The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 7' , • • 7 0:4 I t, '77 • • -15,1•0' "It VL. GOD FEEDS.. A Pg0PL' • (Exodus -16: 1-174 74). Win Exodus 16: 11-20; 17:• 3-6. , TOP idir is.- from • above, , eogupg down from ,tlie Father.,. •Janes r: 17; ' •• TheLesson "ICS Setting - 1 Place-The;"wildernei of. Sin .waS • located on," -the ettaterri .Sidezaf the AO' Sea. the ".Wafr •to Mount Sinai. RePhidim was probably leCate1. on the long WadY Ferian in the peninsula of• . • Time -;-.D.C. 1498. • ,• • ','`And Jehovah .spake' unto Moses,. . , saying, I ,heyelinard the murmurings • Of the children of :Israel: speak • Pfit.6 them, Baking, At eyen yeshall eat and in tire 'inorninge'ahalfbe IhTfram ..leh-ove-g7Fihr bol.".=,,It is • i . quite .4grificantx,that. whenever God •. works a miracle • 'among; his own Ipeople-orbefore-lhe4ationsl-of-4he- • ,earth,1 he does it, -that they might know hili. This is. a ;phrase which p.c.% • curs, especially throtighnut the book of Ezekiel. It is quite Pirailar to the. one, used of our 'Lord in the 'Perform- ing. of some of the .MirecieS' atention-:, • ed ,in ;the ,New Testament -he . there , :"manifested forth ,his glory." "And it -came to 'Passat"eVon; that' the quails 'came Up; and: cOVered. the •'citnip;..;.and in.: 'the ' Morning the • dew lay , round .about thethis . 11.92.11-Y-A1-40-4.0-411.0.:Leatk- . „ gIcedna., Where._:the, word • ."quails".tappeare. ,CSee, also Num. ..1.1::31,. 32; Psa., 195:.. 40.)., "Quails belong • to the partridge: family. IheY •are ,"migratory birds' and :, in March • ...and April come op from Arabia and ••' ,othere qoathera •countries, And cross • -r-thelViediterrittean Sea in- wait num- bers; and return southwards from • Europe in .even more enortnetia flights,' • ' towards the end of 'September,. , always fly Vh- the wind. When • alight, 'whic liey. generally; *do at . ' Hight, they gevetihe ground; and . • • -being, usually exhausted can be Cap- • tared:* hand: in great numbers.". . ; "And ..when the dew :that; lay Was. ' gone upon; the face; of the. •wfidernessa small round thing, small as the hoar -frost On the ground. And • ....when the.,. children of. Israel Saw it, • . 'their said, One to another; What is it? for they ..knew not whatit was; • And •' Noses said %anto theni,It is the bread which Jehovah hath given. yoUto. eat. . "this is the ..:_thing which Jchova-h -.ye'-of--it-- every . Man, actordligto, his eating;".": ' an orrier,-,a head; , according . to the'. number-. Of your persons, shall Ye take it, every man .fOr..thein,that are in his tent. • And the children: Of Is. reel chcl,''sci, and 'gathered. Soine tuore,.. senle'le0s.",-One Inner was .ecjuiVa-'-: • .104 to .about three..iluartS•and one- ,.,fiftly of apint. Tenoiurs made.. one ...t•••7 1 '.`.`And. when, they N:inea:stired ,it:. With an oner, he. that- -gathered • ninebilad• 7 nothing lover, and he that •gatl:Mred • ....little' had no .lack; ' they gathered :everyman according to his „eating," In 2, (lir.' 8; '15; St. Tani ..adopts. ..• words from this .'versO•ii0),eggirik the ,COillithians, to: be liberal in', „their'. ' -..ialins,giving, for the poor Christians' in "Jerusalem.' Ile tells his, readers that Irehashe Wish that 'thy •should, !hdYe d1,jaess, !in order that others,: should have relief. Ile tlesiIes "tan- : 'equal ,balance that they should, at the • present time, supply, ;outOf their• ". - 'abundance; theiradilirth-eiir poorei. • children. All these 'instructions Were - An:keep'. the, "..leyilsh' peel*;,kroitt hoarding leed to. prevent any mah• from havibg suCh.an'alnindatif Over-•' . supply: thathe could .sell .what God had freely "given hitt( to his neighhOrS.. .