The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-06, Page 477� % 777 4', 17� OfTOBER� THt 'TO 7 4. &drq 10 0,ws mr, �#Tio-, Mm -'-w. )k", WS, W r e� I'd V, Last, week. 10;�F aos, "Q00M .,of WI Lyc­-��!:u 0, IN' W! Wit" YSTEgIoul 3 la(ki 14N Q SID 4*1 vI ited, q by, Mn ;4 ,n%:Sunda� w Q'linon: Paid, Sol, Alig if '.1 1400 P .11amllto !, E . concepAkpIll "'Pulms, 0W across., 4"goll, AL 14 of M:,Chas, W te, 0 S W % 'map. , , -ilv*,;AjA A# `iitfolk A hr. go, A $tart4 At h 9 :P E�L ilu` -blot of. - tne;4 ndq4 ho le, Bpbanrj,14oig,,01� d Be4 t thr'?u Tee s W" �0�, d, iter. took ;t. trip, 'iq I It �of Apliftold' :to in _Plowinen,, Young ji: M 'd jj*tr : ­ "L ' ild, ot, a ott 'th hole'! iqZ. in rte*r, �s., R. E';,, XaVilling. And, §P W t J)h en, p Ing, illIL Al of the Lva�`, Cons a hter y aAV d e pq 'Fri Th Up ofi t� with Clervi olice, Walk IL of the Provili ' 64.1! hie I A d ed­by­tjk4"Lj4dyL I riends; yisited 1 Flow CHION V, t r Uonstable, Archie Attion. fIV Mrs, V­J,-017a�7ford $undaY, ev Y71�1 b Ing 7 d this �jq + TfGr a. Jew, �Mjnu. MY V edy- 144i Z, fitly.L. ' WhOie �oh S, of iare OF A.' M -T. ON t Tit "I'LENTY W wx K -A" the, f P1 fro Thornton mea - ffl)�. .., , I URE cit,,tbe 'inon + �A�Po 'throlig modern in it,- ths". 0 ype e- anjinixT, w'ero rcivealtd wa* *Mo't Oct -A. - A "d 'h ' ' L", I I A , 4 1 � 11 '1',, 1' 11 1 H XY � qd,� 0 1 )­,", , I ifa�4 fb�:l light , , C sL frL tbie� '09.11 it- I 'ej­1 �L s F XV J.urt I I*pg her L j$,11OV Ag Q 0.7 0 C y�.'qt FW 1p 1 �14N ICKUEJ� LVM JVY YY171.4 I. '1 1 1341 0 I.VAM 71 AINVA I 7j ig i As D j)ig"i.1011 '"Fag .t,odjotj Ig3 r I �S; "IrEl- - o", , inebileX lot �t�i 1 .2 better e sa e at bqt 0 b f Vient in" th loiIply 43 Yea! 64 L b ;4009:101� weie r c secury �J&, yoh(a" Of' lop., t�l# disdO7 qcl�.wno- In, th0l, WO1714", w6ul. Wa 5 lbo.All an ed .4 -�ev old plov�, P64it'llIg. Atho L. brings better I ., ou The ..of uldfilt fi, p9t.. L They. �6 J '�f. 83 -year, ot mpre .1. *4 old� ifign sorfy­ HoPe, 1038 the gut ;ince tau grave Js % V Sil, luck for';( '110 Itie 1, 6k)e w r1a tbejL:"y and Where Oro �iir fp�-eiit; of L6 �geasoii. m ts, Oi the itford.L', visitilii to inystOiry,,` 136t f ally Tolly ji.eAr Brat . .. . 1. . . i, e few, AY -1 ,,Yop$ At d -T �`Ler -X and 1,�ri. 'Vok"'at itill. 'are. iN --tuck ai;d,,, ;',with.] esw ew ,,We Call xon�. also folegen ary' name "d h lam ngpd- wv� a 1, or. Piall, ..rano wornif! Oi The fc'. Wed WJ1TnCHURCtt­ paSdoM, b jarly, I w en ngry a e 'iM A 6116 the time n the 4- P -14 - elk ROWAn. 