The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-13, Page 8'777`7 tVR*7' a Vr­ , 09". w; AIR UCKNOW, ONTIM, T I 7U Al B� 4 1 we AU! qW W.0- R It Church", 4 e 01 F E � F A. "(014or S _ , — I 'A - 'OTE RU$N!Nq` R -01-1--N .. .1 1 _F� CLO d' b C X Too$W4 dr. n ini; t t p, MAPI e nesday- C( of r e The -Unite Church IW. r.,,,,Vi tor Whitley pxitpro4, Y Ire is yi ti g for li� fpW.' daYs� P n' BO �S" WHIPCORD ­7� these Is WON -0 1 V Obnrc).j ed- a p egt� with. �he -V1'F., eigirw0d' ille 01, R tb� ling 11 cii ;4 g Was. hold. i4. the ''041100, BREECHES ,rqLt Jq4ge. 7 i4e; 'M -h' ES- y, with the �rqeitdqnt,'Mm F L WINTER ;-,tIQTN I" that 4 pinto"ous. W_ ippeal 9vor, tons ''BOYS' PULL _114e, worsted-wflo!-OPPO, f8or 4 idmg. After., V P e - .­�'. _ X $ Vo QVP b ad At it, AWMP�eOl - �tq pa e M .,J lin. TER th Orr $W, A 4. U01 he,",p! ime 64tqrV6rq ck,� terler;�? PrAcel At lead b -gq, p visi 0 d COATS New .;Ri, !?,proian, ".e OPP, i,ng 'i, LADIES" S�yloq,, with eitqrelses,. Mrs. TuriiOr ga vq A- th, L ;'4jnk, ii L Alpp Sport. P", 44. flir 44 1 1 1. . I I OR Mi*ptonary Wpik wit the Arr 1 now friends fi w: pintg. fro'ni coining UP `filw� BOW, Wool! ROIT rig ened1l CHILDREN% SEW SWEATERS" ob4llt 410� A p4etch,. of` Dr J ilX ihethird t, �!Ipaijroch, of.Clifford MIS 04, izos, )ant n s the garme 4 q9liI fil,,.All a rg, �,W -rei� She of'OrOIRP �ter koros., w. k China... Her. tal� was: very V., ho :� 0 nr- finished b4t lowin 1.00 n or in,', �fql. -atylog, fancy triipppi p, mart polqqr4, pia :4 visito -AV d;! te0kcIsting. She, emph ed �1119 - mi 'the, Ir'okogt '-,Wbi0qy �tqQX tbp�, 'r atltbo 494 'hor. Mr�� 1) � ]!� , . . I :I 'ME 91 A work a (I -ec ADIES! jCASII no Al!oni ''L, Pl4Al(:4 AknV' 04" i4vq fo the work a ; 9 w The t- MSN'at SUITS, Nw� *04WR, ri ir ith the d4 t 'u he T 7� I In , n M 1:1idm4i 913ba the. wee rpp 7 15.i W a OS, CrAW, -Mitchet (Chin b t Is:, Vic -aniih 1.a ee the. Ilasting, 0�rl h All Nei P ifilv! �10.- and t& er pa;' d' il�"' Sin4t now stylea. y , is,�'N ".. , S h i4te 'Shid rqnrs,, 1��r. an Mrs. $tyl re eed A . 11. 1. - '. " . .. , 1. . - , �, ..:. X. .. I J rs, .$�ot ers a sp y pinto;is �d P-qu, --�rtii an scripture 10. m6etifig elo§ed, INtW a_ss6h. t ini the., us Herb Tayl4g, to 0 m.. ua TUnnlng-: raCe,'; - -in' - this-� k, ftel6i oall. s,re-. nev P L�-WOOL� dist t eft or irkultuial 61- W04K­�l,'SOCKSi!'�: air: 1ko on, f "St Y F o, co.mmop Th Wom� A -WEDIIESDAY L 193$, ON, JOP& UP AT "C! EUM,XETR6 i' -'We':canl Irk T h ce ��Wxs held, at, SOME, :8060 TFNDED ses rinstron d Pdterls Mis . Fra anIAN. kUXi; ONGOL' tock TV AIR- XSWATE A 4 'll leave for To .'save yo h F1' the Rectory qn,Tubgday, even pg, Oct. u money qn, Oes ve New P Uerns rey�Horpe, wi 12th.