The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-21, Page 8R; • . of The SUPPOSING: YOU•HAD SSOME- ( THING YOU , WANTED TO SELL-- A 'DOG,: TABLE,: STOVE, .GRAIN. CATTLE, OR SOMETHING YOU •' HAD,, FOUND Ott LOST; OR SOME- ,..THING YOU;. WANTED TO BUS•„ , WHAT WOULD YOU Do:?;: ADVERTISE IN THE SENTINEL ' O)r CbURSE! BY US'ING`"TEE SENTINEL- YOU AVE -.TI .E . M AND- ENERGY -ANl) ARE SURE!, TO ' REACH ;:A PROiS. PECTIVE BUYER FOR EVERYONE IN . LUCKNOW AND VICINITY r' e. WOR • S AZ -. RCULA�TI ON 20 • 1 1 0 COPIES: ES WEEKItiY IT'S T PROFITABLE EXPERIMENT,: THE COSTIS TRIVJAL THE LtJCKNOW SENTIlifED OBITUARY JOHN. .PAQ.,WINI Death carie suddenly tp; Jgl_;a Brown last Wednesday as the' result of" a heart attack. He was an his: 86th ,year, and practically alk: his life h.' 'Peen a resident of Culross and Kul fossTownships. For fifteen ,years be has: `made his. home With, his daughter, Mrs,' Reginald McBride 'and.Mr. •'(- Bride, Concession -10 Kin1'oss,, • ,where his;. ;death, occurred • Brow harLb �t ear zr h s usual* w n r+av=irw.vkvat= �..V�r scarcely known a. day's,,illaese.,during n "hiss more than four score years.. He: Had completed his daily chore of ,bringing' in, the 'wooed on,•'Wednesday' and.' bad. tit ei his ipe! an 'ossa te rest. on ,the cough ' a • was hi ' cµst m ,. r1 ,.the.,:, a 4ui,e �' I} � i Mcl3nde'!oYlrenteri t_ o : a' ., , ag the ro m .. -LOW moments later,..found him prostrated on: the couch; his `Pipe. having slipped from his "lifeless fingers; Mr: ` Brawn was the last surviving member of •a family of. nine children,` , Hea ,. was :. son• of the late Mr., and. n, was born in•, York,' County, and Mrs, Edward Brow came' as a : youngster to Culross with his parents when the ; Township was just being opened up by first settlers. His .wife, forrnerly_ Frances Ellen Wall, predeceased NIr,Erotvn thirty eight years , ago. One' daughter;' Mrs McBride : (Martha) and two. sons, on. came* in to •get a license, hut'';he Frank •of Kinlough • and 'J n ihenry had ,been under orders to send in the of. Whitechurch- 'survive;'„a well''as balance' of the 1937 plates: and had eight grandchildren.: .: • • 4 I not yet received the 1938 •plates, so The• funeral•service'was held at the he told,' Hodginson `to return later McBride--'Thome„•on "•Friday-'-afternocsn when Wtiew plates were available.: with • . interment • •in • • � a .tist :•Cenieter $ P at Riversdale.. Pallbearers were,. Cook Hamilton,, RRobert, Wall, John:: Wall , Levi. Boyle, Herb.' Graham and: games Hodgins.' :; • : Rev. G.. ` M Young • ,of •Kinlough • Presbyterian Church`tcond'ucted: the' ,unfortunate that he'' had sought a' lie- .' funeral eei g and " ensu. ':u con _en • g.e on"'e epi` -felt auspices of Kinlough `L: O L: No.• ;that.':Hodginsonshould not have', driven: 1139 and 'Culross" L ' O.' L. No: • •978, the'ear un Yl 'he had secured a'license.' Mr.' Bro i 'aiavin •' b' :me mb, wn, g , sen a. , :mer of He did: not impose' a ;'fine, in' view' of •.the, latter lodge for .many,. years.' :the: cir e , cum�tances; but asked the ,de= Seven '• sisters. and three brothers fendant:to, pay :the,' a' !.