0 re, k6ML 6' e tha liesday Of t is Nve&b tW f Tdis up hi alid wer a Commoner, r. h. er ce6. or -TdiblIto �n Ma9ter vs daughtei,,' 'on'the floun ndt tbc,, inateb Sur 'Volty, sel r - I Mj.',McInneg,­ screen with, its 901 Oxon hu, -vIsItlIng, arii, 1101 his, g,,FZ Miss POW Bray - . , , , i . And- rp� r harness��-all- th '�t and throbbih d theN M S.� -wepieV jogjaft. and gatt of. Wing6til', yis Led It bu'ie and.'son uld4ashi6h64 yoke��on their. eps And - Lorne A�nn,e S, the torij- 01, Westliqld vlsjLe Sunday w, . A d6ft Pf17:,-,r go' jejilg -.are il.§9e �xen dew IIla it Tbursd!!y, it d "�or( Ah. Bi P tADIT service, "Wilt Pe B .11,:a,m. repara P.M., Technical to,villagdjast,Tnurs- in tb -rid, 0 Worth, were f held 6n F e etenci a jr Peter.,Y disc*0 youi. 10!, - M will be glad to )i Pa y.; In. put, d�.0 A Dri. C. veil, BL kill be, gi 1wi 60014 Kennedy visi. e meat WA CPU! YM Ydgiin Agray e. to wi . th.Mr. t d oyj.%gunday 'and f ipal f the tr Mrs. AtIl egriey 0 b I�Reid of lot tions 0, a wee At he- q be y4adg bogy Mr -wae, L e' MONTREA K OF BAN t Aw Wn ses '0. n AT Ll -of ucic� bl� ii V, for p Vem an. M T 7 00-b V, Along of r Ion, Acirs tbAit'. el WO 'S PENCER TRAVi.r. MORE' an, ju 1ATTkACTIONS pfte'�'of t 911W A THE accommOdati011 fact that f TOM, WNE BA R R. Y. piopatatl6yls wer iarge'ELreao, e'en 0 E' d -retu , rhe L th e T a 11,0 Sothe Villilible U LL 'OF .1 it, nas. b IUMAN INTER A PICTURE 'L IN. r4 40viije HF H L VERY OFT to provide -a; sMe jw6-,vj.eeks1 vaca "jolqL. spenTr 'S NOT C A OMF S. oA requests or mor A -7ere .1 . . over Also A Care .0 trAtf d' -Nick . ...... . d Cousin Me 6S B Davi (A Cartoon 'Njjtb-�F ;nage-o agger. �bi he ridn pujidaY' ce. rs. Max' off 11101i XJndex e heading, a on 4:j�jbiti6h . Sp� h W. T 9M oe0 me. VisitdjgL *ith r;I, Od 'Mrs. Gordon Elk. this', ye , !, �;,� , I . q. . I L . I .1 . I : I I ' L j ' , L I I ' . I f ' Mt - .1 Ill. , �C -D � � I t' ', -*I be, used an rs. M -e 00 , d Mi' a t s 'visited, 6n Sunday by editor, I 6MJije�tjljg� otj id f half a. inile of ron Others r ML I&hjc hit deems- neces- anj wii a h, ar, the Jag emeiitg, 3i gtu 'China, 0, anil, - . M rs.,. 060. !k prov, of FdIj k, �nt -all d.. Kiiklind wee e B rs --iai�y .1or ...the . r e. Mr. and, rs, nM p g h. GiAte eguipiment evorL -# % Mr�'%�. WM. QW%: M Gordon."Stobb r s And An p r c And.. their own mee ng, f T Capaoa,';if was �stAtP social; ow sL�.Mr,116nest-MAIIII And, e tt t ta`r SOci4y' r Fred Bbwden-.