The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-26, Page 1— 17' 500 A.YE#4-4.1.501N 40Wi1ieE7---.00e EXTRA TO U. S. A. LUCK14 W. ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST' 26th, 1957 ••1, 7",i7-171,•-•.•• ZION.' FRIENDS HELD. ' • SHOWER .FOR BRIDE -ELECT A.very enioYaileeVening was spent at the home ,of Miss Rena Hunter in 'bailout of. Miss Delay Ritchie, . in ;•v•ieW Of . her 'alProachitig• 'marriage, ••When 'around *forty Of her friends; Were present. 7: ' • While Mrs. Peter Cook^plaYed the "Bridal Chorus"; little Freda Hunter dressed. _ae a bride. entered. the din- ing rooni, followed 'by Lois.andLorna 'Hunter, with aprettily decorated • wagon, 'laden with gifts, followed by Miss -Daisy Ritchie. . . ; Daisy opened •the ,gifts and read the the verses on each and made a .very fitting reply. All: joined in • Singing • "Fee ' She's A jolly Geed .Fellow." : '" A Short ;program ,was then enjoyed with Miss Ada Webster in the chair, • •nielnding 'readings by Miss Elleda Kunter,o, Miss' Irima Hackett, ..songs • by Loki, Lorna and IdifinnY Hunter,. Mra, Peter Cook . and , Mrs: 'John Mac - "Kinnon ' and instrumentals by Mrs. 'Wesley Ritchie and Miss. Ruby. Reid. ' A t-daintY luncheon was then,. served, _ I • ONTARIO PREMIER.. TO _ _ SPEAK AT 'KINCARDINE • The Honorable Satchel' F. HO- , burn; premier of . Ontario will ad- dress a niontster' rally in Kincardine 'Arene, this Saturday evening, Aug- ust 28th, at 8 Pm. • Bruce riding is thus 'having ' the opportunity of hearing' both both-, party leaders,- the Hon: Earl Rowe, -having addressed -a Conservative 'Rally in Port- Elgin; Wednesday. • • 6 Dr. R. L. Treleaven DENTIST TELEPHONES• Olen 68 W. - Residence 53 J: owler PHYJC!AN & SURGEON bffice Moine: 1.00-13.30 P.M. .7.00-a.00 P.M. SuladaY117-1.30-2.00 P.M. . Or By 'Appointment - 'Phone. 86. , FOR SALE -Wicker baby carriage. Apply at -Sentinel Office. • 'FOR ISALE-Electric light chan- delier with .3 globes. Apply at Sen- tinel Office. RENT,/ --A, coinfOrtable, six - house to rent, town water.,,-, '• • Teinple• Clarke: . FOR RENT -a -rooms in comfalit: able' village residence / on: Havelock St Apply at Sentinel ' Office. • 'WANTED -Reliable natty to take charge • of . 9 -year-old boy from here to Saskatoon or neighboring vicinity. Netify Sam. Gibson, R. 3, Lucknow, : 'Phone 80-r-.22. ' • HOUSE FOR •..SALE HOlt • •RENT.- •7=tooni."•.house; ,on Havelock St POs:: seasion after 'first Of Septeniber..•Ap-: „ply at 'Sentinel , Office:4 Debt Charges Cut More Than In Hall In tle* 'Five:years Village, Of 'Llichaavi In ', Favorable yinancial.• Position - Several •• Der, benturti Retire ' Within Next.'Oive Ward I • The Village,. of Lucknow • is. in • a • very . favorable financial Position; and by 1942 there will be a marked •re- duction in the debenture debt of the municipality.' With the arena vote a. few' days away, there is the probability that the endeavour will be made to lead some to believe that the. .debenture debt Of the village. is alarming and ,• that the present undertaking :will only add to, the. burden of the tax - 'payer. • • • For this reason, we .believe ,the fol- lowing FACTS',wili be. both , interest- ingand informative. , Lublinow's tax', rate- is 42: , • . mills -low compared • with • many Other, centre's, and • not • based on a high essessed•value:-Of .this 'amount the debentuie .leiry, is a mere four phis , the ' school debenture, which makes the,total debt charges raised, by taxation for 1937, , $2398; 'includingprincipal and -littered.' By 1942 -within five year's, these 'debt charges=arerkdxed • o 'a t $1060. or considerably ;more an cut in 'half. Why? 