The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 4-4 sss ,11 • • ' 11'1111 LUCIENOT/ 810.111NRI• Mrs, tBOIC HiII Mr. and Urn. Ernes. ; Ruttle ;inn *lighter, Isobel. of Oalt, were visitors during the ineein and Mts.. Archie Anderson an, Air:. and Mrs, 'J, D. Anderson. • The (September Meeting°, the Wo- men's Inatitut.e will be held on Pelt teinber 9th, Instead of the 2nd,. when Mrs. *Oster. of Myth will be the'gnest speaker. . Mao Lena lannkett.' 'of. 'Luc non was a recent.. guest of: Mr.; and Mrs. George Stuart, . • .. The ,Meeting, of theY. P. U. Wit"' attendance • Of-1117.1starlliti " Ntliaffiei:7( head read th� seripture least% and Laurine *leer the ' comments on it :The topic from theStiidy, noon 4114 ' the Steps of the Master", ;'wan. talceir 'by Mrs. E. W. Rlce.' Mrs. Will ' Black",of -Espanola WO the, guest of her aunt, Mrs. Archie. Andereon: Mine tulit. 'Weitheiriean, Who • haft been attending summer school at Toronto, is nettle for the remainder' of the, vacation; . . '• . Mis. Ward Shicicluna, Of 'Port Col- borne, is a visitor 'with' her .nnither, Min, . , . Got • the inset :rnolinif Plena, ean buy cinema . Cf: meilosi lei 111:1gtticia ff"drdr, •• Rib. roofings," are . dun** • handeetee in - • ' arimaraMe. therintref.1" ' even iightning-oroof fr .t rittraing Rad Act. nay eieterreg tA:F;atoadritt . a -enirtolhe A from acomvaar *lithe' Hod Nair. Takes ten timesse * served you" housetly for . ' much force to draw Wont of years,--whosup_rodtkets : a sabblyboard ail II 1141111, set the pace.,-asetern dud barbed reeler ske*,.. fiteelProducts, Wafted TITE.LAP.and egifiggintinf. nOunnstif,,, RIB -ROLL ROOFING write' 1101=:,.T„;, . th. . Both l'itea:a0 arid Rib. '' zufamwsidieneesia=ePalliticrt r'•Roll ari eaaM Pet °I2 ,iniubitaari. brooder stoves. ever raw UM reef. Thef ' Nave you done:, by out- ,. pariVnlatimosi.eutd=t : , tins opted, coats. Pre - touting your crops and ventilation tt7, liusiati foe sod the Mended E.S.P. Ina- k . cartr-fiston .Ifiddlato :ihresto& Be aerator* eed los . . Bend ridge and • attached to dad mad qrW we meadnemente for ' enable. you to .owtUUIsr wade. free eeet •Itteleter ' ' with Year tell wheat. Steel Prodricts 705 (hailed. Street tar/ e Facades she ' PRESTON, ONTAMO ' • ' MOIMPAAL sailT 0 , T. HELEN • r. and 'Mrs. 'Henry_ Woods and • Miss Vera 'Woods of Galt, have. been renewing old acquaintances here; the guests of the former's, brother,. Mt. • Itentanon Weena and Mrs, 'Woods. • . e Atlanta:A. t . is, a miter Rutherford. While repairing the .roof of the garage, recently stniek' by lightning at William .McQuillin's on Wednes- day,. Mr...Wellington Nixon of Luck - now had the misfortune to. fall, frac- turing- the large bone his left Iwrist. Mi. Nixon Wein taken to .t e II but ble tis Wingham. °spite'. was a come home e nex Y. Mr. and Mrs, Derbyshire Of South-. wold 'adore recent guests of their aunt, Mrs. R. J. ,Woods. • t _- Reeent guests of Mt. and Mrs. E. W. •Rice included' Mr., and, Mrs.LJack , ylon,nesd._114 a. ! Will Taylor of • Blyth and Miss Hazel I netts a London: ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack England- and family of Elora, Mi. and Mrs. TOM I England and family of Galt and Mrs. !, England Sr., of Lucknow, were re- trill to the Pacific coast cent