The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 5• 'THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 19THt. 1937 tivpoto-4-liair • `I. . Mins Emily Coins ,is, home from;' •Muskoka, holidaying at, Her parents' home, fifth i •"rrier • Rev; J.:Ferrier and Mrs., . Fe . . ,. , of •Nebraska? are .guests at the` Fer-• ilei home here. Mr$. E. Appleyard, ' Miss Elva. . Horne and -several ; girls.. from ,r here` are careping at Mirimachi iiay. ev, llan Mr$.'; Allan- and rami y of 'Qyin yr ,ass � erevisitors, recent. ... ld fi} ' isitors• at:the . home of: ee ,er 'are,. •Mrsses14An,n . at Clara: , ,, and Mina. Yiunter ."-,`of Rev. Toronto,_,.., ,H an ts r and M rs : : Ranter of wallswi k, N J ' :andM Set Arnett o fx.L onde sboro" " /Johns, d' th . o Services ,iii: SC . , e ,a . Y• ' "•:' United.Churches last . Suo a Y • were : cancelled.- owing to anniversary •ser. vices in Kinlough. and .Clarks. , • . Mrs:, Dalgety ' of Sombre was, a guest of her daughter;': Mrs: F. C, • McRitchie grid Rev. McRitchie at the rector .Rev. APle aidMrs Appie Yar d andson Teddy of Kerwood; were re,- 'cent e=i•entguests .of Miss Gertrude' .Hewitt; McCOR•MICK COMPANY TO. , BUILD HOMES -FOR -EMI' OYEES, Is: • At Present Considering Building, Of Si Homes Under Dominion' Housing Act—First; Is . ' 'Nearing. Completion. Believed • to be one of the first companies'hi' '.Canada to provide. homes for its employees under the r Co rrii ck s c r in At M Dominion Housing and - Limited, "Biscuit: and •Candy, Manu- -_ x, — � .ski. «•'f":;. xi ax'"`• y,.�. fii�' .c �-•F �„.�."R!'S 1^�YMi,-w�V+1�F a�Y"p r, n.fck-v no:. t :fom;..letIn ,th._ e.fir Al* in building. Plan :,that may :'ultimately ,. run to one” hundred or;rnore homesw. ..,i:W' in: -n• ei believe:. tha,t..the trend:. ,.. - . rs to':';take" a, 1 "f r' m dustny is: 'for ,e P oY..� .: lfar of i rst•• .irr iii ,'we _ . e e resto e nte r rov •'di �'; m to a s' an their e Y e , . d P .d: of: good • type.. of `hones is one imt: a o nt st ,. e J. W. Ross; ce-Pres. portant t.. , P ident ' of the ' company, stated. ,"We had the land available • and •the DO - minion Housing, Act gave us the op- portunity of financing the develop- it.com .compar- atively that.made p ment,,on s o 'e ', to for .our:, einet.. 3! es atively easy 0 tit own. .mea..... own h e h b Under' the -plans :as' •prepared t VdKNOW MIDDLE , ,:SCAtiQL:-RAM TS Continued' From Page 1) ' :„.• , MacKenzie, .Rohe --Phys. II, .Fr Au: III Fr.,, Comp 11. MacKinnon, Donald -- Eng:. Comp. 41,, . Eng. Lit.. 48R, Can. list. III, Anc. Hist. •C, Alg. C, 'Ge MacLeod ':Leonard—Geom c 'Lat• Au. II, Lat. Comp. II, Fr A. II II. Fr.. Comp, y . : ' . u• (] Mc d John=Eng Lit..25, '`Can, Hist. . 