'Because, -in the next five years, starting' in , 1939, several debentures retire, so that, after that year the, total debenture debt -of -the village, subject tn_taxe,, tion wilJ be $9,800.24, • This balance' is retired by 1952, with/ annual pay - Tents of slightly leas than a thous- and drillers a Lyear, when the village will be free of , a debenture , levy. Those who have .read carefully the by-law • Will note, that the . debenture debt of the village is approximately $80,000.. One must • deduct from this Hydro debentures '"(which retire in 1942), Of $7,558.39 .end' Writer deben- tures of ; $52,446.29. These services are self suppOrting. and 'do .not effect the tax :rate. _•.- • .• , • • - That leaves a total debenture ,debt of $19349.35 ,to be mei by taxation, and which by 1942.will bei.reduced ,practieally•-$103-0. The sp:resent lunde up as follows: School ' (retirei 1939) 2998.45' Sidewalks _(retires 1042) Pavement (retires' 1942)' 6631.01 Reveleck pt. Pavement 6000:00 Bridge, & 3800.2.4 • GOES TO 'WINGHAM • ''' • accepted a posi- tion SWenso,n'a bather shop in Wingham and Will connnence. hie new duties, pn, Monday. 'Pug"' homeis in Blyth, 'but for sev- en , , years he has been employed in Huston's Barber shop and has be, come a. Popular young; man in.., the Village: Hugh het-. taken • an active part in the Dramatic Club here as well as with the Bowling and Base- ball Olnbs, and'has many friends who regret his departure from the village. • ARM; /140KEN IN -FALL • • - Plunging , headking down, a ladder Item the roof of a. driving, shed that he was shingling at, Wm. McQuillin't farm, Wellington Nixon , suffered .a ,fractured " arm, and other 'injuries. The accident occurred on •Wednes-: day. Mr:' Nixon wasremoved to Wingham , Hospital, but . returned to his .home here later in the vveek: ' . . YOUNG LAD LAD HAS SECOND' LEG • FRACTURE Allan •;Burgess ; 9 -year-old e aim of Mr: and Mts. George Burgess end well-known , here, is in Sick liospitaL, Toronto, . with e ;leg, fracture. The youngster.. has had marethan, his share of trotible,„ as this is the second leg fracture ,within, about a year. , •:' " • REAL, ESTATE DEALS11 . , • Mr. and Mrs. Wm A. A. Schmid. who have been ecupying the Congram home on Havelock St., • - since. taking over Mr.' F.-'11.---Armstreng's-•jewel- lery business, will move, this week to the residence of the late' Mrs., David Parrish, . which they "arecentlY, pur- chased from, Mrs. Mienie Horne. ' Mr. Garfield MacDonald has pur- chased the "stone cottage" beside Mrs,. Cliff's residence. owned • by Alex Gallen. • • TENNIS. TOURNAMENT ,An event Of interest to all tennii players is being held today at the local courts when a doubles tourna- ment is being held, Which is open to non-members , as lwell • as members. There are three classes. men's, ladies' and mixed doubles. with ntizes•givin. The entry -fee -is 250, each. - , Total .319349.35 Deduct Debentures retiring ' ' by 1942 9549.11 • • ,. Total Debt after 1942 ............$ 9800.24 FOR SALE -Purebred Yorkshire Pigs. bred BOWS, serviceable ,boars, -weaned-pigs- bred:fromprize winning • blood; also three, T. B. and blood •-;-tested-Shorthorn.inills.L.Herd_fully_ accredited.- 'Phone, 14-r-13, or write • Orville Free, R. R. 1, Dungannon. CLEARING AUCTION SALE -of household effects at the residence of Mrs. T. E. Smith Lucknow, on 'SaturdaY August 28th at, 2 ,o'clock. , property oho offered subject to re- served loa. See hills. Well. Hendersip; ,Auc. • Mrs. T. E. Smith, , Prop. • .PERSONAL •, -MEN!, GET VIGOR. AT • ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonle Tablets contain xi* Oyster invigorators and other stlinulant's; One dose peps 'np organs, &We. ,If not delighted, maker re- funds Price' Call; -write ileXIWS DRUG. STORE/ ' FARMERS ATTENTION ' - BERTILIZER The .