The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-17, Page 7• . , Ce yee re V, ri **41 .4 I I I 44.44 .44 1,4 re% We", .1444 14,411 rire 10.4 W. 7.4 re.04.4 7610 $ .0 9:4 4:Re -,---- • ,-,- •-.,-, , - ' , 4 • mr-----i -- ,.-- - .-. --- ,•••••,...1.,7,1•••-;,-,,,,-.,,-..,,,ei.,,•,•- f t4 , aSSIL le 1. . ., yortiSirig-.1 ....x......,.,............:.:0;0:0,...,,,,......:,...,,,..:.:.:.,,:,0*.k.., ,. , BOOKS ON Fun. PAns4atct' ' ' HAM GOODS rint.FARMING,pROFITABLE SUSI; , fleB.160c book now. ,25c, Fur Farms Publishing Co., 31 Arcade, Utica, 'oxviritm ' • HEREFOHD ../HEIFEMS, REG-, • littered, fully,aebredited, year old. • by Alden Model X. General: GreOrilVe• Foreinan, • Palermo.. Ont. , C.14iTylMq FOR S4LE. " OOP. USED.' :CLOTHING,' 1...OWEST • price's,: Write •fer 'YOns•er Street :ClethitigTEXange,.;02•yonge, Street, TOrento, ..'h• START A HOME PACTORIC, Mgai ANLt women to •Overy ' town,. manufacture, Cosmetics. Jhst-add .water ,to conn-. • Irated lagredlenta.' Make *5.' to $10 • daily., King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland • ,f3t., Toronto... • • ' CILFAItANCIP1 SALE ' . • CLEARANCE SALE: ASSOR,TED '1'P; to 36', lengths, .Slika, Crepes, Cottons, Breadcloths, Ginghains. L i,n e p Vallee, prints,. Pl'iines;. for children's elethes, aprons, dress, triniinings, •etc. " Value's to 90e _yard, 12-3:ord bundle 99e. "Refund-Guarkintee.' Canadlap • FASHION' MAGAZINE FREE • FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful. Dresses, 99c. Ladies', .Was,hfast 'Canadian • Prints, 13roadcloths. All colors, styles. Over, sizes .46-52, 99c each. "Refund Ouar-, • antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal. • • • •• • • 7,, EmplioystibiatT--; ,•• , . PLANNED' EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. workers.' Send ten scents"per Copy to -. Dept. • W. -Canadian . Placernent hist!, Hite, 21 Dundas Square, • Toronto. ' 'AND OntaiT ROLLS ' DEVELOPED. • PRINTED, 1 ,tree enlargement' 25c. , Re -prints 10 for 25c., Photo -Craft, 183% •King ,E., . . .. . ,.„.„... WIGS TOU.PES,,, TAANSPQA,MATIONK:-- '13rAlda,,,'Clirle„-and-alrtypee. at finest ohality•Mair Writ.e trated'' Catalogue, T.eronto P2,8,•'PAtt!‘.l114.• ..TOran, *tAlninnEeADvai at -311001A , MADAME, HUDSON • SCHOOL,• ' dressing and Beata?! Culture.. Write. tor Pamphlet, 797- Yonge St., Toronto.. ' `AinonwaNipo (likziNEs WESTERN, •- DEC.;, tive, AvoineresoterieS etc., a' Back 'Numbers 25c, Peatioale M. .MQ.ntgofli ery, Boit aes, Sta-tion .r..woronto, • gtientuM, 5000 EDMONTON q1TIZIENS 'PESTIFX - 'for (n. 'and, Sr) POWdherhal,'Oerne,. dy---rheumatism, arthritis, ,neuritts,• • stomaetutrottbles, etc, Two weeks,• ,• $1,50; olfh•nrenth $31'two Months; $5; Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist;. Edmonton, Alberta, Agents:. Ly- . • rrloriS, Montreal, . HEPATOLA., ItgLIEVES,• STOMACH, lIver, kidney and; bladder tronbleo. Symptoms; rainiqn right side, under • shoulder blades and across hips, in, digestion, gasconstipation, colic., •-•'..Prodtio_t_.-Cggr'plap.,410c,tor „,4 Price• $5 . Mrs. Geo. S. '.Almas, Box 1073X;TSaa- kateon, PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. • .DON'T. suffer needlessly,our remedy "Davis Pile Tl•eatment" will .help rid you of the terrible discomfort Of bleed - Ing, Itehing or. protrudIng.piles„ Send • 'PestPaid in plain wrapper•on receipt • of ;1 00 Money back if not delighted • with..results. Address,,Da'vis Pharm-, acal-Conips.ny,- 359 •Oirkwdoil-Avenuer,- • Toronto. ' ' ; MISCELLANEOIJS, : FURS. ' WERE THE ANIMALS -FUR- • nishing your coat tortured' In steel •traps or do you • htly humane furs? ' Information, Canadian _Association '• Protection of Pur -Bearers,. 