The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-28, Page 4. . ' Round Trip Rail Trave argaiits ZION • From LUC • . o . • . NOV. 5 - 6 to rOrl • NOV, 6 to Windsor Se Handbill, For , „.• • ' • • 1. 1 A- Huron' ,Chicago Etc... •and Detroit - • .-Trainf•Seiviae • TO . S1011,-0 t • 4445, Dfiraii.,43.... Mich...............$4.25 and Mr. David Anderson attended the . injek 47; .teaqhbis' POIIV• " • - „'„illuts4in b - int-kW-1qt '0---witratiarrivtiurtiner4-vis'-' • Mrs. Daisy MeChales Vf..Voolugsll is seeiiding this, week With M. ane Mrs: r Isaac Andrew. • , Tquarterly quarter y ee Minun_on service THE CANADIAN MEDICAL wll AC SSQCIATION 'AND LIFE. 'HI5t,.:be held in 'Zion 0 °IssunAncit omPANies • , A scAA.TH senvics": do, Sunday • lia annolniced.; •• Our local •teSc'heis.•Msss Ad* Webster,glleds"AulltPr, P.siS git01.ie y .i0.„'CAnA0*, • .1: • CO' tr.ORIN' . ' THE . , UPICNOW •;ENtr1141SI., • ;every ThntadaY roOriling • '".• 00400. ' • • , Lrs'A,k. ••mapicilzio, Pr9.1410t9r ,vp;valp49=i,rowi.ohqr.' ;TOUR$DAT, , • . • Cotighing- is almost ,invariab1y • • .3 r! . - • int Mich.• . • .. $3.90' . out n . . t:511r7" • „. . • ' , .", • " ' . • ;91, -IFA°''..) ' 'r7.° '• ' • • . :Equally low fares • frOM all adjacent • 0 Stations' • • '" :Ask for handbill and complete information from Agents T'448B , • • • .4 • . .t1.1,0SDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER28,th 1987: fint°3.....1P.4-; 114 • ., - • . 4. x c ay occasiona y • e a _ - najority of cases .the s non 4° 'adies ;Of the U. V. W. • • , • , sk Agents fiir. particulars of. Canada's Maple Leitf 11 r..11:114 111.f....4...,14,1 9!!'•It'''',....\,'"•.''',•?"',,, . ' ' ' .'.• ' .,t..;„1,•; - '}')..4,1,),Ii4,1111;1,1•,,i'i.'[,,, .1.• -,'''', .... which OfoiThOC ited with.Mrs. john ,Barkley on Sunday. They were- ac- 1onipanied arklusFitzger- Id who had . .theOr.'!".preceding. }, • 1: 1, ; )1. w1;es \ !.lr• 9 e,'NI;74.Mr. and •Mr Wilf Ritchie were )41'.''SX1(1.1'1gre!.' tinier Wall, Culross and:, Mr: an Mrs: Nelson UaYnard and ; gamily.. of .prigintites, the cough is situated ...in , 'who; „meeting. , There was a good St-. ,i0Tae '.,$7giori'. of the ,respiratory VA'S' t101111Wee ai:f taernili,'Sits aiiirvist0YO': 3 ges 'between: the .voCia- chords and Ille meeting opened with 'Singing' the he tiny ' Attie.; e . Mal ,- air .;Celle, In; 9pening.:Song.,And .vappatiiigy, IhS. ..,-, , \ 401.1.0:F,ij'•\r'i'v,44.) \ ..'a'i', found at \.,,,t11,9 '1,0F.,d!sil7SYS., 1 ifill unrinI:, , ',n'9,'N;• \pipeT1,4.i'°*'1 windpipe. This illt,a0.:1)±01104a1 nieeting.1 alsO, la' ' fletter Of1!,iti4hkS .fr°n1 ' i14!.°ti'rt,i,l(,!,,trnnle)lie$'.:19Tri,lng,;,.0, fF:Iltia 4inneill r.',reSd.1,4thst l'inintifes. i of :last. tree •• . ;• NIrs. AYLittle. Mrs.G. Hamilton gave , , • The cause of the irritation ' in the the .treAsurer's'rePiert. The roll, ;call, . . respiratory . passage s is in the ma-, • yes • responded to by ;.."4 suggeation jdrity of cases either an inflamed or or next ,:year's PrOgrain...After cOln-, zongested, condition of the mucous munity , singing. Miss "Elizabeth Rob, 'ineinbralle', lining the • Pa'§sag!, or an insbn and Mrs. Hughes sang a' duct., excessive . quantity 'of ' mucous; secre- pr. Little gave. a few fine selections tion ..einieiiii:04. 