-Ltleknow'JolntCiubwi fertilizers for fail ese for all reeiribers • 'or these :becoining, Members' 'Of the . United Farmers of. Ontario, within twenty-five miles :of their mixing 'station, at •Lucknow. Prices will be; the cost price of, materials„ plus niixing and delivering 'charges. ' Place your. . orders early for quick service, with .J4n Jamieson,' Maneger, ' R. It 3 Lucknow. , , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..... AND TO *HUY . I have for sale some gond farms In I k Culross ,.; Twp.; one in Kinloss ' Twp.; oho in Greenock Twp.. • Also different , properties in the Village of • Teenwater. , I Also, have .clients,inquiring for un- cuitivated land Without buildings; iiiitablo for reforestrathin or plant• Ing apple and fruit tries. Also wooded •lands Withotit buildings at s reasonable price for holding purposes. W. Logan, Teeswater, Ont., • FINAL NOTICE , Alt aceotints owing F; T. Arin- atrong, must be paid by ISeptember let..,Aaeonnta ,.010 be paid at Wm. , A. Sebtrild'e Jewellery %Store or residende, Terrific—Storms—Swept , District Last week Thursday And Friday' Saw Succes- sive Storms Of Wind, Rain With A Severe Electrical Storm Thurs= day -Buildings And Crops Suffer- ed -Trees Block' Roadways Two terrific • sunnier :Stern's • swept this district-last----Thuretinty and -Fri- day, before • an oppressive atmos- phere was .relieVed; and a ,riefiod of wet Weather terminated. . In midafternoon Thursday, , a se- vere electrical . storm was accompan- ied by gales and torrential rains. The bowling tournament; which was underway; Was brought to an ' end fora second time, as the. green was ainverted into a veritable lake; Streets were 7flooded as 'storm sew- ers failed' to tope with the, deluge:. , and damaged barn reefs. . In West Wawannshi Cecil Mullin • tetiveped ten Miles further to deliver the mail that afternoon, due to ,roads being blocked. One of these blockades , was a big silver maple. at Andersons : on the 9th 'Concession...Alex Havens on route 1. in Athfield,';experiericed sirn Her. difficulty : • George r Phillips of WaWanosh had cattle killed by light-, ning that .niorning.• • •. Thomas Webster,: West •Wawanosh; had One side of his steel roofed barn; torn off and tarried some rods,'his drive _shed 'shifted. out. Of • position, nd cbirlileyS and windows damaged at his honie, . A 'second Storm'. of 'wind and rain, equally- 'Meese, cut a' swath throug,h, the village, on Friday, The ,rain, whipped by/the wind, tesembletinsere a snow storm and was so heavy as to obscure ones visionacross the atteet Some two Of ',rain fell in the 'two 4%70, The oat crop., hat ,suireted at • :result of the 'continued, wet weathOe. Some growth has e0inttenced in the 'Stook andtheodd field that was not cut was badly flattened. Some gain hasbeen hauled in in 'peer condition and , early ,threShing inicettary t� prevent further, damage to the grain. • ELECTION. OCTOBER '6TH .• . , .Following a three liqUr cabinet meeting On Monday, " Premier Mit:, Olen F. Hepburn announced 'Wed- nesdaY; October 6th, as the •date, of the Provincial general' election. .Oc- tober 12th;,had•first ;been. considered, but as it conflicted With the ditto of the Ontario : Plowmen's Association convention, the, early, date was chosen., 'The vote at :a later 'date endangered had road conditions in the- North. ARENA_CLUB,EUND BOOSTED TO.; OVER „,$206,00 MARK • ; The Lucknow i Arena Club has received a check -,for ; $51.61, , which boosts' this Organizations fund to $207.76. The amount had been held in trust by Lorna Cam- pbell as .a member of a former Lucknow Dramatic Chihli Those concerned withthe use it be. Out - to, strongly favored turning , it - over to the 'Arena -Club. - - Accompanying the check twits the following