• e s, ,mounting • •predeceased:'Mr.: grown,. Mrs; Alex 1 to,,$5,85;=IIanover •Post. ' ; ` • • Hamilton Huron; Mrs.•Edwar d all, ' Culross;', Mrs. Charles., Ellis, Kinloss Mrs: dolt Long Toronto, '.114z4. Chirles Smith, Algoma; Martha, • Elizabeth,, and ' Thomas of Culross. • • ;r, ,THURSD tY, 'OCTOBER `,2'1st, 1937'..: WOLVES SAID TO ;13E NUIVIERO7 Frequentreports are Beard '••(of wolves, "which apparently arc fairly nhineroug. in Huron :Township ,fn•,the vicinity of Point Clark, sunuiier 're- sort. they 'have 'been seen on: diffe eat occasions but. an efforts' to "tracli ,, Y s them •.down . have; , failed to, 'result .:iii' a•nY' of the marauders; being shot until this week ;when Harry Jackson of Ripley isreported, to have bagged Haas your subscription: expired?' If so;, we • would' . appreciate prompt ;renewal., 14Ir�' ' an4 Mrs:Jack-, Beat on of Toronto are visiting with Mr John.! MacLeod.' „ • Mr. • and Mrs. R. E. Rossiter of; Torontowere guests, at the parsonage this past week -end . • I." 'Fa-r'mer::4n-the'district.are antroye0 . Mr. and Mrs. Hare . • Trele av n• :ur,+n.5 R. C.. .n::..'."r,+'-•G9 ey7.'.Z9+n:-.mss+':•••• 'b�•,-,s!:�. :--a ,. ..��1.. tY=:L.sY , x'#..;YY.fg '�'�,t%c'�-cit-4x�i�4?=Trt�SxstiJxs�,-,r.s..�...caru:.va..",..�uaw4�a,. ,. dab,'-:-,g•'r�+tkr"�i.3'ir;.r�= ":':v` by the midnight, prowlers:'R sports are ,r'eFent visitors, at .Muskegon, Mich;'. also• heard' that thas animals .will '. •' Mr . Kelso MacNay 'was .taken to follow, . along , at : sonic „distance • •, it Win ham' ; hospital • a : . " freshly turrie'd furro ws,, phut Will slink ,_ an Tuesd y morn ingen, threateneI with.. neo' o ia',,;',' off' whe the, .lowma -' ,sto a or a•.�,, ,., wh, , P..:,m �n•._, i t ai ,Lebf. M, PX; (nee" 'na ter I, i.'14'14'Y:444-In ,'s`tn j r ( NC +' her. sister; i:Mrs R, L. Yelea let and f 4�AS IINABLF :TO !GET i'ICENCE Drill.' Trele'av¢n;. . SOr NO FINE I14IPOS.ED',• ' and' Mrs, Arthur ' Lightle and A rather unusual story'was related, Mr. E. •.Henderson of. 'Orangeville • in court here last Thursday when:Levi were recent. visitors at the home of Hodginson, yvho lives about five '•mile:, Mrs.: H. Mullin. • ' from' Lucknow, faced' Magistrate E.• C. il¢r and Mrs Floyd • 6: .41 •and • 'Spereman , on a• charge of driving a 'baby.' daughter 'of Ridgetowil: were car without the necessar ' hriver's' " • Y* r week -end guests . of Mr; and Mis,, ;permit..< He pleaded guilty. to 'the charge NelsonWinterstein � but.in-extenuation hadd•-evidence--given- Miss Mayr D,,avinon- and.Misa_Mary` by the issuer of motor' vehicle license's' Watson' are visiting :at ':the home of at L'uckriow, :who told the.: court. that: the: latter's brother; at. Harrow. and' on Saturday,; September 18, Hodgin.' also, at Leamington and Detroit. ' Mrs. • Clarence Murdie r and Billy visited last .week with' Mr. and Mrs r Writ. Muriiie,befora leaving. on Tues day for St. Thomas ''where •Clarence' ! isemplo_yed. •s:. However the following', Thursday, ;September 24th, 'Hodgfnson droveto• Hanover, and being <'stopped' by; the police here and asked ,po:•.'show his license; he didn't have •'one. • ' ,',The magistrate 'agreed 'that' it was WAS: NOT. INVOLVED: A despatch ...from ' Goderich in Fri • ,day's Free Press, reported a highway. , accident' , during :Thursday, • night'g. snowstorm in •which a car was heavily • damaged when, i was: d riven`, info a. herd of cattle of B 'north el ave The driver of the ear,•'w'as said to be ` , .,T -•h -e .,� .'