The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-13, Page 3'71TW7717,77, 7, a .4, /7� .... ...... ... -ro to, the q0 gram jut (1qCe4 neW. volee fiI lng ra i;;., 1:X :,13oyd played the o ur- 'Thiaffigh h4a,,somel. �Ixnee '0131Y while,Rqj P n U� -�4nd girls, 0`f Ran bg,ly� Y�ar c d_ Is lie Dicing With,,Dea dy gave,Vts, 09" PbRosolilly'alid. 01 quoted li'oe(ry. Tjie prog�am was,quite apprq- little ChilOreq and Oi pi-latb'tb fhe, bourij—y thb Are Ir oW. know, be'ing K a �C Tr, ff .��Oft, 1411ing V Some, smart F�j pip a - pd, c ishoul'd "Joe ft Inso t Is. 0 PM' ).1 4 ce-cup� is f0 daredevils. whd .11ESSON111 Stq� Just dropped,, d the,capriep. Jaihes Vx9_c40p_ftamf_hi"pejdP1 qIIIngIy. bet, thelr'&�h', E- E- St4` the I T, I . ph the C F Oeb'to-1he l4`rger;qp 4:4!s the, M.. 0� ;cixisf6A :of spe iviiry,�ubes,, but: 1.4 that.. giddy gs� Xigbt' C Jain ainei;'ChapteiI,,,' Sun 6miliunity Sin CONDUPT-3 Q. �:wj&dqr Tile, understazidin and death .*h!cbL is. On- boroe brbade� L, at 9- 06, game of. lifei e ast over CXC ev 11, Text. Ut' in o corrupt.' ..x V_c haven't seeu,.$ ce somew,,, ring, Vrqceed� p-ut,X,, pnr riT �.E.pbe- I It 'is. the" word used to, a tan, sin 'time fn" th e s ech p gs,� humArI%'ano. divin tarlo's trade I 4p f thin hei'- ,�qttprr _q and, t causes. ft . ...... .. .... 41 armp..,- 7natt.3, i zs..,,, �Jamps ater prise whdit wq n Dkl,�e rid new, Last Joar, 1. y �n toddlers Up. to �f6ur T1 o the; ppist -n60'Wfor,wisdom at'. tAe ver . J)e Jq of OLU$t s. noie. Thahks t greatly dis'pli4dy'.-The do- :_pffid�pf-.his 6pistl6­(1:5, 6)', - and no�w.'. _ybars of�: aie.met 4vab In 'at! orilobilb for the passes�, 8 e,'mjgl�t', drop. thor'died in �8. AIJ 9 they -had Sqmd pla,6 the r4pt#ns to the' su i0t; onee, aoa acident�,';ilmos as So'_6n, a, See, yo -in d u, c. d 2 -of' th f Or�e­:t learn -w r C' we e to �tall� ege' 'fe -his, ;,d li the. mass ton� epistle, tii -�ear­be hi 1: whIle.. .Let -h�lm shoMi� by :his- �o .,p�d6strlano.- they. W, Q,pel e t a, s mai t. review nights el, as arly,_� 'fn -rpee4ndss'61 wi�d'OL th 5 d at '50 A-1) xQrcises. , neid as Th Xact date cannot be'., (lete�r�', L 6�tao ,p�ss in I I th' d -solis at ,e, Laps a.wrilq, 1p,patre G acc J .40 a7les wro Q rted:' ftoni rl epistle ihAhe ci -Jcrush)6m� Sy ii,e, An, trame ac i e. ts: acst r ave bitte�r jeallou were On foot when their fatal iii6meut L The. author of thio.'epist1p,-�w' the S t:lo 1hoU$e,. arq; In_ as ad. f actioft in; your�'heart,,:glory not Tf -'tlleL kiddie L to 'and lie not against, the-, truth. The" jL 'arriied. the Lord 4esus, and is'r6 orb§ted iii listenir 'ser als,. tune f er '0 -is 'a severt,, Ind the Qrre 61y Only Iii tipq might t4eni-.Jn tp I Ba"acle'-13111 Th ere, translated, fad .".over CFRB word '1 10ment t -els (I ' klitt.. 