note: wish,' it were bigger to help on the , good, work.An arena will be -grand,. ' for the town and It hope you have the bestofkick in all your, under- takings to raise money, When , . you get' a ,new ,post, office and the arena, we won't 1 know the old street". • • • BILL WEBSTER *HOME: FROM HOSPITAL %FRIDAY, , • , , ,Bill Webster 18, back .home after almost a , year spent ',:af Goderich, Hospital, 'with. al badly ,t, broken :leg. Bill. arrived' here Frlday'revening and about oncriitchele with. the leg still, encased in -metal spiints.. It was on Labor Day, a year ago, that Bill was injured ifla motor accident sOuth of Dungannon, and for Months severe leg fractures 'stubbornly fail- ed to , respond . to treatment.Doc- tors state " that when the healing , is complete, he will resume his 'normal walk. At present ;Bill is enjoying meeting' "old" 'friends who are pleas- ed to see him back home again. ' • Clearinglines lir:: Men's,. -Women's and Children's -ifiladergarments. - THE MARKET iRE. . • . • .. • Upper ScResults , rdoeiniot,ws ingot. lartei th,.; uthneakmnolesw of sUiiiigthhe Selma& and 'the' standing obtained in the subjects indicated • Certificates have been, mailed to the students. , 1-75-I00'A:" III -60-65: C -credit, -5049; • below' P. E McLean,' (Prin.). • Campbell, Ina -Mod. Hist. `IC, Ale: .Geoin.• C, Trig. 'F,' Bot. 111. Zool. III, Fr. Au. /C; Fr; Comp., C. Clarke' Douglas--Alg, 11, Hof. I. Zool„, I; PhYs., II, Chem. 1, FrComp. Bot. • • Alg. , , Culbert, ,Jean -M0 - Iti Zool. 1,1 Fr. Au. 0, Fr: Comp. C. -Finlayson, Cameron -----Eng. Lit.' II. Geona: 11, Trig. IL Chem. llI, Fr. An. C, -Fr. Comp III ; 'Fr.' Conip. III. •• Hamilton., so ng. _Comp. C. •Johnstone, Eileen-Alg. F. Bot. C, Zool., C. Fr. Au. % C, Fr.' Comp. C. Joynt, George -41w F. Lane, •Hilda -Eng. ' Comp. F, 'Eng; F,, Mod. Hist. F, Alg. F, Chem. F. MecConnelli Mary -Eng. Comp. F, Eng: ',Lit. C, Alg. F Trig- F, Bot. III, Zoo'. Er- Comp. C. MacCrestie; Htigh-Eng, Lit. F. Bot. 11, II, 'Viol. II, Phys. C." MacDonald; Jack-Alg. C. II,Phys. C,' Chem. , MacDonald, Geom, II, Trig: I; Chem. Fr. Comp. 1. .1 . • . • • MacKenzie, -, Catherine -Mod. Hist. Au. 111, Fr. CeinP. 11.-; MacKenzie, Etlae/Eng.. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. F. Alg. C. Trig. 0, Phys. C. :MacKenzie, Frank--Alg. II, :Trig: MacKenzie, Robt.-Eng. Comp. 'Eng. Lit., F. • ' . :MacLeod, R. Leonard -Eng. Comp. II, ••Eng. Lit. C., • . McDonald; Mary - Eng, Lit. C, Trig. 111, Chem. C, Fr. Au; C, Er. Mary -Eng. Lit., II: Mod. List. II, Alg. I,• •Trig, II, Bot. II, Zool. I, Chem, II, Fr. Au. IL' Fr, -Comm-IL •, McLeod, John IL-Chein. II. -731iller,-Gorden--Enr-L-it-F, Gant: F. Phys. F, Chem. C, Fr. Au. C,, Fr. Comp. P. ' Morrison, Melvin... --Chem. F. , Ostrander, Rexford -Mod. Hist. Patterson, Agnes -Fr. Au. C. Fr. Comp. , C. ' • Ritchie,, ,Doris -Fr. Au. C, •Ritchia; Violeti-Eng„ Comp, 'C, Eng,. „ Mod., Hist. Cr Fr. .C; • ' - Thompson, Hrold-Alg. F, Phys. Au. F. ' • • ,, TwemleY; Hilda -,Eng. Lit. F., Mod. Hist. F, Alg. P, Trig: Fr. Au. 0, Fr. Con*. C. ' • ' • , • Wainwright, • Frederick E Comp. ' F; Mod. Hist F. • • •Weatherhead, Normit-Eng: Comp, F, 'Eng. Lit C, •Alg. • " lly Private Study - e J • hn-F . Com o e It - On Tuetdie inerk• your, ballet "FOR THR BY-LAW.'i • • MUrraytMUrdOchU.is�s EleCtors-::'To:SuPpott 'Arena "Iron' Man -Of lijeckey".:-And iick- flow Men; Thinks •This, Progressive Village -Stimild.,•.Heve • Alt Arena • Murray Murdoch, who became the "Iron. Man' of HoekeY",.. due to the number of successive games. he • play - 'ed , with the New York. Rangers, hav- ing learned that Lucknow considers building in arena, sends the .follow- ing letter; Murray was horn in Luck - now, which is a matter ..of, pride in the,. viilage. , .