� d' With t -I rkton Of TcfrotI�P- eir Thitilksgiving Ai ner V2i Wjanesd;�y,'vcto er. I V tor "date Paisley, LAII h h tind, t e provincial eleC7 e with. -and en Ms'Ella" Hut Never, has.,the co.mll C inteft's'L'and I ' i ELLIOTT :With DIT. ar nd tucke&, away 'Co I!e Woods, 'ot k jhLL id,mrs''Vernoft, 11 od, - were tiO%is':settI6 -..It f wee a - AwAy, . . .1, , ­ A�0-!.Dre ncouWr d is...expected t1hat Oli On y 4' eW ere ;�r, of Holyro inni been, , so air recent' viAt rs 11b.n- t�rio -and.,United, W' ilest., all j, ired ions unug,0, iebms� - 0 e On with 'Mr. 's�chl� an 'dink ro, i 'ju t on, F.ergus oqqo o� see t!cnjecture, as .o goers JL .'. Oo d d WAt a. 'whp 'Was' hi ter& on*, Sunday la will over of the' I e%, 0 . f6v, fair,., 11ford; inedic Win., have: in store, DW in nuM. ow hd�altbl- whe pl�i adied ent y Esie,eine#­F6rrft6, Zion Ueal ent, In ary �Oft'� furlough known to `-us� Las ,,ye�r Gb7derjC)I�7H_QSj)jtA�, at- ddi I l k r at. e,"annu Match 'wltll 'ITS �v speaker at. ate reC6 Lh.j ripecial, 1IM -b rd unday' ion.. �.Of iice. h d- offerift- -jL jak uite st, 6g, f the ath -0 -tilferc- ot ou W Ole Qck' ]F. uiid y in �uc "Iffle We favored .,re 'Was qIrec ors, were so, ght.,band, a ter A f tefined !In his' 'I* get .�hp bres. �ng, on ov t a, �Wh5 Sa hav$g it cm0,F ur. fair'? that T KINL'Oss�, h thused what' i the' he �comel . 4 ... grilooll t jvith,tinfailing. c 4 �gs"tbough P iinday., Mrs' V U hold ered erf iflilcsi and Mr .t,he as gei t b 9 t Orsd f th6 V. At the �rp' ular, jpg.:aAdngthIi eJ?ali f Or preitous", Laurine I)ieepe oil Sunday: with I joqly� until' 0 tead by' f t kEid like 'good lew" ture., Ii wqs Werem. vlsl ors. gbout'the last uld be the drace -Aiid.blrd. A. MeT his lie', d:,., two -,The:, hours, io � Il. h10 I e Wh4ti t�rrjblo chang�' T Miller An& �doniTffcnts, by tjAy.is', 6xtendg ,�Vo n an pa -tor" Tb.e, top! Edith Stanley has een PV1P1!n! e . . . . . . one v ed and. attri6tjv@� Mrs. summon day sa-ChristialIL 'FAtrI0­ ling a ew er si, �,PLPd, @L big — I . . I '77 6,-Peac( as ke pronounced r [Xlaren�e ry b0sw"s-1 or OW meang. w "h wirlew'ot.w­ atid t -deadly crowd WA j. g 0' theA-ead; . W ic t .mere an is take: ple V. d J64 had, set n, , otie ;Of t e, ing nheb CORN 'S ed r Cal scussion �wcieX�rs p4rt Dick mill: to; rp �BUA,,we, arc 0 Mr .� L I " , b na, an go %c6litaglOus In, he Isol)cj�.;afid' �'Laurine, :�-Wj , *46d'. DX d a and M McKibi uvL-r','L 81 . � , L., . D�-Weatherhedd at, � Quyler. aonl:of, Valiep EIO don . tacthatevei OP -11: e midd6ji0k] tv � eIL . ie Vair.,Board�br- 4C leapt' so� row and. 'prize "d LQ �Attcri&' h, L� .. r W''. I ' , ' - - wttlt� his. body. T e Xel etror� � although the': -W t Lorraine iatid,... as� d..9'fe ; days week Ordvedi tiAO,.