12:46- 'G, sp reekless driving to.. be' found hi. these 3:55 Mark be �and a Canadian n more. accurately translated, 11H at.'5.30 p -m. esdaya-, A qxpresping, t, c)eistin'g �J h the,"Covee'd h6n.ours w oh' Bel �fg�u rep—.., a harge f, kpathy,, f .-not of h -ife T�iepbojie,, Erst aiders Was t ie' _u'sdays_.Wedn I'd d a 7,3 5)�o Ue T e sti sponsors 0 -negligence. rb &r ps of',goUrsq, �a J6w:'C g. Light'up In,' among different 6di'vidua1SL or"groups, "teichtnigli.'o -0fampionihi Jor women -Z cannot, e held ad� the stri'crti- -the � Jewish 'f individu'h1s. Th s nothing moreL ttL, merr�a, g9al'which Bell first aid' teams I I a ve b 0 - I t d. to the' Idwl of t f r, their actions;. They" canI­ synag�6g�e,.-, -,d0vote beeR strivii g: -to 4 a ft for-ten"Yeais-.. p abl.e ragle. I ChrisT Wo have to ll� It Dqgg to Re not, be, expected;jo.ta s. in..'living a 'righ ibit'L f I mad ke, care'of them 001is. tion-,' 8, and' oMeeti iri -the, Vancouvor,. who' YL ion,�o low selies in traffic., Drivera, mupt. think 6abl the' Christian Ca d ture"two Bel koni zealou tea'cher Ill the oic I T61411onel fir�( aid' and - MS was pro godly life. rqduates.,ar giVmg,,4n P na din, 10 histo roaddast�. chufth strivin Am arm, h6uld be �ar h bai:kkr6u�d ry -by for-, thein orotpdt- them.'.,. Elderly epistlo: wr!U6 L Ong li�ad L and' leg in)uri6s ed'for... In t .e rst n in, -�fhe honori, an L Tr6vinclal . lield 0 Japane.a va ifferent Be I Te ep: Wild; 0 a war fefu m-Shanglid'i. u'p,q'iv hr- persons are -A api; ,early. tbems�lves for superior places - of e tropl�ies won ing interviews wi t th Sin disad ntage.' it d ai�g,y'� I meono, e.ige di teA goes the rnl�'d 'inay 'be. clear b ms eft t r1jh1t: 'the. Q, alrid the rpot-� ut, the val I r laiii, Pa - h an—Ch .1�6n�.bip�_yvcip�_ iy.__T_eam,_N_o__,.1_,: ie o, �d, L Qanad t'. li , ri e,. ab falt6r.nod the nqgj my nirrihie.. e &--caffadi aftip V, L as, inst b _%_ _' e, prominent tuotois. tba :8ti cifi, :Empress: of..,. AsiA,,; n by, pess. 'L. 'a 'tli6fr ve, r 4 es,, i rn ous, r ctoria,,-the p,revi mustAQqk -for oo; it 'e glory with 'their tongues 'of - ipperioir ro.nt.o. Tlld Sit -George Burn\- vophyj All Canada Laqjes! Tirst.Aid 'Wo in here' wi �bampiq�hip, a _Iqft, Dk g M. (?Jit ihem in y were', in'd he A` -count ng'I_AdiW' Team,. Tdronfo. 'Tile, Walla, ce. Nigbi eral Trophy and the -Queb6C and'boarding the'l 49r. on its n'his readers. While d tc9ching'oth46,,he c an !�.u�y and faction"in th tt. G( Arrival� eir. heArts. :waq fatalities., are to be 610 ess, high,;*ay .0 grigetting. ProVi arly. hour qrn- geT td*'L teacir, them- a inanifest c Ad �c !a 1 h i eld' won. by',Teaffi-'%Nb 1� hlofitre�ah the're'in 'the, e, inven.64' 6f selves; what they mu ink,. 116: arrahigg th. p erview$ on. the o possesp, faith.:'and -to 40 , . - " i' -workers t st, know to be the ApIroiinately. nLinety-�flve. 'Clut of ever 6ftdre& Bell, Tele bond lap e I nothiiig -but amaje;, P ti James' five. hour crossing, to- Tdheouv&.. Afid a re: iio*'turns f _s U --;-!