guests' of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Miss Beatrice MeQuillin is a ins - 'Swan. iton with friends at Holyrood. .Ren. R. W. Craw and ,Mrs. Craw of Winthrop, were guests, of Mrs. J. B. Rutherford, the former..coming up' fon the. annual • bowling tournanunt at Lucknow, ' -: • 'Miss CharlotteJohnston of Lond e interest accrung Ana on the sat is a visitor With heinsister; Mrs. Rab, 117000.00 . wan, interest thereon at Debentures as the Sante become re- inson, Woods. - - , • , - rate f• -three'' d one half - per ainectively payable according to • the , :31iSe Verna McLatinhlin of Winn' nint. per annum payable in twenty 'provisions of this By-law. ,.. • ham was a ria#ar last. „leek.. witli, a-quial inimial instalments by the ; is- • 6. ,, The. sin& sum of ,seven thousand mr.. anot. mra., :Jahn clinician. , : , sue of. Debentures with Coupons an. dollars shall be. expended when rais- .. Mrs. Gordon,' hire. W. I:. Millet:, tncned for the payment •of interest, ed for the min:lose. Set forth in the .Miss" M. C. • Rutherford. 'Illisi. Floin AND, .WHEREAS it. is desirable recitals hereto. .. ' ..',. •ence Stuart and ' Mini Isobel miner and the Municipal :Council Of said • 7. This By-law Amin .eome into Village :of ' Lucknovi lila gletetviined, full force and effect immediately upon lift. on, Tuesday . for , a' motor' trip .to. Midland from where tioy will takz, ttho,,imesaua Dthebeen. titres .at one time. and the Rind passing thereof. .. . . principal , of 'the • said Read a first and 'Second' time and ;vacation 'at her.: home here. BY -La N. .06The :Vill*7 of :.k.u4noiv. • A By-law to raise the sum of 17000.0u upon the credit of the Mun- icipality of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce by the issue and sale of Debenturee-upon the in- stahrient plan to pay for the con- struction of a 'CoMminiity Hall .'cin Village lot number 506 in the said Village of Lucknow. , WHEREAS it 'is deemed ;expedient and liecesaarY by the Council of the miantelrnn't17.ne.Inttinn attagnoviiii AWbeiiitfratid---ativ .ventege of said Village it is, acivis- able to. build it,..Conimunity on 4illege let -number_ 506 in Odd, Village far, the ancornitiodsitionortne Village Of Lucknow and vIcinitinr AND WHEREAS fen the purpose iforesaid the iiinntif $7000.00 *ill re, - et nonjess, than 'One hundred dollars, 2. The said Detientures shall be payable at the Biniich an Agency of The Bank, of Montreal in the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce. 3. It shall. be lawfunfor the Reeve of the said Municipality .and he',is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue Debentures hereby authorized to be issued and to 'cause the same, to be signed by the 'I'reas- THURSDAY,APOST :46T11; 1937. CREWE. Miss". Frances Crozier is spending e few. nays with' friends in Gederich. Miss •Beatrice Treleaven. spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Isa- belle Girvin of Nile; • • ., Mrs John 'denary, Mrs. Aubrey Higgins' and sons, motored to Ot'and Bend on Sunday and were occompan., ied been : Mr: 'Aubrey. 'Higgins, Mrs, Kenneth Campbell and children; Miss. Ella Whitley is visiting Bel- , fast friends • . --ntr„...end-Mns.._Stnitien. Fines and, Clerk, of he. said Miinicilialifilln (4.4"14.ek-9**--'191''''''''''"--a' ---c• 'LI 'hereby authorized Win diteeten to at- Jitetliers,.,..,Mesara;.'