-,Tbe. ineeting opehea with pr4yr ommelic�� a 11, 4 aYs each to -re ptor. Minutes bf,last h In llowing for, 6r b' course At awfal!us fiess GqIIege6, and Ir y the h* k6t§, passed, king.- read, and members ip, attend�ance at Miss Arabelle CimOrpTi,,, tratfo d a r Te6s*ater F4 v(st Wednep'da.-was Occur rt given.:T 0 rect6k�.theb h C� repq .0 eitli�ated. to be betwbe' and and, K nnoth Cameron',. fr n .000 Om' near for -eleoion.of'offl-' eton." hceip g were 8000 Ppople..Gate' ri� , t Paris., sp0nf,tbe " *odk-enA,with their 1037 39 Hoii. ']?res. I I . I " 0 . parents,', C .51.0. dance' -was,. qr p. o Mrs.� M r cer' fo the year en Mr.and 11irs. Ri�.T _Th6'att ampron. 66 ehousq, Ni 11; Pre some 300Q,;-dv,&-- the, previbus! yeak and -Stalker, formeirly f. Higgins; Vieg-Pres., rs,'. 41- rs,. Joseph., 0 WE'NO E A 60M r' M s. -e�60, dur� n- -th lylay, fr6ct, roeswater's I rent,one_3q_SoctetAry,_ of with their' George, spent st Pl AN Isla 'XiSS' UtluSkey All ers, -Nei slit, e, Ministry. A, Burks. twoAa Ab y 0 t Thd: ., E7. STOCK largest fair. in , h Ario. are'. sked to" will lea*e 6_makd, ber. homi ifi: New . Falls has retprned. 61iQge. to, KnoX, -NDERW opened" byO, 3, W. Carro -U renAir.- was �.EA& t 1, Brunswick. 6rf the aftevno�fi of' Oct. 19th; (nex�. sup(Lrin t'�rident' of: 'A 661tqrAl, soc- epresentilij Clothes, e'! Tues Class Tailoring will day)lo, old at the h9m of 6��r Mi... P4rk,r ol yman'.*� IS -fol r, ',Ontario. ReV. and Mrs, J. S... Dufican.',,'of, o, Qua ity Hig._ ietie Luckh6w,' Oct . ober, 9tb, to . P ut T Orn: ury'itnd formerly Of Ldcknow, be in n -ow,, See .: . I-Ars, H I' ock h Were" a . r 6,�of,'Sults'.and'Extra rarit�s. r he. e.,46v. Dun- ''on a sal` -0 M S.1t: Presbyter an V.. CELEBRATE VI RY- ic An"i"'WaS Cbn*cting, . adr ices Thi c, pap, extra is is.,a .0 nce,, or at ha �:f h -isle _a P 9 C -77 was, a' 4 late.b6ur I.. ke 77; 7 t0yi4ii W M, S V. as held* in -Mr.. and-:. d:� r rmaii'Ratz,, Mr. b �d 0 c rs tpre r om'of the, church' -on Tuesday ak night, that .Luc 'elebrated -F d- gtz And -Mr 'L rtoous'' and; Mrs. E. r afternoon .,last. 'Mrs. mith prepi& the Liberal -, victor '- -in* n4m,13rue'e; .y giving 'A'd the'tcADtdre -lesson.-� Miss riding and ;I RAtz,bf Wat6r1owwere'Thahks, -in g6nbl!Al.� �h�, pi-ovince IN Kum6kIAM a -led n. prayer. 'Mrs The ­Luck. led ors 'With, r. aid Mrs,' Con; Me-' no� l3and MI cPherson Decker. Winghim q ROSS--�4n' loving kemembr4.nce' Ofharg,6'of the , zi celbb 0 In a�fller Do d th tbei� r bu ear:. a nal. en took,e ati n; Xenne't' d 104ft returRed. to the vil-' 'son of Mildnfak,' 'our 111"S., was N Ross, a away 0 r Vi Tk Arranged '-to hold the in the evening, h Macrhei' ' COUGHS,�Dft T e W 1 1. ally, --in jaoe��,alo .passe ON. WIN rng M�'eti ng,',�with­the me'' oe eturned .,i n4, formerly' of Lucknow, D., Pg . . . . . . T in nee, 11 this week,. to' ritb"i ;com e` 1, 15th �15\33. f Ve