-ft7hny tu-mb1etfi7-,_not�1*-wd 'L t wh4n, the first hawser cAme 7Th- an Td-,-� 'he n. b ; - '�! I : i.. same, is a pelrfect man, able t6 a chaf intd, bridle �706 7 13' 'is. M ashore.,, -The acteiNaflon`�. hLt of th heav L entreated put t kipils of" wisd m w icih, me erpretatiort fi�, feivieWs 7were on, We t y ffls6, 3. X ow ' if*,w6 The ­b6�% int Wroses, :'6rid1'e's­* into th6ir two n niy gapg7plank was n, place. t)h" t- ind he, ".1one- be. f this phrase Wbul"T b� "winning its aMont s, -that . t ey ii b hav J i Ml - ff�j ey ..Us,' W, SS�",L FUJI aripg eousness. e h b' hayq'o e. way b 9 e .'b other be -U1 Qf,'me'rey iiin t rn abbUt, whL 1'. ry a, so, _od I .an 'good 'fruits. itbou varianeq�,, jmo 15 This wis omi �,Thqt On& of subject W lntei�fl4d Iii Cak�odiian S010 Janl6i164'e te�'in§ ..a Y'Lsuch 'b U t G d d is, n The fir t two sponsors. re',gettj'ng.Jn-i . VieW. uiki, lRest, GrCL-k n ere.- Prob ean'' unW#v. rou name d oils a' wis-do r dfo staf! I ohypoVrisy. :ter6stlid i. Cafuidlan 'e ire' ptd w s t, cha, isd6hi. CIIA 'allo jeli ousy 'and, fac-- word abl� 08t th I attion fn "one's -heart. nWa tbo in ering "stehilfilit�?'- fAsirjgJe-Wnd1.-6,d,11 -sa ar a's tQ'br an,ne f nInto -Canada. thjt�. h work mi. el G V programs This 5 'Glioka, _ster,, i:-to*wn.-of approin i ine. or Acer.1 yi. pre ng wing: iA7 inad' :4y. 41"009, 41 60 man ah lind�r , " ' 't a hvb tMt -6meih dowz fr6m ab ath tongue, ove.,bji lie,. as e, all,, kri pere me4ns �oes n 'e,' b cart OW.". ypocris. on e :"in ten�i JU Ian,! .0 ituated met " ii g b can't h '*hich!,0be radio,, Usi'liess' -what'. we'! will, 9 . eof the u6i� ts S r S? Ag thrxi�4extr6mity, of Albiii, s ai� V re- �ted' %"It, belong live.' 9 6 the:, Vbi cb, will, -lbad Alonammedan. the -or ns-bf hii'b6dy Wy­np, run a CanadiA. series. an' ga rq eOgVap not'! the er An as, nce, isappe E E owbr� irnpul�es�' , from i Canada. i6ty. sin- nbt ma er"d. W EK' bulletin fi;'om :tb e 0 +ii ating sbffie poi�fit Cal See The. test' of the popWa A To' ng',u' e- Co;ntr rnan.ls� nature. Devilish.. iThe, 0 ri ql�ed Jy Then, we m �bftk o�fe real progr4luS iha w or' 4 here real refe, otlox C.- mulkikk%y y 9 s tion Is ree -speaking Beholdj the ships also, the so, - ....; " V I It U In'-Chodda. mile. eniuch to d seians. a by, -himself, rig to e- th d.. r6 driv& rOUghLwInj'S, rid. par6kiti,' Of 6.6' Grek� friort.tier,;0'jinkoter was aie-yet'tu 4d'ab6ut-by- rn6ho,!and nature. V�jcej TliL-. aii-none rs out wost are. hav- ed -by Greec6*. a he Ball�n�' r stlecess., whither hci� im- ean spir 516 Jai -'N�W ing ti� Waxs in '19 12-1 of dehions'o', tincl �t the end of Oc Ober 9, Ac. ne coup e of ays ago', tIj lei, ell to broadia§t h6ld-over f roml the f6rig pr-.,, 6 14 7.9 willeth. ifb*. f or at we ddinafi& broadcasts , I%Iob se i'iniy of full. - W�. Itfi re :s".iud en but oui pu seL repr.