4, lg; I, Chem. `I, Fr,- Au, T•Il, Fr.''Coru. ''L. -; • o� on —A1 I.; ills d g M G- Morrison elpin—Eng;: Comp. • 34, Alv+ it h' 1 t Snnday` o 3 1): ,Eng, Tat • • : an• is meeting at the home of Mrs: D A.: •1' t_er�on,:bturiel-Eng.,�omp.;42ft, Lit. g. S 5• o al 1 the 's acD n d `'d n :Mr ,° n i Hist' C.r Alt..: +: b 40' •=En C m • ,. s' ne p;0;44%1 tli h . Dig Patterson: g':. ,. . •Ag.. ,.• . '6; _.. .. C em: 1 r 11u v r rn des. ave a e e asl .... s ' 'a G Y f .. �id g.. •Pearlman,'�{Morria E;.g. , ist C attendan a wa S niall..owin to. the, . Eng,: Lit. III, ,Can.. H ,, ,. , g , . ... ! , , , Chem.• r• busy season 'and the re -union ^ :: Richards, Raymond—Eng; •Comip. •Goderich, Those: wlio did attend felt ,41, Eng: Lit.. C, ,•Can. Hist. C, PhYs•. .. 4bR Chem: C. •'• they •had spent: a very, profitable af- • ie :is—En • it. 40,'Alg. ternoon. •Then on , Mon day' evening n Ritchie, Dori g, Lit. , Phys. hem. C'. picnic was held at the beach; at the III. 'Phy 29, C ASHFIEI�O •RECEIVE . MEDA; s.• "°Jll is • L Smith of - Toronto, }s rLast •week distribution . of : Corona,- ' i' k 'with Miss Isobel tion .medals : in Canada :cominence.d., Corona, - spending th s wee t MacLean The. medals,' are primarily • intended • to recognize `ioffieials, who ,were in Mr.:and Mrr3:::Eastmattand. family - . , _ •. _Air,-. • .� ... , �.ac teal... sereice at the time ,of the Cot-. of Port_ Hope :are guests this week at onation of. King George V.I, May 12 , the' home • of bMr. and Mrs;,:_. Sam la•st. ` , ` • ••• - ,Gibson.` Among those in Bruce`who;will're 'v'.• ` ' acConnell occa died: the i t r ' ..,••J, Re , It, M . .. ,_ _ 1 . - cei�.e aned�ls are;; • Sena. b s ,!J; • •" pulpit. of •.the. Presbyterian Church',•_Donnelly• of.Chepstowe and J. 1.1., u morning, evening! on. S n ' •. � . ., t m to Both m iand .. •. T� xo" ..and : u a n .g. n n to p ac ilhv a . is e ^ r K Gi. day.J M Y Port v v 'Re .. i P 1ir15on P n 1. o M -Min; , r►l r , liected to' be home to'.ffike charge of John `V Sinclan, 11 ,L A , par a; -MaY- �ar,:mvo ., next' ii 8.' e m. 40`� �'i sire o he G �; ai Y , •h n o K 1 it t T e C Hist. C August' and vi e ith .sec .. acInt w t e PG M r c e h L t TIT Can' .Hist 45 -An Y r::. a oro -->;`n •, . ComP., '• Ostrande R. kf , , , f , mei}s Institute"inet for their' lla ' ha return;. ' • n homes to "be .buil t will MissJean McLe nd s th .�conip.a Y+ e, , sum in the. neighborhood 1�."for .a Bel large lots with , ` Built.on , of $3,"!00;00.g.,, feet,the byb0 the average about‘;40 ,1_ can b purchased with a dawn homes I e p 'the e hborhood, of paynienf in n g,. $70Q.00'.':'`Succeeding' payments .of p .proximately $25.00 a month," will take care of ` principal, ':interest . and es- w- a xes. ' tima ted :t an .a' resent has un= t , The .comp y, p, , der' onsideration a 'total •of six homes. e fromcamp at Lake :Co ch=' ed home P �' n s.�.. Mott Rev. h. S. Mbtt .and Mr S a 'vacation ion. edne,d on. left last. W y,• T. HELENS <. Mr. .and Mrs. Hugh Cameron: and. " children Wand .Mr.. 