PASS r1r, ng -em yeak.. at. Ouryear"a A I ent a so 0 I afte fiiidnlght�lrq�iiing Sdotth,�.airs uronas ruixi 7 - _A� lid to in 61,TiWe Tor 01 s were t at npmw� 'cuWy,bree& Ade to., ave -sewifii mee ing wer board, a in� �4iiff Ain grodp g t&'. ine 'Oeath'4is gloom,. it shadows hav� used'' ONC� WISHi EXPRESS, s aftlyely n A qn Ance ZZV sior it'is Po the, church'on Wednesday afternoon 'ering to, vent th6i�:jtibilance. I tt d '.'a'f, Tide,'r 'wood Fair f6 Are" relief for all Teo a Of Nue r Ist epare,, qdj,ts, etc� entfedy; on 'Tuesday, yver'e deiorj6- k ii,in h4iis. cattle. *heeP.'IVg. RE; FIFO V our h he eep an 4wxxi tNTER - Y * right, Stu y Wag given -oldie Martin, wh 'd A solo. The Bible: a were Ju ging d and, - �Pre.d,,'WT' qi sang, sh e, W iss,R Mu'lli Tone OPV V and! G C I N, At _4 T us*,ii s n U. ''Old y Mrs, Huston -'and, tie,Aopic. 'horses.. n ohi ing,jlift fashipm-4., ieeatbarft'4040. Pet -Wes, h .0 y and snow $lie so jzzV NT: ig!i that:light'and ever wil L -by, o Aitcliido. rs, D. aided the A p h of 'winter and t 'is OOD AND race; 'Her vacant -v one o a proac h" The, Wornen's InstItute,meethig will- lace theire'sl n t n w "'a y -PPORT OTH �be eld, -in e Town, ha I -":is_Fr!da�,, 1)0,*.n.'here,,--�wei-'tw;ijrn,-but not in-Nain, g ,and. e, iedi 6,sday, m6imind the grond. U �ihite-`with­snow�-g Ving b� rs., M -me n _4610�sod --with, a -hym*,-,- and' �F "h' `*illmeet %again. 15C ITHIN' TH L B, pra�ye acDolial4.,: or. up in. eAvqn we ORKERSz dence t at :I. C i stinas is, ohly Aen r r wi e e 7guesti. of the e ered by 'Father and h h wee FAMILEX'. 9RAt�;,RANKS.:4�;AX 1A LLY -,GZ,A,W XF loc �Mother., 'k' )�4m blin$. Hill-. Stuart, F Edith 'Smith' an Mr, H�44 is, es. ss q name mese, d Mr.' Edwi Or, tried, one or. more,' of these'., Sp er, I -TOr Oita 6uost.� e'A, �00' Ch, B, 10 M o oroq,o�,an in TJ A Xibblunary'-Masg Qtirig.,wili F V -`G -MEET- WEEKLY.- T 1,'XY o has �fiot board' Mi, W11, zi�ha 5.451' -,Gx HOUPS' nede�sttiesl 750 1'employ,66_ Smith of Ustowe ,,'spent ThAnksgiv- pe6tAbly b ld- in, Sit, Tfiomas�'.C�urch,:W.Alk- Satur la�, Q�tobei 6i be , e aren s, dealers. earn their, iving 'res ing,.With the : .�. I " , fiV �efl;6ni, oti �-V onday,., Oct On Thrsday evening last eAls- IiA5 ersi H 0 t 'bei 18th, -'at. this i en� business. To. al ss on group,. Mae the, -Markets 'the 'Chineie.".Pishop �of Honian, e:gr#nt',protect1oh. P.M. qualified OArles.V, ..Will be,. grai I n ng, c6ndficted:'b� 12,'3Q 00 g M_ lyfissej Dorothy Nix�w'of: Luck bei' -,a ieser ' to ritory -Of a 8 a —Faiiii _hnd''Mrs. J4mes'Smith. our in epe tings% in ERTSO: cu nday News nd Bli lipp Tieft, D.D.- ih6,.'pyih� no pro for ved r -Twp.