The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 6, • na 'an National ear o ration is.D!rect Decen�ant- oF Niagara MiicuIturaL Society. Founded in 1/02—Coronation Year at Exhibition Fentnres. 1:$isplay .of Latest. Developments'in Agriculture -.-The Weeks ...of August 27 to September 11 Are Packed With Attractions, Eclucatior al hi Aspect ," , . rec,i4 people. re1ii th.at.•the, grit • ,Canadian', National Exhibition' thie year' entersits. lIfty4i1Otli •consecii- tive year of operation and is universal. acknowledged to be •. the world's:: grsatezt annual exhibition, is the dlr- . Sr.t' dencendent .of ,.the Niagara. Agri- Cultrial Society founded in 1792 un-. der.the pato:ma-re of John Graves Sim - cos; gpvernor. of ..Opper. Canada. thie soelety founded to aid . the develep-.. Meat of the products of farm; so. that the sturdy' pioneers of Upper cari•;, ala Might benefit in.their fight against ' the, wildernese by the peeling of their knoWletlge andexperience,s,', lid e. • mighty work, in the, development of :the; struggling Colony.' ,' • - , Haying in the 'intervening decades grown away' from the' parochial limi- tations inevitably setby nature upon. that -Society.. the 'Canadian 'National Exliibitlon has never,ieet .sight of the . original purpoiefor. wiqch. it ; ,was , •• ,foltS,d0d,..-nainely-fort-412e-:encourage---.• ! 4 merit of agriculture 'and'industry;,', so net todaY:,we dud the baSie'indudtrY MOre f.irjely than ever established . as frhe'foundatien Mien the %super-- struCture of the ,,,F.'hotr.,*indow.Of the lintion;," ' It. ,,.general'y!^.raciineiledged • that tlicre• ;1stno ggribillttiraf. exhibition In tonal .„ Exhibition and In this Coron- atian ;Year all the iatest. developments 41.'flariculture 'and aldS•ity,the cultivation or,:•the products of ftireat.- •nitd are On clieplay. ..Entriee„,in • the different clases of livestock and attaineir"reeptd.•pref.:, •.rartiona,'-- and to •ke.-.0 pace...with these . , , develanments: the prize. lists lave. been , c,!•ttended etut.increaeed 'With:the* MO& era:den:fends of groWere, and breeders. . • ,AlIo in keeping with tlie...:epirit • :Olf• Coronation .Yeat,-Special: inedeln.aiid handsomely -embossed di1omas will! be awarded.' • • • •• ,In Other, fields the Canadian Nation: E414iriti.on hai...encouraged.thede' .velopnient of` Canadian, livestock. one . of theie..4e .the' trotting.• and'; Pacing !rates: 'Thin' year .thseq.,:hvet ,popular racag are held from' :••September 7 ••to • Septertilier 47;0(4'. In Futurities• god. $,0D0 in class -races..: Canada's'PreMier Horse Show, In the Coliseum' .A'rerra',.. and ':the Poultry, ,---------Pigeon-ancf-PerS,W1f711;tow..are other • • exam-Pies:el the hiterest-7 • in, the':deVelepirient of ..Canada's, baslc industry. . To ell. lovers 'Of the',Ont Of doors' the • ifeWs. that Tom. ,MIx In person wlth . • • _ - his ',Own three-ring :areas and Wild :Nest P Shevie• will be 'at the .Canadian • National 'Exhibition will indeed be Wolcome.