'John Courtney of e wererecent :;guests` .of 'Kincardine, . Mrs. J. B:. Rutherford: '' Mf G. A. Webb returned on Sat= urday after a' month's visit" with', feet long .and: 11 feet, 6 inches in •-:friends in the,.Western Provinces., provision is wniade for , =a11 h '. rst of these,now nearing' coin- T e.ft: Pletion,:• is a` five ;room colonial style bungalow." With :'a living room,, 18, width •.. ' , ^�•-rooms^"to"�b'e�large-"'and••••spac2iau •Quillin, visited .friends: at Exeter last Homes will:be of 'fine resisting °egli week, the former going on to London struction, conipletely insrilate, 'and to: write a! an'.examination:at the .,-, : 'with ith the heating:plant ..under the Western University , Amex -can Standard:Code.. Mr. and;: Mrs; John Webb and'dau ghter Miss: Elsie" of .'Wingham were guests of: Mr. G. A. Webb and :M'r.. and• Mrs. E.-• W '!rice'•. recently, Miss esn� Thorn is a ,visitor With friends ,troit. Mr. 'and Mrs.. Earl Cranston;': Mr. and 'Mrs Robert'. Buchanan • and Mr. for. the ,•Stanley, -Todd were at Guelph Western: OntarioV.eteran's .Re' -union. There: were no. services in. the Uni- ted ;:Church Inst • Sunday. It is expec- sume )iis duties• after ;a . month's •. va- ted that' Rev. H..'M.'Wright':will re- cation. e- ea s, LAN'C'ISIE E .:Anc, Hist C Geom , t° l. i II A Cn ,, ,. L a X bi ell• .. g • 'sited ',the n t es'de v t tire`" rn . t ,president, 3 h II C S l M 1' E g Lit C Can 1VI K f At this I' •th at ' o omon, - ur1e •— n ac a arm, ' is a so, '. e Y' Hist.. 32, Alg: IT, Geom. 27, Chem, C..: mall •b • those, who tendance was hut se, `..Steward, ,Zy1da-Eng. Lit. 28; Can.' ; h ,'4g were . there er�loyed ,a very ,pleasant Hist;:23, Alt. 45It, P ys, R • •'. Mar —A1 C. Lat. evening. Struthers, •. g , Y •• om .. Fr. `Au. 44R. a 's C C,� sb feria W. M. p _'Tire.. Pre... y ;. • n , •Thom, :Kathleen—Eng. Comp, 24, whei, this friday', at Camp: Kintail , Eng. ;Lit. •26, Can. Hist, 88,. Alg, 1, • they': expect, the -members of. the' Dun Geom., C,.•;._:.•� • , T•hom ' n• Harold—Ane. • Hist.',. IL anon : Societ y to be their;' guests., Pap,: . :.,� g. Y 37:: n. Hist. Chester—Eng. ChComp. , , •Mrs.: R. Davidson,,'one . of 'the vice ,, s 3 Chem. C. _t .an Hr t. 3, h Wainwright ' Frederick=-Fng. Lit.. 46R, Can. >,Hist. C, Alg, C; Geom..- 27; Phys. C. , • . ;'Hist• Weatlierhead, Norma—Can. t• 'C Phys.. C,•'Chem...II, Fr., .•Au. ` C. The 'students listed below have ob'- tained standing in ' the ; subjects' in dicated,, by..private : study. . Hist. Anc. I`letcher; John=Can, t C. ;Hist.' C., Gardner Lane=Chem. II; - Mr'. `;and Mrs Wm. • McMillan ..and. Mr and Mrs •:.Bert` McMillan of Al , Pena,: M•ich,,'spent,'a few; days week'. at '.M ps-.