73 • Ber- . nerd Avenue, Toronto. ZERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL ..with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna ROY KNOX. REGISTERED ATTOR- ' 'Studibs, :93'Nlagara Street; St. Catti- ney. • InformatiOn regarding inven- arines. Ont. • tion Patents; Drawings; •Registra- ' • • tiong: Sales. ,14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. _ • --PATENT-ATTORNEY ' FREE WO BEAVTIFUL ENLARGE, -fone-ColoredY-virioc re11:7 de; 7 glossy, • fade-proof Prints, 21c; 'highest. finality:. 'Machray %.• Winn Ipe g,• • • PRI•NT .OUlt "OWN 14h:luAT1ArEs. :AT home. on any surface, 'clOth or Paper; ; Without .skill or darkrooni. • Less .than te • , with'• instructions for 159 prints,,$1': J. C. Williams 5 Richmond East,. To-,. "rent°. , „, , • . , FREE ENLAIEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll flirt) develbped and ,A :Prints, 25c., •Reprints 3c each. Bright- • ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., To- ronto. MAT M NT St: , AN OFFER. TO, EVERY 'INVENTOR.; • •List df 'inventions 'andfull infprma- • tion'sent free. The Ramsay Company, ,,,Itegistered, Patent AttonviVys,, 273 Bank •St, ' 0 t taWa.. Ca n'• s !SITING. • • 4 • 1-1AN-PA1NTI(113 erilarge•Ments yJth every • eight , prints. •FitlefiriI'llot:o.1)InisherS, '151 Sherbroolc, NVInnipcg, Man. : • ' ,FOR sALE 6 LADIEs' APRONS, • FRST:Ot3ADITY•• A: N D .A., N" •I'rints,. Ilroodeloths;. Witshfast;','new-.• .st,pattiertisi .Piacicets,t, Ties. Full •sie t'Ilefund Guittantee."-CAn pept... LA, ..Mentrdal. ' • and trunipets,•.twentY dollars.' Clar- Wets, .Boehm. system; thirty-eight • ;lona rs:, t rom bones,.tty,entY, dollars; •,• t'oritt, alto' sax:ophofitt,i thirty tioliars;. Tefins. :T_Itti-now. .208 Victoria, •,Tor, ' onto. • ' .• v..i)s..„ticii.,e.I.N.G.:MAISEitini;.,4.06 PEitsoNAL LONESOME;: -L.,WRITE THIS ' NVealtliy. Des - ,Settled _Mrs. • .1*ttdd• ,...... 13ox:.7-5,3.-W.'•Sati Fr:Incised, Calicii.rnia. 'MARRY, WOULD YOU MARItY IF Snited.? „HUI-Weeds: to_.:choose frecn.:'„ . Sone, with,' Many 'farmers' .daughters and „widowS with property. 'Par'ticuicirs, 10e. 'Conlisiontial. ' dian CorreSPoinience, T3ok.412V ...Calgary; Alta., •- ' MI1,1, CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" To 18" lengths. Choice Of Cotton Prints' • Broadcloths, Silkit, littge QallE 'Patterns.' "fiutterfly" 'Biagi -ern} free! •"Refund Gharantee". ;Canadian, Tex- tiles. 'Dept., L.T. Montreal. • ' MINK Ifn1:41Ni; I- SAMPLE COPY' • magazine 10e, 'boo!: catalog free.. Fur Trade Journal.',13ox' 31, Toronto, On- rio. FilltNiTtlitIE' • . . . . • LYONS' • FEBRUARY • SALE- OF , • . RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every • al•tiele Opronlet6ly. .reCondi- Aiimed•and'satiltanily• treated. 'rorent.o'i Iargast uted furniture market, All, ..goods on tC definite money -back' guarantee, if :not satisfied. . •.o. • . • 11.95 •Kitv" Cabinets In perfect condition, • • • 6,95 .1)rtiss,c, any • 1150',s.i rigor drop.-head.SeWing Ma; • . chines. . •• •Q•ag 3 .or . 4 burner • pas •,..S.toveS. ••'" (Iuaranteed. "' - . • 11.95 t:kona Cabinets, anY finish. 4.50 6 PL-•. Breakfast ''SulteS, enamel, . ..finish, assorted colors. , •'. •12.95 Bed :Outfit* all steel Panel •bed's, .walnut finish,, .excellent .atid hrand tiew roattresses. izes.. • • -49.gri.,3 Pc:Ay:116,4 Mohalr'CThester- ',.".