..Hato)-: :end> eel .. , . - . , . ,. . , • • . • . • ,.., . ,, „ . ,, _ ., *-Mts..Tait of Saskatoon -is visiting her brother, Mr. • WM."'MeConneln and dther-..friends, bere..,. .• A number from here ';attended the .Missionary .anniversary services at Blake's( chez-eh .on: SunilaY, • - • •.Quite a ,nnnaber .from; here attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. W. H. Maine at Dungannon on Monday. The symnath of this conununity goes, f out .tin. e bereaved ;emes. . • , . , .. Mr. ni. Trench of Dennybroek renewed Old acquaintances .here over the 'wee. ;.•end.„ . ' . • • • - ' , A very successful weinet roast was, held on the church lawn on Saturday evening. where the Young; People of this community entertained the con- gregation. The evening was spent in, playing genies, contests, and sing songs, •after • which'..weiners. and ,rolls were served. . , . ' J.,,... tach the Seal of the .said Municipal, Ay to the said: Debenturea,..•• ,Z 4. ',The Debe,ntutesnitliall bear, the. feline date and shall he. issued upon., Teceiving, the approval of The -.0*dr:- clinks to be provided over and tabove Mrintenial Board. and s pay - the sums nequired. for the ordinerY• able . in. equal. annual instit ente dur- expenditure of the said Corporation jag the twenty years Tient` nftee the for thin year 1937; • • • , time when the same, are issued.; and. AND WHEREAS It is deemed -nee- the respective amOunts. Of principal maitre. and advisable to raise the and interest . payable in each year sum of $7000.00 for such purpose' by shall be is set forth' in the eecitals the issue and We of Debentures upon hereto. • ' • • • the credit of the' Muntenia' Corpora- ' 5. There shall .be levied in inch non of the Village of Lucknow and near" a special rate on all the rate. for the purpose aforesaid the Muni- able property . in the said MuniciPal- cipal Council -on the said Corporation ity a sem sufncient to discharge the intend' by this By-law to create a several instalments of 'Principal and debt upon the said Municipality -of' ° ASHFIELD.NO'iES • Miss Ifene. Hogan, R.N., left' for Detroit after spending a. two weeks' a short boat trip. - debt report._ • Yeltrir allias*, 'dor- provisienallY , Passed • at , the, Village . Miss Susie Gibson of ..Lochalsh, My. .ned, Mrs. George Hunter ofmother. - Hamann ,..were guests for • a. few ire the:re:Tr ae°!thbwe.!snatiaY Debentures, ttriensg, 'Ptlifi'sL.,11Seekvneenwthl:ndnytheof,Aunutirgusotf,...BAi.uDt7; sPmenyt...81ni-dmaYee'Inweitnti-eli-eran' days . with the former's sister. Mrs, • such yearly , sums . being. ae. such 1.937, •••ma ..mananagh of noliaoa; • visited tJan. Lyons and Mr. Lyons and other 'Spaeth% amount, that the aggregate -Passed. this day . al •Anith • her parenta. ', • : • •• • 'friends. • • amount payable in each*yean for priin A.D., 19.3 . Judson, Messra. (Toiranee Andernon. three ' Mr. and Mrs. MO. TOPP .and child. ' Min Grace ../dieIntosh.. Mrs: Rich. oipia auct• interest at the • rate , of n.n•-n, ss ren .of. TorOntin wets also guests ,of 'and .one-billf • per. cent .per., an,. Mr. and' Mrs. McDonanh:• . • . �f Howie. njniintom,YWearned WRitiesks:eindG!gidil4desitli. '1.34.rnZ benearly ,a1,Posninie • enna4 av to tne Miss McVean . of ..Kincardine for • an oums.in respeet ot the sal& debt shall '• Miss Jeitn laingl is visiting with son: • - Aukunt,00„„payableip •,each of -the few daYs• ••• •Lyceum lrlutiltrit • NA/INGHAM Show Starts At 8 P.M., Thursday,: ,:,Friden .sattifilaY AUGUST 26-21-2$ JOHNNY WHISHLILLER. , 1111 ARZAN.