The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 3- • - 4. 4 t • 0.4:44:4:0 4.91.' XS: 4 Classifucj AdVertisill 4 A PT.110.tms FOlt LF POG8 ° TRICES. JOKES. N Magid Novelties. Send • 2k eents ter eataleglie; •decitleting (torn .first ,nrder or $l or more. $1, 23, $k tisadrttriefits. ("itiwit .$4PPIY CoinPliayi 12A '9.1.1e0O East, T , ' 4 : • ; 41 ESP APRONS, fine PiliST • QtrALITY "CANADI AN" • Broadeleths; Wash.fitst„ tieVier • eat „ Patterns! l'oeitota; 'Ties, •Full :Size -14,•52. "Ilefund'fitiaranfee." viten TA, Metttreat, ltl,SIcAl, INSTRUMENT:4, I. tjttNli%TS • .and:- twenty. ('lar- Ineti, !Seel -tin syMtefl. thirty,--e)g•ht •.dellart,, trona -bones, twenty: sitxotihone. thirhY. Terms, liarteW zVietorla, To rT (MN • II:RADER (KIANE). WEIUBS . • .• • • -elielv„.KOrn.el,:v: Proof 'beet, 410e4ltnea brIrig.-pHee new (Farm. Sales),. nine ItTanufileturIng•Co. Islington, OntariP. . , gs YDS QUILTING IIIAVERIALS $I.0' • ' tar I (1.4.1,‘ qANCE! ASSORTED g" TO ' • 18"'lerigths. Choice of, Cotton Prints, Breadeloths,- Silks; for _large Quilt t Patterns. ::"BUtterfly" •Diagram free! •"Iterunli Guarantee"' Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept -LT, Merareal. , , AVIATION COUTWES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, • navigation, airplane and engine, me-• . chaplet, home study courses. Leavens Bros: Air Services, 1.:Arnited, Bethel' ' Airport. Toronto. ••: FASHION MAGAZINE .EnEui FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses. 99c. Ladles'. girls'. • Washfash, Canadian Prints, • • Broadcloths; All colors. styles. Over- • • sizes. 46-52, 99c 'each. "Refund Gam,- • antee". Canadian Textiles, .Dept. •LO. Montreal. • • - • ' I CLEARANCE SALE CL▪ EAR.ANCE SALE!ASSORTED 12" ' to 3.6.' pgt Slika„Srenes, Cotton& broadcloths, Ginghanii, n e fl srf- '• Voiles, Whits; Piques; for children's •• '• clothes, aprons, dress trimmings, etc. • ' Values. to '90e yard, 12Lyard • bundle 996, !Ilefund Guarantee." Canadian. Textiles. Dept. LY, ' "4CLOTRING POR G000 • USED CLOTHING,' LOWEST priees. Write' for catalogue. Yorige ' Street Clothing Exchange; 502 YOnge Street, Tot -Mite. ' • • ,c9sMETIew START A HOMF,•FACTOR.Y.. MEN,AND wOraen ev.erk ',town, • mantife.eture, Cosmetics., lust add "vvater, to, concen- 'trate& 'ingredients. 'Make,. $5' to *$10 , ' 'daily: King •CostnetIc Co., 37 Maitland •St., Toronto. • • • • 141.6t,s , D .sistriv'es , ROLLS. DEVELOPED; I-IIINTEP, ' • • ••free -enhirgernenC, 25c. Re -prints 10, for 25e. t'hote,Craft. 183% King . Toronto. • ' ZLiti EX1?ERT nrcORTIf:eXilLnt St, Catii,,• • a ri nes, 'On t. . piii...11:vr 'Wt.) BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE - I • nientt 7' (one ',colored) • With- roll • vetoed, ' , eight . glosty, :."fade -proof prints,28e, highest quality,' Madeira.), ,telims, Winnipeg. ' • .• OGR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface; cloth or paper, Without skill or darkroom. Less than„ - cent each! Miracle 'Foto' Kit complete" with instructions for 150 Prints, 31. 5 ktichniond East, TO- ' Tonto. ; • , 1? R E E ,ENLARGEMENT :WITH EVERY , _ • 25e' Order. Roll film developed 'and 8 •. prints, 25e. Reptints 3e each..Bright;. ling Studio, '29 Richniond St.,:•E, To -r ronte. run:cirrus's' 1.Y43,14$' TPADON. : .fuRNITUREnBARSAINS., . Listed'•below are %hitt a, few of the • outstanding :values Waked at . random.' •froM the hundreds of wonderful, .bae- - gains you- will find ;-43`ur. Trade -1 -ti • • Dept. If..yon.ea.nnotivay visit be • Marc le write for•Our ,new: -1939 ,illus-, ••tratedi catalogue to give you an idea . of. Lyons' retnat•itable values In. both. ' new and .used 'furniture. ' • . • . $39.00 '4 -Piece. , walnut finish Bed, . . room Suite:". large dresser, ' chiffonier, Dill size bed and 'eaglets spring---ebmpiletely re -finished. • • • I: • $21.00. 