The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-24, Page 51•t • 4,7 '$URBDAY, FEBRti 24, 1,838," THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL• fit e SpringtimeWill` Soon Be :,Here And. Your •Thoughti,.Tnrn;, •�. .1 To Repairs, in, rFAYES RU G NG, TINSMITiING, ELECTRIC WI R a,d G, PLUMBING .' STOVE and; FURNACE REPAIRS: L' . GENERAL :REPAIR ' . ATA G . •, � S • �o enE X. P 8SATISFACTORY X u Can•: Dep d. On . � _ T •=and - • WORKMANSHIP et REA$ONABLEr PRICES'. When; The Following?LucknoW Merchants Do" Your Work'." M .N : •M �I R DT � �'O HARD AW..R E & P UMBING 'PHONE Ad. •,• .,and -POR T'E (°'.. FLUIVIBINGI'PHONE 66 ALL ..R T , �I E° ON' WO O E `aT U RCK. •:ELL'BE GLAD O Q A P • • D ;TRIP 'BAR FA E.S ROU _ :Fr"1U:C Vlr o m To' Oshawa, Bownianville; Port Hope •SRL . &SAT a MAR. 4 S Cobour . Trenton ' : Jct.,: ••Belleville, • N anee Kin 'ston, Gananoque, ' Brockvill'e, Prescott, . Morrisburg, Peterboro • Cam bellford , Newmarket, - • 'Cov�nwall Uxbridge,' Lindsay; p , _ ' • Penetang, Collingwood,. Meaford, Barrie, •.O01ha,- Midland,. Graven -.• • horst, Bracebridge,.:Huntsville,• Callander, .North Bay,: Parry Sound, Sudbury,, Longlac, Geraldten;,. Jellicoe Beardmore, 'Fort William,' SATAlso to Brantford, Chathazn . MAR. 5 to TORONTO Ches'ley, Clinton, • Durham, • , Exeter, Fergus,; Goderich, Guelph; Hamilton, Hanover,,. Harriston Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listo'vel,. Mitchell; Niagara,, Falls,. Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris,, Port Elgin... St. , Catharines, St. Mary's; Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy,•. Walkerton. Wiarten, Wingliam. Woodstock. T.41 -A; For ,Fares.; Return, "Li ,its, Train :Information, Tickets, . 'consult nearest, Agent.' •..See handbills for complete' list of destinations (Minimuar 'm Pares; Adults 75c ; Children 40c)" DIll IE[l 011 111[K[ED 114 • • it ZION - In the recent death of Mr. l'saac Andrew, this , community loses its eldest member. A citizen' of the high- est ft ..e of Christian charaeter ;,be. 01;011010a g.a, long. and useful -life, hi self` 'with'. the. ` tified i be closely. Aden nit The best.' interests::.of the :.commu y.: sympathy ofthe~• entire community gaps' olit'to the fancily, who have ex lferienced this, their;' second bereave- ment in a short' sgaeet" of time. e., . R� Recent visitorsl;iptlude; r,. and 4 H., Mrs;: Nelson: Reed, Mr. a ;•Mrs., Graham' of 'Varna, Mr. and .Mrs; Jas. Webster, Laurier Mr. and Mrs.'El- iner Wall of Culross, with Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Ritchie; Mr, Wm. Pepper of .Bruceti.eld •with Mrs and Mrs. R. F Andirew, Mcg J. R. ;Pearson of' Ethel, Mr.,..and , Mrs..Joe•Freeman''and fam ily, Mr. Dick 'Reed; of • Lucknow'with Mr, and • Mrs. Will Gardner.; • Mr. sand .Mrs.. J. ;C. •Stothers, Mrs. Nellie An- derson of : London Mr. and, Mrs.., Ben Keyes, Mrs,.. F. Coleman,' Stanley Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Robt::'Webster, Mr,. Mel. Webster ` and : Mr. Jno:.Turner : "of Clinton with friends in vicinity. Mrs. ° ,Frank, , Ritchie ..,spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. J. -McAuley`-off-Ripley n Mi. 'and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland . vis- ited friends in Teeswater'vi inity on Tuesday.. , Mr. Kirkland's• other, is in 'very' poor' health at - present:.' Mrs. J. A. ,Fin ay; of • Georgetown, is spending this .week with friends M is visiting r,, Harvey • Ritchie vial friends in Stanley Twp., this week. Congratulations are :extended to •Mr. Fred Anderson on his election ' by acclamation to the.'Aslifleld• Town- ship Council Board. R �' � aoD �d��. Miss ' •Doris and' Mr: Lorne ,Eadie, spent, Monday with Mr. Lloy'• d Ackert. Miss *Betty •Hedley ,of Glamis •''is visiting: her grandparents, Mr. aid Mrs.