The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 6• • yarrows lllerory of ersey Woman. ir+ei ,; crambleit 13F,47.04.04:'tO Bird" Durbig June, July and; Augit__._ IANMOtl.•,-- Today during the Iunch, hour two: immaculately dress= 'ed waiters, marchedfrom a• de luxe, West End . hotel, each currying half! •••1?., ''!t•7:741 Irn '/' .• -,e- r. Res nr-.. clean napkin., • On the smooth 1aawn,. En iankment• -Gardens,, adjoining, they„ •'solemnly crumbled the bread .and tossed it to sparrows that •"ctuicltl3 gafidere Thin act, performed daily during • : each' June, July and .August, rain, nor ,.shine,;;as` a living Znemoria1 in, per-: petuity; ,to MrsAlexander_. Angus; a.. Now•Jersey: woman who fellin love" with ,London's sparrows 18 . yeairs'. ago. She died ,early' last year; Her husband created a' trust fund Making an allowance to two of the 'hotel's waiters for feeding• the birds daily; duringthe summer, as his wife had done for many years. P..unctu-: ally' at 2.30t each. 'ai`ternoon they ..*nareh,out, dressed. just as :when they.; .servee.the hotel's'wealthy clients, and „rc h lies buried ,more.' than 3,000 miles; awa3 . eate&who has never seen a farm, and 'the '.1Act. The parks department of A portable barnyard makes '4ay. stops at' each- point:, the red barn inside the, weeden barnyerd fence,. w.it.h,easir and calf, 'pigs, ducks, tur- keys', alLmaking jelly ridites accord.: euecessful.. his the 'experiMent proved,that a portable garden is also, ground:1, 'and the 'slum children are 'seeing' for the 'first time, rotes and Marigolds, fudisiste and fOrget-pie-, ;noti,',,sweet corn and potatoes, All in 'their' natural Aetting,"and some of, them ;In various 'stages • Of 'groWth..7-,- anioUnts.•of grain or other aupptement4: tail.feed. in' the barn, if :suitable pas -1, Ward few reduce rapt rots and Other ..,-better profits? Then heat kied' Controls the sande of ocrts,cOvered It "also iniiiiroveti teed crerroinci. Mono" Egay COists leis thini 6a an acre. Write' today for $010 BY Tor MANUFACTURERS FREE7FLOWNO FOTO/Eli, FOR YOUR FALL REQUIREMENTS SEE ritilt LOCAL DEALEIn Ne*: Piers omotive on int; First.° the new streamlined supe - ific type, locomotives intended own'ea-ttleTFIKing's :Cross step° In London, pulhng the London -Edinburgh express one of the heaviest and fastest° trains of the day', recently. , , hive been' •turiled..• 0074ertilized pas' tures about '2, the•Middle Of ',May 'Ana • , month. than ' before' theY ,Were turned", • cover.' The' fertilized • •pistitres were' 111;i of at,ledat bait acre Ofspettaanent'.pas.' stalk* av . be* IV ore thin . doubled herbage. ha beenil eatlY„iniPrOved.-'''• nuil.Suppletee, arY:PaSture.. peed re-. .sults -With thia r . ''•have . been ,Ob-.. tained...,:ylkeiLth :Oats are grazed. for yldese-itglex.riast re; .tpc.ourse must haY; .green 'oats a PeaS„ green. corn .into Winter ctadrters. in 'good .ohdi. :ttittlPt1114 Mahtlang are being, Calamity. to, 11,w' 'present itock Of.',. owing Colts - of the 'growing eelt level and lanorr. We jodg, that:. f;om the sod Condi.s. tjon in 'Whieh we se cornMonly find' 'ground, We equiinonly And .them cant - `and weak at tbe• heels,' or' gratin put is inclined, zo.will the, branch orthe ,,trunk grow ' and the. Misshapen con - 'level end eound iptindation' Should be - Jf ...the". hoofs „.are • ...kepi , Perfectly .1eVel and riermal. in .every •Iway the leg, Above *ill ,grOW . in Ithe Way 'It .fore,". •advisableHto7 bring -the colt -a- . after., standing each,gf:.them, in bun, on El. perfeetlyievel plaee-ancL__viewt:, 7iii-g-Itlie7'Th ofa. and legs , from' all, , level the waRe at the -ground surface angles„° use iii,q,...ra,,Iiillt enough. to .and frog 11 new rauterial 'is, seen: It is legift ate to--remOve only theiel portions of t :e frog ,and soles 'that," are &thrill lengliing off, And. that •is• reedy to take netts Work; Unleps Wide -flanging , Walla are yapped, as,: permanent, faulta 'remain. : When one . ting. it Upon Ilievsound part., the con. Uneven and the: leg bones- abevaare ,moved out, Of „nitimb And :permanent. Shiite but they:Insist 'on „cash.