•Thes.e *shown, ',supreme tri: ' ,unaph, ,4;the art ot the "big top" are indeed' different Irani' the.ten.vetttinnaly , presentations ,•and areuniqueand, modern •in 'every. reepect. Torn'. MIX wig,. take part ' in -every performance, ,Mounted.'Peliee, In. Pageant , 'Anning the Most popular attract104§; of the 1937 'Exhibition will be the Cor- onation detAchi.nentof, the lio$to Can- adian Mounted 'Police •This 'splendid' •• . • , , body 0! men tOgether.'With their''per- fectlytrained and niagnificent mounts.. will be present for the 'whole term of the. Exbitiltien, and, will, 'he tee* night - 1y as a part at the ,Pageant. „Every Canadian will feel .4 thrill' of Pride • .:at the• spectacle et the ,"iVfountieS", 'guiding their steeds through the • in- . tricate•e,V011itio, ne et the Musical Ride,. : In Itke.ping with the Canadian, Na Polley Of presentingtho • , , , finest of the *pricy:3 nittelear: pr- . ganizations• ' this' year, the -.L'nited Stetee 'NeVy • 13and.'.Wil1 be 'featured. .....The.censentlaf_Preeident_Xranklin._D- . Roosevelt had to.: he obtained in order . that the, band might be present. Music lovers are promised .a fare -treat in the Oppertunit;tplieer at the i Exhibition,!0.,• ,niagnineent•teW „band sheII this World fainOaa„aggregatien 'Of Mere., than „ , , eightyt musicians.: .• : , *7'1 ° E*0173, 102:rithere'id,.ioinething. new, . dome:, innovetion.!or 1mproveme4- -at '. • the',EXhilitien and ihti year,::it...16' in 2 e ,in •its pleee.rie.•'it new '.atoisement' 2116 klere are many:startling innova- : Veils in'thervarof' enteaairnment ,kinioiniad,ean Eskiine.village:cOrmilete with iglebe.".,dog-tearris, blend, Ealtinies.... from tixe:Aretia.'.WasteiT'aiii7Major.; '.,Godsell's termini, collection 0! north- orn ;.:frOphiee: • Bollywood.,,:on••;Parade; which ean• best be :described its; it rev,' elatien•,pf••,",mevies” • from the.. inside.,"; 'taking In' .every 'phase of the! .ninking.': of a-inotinF picture. There are many InOre:interetiting,.-.mirtkpr.ovelting and'• instructive featurea.. Of, ,Frol-Ex-iand- . Which _Sets Its apart afi.,being:'lit the • forefront of. the •amutenient 'World • . . :Of. the utmost importance. the feet, that: exhihit. 'space in the !many buildings of the, Cariadlaii National Exhibition. IS 111 , greater dethaRd1hRil has been the case .,since • 4930.. :,Spatel, „rentals 'as.' a whcile,,,are ten to .11fieen • ,Per • 'cent:. higher; than ,ast year, % and'. srnce the'ExhibitiOni; has for ,,years , 7-been4-acknoWledgedras-Canednitr- -•iness7bartnneter--thia-h3-indeed'riiiidieni;- 'five of the Ii.oniiiiiOn!e; increasingpros- • . • ; Overseas..Exhibits°. • - • • . ' 'OverSead: exhibits are - blgger and. more •cOmPreheneliethan. ever before, • the Britlsh Enipire:_being particularly • " •N' well•represented, Austra a, New , . , • . • . Zea- land,,;Sonth..Africa. 'and the Indien,'Ew, .;pire aliiiave large displays•o(naturaV 4 manufactured products. • while ,• • e,Britaiia is represented 'by. the co. •eria1'dlsplayt In `• the firifish ction-arid,,the-,exhibit Of the ,$tot.,:, tt4h. 'INtatiOnal,..„Develobine14',. Council; _Fareiga_tiation'S _hava_taken-:overtheL Tint,ernati7a1 year and among those exhibiting.; are Finland. Czechoslovakia 'and 'Japan,, Who is ,rep. • ' resented at the Exhibition ;. , The 1937 dates' for the .Canadian Na-, tien,a1 Exliibition•nre, from iingtiot 27.' to.,September 11. Inkeeping with. Or policy and and possibility ,,as a tangible llnk. with 'the ,Niagara Agricultural *. SOcietY,:,one .daY eacli'. year la'. tradi- tionallyPoset 'aside as AgriCultinistre.'2, Day; this year 'Wednesday; Sept. 8. • .