• John Colwell. Mr :and 'Mrs Robert 'MacDonald, and Tinnily were recent visitors at Mr. J. E'. Turnbull's Underwood. '. • Miss Mary 'Bell .MacLeod is teach- ing f Miss: Anne. Colwell this' week Mi virll=i mnd gibed -with quinsy. • .. Mr. E. A..Palmer, Lois and Billie, Mr.: and Mrs. Chas, Palmer, ':Miss; Margaret -Palmer of Kincardine end Mr. and Mrs; Robt • MacDonald., and; family, were recent visitors at, Mr. Thos. Harris'. 'We are pleased to report• . that. Miss; S: Pm'vrs `ra-'.able to-be`up-again. Mr.'. Wm. `Eadie and Doris ' spent the week-end•with' friends et'Glen;; Mrs. Abner Ackert and Jack 'Spent Monday ' at 'Mr Wesley Pollock's t Clarlig; ; ,Miss Celia' Watt spent Saturday with Miss.' Donalda :Valad:. I. Want ''to surprise the family with a hew dinf�er ' time treat? Serve them a ;tasty. dish of Dried, 'or Pickled. Canadian Fish.,, No matter. where you live, your dealer can get you such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake,•.Cilsk and • Pollock, "and such. Pickled; Fisli as' Herring,' Mackerel and Alewives'' . in .perfect condition.. Interesting recipes, can be .used for:` every one of these fine fish: ....Fish is a',ori�derful health food, good for every mein " ` .he•reat'source'ofproteins ..,' ber`of your family; is the g : p that hO1p;build sturdy, healthy bodies. . Serve ried or Pickled Canadian Fish to your family often . : the .will en o it.... and 'You. will find, it Y JY • I • economicalr , • DEPARTMENT OF 'FISHERIES,:r'.; .. • OTTAWA WRITE: FOR. FR'E'E BOOKLET.... Department of Fisheries; Ottawa. ''• Please send inc your 1`ree',2-page Booklet. 'Any Pay a, Fish Day',;contnining 100 delightful and econonaital Fish ' , , • 264 N�nre .......... ...... ....:.... Addicts •:...a ......... .. . .. ,....: 1.wD3 11• ' 1E1511 11A CUL1ltO� CORNERS S Mr. , •••Mrs. Wm. Brewer and "' family spent the week -end with i Mr.• and .:Mrs. Jno. Ross Miss • Irene Eannernian has return- ti ed :home lifter spending n few days withher sister, sta. Alex, Whytock.• Miss, Ethel Sage .spent,. a few. days list week with Mr. arid Mrs. Earle Hodgins, Mr, and-„ Mrs. Walter. Wraith, Mr. . ' Jas. Wraith and Grade Halliday. Mr. and' Mira.. itobt. Stobo and Mrs, Halliday, , can Keith', spent Sunday with Mr., • l, . aridMis. Jas. Wrath Mrs, Rbbt, McKee spent `Sunda Y with Mrs: Hannah, Mrs.. ,Gamble visj 'lied' Mrs. Hannah for a few days r '4 Illat; . week, W.HITEG-IU'RCH Mr. -Bert Reid -and -Miss 'label' R id of ,.A btifield . visited-. one day last, week with ' Mr and Mrs. Albert Pattersoii. • Mr and -Mrs Wm: J• "Iendereon if °KIN.L,OUG'I: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert"Haldenby and son David of Toronto,,' attended the funeral of the late Henry Haldenby: Mrs ' T. Stnr0eOn •of BerVie is vis= iting with . Mrs. M. McLean, os last Week •wa Closed- ng school.. s. l .d • ,The e . f he to cher' ries' o , .p it t ....,a owing to,. t1Te l . a • Miss , Jean Anderson.. Miss Evelyn "McLean- bad . the,, mis-': fortune to •fall and inure her ,ankle., •She will be confined .to, the house..for. a"time.. .:Mrs.; Stanley . of Kincardine- ;is vis- itingg ' at, Mr •Jno. McFarlati s.:... •' Mr. and; Mrs. 'T :Anderson. Olive and; Gordon, of Mafeking, visited on S`at'urday at W.' Bbyle's.: Miss ,Manville. 'Scott` has gone , to Florida wo•fi:n'ter. f'or th iremander• of' ,he • Messrs.Gea geand 'Albert'Yong Kingarf spent -a day last week: with: Mrs., Jas. Fiance, �C •ureh ". takes �'re- lar � Fiance, in : of the. li ,_. ,__. Alex •'1VIacDonaY • ass he .es Tie sego .izi;; i g' ,..