_....�..• f.• :... .` .- an;d : •'A•. • c .Uo bqN-u mi aT. .nd n S- KINLOUGH O. L INSTALLS ade totheKinlo gh Anglican church NEW SRATEOF°OFICERa on No,vembar'.7th'a 3 o'clock. Kinlou h 1189 held, R LNG ON-;_PAYMENT._,F annual meeting andelection: of ofh-• • •SUBSCIPTION ACCO cera;Friday'evening. Installation • The following item, with.respect to .4th - offcers._was' conducted byBro. magazines newspapersappeared .. John 'MillerCounty Master for West in the Questons Bruce. of the Toronto'Day1Y Star:, The :officersare: •Illaster,Peter J.A.R.--1-You are liable for sub-' :Carter,:DeAut Maste$ArtscnQition riceif ou take'the paper Chap., • Fred Jackson, Rec.;tSec,, ;Herb from the post office or receivet, Graham; Sec. IsaacPnnell•from the postman.. If you didnot !Teas..;Wesley Guest; 1st:Lect., Noble tend 'to accept' the liability _for pay -,Guest• 2nd Lect,•Oscar•Hodgms', inent you' .should have notifiedthe Dir: of Geri; Bohn Johnston;- let Com. publi,shers sto ;sending.. the 'ma - James' Hodgins; • Henryazine. If the company got ajudgine t_Pinnel3r 4th An 5th; Com.' Bert. -,-against ou the could :havewof McLean, ,.LBoyle, ParcY• iaxecu ion issued would lodgewill hold a church par-yourproperty, ./ This report--was-er-rone6us,-as Rev. DEATH- OCCURRED WHII.;1I 'DRIVING ,HIS CAR In our issue of two •'week's: ago we reported the death of;Thomas,Farrish a;Hier at iSemans : Sask.,' and for • 'redly of this 'comnnunity. Mr . Farr-: ash's . death oceetred•'Suddenly from: a. heart ,'attack,` `'as; he was: motoring home from ..town that morning, when he wasapparently in his.usual health., ..A fellow -passenger- managed to --pre ventan accident:as the car' went out. a1`ATN HEAVY TUSCAN 'NET 'CURTAINS= -with floral' .design .ecru;; ;36" 'wide, 2%', yds, long. SPECIAL! $1•.00' TUSCAN NETS: CURTAINS,, 30"; 2. % yds. This is, 'a special $1:00' ua . f7O. SELL, AT • . .;,..,•? ,,,. • ,,;..+..,..,,., .;,• • ., 89c RAYON AND COTTON ECRU lustrous rayon border on both , aides *• A REAL BUY ,,,, .:,,.$1,95 EXTRA y,QUAIITYTUSCAN-STET �ET CURTAINS—..35' .we / yds,'lon ArMY 9 t; ERY EFI±ECTIVE PATT , r R w. $1� 5' ars'.. i.. - `i.�i1"i '� O .'`�- — tC t�0 ��'Ya`�'�O`I`"lii-A'Tt'�U�►�'Y,TTE .::.tine 'even quisette,..46" : Wide. PER PAIR` ...... .:c...... ; ; '$1.95' ^SEE T.IIE 'NE�V- COLOR! D' GUI THIN hT'ETS--..3G" wide, aoine-c,; thin '' different '- ` ^,yC g , _. C�OMB'tN 'TION 'ICIiLO `' � , . ; •39c., C � . d2IL` T�� D,. F N R I � A w}de, 'rill Colo; a b a�rici' old � N.I. 1 it :. COMEJ TO' iT.EMPLETON, S YOI, YOU ,BUY CURTAINS,. THE STOVE:. WITH. THE.'. STOCKE SAVE. 7�QU ; MOSEY. " Harry Middleton, who' has been employed with "; : ,,llaek ` Kilpatrick, Massey- Harris' -agent has ' accs ted a position ~ at Reid's Bakery.:. Clyde; Reid left on Tuesday for *Toronto. 