-t",-Theri. the ."old-time,.. fiddlers and. quare deriders Werointroduced et the, Canadian National Exhibition' it was • done .as a .tnivelty and intended' as a , • temporary ettractiOnthe itinth:rntiOn was an inStantalleoils hit:•14t1 will be Continued thitc,Year: ' • • . ,• • • Old S. , hersesr orsesun ere and jarimerS, dratigli*-carriage,' AtItt g01?erA). pthipose. animals a,re ,provided . for in ,the prize' lfst arrangedfor the,' ' ilOrae• :Thew at the Canadian National t Exhibition. ' 4.' .fatitoers Attention!.. WHEN IN TOR0r4t0 Cal i "tc; See Our HARNESS AND COLLARS „ FOR 'PALL PLOUGHING The-*oods are right, and it) ar4 Our prices. , We' manutaettiro; in our ' lactoties-Ilatness; • Hors Collars • Sweat .fechi', • Rene 131ankets,, and teathet 'Goads, Stec° Iltancd ,gives matletii,etion, Made oniy Samuel' Trees ;Company• lt_;174:tcti Paetory, and hi,wrcern 663 king Street West; Torbuto • WRITE FOR CATALOGUE _ e C.N.E Band "Shell .HtfFp crowds listen .here da:ly to concerts by world famous bands. The :11,. S. 'Navy. and will be ' heard this year. ' Sunday c go Lesson pob,CONDEOnileINTEMiisnAnicE : 10:1,2, 941 , CiOLDEN TEXT -- •:kbod',.: not • 'eat flesh, . drink, -!'itirine, nor to de • anything, whereby`, thy brother' stumbl th " •OWn. people because Of, their..etilblioinT, . . • pOss and ..ivieltedness..•• . the fanInk.11owei_l_er_le_ lor-. bus beauty,' WhiCh. is on the bead, of' .the fat: valley, shall beas the first- ' ripe" fig. before ',the .:,11111111flei,i . ',which ,..w&n.he,that looketh upon it,••while it• Is yet In -his hand.:he - eateth.'it ..Upi*. • . • The first;ripe- fig ripened' .71n,..3P 'lune; t- ripen , • • 1M,t.i. ,August The idea •here. is that: the: eailY 'WOulti plucked,' and eaten With . greet!,,greedinese„. rather' than Picked and put away .ffitiire. Pi - use. ,rep e ling' he,. .Sanniritans, that, 'tin Oben as the Assy,. Mane' .their'beantiful conn - try, they. would ! rash! uMni.; It .• and. des;.. froY '.„ ••• ' ••••: • • ' "In that day' will 'Jehovah 0! hosts •liedonie7.s. -crown ',of -glory; and ..a deni of bennty; unto •tha residue of 'his. people." rthethreel is Obit 'followed' by.. 'a piinnifie.: The .„.Place, .'.of ' the false ory• thus;..p.verthrown isnow fllled by giant...that le, divine end: true. • The remnant of his ..p,eople is ad Ju; = bnt,!..Tutlah and the,reinaleing.'por Oen' 'distinguiShed. .'frona 'the . poitioa, Which 'had"..Perighed.. -,..After, the periahable thing vihieh. ith0-37'.glOried had • been • swept away, aWaY, the ..eternal•-•perion, Ot 'Jehovah.. On.. scif. would be the. ornanient„,and the :}pride, of bld „people, • •' . •. . , . •`!And 'a sPiritpf;•ieritiee to. that sltteth In judgment" (Sce-Ifia; 11:2; ' . 1.6 1KinL3,:-.23.„;.: . The phrase undoubtedly means: that • tliu day would com...(we do not • be.lieve -It has yet. come) -when- those. Who judge the land will: de, 80 In the 'illumination...Of the very •:Spirit God who:, will be to auch_judges.- Spirit of. justice: ,.