(13Furtlicimoy,e, it :was • a perfeet prey!, '<Eden against gluttoriy4 • • "And Moses said ente,them, Let no , Man leave, of it till the Morniii ot-, ' withstanding, they heath • net lin7 to Moses; but, seine -oLillorri-lett-of.-ii.: •Antii 'the morning, and it bred worms, becathe:, foul: and ..MeseS .Was roth. With t.hqm."-Of course tirrIbng two rnilliOn people it woiild hardly be ' • eicpeeted that all would • be. Obedient ,to even ,God's corninatds, and yet ,one • Would think' When :the, Israelites . izecl how .thiraceloinlk., God was heedand how grac- ; , feta he was thorn in delivering • thern from the bondage at Egypt, they woulcl have gladly yielded their obedience to lint inevorything. Which he asked.' Yet, 'how many 6f, Us, who , ere the recipients' of the wealth •o`t . the grace of tea'', have not known WO -deliberately Went • Straight against the will of God and ,OleYed our Stubborn 'cliso,•• °• bedience.? . • ',,,"4,krul the people iiiirated there 'or Water; and the 'people murfnured figainst__Mose4..ahdi!„,said, 'Wherefore_ haat thou brought u8 up (int, ef§gypt. kill us and Our 'Children,. and our 'cattle With- thir-at-1::'-Ana-,Moses Cried , Jehovah, saying, What shall I do' into thio*.o.s,Milkh t thew are almost I yeady :to etono rtier ?--One of thc. great penalties of- leadership is lone- liness, „Whoa a. Man, :by his ahilitY0; or. brilliance, or ,great achievements., or positionS,,iS lifted .11:gh aheve,O.r; 0"ooty•,, • ordinary he is, in. a class :hy hireself, and in his "owicenvirenmen4 or conv in -unity, or bitsiness,: • there, are. few i.and prhab1y none Wth vhoni he can fellowship. WhenPeople • began to criticite $Vloses,.. there vas nman to whom he "could tarn for „co4latop--•he, • was ' driven to God alone. That is the one blessing .that can.ionie to us from the strife - Of tongues,from mis- understanding on the. part of Othle peonle whom we have tried to bless; from those who should have helped _instead of eriticiiing--we :are driven .to the bosom , of our . Father in "And Jehovah said unto I , Moses, Pass on before the people, and take With. thee of the elder, of Israel; ,And , e4.4414.00,trt=4{40..**.14:-: river, t'alcein thy hand, and. go. Be- hold I will %standbefore thee, there upon the reek in Horeb; • and, thou Yock-,--and-there-shall- , collie water- ont of it; that the copk may ,drink. ';And IIp.ses did SO in. the eight •Of the,,elders of Israel.'! -God,, in his graelousness,..itistfkad of "rebulc;. ing the people, - ins trect'4 Mdeee how he was Satisify their -thirst at Wipe by ,tolcing . the Tod if Whiph ;God had spoken to him before, . and Which he had- so. powerfully used • (brink' the' plagues -With Which god smote ' (Ex. 4: 2, 4,-, 17,, 20; .7:9-.20;:. 8i... 5; '16:: 17, "9 23, 1.0 la- 14.- 16) The ;Where ...thiS .1,nirge1eiteek. ;place. it ..is not posi!,o now to identify. The- . names Which Moses gave :to this 'place, Massah and yeribtili, respectively; "proving,: .and "Strife:" Massah is Mentionedagain id Deut. 6: 16; 9: 22; 33': 8; Ps. 81: .7. Trov; strange that w4ter .'shOuld come. out • of a'r,ock!. . • ' root 'would aeeih: the last place to choose for the : stdrage of 'water.. But cupboards are in. ..yety likely places... Ravens bring food. The prone minister of, Egypt. gives corn. Cyrus lets • go • the: peciple of 1::Israel from Babylon. • ,Thelordan'heali the Meal ,nutices" poisoned pottage wholesome. ': Weed Makes iron swim. .A Samaritan binds up the, wounds anl save • the life of the pillaged traireller...Joseph of Arimathae buries the sacred' body inhis•oWn peW Lomb. It is worth while to go; tov,Rephiclizn to 'get an insight . into. Ithe fertility "4!nce,•-•,-Theieea.n , be -ao,-lack--te•-•thent -.that4ear-fliintr--apd--ho..feat".."