1VTr •T. and Mrs.' Wm , Martin .of: Stratford•;,were: Sunday ,guests of:;Mr. rs , , - le T ook; They :wer_e •acconipfiiiied by Miss .Dorothy" Nixon who :is attending ',Stratford Normal. ;. Mrs. Thomas Aitchison,, who is able to he on again 'after:a lengthy cal' illness, wishes' to thank her'many friends for. 'gifts- of fruit' rid flowers and -.other, kindnesses during her ill- ,• • ness. • Mr 'Wm. • "Staters was; taken n ill -with ;pneumoniaa • last Wednesday, ;but treatment' in the, early ;stages of the' illness clieeked its, progress, and„ the' patient is :s'howing considerable .;'lm- provenient ' Rev. W. ' J: Taylor of Dorchester will' preach<:in the Lucknow. United .Next Th ed ru�. • _ s , Friday and ' Saturday CT 0 ER��:: • DS'.OF,N A • •'Ie OFFERED AT. THISBIG ANNUAL SALE .YOU BUY ONE NY•AL :PRODUCT AT THE 'REGUI.AR:• PRICE. AND' GET ANOTHER,' O.R. ANY • NYAL PRODUCTS"{- OF "THE' S .•ME VAL JE ,� U F'RFE' OP CHARGE. TAKE; • ADVAN,TAGE OF THESE : FOUR' BI -' 'D Y '' ' N _TAKE , ...... _... :_ G A_ � .. EXT •WEE' N.YAL ;GUAL:ITY STORE. Chrarch .this Sunday..; both morning. ..‘DISCUSSION • GR.QUPS end 'ng,_w.hfle- RevS:-T:-Tucker.; ; - is . conduevenicting anniversa .. .servic s'.' . ry .e, • Tuesday .evening,'. October 19th' 1 'rch ;of .control when ;Mr. Parrish, Buffeted t Da gate*•found six meetings in the -,,...: ,, ••Luckno. w, • McNabPxo a_m_ `i nitediately,, ' �,�'• last week from the'a artm n i the sponssreby th United .ar:mers: r. Farr' ash ,was ye,ars'.of ,a e.;Johnston •Block• :" the . residence:. , . , g , ,. , to eof Meetings were • h�ld.at th� homes of the late Wm, J: Fisher, 'which lie' was . S. • cI osh•"•4 M t n Int'.* A e , `Mc R. Martin Y ,. just, completing `remodehng.'.at the G. Lockhart,• .A : Hu'ghes ''and ,D:. time •of his sudden 'death: ' • Carruthers. ' Maloney, who, became rector ;at 'Luck He had, suffered at tunes from heart now over a month ago,. wad in nty' way. attack's but 'recently had Been : `in involved ..in the' mishap 'fond in fact .' better health. lth.: FIs. leaves bis Widow- and.- two -children; Dorothy • and William. A L OA R__ D 1F]�T R When 'his the !freshly. gtaded road west. -,of, the .'Will e' ' early st ala- . Thitrsd'a ' Y • y evening, :111M Stewart a ca e s p dA4with but a m cut , • over . o r. hi ' e '' v • s ye 'as the vehicle. soniereaulted into the. f e . 'soft t open ditch by front of Button$., 'fhb o c atti on , of the ditch saved.:;the car. from;b stig bi1 'lama e v. d. Thak. student or teacher • son•or '' daughter AWAY., from home would' be .,.. •;.. . .. Car delighted; toget th Paper' each d Of . Thanks h' Oleweek..',. As good as a weekly' letter : from Mr. Y nd'Mrs..:Reginald McBride and home; for . it•'has .all the • news: o the' Tamil ' wish # n Y to ex' rens sincere 'thanks; hom .•co munit i v h s : . m Sav t troublefr1 e Y to en :h d andneighbors es n bo for t� 'k•` ... , ,# , g s e md•• and ; expense of:forwardinSyour..own nese and sympathy extended them at copy, by ordering a subscription now. 