8-.Pieee Dinin'g-roorn Stine rIn, French ,walnut finish; ;buffet,' extension, .table add. 6 leather • .teat 'chairs, hi good .ponclitIon. • ' ' •$27 50' 3 -piece Oheste•ffield W".6. •-ati • Siiite, • tspholstOed .in fig,ured• , Freud) hie quad,o• with. reversible -•Mar.•.'" •, shall ' spring' cushiOns. .; :Thoroughly. cleaned' and, re-condition'ed„ . • • Beantiful •13ratt .Bed; ftill •P "• with sagiess Spring . and' , Irrinftr-new-• all -felt mattiess,' --•-"- Six-pletie- Breakfast •Sdite 1.4,22?th) iargebuftet With t• oron-leat table and ' 4 .'Windeor typo chairs •in ivory,.en'arnel Splendid • ,contlition.' . • • • ,-, • „:„ ag, Several *.I.I4hiriter'. Gas Stoves' • '-'••°L1 with oven. •• Guaranteed.., $45.00.. 3 -Piece .Cliestertield Eed • ', Suite, Kroe,hler Chesterfield irig-e. hairs -t ri I- ptered in a '• good mohair with revers- • Rile' Marshall cushions, in perfect con- dition. hew $165400. • ' tgo-orr 9,Ptece English Gak *P4J.,'""••• room stiltp, buffet, china Cab- • inet. square 'eXtension table- and• . leather seat chairs'. Completely itg,.ag ,Dretier's In :assorted- finIthea `F`" "•••° ' whir large' mirrors -and thtee . . FOR SALE--ENGLISR COLLIE •PUP - Dies, ,$4.00. Cron', breeda 33.00. re-. males ;38.00. ',Yearlings, Watch doge Heelers. .0. Simmons,' pond°. One .1‘11ft FARMIN( MINE • RAISING. 61A1VPLEr ' magazine 10c., ',book catalog free. Fur' Trade '4„otirrial; BoX, $4- Toronto. Qn, ' tario, , . AIR . G 0910le WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, • Braids,' Carts; and allityPeis .of finest qtutlity •Hal r •God, vr*Ite, 'for Ulna, trated 'Peronto:: Hinriao • • nalr,.,PPIP:.(16., 82$ 'Eatburet, Toronr i....,11A1RortEsSING.,S,c110,01.5. ' 111ADABIE HUDSON ' SCHOOL • Cireealtig end., Beauty., Culture. Write - 'ter pamphlet. 7,07; Yonge St., Toronto., , MEN JANE, LADIES: LEARNEAHEER- ing or Hairtiresting, under NeVir•Mo7 ler SYstem. Free information.. Write, :590 yengo Street,Toronto., •• •EfsICAL• . • . 5000- .EDMONTON' CITIZENS TESTIFY 'tot (R. and S.) Powder; herbal rerne- ' dy--rheuntiatient, arthritis, neuritis, stemach' troublet,*,:etc. TW6 weeks; • 31.50; one month,, 33 twe Menthe. $5. • Druggrats; or MentYre, •Edmian. • .ton, Arheits.. • • • • .FREE! "STORY OF BIRTH' OP THE Dionne Babies:" with ever y jar of . 7 "Balsam Chest Rub:" For -stubborn Colds--head,7chest."Catarrith; itath- • ma, Bronchitis. Send 43 cents •new,'• •Ittoney order'or Stamps, to. Canada •Balsatrt Precincts. 23 .Scott Tor-.' . . 8111SCELLANE0116 • VERS. •,WEHE THE. ANIMALS VCR- . niehlog your: coat tortured. -in -steel trapii or do . you buy humane •fttts? • 'Information, Canadian' • •Asseciation .• •riard Avenue, Toronto. NOVELTIE6 PORTRAIT 2.,1 ..forbEit; FREE -EVERY -ROLL'e PElirEC.TLY • • . developed .aricl printed. 25.c Star SnaPithot'aServiee„. toy *log St., - West, Dept: ' • r4TENT. 4TmousiEy, • , ROY I. K.N.0)C,. REG] "rEItED ATTOR., tion, 'Patents; Drawings; . Registra-" Hens"' Sales. 14 Metcalfe- Ottawa:. • ' P A TENT S •• • • AN OPFER TO 'EVERY INVENTOR. Litt of -inventions and full informa- tion Sent tree. Tbe Ramsay Company; Regittered • Patent "Attorney, 273. 13anic• St. Ottawa-, Can..t EnSoN.AL - ...ARE YOU. RUPTURED?' RELIEF; COM- fert, positive: ,siipport .with our '-vancetVinethod.' Ne-ei wide 2or-u d e steeps, or , steel, Write, Smith • , facturing Co...De.pt. 219.,..PreSton, •LONESOME? -- WRITE THIS RELIA-. ble Club; 17 year. Mem;. tiers everywricre.' many weitIViy. Des- cription, fre••, 'soiled. Mrs.: Budd, Box 75'3-W• San li'tancisco, POSJI.Tit , AND PisULTItir• E41.13 117M ENT : it7.41g :Chi f ?Onions. In, 'oak and :Walnut ' rg••-'4, finish With .five , latge..drawers,. to .to Singer 'drop -head ,Sewing Ma.. . 4,',.!,•t! chines In -good -condion. , eageoo • Becintiful,.,grplece Dedropin . WI."'•. Suite, in eXeellent'cendition.., • • Large- .dreaser; triple' .rritrrer ' vanity; , . chiffrobe, eaglets Owing,: 'full...size bed. . ;and .brand; new all-feit "mattress. • •,.. ell.kii. golid. Walnut Book -ease, doti-', .4"1 "`• ' ble . (tool.: Completely- •refla, • - Ohio. . • • • . • , _.