� ted ri'a V beia' in''-�Variou's .00 r rMers, d ei 11' -Official -V ea e cipal ipeaker, Marly'M cDonald 61.11uron Vere V th ian, pro u v4id k aran- �'both hatds a the 1 OM c now, area grAd nment e containers; o 12.30,.' C1 e6d.' Aitiadtiv Hg04" EnfortIii­ local es irf 'tho�,Lu k'' More children are.' killed': by 'iA e 'Gii e. ... :, . , .. I .! , - ­ Sbhool' .-commence eir- st d s' at',�er�.held At ih�. honi* Of th lo th ie to 1 �f AU 11 you arp, c Oresento h' Jne:!�Orlan'd_Ric -better--�your��66nditibri�' ill=B *64 s id -N, _(?nd con..) ars'.that will be Victims, of poliomyel- c c cDouirall a roVd—dea �s een 45 —G owin -mr— - ty d b A -i id 1"k OR -hard-woikei seri=a,�_ the- -- -;-, ­. ­ �Z h 4 "CE, "Siir ph g and ek utheriand. "On- CHJ�I�Y­�-OtJT V F'*, AA idaj�, Oei�bei ainon Al IS eakqr, egg concern. --,Varen --and--mOt-1- t mpt ts .- I I . rshnt wit he su Jec elp. YOU I F FTIETH A SARY es n A ve was oi h:00'a.m.­*inghm. United; orist 9gue.anc bak�, btigineis will,:h ek for '�meeti�g Com�- ng". to 'piece's Tiollie'' 8th.'ftahie., -Church., 4ecured a, pos- ai ;each Frei. Th milex -o, G6i ntb,':wher e 'Fa I .,A two-rft 'in, e wm�— 'Old-li:oy" n .:w xi. ry. rin, pany;510 St. Cloment,-,,,Stre0t., fi :,Monl!� after' itigift X,,1. A' BARN-. BURNS-: - A e ME Ogg 'Huron�- he, ,E bAtte r ure a M nd big'. biri omei; to. Chas, asori d6i lr6iii .s -dr, 7thi to ti� the'. ddii ive 7will, b' Ae 6A -v�e�k. -were, at St. Andrew.s, Ch h Mr Township, el do jiaV6 a, � humb6r- of additional grou Ottawa.4 iet and Mar-- feated Caled pin .1n..d:ueIpii ty, October `18th The enthusiasm nd'Migses Marg di their, Oth of being 'r6-ele&ed se upi, d4fiven. ew�ai !. " '�f d in; the third gaM6 of 10.,3,0 a,., Chur ir in Perth,. �was sQm ed ion fro "Whi ham and,theii on thol� Occasion ch, of the -A Mason in ing OiLTudd _"_ber_19_th -Robert D.; Nits m . sp sleries,--j-2--l-(Y-P-ffr-�--L-t�d-s-ro-dif-mayke-ts--,-ro-ro nk5g,'bic�goA-'the'*f er" rs. ent 01lowing 6 on the subject 'The C?,ToperJati.ve*,',MoveL, On <)�ctqber. 6,., li��7, George The score ening,.1y.hen big brain,- packed, to Frid�ay:d# ith' ehin Mrs.- W. Mc.� ment is iorn",'will be' discussed. Mr. r to,' io, ac ay,'at, jctory�-,sent them,inW.: the roof wit B M and. Mrs. Wim: Ar Culbe. t Ames. Unga gon finounce Oiv, 6 Tay.16r. of Xhic' o' tngagem A-rdine . 7ill fe'll.,prey to 6 th NX AC 8.00 qcot Mrs, the" final series: for, thii titlebeld last 12.30: Noond d -had '�b fi - hid "harili5givifig'visit;ors, at 04:�!hom�-' speak'fr6m. entof 'their eidej daughter, Evelyn is e. a e..S" f bdfoie-t�e4b]'azet.was.di�e�o�6Te�d Louise - to John eonard Crawford 'th arm: all: yeai by�'Meafdra. "Gee Wilco5i, .,the 'AY News An 13�ening chores, een -Wingham,'CK W aylo son. o an -Mr Will' in ninent: the c 'e of *hich ha:s' J." d M` d" Alpq, I 1 4, v., 6 Mt. "T.- B.T n g., oIli b.- Mr., Zteol',came'to ��,Culr6sg, 12.35, CkNX"Entertai' aus not been e,� 'Mr. And M Brooks, C mton,­ rs third r4 d. 