeepa_n e30-6R2Teraiitse,IL....,sin2L. . ..k1f4,.C....A:Wit),. .lEN,7..., .11.7...,0:-T/A:-:,"..,-.12,E7-• ••,.. nnd-news.PanerTelinPings,-7-11O's7the''';; •• . . ...:, . ••.• -- •• . - .• ' • . • . , Mr, Kerineth• 1VIeLead,.• of ',•L',UcknoW non' c'tli',1tq..Y' ;NY,ith,,Si:x.'.1r.iq?i,m.w.k......_4s. ,.. arid-frodi.:SUch, pickled. •f isli. 'es, betting,. .. _ take• the r'diaeassien 'for th'e, evening, GROUP-CHA-MP1014-S-:..'''nisain-k---hrik1-eateahr'llaa-heeti-40Ok•-•- ---_• ink.' for. " ., ".', ..'. ' ..'. '.E. • ''... . • '. ,. • ' '..4•11-ery--c-r..-6-dit-rible .• h • • canvassing•''.' thi • distri.t i ' ' the• ' alibearers Messrs :Bert,' •Raymond„ •,iiiaciej:el,, and •al,,w'INT'..e;•• ..... ....,.' • ,ii.e0 ..o.ne.of.'.. , w c! is• • • 8 • ' ' • ° •• R. •.-P , . . > .. , .. . , ,Fi .., ..• :paelna-:•766-was reach-LThe•=4eriptUre , lesson :was :taken, • h Donaida 'Mac- ....,Chailes, .f011OVV6d . i -)5T: a. • very •helpf al •and •interesting .tepic taken. lik :bur Sunday' School' „superintendent, 'Mr... :. Walter Walden. '...Then .Otir pastor; 'Rev, :Mr. MacKenzie gaveja :splendid talk.. Hynin. 444: Was .sung and Abe. .. kids , •• • • „Front a ',bunch ..of. green. .te.•a smoOth. working, ..'.,grOiip '' champion ship teem:, ie.... the••••reCord of 10n- eafdie - ;31,i.o.jois....oed • miho.. give the. .: . • ,e .... • . ' . • •• • .. • , • , ., , • lion'S'I,share of ••• the , credit fOli then SPectiteular `rise„.•••to Bob : Thathpsan, 4Biti-C•!;H re. pia. e.g., ta toSsingOld..horse-hide and. 'started his, , baSebali.. :etireer....iri T.:in:Ian. He hae.nav.ek' wandered front the. amatelir ranks; but 4ilaVed,in-fat carnpany in,•. . Catle.ton need ,, and SMiths .Fells....-TeeStveter: News; • • .. ... , .. ,, . .. 11:eli.. interests ofTthe. WeareVer-Altriii: .Everett7-e.ar17.Win, and..t , .7'i-7 Tl. ". : . , . , , ..... . .. . . , ,. . . • .. which can •Can'be' served in Variety, of 'tasty-. , .0).;. Torantoi. iNth: the assistance • of.., rlig411.: .'. • ..,. . , . • . ., . • .. ::, ' ' -:. . - . 'Mrs.: MlLead,',,•gave • a: . demonstration • MiS$' Donalda,' Andrew's ..ig a .yiSitor., • recipes.. dinner ori...Igafiirday'' eliening. 'at • the thiS w.eek•With her. grandmother, Mrs.; . . .. , .......... . , .., . .., • ,, • . , ,• , • • .. • • . . • . • , , • • . home 9g. Mr. and. Mi;s....,Will..6ardrier.• INT!. M. [ An:drew. • .,• . - , .. ‘• . •4.1. .• ....•• ... : . . , :" Word. was redeived,.on :Monday:: of- .,' The. 'Sunday. S,cb6.01' concert of the . ' , Serve..dried or ' pickled., canadien Fish to •• • - • • ' • • your •family...ofsen. ...It , makes .a welcome„ this sweek ..of .death : In. 'SeSkatoon •Urrited. Church ' :.'ineeting closed with Prayer: by Re'v:' -'-Mt --MacKenzie, -The-convener._ for, their • coach: ' - .... ' , . .. .• . . .