‘And strength to • .theiir that' • ,tniu.;„ back the ,battle At the `gate." ThIS must undonbtedli:"refer to 'the turning batk. of the Ifitistar: of ...Sennacherik.; Which Were teEieiging the.._•titY :Of ,..Terlisall-•1,' • during., the-, : reign Of H.ezekiah,. the:VI*1d, record o , Which is .to be found- in 2..Chroilicle.... ,32•.4(i In 2 Kings 19. "And. even these reel •, with • wine.", This- paragraph refers' tothose within they saVe. the. terriblY: 'disastrous , 'fects of drunkenness., Upon their nor- thern brethren, still 'continued to • . • didge the 'vide. "And stagger : with i,streng. .the priest and the prophet ',leer with ,strong they.. are swelioWed, up, of wine; 'they.. stag- ger ?with.ntriing drink; they err. In •vi-. ision.." To be swallowed up of, wine. Is Vivid Way t.f, eipresding. the 'terrible:. . fact 'that' they '14.ere•In the • complete• 'grip -et -.the Sin. -of redsOn, strength, and :virtue...4a! , •.VOure4 by. such indulgences, • •' •ifThey" -Itidgment,"!' :.For • :•elerf true' tniniatee• Of the gnaneltand - for all worthy priests, oCoksions. must.drido,, with More. 'or less,-/renVIneY,,. In Which .they will. be called :dppii to • render. judgn2ent, and. give advice' or comfert. in „the, meat critical and 'tate, probleins, (Wilke, Which Will. cie-, mend the •ciedreat mind' old the pm.- . , . _ . 'est heart for' proper evaluation. Every. „one ,:knows that .intox eating.% quern, . bSclond the Mind:: One cities' not hear' 'accurateiY, the .delicate .fibers ,the addh and Ab hilif:the..sonS,;PP ..Aaron;inek.eath • of them,,,hifi.censer, nTdliijt firetherein, and laid irteense' thereon, .• And „offered . strange fire be - foie ,,JehoVatii,.Whith•he ,And.'not.com banded .theni.. And. there -came forth fire 'fronil•befOre Jehovah, and devour- ed them..atfd:,They. died,befere..leho yak." The first "section of 'Our: lesion, has 'reallynO...re ', relation to ,tha, Object of . temperaike.,,and of .‘ • • • . • . Wine; thengh:in:it:la, ,tiia','recorct,..Of -..ss:eincitlentJ'Occurring during the *for.;' ty•yeati,of Israei,'.a.wanderings, Which: - has ,served ; for.. Centuries as a • power- ful -.warning, agalitsVEierVing God In a, • presumptuous and selUwilled TwOtP., Sens,: of ,Aaren.,-: Nadal)and putting fire..;1*'.their,'respeCti,Y! ".celisere,',•: offered strange .fire ...before the Lord, which' he had net command. - ..,ed there,. and ,iminedintelyllY fire, God ..slow•therimrt.thitiatrangefire WaS• has been atilllestioli•Of dlspute among cominentatOra:TOr-:Clong time, but .lanat.*E14.11i19.177...4aLi110,-;;Ofgereg4h1P-7 fire either In it 'way not temManded•• , or. at,a time not commanded, •or, In a ••• Place. not 'CO.mmanded,'. or. ,iierhape; in; each .•and alt.'of these., ways,.they oft, 'fered,flrnaot-Comtnantied'cif the lord: '"And • lehovab.;sPake • unto- Aaron,' •saYlage'' ••• ' „ . • A Statute Forever . . . "Drink. •to wine tor *strong, ',drink. .thOn, .• nor' thy ."6,0ne ' With 'thee; when Ye' .gn into the 'tent: of, meeting; that' ye dfe ,not;:. -'ehlt!f.tin:a:Statute...for ,ever. • thritighent • :Yalu :., generations. And that ye May.,make ,a distinction 1. AietWeen_the,_boly„andJ---rthe- ••-Common,'. 