The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-06, Page 6„ 'ft V C.901)47.111, -.:T `C421141tYA.1.4t1t1' ,9,11p1,1117414reil and Ave, HritiSh.ilyere, '1?csiil.:1[1114 ' ',Pt • reu,:r.cl dentrds 1 'bhd, Until 7 it ,J.ierIcOmpared''JWith the", .highwaY., caatielt,y...li,st,:',during the same .v.-..-Pcterborinigh EXeinfeet, . • Where WAR Coes. How rinich Canadian inekel has gone;.(and is.,min,g, into the manufac- • ture 91 the.. Vzorldiai inStrumeats of . war in these „years Soice 1018,?.Tliat, it seems. t� us, is a 'euestion the Can- adian people., should. put to them-. , se:yes sober:Yearriestly. Because it `does involve amMet -Serious: resininsi- ' ' • Those Radio .Licenses_+ , Thgovernmentdepartment • issu- ing radio' , Might .save • itself great deal of work and household- ers 'a lot7,iif .,incOliv.Odencc. if , ors. wereantiplied with adequate and reliable information as to those who have remitted their .fee. Only a 'gqii- ernment-coulcl.....aiTorit-Acc.:.Ofrend,Alie...... • pubr.c. bi demanding that household- ers produce evidence that license fees have been raid.—Financial Times. - Whet&.Distent'JX. Treason • liee0tnea. 'the, ..PetkPle r of the deiiiocraciei,; to. take. -note of what :is :going.; on 'in. the„natiena Of the other , .Peranasiiim!'..• ) have. a:,•.riglit to say Videnteifint, 38 , '13414itaW,; 'life Init. 'better,. 'to• 1.tve in the-neinocracies than •in the That is a Vent simple way Of, putting: it, but .that is the "aPlt,' exprelsion •of Whaninitters., :There id a 'terror ''.alirtied in those countries.. Men •are not free • to :speak:: their. mind.' What :ire .eallAnPpoSitien, to • tho7 '••government;;:eztliate.„--,7countries 'knew :only .as •treaamti. --. Vancouver Protince;"'.•- " "1"; ' The Bicycle -Craze ' There has been as astounding' in4 crease' in, the patronage of bicyclli in Qntario. Espeeially. in the towns and villages, has the bicycleat- tained- the .popularity that was. char- aaq1St.3C of 40 years' ago. ;In the last,ninetie&Ahere,ivas a bicycle craze in 'Canada ' and the UAited States. , Even the , most inferier", roads' were swarming .with male and female --iiickists..• Touring, clfihswere farm - 547r, "Mk-W4P4r:- .r, A. R. Dafee, physician of the., Dionne quintuplets, has ' *04gen ,:v.p#4, nkni0t...J;eating., thp• ' babies -„';alker:iii:' He . .. • • meilt4115'.: -;1*,'guinear},1 .!-. ,, , ,,'tf.P irel'• , 1 ,1 , 1.,..., PrrPd'. 'tt, ,.;the,te ttitte9tj'Ofi.ilItioiticiee'Lii R., Rigler..,••hef re , he , 7nterreitiontit: COngresS of Battled gY :at , Chicagos, • I :that the. qUirits:migh help e.scienee :ofliereditY ' hiateri y by 'being Sufi:. . . , . , jected to complete X-ray exemir.a- . .. . , tiona. . . The story of the, five babies is a dramatic on. But any ' tendency to regard, them as exhibits or as :ma-,,",„, Jerial • for laboratory -probing is. a re- grettable one. 'There. are htimep lives -involved .:. in • Callander, . And . the ' -supreme right to .develop, as • normal children: Othervitise they -drop hito :the classification Of freaks,. -.Adding , 'another .-.sorry 'chapter to the ex- ploitation of physically unciiie, p'seple., :whoSe . birthright. is ,• the!r greatest . handicap ' ° To. overdome that. handi- cap should be the main goal of 'those,,..) Who have the interests OD the babies ;at heart. ' Anything that would. ag- gravate, it should be checked At the start:H.:Hamilton: SpOctatori. THE EMPIR Sign' of Sociall PrOgresx, In the small groups of Engliskfollt, found all over the. Empire,every one knows every one else,, hence the bank .clerk'aWife...will fiel,._:_entertainel.,,,•by_ And-Mhat-7in-heeturltrar-MatI)';thE, British. Consul's lady. 