-ESCAPiS ,TARE,0-;. the _ actet 'cif the inagar dam war- • rough's." stories ;sad cartnons in. his. greatest preseetatioa on the screen. Able A nTRAVELTALK," "CARTOON", 8c. "FOX. liEVIS" Monday, *Tueralay, •Weilinesciay 'AUG. 30-31., SEPT. ° SPANKY, IleFARLAND PHILLIPS HOLMES • . In 'GENERAL .SPANKY' A Comedy ':Melodrasein for Children from ,Eight to ,ElglItY.' "POLLY :HORAN" •Coaudy. • ., and I Colour- Cartoon • Mrs: Giliinne-Stua iin . inaT '4017 'other' nineteen-Ye-ain ef thriai • M r • Siiturdan•';for Chicago, where- :they after . • „ • [trine McGregor Lucknewk left on iod as sho the schedule herein- MONUMENTrat firs• t co ev. . ar, Mr and Mrs L` McKeith one day' O'ff C E on . „ . • • • • ; Is a true and correct iopn of. a • pinn (p -9T3 eAdif, BE;.,1 aNOTICE 0ft hthate lutulitierofi op.rael g, , co ionTg.: the last Reviled ,Assessinent . Roll' of potation of . the Village,.Luckfinw • Med,. the -said Municipality is $411,628.00. to be -Stibinitted- Te-,-the-trete-g-tit-thir ---401'anda`mrsi-Ge°'"'PlnihPs'-of44- AND WHEREAS • the Present - ex- electors, entitled to note thereon,' on wanosh, were , visitors iof Mr. and tilting debt of . the said Village : of Tuesday, i937, between day ,of 'August, Mrs.- J. Hunter., Sunday. Lucknow secured. by Debentures is A. D.,' 193T, : :between the `noun ;rielunnasing*L'a Affec,wRdilinyosnwiatnbdheJrenpnarealiles the., sum of $89.,364.12. and tie Part of 'nine o'clock in' the. forenoon and „miss.,,carale „ Evans of , Eunton; of said null it in arrears., .19 . .._ . .eve- oidoen in . the , afternoon , at the ' I " ' h h' ` A.ND. WHEREAS to. Provide ' for places in • said ' iVillage and by. the ''T_Pent a' few • days wit • her sister. the Paling elf the . said : principal Deputy Returning Officers mentioned Mrs. W. Helm, -• ..1:0:',,,,A 't.1 s,', f,' • , • sum of $7000:00. and interest it will nelcon. nudely: , -, , , '. ', . ,. ,,..v. elkr,..eflandd,;;,rchtt424Tirlostdnin,lor;;;.aPRe.nutie-timhe be. .neeessany. _to raise In the several ' Polling' subdivision No. 1.- at: the nears here after mentioned the fon. Orange Hall with • John •Monlintig; t'h:eMi,gastieFsitedoaf 1,3heezthekuurnott Goderich is lowing sumii.. , . •., ... . , .1. Deputy Returning Officer there: ' : '. Year .• Principal :Interest Total . Polling • subdivision :. No. 2, . at Ritchie: • ' -•• . J 1938 .- $274.53 ' $246.00 '$492.53 Themes Reid's store with 'Richard 1939 • . 256:19. , '. 236.34 . .'492:53 Webster Deputy -Returning---Officer.. 1940.!. ' 265.16. .227.3/ ' .. 492.53' • . Polling subdivision NO. 3 , at the 1941 274:44; l'•,.;. 213.99 . • ; 492.53 Town Hall with ' E.-, H. Agnew, N4. f14 11942','; '';' .284,4*,;•'. '.,(.1•",,,, 9 • " ' 4092,58 -putY. Returning :Meer: 1943 • ., 293.99--, '.'.,: an 54 - 492.53 ' And that the 27th day of August 1944 . 30411, ,188.26 '• 492.53 A.D. 1957: at ;" eleven . o'clock in the 1945- . • -.314.92.* 177.61 :492:53 forenoon at . the ..Munitiptil (Mee in 1946 .,.• '• 325,96 ': 166.58 492.53 said ,Municipality has been fined for 47.777,-L''.337:36. 155711, -•'4''n/192-.