• • . •' Flushing, N. Y., , . , August 21, 1937. Dear • 'Mr. Thompson • • • ' I am pleased to learn that a , new -arena is being considered- for Luck - 110W,. and think that very Progres- sive town, should have such a civie. building. There is _no sport .more healthful than skating and can • be enjoyed ineornr! fully by young and old l for , hockey, it Is n •truly Canadian sport that tsii;dt ifhaCaenRiladj'eiaandall over the wish to keep up Canada's supremacy suPremacyinhockev:it is. up to all such towns as Lucicziovv to provide suitable facilities for de, n ofr. ale oug,:wou - Ilang my head, if ,Canada had to be, content to _finish among the also- rang- n 'future Olympic hockey nfirt7 diet • . „ , , I appreciate, very greatly thekindly :interest the people of Lucknow have taken in my hockey career,, and wish to take this . opportunity , to than them. Ifsuch. an arena' is built, I at toutle d,loikoce 'nvin/eg,rymuch to be present but I'm, afraid that, , will be impeasible, as I don't intend to play hockey this winter and have a poSitien. down ' here With hours, soineviliat different than those of a hockey player. , • , Hoping for the success of the un- dertaking, • , • Sincerely, MURRAY • '‘MURRA•K MURDOCH couisfit RATE'S FOR 1937 -The list-of--bounty--rates-In 111-ii-Wi for 1937, shows :that Ashfield 'pegs n'total of $13,546.64 made made up of $10,666.64 under general and high- way rates and ; $2880., , for ' school rates :West WaWanosh levy is $6.- 736.16 for general and highway rates and $1,969.00 for School rates, mak- ing n total of $8705.16. 'Alvin Very little different from East Wawanosh; which PaYe 68;717.36, Of Which' the school ratesfammint to $2026.00. CARNIVAL'TO NIGUT , 7 ••:tr e Brea e "Bread fi ea ifb 7 . , . • • . JELLY : IROI4A . ' . :.•.LAYBR :CAKPS., .. ' PINEAPPLE,• ROLLS 'CHELSEA 'BUNS, I ' HONEY & RASPBERRY'''. TARTS' . . , .A.14.D MANY',OTHHH.:'VA ' TETIES TO. CHOOSE FROM ;".11,1O'ITO AND •SERVICE • WEEK -END 'SPECIALS 0,LLYMAN, UALITY BAKEI. BUSINESS CHANGES IIANDS - Mr, James Geddes has leased , his business to Mr. Lloyd TurVey of Brussels, with the new proprietov. takingcharges on Labor Day. Mi. and Mrs. Geddes have for some pine. °years conducted the Variety Stere in 'the Village, 'which has been a Po- -pular-shepping-tentreand-wheielfer.: the next ten days a ten per ' 'cent. discount viill be allowed on all ,mer- chandise.,' „ • • .1` •._.mAxtitiRp ON TUESDAY - MacDonald -Hamilton „ The marriage was ewes?. nr_age...,".11"vb,--k-AinatiesdAY, afternoon,' at the cottage of Rey.: C. H. MacDonald, Who ;officiated,• • When Catherine Hamilton, 'daughter • of •Mrs. Wilton. HaMilton and the late Mr. 'Hamilton, became the bride of Mr. -...Garfield MacDonald- After a Short ,wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will 'take -up .residence in Lucknow. • •" CHOOSE W. H. topAN, ,eoriSEEvATIvE CANDIDATE nerUp Wingham; Cecil 1Knox, Fester. Moffat, Kinloss; Reeve • Car--. dies Morrie Township; ,Rob- ertson, ,Lucknow and Robert Bow- man, Brussels with the latter three' flanked withdrawing. ; Selection1 Made,: 44 -• Winghain. 'Leat• Thursday -John 'At the nominating '.convention in Wingham,' on Thursday ,night, Harty Login, :Teeswater rear estate and 'in- surance agent, was chosen as the conservative •candidate in the pro-. vincial 'riding of Huron-BrUce, • • Mr. Logen, whose '',itarne..liad „not been previously mentioned, based his. -Wiped! to the conVention,,On•the taT.' perance question, .end. , Won :the 7nOru- inatiOn!,o first haliot. mnyor John Hanna of Wingharn waS run- ner-up in .the balloting, ; Seven :candidate's wore- nominated Mr; Logan of Teesweter; • Mr. Hanna, • - Detaile are: •arranged for the m- onster street