'Themis con- sequently a leybling of classes, and . the leveling, is -upwards; • Every one -efaes . finger' Queen.. • Problem*, of Eisitern' EurOpo,', -*The problena, .of Eastern and Central. Europe is the one Which,/ if mishandled; is most.; likely •to.4611,d:te.;-' a• general : war. ,And it is the one in which British policy findsit.inaat-dif-' ficult:- to felloW4 clear line. On the, one hand; the electorates. of .•Gxe*t. Britain, and Still more of the over- sea Dominions, view 'Eastern Eurnne,, as the field in which their.own inter- ests are least directly engaged, which they can ':eiercise the least di- rect Military force and in which they ' ,are 'least willing to commit- them- selves beforehand.: "Indeed, •With e navy which canna reach Eastern Europe at all,an army ' *Inch has: practically no: European to 'promote rides t� various parts of, the country. •Special trucks . were , • built for racing and . circuits 'Were formed:.for the holding of races at ' night . at ,electrically - lighted speed- 'Ohapry-er. , • • • ' A National4racliTolicy • Without' -suggesting ' that Canada I • should tlirn ‘..awav.fr.oni the, policy of 'expOrting.,to markets abroad; it is be, Veining more than ever apparent that " the ., Gdi,ernineires reliance ,on: the ..- canture of ,werld". Markets is devoid of any. promise Of sustainediirOsPer- , ity at home. .The productive ' „ sources Of 1. this ''.,Dotpinierr are more than sufficient to assure every Can. /Wien worker ef an abundant stand- ard of living. The national policy of Canada must surely .ho...clesigned first to maintain this standard .at home by productive labor applied to home re - Sources. Canadian "enterptinein world.'markt: follow, under conditions ,of .1' greater 'aeeurity fer. -•Catedian worker's, 'when national •'Prosperity is no longer. dependent • • upon . competition with,• workers abroad ;Under ...a lower • standard of Jiving., It will call- for more light on 'Parliament hill, — Ottawa Citi- ' • xem• • • • . . • Remove License Plates: • • It is::generally. Admitted, that. one., Of the most effective meens• : remedying .violations of the traffic • Jetts is ;the remoVal. of 'licenSe plates • ,:s/or a .definite • period from the card involved: M the offences. A driver :May treat a fine lightlY but,. as The Ottawa lournal, stiggests, , "an offending driver. then woinct come , • :under the • force Of domestic; or busi-• , mess displeasure and • resentimint."' • that is •perfeetly true, and if the. penalty of J"' removing • the: license plates from the , chrs were I. .carried • out, their 'Owners would be exceed- % ,ingly careful' as to Who •J Yra8 • ,ted to drive. Cort.ainly the only, eniedy for the .careleastiess and ecklessness" that IS' abroad today on tpart of a Snell ,perteritage of, rvers Is by the imposition .of dras- iic penaltiee, • }knee, the .stioner the igirottys Department deckles upon, he removal! of Iliense• plates in addi- Ion ' to th$ other penalties 41106644, e, ,sooner wiltthe kighiVit-ys become sr, for law-ahining niotorista. ••=-, taattord: Expositor.- , e, expeditionary force, and a home air foliee, which is unlikely to reach par- ity in numbers with Germany, the only way in which Greet Britain could exert direct 'force WOulehe by 'turning' what might be a :local ceiv, . filet' into a World War., On, the :other hand, neither Great Britain nor any Dorninion carihe indifferent to - al- terations in thet'atus quo . East- ern Europe, especially if they are brought about by .power politics or war, because. of, the far-reaching .ef- feet they. may have upon the 'balance of power in the 'world as a whole.