�sente 'as possessing the souls� of' e 9 o ba�l: game am mq' d C --a w� Jis a little member,. e to--fhL- level C tougue m; ,V; 'A palisor 14SL 'In( 11 LO 'UP r t e !air just bb. tne� Nvos.t6rn gf-oup., This con- o 121, when this iulgged,:,motin ain- 9 �ilihilghi�` We�.th nk, th -program 'is b s %y4pnipeg 16 Ili.: � t f C- & L ' ' t 'a libastet- II54f t h ftaiey' �tarf6d' t SYiifll frih an aud4it&n. ove � " h ' ' ' - t '19 d' of 'madness. hies as for se'r ho .1-0aldusy' �n-d iiietio. n* seri[(4 -6-�er NtC'� Red R e �, w'o I r e I I kingdom tof the, Balliall F�efiln ftr ecr edi 96' a -shili n s. con n are, �thoi� is co�flision 'and'b' .,14aley,� if VOU rem.ember� w- - . pr'Lol5i�bjy'tb- I ol�ost bit OL ir s, Ian vory V 0, 1; fa inj id 'Redfina.. Tlie'�axin`ouniiiqrs tl:AVel, s at o T fk' .,was: an, yv. pai u e,,,;. rooner, J ii, I( , �pl&. . We have,h69i1d'f'o.r a,.iong--E om .0.50 -to" 780� r o a slag e Mountain y ro�y -cer- Go -d 9" ime:em4n-`. ill 16.9' to' d U Kingdom whin*l dyjv'en, b ikh. winds is n, Co.r,. ituated 1,060. feet a ove sea teVel'. 'uppbrted'�. ating fj,,oni �a I6ciI, st S b' aili -'to on tl�� r6cks',6r the to'be th� 'riot of cofifusio tt�re.� Tj,):: Mid W, tio The, pro-:, bYcia 'N 1111;yOU 0 Pleee&­ by, Ted F16 Rito rUgge. -grnash ll't "-but' of eace�;� The'.,00rd he among g;q'ideinto 'r,ighi ways lat6d:-� >d':foi- thothing arron bt ni, Ojinokas� d Virgl0la, vel .11 vi e means tgo( looked .,housea ter'p hite-i lues singer. thisserl cessf 611y At"The N1 r Ln xi ra I Are.. d qu Ill eq pi-pral. .,But Afie"Wisdbm that' is -f . rcityi �ht b alo battle sue 17. a. iiilltol),�.hnd'straggle. 11 - ke� lin'es Gi- -this 'n th .-Of -'snow alied, v With, stoefiis; �and.*�onauct lnt6'restful above. is 416t� pu�e.. See Pro'v., '2: isds b w into tie ; I . do, 1 ' 'b harbor, bU't It cah 'iIlso' wroe,�-k and ley. .Up itild own: will �!Th��Iiurlfy,-of­ttle hpavle�nly­ d 'mountairk nq com�is, . merel-y! in roads plod the dohkeys o stur y _.;1U In'b6PttdmIesR' Wisdbn t how m4&b. esL �,Tosks­ plying to . sinaft. `opskl4fdr Cl ternptation� i4 'victory,over of Oie' 116sh You listener w. ::. .. I . . 'L , ; ''. I ­ ­ yL an( ow opi,; selling ciga.rettesi. c leese,, car- ed,by he �small a -fire!. ieard so sli n!J�Ueh '��holjtL' Ir I' t` L� 11 ooc oo, ierd is y Ill' -a fire., The tngue can pets tit, the tongU6 is cannot 41n, :niiili: fe0iiii. Chance t6 listcil to all ti - nal eria s and. o er pro- t.rentic� (I e p - U ri o00 '80, __p not, loij cK a�Ly . 00 uJ,aj.n0_ZaAot, er�� ie.iiassidm-�ofl r the pol f p wl anger o of, T ...Then -Oetrceh - :L manu p t� .so ..0 .Suspicion.. . ble. ve-nil' :ko' red wi N1,110, IS e a 0 I'll eqUse! 