`!.1field Suite in Per:fee't eonditlen. Aaveraible Mai•shallccuShiOns. A, won- derful `bargain. • • • . • ,• 24:50' re. heavy •taupe relit) coVereo.' suite, with 'ree-tirsible Marshall rush ens. n *feet condi-U(3m, . • 24.00 8 PC. solid oak • dining room • • 'SUltelarge round table ..and' .tiuffet,-, with 'six "chairs,: leather uphol•:. itered. cuimPletely ,rebondithined. ' 69.00..2 -tone walnut dinIng •• :suite, large buffet glass door china' cabinet, square 'table with six 'panel .bank, leather Upholstered. chairs,. • This stiltat over' $200.00; ithen•new. hooks 'perfect. a „real 'snap, :'s.'.12.nn. 5 ”Pc." bedroom ,stilte,ln .. waut 1-1•`•'".•_ :finhih,' Large dresser, chiffon- ier, •and u1i Size' be withsagless spring', and new• heavy. roil!: . edge all' pottmi nutttresa. At .eondition. sinttp,'• • na7fl 6 Pc, Modern° walnut bedroom . ,`"•'.`••sulte,. large dresser, chiffonier:: •tripe'rnirror vanity, fUi stze•hed, sag.: 149f1 speink• and..nety. excellent ,cstalitY reri-enge mattreas. A.r.eal bar,. • Rain In fine •furatture,•; • • ' 'Send .titoney order for complete'prlea et goods, • • • •f • __Any• chartered bankf our -r'eferanta. money • hack: guarantee, ' •• •• ••••%' , • LYONS' •• . ,CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS • •TIRAT)P1-IN DEPT, • 478 '11.0NGE ,ST • 76FiONT0 • iyin a 0,:tehoetei 44E0'40 0014.114, - 4'040606 fre• 14100ine ?OA IN* ailatini, if!ii it*644 le •. , 0AtinetotOtOlikar. . • . e^i Ir f iiiflquiqt • OM ttEnipeO: , Stin IS to MAS EMEDIES LIMTtD • 14 Ma SUL TON0010 CANAOA . . . •Dlil.A.1( T F13 " • 6.vr; NI OF , ."latent. fe's Yikttr .nature... S'end , • • s't Liddresseiii -enYeloPe. .BPX •-'1V-c'...striiirister,.- B.C. • . . SNUFF; DR)NKING,, Anexpensively,L , chop., Testimonials, Gitaranteed. Ad- . vice'. f rep. 11.4-c, 1. IA' inntpeu, • • 4 , I'L l's . . .„ DAUMATI1AN ' .ANO •:(lROWN Stock: have •to .dispose:of some. J. ,A J'ohriaton, ,Elthira. Ont.' ' poELTRT AND -1;01)1,i%* TAtitni,ENT• • • 04n*. cmic4s' ' _ ' Our.1938 catalogue shows -statemen'ts' • and • photegraphs of money -making customers from Nova Sciatia to Sa-s- 61cateheWan. Write for your copY to-: 1• da3'. Xray Hatchery. 330 John' St.. North, ' BRA .NTRA-PROFITI CHICKS' ARE • 25% heavier 'than' required Soh 0ov- erritnent Approval: Never 4 seem to , lose this head start. Kturdy, vigor- •'ous, thrity birdA.. Twelve breeds.' 'Catalogue figs"; Bray ,Hatchery, 130. John Street,'North, Hamilton, Ont. 't!ROSSOITIED AItE GAINING In popularity. vigoi:.' Bray, . cross -brads gave remarkable returns.. In. 3937. .Get • our ,eatalegue. .13ra3r • ,Hatchery, ,330 Jchn Street,, North', • 11amilton, JEl/SEY (BANTA .(WillTE en IITACK) ,rlYntritith, Iloelcs (AVbite or Barred), Ittnitrer Ducklings. Catalogue„ • 1-1,7tcrtritry-1rrin7--r incetoti, Oust. , , . . . cif tC1.NO1V.' ANI)i "Save .31.00 per *hundred. 'Enter the Tv,•eddle Chielc"Contest. 1500 TWed- • (11n,("hielc.% NV.. 'Send for catalogue'. TWeddie; Hatelicry, Limited, • BOX 113, ,Forguti, Pniario- ' • • • optin oiic aJ!ketifl Xgrieultursd ComSnissiocr • In London' to F•xrciSe Close Sup. • „ ervision; Production Improve-. • ment Planned. • Federal PepartMent of Agri.: culture will appoint an Agricultural ,commiasioner. in London. ",to,"direct-' • the services' of those- fell9wing e)ir 'e9MMOd3ties _and report ,back to• pro- djmers fyeni _the United. Kingdom, :Ireland and.. Etiropei" 'Agriculture . Minister' Gardiner told the Canadian 7 Chanibeii..