-"M•cGregoi''s;— Wisite- church.'Mr•'. and Mrs.. Mac' Ross' • and: Mr: and Mrs` T H:,,Moore -of the, 2nd Mrs; .Geo. Tiffin, 'Joe and Vivian. of 1Vinghain and Mr. and Mrs. A. Deeves nd daughter B irbara Ann:. of :Lon-. tion.next Sunday. . : Eton Mi'. and' Mrs.Joe Tiffin of White - Mrs R 'K Miller, Mr.and. Mr :; „birch' and Mr. and, Mrs. •W.m Daw W. A Miller, :,Laurine;µand Allan were 'hon, "'.of 2nd :con.; spent Sunday with • recent guests• of Mr.J W Salkeld at: 3,1 .raid 1\IIs.':�Wesley Tiffin., Goderich r k . ?sir's John Rich'ar,'dson, ,Bob and • FIRERRIGADE ,SAI ARIES' Disatisfied with the salary . they; wete receiving;:.Hanover, Fireman re=: cently received the figures''ofnearby, brigades, by way' of comparison. The Lyicknow:-•brigade of • twelve;.men re ceive $125. •,per, annuiil• The figures were as:• follows Yearly Firemen` Pay Kincardine, 24 $ • Goderieh » 14 750,•,' Che'sley - 12 270 Walkerton -. :15 380 Meafor l 10 2.70 Durham. ,•- 13, 310 'E1' i ra 13 275 Wsrton 11 725 .- St. Marys --15 909, , Hanover, 1934 » ,•20 223 •.Hanover, ` 1935 ,• ,,,a 17 • 150 Hanover, ,1936 »,; 15 209 12 125 T�ucknoYv .. •Tear spent 1~riday:.,>with Grace_at:-the • home of •.Mr: 'and,- Mrs. ;Bell; Pine River, ' . Miss Reba Marshall is spending a few'. ew weeks with her mother, Mrs. ist. Marshall of 'Toronto, Mr:•W m. .and ', Tony : Reich and iVIarie; • Loretta, 'Iteta • and •,,Wilma, <,jieirt; Suhday'` wvith"1VIT:' and Mrs. !clam; Lippert •of Riversdale Mr. iii I'iM15. John Maclntyre and lara:,, l'urdon of.-'Wingham ,l+crit, Sunday with• 1V1r..:• .and :Meg. • "Vont- :Home ,Staticin" CKNX, W1tN;GHAM Saturday, August '21st -- , '11.45 , t.m —Farmers' hour.', 12.34 'p.M-CKNX Hill Billies 1.00 ! 3Radio :&' Movie :`Gossip. Sunday, August 22nd -§- 11i00 Ja.m--Wingham United • 1.00. p m Guy Lombardo Orch. 1.15 , • • • W. Hall Moore, bass - baritone 1.00 ' ' St. Andter ani :Phurch , Monday, August 23rd--+ 10.30 ' a.m. ; Church , -.of the Air 12.30 .• :m. 'Barry :J. Boyle, r' ee Markets' ;:' 1.15. Liwfest k,�. �. r win U 1.'•' 5.45 G o n • 8.00; , ' Kenneth , Rentout, ,Bond" Tuesday,` August ; 24th.-= 'Band! 11.15;;a.m.=- Strike UCi The . 11.45 'Partners Hour 12.35' p.m. ' :'Kincardine ', Revielw:: ' '6,00 Freeman Lang $ • , 7.45 , 'Wayne Kin$t+.Or chestra, • Wednesday,''August'2,5th—. ' • 12.15 p.m. -Name, A -Sunil, Contest 12.35- • Goderich• Review.' 5.30' • Southern Meiirn oriel �.6.4Fr[ • �<, .Tees .. water 'Revs ew • 8.30 Gnry Lon► hrd , • (Nth, Thursday. August 26th 11.45 ••a.m: - .Farmers our.' Y 6.45 p,- .m,•-hucknoir evieW 8.00' • Gladys Pie cell,- piatlow Friday,. August 27thy. 1130- a n -•-Tho alihse ,1.00 p rn Stuart Hri� ln�ltill; Billies: • 100 Guy ,,Lorribardo• Oreh; • , F E. MCLEAN (Pring) ZION. Mr and Mrs. Jack' McKenzie ;ot 'Detroit, who are ' holidaying at Pert Elgin,' were visitors , on,^ Sunday,: with Mrs:' Chas-: Ritchie and `John. Rev David Lane of 'Goderich% was the guest; of'.his cousin,. Mr. "Henry' Gardner and Mrs. Gardner on Sunday •Mr. and • Mrs:' Alf.Andrew'' and. Winnifred returned to..their,home in. Espanola on 'Sunday. after; spending EiT7Week- with"friends 'here •• Mr. and Mrs, ,Gordon Ritchie and babe spent,: Sunday : with Mr. 