• ... ..� . , ,.,,., , . d•,..: a., Society was held on Monday evening ,5pgnsihle position as Reeve of our Feb. 21st, inthe;/b"asement; of. the ,An- an, office made vacant by ASHFIELDj The Presbyterian. • W M. S, meet, for their Feb�rnary meeting at 'the home ..of Mrs;', D A. MacLennan on: •\Ved:iesday of this -`;week. The Kintail:•branch; of -the Women's;,' a e. t- t sir Feb ru e m e stoic eld h [not h ... Y , • °ng at=Mrs..' Wm. MacDonald's home,' in Kintail Attab this" meeting it was d"e tided to have. a .social in Kmtail hall; to Friday=• February 18th. The, social„ was well attended' and 'proved' to be.a �real'success;, A short program was' very enjoyable part of *the, e,ening'r .entertainmenit when pupils ` of . the surrounding schools. •took part. and Mr.. I Dalton in liis iusual pleasing . ; 2ti ;a n n e r; sang, ' woo solos, The s remainder. ":of . the ev' ening • • was .:spent • in: dancing with musie,'provided by''home talent.;. Miss: Catherine ;MacKenzie of 'the' Stretfol,d'N'ormal School .spent ,',the' week -end at, her hone .here. " We. extend.' congratulations to. Mr.. PAGE ' Fi'lu,,,, ATresD.teriorati'ofl� �• B m oil in glican 'Church. with . a good .atten- dance and was; asfollows. hymn 291; Prayer, , Rev. Mr. McRitehie; ' scrip; ture reading, "'^'nesel Percy; . ':hymn. I • 'all Ma Bole,: 517:,:;minutes-and,ro 1. c -...,x.-. Y., y�., current events Mrs. Wiii. Haldenby; duet, Misses Helen and .react Thomp son; discussion •Mr. Perry, Hodgins. The 'guest speaker for the evening was Mrs.. Wm, Bennett, of Bervie•who, Those. as her, subject "Jesus. Calls 1 o'er the Tumult, . Reading,Miss Nel- lie Malcolm; hymn 623; 'benediction; Rev. Mr..., McRitchie, The remainder' of, the :evening vvas spent in a con - Totesmt and Brown ' miiouth .organ music by..Mr , ' The Elie ct • meeting• of: the H. W, Will be, held on.,Thursday;, March 3rd,' Hostess;, 1VIrs..Art' Graham. :Miss Anne Colwell, teacher of •S: S. Nov 3•.is;.°confined, to the ;house with an 'attack of quinsy. . °LI'VE' Y. 'S. •Meeting .The Young Peoples'. •meeting cf Olivet ' was held In the church on' ;Wednesday' evening, Feb 16th,' the. president, `Jean McGuire, in the chair Thereewereasogb -- ' meeting was operf d as usual by the' apenin •'ceremony arid'. hymn 252 was sung • and followed • by the, Lord':. prayer in unison. Thea roll call was' taken "by the seoretai y also the min= sites of the: last meeting Were read and adopted, After the ;business per- iod, 'hymn 514 was • sung, and, Marian.. 4Togan read; , the scrip-taire lesson Clifford 'Wylds: favored us With a: ;couple•of'violin •selections.which.w�ere; en, eyed by all . Laura Hamilton gav ' us -a . verryy, interesting ; and; helpful - talk • on, Africa Its'it was Missionary night. Hymn 499 *as. Sting and ,the 'repeating of ''Mizpah.;� benediction brought our meeting to, a close: Ther were no., games,,or; contests as those taking part in *he. play were unable to :practise Monday so'. they' practised` fer•;.awhiie Wednesday. slight: We were, sorry_.that our'': Missionary_' eonvenei Was not able to`• be with us'. and the' meeting "next . week will' 11e in .charge cif -;Norval -Stewart-and-his.. conn ittee; Winghaip, visited one day last. week Nurse' Isobel Beaton from , the ' West. with : Mrs. David' Kennedy. . • is visiting: at her liome' here:; She in - tends' reburiiing `shprtl to • the, West. Mr. Russel:. Gaunt had ., a ' dance • in' the'. Institute ;hall ''last • Wednesday night; 'with;. a good' attendance :Imes-, ent. A good time was • enjoyed by all ,present, • Tile >3lillbillies' orehestr& from :Wingham played •Mr. =-James Wilson`�r.;-is