— The' Quebec Chrenicle•Telegraph.- ,tciema. raehekrithle 's foot erdOttorie, or other. skin ix ,. ictfonli? sFo quick arid haripY relief.. lated Ohl, Clear. .or ‘ melees rind istAlikee-. ''The sum of. the. parts: 16. greater. - than •the wh'hle says; the ,husband. sadly, auditing Uis wife's check stubs. - TYYli#e •• lioctor"RtOtt: me ti, girr up drinking, tedioking, .and going out )4,0h4t,."' Ike =;'' I guess that means'that you will Change you,i• , habits?'•• .. f Mike "Nor: at •all. It ineane , t,bat?.' I"will change .:doctor s t' r Business is like a wheelbarrow it stands, ,still• unless- .someone pushes• it.. •?e, • The club bore" was relating one. of. his long-winded:' stories •. that . every body 'knew by' heart. He .was'descriiF ing what happened, to him wheq 'he went o, .na trip to the ' G°rand Canyon. in Arizona :., "The' soft curtain of night was •just, falling," he orated.; "There•., I. stood' :drinking' in the scenewith the giant u say, old chap," interrupted one of 'the listeners at, this pointy "Was • Int, Hite. n T. he strange instinct ther she is of not. ' 'Judge, ,You say; 'the effider ar= rested' yoa 'while you were. goletly. .,••• Judge YOu were:quietly attend - noise' or ,'disturbance of •any kind 9" . Prisoner -"Islone .whatever Read it or Net. -I- D. Allred, Liv:: three-legged 'sheep. Three' days after' noW it, can run son three lege even .over 8,1"..1(i0 boys, 'said tia be the country at one time, Will make tie the - World ,eont Jamboree': opening' here 'they "will. board eight steamships &midland, Australia, New Zedlend.,• Routh Africa, India;' sarbadoea.' "Ber. , ma: gone Kong! Gibraltar, Malta; , Doctor "That lady who juat left. (this :office is the 'Only :woman. I. ever really' Can't afford to:, she'o best.. other for„.50, years, and, I haven't 'de-. tiled ,hard enough." . There's semething,Lin_a:_eamp-firele-', ',That Open's wide the, ivindewa,,,Pf„tolit., :ixt seed eaCh plan ea little far- .° -It 'lights- the candles. that' lead" eYour. There where 'the.feet of old 0ame •Nw. Tont heart will' tell you that' you. ate .T.'Gaskill McDaniel • :•• Last Year's straw •hate look well,;, The ehemist„-wne2etniaining to ....the-- IpAlk the progress of his, experiments.: ',ittentifatture' of synthetic rubber . such a Blow . Process, isn't it?': "Wellr,twe,have to make., it stow to nialte it snappk.u.:. ; What" a' rnenotonous. 'old world thig 'Vont& be were it not for, the delu- sions therein. ' RaspberrY In the till Or Hedge ROW Syste*i • :tiuring 'the, month ot September, or ,),?errY ',Oanpa :May :136 planted wifla es :before the Canee have `budded out. ' The distance at' Which' tbe tOws and. ,,ly upon the tYPe of training to be, aysteme are in general .use, 0 the 'hill sYsteni the plants. are Set at least:tour •hy .oltit feet apart, Which permite? 'wth dare; the :use of, Where land la CheaPeri and • the label' higher the distance rnaY'..• be • inereite- ed to.Seven by seven, feet permitting' the USe of a dotible". cultivator _end eliMinetipvinoet of ,the" hand, hoeing., 'the: hedge.rOw sys,terd is adopt. ed, the rewe phi:Ceche:ix. feet - three feet apart in the roviv.. the' they will, 'Come opposite, 'tt single horse Ctilthititer,theY be tiged the first._; • • „dog's.. yelp' enabled tWo ParitsSille gbOd.turn. "file boys were wandering • near an old. well, half .catied •in "and 45. feet deep when 'they 'heard the dog's.' cry„ Baiting hex with a sand- lewered • it. into the well. With wire. The dUe'jthiiped Und the 131ge Springs.:-Seout Reserve near Acton, Ont., -the 11)0,acre PropertY to :be developed as •g training centre for eated und opened' July .21st. The Main entrapee ihe Reserve, is marked by a Stockade gateway Mid, reproduction of a :piotteer•dayk"bloek: house." • . Lord Baden-Powell, World Chief Scout has .been'awardet1 -the1931,,Wa- able services,,td..,:,international good.' name 'who.: telt.. his' te .endoW. an annual prize, to the .person, • • patienal,i3ureag;•-reveal 'a startling 1117,4 creaSe. Of 3467060, with.,..a est inckedSe the...niovenient hag ever? known. The World: censua. ie taken' qv- , ery two years. 