- Of ;Agriculture -at Ottawa last week.: , , „ • "This, official will: als.q, Pit-J.144e the dcliertinent ContinuouSly, with infor- triaticirr regarding egrieultural • deVel- • opment in, those countries," the Min- ister said in a- speech [reviewing the • department's policy in relation to the :United Kingdom market. , To Maintain High Standard -PPET•d- ucti-FillinProvementlird Main- tenance of the standardCanadian agricultural products will be the basis • of the department's marketing pc:icy, •Mr. Gardiner • Re said the department has given • careful consideration to. the recom- --mendations-of the -report. .'on.„ the United Kingdoin Market prepared by • A. •M, Shaw, director 'of 'marketing . • . , endi kad decided Pn• its'..ma,rket policy. '15n4er thatpoliey the 4epartr4wnt proposes. to :see that c arla44t.01,8, bier hos in. Qrde r go-oPeraiing' With ProVincial. departments to, have pro, - duction - improved and .developed in Most favorable loPeatioos;!' he raid. • Snitahle :erodu.ctsonly • • - Th Ministe said the .depertinent woud try to ensiire. that no ,Merchail-, dide ,to that. market be exported to the United Kingdom and• . that whatexported, be iinprevecl. inal fty; pecicaking ;and, • mThq deparfinent propOsed to Co- • operate with` ' producers , exporters brokerS, and the 'trade inthe. rnited'. Eingdoni!'in mainainig the.Ft4pdqra Ofberiadirin aericiiittiral...,p1 roductS 11, conformity With grafies .packaging, and .labelling provided by C,ahadiart, regulations until the product' roadie's the consuiner: • "It is aIs—O, proposed to,. ca-blvrate with and •Ossis,t ell Government, 'pro-. chicer and merchandising agenCies in placing Caila'ciian foodstuffs .effective-. ly .bVfore the British horiseWifet".- A National "Mark', • Mi. ,Gardiner 'said the 9113.Y.. PrflPr basis `orv which • the • ,Main policies' could be carried out was' by emphasiz- Midget Engine Conveys Honor Key, To Raif Chief • MY VERY BEST ,i,:ARGE, PrtED TO• Day ''White ,Li,g•hern Chick, 9:e; bIg • even-,13•arreid 1.0o. • All—bicrinIg ' tCsted;.--iolm • Arrival: Bob Iirnpet•-',', 1.1ox W, Es'sex, Ontario., 4,4111,ILT REMNANTS P• •-•-• .„. • 012 15 'POUNDS"$2,25.. "SURPRISE.' Package" 'Free! Choice Of. 'ttibtast, • Cotton Prints, Planes,' Broadcloths, Tapestry,Silks, EiderdOwn,• ; Rellory ' Flannelette,: '• Tweeds. Large: "Ref•und Gtuirantec,",,Semple 13lindle•15e. .Philross, Textiles,' Dept. • Station E Montreal. • 6 LtIS. Qutrir REMNANTS AND, 72 x . ' .90, natural Cotton Quilt Batt, C Plate Outfit $t.25. Melee of washfast Cotton' , Prints, 'Pickups. Ilroadciloths, • S t 1 kii, Eiderdown, • Viannelette, .• Tvreeds, "'Tapestry, Woollens, Repp. ' large!. "Itettind Guarantee,"' Sample Bundid 25e. Ciinadiaa TeXtil8s, Dept. • LB, Montreal, ` • 1 • . 9irOcTAC1,E.,4 • , PITEdi;AiSsES., •sESIB teir„Pair to test Your6cy6S, •Satista.c- • boll Ar. rrioney' refunded.' (11aSs 1400 eadh, guiaortnitint Accur, ato Optlealot .Dept,'1±.', 07 Stiatek, To- • , , $TAMPS , •, • COLLEOTORS! • 'ITACIIIIRSIORON. Ati on SoitV it Stamps; Oa fliff event ShoWing who iihd what,Irs all 2'50, • titliton, 11oX 14i $t (>11 K, To. • The reAt.'" Itc$sl)ital at Sutton 13ridge, 1,iTies; 1;.:tig1arfai lias had 'only one patient hi fifty years, 'The pre'S- .ent staff, has "been there mere then, ,forty: yesesf hut, th6, „lets' ea,e