'and hetWeen, the,unclean and the,. • clean...And,that ye • may leach thaehli... ••••dren ot Israel, all the, statutes ' 1*dt ‘.Jehevah.,hath spoken • unto them 'hY.' ..MoseS.4.1n• this 7.paragraph we 'have. the •firat..werd'•Of niariY spoken .by the "Lord dewn, thrtitigh.,:the,'agek'agaInOt .1he, drinking of "whit: • • ,is not tor..kingtit, 0:Lennie!, it te not 'tor. , kings . to, drink. Wine:. nor fox' :Prineen tosay, *berets stiOng.'drinkt. Lest they drink, and ferget"..the ia*,. and pervert ; the justice due,' to any that ,itc..".itfflictecl,"4.1f the , king, who Is here called „Lerntiel' 18 not . King Solo- mon lthnsclf, we•do not .know who, he mlght be, for • he, is never referred to ' in any other 'Place in the Bible except ;in the,;firet four, verses of this Chap. .. • ter. While, the., words In preceding section' f r b e • wine to the ,Prieetn" Of God'S people„the,,WOrdS" here are a yarning against the drinkipg, .of In- toxirjtirig liquorti on the part of hingiS n:i 11 and-the-reado 'lia -prohibition is that,' hy heaVilY :drinkink, those'. in Whose hands ;geV- ernment end the execution of the law rest Would be in darigee,of 'forgetting tfie, laW of the land, and 'being majtiSt to, those who are In irtitible, • Woe to the. crown of Pride •of t Artifiltarde of • Ephelaiii,,.itiict to the fad, . , 'ing floWer Of hia glorithifebeauty,- that la on the, head of the fat 'Valley 'of them v that are overcome with :Windt"' 110111,1ani is Only another. nerno,tor Sa- innria. or. Ole nerthorn king'dont..goni, prising the area occupied by ,tell of. tht tWeive tribes of ,Israel.„ of whith. •Ephria.M. was the lesding tribe, • . , , , ..,'"93011.01di the Lord hath , a' reiglitk arid' strong one; as a'temPeSt,...of a'dostraYingtoi m i, t tehiliett, ot Mighty • watcre ,Ovci-flaWitig, will 'be'. cast dawn, to the cal!th',. with the hand.. the c'reWil et 'pride et the druillcards of Lphriarri shafl bc .ti adden! tinder` r„)t." ",rhro''.13 i':1`,,)'..69tr:11"),Ihn,i',.s.'1V-. rlane. Viliata' the Lord 'would' Itc'e 'AS azi neney for'the sputifshMent ot hia inInd 'do net function' readily or In „,•ntilien,', arid, one says , the most, fo.ollah ' thingS, and thinks generally the wiek. edest thoughts, when under the pow.'. Or Ofsuch a denehn as drip tc, Alcohol • It beverages are not the ,Only . things. that becloud, the filiddit, o'f Miniaterd. - "For all tableare flail o Vdinit, and clean," All the tableS of • the earoasel • filthfneas, •eo that there :is. nO plate" robin; everything- ewimo. "vomit. are . 'full ,Withotit be,ing, any further • • • • The Prophet paintis from nature; 'here, Withont fitrotill;ing.• 'conduct !as..• ft ..yere..:411,--,.a: • aild-.4 then in the severest' tones :holds • up. , mirror . before , adults theughtheY were: • ; • • J....4 • ."11 ,ii good not nor • to • • • • drinlewine. Poet* de anything Where a still by;thy.brother Pot :stronger :expression , of The noble prim • ciplel thiii• verse See 1 Cor. 8:12. Of :the three verbs, the first Ytifers. to the! wounding of ',the • heart ..,c,aiisett.;t:onr neighbont 'zhy.enzieltiet, Which .• proves; second ilia sin :which . he would he led, bortiMit, ,by .being ' drawn away to do what his conscience i,...dondemnsi.--tha.:tbird2.to-the-want- of regard: 'fey the;•strUple.s. which: ho is affeeted. through Weakness' of. ' • What a' vast Change..., wenid• • bathe' .,oy.er our 'country it every time,n Man" ordered. *.glass :Of intoxicating•iliquor he-would, first say to :kiumelf.;.-.'Ani I by , drinking. this leading others into tOm-.