• ' • ., - ,,,,' . ins ... a game, , ' 6.....; 1.1. th.. ' ' - ' ,the was held F,rid,q' night : rChange.et!meal-tinies.,... :arid you is iii fin , .. of • 'ape . of ' AshfietcPS - pioneer.. ladies;; With .a fair attendence;•. with 4,...nlikedL --. - • the -evening' of, the 'Christian • Fellaw.. ,,Itin-dardine...eliniinated-GOderichICS.i. , •:-:.--if,-Nerk-econoniiill:7. -;---,- . a MrS:'--Th'biiiiiii--Ed-Witid-FinTAY, in her and Mr Chas .A4or. . . . . • . .. • . . , •' hiii,' ComMittee was .Mrs,'•:w.. J, ninth sten, who was. unable••to ,be with 'Us, ''and. Wednesday night by a 4 to 1 verdict. :It WAS the ,thstrii„ game of the :serles', *was , . '•"•TME.'MAGIC''SPEIX". • . : , • . ,Prograin..iiVen , , • •• • • • . , ' '.' . ' . • . . • , . • • ' ,97th Year., She:. passed away on Mon- acting .,as.• chennieri. : Songsand...reep• , . . . . . ,' . • ' DEPARTMENT-. OF'...!:FISHERIES;'• ••day, Morning, ..ti'ethe. honied of her Son tation'.'were given: by • the • the .ribict . week's meeting , will he . . . . ,,. in ,cherge' of Norme Walden- and :het' ' . grOup. 'here Were no„ games •or con.- • tests . •. • . , , . .. MiSS' .'lLionalda'. ' Mhecharles • ia • at• • ---in, Toronto:. ,..,Yvith her ' SiSter enii • played in .1.,nelcnow, With .016, . . , • ., . • neW'r; 'aretia''',Iamnied:'t6 the •daars ..2bY , .. ., ... : . ,, . • " - ..., - • ... .,. . .• sonic Seine thirteen liunch'ed...0•Plet. • '. ' . : . Codericli, .earisr: season fa:yorites. :to take ' ...• ; .• • . : '•• • ' R; , . ''.3' ' T , .' , : . You can. give • incerwitie. quintets • , ' •• . ' - • ' I '• .• • ' • - • and Bob Thompson al • the :credit you want' t15, but Bill Fry's liewSe .Shoe, 'SO he.•,,,.ays, was the MYaktie PciWer that ..‘..pt•imary - mr....,,Ii. E....pi/16,-y,-. •sympe,thy, is: e), •cleiSes the :„fil.rst. part •of'the..eveni. rig., - OTTAWA. " tended to . the rehti•v g •of4 the de• 'A', splendid thirty ' minute AtilaY c ell.' .. . ... . . .,. e . • , e •, ..- . • „ . ,. ., , . ,. ... . ,i., , .. , '.01s64.. •• ' ' ,, - ' * • entitled. 'qVfoney.. and Mud" was /1 pi•esented.• bY, adults::, Rev.. IS, 11:'.'Pet,7. . . ... ., . ' • : ., . . , . . , . , . . • . ‘,present, , '.;11,.. .1V•X; 'al:ft....Dorothy. Aioufie.• .14,;.iteii the group, were the ser-,.. vices •,Of '; h..•til K. . ,..A.. . K' ug, • '1' ..°15'''' ° ' 4... m°,4 .,"'. e" Rids; ' liere"-laSt. • Wednesday.' ' . , . .. ... : .. . . ,:, :a .fornier;miuister. had : coffiposed.. . . ' 'SHEEP, IN iN. BSTERN,': ONTARIO .., . . WRITE; • . It... '..7:q"c'fil • numbers :Were' also by ' i.-.:-.:. ' ' , , • ., her 'home . over the week -end.. r. • ' . .. ,,.Miss Irene..BarkWell•IS 'at, her heinte.• at.etT•hni::pe,eitiethro,aite.'mle;e'h,saie,In.v.••tlie.ei•in.imty•cotilt..ieii,..'ge!.a,o...fi ,.Y91..n) .11118-1,tYdef6tic,.".Pian, ‘.'ho, was. found tipait'inve•StigatiOrt !by tbe„Kincei'dine• pitili ',,t6 be Over .6.0: .1:111,...,g6,...otd4rii;h40' ef..6n.atet,i'el)(1:0,ta....'tpf,i.erep.tsot..t'egsotil,l‘:tv.et. . • i; .bili...sayt ;he'. touod, the, ,horse (sh6e, it; " the. teehae'i,',„ arena: . (maybe • . it came in iii•W- ith 'that'. '.k,load"., of bricks, .:•,. „:. • - • . ; •.