— Round Table' Magazine. Out of ' the neck of ,one'Efillard • Simpson, Massachusetts police doe tors 'hist. week 'dug evidence which, may .1 cenvict him of murdering a • policeman. , The evidence:-.--' a bell:et', ,from a brother policeman's gnn. ' Nervous 'Hubbies And Wives *F.11)bk m TheraPenti; Then- 0,04401Ara• , , . : TioubIet.. 'husbands and nervous Ni.,e11,..ht.i*0 • found- a new ' Cure for. .14Ptiklr rifts, a therapeut.le theatre fIt.'`. Beacon, :NN,., -where they go on the "'Stage and %terra. to their hearts', ' C,Or0P1.4;,'.•. • ‘: • TiireuItsofthe g nitt) t •usuti&'‘'Wettlival,I.-,erilto Vief-ufnoi for,',itOre,,aerloine'Menteli,tronbleSkis tte4JA'4'. ' Sc.le'sP”. s. re . . T.Ipper Houde to. our. Twoof these are ui Quebec, cone ,in A Ontario and one in Alberta, • Youthful, Murderer Confeinese • , s":griect confession of • Ifab.a(ile, on teal for: tliernurder . wPft4heAr!Ohne*.igau.r.pztield,41.yhotan ins, in tes he was tinder, the ilifItlehee'1 Of. .1 and Strlicic the lad with .4 -haMil-Pri was: admitted, aP. evidence by „Mr, Justice MacKay. • • StrUggla for: cOntroll.of Biorilr, • , Oat Northeast • Spain: raged 'a's ernment 4nd:3:insurgent forces Strugr . . ' gied for, contrOl. of . principal avenues to the, French, border., , :ght • •Wp,* ,f or. possessiOn, :Of • rnight pro*Yide`,;•;:for,, the Govern,141it,:..,a .briiati lane for:AranS,', . pert Of; French einnitiens and, sup- plics, for ' insiirgents. isolation Goverpteent "filifiin, from :13ai ce)oila :and Cete'orfia,, Prance ktit'S in timated''ahe may Opep her herder to.. supplies .and arms if foreign nnteers" r•re •.nct. -withdrawn 'from i . trY,. . of ..Inter -Personal Ji6V,44,11erphi of Columbia Univ:-'-itv. FIic 4141iP.Or 46.re'no, I WflO..l.A1=Irth'0 J:. ' Purta.ge'' ••-• The "idea' is defined' thus --"The full. ppychodraine•••: of our inter-reletions : .doesnot emerge; it is buriod in -and hetWeenTus."' Iii this, spon- taneous pay -acting, done under aunerViaion, has brought out some „of. the hidden facts Of inarried The 'new journal describes the play... 'acting .of "Robert" and his wife, They re-enacted some of their,tiffa,.-aad At, the seine tiny 'spoke aloud the thoughts they had felt. but not .utteretl,. during. the ,queriels: • '.iShe.neyer-putv,things in'the-tight— Plaee"' was one of "Robert's" asides. One of was: lie is so rest-, less. Why- didn't he let Me wash the '..dialies.?" • . *" • , • ' •• When Things Went Wrong „ L.trotible, , developed, was two neurosis. one about time and :the 'other. ahout. 'spaee._; He always . ' Vierried for fear of being„late for ap. -Ointments. Thi a "time" trouble was so 'bad 7 he went . to: one appointment three hours early to escape worry over. being late:, In •"space" anything' even the slight up -tilted corner of a „rag,. worried •him.. • • ..i..'",Bobert"'. and. "MarYT, 'found -the' ' 41,1,0:f9r:their:Ltrenhled-.• pentiextages. 'They•Jeerned :hew to -talk .to each Other when ;things -Went Wigne - • ' , 0:** In Review , No, Longer' Take Risk • , LONDON -British insurance cern- panies have announced their •,dec:S. ,ion•lo refuse to •accept . war :..risk in- surance: ' They •asserted ' that "development of warfare -alone • has intro- duced ,an..iriealculable-hazard." ' ' The -.statement said that this de - :calory was. effective October 1; 1937, and added that "nearly. 