'and Mrs. Stuart Bradley .of Tiverton. We are 'glad to 'roport an improve nient' in . Mr.; Samuel Reed's condition and.; he ;is . expected home this' week. from Wingham' 'hospital,' where he; has been a• patient •for .the past five 1:e'orgc Tifrii. rsii 1 Iiitip• of Toronto,; spent the :week' ,:i`ill .wuith: ;hip • mother, Mrs A. J; �luii-ay They' were,. accompanied by 1II Rpbt.' : Neely .whos1 ' )ent'the week- , . end :with' Mr: and Mrs Arthur Moore it the 2nd .con. i41iw :Dolly •Orr. is 'assisting; Mrs. :dte "MncKenzie•'of the '.4th con, w� w+hil.e'-b'liss .!---dean Simpson is at lone recuperating ,.f%oni a . heart, at= u : T _C 1- llc• tea a = r . n on C ;iR,oy 'Vandusen l�ara an, t , G. Q. ,ens f Walkerton. ,. . u.ge .y h Sack i ch a aeon,e n rock it lie k children „attending': m C Yz, . ... 4 Lochalsh: schools,, go hack': to newly ' ro s�. J • M e r o or ted choo e ,dee a s 1 , har : of :�"f• k Co o u ho n ryry i,a� b. L w w this work.;' The funeral of: Mrs. Barger was held from her'fate residence' on the. 12th,:cori.;, on Monday afternoon,. with. Itev• It. "MaeConnell officiating.. Mrs,. r " •r. death occurr d•'on Thursday iia gel s des, e,: .. u :... her family, ex- tend f we August ':12th,•.:• To Y, . ath-' ` deepest symp Y',. Mrs. 'John Di ,• . coil of. • "•fi7r: -and, .. ._ .e C,. Detroit," a' returned' home ,after I tr , h ve ' ac at c v anion in ::� ' ' hr • wee! s fiend g'. a t ee. ..,. -the 1 tter s home. here` ht`Miss'e :Ila :and Sorry 'to report. s ta Pe Culbert :of, .Detroit, 'have re- turned after spending. a two' me, presidents • of ''the Presbyterial' is • to Prweeks vacation here. • addres the meeting: • Mr; Joe' Maclntyre underwent . an' :'... (own,' Bar baIaCulbert r. • t and"K_ atli e r- i 'a operhtion:in GoderichHospitalon ,•iiieMacKenzie'spent Sunday together port was thathe'wasdo ng ricer *.ere" entertained partyMonday ofsweek.• he 'last re `�ute'a num ber of this ''vicinitY Mrs. 'MacDonald and Hughie• rhave returned' for M E. ' The ;school.. teaches e . 1 rile la' Frida night,g ii • ' l l f A y t Y from their sunriner courses nn wvr ' o m i s • • • 9t#e. h.e e 1 d a The. . , ..,• Hear' T cn PNr E2TAINME`P- FUIQL.D, ANT") YUUV G God rrzes Welcome' r rf M . . - ' • PARK IIh . _.1.30 ]?„_ P•RGG•ICAMME, Sl'AR,TSAI. Tilly i' A.• ��• � L16ERAcL CONSERV;��i`IYASSOCIATION RIDING OF BRUCE IDI D- KINLOSS HURON ;AND; L•E -HONE SYSTE-M'. •..: Au gu. st .• 7th, :1037, The 1re0 i.3o.7n, The Com.niasione s of^the and KinlossMunicipal Telephone. . System' me i'date' : the' .Secretary's. ofii.ce R, hi• r: Jo ' .n i a '• 3.30 b d teat n_ a o�e on.tlie W: Col,•`Y ell,`in the chair. Menibers all r were ail, present. . Neil seconded • :,Move"d 'bY.,. bi! .Mc;I{.ibYr:... , nal that -the nun by Dan `D McDonald, utes"of' last ..'meeting ,,b'e Adopted read. (Carried):'' '• On' Moved Y . byNeD ila nM cDK aMyin tchDaotn,' t. lhde sf coe Towngaccount's t"s be i” Ed. .Monilaws, '• Sha penhig 'saws, 1.20;' W. J. Lane,' J.