lynaa' befoire'Oeir,tirse, , • . . • A SPECIAL railivay line was set up. by the Halifax Board of Trade recently ' by which Mayor /Walter Mitchell presented a geildep;key to the City of . Halifax to S. J. Htirigerford,. Chaintrian and President, Canadian National Rtilways;' arid President of Trans -Canada' Air Lines. The occasion .was the • • annual banquet of the Halifax Board OtTrade, at Which Mr.'Flungerfeed was .: guest speaker, The track was laid*along the head table and MaybrMitchell, after thaltingthe; presentation sPeech, placed the key on the tender of a .miniature. Canadian National locomotive which Conveyed it along the fail • and stopped in:front :Of Mr. Hungerford. The Picture show.s the Preijdont, • of the National System receiving the 'key.; Among those present at the inauguration of this unique rail service :were Hon:. Robert Irwin, 1 ietitenant7 Gevernor of Nova Scotia; Preniier Angus L. Macdonald and Franki.K. Warren,• President of the. Board of Trade, who presided. • .; 0 Without : Sleep. 11 o.td :Hours . o-eds and, Young 'Men End Uni!. iersity• of Georgia. Test "In . • • Good -State Of -Health" • ------g*--Universitk-:cf-,0ditgi-psyets- loOr students Who:gave up sleep ,for log hours.. in the, cause ;of • acienee Were, pronounced "in' 'a • gbod state of • health" at the "end of their aordeat The four cat;eds and two. Yanrig :Men ;showed little 'effect ' outwirdly . from :the experiMent olulucted* to • . . • deternain.e the ;action ef aleepleSsneas body and ' Science • ' AS the tiont•Sleeperi yawned abut 'him, ,S. tdwrirda,..b-ciad Of the, univsity .psYchcilogy department dui director of the experiment, termed the test 0-• success, adding ,that 'ha hoped it, woUld "show results' first for • science and then furnish Priactital••'applidations.'.' DQ.. YOU FEEL 11110;ibe you .neect,mot,e• , bile, ,whoy..YAti fee yeti ha'Veit't a friell'd i'n the t!CiI1(1'" had 11 te It not •iroftii,It red eent--,that'.8.,,tire titue,Yotir liVer-;.16 • ytitt &Own'. 1:1(5)It fall for It; Make your` Myer belia.ve,' •, • ThnO1 db the TnoV. ;act direelly on 'the stinitilating the liver's Prciditetiert ' ' Speftl.tiend laVa, ..tIvett„ Tann) Teibleta iheltute a, Antall Oreportion ,Of pi•Obably, the ..11101it effeetiVe Biter atinitilent .1016Wri. ' Ity'a 4Jay ,oe tWe Yetir liver is At Work sgstik. tis W,e11„lis .eVer arid ,Yon . feet at friends' With We Wide World,. A•Il • dratatIsta havA,'Nthol ICY • ; ink the, c'onsiStentlflUirih—quality Canadian, products. "Publicity , tor an inferior article is net orilYworth riothink de-., finitely.harmiul to all,good, products,'!: he said; . • • • i,4irt maintain high quality, Mr. Gar- • diner adyocated--• adoptien '-af a ria--.` tipnal Ffirk for Canada's high-grade • products Shipped to the Vnited King- • The Markwould be compulsory on. .specified • products, provi:ded- they at- tain the; reqUisite: .staridards and • where. it is not. coMpulsory it 'would -ba-accOrd cd.„only to . Pro (fixers. 'under• „. license. • •'• ' • Acciden s • - Double In Six Years me Pointers 0 • r Director of vocational Sertice Gives Avice to Girls on the • Lookout For Positions Although the depression Which he - :grin away- back in. .1.90. has lifted. • eiiMeWhat, busities 17,ositiojle•are ,• not Se. 