-53- theoppointMentnOl-persons-to-attenn, 1948- . •:' 349,16'-7.-''. - -143.37 . 492;53 atthe.poliingrplaces., and at the final 1949:_-____361,..ag`• . • latan-- .• ,-.--492:5 suinnimg-'-up-Of.-,-theL-yoten-Ann_nhe. tem' . • 374:03 1. 118.50: - 492.53 Clerk. 1951 :., 387.12, • ' 105.41' , ., 492.53 And 'that if the • assent of the elec.. 1952 ' 400.67' ,-91.86. . 492.53' tors ' is .obtained tn.' the said 04080 1953 . ; ' 414.70 • '. I 77.83 ,.• ' 492:53 ihnlaw it will be taken into cotisid- '1954 ., 429.21 •• 63.32 . , 492:53 'eration .by the , Municipal Council of 190 .-.' 444;23 ; 43.80' . • 492.53 the .said Corpqration at..in meeting 1956-7---.-----45.9.78 ' ' ' 32;75' .• ' ,•492.63, thereof after the expiration of • one 1957 ; . 475.87 • . 16.66 • 492.53 month frenntlie date of the first ninn being the aggregate 010114.1er prin. lication of this ',notice, which. first . cipal and interest to be paid eaoh•and publication was made on Thursday, every yeet, according to the Statute the 12th day ' Of Auwust,t,.A,D; 1997. ' in such case made, and provided. . • And that any„.te ant entitled ' • to NOW THEREFOR •THE -.3IUNICL, vote on ,sueli By-law .and who •• is de, - -PAL COUNCHL OF THE CORPOR- sfrouff,10 se:, vote nungiliver_to th" .River, were recent visitors with Miss •ATION ' 'OF THE VILLAGE' Or, Clerk '','of the Muniei y not ,later Margaret . Murray. . LUCKNOW• ENACTS AS FOLLOWS than the tenth day ben* the. 3: ain mils!sh.,e, EniQuili3rn. allrouw§:eriii,tstwrdeednnesdaanyd 1, Iteeve.-2-of--the tund-lifunicipalitY...,Jen. declaration net e.. 1:' That is: Shall be lawful for the Pointed for the taking . of the. trete, e aotatennrninonon.C.1,Tuhbe.mneetxalmt :ethe i 'nhgoinwein be the, Pnrinise aforesaid to borrow . the denCe .Act stating the , facts required r sum of Seven thousand &Rare' and to 1 by subsection 3 of Section' 274 of the held in Ripley; When. Miss Flora Dun - issue Debentures of the. said Municill.MtinicititiL_Act.10_be,stated-hin -seek nun, Dungannon, will gine a canning ;Palituto-ther inineunt-initlions .Declaration. , . • •,. ,. , demonstration.. attacned for the payment of inerest Dated at Lucknow; Ontario ' this Cent. per annuni as aforesaid; in sums , , ' JOSEPH AGNEW, Clerk. ;. at .the 'rate of three and ono-half•,per,,.7th day of .August A.D. 1937. ._.- CHEirSNLEBYRuAseNED.,,LlF1BAANGOvVEER`;'niikt:s will st • week. join their brother, Dr. N11 We; AND VOIEREAS the amount • of• Master, Gordon • Carrick Of . Godern' Gregor and other friendefor•n•motor the *bele rateable. property ..the ich, who visited •with 'Me :And Mrtn said 'Village of LueknoW,according to. A. •Heinf for a week, returned ho verheard at a golf clu es Mentber:_Lenjoy:_edrink.aimuch as any....man,.and_Liertainly • would never vote for prohibition.'But I still don't see the. need for beverage rooms. , Member: Never use them Yourself, eh? .Ist Member: Well, no. I sometimes1,1 have a glass of beer with-jurtch; ° but I'd willingly give that up to abolish all the abuses , •beverage rooms give rise to. • •L • , 2nd Member: .What abuses? '1St. MiiriberiWell this business of people drinking too midland,- , , . what is it the drys say? -"reeling home, ? • • • • • • • , • 2nd' Member: Of eourse, there are always a few people who abuse any privilege. But you saw plenty, more in the days of prohibition, didn't. you? As a matter of fact, you'll find that • lots of people, who used to overdo it regularly in blind Pigs, , drink Pretty moderately in the present day beverage room ... ' , 18t Member: Maybe you",re right there: But I still think hePree . , sort of unnecessary. Why wouldn't just sale by thevaseedo? , .2nd .Member: Perhaps beverage rooms are unnecessary toyou. 