4ecit ,g:i.ntnis.b..ytpinsvailifegnn gliprit- • resent vhinoldingiMver„'aiL McDougall ,iivas talk on Co -opera - causes are haemorrhage in.., the lungs, tion. All this Was much appreciated., , . .inflarnatiOn' 10 the larynx, InCssliF The election of PffiCers- followed: „ •, :' :' . •'. „BRIN4-- IT IN ' : • • l'praise him of Various events of .in- `..... • .---,----7 , • , terest Which occur in the community. A.'ccusations 'Are .oftenhurled again- Our .: Colunins are open for all items , ., ist:, the !,;,'couiltry, editor for bls.,. suP"' of :interest and we would'. only be top : posed . . - . ,:, ; , • ,. negleCt in noticing. the _events • glad to have them communicated to .,• ..,,,.. . .. , . , ..,... connected with certain. of his sub- • , , , • . • • . : scribers, .and for giving fancied prom- ''' b.Y..P°t.!, ,tel°131°ne. or PerrnaliS!'' . - i'nence to -Others.: Those vvlioafeal • ag'- ••Solnetilnes. pernfia—thirilf-thar'Ver- .. , , . , .. . . , ; • ' grieved .should hoar' in .mina. that . tain items Are: too :trifling, to be in-. •.• there illio sliver.' lining in 'the' 'edi.,.. sertect whereas , the'fact. is iiibierih- ,.. tor p• pockets Sufficient ' to. Pei.' a score ers '.: in distant. Parts, are especially : of active reporters; therefore be ,has intereeted, in what might be called a •, to deirla '.3,iiPOn -hls frien, d§ • • tn. •SP- trifle: at .home. c... . • . . ' The .appeal for donationsto the Western relief car met with :a Splen- did response from .Zion, which is much appreciated by " the committee. in Mrs.' George 'Brooks Of 'Clover' yai'. • • p ley, was a, recent ,•visitor and Mrs: .Isaac 'Andrew and Mr. and Gordon ;p1MenitsiueEsiolaay !iiiritn.h friend Beryl nter'eof Lueknow r Gardner. . • ..; • - ;Mr. and. Mrs. • 'Art. .Stewart, and family .of Port Albert'Spent Sunday • with • MX. and 'Mrs. '.Will Gardner::: , ,„, ,•••••„., ink *hat • offer . • ll mean the whole year • - , "ianself iciwrfane'i „ . ' ;no ce an this newspaer, packed with stores time- Jy articles, helpful departments anlcolor.. • 611.illUitratione.'•,NOw. is your:Chant. . GROUP I Macleani.,'(2,11ssuei), .1 yr. Chatelaine ,.• ,•• 7 7, Ay!. National Home Monthly 'Ey!. Canadian Magazine .1 yr. : Rod and Gun •- 1 yr. Pictorial Review :With Delineator 1 yr. int : - Can. Horticulture and , • : :Home Magazine`‘... yr.. • DIParents! Magazine • Salk.- Silver Screen • yr.. 41, Open Road for Boys - 16 mo. Bmericanfruil grower. 1 yr.:, O News-Week(261ssues)6ine, DTriI Story.i'" Yk• ,EJ Parents' Magazine. • • 1 yr: 0 Open Read for Boys- 2 Yrs. : 0; Anarkaw‘...11oy 1 yr.. Screepland 117-: DUNGAN\s,OrN (Continued ,from Page ,I) , thly 'ineeting at the home • of Mrs. Frank Junes', Thursday afternoon at -Which the grandmothers of the corn- niunitY will be entertained for -Grand- ., Mrs. Robertr Treleaven; 85 -year-old lady hero, who fractured her hip bone about two weeks Ago, is getting siting ; 'splendidly and resting comfortably": Miss Doris Sinith is nursing her at " the present time and reports her pro- . •-aperiHthe-twiridpip'..0'hY7nir-eniargied- :froairdsht;:krs. rot-vice,- ..i,hyrLid gland situated like a 'barge .preS".