carnival'. and, &One to be : staged here • to -night :(Thursday). In ;eVent, of, bad' weather. theevent will be held • Friday night. The evening's fun, %starts with a Calithinabian, par- ade at 7.30, in which. young and , old are entering, and which offers some • $1,0,00in, prized., Those entering the parade must ; be at • the school It 7.15.; Kenneth • Rentoul, CKNX entertainer,' will' ' be on hand. • :. • emotive' booths Will „feat/ire bingo and skill' games withlib- eral prizes .' TheFarr-Lipids fight will be broadcast for those inter, ested and McCartners tirchestra will suPPIY the Musie for, the Arcot frolic, • . • si The parade; with, the Pipe and • a Jazz Band, leaves from the 'school at '11.30 sharp. IM goingto ..11 me r nib • / ' "WNW r - A vote i‘fer", Will give this com- munity a,',Much needed' Wilding that Will be of . inestimable value, and service. • Lucknow ' needs, such _a huild- ingl There are many reasons to be advanced in support of, sifoh an. Un-, dertaking:', There- scents to be but one against" it-Athe,' cost. " 'And it. fa', only,bi making "a .nioun- tain out that this ar- gument can hear, .rinich weight. For,, with theexception of '11k0)40313' . a, very few : daeet, there are, mine.' who *mild be burdened if the taxpayer had to psi the entire annual:del:ten. re -4492:63-$1.20 ` on a thousand debar aSsessittertt.".',100 a month. .1 , And this,':as We. have Often' re- peated, Providing only that the Arena doesn't "show one cent surplus ,and that the 'frier organizations,' backing the project, fail utterly to raise one 'red, cent ' over ; period of,. ..tWelve niontlm" . • , As to the - debenture debt Of the village, We ;,refer ;Yon' t� an article elsewhere in We issue that gives the facts. and proves In black and white, itat 'this, tillage is in ft inrY - favor- able position In regards to its bond- ed •debt.„ •• ' •-• We leave it to you to consider the facts , and judge for 'yeureolf, when you hear about the "terrible" finan- cial. resultsof building in arena, ,•Progress, and 'proapority go hand in hand and that 13 doubly trtiein the ease of the entail town today: They Cannot' ,Stand is either forward or backward, tucknow, ;has supported a -progressive policy in the past -With valuable' assets to show for It. Let us continue this, pregres- siveness. • " The. general Welfare �f the com- munity and an interest in the Youth of the village, aresomething more to be considered than dollars • and cents'. Some there, are to whom an Arena will appear to be of little Per- sonal use or benefit. Consider then the growing boys and •girls, Exper- ience the., satisfaction of doing what you can to give them , What they want for their pleasure and health - „ . • , . Wingham RinkWon t Joyert trel—WC. ests Porty-One Rinks 'Enter . Tournament, , Played On 'Local And WinghamGreens-Dr. Johnston's Rink Only Local Quartette To Win , ,Rained out on lino previous ' oc- casions, the Lucknow Bawling Club retorted ,,4staging their , annual rinks tournament as a twilight event on 'Monday night, - end -, which -• -Was, a splendid success • With • forty-one rinks entered.. , Discarding the 'elimination • plan. winners were decided by the gainea won end - their •pluses. Twenty-tWo rinks r v• teplayed1,.isor.izdee (inhe:o thej,,`y.l:tnIt c,a: FrIg.or;eheny nineteen were taken to Wingham., was after two before the nnci 4 Cedar chests,, donated by Mr., John Jo nt was ',won • by Jack Mason't, rink of Wingham, with 3 wins and / a Plus of 30; Rev: John Pollock's, rink of Wingham and IVIel- Donohne's Of Teesivater, were ,tied for secon Place and in the ,playoff , the Poll( rink won second place , with 3 n plus of 26, to 'receive table lamps. With 3% ad a 'Alia of 25, Donohue's rink won • bed throws, , ' •• ' Johnston's rink; the; only Luc - know rink to figure in the money, won 4th place„ with 3 , Wins and pine' of -22. . They ' received silver Cream and sugar services. This rink was composed of Dr. Johnston, skip, Jack McQturig; R. M. McPherson,. Mild/nay and Clyde' Reid: Fifth prize, , blanketsWon ;b•v Wnt, Kerr's rink of ;Walkerton, with 3cleOstieid,fionrilifsWm.h%ItN, eWpihtehW'34, Plerink a: 16, to ,win•dress, shirts: „ 0 . • • Trio -' Of Presentations Made. Rev. & .Mrs..J.H.