-• • .. given ,,... , -...• ....,.....:. •• -.."- - , ..,... J.,...... - .. .. '• • ... ' .77.---, • • • ' f .' • •,misses •.I.',,p,iti. ,Treleayen,, Fetna.Alton ' ' Fog FREE. : • oipartMerli of Fiihorlos,..... ,.. . . ..BOOlagr: '';'.the folio:wing •intoltitatinn' ..'Waa. and Mrs.' -Turner: ', ' ta•OtinhC'r;;Ile'll-YEZiti'e'll'Ilte.enit,ling.:Itiei'r•P.ni. ' ' ' Mak.' send me your ' fret :.511..pagd,'13061et vAi ly • , lish . • '1.4gekhow is imprOying., ''''', - • • • . ..•. o• . chsalln‘Ved,'.:nY. the 'IN,T"•.°41•1•A; ek, Pilltivi). a_nd, K, illep.,.i.di,no.. now: ni,ieetii icitabtiet several. Ot. the .00derich feria', took Ie light in. showering the 'iee With, ; 'In :a.iii.,•evnt, ..,toli., . ._ ' • !Day .1.)ay"v conhkining .100 zdefishtfu1 4.11d ' c6noinial..F.Ish.11.tiisdS,.;', . ' If , • 'OttnWA:'''' , . ., '..,'. .... ., .4 ;: • .. • - ' ' • ' ' ' `, SWEST •• 'Mere ij.E0dg,,. 0,•f . ileeP', at'e,,cellt. 1 • . . • . , • • • 'w .. BOUNDARY Wr: I ' ' .4 • , .w. esterik Ontario. than• „ ^,, '.• ' ' . , . . • . SECOND 'CON.,..KINLOSS • . . Mr ..and , „Mrs. Archie MettitYre . . ,,.,. . ,... ,., . . were v.',,sitors'.dtiring. the week ' wit}... "Ic‘t ;d •Mri,. Angus Graliain. ' ..." ' • ; A p,-..g,tunit is. sPoidillo*Ii. fe\'.. •Focricetg; • eity. league champs, in in' t!,i.. next roiind '6.f' the ..rniiier 'PlaYde,na . . .. Wednesday's' - battle' ‘littris 'a...thriller," ' i .„ i .i. inaricen oY last.•sicathig' close cheek.: . , . .. . .. ,• . 4. • tag, and huh.terotis i-tijoi,is. .aodericb. tarok eik early"' on:e 'goal '16;1.4 in" , the% ffrgt: ;blonds Nioni.di•no. 't16(1 it'1,10. in hij..ik. onto.i, it, ti.,nd. L. • Aurino, the ganie wormed 'h ' . is •way • to .0, • ,the, ,Ged. etieh. end'. •tisie.,"eoeher.,htid. he I e spot, than Kincardine adored,' h't' 'Di' : : • ' - " .. ' . ' '••• ' ' ' ' .1' ' ,.' ' - • ' ' , - • , .' . • • Later in . the genie, Goderich was Plukti'll;gt!)-' 7"; 'it..•13, 'a' :/;Yerr. 04Y'. 4,T.q •,‘ '4ttillg' 1 , hot for Bill's favorites:. 'Bill wit ' at s •,the kiticardine. any othei•• pert • ,e,,,(Pip..„, • ,,, „ . • „„ - .,,, , ,, .. ,,, . 1.0,f 4 . ' ,e .e. ..P.vinee,°minion, . . that matter ........_, . „, ....,„,,. . . , i..1idly take ' notice , that. the • nieet.-• ; , '. ON"iiini, to*th.:Inildhes's •:ef.eho.,..•elijii,, kig.' of . the " I'..arameant ladies. '''elirlh' ..• . • . ' . ..: . . . • . • `;1•\''..`:' - ,,,,,,,,,,•••••::„... .-th '•. 1 b• ls • ' l 'cl' ' .Vh .1) ld ti'' Itiesdq' March 22nd. • . . . , . \v0,4 ' i ate e long moo . . lee( ...,, like u ing sill • e , e n,,, ,- . .. . , Mrs the' Leicester Lincoln and .Cotsw.old.,: t' 'tr. • .,f • th ' itli -• 1-lesteSS '' ' •., • 44' . - , .. - • . • :'• - • r . • -. • ins. ea 6. , e , . ., ,. ,. ... ,.. ., aelfePlti.et.ILtPr'°eV°11/111421101•°•:JiliheAs°'tInf°Qr(ntnrSilt;'-.. .';Itn.