The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-19, Page 1• 62-00 A OAR -459 IN ADYA.M.R=50e EXTRA TO 1.1. • -77 " ••• .; tic ti WI ONT., THURSDAY, ,AUG-IJST 19tht,1957 ••••••••••••••••••••••,,,,,•••••, trr: Fr,actumd. Collar Sone, ff Care Collide At Murray's Corner In Kinlose. :On Sundak-'-Mt.:.Dan Mac- flona!Juffcre4; Fractured §haal*, der When Car: Overturned. ' • Mr. „DIM MacDonald, -SeCond•"CMI- Oession,_ kiriless;" -received a fractur- ed Collar: :bone • in a Sunday motor Accident, at. Murray's!, corner in Kin- loss; in which his . ear- was coinpletely overturned. . Mrs.. MacDonald and their granddaughteg; Mari .Lonise. • Portemis,and their.' young grandson, escaped with minor :cuts and bruises., Mr: And MIS. *George Gibbons ad . . ." babe, .oecuptinta of' the other; cat in- volved, 'escaped injuries, aitheagh the • little tot was .toppled out of its bas- ket. in the impact. •' Mi. MaeDonahl. . was driving east or, the Seeend Conessicin, and Mr. Gibbons; north, on the Langaide road, with thc collision occurring ' at the 'intersection: The MacDonald, car was• :badly Wrecked, with the top crushed in; When it turned over on, thettpad-, way, with the four Wheels in the air. .•0 1F0e.aVell' , DENTIST TELE 'PHONES • en.. 53 W. • . Reiddenee fig J ' Dr. Wm. Fowler ' ,PHYSICIAN '& • SURGEON Office Hours: 1.00-3.30 P.M: • 7.00-8.00 P.M. Sunday -1 30-200 P.M., Or fly Appointment . 'Phone 86. ; FOR -SAL.%.." -TWO window avinings. , Apply: at, Sentinel Office; ; • , ,FOR • SALE -Electric light Chan- . . defier with .3 globes. Apply at .Sen - tine' ' • WHITE,CHURCH :CONTRACTOR AWARDED 'BRIDGE CONTRACT :db.& was awarded. ,thecontract. to 'con- striact7e'bidge:•nerth of ',.Wo64tpeli; city Iiniits,,when. :tenders...were open- ed • August. 4; :the:Ontario highways' deuartnient- has ,announced.•:.' ' , Cost of • the br'idge' will. be alieht °$0d0O0,•:', the:. dePartifient'. estimated.. Construction starts at thediscretion of the 'COntrnctor, but it is to be• completed by NeVeriber 15 1937 the contract specified. ".; RENT*-,-- A. comfortable. hb- room house to rent, town water.- . fieniple 'Clarke. , FOR, SALE -1,, 5 -year-old Mare • :And; 10 little .piga., ApPlY to GOrdon. Barge', .R. •It. 3, Lucicnew:, • HELP WAND-CaPahle,.middie: awed. woman for 'general hells& work. 7-Aprify to Mrs.Green, Lu?knQwBotel • „ .FOR SLE-Farrn up to a ton., , also fanning 'mill with carrier, both in good condition..-1AP- ply at ;Sentinel. Office., HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT=-,- 7.-rogm' hoose, on IIavelock $t Po- ses ion after first of SePtember. Ap- ply at Sentinel Office, ,CLEARiNG AlICTIOg.SALE-of hausebbld. effects, it the yelidenee of ' Mia. T. E. `Smith, LUcknow; .on Saturday; August 28th, at 2 o'dlock. Property aleo offered shliject to: re- served bid. See bills.,,Well. Henderson; Sraith,..,_Prop • p.ER 0 N .A , MEN! GET ° VIGOR . AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw Oyster invigorators, and other, atimulantS.. One dose peps lip Organs, 'glands. If--notr,--delightedii-Maker-re-'- funds price paid -L.41.25.. Cap,' -write .McKIM'S DRUG •STORE. ' FARMERS ATTENTION' FERTILIZER The Lucknow Joint club will mix fertilizers for fall use for all inemberS • or these "maiming _members of the. United ,Farmers of Dfitarie,..witliin 'twenty-five, "miles of their Mixing station'ae Lueknew. Prices will be, the, cost ,price of materials; phis mixing' and delivering ,charges. Place,:, your orders 'early' forquick service, With • John Jamieson,. Manager, R. R. 3;, Lucknew: L. ESTATEF, . ANI) TO*131JY ' • I have . for sale some 'good • farms • • inCulrpss Twp.; one in Kinloss Twp.;, one in Greenock' Twp. Also different properties in the Village, of Teeswatet., , • . I also have clients Mg -Wring for un- cultivated • lmd without buildings, • suitable for )11hforestratien or plant.' ing apple , and fruit • trees. Also wooded ,lands without ,buildings at a , reasonable:price foil holding .parposes. W. H. Logan, Teeswater, Ont. ' • NOTICE Notice i; hereby given to 11 voters in the Village' of Lucknow Entitled' to 'Vote on Money ,13Yvlaws that I hive , prepared Ahe list to be used' at the Vote to be taken on By-law NO. 4, , • 1947, of the Village of Lacknow on the thirty-first day of August 193/, and have ,posted up the, said list at my •olliee in. the said,..Village. And hereby call on Lilt voters to iMinediatidy eitilmirie the said 'fiat and have anY, 4th:it§ or ,Onntilsions tor. !Dated at LiaknOW this 17th day of August, A.D. 1937. ' ..tesenh Agnew, Cierk of the Village Of Llitkileut.:., seinione.t.: • reeted., 44, " I - HON.- EARL ItCiWa' TO BE , . " AT PORT ELGIN .ON 25T11 Conservative Rally And Picnic Eic,- petted To Draw RecOrd Crowd: • With an early election prospect, . . it is, expected that record_ crowds will 'stream.- from.:*all'. points • of ,the district', eager to hear the keynote speech of the ,Ontario leader and, oth- ers to be .delivered by notable men of • the party.' , • • • An outstanding ..program is plan- ned for the • event, with: entertain-, •ment,.-inusit; dateirig, 'etc., and good.' prizes fOr all winners. -GiVen, good Weather one of the ' greatest .out- door gatherings ever held in West- ern 'Ontario, isconfidently expected.. President' Wellington Fenton, Sec- retary C. R. Van: Dusen, and the v,ar- . • -V t preparation r a bum1e a ten apee ,and a" record success:. Angus . George, Pert . Min; has:, been ....appointed gen- eral Chairman :Of the piciiit commit-, tee and with Mr.' E. It, Dennis; Sec- .retarY, of the Western. Ontarie, Con- servatiVe Association, is .co-operat- dig. With. the • varitts committees to Make this: the greatest political event ever held in the, riding, • SCOTCH CONCERT BY 'PIPE ' BAND TO BE HELD IN RIPLEY Luckno* Pipe Band is sponsoring a ,,Inonster ScOteli. "Concert • in the Ripley Arena, On Friday night, Sep- teniher 3rd: Program cqnsists I of numhers' by the Band, solos,' dancing, :men's :chorus eth. A &nee'will fol- low in the Ripley Hall. Remerriber the night and Plan .to• be in Ripley for "a 4,fine evening's entertainment:: . . Young Doctor Drowned Sunday At Bruce 'Beach Popular Young • Atwood Physician Met Untiniely' Death In Sad • Drowning Fatality -Was Conclud- ing • Holiday • At The Laake-Wife. And Young Daughter Survives. The: firstdroWningfatality of the season in nearby .resorts, occurred Sunday:: afternoon at. Bruce Beach, when! Dr: Ricliard:.Z.,..gido,,a_voPulai_ and successful physician of Atwood,. 'lost his .life. .••• ' . Dr.. and Mrs -Kidd, we understand, -were that day ' coMplethig a .two ..U.'eek's vacationat the beach in, Rev: .• .0. MaCi1onald'S • Cottage.; They sitei Mr J' D Colquhoun of Ethel. Dr. 