'Amer:PPS that 'the'''Yeanq We - man, tieeking eniployment does not need to know how 'to go out after'ilie 1,01?'"she wants; in 'feet, the, girl who gets the job these day; still haS tbe •a mind,reatler„ a ;nester diplomat and ''7ATIraIwitaYliqmtit ePtiTss.:;7:1;e•clekri peat, apprepriatery dressedv.well-Man•. Tiered and pleasant:. :Furthermore, • She must: pOsseas 'the: 'happy feculty of being Ole, to read her prOSpecti?e* ,employer's thoughtS, but. avOidraii.ing.her;'Viep on •Con-' 1.21 ieetn , Aniii,;14ridef,ar,d_al:epsps.eaorf quaking .,,,. • coel and r:oised, self-apsured yet not • "neeit.A D'iffic.nl.t ;tole ii.10._A4A,04.JA,z917.q,!...: reilleririber that', Gertrude e' Stein, OA -- rector Of Vocational Service, one of the largest employment 'ageOeleS in • 'New. York, SaYS the girl W1CO make• s Up her mind to get a job thesedayS„..' has to prepare-rherSelf fora''difficult •. role: °Arid, this goes' Whether • she's, ex- Jierienced or not. • • , • '• "No matter how. capable of hahcl.: ling' the job an 'applicant is, .Sha has to have the right approaCh' during the •firat interview or she'll never kiriva- a • chance. to, prove that she calf,handle• ?' the plea -Sant -faced :Miss Stein, said. • Selliiii:Good Pirmits • • "It's all' a matter ei mat-. terof •selling herself to the • person who's' . doing the ,hiring. ,And this' ,means forgetting' herself Completely, really. likening , td •Nyhai the. . infer- . viewer is saying, tryineto gizess what: he 'is thinking and not saying." • • Arnong. Miss Stein's imprveasiveiist • ' . - 0 BO N Fester,, gen er- al tual7i,of the Criteria' Safety League eported the number .of mo- tor vehiele aecidents :in Toronto had risen from 3,673 in 1982 to nearly 7;009 in 1937., . Of the cars: examined by the To-ropto- polite department in the last five Years,. gester said.; 3.5 ,per cent, had defective brakes' and .60'per cent, defective steering, light Or wheel alignment; , +Car ,idea of a perfect home is one Where :•clothes • flop on the -• line • on • Mon ay anti the kirrdien,traito":wipi . the-. s dent. pf-lalcingthing-a on SA tur: day.: 'Money can no moro make'. .a. home than it' cari make happiness. This appears . to doubl'e meaning: , • Doct0r.,-.7,"Iow,'S, your ' • ••• ,•• . • Mr.. Miller--'4It's .very stubborn, 1)oc-. L_Poetoi'"II6W'S your".‘V„ifer about the imt • ` • ,•. . The: hig' potatoes get to ..the. tf . . th'e4map; hut they.,.wolildif,t ..be there. • If it weren't for the little fellowsat the. bofrom.• . And' spealiitif; Of formers, a' tiller of Abe eoil. was 111 SattirdaY to reinark. 016, iloctOrs'are in'. the cenieterY, but • the *S"ehool tea.ch pre' .111410w4,, grow up •:to 'be:Members .of the spool bWarcl..": lIalfa.ct;e--r"Your • husband 'is . . • • 111Wa.yS comnlft•ining that :he•••leilds a• : dtik's life." . „ •• . . • Mi'. : AVholesoine-9.Well, he COM'OS ;hotne Muddy:feet; 'comfortatfel the ',hest • WaltS Until:he isted and the.n. kr:3-W15," Read It 0:rneareit, , . • • to tire, earth ,is 2,2„000000 miles away. ' PhserverS Watched j'Ii.q#1,. • • • The ,A'ubjeets Wont thrOtigh,. their, regular'.roitfn&s of . ciasses; meais,• , exercise and,!. in tome Caseio -.dates:„ 'Student. Observers. kept.. 'vigil at ;ail' he:Os,: Prodding ',the subjects' .a•Wake When • necessary.. Brihe. SeSsions,• waIi$s, and talks .helped .occupy the. nights., .„ . . • .•. steadiness, color: Perception; ;typing,' temperanee • and visual ability' • .' : , -.1. • Blfore bawln..-,Wotat• • • • MiSs Wallace and Miss :Jimineisort •agreed: that it „waS' hardest to :stay awake on 'the' ,Seeorld hidlit\and that the hours just befOre•daWri everyday weredifficult. • . ' ' • .: tiowintiasaid' that the,' long JosS Of sleep, "While naturally'' Stalling • the Menial and .pliyaie"al; reao,tioni,”. pro.