°, s' ..14. °13..a•aalar''14 ...i'll°11',18...',aHai'll.'g.O.§Irigillh' ,, D A .. F. I S •FI . Dr A If ropshlre - are . 1110 • nentilat as •fatin lo e•', P")glam. AP '1'4' • * • ' ' ' -.PI ' MeEWen.;•.Syron breeds Mr. 'F. ' , 'daya.With . Mi. and .Mis. Hatold..Stan- le5i:. •. . / . , .. , • .. Miss boris Rod was a,..week4end ---- ' .VISitors",-With'MiSS'. Etelyti .ItiViii,- - Misses Grette Hudson ,and 0.. gen • - . .., ' nedy wer6 Sunday visitot'a' ef VV„, ,T . , . . . . frwires,. , . ..... . , .. ,. .. ,.. . , , . . , 6Ordon. visited Oft • Wednesday 'veii•.• Jag.. .. the 2nd and .got the . 'winning counter • , ,.. ......... . . • , , ..., , ., . , • InJuriPs. put ;seven. "playera tern- - para,tily-• out of 'action.„ the ;fyipst.' tier:4 •ieni •.linWeNni; ensed , , . 1, nt, J.ni - " f ' ' ' S d. ,i 'tire v i ' • 0 h... - odorrh. . , ' Y . ,..0 $‘. ., e'' t e G• . e -go:Atia,....‘,-,t,,..ts ,..!,,t. lila ta. tai...,•01.1.1, -.to.„ th.,, h1,1,16.„ 7', Fag! 'Pee,Aittdd lin the:. th, :fill PON ,i'ed Vilth:60derich :dopo'.4tly. trying t..,wot, ,,e,:ur.r...010. end at that Hine •'.' .he tatted th ; li' ' :" push for."-• ' "" '1' s9' , . . . e ig,yen end. andle. and • .beholdi' when he finally ' inade hiS;Way 'through. the et' inf. iii• . tide Of' battle: Changed Anti' Kinder.. d • ' • ... ''' •'. , . ' , . • . • • , • • ine again scored In e few .inointrits • )3. 0.. .. .,• .. ..- .. , • . •• .111 S' .not ,n- ..blt SuperatitiOUSL-,61.1qr. . . . ',11 -or .,464..t .a,s be. ,after. vv., a.,r. d...s: . .:.6, 1.61), titteri, tlie.vieio.';,,i, he .vOtit stIlli d'inerig., . to, the, 'horseshoe, and' t' ilifesa.', 'he •tiii • .,,, , ;xf. . I),": li,6•S:' ;MCbilatiOS, Visitors WOleOtaa., . Ontario , i'S O'ne' Of the leading breed.er;. ••• out; sympathy is ektended to Is ,. ,, , _ „, KIN ,... ,... ,......., -f S ntlid v h - p: I • '6 11 .t. th• f. • ' • .. • . '• ' • - - .1 •• Mr,: .andi )./rs. 'A 'NicRonion visited.. if, .it *a.i the ' aim ,:to Prodbee'; 4th CUM., LOSS' tiii.,.‘ Jack jareson.,in ,the death , of • ..,. , , „ t. •• .., ' 1.ii{ the -h..oni.e. of,lititiitoss, Lengelide-..--. finest,: qnalitY Of niaarket,-lanib- • then: inothei,L,..who : died stiddenlY:' in „.-SaS•. ............. , .. . . _ . • . . , i . i h MI 0,, . , Gianern spent the „v,eek - the. SotithdoWn would •be the most de." liateett, ' 0 '; ''. , . - ,, • . . . Mr, 'John; IVIPTIonaldi atrended t e ., ,,,,.. .. . . .. .. • , - - • , , , - . .% , -• , ‘...nd .in ...t otonto, r - •Sirable", breed,"'althenigh 'the' pohnda:ge .• N'll'•', nnit '.,,,,,,likre, yluineg Ric -herds' from .11r,•esbytery , ineet.,!'Brussels'. , 1, ; , • ,... - - ' • - ' • * . .O.f ,.larnh as. net likely E6 be as lare„,(i. ....!, •.• ,, . ,' h • - •• • • Tuesday • •, .tteol'geAliddlefon spent • .tho froi. ,. twi i . d.. .f . .. • ti:i sh . • Fleshel ton and Mis, ri` omits Mae-, : , . . , . '.. , ,T. 0 • 1 , e ,ii's, i •• ie.. ... , ..