• ,ar WAY weakening the: power Of, their.. metal, life •te. resist teinptation?' ••.:. • to this eXPoiltion. 'The:retailer, Whole- saler; jobber and mantifacturer .tin,d net only Pieasitre but OfoIR.10.'admlr able .combiziatioh. Highly . important' • to all Of the foregoing plaseen of buil - none men is the ,faqt that two milIlon' conenaiers attend in. two, weeks, TA$": P4, na41.44';'/Ta(10iiartilinillal,7 originally chartered ',ter the eimdur- agement,. of agriculture; 'industry and the arts,": has never. forgotteiV -Jhe. inirPaae for. Whiclr'it,.W;as„ Organize It had 'grow* and, expanded in man •' --respects but the basie;plan hasTbeett, carefully'. adhered: to: ' • = • It was necessary' tosecure the per- - s,onal approval of prestaent yraukiin p. Aoeeeyert to •hripg...• the\ United. -Staten' Nnvy-• Rand'. *to. the , Canadian National pchibition this. year. With. eighty-five musiCians arid:attaches the personnel will run to alMost one hun- dred. Tley will travel to and irom -Washington, "D:C.,. in special trains. Torn,. Mix and :his famous horse : Tony' will will ' he at the Canadian. Na- nal.Exhibitiou to delight the young. ers. The..oldsters, too, will be enter- tained, by the hero of the.theties,,Wha: has 'quit, the silver screen for the' cir- cus and will bring his own three-ring show and "Wild ,West'! to Toronto for the' "Ex.", ()inn 10 rA.a...ta'.10.: itunugli .CASA LO'MA 'itzgoirsiq - Anticale an Blihitary Adults 24e chilare (Sunday.250 . • wnflmer To Come Bac Martha Noiehus, Noted Swimmer ,Seeic8 Tu. Regain Lost Laurel* 1 V ' w.ON0,NdeWr..sTWQiLlNe:;'7'efl•Itilrethill•EitNgdr:91.ni4(1890 Loid diwirced • wlfd. of. Joe Wright, Jr.; of Toronto, • 'for;.14,0`wprIcys Amateur com'aii.Olt77 .1)!.0 prove„ that' evn .1. In the liaid giiud of .Swirafninhgafvne:. !. worn, can, ,re't ire., get., marrio, •stift.yegaili .11,0i*fost swirmning'4aureis .at the age of 23., W115. a. hit...heavier',' a7round .150 ',Pew -ids; by.t her t.Irne vas even Slie ad astere. .hei'ilniirsItt..olvelnlide'.1.).b:Ce.k4.:Ibliiti:249.t,':' - White, Sulphur- Springs •Va., where' • sh� his .been-„coaching.swittimin'g,-on August i in the quartor-telie. freo OtrY.1,.. • . • • • She finished Op:Rid by. less thno, A •, yard to Mrs. beepore. Kfght` Winkord. reoo&nfzedt distance•'swinnigphaq, pibn, ad was so encouraged slie de• cided to continue. elius • ' 111,1,1he Of. ,two.. Children, one of ' whom.. ' :nine 4r. coaching .ort im:oal.tr la. onn4; bipeLniNec• ir, the old.. Mani of her time.. has-been •sPent; died,. She has....A ,datfghtsr six : YeArs 1i55 Our , E:ilsibitiOn., Sale! Weinen's interests. today :are ;much more diversified :than: they were,.In the dayS 'e:Our ..grandmotherii. ' Won. • en in•.bits'ineSe, In ._sport„ la the lame, the fair 'sex o all ages' from childhood! • to •the..sunset ,••Of 'life, will be . enter, , .tained - and ' pro 6 ted , • The *omen's Biuldlng houses. lavishdisplays Of handcrafts.' The, national.SuinesS how will intrigne...tbe'.buSitiess woin, an. The *Women, of tbe coninunities an spenddays . With !• • •prfkilt M...the Coliseum and eldewhera.."„:,- . • T ' • , - the Canadian Nattona Fithibition tin tltput ,taitlitg' AWAY 'Heim:fries'that will .fidurei•fer life. Exhibition Notes -,Thereqs...no ..ngricelteral- phew in the world equal to that at the Canadian National Exhibition. . . 