• ''Mrs. Archie' .McKinnon; 2nd 'shoe. around ;t:lie air passage in the vicepres.; Miss Dean •McLeod; Sec).y.; ;neck, or 'foreign' bodies, in the throat 'Arai. Archie MalcIntyre; ;treasurer; or windpipe such as dust or particles Mrs: R. Moffat. • ;Flower com.,.. Miss' of .food. ' ; Jessie McKay• and .Mrs it • Martin. ; The. character of the 'dough , varies pianist, Miss Blanche :11+184:1411iiall; . with' the- eause 1 arid th some. eident aisist Pianigt Mis Elisabeth ROb-: Mr. Fred Bieck grandson of Mr. and Mrs.. David S. Errington and who has been assisting_ them,. it °rather indisposed with jaundice. Just now. • 11‘lis. 1.Geo:, Hamilton •and.ltwo....chil , dr,en' sifent. a.couPle ,of days' the ,lat- ter part of the Week 'Visiting relatives in Termite... . , Miss Fowler, 'unfortunately lost • her pet bull .dog, Jiggs, on ,Sat- urday afternoen; he getting. bit 'Wi,tha• tine% :When crossing the. rond. He waS1,-A gookplay 'fellow and will be ; Missed at their :boarding house:, ' Mr. and Mrs ROM Bean and:child- ten .L...Elaine,„: Donald and 'Shirley Of 'Carlow, Visited' her: brother; Mr. Wil - Brown An: SundaY:7- mr. . and Mrs. Marvin Dnrnin; Cre•We and Ir. andEMrs. John Tigert, .1.1reitWAlliert visited Wag L. Dreaney • '' , On •Thursday afterriclon... , • , Mr. and, Mia.. Matthew.; Sproule ;and 'Son, 'Willie' of. Llicknow :and ,Mr., ;And 'Mrs: Wilfred:Parrish And. non Grant af Ashfield,; visited-'•-111r.andifirs;:. ; Thos. Dickson,. Jr.,' On Sunday...1 .;• _ ,Brown ' and, son Arthur, visited her daughter, Mrs: Harvey Webster And. family in Goderieli• on No doubt,.ail have noticed .the dull :Weather lately and ,Whether.. Dungan- non Was .strtiCk , worse than • other plaCeS remains : to be found out. The „ Street lights burn night and.; day now, fJut sometimes .net, at .night. It seems • ' Miss Norma 'McWhinney; . spent, . . . s wrtb., the generarRaIe offbealtli:-The mson; °program coin., Mr. .most 'obvious distinction in ;the McDonald, ity of the .cough is that between the Mrs. Mci. Irwin, Miss Dean 'McLeod, moist or loose cough and the,...drY'ov Mig...A.•,Sutlierland; hale; cone., ,Mrs. hard cough. The loose cough indieates j. Carruthers, Jessie McKay the .,successful .. removal ' of inuegue and ;Mrs; ' D. • McKinnon .1 -(6th Con). from tha'air passagesi .which. in ad- Mrs.f ban MacKinnon (.4th „Conj. was., ults results in , expectoration. Child- appointed delegate to attend the'"? rev usuall ,Sivallow..sepretiOns...which • III they 'cough up. The dry ..qhtigiVindi- the' husiness,period it wan':ilecid-' cates the . Presence of an ',irritant ed to haVethe annual St: Andrew's which' the .cough isunableto, remove hall. The ; DOCernbOi meeting is to be ffOni,;; the..air . passages. ; The hard held in the Orange • Hall.emarks Puna• -dtages of bron- were given by , Mrs'. , Wm.' 'McDonald Chia' .eatarrh' is Usually; .followed ; by thanking • those ' taking • part in the production of MUCOUS 1 Ise- iisq, of her home. • The ... Novenaber • a loose, cough consynetPon..