„ . n , i. • wee .11s from ' 6 rop- - .. ,... • : ! ,. • . .. , .,,.. ,.. „ ... 4 , ..,;,.. . , ,, . , .( , ,- . 4 a i ion .. fli.i.•1.,e et, 0,,Ittord 1;1,00,1;4; 0The ....,•eieest.e.l. potie.lei,• Wdrd: 1,,,r. ee:6,,•-end. .pl. eStS. "0f.' lq....1`,.., , ivirs‘,....4_01..ies'--t. •••i• sPelinnl,e', P low. N.ti.,., ' , j'..,e*h•tk meuillirroy, * wiy'o-,, ' line lE'(111t0:. POPli1fotth 41' f. e prodijetion an"d'' Ain , Rielitti•dg., We ',,Are glad. to , in ...Toto..,nto•• .'.‘ ..', : ' . ,. , .,0' oi • ,;,.• 1,2 1'1 1, y.tle , , n• .. • . , P. 1 i,. 1:,, 1 / 0.1 , , .., nt,ea.r.1Y., iambs' pi': the IY.faY4...41.1.nie.:13,Pd rePart that,''.111r, :Orland' Iliebei:di is .. - MI'S," R. ;Moffat. and.:Sbirley .i,•,i;,;,:t e.0 , July markets, .!,1thei, the shropsnire i .., ,, , • A number sfrOrn this line attotidel . . ••• .• . „ . ..• ti .Party, et Harry Laws', on Thtirs- a'a'y night and tenott a. good tinte': ''''' • • • ' 1).- ..), • w . ' p•i''' • Miss' Hannah ,IVte ohe (1 AA A '41, .., .. • :to,..1.017ot.,i11.9. Itot.i.ti. .s...vtlg. qwnt, f,(0, .F(1.1,101,1 . . , , i ..,1 , ., ' . .., ' 7 ''''' `•', .Lnle,,alni Awls' sating iri„o • the, :1,1•4t,.. yyhell gtola,er,•• '1.)letveit „ • 7I; 11.61:dig”,. ,I.(5(*. t.1.1Q' g.'"1,' t,' 11' '40400...AVItit f16.' he • 't'tt.g Indeked Otit' ' ' il-' re- ' P' . 1.11.11. °. .1e(.1 frovvi fit.. 4.4, ,t,,i4. ..1,...1,410: ........,.,....v ... i.s.., . ..., .. , ,.. ,,,. , . , . , ...... ,. . ,. . , . Bill berhpts in Rineardine bnt ,worjted. 1•1•11, li)Ow,.1jr:600$, jftek v'etiOri, ..nbont"tWer.Ity':•Ave - .,: , . ' - • . " '' • • • - - Yealo Ago, tabell he first; Caine' to this ....... „ ,fe6.1fivr ,,,•eii.eno.ug.h to, 1)e, iitj ag.aiti, • with ftiondg •iii, ilinssO6t, re(..(Nntl.„ .. . 0,11 .0.xfii.l.d . breciag pi.0,,,dit.,ee• desirable, .. : ,....,:. ,.... .. , • '4., ,. , 4..4,, .. , s .. ,..,. . ..., ,, ,,,i,h6. it. v., w. 6 ,,i1100,011,,, . ' ir,. 't,. s. ,- ..4.,:,1.i'llesniati: "Did yen., like. that cigar , tyvar.ket„ hithiv, •,„,:f good weights pelt.; . MI, . Dick Wobs.ei _a Olt lAtOkflo,%‘. . • : . . : , ., ,•,....,. • , , , . • , .„1 ..., •, , ,. . . ., ,-)f. Lificolti: and. Cots- anent 'StiiidaY With • ilen" 'Mid', Meg. licid• at the' sl.i.°11•1 .11'ir'll'''` I' 111.11N.".•'•• -i-c)tr'1""°,1)(1..'?,°•1,1.V118 thie inotth.' .. . ,Iiiilt ,rit11( yin'i` get a ,,. vihj,,, ,. hwa6.v1r-tio • :-Ilniodll,o(ifil. -.111°11,t14.t.V.1.•°•0718.ot•Ir.k.°0111. (11`...5„ 8ittii.YY.' , :,, ‘. „','', and'' . . ,' .1, .:. ,I. ,„, ., ia.„ - .,,ye.' .! , , • ; ...,, . fltel.t, fi It •.' ' '6.Ye . ' '1 • those .. . - . • - • ' , ., • livii‘vies Ithoda paha chhk ;VIg. Anh" it., msibt*i ottltp( a 1,1,11.a. ii" 1 ..• • ,tr . .‘ . 1 AI -0. 500 0 • let • tor lweedini• 'stock in tile tinted' • ". ' • ,•., .. . ' , _ ..; • , • . • ...„ . .. • .„..„. „ , .., . . , . . , .• • o. ri 0. :itatOvel.' 4 peribri of ydait. itei vitli ieit, parents vedhtly • g9 • • r a iti jiecu. a harp'.".