'the time of 'their bereave eat. in n.a n. o :• ..t.h e ilarit y is ar•was not out of his garage, dur'ng theda or eveningin question •-The driv wasRev:• Bitty IahoneY• ofBrussels" ,d0ubt,heing-resPofsibie' for:ith •.errorDnald_McNaughton of- Turnberry,:ownerofthecattle paid; !$50"..damsgas, as well as thecost of the cattlefora period=ofthree 'da s, that they werein.thepounU"before beim ',claimed. Send Them The Sentinei� • ' ' •�•' a ' '..:.r; _ • ., ,. Meetings began with listening The Annual ;Thankoffermgof• then Orville Taylor, Kincardine speakWhu:ckMnowS:wofillthie` hreelsdb o,nurWianedCnehsudachWfromNwho outlined, the X•Y-"^objectof di ussion_for"the evenine en ng, October_2-7thin-the-church• , .Following this s eachgrou spent an George Youngof South Kinloss_ _horor imora' indiscussing their be thedestspeaker.' Everyone is welcome, s Ject, the beginning of the co=' and Mrs.Colin Campbell ofio neraatnivde • m v •msntatRochda couver and=Mr. and rs• art. Next weehe, groups willmeet ay o Poplar Hill, and Mr, andagain, this' time • to'hear 'NelsonMrs Hugh Carmichael and baby of •Ribey,Port Elgin farmer, speakonWingham were ,Sunday, visitors with- _The Paralble of the Co-operativeMr., John -McVicar at home of.; Cow "`He will spedk,frola 8.g0 to Mr. DuncanMcLe . .` od 8.45horn CKNX. •'' .,:. t.no • : �• _ . . ,. • The Women's•'`,M'ssionaociet :• and the' Young :Women's Auxlhary,CREWE DISTRICT BROTHERS of e United• Church :will hold their P2IRALYSIS'' SUSPECTS autumn Th'ankofferiig meeting on Thursday eveningof-this week :i tha�, Two brothurs,Tnndsay arid 'Graham, church. Miss Struthers, on furlough' 1rnih.10 anl Years, o the Crewe from Cpma will be the • guest speaker, district„;,111. Kshfleld',' were taken_' to Victoria:- Hospital London`'°last- 'Week, . 'as'us acted cases. of infantile 'par al sisTheywere the `first cases either suspected or positive, to, come to-t7ie�laospital from Western -Ontarjo; : ' in:over"a week: Th.tee bo _ .s in k L th eir home with their uncle, Mr. '.. Orville Durnin. United ...church . Evening Auxiliar -y' • ,The '.October' meetin g af',the Even- ing ven ing;•`Auxiliar Y was: held 'at the. home o Mrs f . Hiro d , l ill ,A n ':o n Tuesday • with-twelve-iad'e ie` i s sent Theusual R o enin exercises- P g'Were.'followed d -by- :.- a`temperance reading `,, by .Mrs: Sidney Decker• . Business '" amt m r ��" e (mclud s ed• the ordering of '' t" .,. a, S udy Book: and • "arranging,. • programs and .places of, • meetinfor' the, e balance o.•• f the year. • RepOrts were, given by the Sewing •. ;,`. Committee to and e the e treasure .and r letter., regarding g i' g our allocat ' . ion .for ' 1938 re a d b Y I rS: •C Thon pson.,Other- rumbers were a� is o solo by Mr Newton ton ,and the topic by.'Miss '1Viarg • .• . ret McCallum:, Mrs.Newton also con-• duet ed ed .a period,'0 :singing ing inclu i .'•' ,the e GlorY:S Song g and the Books-. of the Bible muicaLThe �. f, or m. Th e meeting ". was closed with the`,repeating . in ' Uni- son Of the Miz •,. pan 'benediction; : • ' :>; . •� ti as'cnab 1e' For Every Member of the Family at the Cason s Goods 4t.inerits ecialiy : Pace( ticknov tale one • •