-the- prograM and • to Mrs. •,Meffait. for the 'crated hy the . neeliabrane.; meeting is to he at the home Of ,Mrs... It most important that persona G. White: The.singing,Of the National suffering from a dry hard cough be -Anthem brought the meeting to 'a kept warm .aud free from chills or close. ,I,tefreshinen s were served and exposure In' order inflani-- a pleaant:hour Spent. mation whichis present InaY .not 1?1.e• permitted to progiessto the point • . 17tEWE' of invading. the lung tissue and thus - 4.sheirt, 4iak,:fi.equeritly repeated " :•:•• -cipryrod.ucc9.e.0717:nilioan 'i'tuoilltyts9nsi;&:.:vv'meMdr;a.'sna'sd4,a:24.rs. Adam r°' back ; .cough. : -It is 1, due to .a 'mild Irritation . ... in the upper. air passages, condi LorneEmmons spent the tion ,. Whichif untreatedmaY. become `4:6Pk:°1-ir 'aC home near 'LePbar° chronic .. ,• and attwendteed2,t,ehroeti.kfttitinevra4lrroilhett'_con6.. 4 , , . Cal • chords Causes it barking cough borne C.91net.O.Y, ". on Saturday; . • which • is,: .usually: inaffectual in re- Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred, Drennan And moving • any, =icons:. • • ••:cIildren• visited friends near Dungan.. Coughing. in 'patieli %More..prevalent 'non on Friday. • • , . : in winter,' than in sunk/per because Mr,. Bert, McWhinn4 is • visiting, 'disease germs which are so' freqUen- friende,at. the, Ism). He was .aecomPan- tly. present in., the inolith and nose :Jed .by his. uncle, Mr., •John •McWhin- fienrish when the body is subjeeted ney, who had spent ',.,the past month Lo , lower • teMperatures, It is, there-, here, 1.. • • tare ••rn•dst 'important•lhat in, winter ; Mrs. Wm: Crozier 'spent a few days every effort, be ',Made to keep the with her .parents; Mr.' And Mrs. Win body free froiri. Undue' exposure to Canipbeli Her mother returned with; told and .Wet. When a , congh: does her ' for a short, visit. • ,' • ,develoP', stay indoors if, at ali pos Mr. . and Mrs: Jim ,Culbert ' and sible until all • danger of ,developing lankily Of , were guests. of a aerie* 'infection has .passed. A Mr: and :Mrs.' Bert: Finnigan on pun- , . . neglected cough or cold accounts for. day... • .; • This Offer Full); Guar- • , the latter ',part of the Week 'visiting , her, grandmother; Mrs. Wm. : Carr. . Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey .Mole Visited lier grandparents; Mr. ' and MrS., Atchie Johns -ion, Ashfield, On Sunday. Mr. 'Jelin • Bryans. of Pordwich a representative opithe • Mutual Fire on:. Mr. and. Mrs. Leroi Stingel last Thursday, after. 'the Meeting in the: anteed—Alt Renewals , Will Be Extended, - OFFER NO,. 1 r One magazine from group 1 AND One 6magazinerfrom group 2 ant this newspaper. •'OFFER NO. 2 Throe magazines from • groupl and this newspaper •. ,,,...,, uss. lois ORDEIV BL'Ilo.!1 „:10tAtisi,otp.i.lit Of 76,,yd,ei.0,.,/t,ei, cti,,, iot,t,11,., a p. 1,,,,' bucatieo. O•desktect.• • • „.' f,-: • , ; : • ,• ' l oat coupba.oa+efue llii. ._• , . . , . Gentl.oroent.. 3.: endosa. $. ,-,....,,,,,.... .