'P�rt -Ali three games. in the 'ser'l hurI6 ul o d, es, G Crawford, n'61intdn' Review' er 6m.-Quebee"ht 245 Mon and Mr.. - and Mrs. -6B§tRVRD. thi,,lAtt part lftnite& th�; itW. D� ilarr' Aibert, The marriage in..hildken winners to 8 hi Blyth':-Revie. .-SVFFEh.S DISLOCA E is supp lbert arrison Lois 'of44 IDAY QUIETLY wl nine. October. en o �strtjck: out ere -'born, sev Hi oft' 64ekod A Keth T f cli' D ECK 3'stilf1lving: ildteii owever,'apdfiyeierror��,�Y,4i8*am�.'� "A .. . I I A Th4 n'k passe Tuosdiiy Oetobor: 19,th CharI6 inates -all, proved,cos . M d e r D orm'er' went: er con i- ving`,�#re fO.'30, a.m --mChbrch of th' and Wis. os.' tuart sgiving fi Th 8' "qpietely 1oke; With W. A. I -Ta' f Llbei h di 1P. 01 iiising .'and 'T cent Miss. R ssbll!of Rbehoster,'V6 0 li 01 Tkonto;�, Mi, Q� Livesioek, Maikets . inember,' qj�:'tfio Hous� of', Commons, re vis tions fqr-fr C Oorad agre�able iintil 'Mon- s in towrl th Gold Iv.L,,, it6r ar Thankis -Mrs ' ' I #r,' ' .. JNGHAr4 19.15' Goo. Wad6; ''and Hii ttavao, for tile;-'ol I I South.� Pre - 'i W4 e d fth,Mr.- And Mrs. Usr -d -afteriid6n. 6r his ng'�� -se 4y Pre4deni.'iaini' ­ . I ut� work w ich, gen-� M John I AcLeod and family wis Br!j�e, bis:-bom in, rs ons h6, U Willena Che�n�t 'wh' b s11. They ere accompanied L ventdd, `t-6,ors' b Aconibo,' Alta.; .*ra kers e :6.ujro�s Walkert�n er around 'many o th9h1c,frilends and'heigh-,- euz4i6, P o -.has e zl�, vig- - , 11 4 Township... Utq1 svon6�stod t e �e e leW the a y,,'i,5 n, acti -'I;I,h Wednesday,, October-. 20fh—' noel' al 0 g.ter, -hoine's, Duck 'hunting' wag -popular, bors' ftr'tho, 1diij 4i`�f ki i , iting i Och6 0 in R ondozi.-Mrs. A, susta lidness 'hi a Ate qOnj,:DrAko, S r6. o k ot r accide& ld' Iiht, . jingsto�� ot bo ined'�in 7 ."pski There, A Th� lasE of th4e,,. 10.3Q, a..m.�Cburch of 'the Air ls� Cr �ran,bff Douglas of Xitchoner,, h6w�oVer, a d. the. numerous. lakes''in, and exprimi6nof simpAthY­oxten-,' C J r6p,, of rwhom. the you I the sev-:, 'king ` loosd st and, Mrs,, Goorie D iiglpo' fio& Kin. o s hegran h s';, saw z�o' ban ducks ded th e. -0.86 OctObe� Po. Livest ck� Mokkets stri .'a to �ind' Id ' ' ' 9 . one,,on e pave re hunters t timo� of their b6r nges, 1.5th 0 em -pnd, Visitors resulting sm e present, .15 Teeswa eview ni�A near,_0unda1W, th oth'' A— allsi,,werd'v ith tit Va t! 41 .6, � ey Ay. qek eavemen �st Vet r Burks, d trio n 61, rink f olf ro Offi Ci WON e 7: Mon 1 A at ed R,K..:E.. T i4arbot d o, Ana a s at t anhm tle. heltir e is now o rgantzi nta comp e 5 T hi n ot thiq a come e .0 M d, po. IS I come 0 n 'U arr �9,46 the clan,thy, nd ! oi ew ac ar, riced. 'm e- r oi th 0 C, din.bpefigoUlit.1,60 t ()U. 8 :n rs r'e 0 reisLy L i(lily Tavo� LV, 'to �C 11ol . 4 . r-atlip , . I I � 0 Ph, 7R th t EN S' OL