• tut M Dinette Suite in Flemish:0ex, liru••••••" 'buffet, eictensioli table and, '4 lesithei, seta Chairs., •Completely ye- .., - Onieked like new. . . • .. ' •.. • - ., 419;56 2.,Plece Cliehterdeld`.,Sulte •••-•• ,- • large' chesterfield. with big, chair. to Match, upholstered:in' a heavy . . -English tepestrY. - A real' bargain,: •. I mt. 'finishchiffrobe. .With ' • too $it 95 . . Wardrobe; five draWerg-• • and *Si* rrot.. •,Cbmpletely„r'efIrk- • tit'75 ltfudio COncti' In rhst shadee Ir..' . replimakee Anti) 'twin beds . ;With. 3. itishions ?Of 'back. • ' •betore,..surchasing anything hi hi 'iffie&-' :int./Attire-he Sure to: Yfait Our Trode4ti Dept.; .or..;If Unable to do: SOS write for out netv 1938 Mu:at:rated free diiitiltiktie, ' All Cult tnerchitadlse, Is Put. in 'first, class :rendition and sold Under ` a ,moneY4attek gitatiiiitee if not eritititied: eitrefollk packed fer..ifille shiPree,lit 'en •.„ yeenipt of nieneY-ofd:er. .•.„ -, , ,/, • ' ' LYONS' BEDD1Nd .AND' •••: ... . . . . . ..,: UPHOPTERING,C0:. ' • manufacture -es .. . , • .,. • 418 46„flttE tire.•• •',, 41' 0 n 0 tutti . . • • POULTRY EQUipmE&T, 'HIGH . ity--at-low-costr--Made -in-Canada-fon • • Canadle:o s. 'Write -'for our new cats-. ' Medel. ;Incubators, Ltd... 196 River it., 'Toronto. • • WOULD ',YOU LIKR, . TO • yvit4 200 • ,-,•-Tiveddie Special. Mating-, chickamab---.' . isolutelx%Vree,---Thle.• la' the firat Prlie • in -the .1938.•TWeddle ;Chick Contest.' . prize • to •everyone. entering .the. eon-. test. 'Send for. Contest form, tOday.• Tweddle Ohick---11-atehery Ltd..; • •gits. Ontario, Box, Ht. • • • . , . QUILT REMNANTS.- ' • •. , FIVE POUNDSI-LQ.UILT. REMNANTS.' Ft7 ?Faxt°0iitaFstr'P•e&;'t1t0ns!4'tlti:g;,_:.1);.313g.tit.it ciciths; Silks., Collect Samples -25c: •Refund•Guaranteel•MaritimeTextilea. Department WILS. 8049 :'Degespe; 'Montreal, ' "6 LISS. ' d4OXILT'-REMNANTs,, . 15POUI. ,"SIIMPRISF • Package" Fr el ChOice of ttibfast Cotton 'Prints,, ,Plouds, Bfoadeloths,! • Tapestry, Silks. Eiderdown,-. Wool- lens. • Ri epp, 'Flannelette: Tweeda. • Large!: “Refti,nd Guarantee.", Sample' Bundle 15e. -Phil-rose Textiles, Dept.', ‘'lLE, Station 1 -Montreal:' •-• - 6 LAS, QUILT REMNANTS AND 72 :. 90 natural cotton Quilt Batt, corn - Plate Otitflt $L25, Choice of washtatt Plenes„,,Braasieteths, • ; ,S 11 h p, Eiderdown... ' Flannelette,• TweedS;•• Tapestry. : Woelforis; , Repp. large!' '"Itettind Guarantee:" „Sample • Bundle 25e., Canadian 'Textiles; Dept. LB. Montreal': • REMNANTS • • . . • •• • SONG. runutcAttioN • I. • NORTH AMERICAN SONG. SERVICE • otters lyric and song write'* Free service. 'Percentage basis. Publies.-, thin guaranteed. Write St., GiVerego, Bdx 42, Sheho, Sask. •• 1111Yiner, Caii•del Isiemosit, , IturiNAproliNms, trill mid • Charade, aitil 1•06,7010 ChM Meet. Anyeivi wherersiti Am TAN .0Ate 4110 imii{i'iwrelp to ediNtiii7 amso•rsocokosama_r • „klm ion•hbi. lw hosed liaisolp WM* W. WM!. “AIDDA. • Wifilitirtimil, sksioiNI ,DINONS toi 4•14veto—•, tog REMEDIES LIMITED ' ANCAU1 77, TCMOINIO CANADA , Bunkers 114erb#1 fortP E , , , . . , Medical anthorities quite generally agree that: ITCHING; BLEEDING' OR. PROTRUDING • PILES stre,eittised•bli an..Inflanned- cooditioss of ', ihe lower bowel andoesigeited Ilt,Per,' This HERBAL Iriedleine 'hie been' made', from the . extract 'of IIER138 ciNLy toreyer 76 yea*, td treat the INTERNAL CAUSE 61' PILES, Nice 32.00 by mail, plainly 'wrapped, Seed P. 0. or :Exert/se Order. ' Your RONEY'1:IA03i if one re. Ileved." Bunker'e Herbal Medicines; Toronto 00. Obi., Can. . •• : -1!iitte •-• , Rigours of Polite Life Did, Not, , , Kam. Him . • 44.00 Years of age was Rzesum,. • ed to he. beyond the aro:11101,s ileMande of Polite. duties. But :wail beT'Read what 41e -SaYR uow--7-41're 7ears after be-• ;!aa,, neasioned:",•• :4!1 am a lnaa„„Of 66. Yearo. /Us new :five years_, 'since was PeusiOned off • froth the ' , vvelW tbrouili,thieh and thin, clay and night fri all 'vieathers While I was pri the Force,. arid am to -day' ea, 'fit,sas any man atilt nerving on,the Force. Peo- 'pie often ask, me- oHoW do you keep so.youngf' arid My:answer' ia`grusch- ,,eri .Salts.'