•Gecighegan . , St. Paul's Church; ,Ripley, Women'si ' Lucknow And St. . Paul's Ch. urch, Dungannon; Have Made PreeentationaTo ROT: • And . Mrs. • • First Of The Month For Ridge - town After X.' Five Year Pastorate, Here--Servie6s Have Been •Deeply, Appreciated In Parish •And ' infinity . • . , On Friday evening of lest week the • members of St- auy rooms for asocials" hureh !eYT''eeVet of their rector, •and his family, who-aiter ,five years; has resignecLand has been' ap- pointed to the parish Ridgetown and Highgate. In spite:of the unfaw- orablcjweather conditiens,'Practieil- 1y:every Member of the •Congregation••• .was .present. The early part, of the everting, was stiont in "various' games and contests 'under the ileadership „of illisses Irene and Hazel Morgan ,• at the, conclusion of Which, the : chair, man; • Rev. P.;11. Rickaid'•,,called• the - IN -ardent,' and rector to the, .platform When the following address; was read Mr, George Emmertee and • Mr.... Joe, Culbert 'presented a beautiful leat,her aero -pack glaaitonejag fully equipped to Mr„ • Geoghegan and lovely Maderie:, bed linen ..• to, Mrs. Geoghegan. • Dear Mr. _and *rt.. Geoghegan,' , We,. the Members' 'of St. Paul's ...Church, Ripley, are gathered together • toiright, to: extend to you and: Yonr. , our-:best:wiShoi for: your hap- • piness*.ih''he Parish to which; you :are • Dining- your stay here, here, you have Made yourself one With us and -have proved ,true and: sincere friends".' • to those who. , were sick l or in trouble, • ever ready and :milling!, to • de all you could for the glory of the Master. We: trust that the Work to which the, Bishop. has called: you ' will only • • be an opportunity •,for, ,greater ser - We, ask, you to .aecept, • these, filifits;thTnicb we hope 'Prove use.= . help. keep before you your. frienda'..in Ripley,. who deeply•'regret . your reMoyal'.from our Midst. Signedby every 'member of the Congregation. • " A 'then glt_, deeply_ineved.I.Mr: Gen_ I tegen thanked the ‘, members on /be- half >fJijs itife:4..and_lripiselfnot. • • billy for the gifts, ;but also for' the very many acts of kindness and sy,ni- PalbY shown at all times and as- stired them that they would ever be reinembered and that his ,ipterest the parish wteld not ceaie, but that. they would ,he 'watching and praying, (Continued on Page 5), • • • • • ENTERTAINS AT TEA ful bo sreectottledaaii4n.. CLottestiddetialatiiesn. cents twirnitgysidloeUniniYeintrtidear,11‘V4laiii0s.6tiritilttnaiialefd, EaPeriendethe real entimisitisMe ,t moon tea en' Tuesday, in honer Of and "kick" that Coinesthrongh/beingher cousin, Mis.s Rtith_. Stein af Ne, IV booster for the comrnunity and for ifgaangIrtfiYar.;t=stiYeTIT:ti:N•K the /00OPle in it -• • • MISS Pcarlrndn and ,Miss Marjoriv . • • ' • VOTE Henderson serving. - ft. "Vailk.'/A4 4;11.9.," •••• '-(.111k 11 i PERFECT IAMOR wBEATH, Special ealaa& • BaSatifid. 'lapd.careed ,flattlae. .. A Schmidt JEWELLER & 8VATCHM.A:KElt • • Many • : a surprisiilg fact *heti theft vision is helped. It 18 this ---they• enidy„ itiou than comfortable 'seeing in freedoin 'from other , ills canted by eyestrain.' F. T. ARMSTRONG'S Thitr,sugvibE.,, • e 110W -A 'Seinen. re ,SeWellOese:Astete • Each Wednesday and. Saturday '