'Colciuhoun• was on .the diving toWer, with I)r. .Kidd . smile 'distance, away; when - he becaine in '• difficulty and •cried out for help. The 'efforts of Dr. coyiabotin to save him :were . fruit: less and the victim sank in. cempar- atively, cleeP ,water; his 'body being recovered: some. time later. .• Artificial 'respiration. tarried On by Kincardine • physicians • and Earl Lee, life. guard at ..Kincardine • Beach, ed,to revive him'; . • The edit -twoyear old doctor is survived by his Wife and thirteen4" Months. old daughter. 'Grief stricken, MIS. Kidd was .rembved'to,her Where She .was -under • a doctor's 'care. To the little village of Atwood, his ddith, is nothing ;short of a cal- amity, for Pr, Kidd was beloved in his ..prefeSsian,". and ,.Yonthfully ener- getic in civic and church Work/ The funeral service was held in Atwood Presbyterian Church on Wed- nesday. , ' PAINED OUT , The innate," rinks" toninaineift • set for last. Thursday, Was rained ;out in p,rePer style. A heavy i•ain. cdminen- Ced abent eight o'clock - that :Morning , . and 'Continued with little, abater:tient tintil eatly in the afterncion; fOring a postPehenient of the everitb, Which .WaS billed4fOr '040 (ThlirSClaY) V1/1,tlf the Same' array 6.1 prizes. . - 'Was ail iinfOrtutiate break for iho, local 'Club, Which anticipated one Of. the best ournainents in. several Ark s_ --•••••---•••••• Midd!e'SchoorReiults = know High ic-icc:47,1TaY, a' reeeiVell:".__:the standing indicated below, r.the Mid- dle Sehael.:PePartmental Examin, ' • ,,"' • School. and .1:OWer Sebool certificates. have been Mailedto the students. ;f, , , '.Aitchison, ` AYIMen.LEdg: Phys: _III. • * Alton, .Dorothy -Eng., Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C, Can. •Hist. IL;Alg. HI, Alton, Janie -Ane. Hist,' II, Alg. I, gq.0111, 11., Phys. C, Chem. 1. • Andrew, Ellen -Eng. Cohan.' 43R, • . . Eng. • C. . ' Blake; Muriel, --Eng, Ane. Hist.' III; Geom. III: Phys. iII, Lat. Comp. 0, Fr. Comp.. IL • • I, Caesar; ' Madeline -Eng. Comp. 0, Eng. Lit; 11. Can. Hist. .Alg: C, Cheni, tC, ' . Comp. Eng. Lit. C, Atm. Hist; C, Alg. 111, Phys. Ci Lat. Au. 111, Lat. :Comp, III, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp..C, • • Carter; Mary-Eng.i Canto. 0, Eng: ,Lit: 42,' Can. Hist; 42, .A.1g.' C. 'Collyer, June -Eng. Lit. 42;4 Can. Hist. •C Alg Phys. 36. ' took: 'Edna -Eng. Comp. 33,, Eng..' 45R. Ane. :Hist. C, Alg.' III,. Geom.' 40, PhYa, II, Fr. An. 0.• . COOk,, Eliza -Eng. Comp: 41R, Eng; Lit. C, Can. -Rist 37, Mg.': 37, Chem. IL Finlayson,Anna-Eng. Comp. C, :Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C. Chem. III: • , Forster,. Jean -Eng. Lit. IIL Ant. Hist.. C, Geom. C. Phys. Lat. Au. . , , Gardner, , Comp. '24: Eng, Lit. 38,. Can. Hist. C, Geom. 11, Phys. IL:. • : 7 ' - Gilmour; Helen-7•,Eng. 'Cohan, , 37R, Eng. 'Lit. • 41; Can Hiat, 0, Alg, C. Chern. C. Dorothy -Eng. . - Can. Hist. 84, .Alg, 11, Phys. C; 'Chem. • Hamilton, Belen-Eng. Comp. IT, Eng. Lit. C, -Can; Hist. C, Alg. in; Cheri. C. Hamilton,' Isobel-Alg. • I.; • Geom.' 43R, Chena. 