., I '; have trised •Krnschen no for the last 1•8 :years; and Will certainlY 'tab thiie Salts fer the rest. eg..TeY , •The nereerella •Oalta• •Itit Itrusehen. •provide ju:sti that gentle daily aid your internal organs 'require to en- able them to perform their, werh. properly. These vital salts keep your liver. and ',kidneys in top-notch effici- ency, so that they help to fr'ee your • system pf poiionons waste ' matter.. The, result is a feeling of youthful health , and Vigour2L'-."that iC.t.uschen f eelinkr • • ' . • . , • • Fli.ILES* FOR HAPPINESS. Pfe, should be filled' with love and eon& , Whp• cards when troublee come? • For. when •,a ,little thing goes wrong, ftri oud •de_darken skies °thine And blacken everything, • 'Peke advice, it's quite the time If the whole world teems very diver , And. iOneierne all the while, •And you mike the skies seem clear; Jast :ensile. •• ' ATIVE OT . • • New System of ,Ser, • •. •• .• • •, ••• • •„••-• • • ••• • *eel Adds.' 200. Subscribers. .„,, , 1:K004 in • Tnin449,Ainas' at • Oiiercorning • • corionsie-eBsii, . _ . . • • •iieri.). 'TORIPT•71.70;:r-Xcnanrale berriere ts,,eca. plvatclaa, 44(1..0.A:0Ni0 . are: thoi otaof at - Tfaliatth,. former' OntariO. OPeforeee.t.' researCh worker, .10. laPee.:. _Inritiness 'executive and .nreir., •.et the 'development of the Ce-OPeratiVe. ':01.eVeeient° elecllehte; ' • . ' ' Fee $2..Fier Month •• • . „. „., 'Already the mereMent. has '04,pefi a, pit:44'431d, ,OrganiCations eeee formed In Tor'OetCh,.$10Coe.and.Wood *Molt, threughl Which rtuhsCriliere-,p:ayr • regular inonthly. fee., .of 02, or.' lesif..„ exeliange; 'fa; coniplete•;,•medleal. services which ineltde consultations surgical opdrations and attendan at . , . . - • ennfinement, .• • • • • • In Seven Months of 'existenceAeati- elated: Medical Services,' Inc., 'OPerett frig on a..nonrprollt barsts,..has' enrolled. x,o00..Subscribers, and. it expanding at Oa rate et 000 n Month: Nearly 600.. physiCians also. have• , , . Moot Important Work '• • • ' Government heads Ancl• eminent 1,1g, ., urea in the 'medical profession . are a' keen Interest ment.....Dr•,:- F. Striing„.president, of the British Coltimbia.Metileal Beciety, his • said privetelY that: he believed:the' ap-• • tivittes .o! Dr.' -Hannah -and 'hie' asso- ciates ' represent. the most iniriortant • work 'eurrently . being 'dime" in medi- eine.; fri: ---•-.1.60-the-erie_hand/' T.Yx. Hannah ▪ "We have lis'ordision,- Well ;rid,: •'vaneetr.in scientific knowledge, 'WhOsie 'members -are „nimble, mainly.' becanse• . ef econonite barrier,. to .apply their , knowledge and at the same time: have a reasonable assurance ' of adequate! financial . , • •' . -the. 'other. :hand, We have a laity 'Which. needs these s.ervigew and because -:of the eCoriCanip ba.rlier For when' tOg •'cones , a Wretched , . • . time " ',That's- fill' of lay,s.;dp gr -ay, ,To make •the• world get back. in rime, Be -gay-- ` -• , . • • . A certain justiee•rif the peace who- waS•Jiot. oVer-alert recalled a wititbos.•. 'My • man," he said sternly, -"you may; .ye ,find. yourself committed , for per- jury:. , Only_ a few Memel:its. ago you you, tojd the coati that you had only one • brother, but your., Oster .has,;:sworn • that.she hitaltvm.No*, out .with the -trath;"-- • ---.- -.•-. • , Lemuel, 'take' you liome;• Annabelle?".... • . ' • • • - • ' • • , A • There.- sewn, to be: three „kinds: or -;Workers. ' For' exainple,' When a piano is t� be nievedi the first gets ,behled and pushes, the Second stands in the front ;and guides, • and the third graia. the' piano, stool; . 