300 insurance companies of all' nationalities were included in the agreement to ban such insurance.. ' , •11 Duce's-visit &Xis th m. 1 to ChancellorHitler elided wta parade of the pick Of the 'new Ger- Man. army.. Twenty-fiVe regiments Of the arnlY paraded past • the Fascist Duce'' and : the Nazi- Fnehrer. . . 'Then there was a: final. hineheon 'At Hilt -lees chancellery,: tne:last event on the prOgra • Sleeping Beauty Dies Death brought an end to the 67 - month coma of ' Patricia. • Maguire, Chicago's , famous sleeping beauty, this week -end. , Double pneumenik,, elided her life as phYsfelans prepar- ed to operate Upon her to ,remove a tumorwhich menaced her life Vacancies in Senate • -OTTAWA— 'Death of Senator R�- dolphe Leinimix in • Montreelincreas- ed the number of vacancies in the 4.6 , • ' RobLnd • Ey Fake D9cter • cHAT}1.04.--,-A "fake" doctor rob- bed . 87-yearO:d. James:. Hawkins • Of $10 'while, the aged Man lay helpleas in bed at h:s RicigitoWn,Jant.,.-hemie7 where he, llives alene..: , Two . $1,000 bonds 'were. overleOlfed .:by the thief. • Pope's .Encyclical VATICAN': CITYPepe plea XI has issued „: a dramatic,. ensyclical, , which is construed as anattack on Communist Aussie, 'Nazi • Germany and tlieleftisf-inclined 'governments , of Spain and Mexico.. Thc document, "An encyclical let- ter • on the rosary -of the bleised. Vjr. g:n: Mary," urged the Reman.. Cath- olic faithful to pray agaitiat the evils of Communism and the „tendency of.. .some state leaders iihe'•war against to-"exhum rors and Morals." • n , Want Eight Hour Day • ••, TORONTO—Th e Fed- eratiOn of the .Ontario Fire Fighters, Association have renewed : efforts to have the ,ProYincial:.GoVernment ,pasa, legishitiOn‘ler,..the'establishing of the three -platoon system , or .' eight:hour, day for firemen, • „ Epidemic Like Drientry TOK.I0kore than , 5,500 persons' are•ill of an !epidemic diseaie dysentbling ery in TrefeC-: ture and 283' have . died, the Domei Agency/reports. The :dientise was de- vastating the townof Omuta, where the 1 municipality was: experiencing difficulty in cremating corpses'. Fif- teen : 'emergency been established there.• ' • •Brealcia World's RecorvIL- LEXINGTON K:Tii5-year. '-nld mile 'World's record ,for trotters - was broken : here by Greyhound.:. J,• In his second essault on the mark • estahliehed. by Peter Manning' on the - Lexington track- in 1922; the five- year-old grey ghost, under the pilot- ing of his trainei., Sep Palip;.. step- ped: the distance in 1i56 .flat, three-: Jagrgissecond .. under..__the.„forrtier Japan Relents. Avi osity TOKIO. ..---,•Japares newspaper re- , sentrnent over what were termed •,."unjust" accusations that her artily .conducted 'ruthless Warfare in China took an anti League of Nations, an ti course this week end The 'Mehl Niehi :attacked great .Britain; whcli,, if Claimed, "uses • China, ' as well as the. League,as e3Oola for Checking, Japan." The 'Nichi Nichi , said that ' anti - WO" aarr,V*1 tin At.; )14: L=2*00110_,...315-- 11"49P1 'graait: A Commentary By 'ELIZABETH EEDY On Outstanding Evenb.of tke week , A New Civilization In North' J.ogt haelt from a tour by airplane f the -Contra Manitoba mining- area th.q.,NOrthweat Territories ,-ap, far mirth, as: the ,Arctic. Circle •tie .great • Bear 1.;aiie, the' 'Z.100114010 Minister: of,Sinea.; • #.141; '1`..'fk,:Orgrar the Canadian "P(P) ,11014t14Y4.:4';'P!PPP• •jarising.'4; 60C,',1 time hnd aptitude for :beset tbY' eitY,,e*eitement , an'itiNte:•conteiit to. do'...wiehoUt :It. • The, Minister dethated that a pros- permis future lied ahead.. Of the newer mining flelds tp there and thereis rooin for tremendous