111.1' Henderson, Jessie -Eng. Lit. 30, Can. Hist. 0, •Alic. Hist. C. Geom...33; Phys. 0 'Chem. III. Jewitt,' Comp.: 34R, Can. Hist. 0.: Joynt, George -Ane. Hist. C, Phys. 35, Chem. II; FF.', Au, 'II.. . Lane, Hilda -:-Can.. • Hist II, Geom. MacCrealtie, Hugh -Fr. Au, C. MacDonald; Etta B; -Eng. CoMP, 0, Eng. Lit. E., Can.Hist. 28, Alg. 0, Chern. -111. MacDonald, '• ,Tack -Eng. ' Lit. 6, Ant. Hist. C. .Fr. Au. III., • • McDonald, :Marion H. -Eng. Cemp.. II; Eng. tit. II, Can, Hist. I, Alg. 11, • MacDonald, Marion L. -Phys. 11. .McGregor, Eng. Lit C. .Can.. Hist. IIL Alg. II; Chem. L ' !Macintosh; Kathleen trig. Lit. C, Can; Hist. 47, Ane. Hist. C, Alg. I, Geom.' 43lt, Chem. C. (Continued On Page 5) RESC ED YOUNG GIRL FROM -. • DROWNING AT :PORT ',ALBERT 4 . HAVE BEEN 4 Itp,11(8," HHHA . Do you 'kilo* that In the kis? th"•!:::*" 4:414i been, no leapt' than . -,411-rinG; ! privately Which shId ' be Proof that . rinks in the Peat '. hkrvo:llOt ,hi3Pli a 'Inna•int 'venture. . ' First rink was in the r'•'.awamp a block ,south. of„the Cain. Howie. eerier; The second Wale 'where', .411;;,,---iellkleif" -Kenneth .1VtaeLelad • now ettindi and the third in the old Agricul- tural Park; which was bkiivn, down: The fourth Is the 'present' rink, built by Jim Gay; and now " • owned by ..T. W. Henderson. Carnival Night Promises, To Be Popular Event A *al Fun. Andre, Lai roe Night f um. And Frolic•--Indientions Art That Calithuinpisn parade Bale. • Many Novel Entries And Will Be' Well Worth Seeing , Present indications are . that Luck- nOW's street Carnival and frolic will be §: gay night of fun, frolic and en- tertainment. Many plan to enter the calithumpian parade, Whieh, should prove a colorful and mirthful' pro- cession of ..young and , Children's .prizes are ; featured in hie,varader4butadaltirinrei.---irrgettrt enter it .also, and reports- Of ;freak contraptions and What not, are many. t4a ailne. band and .a jazz band will both be in the Procession, Whieh. ab- solutely must leave from the ,school On:hinds' At , 7.30.- sharp. • Prizes :of $1.60 and figei, are given for , each_ Of. the following Cligillea: 1. Child's best, decorated wagon: , • .2. :Child's hest decorated .`lkiddy cat or doll carriage. • . ` 3. Child's best decorated tricycle Or bicycle. • •• • 4. Bests.comie.costlime,,bey,,er giri on, toiler skates. • „ 5: Best 'fancy costume, 'bey or girl' on.' roller skates. , • 6. Beet Adult costume,fancy Or. comic. ' , '• 'These. classes are open to , :anyone in the village .or •country, and Where possible, entrants are asked to .fea, take alogana-.emphasizing the need „ - of --an arena. .. 'Free Coneert The Street' is thrown Wide open for the whole event and after the parade there :will he a..short concert given at, no • charge, which Will : feature Kenneth Renteid, a •-member If the Pipe Band, and a popular CKNX entertainer... , • - Mr-; Eldon Twamlei Of Chatham, And 'A ..N?tiie Of 'Astifield, Rescued Young girl Who Was , Gain Down The Third Time • Cleo MeColeman, 13 -year-old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ...Mc - Coleman of Detroit, was rescued from drowning at Pert Albert heack, on Tuesday, of itiSt ,week. ' ° Her rescuer was, Mr. Elden' Twain - ley of Chathani, who has a'am)1' /nor cottage at Port Albert,. and who is •it son of Mrs. George Tivamley of . , Ashfield. „ • When Miss. McColemaC. got, .into. difficulty,! her girl chum • cried for help,'un 'alarm which was heard Only by Mr. Thamley, who rushed, to .her aid and rescued her s she nag for the 'third ,time: • ,Early in, the- evening, the carnival booths will swing into action, fea- turing 56 bingo; penny toss, dart games, etc. Hate, cane, delle_ent. noise' niakei•A will be available to add to the carnival Spirit: Which will he