06d. old...days Of adventure: and romance a king's • jester one day folind )Ifis Majesti. bending , over 'a bailin and washing bis face. In a spirit. Of fun the jester gave the hit*: •ti' re- sounding kick on that Part of hid Sae; red person situateddirectly. behind his stomach. Deeply enraged. the, king ordered the immediate execation of 11th2 audaciods jester,' bat finally con- sented VS pardon him it he Would. • make an apology more.70turageous than the _original Insi1it. The .cori-_ deemed' jester reflected Or a inernent. :and then-remarkedt-"Will-your --Mak . , es,ty please forgive"me. I. did not •kflOW wt1S • yoli.41 thought' ; ' was the' Queen." • ' There was an eminent ;lawyer in plrfe:vid ielrpblirtng'e4hise Illgeggal"leoartiaasg,f tiells(! pecially to niemberS'Of4ill Office staff. - He was doe too. proudto give even the' office hoy the benefit of kis -Wisdom and his experience. • • ••• Soineone asked the .boy t• • QuetstiOner inuCh does •your boas pay year'. ' • - . Office boy—' "Tentheuind !dollars a Year.".: • ' ). Questioner "What, ten thOdiand a Year fer an Office bey?". Office' Boy - 'Yea, Nur doliar. a Week in eaah and the rest in legit atti :vtae, •' ' - • ' A Aida* asked a prisoner' if there was, any r61160n. he could name Why he shit)* 'net, be iseritenceUtO ten Years at lard 'labour; ' •The prisoner „ &Mid not Oink Of , any,' . but he wa too ,)116 'lawyer COW& he, Cause' that was 'why he .hired 4 'rather unicine sign.'.greets 'the eyes Of Pasaing threngs en a Main. etreet in liotitton, teXae, It reads': "lian't• Go.-1.10‘tbair tO be fobbed 'Stip Mere' • • " itdatedt, ,t;What is the naine tit 'the speele 1st • •, duicie ,aikedh1m l. 'says 'hi' tion •pf medical knewledge." , Modern Merchandising Basis; ,11r. Hannah helieves that the medi- cal profession' must lie placed on a 'modern •merchandising' bass. One. serious illness Mak wipe out a fam- ily's., entire life eavinge, and ' people often .suffer ,irreparable harm because they fear •to incur. the. expense of an „operation. Dr. Hannah declares that 4t•-•-mpot-be--inade-asea8y-fer4he -Tee ple generally. to pay for. medicalser, ' 'vides' as ' lt'Ij to buy cigarettes and ' furniture.:•' 4.fit..the EgiMe timer" be 'seri, 4:40 orgaeication. most renutie deMeeratie with -peoplelfree to Cheeee their Pwn., deetoret arid Vfltlk Ileekere tree. to jela.• ,er retrain' Owe Pining', as the,' w1014:' Heavy Fire: 'Toll: • In, 'Fifty Years Quebec fire Diinsteri • • Aie Re4ti1cd • • Fire Which' 4StreYed ' the .G011ege. o 'the- Sacred Heart at St. Hyacinthe January :With • /rightful 16S's !of. life was adclecl- to. a'.4.09g.,Pet*01 yd :460arSts1 teilucafil ur,,e:144: si jr• . the 50: May 16,' 18891 .--..-"..Qeel?ee,-'..*anY homes:in Sf. destroy- ed Vith'Unrecorded• death toll:: 1VtaY 16, 1890, -.Montreal, -Longue Pointe Asylum, .more than. 190. kill - Feb. 26; 1907-,-Mentreat HOchela- ga Scheel, 1.6 scholars and one teach- er killed. ' • Feb. 1918 Montreal, Gray • NI* Orphanage, 65 children killed. "Fep. 21, 1919, -,-St. Joyite, several ' homes 'clealroyeill11 ish Boys' orphanage, .10 killed: :Jan. 9, 1927—Montreal, Laurier 'Palace, Theatre,' 77 Children killed: • Dee: 1,4, 1927 --Quebec, "St. • Charles Convent, '88. ,children 'killed. • June 17, 192—Montreal, Are fel'- . lowing' explosion en oil tanker 'Cyrri-... befirie, liffred780; .• • Rijgs , , A On Scale , Shoiv Age. Of Fish United Statee .Gpverriment, ,scien;. tists ,have • discovered they can, tell the!age of a fish much the Why -the' age of rt; tree. is determined; except' 'ths-tt,theL-fish.,41"oisn„tt -erosiviise.