�Tftapy. se-, AMrs., Melvirl ":McArthur s has, been IA, I aunt, Mrs Ith petfspli Or I be held dint" c'tors Conference to ov an fiat me S�i unganp, sincerq,, Of An tin to fflicie: fiaVeL been, added; the die rude d r rem October 15t fOL bave Stoppea,Ljjj�,.'tbat, inna, the 01- 31r�'� and Uri- Ric, d 'rey, visited- oil te', unera -was f Mro�� Will. T1jinipli L, r; has: teein w0re Sun 41 si. gonday:', at, Jas L t'.'thorougbly misplaced hb ie "that; a priva hu .4,30 P.M. , in-, am I es XVII Threshi t'-is.the or er of tIe day 11 :ht 'th terationi will 'h doet6r1fs' Care Jo6d Mrs. Mondal polsoni� nger" "At and MrAI, ArIne'r. Smith d ingan,101L peme ract fi t0Y. aajgnet to ALL! sthe gate. MiSi-Evelyn McDO-119a, Is f �mily 6J,Teepv 11 spend 'n ite'l IRL througlI of -the local' Woiben's -in- 0 ;th clergym.. fAirg afe,:81 wl. 'Ite d r. Ome, who met' her it the Mrs,':Iiiii Little on i5un.ay' here. ciating. Mogsro. I reme y', 0 the, m,, angthe, f1inis, 'Colleeii abe-, Was '011P tititute.,wil' I Ma6ljoliald'offi t, ' for the Advanedinen Waring she% ha -rots r ,or h6: Lur-kn6w� nd a 'few at tb i- 6�'b t `ftgrj� d no reg of, -t US6-L. at P 10 ar n,, nAU.' And T e -ter-, D h jack, (Ryah, j. littlont',of er, wooden and unin -a ild:., Mr. Wmj the - Air are as, h r .. fW)*d �Oj,g bb WING McLeAn", rill ago� c 9bei. 15t -were,,'fif y 'a by. rjends,up6�i:her 'ago,, e grocee A— vi, b6it OfJ drs-, h visited wit . Herb h arriva hi'h go 0' a ed ch flendersox, of TOcsWA s, are ..running the : was 1phell,'directM tneDilvor b3r gcAllis ek, the -'or �thcir­, -exhibit6T9, and'. 1, ren. mge . as -ivans-6iiadi Air LilIcA. 'Sh6 p1d 1. d homle'Oublic be' be, d, OcoeMrs daT4 '40, fistolie '01% t The e�eag;6 A 0 ft 11.30 A -Tr - Still �-Lhe,: GO'Pet' Shlg0r,� 4,,YqA e v,es, 'rS IN" t1w, 1 they piiy' their twenty-fiye And. M John Jarnfieson :Q F rmers 'Houro' o*40 'now 1W fi ts a - at' th, b' Mr cad' 1 5 The or MAY-! VO, c% di n JI r n It �46ivcd at' lit 44 oil ec."C:R E W �a d: Urs, arkets, 'son � Mr AM NO;' 41 i0e t e 110' tAe,'pub ir.,,* Lo 'oth f 12.30 n of 'the I She.- look's WAI Ewart- tlmlep4in 6r;e, day recent Y- N'Q6 da, 'News Ti sto: "i lt I , L L . 4 first W�teiWdt; 4 On' - ."Of . , , - , C Z the. ang InK rom,a ett. E I izab. ot.L q Of st" ouls -aeig t r.,.: T'oir'i k h h odialif % I M� eatfi0i a , that' Tlicre' iii hf!T. Y So fUll 'of .t h. 