- .dti'eed. no outstanding "detritrient to 'his hotly: "Per thstance," zo rtdded,; ' "MY ,grip, ,the -grikifilfig..• 'devices •6WStratiger as the 6perinletit cot- titined,',' • , :The si)t 'Professed.. WillingnesS to •tndergo., 'another ,iiortla'eli test if. the: restilts "Wetild help.scienee" .• • , ,Aneither test l proposed, Di.P4e, Wards announced, to, donipara.the re- • actioaS , et :nn-sleepets tad 'these a personsWith riOrinal arlibUntt. a .,1.0,011i' • .4. • S1OOPEO 44"111"C kittfk 4111:1111:!:01:11:1:1:614:111111tetit; 2 4 „ • . Her i ogehtie bin -1,,,tintirtl-fru-inT Pathfinder:. , •1110wfqot .(t1,(10.r- tnalmg.ht) "IX( • you know that';1•••cail :imitate any bird that yon can intatel" • MisS/Zimpir-L'Indeed? ' Suppose'you start 'witli the ,homing pigeon." • • .„ ,Npver. jUdge 'a perSOn by his out- -•-•-s I d e,•-•-apP e a-ra nee, sh hby, dr may enwrap a ii•-snaner, publisher while a Man wearing fine Oodles, and sporting a gOld-headed Cane 'may he al• , delimpient ittbseriber: • • • Canadian National', .:Rfai1vpa3(' s. Revenues The gross revenues :of ,the nil in- c1usWe Canadian lqtnal RailWays SYitern far the 10 -day p,eriod endiz* • January 31, Wore $4;377,154, • as i:Olnpared With $4 839C, for the correrponding period, of 1937,•,:i de-. orease of '3206,242; USE. ,PIDARD ' New and r9 - markable To- xoody. •, heave. . Sat- • istaetWi''• is • ,gnaranteed, regardless of '114 ,/ • '‘hp „, ,(,411, (1, tho, severity ot length at timo your'boese has stiffered 'ffent thid diseate, By tttnfl $1:;00, Oha, ENt. ,Gireid, Ste, Deenthee, Ln4itl0 Quebed, Issue No. ,'8-38 • I Leading aircraft man'ufacturers of England expect to operate •at. capa- city until 1940. •' WHEN COLDS BRING r AI Ttiv.re)..e.ta- ' TAINEES' Enters Body Through ' Stomach and Intestinesjo Ease Pain TheAsPeei • with, which "Aspirin" • tablets act, inrc1ie.ing theaistressing S'YMplOinitif colds and aceonipanying •,sore throat is utterly aiiiainigi ".".•. arid •'the•treatinent is simple and pleasant. ' This is Ali you do. Crush and dissolve three l'Aspirin',' tablets in:One-third • •Onss of•water. Thee:gargle with this •tirret-W ce:tholdliig • villl back.; • •• • • 71,1nMedicinal gargle wi lact aliitost lilt< it lowl ant,sthetie on the sore, irri- 1 .e(iutcttdrptne of. your throat: Pain (..ascS,proniptly';'rawness is relieved: • ''Aspirin" tablets are •nfade; in, 'Canada: "Aspirin!'" is• the registered:. ' Arade-mark of .the Bayer, Conipany; Limited, ,cif Windsor,..Onterie. Look for the name Pa',Vor inthe'form of,a . . cross on every tablet. ' ' • MADE IN CANADA. : • years, of ptaeenlet. Tot+, ' are these ,• ' • • Don't be late for An •apPointnient.,, • for any reason; YOU doriit..ari+,:e • . 6n. tinrer;flon't • give a lame excuse.. •: • 'Don't use .slatit..' . • • •• 1)On't; he too positive...in'your state- inents.;.T.fie person•you h.o.pe will be-• come your bossmay dislilar:•What would espous'e, • , • • '••• Don't brag, Once ,you:liave stated :` ,•• • •,your qualiticatiOnS,• let -further State- • ., ahility7cOrne wers ,t6 Abe -inter\ Demand TTind Ret P1 FREE: BOOK ON HOCKEY liecomiA Hockey: Stet!' by that great authority.. T. P. "Tornirty"'.COrr000, • Great prOfusely 1111161. • trate(' and .containitionanY 'valuable, tips on how to play, • the gerne.1,- „ ' • aUso AtirfOGRAPRED.PleitiMES .