-efa:lae. 'te?•thpae:-whe.lave-..beconle' acquaint- ed with, kii::,secret.:,storehouses. • • 41.t Better Understanding Between Individuals Matter of Education ••••1CTEW YORK.-4-Refore‘ anythino. 7-eall-bb,done,:alietititlie'midersficifding • , between •natiOns,".said Mrs„ rranklin. 'D':,'Rocaeyeit. recently', 'wo Must db,. geniething• -botWeen ; , , . •„ , that,. I believcrifs matter of.::OduCation,”, she. -added: • Mrs. :Roosevelt, ii an. address • said the' Men and women., of one nation , Mast.ICarn meke'abent tne:PeoPle of • other„,initiens.,,beford' they ..can tinder - stand them., [- er- Patricia Eatone before Whose hor-. rifled, eyes C:eergC, "Les" Ilittne. man, reputedly a big-titne gamb- ler, was shatandwound- ed at they were waiking togethOr Bach, Cal. ,She, es- pedutihwt' ,a1.1011, Woll tollta as we:irifeatioaed a feW ..week.S",ago,..tbe, news a*at).,4`..mOs:and' Andy has' finally br.Olte, the new •"spenserS. CampbellSOap This COntratt • Will roundOnt rner,ehthan ..11,' :years . contih*US.. ,SiVOttri#0.5-4-*Obk,!'..br„00..aaotirig of the sine coinedydramatli ii.01.41; it es- tabllshes ttl_04)" in ..s radio: class hY theMselves, and at ..a time when i.the Iambus black -face team is .pla.yilig to an auclieSco estimated at, ,,,40,90p,Ooo.' - • • ; The new contract. will become ot, feetiye .on January3rd, 1938; irnmea- tatelyr following the e4ph,010,ii or,opir Contract, and ;wilt *bring ihe ...farepai palr a „ufbStantial 'increase ,in salar*-, ,.• • , .. . • . , • .*.3.1.,,,Rt...W,,E,..•:1•• roinahtip,;one, and .the entire credit,: • .for the ,unrivaled popularity of .theIr prOgrant . goes.. to 'Freeman F. dOiden -Mid-,dharleff---.T..4orrell......-tlie„inselv.os- . 'Theirs ' was the, idea of, the show,. the 'er,eatiOa, of •tho'charactero; and theirs tinaided..the..itsportant "teak; of writing' the. seriptfiniShing , . :fre- quently jest :in, time to .go on. the air., With. it, , , • " , We ,• offer them the: best 'luck with' their •.'new :Sponsor and ,:We know that the readers. Of :our little paper twill be • . . , . listening to . thorn as they ihaveA:ieen doing fop tbelast several' years, • 'Lred. Allen. Sins -2 -year ;.Contract ' ,'Fred;'.411.en'hsi, been •signed to S.„ role ::*4 heat: eV starting in .flh -fail; • The...,4o4WP:,:iwilI:. features H , Wednesdek evitiings • over 'the . . „ Wide, NBC,Red.,lsietWork." ' • ' , . • • The' f4etrivitted comedian, who eon,. eluded',.his '.season' on: 'June.. '39.: left," NOW. York" last week for a -Vacatienip. Maine.' With; :Wife' . :and '• itilerephone., partner„. Portland Hoffa. . `Later in the.; summer they Will; head West tbHolly.w.:' wood,' -Where ,• trod Is sch.eduled Make a Moth* :Picture for 'Darryl • Fox lot:" In the versa- • tile ,Ittiniorist :and ,inastiirrof-ceremoifr les,:Artilfer O'Keefe, will Carry.. On.at ' the BedlaniVille Town Ball during the -'hot- Weather spell:. :Alien, Whoseteal. name is John F. launched his profeaSiOnal ,career as ,a, juggler, , performing tricics • is ,he 'learned from a book found; in a.„', Boston Pubile.hitrary, •He xnade 'WOrid'i• Worst • juggier.?! ' . • , ' • . , . :..6tego DiLys, who travelled • ;from ,New York tp_Ho11ypdJast Wednes• ...