'Yoti . . . • ii- can afford buyianytlung, you want and drink t n - .00rcifortabie aurrOundinga, But what about the working man? Why' have e law only for the yieht, Member:" How do you Mean? • Ohl Member: A Man engaged in hard manual labour may need a glaseof hoer after the day's work More than anyone else. . Areyott going to 'force himItO'bUy a whole nano, at a time? Otlitg it, home with hint, before ho on have even one glass: Is it sporting, is it democratic to keep all the privilegea, that appeal to you, While you take away front,thoee'lese , • fortunately placed the 'Chem* of drinking a whoIeetime; mildly -stimulating beverage in legal surroundings?, iat A1,01rer: It. is a hit, different, put that that:way-406M you're right. • ' • 4 Aht. tivertiseinent iinssried Brewing ffithistriy in* inowt,of better ouNk under- smnaing 0/ certain 'aspects Of the probletise on ferinnerinine and toed option 4 • • . • • v-4-4"4 PARAMOUNT Miss Mary Cook, R.N. from , Winn; ham Minitel, was a ,,recent visitor, :at her. home here; • ". 14n• and it Mrs.. H. Ensign And Mi. 'Ind. Mrs. • I. ,Ensign were guests at the, Smith-Reayie wedding. in. Wing- haiiflast •. Rev. • and Mrs. Geoghegan'. Made theirfarewell visits on this line last Monday, before leaving for their new pariah at 'Ridgetown. . • R. Hamilton from, Lucknoi, spent the pest few Weeks with friends' in this community. ' Recent visitors .With Mr. and Mrs W. R. Martin were Mi.and Mrs: W. J. Jackson from Winghann and Mr: and• Mrs. D. Martin, Lnurine. and •Austin, .4th con., Huron. ' Mr. :James. Pickering from, tuck - now and Miss E. Welsh from Pine Having Our factory equipped with .ethxle,titMoicisnt modern nf high e1ntalt:sh ivit 1 ear:lnth!: , 'yunrweeenthelargest'displatnof-mon-t • uments of any retail factory in On; . tario. All, finished by sand blast.ina- Onus, We import all our granitain from the Old •Countty quarries dlin .ieocClel!ildetalileeteri°,atha.nirts7nneiliintild4InnntSilli • (profits :by seeing pa. " .! • 1,1 EC"' , At Welt End;Bridge-WALKERTIM •• • • 1 • , ." • . . , , MRS:, MAIZE PASSED AWAY ' Dungannon community ea to learn' of the death :in Goderich- hospital on ,Friden,. morning ..ket. n well-known and highly-eitteeriand ken, in the person of .Mtin' Elizabeth 'Maize, widow of Henry Maine, Of on. A, Ashfield. The de- parted *minim .avan taken ill f' at the home of her son, Bert 'Maize, of 'Dungannon, on Wednesday, and was removed to the hospital in Goderich the . same day, , She was sugering from pneuintelin , and rad morning tine suffered a naralyt, stroke from which she did not regain consciotainees. ' • • Min; Maize, whose 'maiden name was, Elizabeth • Blake. was a. daugh- ter of the lite Themes Blake and, Elizabeth_-Gsailey._ sen_iwitie born about 70 ',yearn ago On the old Make • homestead on Con. 7, Aishfield, being one of a family of four, all of whoa* are now deceased - Matthew and. Hugh John Blake, and Mrs. Martin. of Clinton.' One, halt -brother, B. Blake. Holmesville, and -three • half-sisters, Mrs. - A. 