•,, , ..i•,„.1ilease. sena n• fnagatinOS Ontalen'SCitn.,:a'yeat'S,VinCCPtiOritd '$/,-Otttytey14.41,aper... , 1410S : 0.. w . .• *1 ..--,..4',....4,..1.;. • ' * i'• i'ii`i 4, . 41iliaii,611• • , . , 4 strittr.„1: .....,..,,.....,::. i.'iii1,*41',w.111.: , ' Ittii •,•.6.8.i...i 7i :;‘.';';•"a%'44..e•i:i 100 • , , . .1;val ,Esovirip ,r •,. • entinell 41..1"• ' • I',arish Hall: 'Mr. and ,MrS; Mai HOffmanare moving "l'hUrsday Of this week to village ioin theu farm,. which mrented, end, Willoccupy part -of Mise "lVtary Jane itobb'a ,ifebse With, COURRIts" CORNERS Harry Canipbell of uoa has been Visiting ,with Mr. and .Mrs. Cyril Campbell. ' • • • Mrs. 'lack. 1:ittle' visited, One day with :friends in 'GO,deric • • 'Mr. and Mrs., Robert Nelson atten- ded 'the funeral .Of Mr;:ientulth .!ar- righ ,en"Saturday at GOderieh.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cranston, Perri and..,,Beryl-of Gocierich, Uri and Mia. &times koWhiciley1, of 'Dungannon,' were Sunday. visitors with Mr: 'and Nita. 'Adam' :',1ohnstone„. , Mr, Ab: MaQueld has, •rettifilfid out Weg%. and'Apent tha. weOlc,end with •Mr., and, Mrs; ::41a' rnmenh • MeKak, attendedthe teaehere tonVention On Vhtradat, and Friday. ' Mis Vera Little 'visited with Ama Italti of Mafeking. on 'Monday, • • ar great many serious illnesses' and a ;Mr. •• and Mrs. Vernon Hunter ' of great many deaths. It doesn't pay to Holyrood and Miss Beatrice Trelea,- - ;ignore it 'troublesome cough. • yen of LucknoW, spent Sunday with ,. • ea- parents, Mr.' and ' Mrs. ,Bert Treleaven , • Mr and Mrs Matthew Shackleton were guests Of •the latte-'s. sister Mrs.. Clifford , Webb and Mr . -Webb. • Mr., Cecil Blake was a, guest with his sister, Mrs. Comfort, St Cathan: ine.s' over the ;weeklend. ' • ' • r IT MIGHT BEVERSE PEOPLE WILL TALK , You. may get through the world very t.bo4alilt; 7thilait 111; slow,' 's oifn Ygab:11. ,11'1'sitt oe nu will l'ee. worried and fretted and knot i4 a Ste* for Meddlesome "tongues must have Something!, to do— And people will talk • • • 'If quiet and modest you'll have • its presumed!, that your humble 'posi- tion is only assum'edi You're a wolf , in sheep's clothing. ; or else, you're. a , fool, but $don't get excited, keepper- fectly .• , : • • • .1n the spring ;we cuss The muddy street ' That liquidates Beneath our feet! We cough and wheeze— . • ' ,For. peeple will tellc., . • And then if.. yen the r lealt 'boldness of:heart; or a slight indi- cation to take your' own part, the will call you an aPstart; conceited and„• vain; but keep straight ahead. tont stop to explain-. • • Fer,.'peonle ',ICC:, • ' The common cold , 'Has "taken. Us; Within ' • its fOlin1 r aninniertinie ' It :aeeing .4,11e heat ' intense, ' • • And has us heat, , .• ta.sthfio.*1111:.11,xt61,. YhQtliti;,sorncidrcss, and °'•,,v11.1"i; ' ';eAnsdieeePry°fuor(s°shsade rsitatrelirr, t:tkroen.10nicisit,ie;puef,,etahna!tt. pay your yhoitinrt ' And °0°1 ourselves Why: But don't get excited Whatever they 1sitir4; „ • , P6OpeOple. will talk., , If your.-dtope is in kaghiblio. don't think titi escape,for they criticize then in a different'. 