- • • The. new .process, the .U.S. Bureau'. of. Fi'she'ries. announced. this week, re- ' quires. the .exarainaticin of fish scales under a, rnicroScope. • ' The MagnifiCation shows • a series • of coneentric ridges similar to the rings found on. the cress Section of a tree.' From the 'spacing 'of! ,thee ,rings, the Btireau said, a skilled sci- entist can determine • the •age of a • sli; how :•big he was .on any given birthday arid from this, 'how fast he grew. • • Nit the hod npht now, i0 MOreenior.' Mentfrorathecigereftes, you your-. 54.1' SI ip. into any tobacco storearkd . get ycierself a peclioge ,of Qgdeos Fina•Coh Thatioll'ociwyotta with this hagoidt, mellow tobacco, f pycli q ,Ii0ht to it oficl-,-4aon You're thefel yeleve, found' the ,Fine- Cut that- ifoes. 'em inicalher; sweeter, better. And don't forget-Ogden's roils kte4;( With cbcintecier." or"Yegue''Pcipers. . • • . Pipe., Sniokeror-,- Ask ' ' • , Fat • Ogden's Cut ' etys 77- Oit Slaughter • • Of Roncleau Peer • • liberty.to roamwithout fear of Meet..., e,au. •Apeerding. to Superintendent Rob- ert Of the 'park, 1,80 deer •have •been shot.: during the past. sik weeks.' -there .11ap., been popular •demand .fOr the venison; much: so,' that the superintendent ,had not been 'able. to -.keep 'ahead the • orders Toiirio • • etchin /ford betio7.t t� Torenter.: ' ' t• :his estimate: that ,there. are' • about a 'hundred- deer. free 'in the 2,000 -acre' forest. . •,, , • „ '`N\re are fok"ced to,kill eff,the deer: to' some. exte'nt: •each ,y,ear for 'one eason :McLaren said;'!anil that -is. for the rreeervatiOri of piir ;forest. ..,In a' :se.‘ tr'e, .v,•inter like this• the. feed on the: small:: trees 'Which V:Ould' ether:v*9e grow:to add to ,our f6..est,, We, Wish it were,poSiible7. to lia%e a thensarid roarning our for:: est 0 • • LONG CANADA' INING HV MAPP.OP" PA*7" 01r.THE _ RIDE-11Z4LAKE GOUJ AREA , . D.A111.105 1 r143 MAP WASSEENDRAWriFkdMiNFORMATION. ' • netityzo Tote RELIABLE, ZUT:INDIVIDUAL,, .'0WWEALSHIPAWDEXA47 toop;riori Atte ivo7 csirriritn, • ,• NalziMAN-A: NUNN TblzobiTO : The Larder 'Lake area, located: thirty raile's' west 'Of Noranda and twenty miles east of Kialand take; promrses tOrbe an area Of intense activity and in- • terest during the nelttfemonths:, Fernland has started shaft sinking, therninis is . preparing todlainorid drill.: Barber Larder has staitdd shaft 'sinking and will be develorfng 'under ' ground: tar -Add ;will, he doingaurfaee: "R7Ork... . angle Will be diamond drilling. The above, 'together ' • • • — • , . With the, more advanced *oil on thb 'Chesterville and 'Herr : Addison, and the Mining and Milling pa the Omega; Inakeka situation • *idled panilel. 'in • ,Canadian 'clevehipatent..'actiVity.'' •. ' , • , Aleut .• inining••linen, '• are watching , the •,.situation • clOSely, as fretn :just...Such 'Operations can ,•develop.'-. the big:' winner§ that.: come : Period on,,Iyfoneth ,and '1Y1cLeocl Cocksliint- are still 'fresh... 111 the public reinembranee. • ',•• .. 4 . , -Third Generation—L2 COmpany'ehaiiiiian _Executive_ Management, of Cane ada 1Starch Company Limited • Continues In Hands of Benson , • . • . • . • .An, announcenient Of interes,t, • 18 the •ehanie, which recently the 'executive' nifirlageinent of the Canada::, Starch'. COnniank Liinited; nianeffieturera "CroWn -Brand",• Cern Syrup,' Benson's 'Corn .Starch . and other ,farileus. Starch.' predticts, ' 'Mr; George, F.: gonog retiring as President :Of the Company after forty-four 'years of 'activity in' that. •eapsseityand•noir beConiee • of the -1300d of ',Directors of 'the Petellanyt )1e; is succeeded , the. Presidency .by :his .itOrti Major fleorge F,,, Benson,' Jr., who was As- sistant General' 1Viatiager of the 'Cali Ada. Starch 'COMptiny, and also -West-, :den't ,t1f Canada Stakeh 'Safes. cern.. '4 The ,riew iippointitient is ietnarx.,-, 'able as it Ineeits that' the tsceeutilie.. :Atauxeettent Of W. Collodi goo in - the third' generation of the seine .falnity nanie las" been daao: • dated -With the gtarah, industry in, Canada for 86 Years.' ' • :The late 1#, T. i3enson stehliehed. ' the businefiS in the Year 1858, and; ehottlY a..tter hie attitilo, .George .. Denson; who OW, retired , froth 'the' Preitldedey 'ATatt APPOiliteci a,,,DireCtot � Ed*atdabitvg Starch COMpaity, beceihIng 'Preslderit in: irieerporation.