Jdevelopment. With water, -transportation • available everywhere samraertiine, and almost year-round air service; it is be will be ideal for eateb- Iishinentlof a comfortable • Waits: Have ,Complete This, week Yvonne' Dionne cut her twentieth tooth, the last: of the "tepletato acquire the full'score• of' baby grinders., The•Five,now have'.10.0' teeth amongst ‘theni:, '• ' . • . • Rome-.Berliii Axis- • Ever since the aututini'of 1935. when qerrnany,rernsed. to join . j' -!with the other European nations in imposing sanctions on ,Italy '• for her aggression In .Abyssinia, we . have been hearing the phrase,: "Rome -Berlin .Es-' peciallY-ot iterrinean ci•isis. when Italy Was accused of pir- acy and, nations rallied', to one •side or, .atiother: List , week.: the ' was :Made doubly Solid by the of •Mussolini te.. :Adolf : Hitle. 'Phe . , I/beeches of b(* -41.1, on that neeklInn:: while realrming their united• front . . • . -against`BOIshevism...deciered Pile -that - coalmen' desire for wort* peace. With - ;the cementing ef' sauch. e; bend.' entered • 'elan Britain.' 4#0 later J.F.ranee: we :better fio ,Tvot14,•I• J, f,11 • ' '1:61,40inat 'IVI*01‘t,,:eigt6osed r- terinipal Intirket' 'hi: :Toronto. Would .do a great deal towards rectify- ing Sorry conditions in. contact° • where- . by farmers in the Holland Marsh' find thenhielyes' Possesaect of bountiful crops and •no markets,1' declared the '.'fieptity. Minister' of Agriculture. J.'11. Vairbeirri.• ".All produce would` come to ; the one market,"" be suggested, "thus permitting control of supply and demand, better prices' to producers." Many 'parts, Of Ontario' . are Similarly 'hit, each year, the fruit -growing 'die; tricts ineltidecl, and the crops rot on firms because of poor. markets- - • Ritibt Jobs For Jobless . • ' 'Surveys being•niade under the head- ship . : of the Nationel.Emplayment Cern- mission ,' are attempting classification Of all unemployed persona in Canada.. todiscover fornifil of, work to which they are best suited... Eventually It IS hoped' to have every relief recipient elassified -tirliiii7fitriesi- ler some forpi, Of employieent. :Special Mention will be made.also it the Job- lessman' is permanently uneniployable- as n 'result of s,onie' physical. • mental ‘nrseCial handicap. • ras resulted in a ineiVernent.faVoring an Otheonile boycott. would not serve ,British. interests, ' "but , would very ',adversely effect not ••OnlY J,Far East-: ern-P'eaCe; but also the -international "PolitiCal dittietOn." . 1 Noiseless Streetcar Being Developed New ,Staiidird -Car .Designed in • - The 11014 States ' ,OTTAWA.—DeveloPment of a „noise- " . lese Street car With. new standards ' of conifort, was described to the DominL ion 'Tariff Board At Ottawa by ,Greorge, Gray, representing thedenadian. Trip, sip Association, Montreal. ' The car had been designed at the • instance cf the 'United States, Transit lad beep -sant in experimental work 'before it had beep piit into iurvice.. "It is an attempt," he said, standardize, on a Vehicle that Will com- pete with buses aid pilvate cars. ' The hope has been to. produce e street car at :from ' $15,000 10's17,000. As ,developed it bed remarkable pow- ers ;ofacceleration and .deceleration. It is silent and comfortable." . The ,car was described, as having - hard rubber -wheels 'Which .. run on , .--Some ot.--the-cars--were :running in the United States cities, Gray said, but there- Were, none hi Canada Yet, The same Old story is being retold, , again — 'crowded schools At the .