'All , the, .new developments xis aPPliddTfcr•fainv:IM'd and ,orchard are on displaL_Hottes cattle, .` ...sheep,: swine, poultry, 'goats ealVes,-Tdaii,.-r'products,:" vegetalileS, 'fruits; towers,. grain • ihaekinery and farni equipment of all 'kinds are •there. in Proffisioni, • "Empire Onward", the • pageant At . thetanadian National ‘Exhibition this .year, 'Will savor -largely of detonation activities;' but as • Usual the glittering'.; extralagansa for Which • these ,predue- • tinns are famous will be deftly woven :-into the, theme.. ,; ,Incidents, portray - Ing the -Coronation of Queen Victoria otrevered Memory. and Of the . other:, • . _monarchs, through the • yeara_to......Ilis.„, --Maledit--E-.' -George--V-/-'-will---be-itF eluded; ' • . • When the, Royal Canadian Mounted , Police appeared in Abe recent Coron- ation parade in London they were ac- corded A vociferous reception --ell . along the route. Theirsliehia0„.de- leeted, highly -trained horses', and the ultra -smart apinaranee, at the' ' men , were a credit to Canada. This' Seine, carefully :'prepared unitwill be s. ,Canadian:"National Exhibittoii feature thisyear. -Business men have, learned. that,. the new trends' in business,' fri busr neas mothoda,, new trues of goads, equipment for plants and, offices' and ' ail theramifications of the world : of commerce are on review'. for theikr,' •Foreign buyers from around 'the world' make an annual pilgrimage • Nbn.roAsi;. ARIEL: and zsi.ENAVivii,Einita, SINGER "CARS' AND ,CM BICYCLES 'TRADES ".-ISASY TERViS- 1,1A1L. ORDERS • 91JR SPEC.1.1.ALTY ' , WALTER ANEKIEWS-, *LTD. 531 Yont.,e, St., toronta FEET, FALLEN 'ARCHES'. , World's Friencrfoot••appliances. , . When in, Toronto call. on IVADVS • • '- 12 Queen ' Zt E, ROom -502, Toronto FES . . Protect youtkCASR *Id 'BOORS from FIRE .4nd used Safes,. 40 Steel Cheata,,.'all'' eke!) •Igoderate>. , and • ternii sliovirotnit,-* write Dept W"' • .1.. ..itA'1L-OR---71:1MITED' 401t0NiO.. :' SAFE wimp 145 Front. st,„ „C Toronto. . • Establiihed.:4855 • • • . " , . , . • TO THE e -tOmidete "SEE" E •Therere a' vi.Oild of fittereating thlogn • at . EATON'S MAIN sToni - at • EATQN*3•COL-• LEGE STREET EATON'S Anneal ' See the ,Intercbandise, ehoWn In . EATON'S Fell and -Winter Cataloguo mt: or ivhloh le on dlinAtty at....our . MAIL , ORDER ' SHOWROOK. , ;lust, aeroati ." 'from 'the ' Main. Store; at 14 • Albert' ' Street, , Take advantage, of EATOTO EXII1BiTION sPSCIALS - i.outetandfng values arranged ; .for Exhibition, 'time. . T.EATONCO TO1t,1N • . • . • , 13ene.ft(S',t6!:the' consulter Ex- hibition of the size andt'icope-"otrthiS-.-7- Ole are 'ohviou,s„'!, ydjiieud .ono;:in; fpr hoine-4r gooda,;•iitted .. to tise;'•ii,:varlous °Parte •of the.:wofid :tinder varying eon7; • eorrniatitive Phaie ,, of ••.i.he, ...displays. 'and' their , Wide' .vdriety all' tend to itiforni':the consumer and to enablejiiin .er.: inahe, .compriti- siMs. and ifItinante. selettions.„ . ender favorable ,anti lenniIertabla conditionsand 'in, 'the'J'abortest: spate Here .oxie canl'condetis"e,n'tWo,weeks' ..shoiMi'og..tonr Intel a ..couple This , Exhibition 'provides the solution' 'the'•Prehleins of the•Con,;,:. .