'Be, McKenzie, Edmonton; Mrs: • II. Crabb,. Vancouver,. and Min. C. E. 'O'Neil; Seattle, survive. Other survivors are three sons, Roy of Ashfield; Bert of Dungannon, and William T. Of St, Lambert, Quebec. One daughter; Mrs. William .Hasty, (Irene) died Some rears ago. There are Seven -grandchildren. Her • Una - band, to whom she was married neat- ly forty-nine yearn age, "no killed when he fell from load of hay twentn-three Pare Ago. Please, air, said the clerk; I'd like to have next week off if its converi- lent.• • Oh, you Would/ said the ,employer. May I ask what for? Well, my young ,ilidy is going on her honeymoon, arid I'd like to go with her. , Scoiing all their runs in the 6th BOUNDARY. %WE ST mpg,. c tresley on Saturday' nosed: ; _ ,Port Elgin out of the ,Bruce League The August meeting of , the 'v. P. nlanoffs, n to 4 -end . qualified' to W. O. Was held at the home of 'Mrs- meet Hanover in the final series A ninth inning • run, that 'same af- ternoon Put ManoVer in when *theY defeated Allentorn • 5_ to 4. • ."Pick" Eldon Henderson,' With a good at- tendance. Mrs. Jack Henderson, pre- sided and the meeting opened • by singing the Maple -Leaf, followed by repeating , the Lord's, prayer, rin Uni- son. Mrs. Wm. .Kenipton read the minutes, of the lest meeting. The roll call was answer,ed,by "New ideal' for school hunches". Thebusiness was transacted' and- splendid program Milier'homered the 7th with two .on to give, Allehford a 4 to .3' lead. Hanover tied it up' in; their:half and 'squeezed over the wiraii" Center' i the last 0,t the. folloWed..l'osotanit'he beautiful lady' , peering ,6 nein in the 'opening in. ` ' • ck.:11antilton,a_ning, Cheslen one:needed-Air-winning rending on "Little kindly thoughts' the first game of the fi als on Ss,t,- laStInepshicinndeiroan "d bYMerWrs.Rasi'breeliadriby itniiiMthrils! GE0R,GE E. B;KER, H -As, BEEN,. by ,Doris Irwin; a residing on th. urday 7 to 5, Jack Jamieson on "Co-operistion and Rochdade Weaver Spirit"; solo by Mrs. Philip'. Stenia e iation. by Ilene Hriderson . hen 1 go to -Grandma's .house: " outth 4.1usbeed" by "Ethel Martin; a humorous 'reading by Verna Hamilton and a ,reading by Miss. :Myrtle -Webster on "Smoking". A vote of thanks Was given to Mrs, Henderson for the use of her home and the ' National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Lunch Was then served by the heiitess. , Mrs. Christena McDonald and Mrs: Mitourrid°wthithMentproSifidEdi dwonereHernedve6rnstOriv.11. ,3 Mr, and•Mrs. Jack De Coo, Detroit, Rev. Harry Bruce and Mary from Newarlc, N. .T.'rn and Miss Tena Kee- pRt;)Nn:,R -. Detroit and andyprnik,isstiientoerephia7. rent visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Wm, Kempton. ylit :Richard. free': Toronto APent her vacation with her patents here. Itow did you Wife lote her erase for ahtiques ' h, I just gave het a 9IO modet • car for her annieersary; • BLACKSMITW. 6,7n, YEA RS George E. Baker of B nee Town 'shin, is one of the nIdest hlaelc- Mmiths in .the province; • haning, been engaged' in the business for ..67. years learning .the. trade When he was Still iru• his teens... • ••• • ,Pour sore and 'thtee years have n�t kept hirn inactive. necently he drove to, Northern Ontario, on. a vis- it and 'borne again. His golden wed- ding, was marked a short time ago, whin he and *Mts., taker received many gifts and -the 'topgratulations of a. host' of. friends throughout the dist, at Ga. Widen, nen; kingston Ontario, Mr. 