-day•:.te: make aguest,... appearanee, un, •, ;,.'Keri,;lifitray".S..program, plans to con. :Urine her: jeurpey;fut-ther, On August :21:1,dogo will meet her 'slater; .who'Will • .arriie-,frem:: her •-honie•-ln,'-.--.Sharighak, then! they Will proceed ,to yailcoUV,et'", for. the t.trat beZnire faintly , reunion,. In ...five years: „ ' ,..• „• TIarryMeNanghtog,. t,".„...)jatcers:. wackeY lackey, droPPed ,his siboging' roils and ,• • miereplitine .Monither.tor th'e; firit time when he,:; -appeared as' a omedian -in his, -,own.' - right:• on, .}Ialty 'Stars". pro,graiti 14St..., Sunday. • , Mc.Naughtem.. who had :established • 7e---1:1-7danecly laV'Orite or tie in:the t•wc nties. ': in .1933 he met Phil • 'liakee Ona met leg. pieturelbt,- \Vlien the' adderdien7playing . Seater.. carne . to ratifo.hc;:ebtained .McNringliteti Lor the• alPhnportant ..44';a rosidt ' t.14r.::P.:1101Sifinaii;has • becerne one Pt the :air's '.best knoWn:Cliiiraeters:,But. until yen Zell tnYitecl..liini to appear lieLnever --reeei ed an Optortunit it,• to "display his •:onts.as a..beadline "comic. ' • rnctica Ceti; Races.' on CBS', ...A trio . of ' ihternatiptiallY. famed ;.,3'rgottui aiiiliorities: asst llyiing in the:intricate 'teak of 'CoVer4.' the 'Airierica's,.Cilli rates'"-Off."NOTP Port itt starting...iniy' 31., WABC, Columbia network listeners will hear. :Sherrnatijihyt. and Edward P. Foster, Aniepican. experts, Lnd !mho:. .Seott ' .".Hughes,...dreat : outstanding: ;boatin • authotzy in .addition to 11ini Ing 's v‘ivid..•.descrip ohs o. .the.:mere.T. lekeiting, phases of the rites: .While Columbia's Department, of $porte has not 'yet ' cOMPleteil: all plans, pendlr.g ineic ex,Oiielt.'firiferinatiOn • from, .;,the Anittlea's. Clip :dommittee,•; • It will wade this able .,quartet .at srateg1c points en the :SO mile &Airs*. • °.(4t1Y.:,Lombaido and hia...,11.okat' Can: aclians .'are again 40 :lie the guest:'Or- elieStra at the year,, they will do their hotwork Programs , &reef' fretn the higtlance ball and as nada' With their Assisting .artists, they - aro sure . to *Create a :senbatian::.With .their 'playing and ahearnitinahip: ' ;It is • •runioretiaheut: that :"fhe'. O'Reefe..tihg.totig th.at taloa place ,at•-8111iffnitlitli each, SundaYeNr. enlrig may be Continued during the Pall and "Winter inontlia':111. one': Of Toronto' S large flOtelS„ We hope'tliiii Is so bectinSe it not only s an exceed. Ingly good program but It also giVes. - th-tr-rieeple-Attelicifirk-o-toipg----oc kbott fellowh1p and ,When , tiny. One • puts 4thelr„heak.'j)ac'h the fop of their *oleo they •are hatipy and gay and thia'eld•Werld Sure toeld dO. With 4 let More liglitheartedileiSC routt e RADIO 1-1EADLINEkS4, OF 741-IENVEEK C.• MURRAY. ' urde4' PP. ,a° T9OYS 'W110 are 'playing ,at Banff are sure :making a , big hit', out, there, ,ruatourtshave It, ,that they.. almost, rowir the Plador'aP.: .roady, are itvited'every.Whefe and ;the- ..gueeta: state that their 'MUSIC' ,ond to noneonthe.: eentinen't;;?..ntr„: •46,.'Nfajlelilte'Peddlr wile Lis the voc- allst ,the band has.,heeh voted. One. of; the most . popular ;girls 'init.' there_ and that IS something.. They will he returning to the, Royal oiorh..; this talk to do their stuff for the.Big Hotel Dila fall and Winter. • CFRB are already fixing up the Crystal •Palace at the "Ex," in prepar- ation for the. big: tirnes that take place there in afew Weeks, their 'mech.artics • „ . and eftgineers . are. ,hurrying up theirmb aifI jt Is tb,at .s will. .h;P; 0110' of the beauty spots and sights worth' seeing when, the, bik Shp* gets under:. way. : • , • • „, . -+Sevetal-.