'In' 1a3,5 the tetel' Wes Jiygiene, University cie'TOFOnto, gays practically., nnehanged by -'properly.l• • condUcted pasteurisation, White sheing,,that.the nutritive value,.• of ,, There. haa, been:, 'cOnsiderahle ,Con" of ,pasteurilation• On the., nutritive ye - 'the • subject ia that . the ',Proc,ess deg-, pOnsidered that: :the ,.pontent :Vita, ag'ent Concerned With. the prelrention •sturvy) was,: low': and, that ie ..uniniportant•source of . breeds 'Of 'Cattle, with the. Stage, of • laetatiOn Millie. of the anti -nal, • The variation' ig dile to' the Character. of. eilage:;.retalite frOnilt to 15 daily in , the 'and 'en .Suremer tare conSiderably 14,, Ore, ••• Milk 'alone, Will tot ..notnitalY.retinitett db. so, Oranges, td. the Mitritionar Yaltie bileiVetei any" minor 'objections to -careful and ° Sy jolip•W. S. ,Mcdulloligh„ 14,13. • was the charge. against two •beyg Plrancheater ,'"City Police teurt, Etc-. atones,' and a bicycle at` the anigat'or' ClaSsifd-d Advertising AGENTS WANTED " ORTRXIT- AGENTS -WRITE' FOR- CATA;'- logue and PrIeeS 4-7 Sig' Money: making' prekeition. ,UnIted Art, Toronto 2. . CEDARS/1001i GAME FARM . earl an aria ust Join for Peace heart and, ;b4nci teggther and .1144. the. cause, ,of Ana brehezi Peace'!. and stig-0. 'PeaCe prOpageeda. Were 4100„, States; organization. ' • War would .not "ceeSe USIA „i'aeial place' 'fj.; understanding: mrti. Take. 'heart and had together:end and ;•jastiee: and ,dieeriniin,ation„ add hilt _eggestion for the,' formation ',Of a,.• New Stich :an ,organishtion. • „Wnuld distribute '..frequent net,'?$ 'Eng., -said 'at a .trncheon given in liev• Initat• have ''atnne '= newer: beliknd.: them, 1.:Ithe'• • 'Letter :in: Lendon,. the vast Majority.' of.. pe,destrians. ihat..be !pie for the. feW careless. Ones .by,' altering.,:the long-established ..nnd Jhat side: While the ,left, and more -.so not to be drawing thore mit ,tendency, in ancient', wat4 'fare. for;oPpesicig forces to ..edge aWaY -other; which further,. illustratea is. :to "he -Peen -in- itheLtriaiIdage -bride -,Walks away. :On- her ; instead of, oectpyla the .. tbdt; right hand. May he :free th, • defend her, , if 'need 'be. ;The time. ,heee ,that- if :anything 'do'ne, the. , laney„ Pheasant's,- Wild Ducks, Geeie; Wild ACONSTIPATED?— . 'IMMEDIATE RELIEF— Laxative Pills, 35e •box, 3 boxes $1.00, Mail -• orders invited, Perfect - Chernicaic 460' Rich- ; ES chase Tweddle pullets rock • bottom foghorns $19.45, 31Veeks—liarkell Rocks $19.95' • assorted breeds' $26.45. 1 COCKERELS--,43arred `C.O.D, 100 per cent, live delivery., Write for . HATCHERY 'Ltd., Fergus, Ontario.- • • ritaus AND PRINTS ' lateee,hve.00d, 113: Lambtoti. Ave.,, Toronto ' 9. pi NLARGEMENT. FREE WITH • EVERY ,, .11-,. 215 cent • order. itoir tams' develOped arid - eight • prints, 25 ' cents,. rePrints 3 cents . egeri. BrIghtling, ';29; Richmond, Street East, Terant(i.,„„ It 001(S EVERY .4ARRIED .cptifu.,m; ANP - .11. -P those eonteMPIAtIng marrfate should 'read. ,"Entcring Marriage," 24 'pages; fiestpald, "21eX Arid Youth',"' '104 pagtetziagpuotstrolidA•002k5.:-: wRITE =Gs :HORSES WORK BETTER freed from. Saddie ,Boils, date; fight, oiLa nation-wide Scale the 1.inited 'States is that it. .S d on the, Maintentin'Je Of ,the:st:tus gad,. , vorld- that dila .peliCy not Purely ,a one,.'and if toe Country itself. • is.•to be convineed that,' hi the 1:-st yesort, the. Status quo la wOrth fight, • 'the 'backward .peOple's, whOni, we rifle, . and':inort teWards.the nations. *. • .Xing has„ pear V 65 totinnerribrate the reign, cif. Ills fattier, is announced: . • ',. It ia Intended ,to. make the' deceit , .lesSer •order Merit Of One :•,:ciats- -only,- for -s-iilifectr;v.itliblit to the .ninire..