'Oaken was Wen in Vint and ,tame to Ashrlekt township, • now - Jen from there to Meucciwhere' he has since been prominent in •eornmen. ity affairs, . • leArmtoinCay WiJohston 72 Who' had nnt•teen hi. eousin, George Baker, in 0/. nears. Meeting on the Baker faint reCognjt11 was almost inistai0 and happy 'hours were spent r.ca))jtigother ler 41. dlys and by one in ide ta, • • • , ZION . ' 'Rev. R. C. •and. Mts., Copeland and son .Donald of Thameseille are spelt- k , ding part of this week with Ashfield, friends. , '• ' Hiiiiterrstient4thin-week-' end in Toronto. ' iFTITLWHiiiiter ,oinMent.. ilton Were giteeta• on Saturday with , the former'i.: sister,. Mrs., 'Henry Gardner and Mr. Gardner: ; Mr: and Mrs. Curless and family of Oakville spent Saturday with Ur:. and; Men' Richard Gardner. • Guests during the Week with Miss Elleda Hunter were .ntiss Hilda Read Of. Pine River, Wises' Mary ,inti Lila ' McDonald • of -Ripley. . • Mr. David .Andelisonhad his ton- - gas removed in Goderich hoepitnl, !eat .week, .and is doing nicely. _ We. ate,. glad. to report that Inn. Sim Reed is steadily, 1114n:ovine and • Miss Violet . Ritchie is, recovering • adeeln We extend congratulations to (Mr. ' High ' School stiidents:. Misees Elkin Andrew, ; and Violet Ritchie and Mr. Lane Gardner on their "enconiniginV. reports from their recent exams. Miss Violet .passed On allher sirens- inationliAnd will intendnormalthis term, .if her health Permits.. • ..., Mrs. 'Minnie Cook of Toronto' Is visiting among bee friends and rel etivei In Ashfield. ' , , RAPID• CIT .•Mr. Tem, Engnanil and 'family' of • ,.(latt and Mr.. Jack England' and tann- ali.of Elora,' spent the week -end With 'their parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. , Joe - England. Mies Rutin England; 'bee gone. to Galt for a visit. Mrs, It. , Jr. and .11011 Hervey, have been on the nick list ' this last week with • bronchial pneu- monia, Mimi :Myrtle.114e•Quillin Is iit• 0.4eting-tot-Ithem. ' Mrs; Maleolin Stewirt is laid, up !'with in attack' ' Or..quintlY: We hoP.I. all will Seen ne;well again.„ • Visitors with Mt. and. Mrs. W. G. Reedon..Stinday, were; 'Mt. and Robert Moffatt and Shirley; Mr. aun' Wire. Joe '• Freeman, Lois; Beryl ' and . Arthur of Leeburn: and ' Min. W. G. Webster, Mee and Helen, 'also Mrs. W. G. Reed Eunice Went .to Penni Clark ts- day', to the Andreiv-Lane on. Al!' were disappointed When the fain • spoile4 the day. Mr, and 'Mrs.: Robert McNeil and family, visited With Mr. Sam McNeil' • i Go derich , Smutty' Itl,PLEyTkiliAtikpLIIVT OUT '• 'With Jean MacLeod on the. .mound for 'Ripley and .doing atelier hurling, she shut •oat Tetwateie bY Score of 134. Thli was her heat game of the Benson, "tegistering. thirteen strike -outs and pitching it no -Walk game. Backed by her team Metes, the did expert playing. , This As Mad:Aetna second shut -out this Season, having defeated Wingnam 15-0; niso defeating Tiverton 14-2. .11411a for Teestnetet reeelYnd poor stinnort N. Pettis"and"L. Finititnii gIstered several triple, doeblee and sfriglei,