>.ily salary, stationery 1Oc "' Matt: Geinniell, arY,$100.0.,operation! $35.0_.0; es-. r n -hon • .6.454 ley ' D. Lott, : �'ebate i . Phone • $,. . e, ,z:' mel! Work oii''lines 32.- Iran ,rs Gem,.: , «o.G , $ r0, 429 50, use of .car' $25.0,0, $16.55; li• s arold::l nnierton work :e linee,, .H i ,. h ll.' i• i h. L H. �N1iCc. e e t �0$'15,751 I- .� Pr. D.. 'Ma'eLeod re tc. �. 15.27 D • 'Northern Flee- tile lec- .. bite on ,phone^$5:3.8•, it 1 e.. . 185.5 tric :Company I.td. . me S .. $185.53; . 1 ,. game • Struthers olgs, 222.75;, I! Lank ThoniOQ .,!son; Poles'$25.J .ames 1 Cooper, rent of ,shop. $104)0; Strom= bei „-Carlson: Mnfg.' Co., .mdse... 59.,CanadianTelephone.and Supplies. Carried . on Vcetnx ad4ourned` meet a sin September 11, .1'937, at ,2.30' P m Ii:.'artn,Se ',secretary.. M os Y S Y , 4 • tack. . ,.. . ' •Miss Doris ltitchie of Lucknow is spending a few days with her friend Mrs. Victor"Emerson. Mrs Herb' Pettypiece; is holding • a piissionarytea'for the.,ladies• of the 2nd and 4th on Thursday, , August• 26; to which all the.' ladies of the,Coin-, munity are -invited. hP W itechurclt Women's Inst•; tette held their August meeting: at the home of Mrs. Albert' McQuillin OnFriday Tast. The meeting''opened with the president, Mrs. Ezra Sholtz in 'the 'chair. Community singing ,was enjoyed ley'. all.; . The financial state Meet showed six' dollars on. hand: Fol low g the.: " in tepid' "Health and Child n Welfare" the roll' call, was' answered "My weight,.: and what . I 'should " a :Vence et Miss Merle weigh In 'th, ?�•. Wilson, 'who, 'was, to give. the topic- Mrs. Bert Ii.eod gave • a "..t4ieChe � - ;fulness".' :Readings;' were; given y Mrs. Shultz •'"Prohibition., Mrs... Lan'ce Grain "Tell it now".' Renta• tions by little Janie McInnis "Help ing :Moths r"; Mrs, • Frank Henry, "t•'our . boy's choosing a ;Toeation' in life`.'; solos •by Ruby :Conn and -Susie Carrick;,Parer on current events' was prepared by Mrs. Charlie' Martin and readby Mrs.Vidter Emerson. National _Anthem was sung,. • after. which Mrs. Victor Em'er§on conduc- ted a few contesto. Miss • Marie McCrostie of Belfast;. spent Sunday with her: ,:"friend, -Miss: Ellen Andrew- 'Mr and Mrs . meth.. Eilber of 'CTed; iton and''Mr and Mrs. Fritz: of Zur- ich; were Sunday visitors 'withMr. and. Mrs.' Fred, Anderson. • • 'Mrs. F. Anderson and David. were visitors in` Godericii' .on Monday. ; Mr ' David •Anderson; and Miss Elsie .Ritchie,. returned'home, last , week' af- ter talcing summer courses „at Lon- don, and -Guelph' respectively., Mr. and' Mrs Richard ' . Gardner ;spent a day recently with• Porte Elgin friends.�' Miss, Catherine :Gibson-. of Laurier -returned--home-- on --Monday ,after spending a week with "her cousin,' Miss Marion. Gardner. -The -:;monthly meeting of.: Zion W. M. Swag, held .on Thursday last .at the. home; of Mrs. 