„ one:4ring of the fall term at Windsor._ XS., 1Vfiss Anne Monro, tenclergarten. •teacher, reported 91 pupils enrolled in • her class: . of -V eci411d's Lost Modern Transmitters! CfmatLitvATrral literner 21030.°FdcatstatlaitcifttntT7113eYsi Canada's first high-powered broad- casting station, the ultramodern etherizer , to :, take ,the 'air , early this month as the first in the 'Canadian Broiiipasting • Corporation's , ceast4O., .6:mit chain -of' eight new • $350,060.. trerismitterd,' is rapidly. nearing com- pletion at Hornby, near Georgetown. . The giant rbroadcaster, to be known , as "cw,-,, is to ,radiate programs to ell Ontario. Its huge output ;tubes, each, valued In the. neighborhood, of $C000, ;Will pbwer the station to 50,- 000 watts: . This Is More . power than. eir Horses Still Make a Brave Showing 'Hare IS.J.Seefi baseei �t Mottittlecin. traditionhl dreini with. traditional , toraes,,bat-evea .ivrthout hatpeo Otietaintatgrittre.; • invader* thttte 1 tiiat.u•s*:tdi-9nto:de.Y... 1.,y, any, otbi•:•:C.e;,..na. st,7. . heye,a sister station41. also, . under -.'eonStruction at yercheres1,.. One:, and will service that 'entire , province. •. , .4.47 Feet High , According to A.7BOUrIte, 'engineer in charge Oft con stru Ott on ; and, W. • C. t - tie; euievnligineer.fOr this. region; :the ,new transmitter ,will be One Of the World's' Most ;modern. The Aerial tower, whee. eoinnleteil;:will Pilree 647, feet Jute. the .pky.: it will be 200 ;feet tatier 'than the tallest .building in the ,Britidh Enioire, the Darik of Commerce. Today this",steel .tower- is 355, feet tall'. and' is going atthe tate of '30., feet each day. APProiiimateli; fiiie tons .Ofconerete: have been potii•ed into what forms :the hese ofth� teweit. :Atop tine base 13 a sot br,.nercelain :,insultitors: • Which aci; cording to engineers, is ebont-the •size• of a, het -bpi( and whiplt Weighs about . 500 pounds. On this Is bilht the -steel* towerwhielt, when 'Completed,.will weigh 51 tong. • , Aiderl by ansintricate' ground. Sys - tern, this tower, acting es: the aerial. itself, :will peat the stat ien's• signals iiiindreds of Miles .into .theeir. . • •Approxiinately .41 iiijl, oC capper :pArlre • haye been,.burfed nine itielies dergi•eu the 40 ficrei.of Dreamt y • 'surrounding the traparnittPr ' • lights to. W. a rn Aeroplanes , • Nn'yj,r. heliig nsseini)toci; In 'rilentreat did • tratisteitler itself wilt be Shipped' •to Hornhy as eoon.as a roof -has been . "hitilt ori the Otio-atOrdy liouse,J, the' transtiiitter ';tiges. (infant tubo a .whicii ere more than • five feet tell.. They 'aro said' te; lie the. • only tithes. of that. type in the world. •JAit eleetile eye Will 1i employed to °Petal° the spotlights at the. Doak of' the: tower ,and studding the those lights, ta•serve as a Warning in,. aeroplanerfi siitelied on anto- rriatfeelly as titian tut .darkness hegitis to tan, Otehttle Dhote„: Alnelia Earhart Journalistjwi1.3r*ci IC ft of fnit 114.Trwat•SAiriaienture". • !Poi Coinle*PinnA • the Earth.. Amelia Eafluit't find Fred Noonaa were '1"rnorderecr 1?5,7. 04zign'latic erice.,": Tiffany' Thayder ,Oherged. IA thaY`: *At 604' .01V-an..S-0-9105" • 'Unless by orriOeie ter. ,they were,sent to their death by snug:•e;iiplaeeacY; of 4tif, the .1 pan:191416n Ari'diith*'..04...sieists,!•';. ' the r •secietary, :Of .thec,SOCietY".*.111,"national and. OH as ionom9rs,.1 . o 9 ". flyer, group of Snientifik:agnosties, Several prominent.'WPitera.