carried, tea.:Coithlusion • With. a , street orchestra. • • Plans are being :Made to have the, TOminy Fatr-Joe •Louis fight broad- cast for ,the convenience o those wiehing, to hear it. it„i0eingthing•different-frOM7anY-..,. thing . Lueknow has tindertalten for sonie tithe,' and the entire proceeds of the night will to • the. LucknOW. Arena - 'fund, Which 01db .1a: sponsor- ing the event. , • '• It is net. expected to be a *.night of huge profits, but rather one of geed' wholesonte full, aiming as well' to.earrY appeal for An arena fiom the youth of the comaninitY.• . Lotter Ti; The- Editor YOUNG '. LAD SERIOUS4Y,„, • • , . ' -- • INJURED ON TUESDAY -,•••---"? . -., , ea-lle°d°11'-u;:to:li liTti7;11:0Ttli.:s6allYkrAY;;Ei';71:ii:t ::$'110:11-:;-:'1-n--; tt-"-1141.:TIret.7.17.-lits.7,fa'a'nli;7111;.-Taitir.din4:2;u..r",'4'71'1 4i;411 Matsti._nn Qt. building an 'AT?", , 41.',..il extent. of the injuries -Were not de: it is desirable that they be in Posses- „terblitledi,:on'' Wednesday?, but. are_ii'e-, ',ion of tho'fa,cto.t-efor0..tbi)' Can, in- garded as cinite• aeVere, and the YDUlig the. project,. -after, givinge. natter.,:.-•.rtme3.1-0f,:Detroltillte AceidOit -gequr-- (-91iiker!ilY.: eV.Press", an opinion. • The Ind • is still undr;;;abs,ervation: .,..,.. .. ; writer of this article is in tavnur of . Jimior 'is ,:the son Of Mr. MaftY M. .,.-. occur - careful consideration-andnow for ring at the home of his grandmother, , the: reasons: 1 believe- that such ' a MIS. MalcolmMacinnes, Second Cr - Place is necessary that 'Young P°°Ple cession. - ' . may spend 'winter evenings -as ..they _ may huve time in joyous, wholesome "Ni.AYTIME", AT LYCEUM recreative sport and exercise. Vigorous exercise is negeaSarY. to 'Nelson Eddy % and' .Jeanette, Mac- produce-whireehnn trosit,hbYii bev.tigte°rr°du:vehloleYd' Donald, the stars of "NaughtY. Mar- ietta", a.114, 'Tose: Marie" will 'once than in•a Skating. rink? • • ,again sin; their way .into the -hearts „Then there is the ' social . aspect. of the people in the. production "May - Young people of both Sexes Will Min- time"; at the Lyceum 'I'heatre,, Wing, gle, some way, some Where, and this him?, Monday, Tuesday and as ,right --they are so ,created. •Where Wednesday. 7 • can they have a het:ter place for this mingling than, in the Proposed arena, r.in joyous, - vigorous fun, harmleas: and Whelesenie, where. they rub off' Petty. jealousieS, undue Shynees, and -basil- fulnese, In this WRY it serves to -de- velop character.' So We believe We 'are, -right when . we Say "It is gap& for the ,body, the niind and the morals". •Parents know. Where their boys and Orli aro and are satisfied.. ' Then at homecoming at Christmas 'time iwe :hear ._•the .,hornecomers _say, , I-116-hdpir be skating .for _Christiniii".-,there, they, ;meet friends and former school mates hi real social ,and hearty tenjoyment Ask the young people if they are in favoiii of an arena -And, they will throw up their hands and their- hats •and shout "Yes". They will say "Dad you votefor the Arena, We want it"? Mew 'can dad refuse? .:Them:an impos- ing structure. on that prominent car, .rier:-Instead of, 'grass sand Weeds, leaves a . very. .fatyOrable impression nien visitors and 'tourists :coming in from ,the. South and weit. They: atop SPOKE ON _INDIAN 'WORK Mr. ' Alex. 