5(61.1ste 4heati your means, or „y6nt tailor's unpaid. your 041i,)36iriess, there's noilght to he. made— For .geOple' Will *talk., . .• ' ThET.Olts.4 to do is to lo as yon . prease, for your . you have One, Will then be 'at .tage. Of course You,' will 'moot Oth all sorts of alitise4 hitt don't •think v to stop any nse4-t,' ' Anol.yeople ' • 1 • , W ' r With lemonader •A 1 • A"..ilitein the 'fall—' ". LeaVes deseericling-,-;-; ; ' Birchwood :fired,,,*ith breeza8blending ; These 'signs euggeet' The •Ond is nigh And well' haVe. • . , Winter by,tipd hyl — : , • AndePow elear . • '„ . • IlernindS 7 pg that Winter ' • !'We settle don ' ,o cussafld't*etit, Ab�tit Allt-okkist tlnderweat , . , • 1,4 1#1t I v.ii G 11 A M , • • . how Starts 4At 8 P.M- • .1.. ,. . ri., Sat.. ()doper W„. ' : 1:1,•\:,,'1111 1.,' .. Lii!!!::•. , .. : .1.••••,,ts,: ...,' ,' kt.,v,„:•.,* .• 'lit '1'.1,,L .'rf.! 1:,:l.,-,itr;11::',,;.:: • ,:' i," '.1,:.1, ti.if.,,,ii ' '. '.. ,, , ,:.1.P.1.•-gii1,1 ••,,,,..,,•••::::i!.,,,••14i*J.i '1111iis .• :,•,, . .. • ,, \ 1\ \ 1\ 1 ,,1i.11,,I•ii \ .11.1));:1 II IPIE 110 telAll' „... .. ..:: :„,.. ,. .......• . , • sciaganso,in rEcnnicoLon." ' JAMES oLivEg cunwoop...wiii; - ' : !rpm the iviirld-faritous novel. by • r - . ' , • :, ,, • EORGE BRENT EVERLY ROBERTS; : : .. • - BARTON 144 LANE. ALAN NA'i.E. ROBERT 'BARRA!' Jnieph King, Joseph ,Crebin •• -EL:Bretidel, „,.,.Addli'soi01.(charcis.„1„,,,, . A ,warier Bras: :Platens ! Iblreets01 by . , ,•. . .„ „., HOLM KEINLEY1.1 Pk* by nib Staloff . .. , . ^ .o1V.Tuis' pieruizE IS •up.,NciRT111 AND '11 THE , : ' • • SCENEHY. ,IN AND AROUND Tlf.E.117601/•,1., VEItYBEAUTIFUL 7 - • • , • ALNSD--- b", "VAUDEVILLE' T. SHOR A ' "CLYDE McCOY HIS ORCHESTRA"' ' , , • • • CHILDREN 80C. •' • • on., uee ovem er , . , JOEL McCitEk ,. BARBARA .STANIV-Ytt'•IN "Internes Can't Take' THIS PICTURE • SHOWSTI1E-,, LIFE THAT: TAKES ?LACE ' . • 'BEHIND THE SCENES IN A 'HOSPITAL :. ALSO—"COLOUREDSt,B.J*41".4041. . ' 'TITER, VAN STEEDEN AND • ,ORCHESTRAn . • ,„ •,. , • . . • , • • • . • • • •' . . . . . • , , . . . , , , •„ • RAPJD CITY4 and 'Mrs: -.Jack 'Beaton of Ter-, onto visited , with' Miss Mary Mae- • • , • •; Kenzie': Inst Alitirsda , . Mrs., R. Mcquillin, Sr:, is visiting. with her ..niece, . Mrs. Sem Morrison at ; pr e. . •• . • • Goderich Sunday at Mr. Robert McNeil's.. .; „. , ;,.. , • : ; • .Miss Avinoie Thomson of Godericli was at hcr home here :SUridaz 'W. G. ; Reedison the sick .Iist this Week. . ,! Mrs; Robert keNdil ‘iz:61'it'''.'llnes- da'y Of • this ','•W eel; with: "Garnet,,...at Victoria .Hosnitel; London; where:he is iniproving nicely. after a sinus operation• two Weeks' agO:.. „. ••• ' DEATII CLAIMS BRUCE COUNTY ' 10 wasand MAIN/ ,VANtotiV,ER '• " ' spaidh • • .1., • . .; ,:,• 'Seine on xaots .6-1071.6-17T Plan 181. • .°erae• . nonert.L. G. • Clarke , aged 74;' died ' Wesley • .n having °°n4P- . • leted tin; construction ,of the Little- .. Kinloss Council - Minutes . • ;... • . • • . Connell inet 'Monday; Oetoher, 25, „• 1911; is per adjournment..All. bete...present. 