'Geo; Hunter withi a good: attendance Mr. iSidneY Smith : of `Albert, .Col lege,' Belleville, took the service on 'the ,Ashfield circuiton Sunday,. 'Sid-.. ney is':' one of our former 'Zion boys and a goodly 'congregation greeted him here .at :the evening service Mr, and Mrs. •1[, Andre* received• word 'today(Tuesday) 'that: their son. J.. 'F.`Andrew ' of Calgary„ was much improved. Mr. Andrew' has been quite; weak of ; late from a • stomach . dis- order, and this.'was good news„for.his' many friends; ' Who hope he may, eon tinue to;'gain in strength , pV COURRIES' CORNERS Mr. Di tie Ntr: and rel ativea Miss; . River is; James' Mr. G in Luckno patereon Tri® co athy to loss of; Barger,. Miss Sadie Sean Miss V Alton" 'of with' Mia arrish. If, o u drive •reckless!,up your mind • and have:not made to stop, ityou are going to find yourself in serious trouble � .soon. The •De Department of Highways is determined to , f. ICyou 'and�• keep . them o . put reckless drivers off., the road p :may need your car in business, stop' and think for a iniinute' what vvV Liw You Might lose o1u.—r—job. ob.u1 -t w,.,hat•i; s.4' the death, crippling, or injuring of a go` ls' going- m�na - - cel r .:are ' rhv�e s d e lei license cancelled.. • 1�� reel to fir. ��ob co pa citizen' 1 a 'ong:-our 'highways 'defenseless', people. themand you: will a nsequene-es; -- you have not been eeding! "Stop cutting gon hills:: Stop taking y kind:. If you must an the averag e `traffic, f ou 've Farrish and son Will'of Sask., lies been visiting with Mrs.. Wilfred Farrish!' • and. Isabelle . McKay of Rainy visiting 'with • Mr.' arid. Mrs. Drennan and relatives. holidaying"' • eo'rge' Farrish . is. ' w with ,Mr, and Mrs.. Fraser .mrminity extends its symjia; Mrs; George Drennan' -in the her another, Mrs. Margaret • Parrish, Visited . with Sadie , Nelson` this Week. era- tittle and Mr:`' Leonard London,' spent the week-enii: s Elmira' Afton. 'Miss Rea .Miller of Paramount spent thio''week-end: tiv'itli`Mr ;: i? :: Of trOtibleTtreaktilthira. You cannot 'sa warned ' Stop s, to put reckless drivers where they belong. Here you see a motorist ' • ' is'vVhat to do. When , driving in manner dangerous to,the ,public; • in, 'Sto Pp passil p chances of at drive siowe'r t .:'f the the right side . o keepwell to , �; D� 'i roads. o ' use the side or • hi laws . g y • • •umber make` a direful note of tire" take his n , .. nat block oth�r.,traf�xC lace and When you reach'. • actual 'time and place • . your destination write to the Motor Vehicles. Branch, Depftrtmeint of Highways, Toronto,' giving full details. a do not'inv'ite reports , W �. of minor infringements �f the traffic tic. laws ; 'r you' are requested to use sound judgment. We will 4eal' adequately with offenders., ' y • dhi'1'Allib' ,bEPARTMPA4T. '%IItY%11Vri "S Mbtpr Velitelesiilranel>; •i