'Smith conducted. the Ser- vice. in• the. United Church on Sunday morning -in 'the, .absence' ,Of Rev. Tucker., Alex, who Ocht- the • past tial School at Brandon, gave his Ili - year teaching' in Phe Indian 'Reeiden- of • the Indian' people, as well. as the work being . done 'among. thein in lis- teners a , more intimate knowledge and informative: Miss, Myra ,Mac - schools such aele Was in: The ad- • reSS- w s. we • 1 ivere" in erestnit ser- vice. ,:iv, as guest soloist 'at the ser- , . LOCAL,' MATS NAME . ' MENTIONED AS CANDIDATE' The Huron L.Bruce • Conservative nominating convention is° to he held In theWingliani Town Hall (tonight) Thursday; AugUsti7:1.9th, ,at . 8 Pan. withf Hen. Leopold IVIadeaulay; K.C., MLA:, former Minister of Highways, scheduled as the .special speaker. their 'Cars to have a -„ leek and say, Names proinihently, inentioned-: in "Why this , Must be unite 'a ,thrifty, connection With the nerninatiens are progressive Place:A;It goes a long Robert Bowman; ' Reeve of Brussels way to •ereate' spirit �f confidence : and former Warden: of Huron 'Conn - and oPtiniiam. has asked on More than One oceaseicon, of those from other towns, the . questioni- "How. are things in your town?" and ha a verY. Often .heard the reply dead, ,pretty dead." We do not want to Write the Mum- my's Epitaph on out sign boards - which 'tuna 'thus. "For thou art dead and :',buried and eiribalmed". Believ- ing that -these things which I have refolded are absolutely true,1 have rio hesitation in subscribing name, G. A. .NEWTON. ,ty; Russel 0, , Robertson. of LuckrioW'• W. Cecil' Knox Of Tor onto, ,fotiner Winghamite, ' and Maier 'John W. Hanna of:.Winghani. LIBERAL NOMIATING :-.CONVENTION- NEXT -WEEK- , . Candidate Be Seleeted-Wetinefi- , , day -Mr. C: A. Robertson, Present Again itanding -`71vielaberTSta,ter-lliff,:intention-01: • . The Huron -Bruce Liberal, nominat- ing be held ViringL • • htearinno-Tenck,t 4galulaii'tn2efixtht-,-Wie6r4netslidead-7: pur- pose of. selecting a, Candidate to con- teforthcorning provincial el- cstiton.th,,e :C. A. Robertson, M.L.A., , present member for the riding, has stated. his intention "0140.1tirein. allowing his. "name' to go. before the .....convention. Mr. Robertson. was in town On Mon- day, feeling fit again? he said, and , i tanned from operating the binder n. the harvest fields of his farm', • • Cleating lines .10 Ghia' and Wo. men's House. and Wash Dreases•----• STORES. • • tea as giggle, gobble and.'sit. „ ee s Qtr. . An Arena, Voting &qt. approaches! Support of the arena by-lii* Will give this tom:. Triunity a building that can be of usefulness ancEgerVice throughout the year. It will be another progressive accoMplighmetit; -suchdaisthis village has. achieved in, the •Pait;Ite 'Emig it ,from experiencing a"slipping back- wards" that • is .not, uncommon.' in . many villages of this size. There are a few who de not poSsess a good deal; of civic pride -our homes' in the village are evidence of tlitteis thereanyone who would not be enthused to see a Post office on. the "Cain Hedge" corner; and an imposing arena On the aid l'Itoyat Itotel4 corner. It Would be a `main thoroughfare to be justly p?ud of. The Pest e3f,fice is Assured -tit 11emains withtheelectors to aSinte an arena. .Were_satisiled they will. P rticutarly so; when it ,is to be I cOnsidered',.. that for the next few years at least; this building is likely to cost the •taxpayers little or nothing: It , is to be scarcely , considered that. * the building raight.not bay operating costs.. Privately ' owned buildings have "showeA..a• profit .in . the ,Past. So *hi' not a community ' arena the moretie. :It; is a municipal building and - as sack exempt froni. take's. . • „.'t• ' Considering it PaYs. operating penses: only, that leaves an 'amnia' debenture of $492,53. Directed by live 'eoncinittee of seven Members and backed by the Arena.iClubi. Thi -Fire COnipany and the Won -LOIN Institute, sbOuld' it -be difficult to raise this saw .otrft- a period of 12 months? Seriously and: honestly MA and gra. Elector, consider this. It As not -reasonable to. 1••••••;•*- ,W.i•ii!1•••41 4_I•• 4144 ••• .1 •1 ^ hkh? thinkthat these four groups will fall cinnPlet_elr, cause they * have . . • A pledged theinie es . to, namely, to rake. funds to Meet thla debenture. Do' you net agree, that the possibil- ity of the ratepayers : having to carry Inuph, if any, of this cost In the f ' t least, next few. years aa very slight? , The Site for the proposed .arena isought and 'Paid for. ' The, toiti • , , • holds the deed, • with a stiptilation that it ean be mied for•-` arena Put - poses' only. With the foundation as it is, it is haeleks even - as a Parking Its a oh:Of 'lie*. /or Weeda, how- ever, and 'it titian street '.eye sore. Thii_eye,_sore, can be effectiyelY erad- icated for the nekt" half tentiiiY, Or more, by PrOPerly. illatkiag your bal- lot on Tuesday, August CorOner'ilury Attaches, Blame To %gingham Man " • By Verdict Returned At Inquest Into Death Of George B Naylor -De liberated/Two Boars -Certifier Had ' Advised That No Blame Be Attach- ' ed To Either' Drivers As 'Certain Amount Of Unce taint)? Existed , „ A:4e9ronee.s..__ipr ...,....indaiArig,into the death Of Mr.., George B. Naylor,, as the 'result of a Motet 'accident re- ,ttirned..a .verdict . hal ing , Wm. me: Cool of Winghani •re pensible:'.. Fere.. Man Bert -Thoinpson; ,suhroitted t e' verdict, to :, Coroner . . C. Rady140.°-`14 .M.D., .. Of Wingham, after the ,jury had deliberated two .hours. ' ' _ .; L../ • . • : \ • ..;;;-...e.•-• , Theinquest,--* , -•held-Cin . id. onday. sit the Oth•Cancession Schoel, hense: in gait ..Wawanosh,; net far, . distant front ' Where, Mr; Naylor received fatal. injuries hi. a, car accident on,,,July_28: IreaAii-e'---iii-chi-Cdetitii7N-vas-a-:.:iiiPtifired- iiier. ....,, • • , ,. • • '. , , , „ , , • „. . ' :The accident °centred,: 'et., .the .9th :Co.neeselon and DiViiion% Line 'inter- section. , Mr.. Me0cipl; 'driver. of .,. the Wingham ,datc., Was •prciceed'ini. south. Mr' Naylor was S passenger in •a. - • ' . • • . • • , . .Car driven by Thorne's. Foran, which. waa crossing, on the , 9th, toncessiOn from East to *est yawanosh.,", ' In •'sumniitig' up the ' evidence be - N. . • . ' , °id ,i.14 jury had retired fthe coroner advised 'fiiitt/s, 'verdict. . of accidental. ,death he • brought in, • attaching :no' blame to either ! Zf'.' the -drivers. , .."McCoOl. was driving , according *. to. his 'own 'testimony at a speed within :that .ef. the neW speed liniii. Now al- though T feel', Certain .that the ,Speed' limit is too high, *e all drive at 'd speed of 40 to 45 'Tidies an h I:Ir.:Cer- tainly, ' both drivers . hi _ this . case Auld try te avoid, an, accident., The division ' line, '!;beeatiee of a diViet: genet) of traille on account': of -paving on Ilia Witighahr.to Blyth ..ftiad, is, heavily travelled, . 