• of ' The.' .•Canada Starch Cent,pany in 1906, he :Was nominated .?resident and' has now,'C'ortipleted; a total of over.balf'a'.; • centdry of service on.the Directointe -6-t the- 'two .coMpahies. • Finds Waterfall 'One -Mile High • D- Flyer ,4!tHelytheiivIeiti*Pittiueurilatig, From • Plateau • • A United. StatesAi/Ater ditsCovery' of 'a.tnite high waterfall Venezuela --Wafr4reportett-Ili1ii-•-:,week4r,--It1rabeit•- •Vigeen8, 'Deb.:Octet the'College, et the tit,. Of Tleiv YOrk; • • • , The• iniiny • Angel. Wtpeeted to ittrlie;16 Miarni neon -from Booth: Anierlea, saidin a letter:she, discov- e**dAthe 4116 ,250 milea sotthehst of CindaditoliVist; Vetleineia, 5;000. Feet Straight Dial" • HP sald.:the-,streani, Paining 'freni. -high Platefin .' in the .-Clotidil into dense jungle -",far.: helowo, was pob- aby 'tributary. Of thei,carodi,tl*er; • eonfinent �t ' the Ocinoco... "` ; otiihet2iee-4ti 11ht0! the torre»tb)t eadings ; *dot, of his 'elene. Ile tittintated .the. Straight thipp at between 6.,000 , and 6;000 feet; With ratilds•.. driipplitg- 1,000 feet Mare at the base lei the, olift:' 'The.' distrinee, le. about three, 'dints the„ height Of the "wOrid'i'''' bheiht. talle Itukonaam, In 'brittsh tiana Niagara,, ,n otnOttritten*- iff edly 67 feet" hit% • . , \ • Manitoba's Qutlook Appears Improved "ValUaliIe;_Grain_Crop„. and Indus:: trial Output In 1937 ° • • Reviewed, • .•• The bright htieineas ••rititiocilt ; in: Manitoba was strscd 'last • •Week -by. A. t. Parker, ,presitleat Of the Mani- toba Asseciated Boards of Trade.: ., ',Grain products of. ManitOba;' last' .year were: Valued at 651,000,0,00, al-, 'mist double that of 1686. and indus- trial 'prodtiction, iriclUdink mining, was, Valued at $40,000,000, the president: --iold-defegatet-,-theannual-conven Mining development, he Cited .as. one of,;the greatest factor :In imProir- • ing the, htikineas outIoelt. The ,1987,• , 017,600;006. ProdUctiOn' Was 02 • Per cent,. ,higher than 1986., • FOr More' than ,29 years, °pH •paitlifur, a geyser in Yeliewstone Park, has sponted at aVerageiliter. Vala,of 06 minutes. • •TsT�D, IN 41 Mitt TE • Are you teraietited with the ltridesterieweeof eczeleettailheigathieteafOot.musitioes.orodier • • • skin idektiose? For otilekisitit hams, relief.' me Copilot, eetiseptig. Hassid ID. D. D. • • Preelielotlen. Its seta** oft booth* the . Sated Mit Cies4,metweless, suid stabiltis-ok dries fast: &es* the • moot intense Nadel ' Isseefilly. A 35e Mai wage at am etas• •• tt-lot $aw SOO" Fa ards hi apa jar' allying e • Quality Is KeYnote, p-nYs Chief ° Dairy Research Division , At re time: te the' bt4tery: of -COW; ' •dien. dairying have th.O.S.e: conne6.(00• , With the: :ieduetrY :bee*. so interested; in the 1.1119lity of their. lirO.kflicl:,4 .1„hey are today, stated, G.-1100dd chief; Division of ff)airy.'40..1 ' search, PCupialolo,..P.epertment'A4 Ag- riculture, • in: 74•epreprehenoive •-addrese,".• •• 94". the, necessity ..cit • panitatien • .•..bandl/110. and •• .alanufacturiag..' . dairy • prollaCts.4 the- reeent rion,yentiOn, Dalryineret tit. West-, • ern -Ontario at 12,01idea, •. • .BesPr.od:dots•• Por Own " More eai4:Pr.,:°1-to0ai the „ ...distributors,. the :hutter. • cheese, palters, •the:'-'"etinclensed., and , • ..pnwdered 'factory , sane-Oar:0J : Canada?: are "asking .'.thern! SOS' ea..n not . '}Low tich 'are ' We- .ta , • ci.ot?": lint rather "fle* anlab 'first. . claps product are 'we turning .out?" Thi growing appreciation .of the:. val- ue- of quality has. come -not only as a • matter • Of .necetsity 1.°11r0,11411 creasing „insistence .in the World's - markets' for products ef the highest..