lard -•up *kite sore knee.. We hope it ` will aeon be 'better.. Congratulations to • Mr. and: Mra:; Bert: Thompson. on :their 27th• wedding anniversary. , Also to, Mr. and Mrs. George''McClenaghan who: were mar- ried: 21 years 'last' Saturday.. The W M. S. of .the Presbyterian' church was -.held . last • Thursday 5 af- ternoon with a good. attendance pre=: sent, -considering theweather *inns were sung; scripture readings by Mrs:' Albert` Patterson' and Mrs.0 E. Mur- ray; ur ray,; :prayers by' Mrs. A. E.Purdon `end Miss , Annie Kennedy.; tonic, On Formosa, was taken by; °Mrs...(Rev.) J. ,Pollock 'and an .interesting 'tract on Mrs. Hugh .MeMillan's 'work over Ahgre -uvas' read bby_Mrs_ Wi J. Cool- ter,, and 'an interesting talk on mis sionaries `was;;given• by Mts. • R. Mow- bray: The meeting was closed. with Prayer: '. : COURRIERS'+; CORNERS Mr..., and Mra. Wm. Johnston of ICintail,'' visite# with Mr. and ;Mrd.: Wilfred Parrish on Sunday.• Mrs, ler iik Johnston has return• e home after visiting with Mr.' and e Mrs. Oler, and daughter Madeline, , R; N. of Goderich. Mr, Gordon., Johnston'visited With ,friends at Dungannon during the Week-end, Miss Edith Johnston entertained, a nuntber ,of her friends' on Monday 'evening.-, Winners for progressive euchre weld ' lone ha ,.:. Myrtle. Johnstone, • 1D•uncan •McKay;, .highest; points, Ahura Maeb'arridrs yand Fred Courtney; consolation, Thelma John=, Ston. and . Jini Nelson, • .y . sour ... Theatre .: t ., WINGHAM Show' starts At 8 P M''', Thursday,' ''Friday, .Saturday February.' 24-25-26 EDWARD EVERET HORTON LYNNE, OVERi11AN In . "Wild'Money"' The `Story of a 'Meek;' •Newts- Paper Editor Who Finally' Gets • an Exclusive Story Tor 'Hie'. Papel'. •, Also "SUNDAY NIGHT � AT THE ,TROCADERO" "TRAVELTALK" ' '"NEWS"' • • Monday, Tneasdaty, ; Wednesday . Februar.' '•28. hAarch 1 2 'ATSY KELIY' JACK HALE' ''Pick A Stagy" A Country Girl S'uccesafull' Crashes' The Gates • ,of Holly- wood, Also s'. ' t. '''.N"EWSil0,7 NOC 'URt E''' k.THE BLOND',BOMpFli'' +he death .of Mr: Richard. Johnston. • On. Saturday, February '19th, ! at he' Ashfield ;.'man'se, they , marriage :erenloiy was solemnized` by Rev. J. a ill'_v..ar r Ma avid. c•.. of�Mrs.,Rod 1VIacKene {enze,, son ., z 'rid the late Rod MacKenzie and Miss race Webster, daughter of Mr. and. Ars. ' James • T . Webster.,•' Mr. : and Mrs. MacKenzie left on a honeymoon tfter :which they- will .reside • on the m ^roo's farm; ,Lake Range,' Kintail. °allowed by the.- best vishesr:of. a• host - of friends: Mr. MacKenzie's boy-. friends Plan- ned a receptio>a for the young' couple in Wednesday ' evening in Kintail Hall, , ' .:. A,.R., W ,;-ST,.• 8 IJND_ X ,.. _. E ..• ,. e Februaryy .'meeting,' was held' at th'e home. of .:Mrs. Jas. Webster ^' on` Tuesday, February `15th,: with a'gogd. attendance.,. The president being ab- sent, thevice president; Mrs. Jack Hamilton, took the chair.: The meet- ing was opened with the :"Club Ode' ' and prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and. adop- ted: The treasurer's report was read. by Mrs. Albert. Cbok.:The roll call was We respori e to-fiy • ome=ma, e -rem- edies for man .or beast The •Motto, was read by Mrs. Martin; followed by community :singing.. A reading by' Mrs. Jamieson "Good. Homes Need- ed"; paper, on "St."V'alentine" by Mrs. Albert Cook;: solo by Mrs. Webster, ,When You and I Were Young" in- struniental' by Ruby. Reed;: Solo :by; Mrs. :.Jack-Iiamilton-` Di the-fSill-of, the • Old Front Door'"; instrumental by Verna Hamilton andcurrent•events' by ' Mrs. Martin. A 'hearty' Vote .;of thanks. was given : Mrs. Webster for :the use of her home. The president closed the meeting •with• prayer, re- freshments ilwere served and a . social hour was 's lent.' Mrs,. Deise';'from .