• • • • • •• • . • , • enspliasia,'On music, mid the:arta.. There . are., . daily 'icolopetitiOns,::from sIos to chnruSeS,,t4 the ran** 'amphitheatre, ••. VV,ide 'variety of. instrumental tbofls.j-bilkty :bands ...eatpr .tha: lists • on Igualc Day on Which aCCasion,grOapEi , of Strolling:••Trenbailours: attired , in • • the .national •costume of helr respec. • tive ,%cauntriei, appear .. on ' Staged- througliont the -"great 'park, •-.Oraphia and ..aPplied • art iii two galleries • • fuxlIv dtneggigeprelfidg. •t� interest. every Ilcaornae.. 'taticin,-,ctiltural. or eduCatienal: pref- • • eiriniui.a:t.ie4rtewnhtiaott' Y..punroht:b:Ya.oioi*: ,ereneek, A great :dent will he found. tti:. r tion , and 'Preeleation hand inuyallid. „ , The internationally Tannins .iiOgoaiit, '• Pat the.,C.,N.'E. Will; be. attnited-,16.00 . • .qopenotioo • Motif-I:from VoNfAete.e. .to' ,...:7°Ctirl.eirfrntO ki e- VrIlt41 lt's 6,- • h• 4,etr •Moitarelis:: ' Regal • splendor, „1500, per. ..mtisiCal•••Orgabizatioti ility other. bf•ti4iiiiase.r.s,..ie,;arav.a. gain::: The ,;(1..S, NaY1:: .13and, 60 b'e the feature: • .•Aboat and leap- fxig111 *.orl,d 040 •,raceti;: : „ -graCetal:yacats, largo,and small, 111 `.ternatitMal: competitien, world chnni- . • •.1) 0 tl 4114-94tOil•theil`l*liff-driliterniti. at track ,nidet.„ of ' Olympic 'calibre, Licy 'Teter in peraorY, and kis congfc'sti'• :of daredeVils In 14114214.11g, crashing 'inoter stunii, 'horde slit*, 'harness. tee-. Ing,, Tony' Mix In person wltb his three-ring circus. " Silavva, softball And table tennis .c.linin- ' • Longfelowii 'lllaWatitief With baikept @anion River Indians tin Marble 'stage, Lake Ow. tariO 'waterfront . lagoon. • BASEBALL. IN, TCRONTO Leiti'Stadium Visitors to*Toronte during Exhibition will have an opportuhity, to see Ang., 26, Montreal (doUbleheader) Sept 4, Rut falo (do;ibleheader) 3(,), Rochester. ' Sept. 1, Rochester Aug 31, Rochester .SeepPtt.' 114)1,, MiVionn'ttr,r:a1;11. * Sept. 2, Buffalo • • Sept 3, Buffalo Eloodlight gaMcs. weelidaYs except' Saturdays and holidays, ' the "Maple Laafd!,' in the follbw:rig International LeagUe games: ejit: 6 (Labour Dity).,. . Rochester (doubleheader) ' ,aimusisolimannomma, DON'T 'WO RR Y .A '13 GUT PARKINQ IN TRONTO Ilse modern, garages at prices approximately the same asou door lots. , dAAA6E., Briy" 8i Front Sts., :c6nvenret1f. to , the ROY Y011.1: , tolitptee Repair Sera' ' tiAY4.6i13CLAIDECARAGR COMMON.. ALTH. CARA E ' gg Adelaidd St.' Wk • ' •'' :, lig tollyerk Si', In the heartl .r,f Ath 6 , . '• " ' ' Opt)6Aft6 , thf.; . • . ' . . . . sital,mtva tivz!rni-r : ., .• .. tth4a iiii'ilvit lay lio!rxt., . TELEPH01.44E .VtirtVerlpy 270 Tow Truthi • . • „ . • . looiinded In agriculture, the flrat of ,tho arts, the last of the" seleneeso the - Exliibition has- hover lost eight :of its respenstbilitlea'te:lho' hasin;:industrYi ' It CoVerii Alia Whole ',field' 'Of ogricul. Cure arni itstiodiatetil ribtivities. Oral and :Provincial Governmental de. ,fiertrnents Of agriculture give their itetilve "atitibltallee. IIorses, 'cattle',*sliee)31, `Swine,, poultry .And pet ,stoelc, the roots, POWs „ and grain of feral' and garden, modern equipment for the farm 'and field,,. tho .apiars;, all aro "Seen at. their boat,