•. , :grade, but is also a- reSult of a healthy . spirit' of ppm.petition to -PrOduce 'the- , • , hest products for their: OW.ri. sake, It may be Stated' as an axioin that - the level. of the quality of a product d IS never:higher: than, that of tbe- • raw • material,. he ,e)fplained..,,.This trite. • not. only Of all• Canadian induitrieff,• , Mit conspicuously' En. in Abe.. case Of::: ... • . ••, • „„. „ ;dairying.. , • All 'Depends :On Fernier • • • , . • It can easily be jieen, Continited pr. Ji�odthat the-manufaeturers '.atand On' CarrimOn. suound With the :producer, Both are vitally concerned with' the ferni prodnct, and, beth' 'stand' togin- In the sante Measure as the, nnality , raised,, Or. Stand tO'loSe. as .that' quality. 'fills. In, the laSi inalYsis; the ' • • degree '. eitellence.. to Which. the • . • , , diverse dairy prod'ucts' of:',Canada. ' •able, ,will he linitted •by the, degree which the. man on. the. farm • • •, • , , . • ... 'is able •••to' C:liver-a.,pure•p,roduct„ The . D nrpro, vided the mantifacturirig efficiency the seine, *ill be, reflected in -a better bettle of• milk, in better butter on the ' 'fmily table, in hetter chee*Se. ed. the' British niarket, and,a better bank bai.. • ance to the' credit of the farmer and. th-e faCtory. Man. 1 ' Milk -Borne Diseases:. Destroyed By Het BarAing Institute fr;sntist- Says • Every Infection That Comes • 'From Mills " , ,,By .the •siniple_e:tpedient 'Of:making It comPidaory to heat -all raw Milk to •145J degree's , Fahrenheit: 'beford. Ctin:!‘ SuMption Able ,prOVinee can . eradicate, , not, Only turnerculosis but every other milk -borne ,Lfeetien_sitch-as....:tYPhofd,„Paratypliold; .Searlet.and,•unflUlant feverri, and..sep7. • tie sore throat, pr. R. M. Priee'enipha; Sized, in, an ,interview at her laboratory': •,fritthe...Binting,inetatute.. •,. • Dr: Price•contende that the Provin; '•'cial Government should inake!.Pieteur-. izatiOn'of supervise pasteurization. :: .Cheese • faCteries,.. the' belleves,!slionlil be ut1.14. • izod by the GpvernmOnt as 'centres,' , for this purpose. ••• ' ' . • -14Aska..Pasteuritation , , :•"Ali.that would ia necessary to . in- • :angurate`.•thiS,•pattenrization,,;:would. .be' the installation of ,machinery *the ckcese facturiesthe leveal and , natural centies for ear •Y'ng ent-the prOcess," she. said; ' ' • ; • „., ' • •'",ina' bawler. Froyince ilk.. Ontarie. • :where.. Ihee us...a haraneed budet there is ..-everir.- :reason WhY::the • GOV- ,• • eynnient iati1d undertake 'shah.. a Prot... Cednre,:"... she added.' Shollicl be .ilatistee fin' this untiertiiking...., 614- .1-.14;diiddi.0 fir.oTfeued -1•67 h 'to' it -that lid raw' the ;consumer." , • •.; , Inyeetigatiorie carried on py this te search •-*cit•ker'•:haVe shown that in: -11-_etkly d•,, age of r Ontario • at. least '10 per 1; are ViCtims Of btiVine tuher&t.'' .losis, which • iS • transMitted through , • ' . ' • , .,.1)eor•eata, Human T.B. 10 Per Cent. •';‘?The Importance bovine. tuber, '111O,sis iii st communitylies not :so. much in the amount ,Iri'V•hich: the •clia- • • easeis present, but the; ease with Which itrian be 'controlled," the pOint- ed out. „'"By, the siinple, exp.edient Of :heating mill to 145 egrees Pahren.,' heit, a ifeint far below 30 /minutes, you. cin r Wipe off the state 1t out, of every,. -;•1'00 ,ettiSee a tuberetilogis in a 'ehit4,4 • ' • . Ulster EleChon Hurried' BEL -AST , • DiegOintitin :"Of the, • Northern Ire1nn4 Pariianient O'andary• 20 niid general elee'tioris;.t'elirtiarY •: Were 'Ordered UnexPettedlY last Weeit' t :' Lord -dralgaVon, prima.minister Northern Iretiind, • iletiatifd the early -electioneWee•pretipitated,by the issue e'ver Union with' Irelatid,. fernier:It the Irish. Free ••••:Ptitte. • , The ,20 "sephate park,uaits 0,6mt ' wa,,ada s nation* pi - spa- , . tem have tOtat.irea of 1,50Ct Sqnare •ntftee., • t . . 0.40. ,,,.17,11,15...,,,,I,744kWILied,441.73V,,1 •