• Of GREAT PLAYERS • . L' (tnininted forinatriing) , 'GroupliontrCal `1.41ardotili't , • ' , • • • Dave Tretuer' Johnny cagnorfa °Atomic Cain palely NtirtficOtt: ' Wilf,"'eudo Paul Mayhew • lattrlaiirlifga "Bat!ilgi rt lIatlekYy: Bob• Gracie Walter Ilna*ell joffrre Desikts Carl Voss, , Ocorao Menthe "Ace Bzillo Owl Marker SCOW Evans Frank•Boueber • Ditvo Kerr Too'Biake "S'ing" Clancy t 1,,Ej! iliAtimsaafrototaiii,iosti,,pr,Leioniiea caanadiiiPlilitierorisrg• uoba ; • ' • YOOi" c,oiceofih6 abOVe4 Vet .0 label froth a tin of • "CROWN BRAND" ap • WHITE1'..00itSyttip,---VVtito • • on the .baCk yeat nated.and • addreeikand the Words "Hoe,• i key Book!! orlhe neine Of the ' • ,_piettke yoi4 tikint. 0216, Olefin% for each, label). label to address be10*: 'iabWAIIIDSOUAG. „ CROWN' 11 RANO RN 'SYRUP FAMOUS ENERGY tOdo l'it".06ANSDA:at,rAoaRtottNcrloosOtoivuriuttlea. . . Fn, Fc t..7: • Peirproduction, in Canada has -rel mainelL foirly'.,constant 'since -1, -,9,30 --at; -aPproximately. 45(000 bushels' PO.: • . • • • .Apple's,-ffarS, -peacheS*and-, leganle- 'be,rries are the chief, .fruits expoil .. 6d:from:Canada, the. United Killeen) • taking-, about* -60-7c,,-. • — • —• --- • „•, . • , For «te!•corping PassoVer ' seaSorif :Canadian , Castoins 'duties and taXa. .• .have been, 'remitted. on: P0ssove* • • , bread, or 'mat2os; 'oil 12° mat;os.pr.0=:.1 ducts. and . on PessoVer vinegar, lin-• t° Ported into 'Canada front 9th Febru; ...ary to 23,r(1. 1938: , , In 'Cariacle-•the tent to Will i , 'tatoeTS',' ere- -used :for the -manufacture' of starch. and Jflotirdepends on, ririceS.• :fo.r.table pbtatoes. To factOries. :New, 13f unswiek ..are capable of 14nd-1• linga total of 1,750,000- btishOs to. .t.he 'end 'of' Principally through heavy experts of dressed' poultry • to I •the •,tnited.. Nirigdeni and Iarge'',shipments of lie • ' poul:try, chiiy from.'. Ontario', ' to • nearby Unite'id .States Markets,- the., . pen:ft-Market in 1937 shOW-crd.',i di-' tinct improvement :ove`ry.4936. • • • The total : wool :clip itt Canada.. in Canada ih.,107, of airProxiniritcli 19,000,000' pounds was slightly higher: • t,han, that of: 1936. •After. relittively stable' prices during the ...suinitier' of :• 1937, a sharp declin•e 'occurred in Oc--.'' tois'er,..but"priees remained • above" -those-of-1936. . ' an Survives Calcium Heart Doctors • haVe :been 4rt,hur • • Belaillie,' up for deUir einee .10,22; 'but; 45yearo'1'd. •Nyinuipegman 18 ;e6;111 fident'lie is .recOVering and Wil,rdodie for yeare,,th,e*Jle.atlf that. tlogied his : . •.r Mi Balilli Sixteea .y,eara ago, :Was' . • seiIOtial•Y ill 'With pacuiriontri.". NSvered Alit:since then has:had Pnetvi . • nionia Again,..fittotodo.Coilit. viddoilq hifectfou, drOpey, aSeites tineadheile-ne'i 'oericerdIthi, "sTrith, Caleitini • depoSits-en• the heart. :• , •' ,Deposiiii,ChIpped' 00 • . .*! Three-qdatters pt the voleitioct 48,0 • of tie ..hti0tr *AS tOttlOte:d at. Reette ter,•;Mln.n:,' three Menthe 'age Ati • Unique 'oPerritiori, Three 'ribs • anqs part Of. MO eiieet, tette ti,t6rei reite:ve. Calcftflii ,deOsita OnYtiid ,,beart *er'S; 'ehtotiett. oft ..' •'. ' • • •As-the'iitlfgeett, ;tut 'throot to heart,. he, OPeriedtip 8p �d so're„ tni Ing 'the next' feWi.days a Onatt ni' �t. • sorted', etteh'day drained Out, ,rAya: hibber tube's: .still Dna frent, ItiseltOSt:' • • niehths or,a yoar mist p;ss bb" fore h16 hrt adioti is 'tope through, Leo inii01 to die • rfOW; .*:010 fife," be tte61oveit,r - ,„