'and. CS that .is • n dangerous corner, ' I, b'elieVO..that .iiiF whir Verdict you, Shebitt nia,ke a'. k4-. onfinendatioi thavitop signs. be er- ected at that corner. ,In eases Of this kind it is MilCh better' to attach i'16 hlanie Where a Certain ninonnt of "'On' Certainty exists. f ,feel that it *4, an accidental 1100.10 he, -;,§_aid.,., A .rePert. fretia Goderich.° states it is unlikely there will he thY f)r..0goto. tied as a reedit ef.' tho V'ii*diet, ` :4 • , w.Performs Strange:-'. , Feat -By Shedding Hide Outer in; Drier*, Up And Peals '•.• Leaing Animal "As Pink 'As'. •• , .Bchy";--Aniinal Growing New Hide , And. Is Thriving ' A- cow 0.WUceii by'. Win. MacKenzief• at, which ••••1 11A.§�ccti,i+ed only once .„ befuro in the experience of the local veterinary; Dr,. . C. C. EVelY:' • , • , Following .an illness,: the . cater .skin of ' the animal, dried :up like a shingle and was shed's- ihipieces' lea -v. ing the animal "aa pink as a .new , horn babe".. A heart condition that tbe animal had is belieVed to be the capse of, the.... strange occurrence, ' which ,reaulted ,iii an invroPer eulatlen. of, blood, the outer *in , die. ..The .cow is getting a new bide and Is growing fat and. bealthi'after .„ Tohnind this feat, • that :qualifies.' 'it. • .for the: believe it" c," ee,t. cc:0411w. MRS. BARGER 'OF ASIIFIELD LAID TO ',,REST MONDAY l' • • ` Dea„th Came Unexpeetedly On • Fri- day' At Her Home In Ashfield ▪ Township • Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Barger,: who passed away' on Friday, *were held on Monda at her late res- 11 ence the; grave-:, .• "side' "in 'Greenhill ceMetery, by Rev. Mr, Mcdonnell of Ripley.. Mrs:Barger was in her, .71st year; She had :not been enjoying ,. good health, but ; heti, final.. illness came suddenly and-.her;:Passing was quito unexpected corning as.a. shock -to •her who are bereaved . of a• kino• and, loving mother.. . •• ' A ''family of four ,sonS and. three ; _!1) survive,. • George aUd..'Gor- don" on the home farm, Cencession 12, • rjoivard of AShfield, 'William...T. of 'TOronto,; Mit. George; Drennan, field,: Mrs. Wilfred ,Bradiey,....Anaber „ley. and Mrs. Alex Lockhart, Appin. CON,D11,CIS FIIJNERAL or DROWNING VICTIM . • Rev. ; Tucker was Dorches- ter on Sunday,. conducting the, funi.‘: era' serviee ofa- Ethereon , Abbott, who lost.' his 'Iife by drowning at • Port Stanley beach: 'on Thursday. r. Abbott, 49 -years. , of. , was pending the day at the .lak with • 1G -year-old daughte:r; whe: was -.hathing .at:•' the tiine . with , her •.father,. was; rescued by operatora. of 'a .nearby refresh - 'Mort booth. SACRED • cON'CERir. Sacied Concert by. a group.. . Christian 'young .people :from Detroit... will he the-progranrat--the-Chtistian „aFte_41194ws.shiP Club ,this.'VridaY.eyecing • . Visitors are COrdially„.; invited to Come and • enjoy ' time Of Gospel singing' and . special musical numbes., A bleSsii•ig premised to. all attending. 'No...offering will be taken. -PI E. Ipt. " " .• A Sch'. WATCHM'AkER You , the Opfoniettirst m the proper attitude...when You; • reira;d ,yout!, "selli as a patient, You Wish to learn' about • 'yew!. stid • to . „ .„ . • get any neCosstity help •Whic.b ia ,AUn4 lide0SSa117.1, 'F • .1 A RM S T R.0 N ' • • A , Eucknow.. At !8cliiiiid's itdWallerSi ,§tbra Wadlidadar and Siltardak • •