--loW-7-po-Wered,4-2eutemarelaf stations have : asked Ottawa " ,•'te, lot them' ilierease 'their. output • for: the ceiling season, thia Under:consider- : 7. , • ation , by 'the ,CBS at the present time 'and We ..Maylieve better reception of some of •the nearby Stations* as a re. soh of this action. Before Apple Picking Ifthere be rain, let .it ,corne Softly, Let :it drip gently' ..froxi1the akieS, of Be still, 0 storms, , lest this rich. fruit, . • :be thinned . • , By: the iunruly hands of any gale That charges from a sultry, lipOn orchards.': sprawled% acresthe Y Flame:treated:hills of this,. My coun- try.-Wiihh9141 .140,1111'1' smoke - ,.hazed, hlue,`,=sity "weather,' ' tinny and warm -at,. noot,ah; crisp and still. •, , Frost -glittering nights, , • • •Wind,• Descending '''sbftIy- Past .thici tree -dark , hill: , .• , ''Till every giobedred.fruit la:gathered .•111 • • .. : • • Safe]y to 'slatted , •:Orate 'Or cellar ; Sinking Huge Caisson for Hudson Tunnel :The caisson to be used in the Construction Of the north tube of, the . -Lincolii, Tunnel under the Hudson River, .1s:showh as to 'tugs hold it.. in position against 'the bulkhead ,wall at nth Street, New York CRY, as it gradually settles to the bottom of the 'river. The caisson is 52 feet Ibng,-42 feet wide and l.',.0 feet deep. ' • .1P.4ikbog era- , much:. attractiell anTglanid.lin FeW, breeders rise to the highest d as Many - have found out Act, their cooyerythiog building a s-te... Wide Experience • ‘; Charlotte Carr One of The Bost. Knovp,1 Welfare :Workers in - United States- ;NEW; YORK,When, Miss Char- lotte Carr leaves her 'post as Director if, of the " Emergency 'Relief . 13tireau,, 7-iiee'S rot one of :.the forielnost Wernen workers in the •United States. • She is resigning' to 'becoine ',the head of }full :House- the late Jane Addams' • pioneersotial prgairizatien, in Chi- cago. • ••., •, • With '•hacYgrOlald" •,.3c.i3,44:,, at welfarework inNew :York'', and l'enrisyly'artia, Miis parr joined ' • the E.' R. 13... in 1935, becoming' as- sistant director of the borne relief &vision. In .ithe .sanie„ Year ,•the. • Works. ,3rOgress Administration took - over relief, thq bureau's work' being confined to home .relief and Misa Cart being. its chief..• . , Before joining the E. R. 4143.. Carr had served the state as assist- nzit director Of the BUreau dr:Vbitten in Industry. ' No..inati..everlrOse..high in it whe te- fused to, study the problem in ,all its aSPeets.'' It is not easy; if it were, everybody engaged in it would be pretty the smile level, .arid • • 1; 4eather of,varying thieknees, froM that of thick cardboard' to that Of , notepaper, pan 'be , madefrom shark shin; Starts Night Polo Rochelle Hudson,. ch'ilmine-moVie 'star, throlk:ng in the first, ball to n start the night polo season. at Maaglen Field; tear Hollywood.lLeft , to. right, are: /Ray Griffithk 'Vidor 111:cLaglen, Miss Hudson,.:: }frank Bcirzage and Joe King . • -•" . , -‘0•0'.° nie*Pected: Compan This pair of ,deer proved to be the lite -of the .partt,When, they MV:ted theinselvei, to attend thepienie of Girt Guides in RiChinend.l'irk, near London, England., The fun of taking careof thebegging- deer* inore than offset the iarn afternooil. . • . „ • •i• ' 'eepiirg s••••••••1••••••• two thd fldg di 'l11d th 1iver-n6A1Vait ,l'Or a 09111qh00,, Winch; A/favor of Rochester Pilgt.itid cativt. Vor ceritUriOq the Rodhciter haVe beget ' Admirals of 'the Medway Alia in that capavitY .litiVe Settled )litigation twtythik4 � thd rivees • reachesi ' , , o" <Prot, Carrots iomJuatFhs. 'Escape , .