'die, WE ihe''othov frj� 6. e Uait, t'the th' bilrg for. it few, A I. All In .00, 'At they t Veck6n St an e6ffi 0, and,',C, 'and, Wilfred of, Cel: - f oner s nit., e Ot Wjq Th t brothers, Ed.. I ii,4�jiin vjs1t0d:1 le �C and Prasi& t e. ftiom" the, NA, 4119 @s�L 'aV'L 'ion 'Crqzie * V, n btaik re gold, Growin leg I�,Ave.4, 0 Duck n coin 16t Of 'vftltiablo bdbliditY, Ill hy no Medq cr:ljpg made'for Zbe It ea ed ones, Cotrnt Lion;' men Oreh, sy�; dvatight Py _C&�wit:,b6twedo be4vy 'I On jbf on I at her a- ""-G' athy to t e Douglass h MU d, s bet tea'mg use i-ja 1, neat a a. a715 -I)OY.16: their is a t 'We , it �W*Wattofl G d' 't6,'bd !!Airy y , air 'ChAS.' Elliott t6turiied t nbt,rcVIvcdj.W6 think 'king aLn'd. He.ni� 0 aeL(j i Uh loj'.R6 I as ek eyes� Ib a, ter k mdrc thrills tha", the, 0 exprei,, "d d Sundgy it, -an SattirdLtiyo,00 ;etty ofreorns'etibe& niillW 'Webli. of,.GZider�, VI., arr It uJm,Qr V, it gil pntobei frbm� Goden PAC � . 2 . *or6 ai, d e annual att.Ack Of f ot6fig horteij,'t ' hat Are CKXX tit q 'by Oafze. at 064' be�i lrs ado Winners, l.b6ot, the :Pat P, Wh ha" pr r I I' .sl )v e, , n r9do, 'of 10119A, :�n, 'the 'StOdk'e age 00 :, h- winner q6nt) Shir ey. But .8 ha: athe't r., n I L ts� 0 'IN V. lild -nolht", to, Ile levilik th N' daY� gewi ;atid Id ontioubeed­ of ) uI8 Gilide'' atint Y Ei �h ood 'Were a IOU Ch nail, khow. S Ov, OfACial but who; is no W IMP1, .bridge.,, Vigited onY a. p e ure, o tbat`everyorie� can 'a' 'd hiin. t, I . . I . ' Wbonaldi. elthe d 'NX' 'Hill on, Sun ay, dh tlwp� 16 ha r V,, Alti, S'h c r,tvo n ca m tbw ak Wa% on es 'or a 'Wilmii.. r4aynor. n ammie i h �apkd, 'pro ess, it Up d add IV�:�OAtt A -6 Ard. r64 Nood_eh6'PPjjjg t Hit 'A po l eg.. 00, 8 1 eontes-Lg devoted, to It C, thing'9 tVe to d P'e I Igg" e lit I er h614� fit tr, ew I i sweet out''td: M01 Lotih& ido October, and og,� jXOjfP �v�6sj '44tq% i6ft radnoy V St,', if' s�y de in -we eomL e Yenland teach if k At at Wh Sit t� "f aft, 61-y .Iffoel ih io t c� frhege'r"t ing tdrog jo at I$ 'apot ea hoGkade rlie AAdNgq Ir )T t -T d Old jr .4c ot'S' tirch': Dorothea Oft Altev, Oelid 6-n MY PI OA')' 9 ii no" eal-flily n flod i11111011fen ti; il�uld!1014. d6dtq 'gj-d 0 W ti r l'To el e6imtL M, d Y '8� fij� L, wat-COMP, .0 0 Ig borbo6di u fi 'tho "4 .tjjj r 11611,01 h Srefind 11 an her and a. it. -1th g' t tj pen it, weekIven s'T Iv Ali ii) . t 0 16 tolt. "Ott WA.Awd(l, elicild In tj�ooj L ceepti6n a c"P6 0 s6h oil:! 'moll a ev oeyeq I nd red rh,e ft realit *MoTildth, n yemodi itg ftf&ts 010 to ; i6dfe"t *M., '6anlp it V iii a 1111 Te12t d' "the Vi �&Q A' d t o n, the, �V.46k 'd d 40 th, of M41�640 done r ties a United 06 'h $1 e Vn([ 4,A 8 Jim, 86r� "Af . part eIehi Itd' Was at or 11d4n a on er,, Stitt" i" Haw A'