1lispired w jvor�d'-6' PVt i6LIJ 19_t e eel., n ui B lie, T116 pee weaving, a n �o t i-emnddl­6f t hp, a's * 6 h' t a d seivo that lie ge"iftlej sym- �110w Tile ty t yearsi Alb4iiiqL was "d i. lips arid deig 'a- NXJiVN :nat When QUI-Seff 6 iiie", ihos� 6S 0 i-ni e L stij husl ,,ak p him.' Easy �'t' 66' -t e - til wor �,as-, at6p Is' Weal h aniti in'. I -Jai tj t sions: ki I s of. town a r -guage, 4%ore4d. -throug ' "oils -effilin the� north, 'Anlerican Me, up�qloxzs iaii�� and ito h vari k L illen lie n iintillbe, w' -bold nail. C 0 gra nd,'ioth6r .. ....... . ... ames And is,- a s: t1lat, lie- 'At -L4 I P, eheekdr156a*rd'S alon,� Vi6sa—River 1 e tw e .-Charlie MdCartliy; --the 61ily pine� Willed'ito in Van ath.p.. inan �Vrath, is'k —of ed 'OUg JoUt ai'. the 4rc - that $eth. is. kind] biocl?lir. the: A,6�*ld'fhat. mil cia M bove. the winter. llavt� ;,Ijv ull vv afrom' a k el, tlii*3 f, (Iio,4 plitor- d' �beasts -:vnd pel. riliailces.,,, hp for I �-oy I a ty'. f9 1. " has—tut, two navlgabl'�, ';ri�vei% no* -ag ..4eas4n, y partially� biras, of ereej�ihg. thing� and b gs 111q pet, a3 b b Qpl'(Iw_ are oul d, nx,T e,. sea,, Is hk.pedi and b4th bepif/ n Gol wyn Follies, if nl� �o. Wd�t6d� torren,�*- 8-.'. But . S is d: a u.t, has in she tamed, hij d. lies( Id! dfj,ar�e 'Value. The�a imal d and lkfaftfif :.'in un. aIns ui� winten.- -aid. be pan no, e. am like to� find it. becau,se', there a pe, ':it loolis the "rid 1, , " Bergen,' vou at I� ? N'17)e U, it I f no W n to�d 11 JOL), too_ in tl 0 wa er. problem, -of. �tji e, S Ull of (Feadly poi- i .6 fLita it x st only �v 0 ames ...... y Where the::crLmt1ou �of storage som Aug-liiitihe le t'lllll%.% it�d6e§, �o L t 9 says-. -1 110 1 �ou n Charfie' l� fi hanu que cap talne d" the 't J;Uj -h -th6 nao-uls., to',- Vb.1316� g:Oh lak n eco ong e IT 'is so stilall l5ai,V1.' alien it Is' tamw ,,we con -less th t this is:brbught l�outby'66 pit;y,' 0;r C61' A ifle %elp', the of Go z0o''A qQry ce f 0. 1, 1 a 11 d li ol I! f'the . I,, fttl(ijI I L SSe ill ako but sof ", _ �­ L * 47 �Yje T d now clotlies elioen at 611; S, Ott t t, to , 1. 1 10 111 q$ 0 V te' ious. trudi h W iquainfod hai U u I y 6 :a n d ic(l. Oftly'o 143 ]is. 1611" Over 1i 01, 6n.t- L ift&CvftY P, �,Ood and: great OV11 bet!)' 7�ay Z o lred OV.6 ig Philp file; 1:N -..,I I o Cst i-il adIn 9tt�oiiq nole b f. D il(i)lei ghtho tilljol and Fathbr, ewith j %V of �,110 )ilia oho fira et 110., t &I .:1,7 tiot t bt -M Ood' 10 O'dt'o4,the a, ni'd .ZO() Rt I C '717ti V i� I'll o of. forth sr`0 0 Ill at' ii'w' lie IV ina ton,mo is Ull (I 'i I A i,� iA L,; E roa libin'ted! i o o� vwo _V n,l a t t cS c lose I lot- POrmal n �d' 'IL7. sinU (I e (!a, still IT)g gowr tu an'U Ill 0 Tit, of the stilon t h h o, I (I.q -f i�,; ft�d, the in' b a shbbld bleN God, in, his, s 0', (10 or of lilt, DI., lie It Ias' C the, d fo f�tll y ell for gtud heto #VN it I (I all r Or A I'vil, on Li 0, 1 fifitilkot VWVlded y t 'd II tlli�y f 110 t), ''Ri J.d fl`L"d'A" 'T r IMP, y