• h a YTe r9: en° enined 6.17d° Or Failure Cs. .ant of the true nature and dimensions• , of the earth:. and .tirerefore , is • to... •• blame for the . tragic. failure of the Earhart Nopuun. ,round 7 the world . , , The Fortean Society Was organ7., ized in 1931.by J. David 'Stern, noVs..' })aper publisher, Thayer, Ben Hecht, Booth Tarkingten, Burton Rascoe -A1-• exandcr Woolcott, writers, Aaron t --Sussinair:ited----othera;- to `perpetuate'', the ideas a Charles Fort, a scientific.. • iconoclast • who 'snggested,, among other things, the eters might not b' so. far away and the earth • might 'bet . "nearly" stationary if all •evidence , was considered. 7 Charts Are Guesswork • In ' his treetnient of ;the. Esiliart- Noonan .flight; .Thayer declared."the latest and Most detailed charts of till' South Pacific Ocean, prepared by the • ILS. -Navyare a eiazY-quilt• of guess -He pointed out e chart. Of the New , Guinea -Howland Island route of Miss ..:. .Earliart and' her„navigator shows 13 • , • -arid:leos.„:•apitko.,4..pprAti,,u—,-„„i". doubtful." - • "The magnetic compasS is, •erratic ' • in this -didtriet, its variation increas- ing two minutes annually, said Thay- er, a:novelist' and former. Hollywood ' Movie Writer„.• now in New York,,' ,"This• -•area is a .Sort 91 ...fairy ass where 'anything may happen." • ,• .4, Visit to Russian Farnis.Obstruct Many Oh:treks Set In WO= Path by• Officials- '-•Speelt'ing of her rieit to :Russia • . among d 27 other countries in a recent • trip arthindthe world, Dr. Cora well-known agricultural Writer, • told a Winnipeg' audience. .last Week of , many obstacles ...set in her path by .of- . ficials "wile did , not Want her to vist --the-farming ,areas. !led of bifd roads,.. , lack of transportation, Unsuitable time for inspection and other things ' , . 'that, indicated . officialunwillingness to bevel-1er Carry .out much personal investigation. • Rergion Not Dead,' ,• "i did not keep a diary :while, on.• this pert Of my journey'," she said: d:d-hpep a fw notes in. some . marking of my own, which Meant a, lot to".•ine' and nothing .to them. :"I :have been , asked . this. question many titnes:Iswveligien ,ilenit Rus- sia? On a.visit to one ofe ehurehes there,1 found the answer; As we - *ere leaving . :the church I happened ' to look into n SMall. chapel' and there,. -kneeling' in Silent reYerence,two wo- men wore counting. their beads, ligionis notouitcdead' in Russia:" •.• . * 1 1 • irt Breaks Legs, . , . ,• . , , In . Parachute ,Fal rom,...,,,..,..ii:.,,,.,..,,,,, ,,,,,,d. ..,,,,e4ii.Wasne'tr.4Aiefrs.d.Adlio!w134'93,rinex.1:0;t1K:,:::_biln::)., ,:. Pretty '17-yearold' „ Gloria , 'Allen professjon to Earth. , • • • er's death When • h'erclinte ripped at, 1,700 feet; neer Blackstone; VI', She 'cattle through it With t%JVcr broken legs. , As the Batayia, NY, high school girl detached -herself froth n balloon oYer. an eXPeaition 'crowd tile', fab, • ric of the 'Chute 'Snagged soinewliere , -on,. Clothing ,Of her brother, Eddie, 19, who els() Waailieriging tothe bal- loon with her sister Florence, 15,4 , : Drops ''Like Rock , • The cloth tare froth side to centre,' ., itfid,: the girl :drepped like, a rock, theparachute fliitteri tf behind. - . . $dys hfone,y Crop • ..o5/vei in Decade. , • The honey crOP this year ia.,one of, the loWdst in '.the".. past decaile,• ne- ,cor,ding ,to Dyee,, head of . the *tigrieulttire-`dePaitmept at the 7 Ontario- AgrieuittitIti College, • t.144ettrierdinttry shortage Of hon_ est is ship to the shortage of clever last,1year tind'4O the wet Weather ear-:" year, he-Saidr-Theie has beon no clover available, -The: honey . shortage is partimlarly unusuai sillee Almost, all othe,f: nyups. itorn , geode Dr, Dye&