01-,i; • motion of „Graham 'and. ,NteKenzie; the, minutes of .last . meeting as read.' Were illipreved and ' signed.; •. • „ an -wanting to :4.16 50 • Were !Paid ' and -.John . Kennedy insPection 1fees" ; of,: • . _ . ; and John McLeod ',estate' insp. fees $1:10. ; : ": .1.;• • '' 6' . • . Alex cLeod ;wee app,ointed, sheep . valuator for balance of: year in place ea4M. . - of thc late John MacLeod. Provincial election ou :Luting .to A15.79 Were paid to Mrs.' J. ' • • "1,1eyribida, 'Clerk' of the! .Eleethin.', P9e0; Podfrieb; Ont.. , , Edward '1Vloore1• ,for • cutting .weeds • , . at 4.i'..horiier.„ 4565 .West;1atAve., ;Van7 cenver,', after a'sbri6f : illness. , • • • He was 'A- resident Of Vantouver, for ' half a century,' For genie, tiine IICwas in; tile :grocery business id,specton b • " ,djo6i;aerdtii,tehnet.friunit,,, inspettibn , ;A , Y g ' • 1912, chkf feuit.; ..1.,..,Te` Colfirnbia, Vwci; years:ago he was re- Little-l!AeKeiizidrain. tii•ed oh .1;Saching th'•age lirnit., „ Counciladjourned to nieet again •• • was en 'Monti:Ay. the2,22nd day of 1Novem-; :: Bruce .v6dusual tihie and adriddoty4..,y.e.iirndBiwleaea., Olil Bember:Aof, ,t.h•e at ' tmn nn4;, reg'ui.o., ,atter.1%Yaslit. s4stPet,1:0"ChScitits issued: ProvinCitti .,•elee-•• • • 1.lOn ekPonees. 875.7.81 ' Harold: Purves, sheep •claiMa $16.50; John ;;Kennedy, one claim above , $1.30; John .. Mcileo4 estate, insp. one .eiina • „ . ward Moore, cutting weeds $1.50;' • his , so bri. faithful ksin e h. ma; tatt, k: pre, an rie pba6t.zt. s e. st ;Ittdoi nd. , Lane,:11 je,, tooeroor't,170•goonent,tainn, c•dga it"itiedtieett'epkiiie•n$!1.. .$5$20p..;500‘,03::. ; . , l. taeiellbser to pied difak, moil' t. Club.grivtj t:jwd,b..si.1,1 8h.; t A• ,kt;,. hinft1.11:t$tflaa!om!ot.cor:tu::,rie::: torn dePegit $41.00i-...$867.00; . fon: of Prince Rupert, and 'two (11.:a'.1•11'' • ItighWay Yeo,• sons, ; 9,, ,Abb•itiford, B.C.;. and yraderick I., '%'ncotiver PY list .1gP4lint •Yesp.' Mr. Clarke's funeral took • erp. list 01; $1.00; Wesley „aY 96, Ogtobei';• Montgom. , era ook place ,P .' .• • MdKenzie .Municipal Drain '',"iivas paid br' $320.90,• ,alance of .contreict • and ; r(turn* of Deposit . cheqUe, $47.00( in : 11 $361.00. Extras held Until final n:. ' Meetings of this :organizatioHe was ..an • offitial, ;of. the Methodist Church. here till the .tiine of union and has been an:of:helot .,of West Point. 'Grey United Church lever since. At the last 'Meeting of the A.01.S. Club WcnesilaY; te cere- Ihonipson, pay- ints„ivonitiztc,blerlinjg):0,c,oltndeuve. lir! :9642; 4' Ito!liel?; r.liil'%111.4'eTeE. To. SI: princiiiar of 'Union College, and fim, pay list 94, Rev. A. M.ISanfOrd. D.D. The inter. ''j:3i14t 95:.436"66jame/litrt P:Y • Iti616WAS at he ibiNrar(aiLa*n.it06,$750;14:tvextocgpy.• 97r $4.00i., *hours . pax (4 COlnOterSri, tat6Idanee at: list of te wereeraVtihc6esraohltd vitihref wig; Igroups be. piasyt • 918id't $ a103:°°$L7T611r11R4tIspg'iell'al:•• MG•Iitet, , ay tpw: a6s (the de e 11. dt h t the hescem 111 which ti:ss :tt i„1111,13:2i11*11:$681:.6$15$801:; Dan Pill 1 clutter,1:):S8::i, nist;tta' pay ps BoYg. and ;Ahern. 'r.epregented - that , . association. . ; , faLtsit; Clerk.• • ,• ilr , . ' . „, . , 4,'.11111:„!•1'et'f.tttr.,11