„Damae .From. • Mafgots....., • ...Carrot , rust 5ies,':winter .in, the • ground and soon 'after eMerging in :•,•, the Bpling. lak.their. egga, .in Oran the. • peg :iniinedietely,eurrounding,.. the, tiny'. carrot -seedlings: •The.maggets ,hatch- ed ,frOta, these 'eggs' kill .many • Of, the -. • • sMall. Carrots or create niteh%ilareage .by burrowing into the ,roots, of the larger , .vogetables, • Thei are two • generattops...., of . the • Celt/cit. .rust 11 'every. ,year,.; the ••.flrat..00e. appearing. , ...late -in • -May--•-•qr.,early•.::June, ..and the secolid; in late. AugaSt,", or e4r1.Y sept7: ,Eastern canada.. anlviees, the " Field Crop, and • galden. Insects Entomological Branch;.Doiniriion • .Department ,•Agriculture, from the first generatiOn,:,of,:' carrot rtzst flies will be avoided' by delaying., ;planting 'Until:the Middle Of June, as at that time the gpen 'hava:Moitty dis- appeared. When carthti are. planted,,, • earlY.2 'ker. the Strainer Market; the: .rust;fiy can he :tonfr011ed:by: watering • • the :seedlings twice with..corresiveeubliinate, 'used. in the strength' of one ounce to. 10gallons of *der.. ..,.the au.' • . • . , the• second ..afplication a .week '. solution should • be poured over , the ,:nlanth, care, :being, taken to Wet. i• them7 thoro:ghly, as well as two or ,three .inches of the soll' around - tile One.•point---a17.thriortaiice. ,,ie..tliat-WoOdenyessels+or-granite.War only • WOW, ..04_0osed in miiing_and-Op.... • .plYingthecorrosive.enhlimate is, 11 qulckly eati. aiway.,a .metal „cohtather. and in doing oo. loses its:strength:: Is a deadly '"pOiSon • and .abotild be yeti • carefully 'handled:" :Oarrotaiihoold...W. • haiteated as early ai„peSsibe ' „escapedamage from the tiaggelk 4110S606nd lgen-ration.: •' • ' • •'"ftrOalth-0:-qtaIPS. ' ' cancer deaths' in•Throntofj 1I,92, totalled 1,077, 'the largest ,any ear since 1932, • • , t iiFtdor ti 1y1. • ,1:19613-,,C6e rifrt-.el?. 641- act'ull oeittilhes s ion_ TaTi eql-egenerative,,- diseases .• of later • • adult life,",diseasers Of, the 'heart.kid. : . neyS, antl art.:6'111;1; a tothl- of • 2:,86.1.: •. Though old;Phitons With ;high blood 'b,fi'd :arteries should:, • ai'aid, the' shed: Of the Sea When 'tis-•• " gold; MOSfifates 61",,ililliealth are im- byj„. judicious- sea -bathing' •• ("Eetter Health",-;:pnlifiShed .,tral, for . ,Hcalth .13due.atioa,,. 'London, Eng, ), ' `;;•,. average,Ilininan iS i11,30" -times during his .1'.oSsiblY eighty, 7 porsent, , of hs aihnents. are frivial • , they run their (.„%uta46.-: aittl Vanish. Medical, stience has found %Ways :of 'checking.' tnda,t',.of •di -eases, , espeeiallk.if these ate ti,eat- ed 'early iii..their courser' but many, , • times all diseases( ' even the tralisitarY one when 'checked, have already:Ter. manently, afieete'd the body' --hence • Ircatinent, , Would Rebuild Great Bithin. re•yoitr. Pian: • ing for.ainiost • coninkte .1.0coloitruc- , Iron of Great, Dritain at. a"pc,i4":", of ($44)80,00.0,009,,r has beeii • ndvanccd by A,TajOr Ernest Mat th e*„vs,. secretary to the . in Ili'ftlite • Of ,Reoisici.edi,,AreltitOets. INIattlierA, 'who, has -Sim-tort • Members of VarTiani`ent, estlinates that ;the plaii wottd Abgctrk, Almost 'lilt the 'CQ1111try:S Some of the )r,ojects under the; ; proposed-, scheme: ' ' " Sfoo1 and Concrete.' tunnels? 1--eo,' .tWecti :Scot lan way. ---.-6r1.36itTatticik and ponAghtmoo,,,b0- .•, twjeen England. dna 'the Continent. by way:, of :;:the, /la pSh irkt; aini file . of Wight, and aCross,t:1 montli o1 the Thalt10,`,4 and .tho:rititli �f Perth,' ; •