`Aubiirn is . spend- ing a' week with her sister Mrs. Al- bert Cook l-bert'Cook , Mrs:' James Webster from Amber- ley is ,Spending a ,few,, days' with friends, liere.• j(**9.'C',72'if neves. "sar • to repair or re '.lace' that' leaky Or fire-menac-:' •. � in :, roof' to "save the e , :surfacebPainting; tstrezthe0 a d•foun oat1o. ns• . , moderx with $Ee.,:elegti:c •e uiF ment, sanitary tary '. plumb'tri g�� .,, _ _ _- •.: ' Consult our nearest 'branch mottofir ,',re g ardin, a , -Home', Im rovement 1oali. F MONTREA ESTABLISHED; 1817; ; I "a• bank where mlall 'accoun'tr'are•welcome • YOUR ROOFS /RE iTibj�. Oai'\i f ••l , ITE -LAP Rev:` Mr.J. Nicholson from Bethel Circuit took'' charge of .our 'Sunday service,. A COUNCILSTANDARD. ~ . Mart t* -rani;-swirling-snow they'll.,al1 roll off •' a CannoB �' a back. It ff s duok aid Tits L' ap coo lifetime and is •eold` by is Well able to live tip to 5'T AT 1 L'ad•H.edr Nai1� • These 'modern' drive - screw nails with etandtentimea more drawing force, , than ordinary,barb•' ed roofing Asir for them by name.. f like water:.o 0 us with a•25ear,guarantee. And this Company every clause that guarantee Ask your banksrr` • .• ,You will find Tite.Lap the best; roofing, ►a ine.You can get You•can put it onright over -your old'. roof. It combines strength; durability and weather• and ere protection, •Comesinlarge,;easilyhandled. sheets.. The, joints fit so closely they're practically • invisible. It is made in:both 'Council S. and "Acorn" quality. Send ridge and' • ratbr measurements for free cost estimate. All Connell ,•, Standard triuiiiaings, "ridge; caps and hip caps ars Asowliot-dipped_galyanized.after_fopitug. ' Tlx: T_ � 'ves extra. durability. «' Manufactisriers ofrhe - famous-Preston...Steel .Truss Baro Tito -Lap.' ;metal roofing and �• oultr ', 84 Guelph y 1ph: Street >E9quipsmPreston, Onent.' • Foes sd.. ebo a Mo*.alandTo.osli MODERN MODE STYLING r 1[i 1. ated-;-Chewolet S-Parien ei Mbu .t1 a6 Lrze: • Sedan' wash husk • ��r�:`n�::'J'i.. `,:ji: :'.:•,r , :i::.::: •sly Q::.'ri � ::i::i• • ECAUSE: the Valve -iii Head type engir 0e is the most efclent known, its the hind you ,find in record-hreaking. racing,cai!s,'spccd boat airplanes ri the and o'' neio,.Chearoket!: ' Valve=in-head eliiciency • means that more :power, is developed front' gasoline:. Or, y:ou 'can put it' this `way • Chevrolets give owner's up 'to 27'»iileat per' gallon of -,q""aS-without; secrificuig the full 85-H.P. :performance .needed fer- acceleration, hill=climbing '� „ in�J cad Enginb' cuts dowp oil . consoniption to :a, new low' minimum. --reduces carbon) formation is` famous for dependability : ; And there yeti Have •. . the idasons why a Valve -in -Head Engine, is the vcty'. • best» kind for a car 'that einphasizos low, . running • `and upkeep costs. , Take the wheel.and Conte to our showrooms today. experience the 'thrillof. Valve -in -Head poiuert and 'month, cruising' speed: T Prove for yourself'its?: ,' • d'• to'tbib the fact that Ch' vroiet's'exclusiveValve" matchless economy! • PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE -ACTION ROOMIER ALL -SILENT ALL -STEEL BODIES • VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE FISHER NO -DRAFT VENTILATION NEW TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH Dori annon g PRI -FROM CED , (2 Pa ;s. Matler Buslriess •Coupe) Matter De 'luxe Modelo frosts $992 .T58 Gt{ed 03Thid.1, GnC?rio erdvitrt t'nO t:ri'c, freight Aad .Centt tetra. E,Kay lyay'. , rotorsotr the "General Motors lea'alpent lylxa,,.- ,