The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 5• ''.1111MDAY, AVOVVIr-5114, • CENT Al#411E. Round BARGAIN' FARE • • . .(vp!atua ,Adults 75e thildcen, 40c) from • LU C. KNOW • rgs . d z To ,OshaWa; .1/0WmanVil1ei PortITOPe, Cobaurg, ".11.% "Trentan.'Vpt:, , I3elleville„ Napanee; Kingston, ,O4P1111PQ4e,, 13rOckville: ' Prescott. Merriaberg. OOralValt, tharridge•• " Lindsay, , ,Petetbero;', Camphellfoid, : ' Newmarket; • Penetang, .CoIlingwood, Meaford,13artle, ,Orillia. Midland, Gravenburst, Bracer, • bridge,,•11untsville.- Callander, NorthBay, Patty Sound, Sudbury; all Owns in New Ontario on line' Of TemiSkaining and 'Northern. , rite io RIy. Nipissing.• 'Centra l "4121y,,, Kaauakaping;.Unghic, Gerald-. . Beardrifore, ;Red- Reek, „• , , •• - ,14CheSley, D than * rto TORONTevf-wlsoittrdroi-Tikatatiii; ,,..r*eter,- Fergus, "Go'derich;',Gitelphi: Hanover, Harriatoni • Inger$011, Kincardino ICitchener,..LOnden,Listowel; Mitchell. Niagara • -FallS.4, 0:Wen Sound, ,, pahnetston; • Paris; Port .„Elgjn, St. .Catharines, ' St. Mary's.;:. Sarnia, Soiithamptoa, Stratford; Strath'rey, .; ..-,WalliertOn;;Wiartort, ,Winghain,' Woodstock, . • . ,'" • • Al' t, CAT, 0:14r:ST • T T.T363S • HASiliAtt • • GUELPH, .AuG- 13 .14-15 • %SAT., . ,Atja:•11-LNEWA,RK • Vs. 'TORONTO ' Western. Ontario MON.. AUG. 16 -SYRACUSE Va. TORONTO"' Veteran's Reunion. For Fares; • Return Lat.-nits., Train 'Information, Tickets; consult • nearest Agent. 1, See ,•handbillanier eamPlete list of destinations. , 'CANADIAN' N.ATLONAL- COURRIES' C9RNER. RI rEcHuncii M• .2 • 2 'Mr.. Dan McKay , of Guelph-Tsperit the week -end with .his Parents, Mr. Miss ' Idela MacDonald, daughter of Mt. Earl MacDonald had her ton,. sliFtemaved-i oderich Ho •on Saturday.: . • Mr: Raymond. :Treleiveri Of Nev York is Visiting...With, Mr. .and Mrs. George Lane. . .4' Mr. Bower • Fattish' is holidaying With Grant Fattish this week. • . Mr. and Mrs.- Russel Reid and, babe spent, Sunday with friends in GOderich ."Mt. and Mrs.' Pickering and 'Verna of;Galt, Mr.'arid Mrs. Alf. Armstrong • ' and Gordon, Mrts--and., •Mrs. :Wesley Alton and . family, were •week -end • visitors', With: Mr. and Mrs: * David • -im. *ay 1* -11T..--/. OW -04 Started to thresh 1ast week with his threshing machine, " Mr. Daricah ..Kennedy has 'sold his threshing' machine ,fo Mr. :Alex Mo - brat of Bluevale,• and Mt. Mobray is threshing this -*Week in our coin- 'munity. ' n. • . The • Women's Institute, had:a picnie at the .lenth bridge last Friday at. ternobn. ' I Rev:, Mr. Watt, ,while holidaying at, Mr • WM.' Barlxint's will take •the service In the United Church on Sun -1 • Mr4Itlind't.nrs'T414fitGle`ii:67.3at4 frira711W•ft bu • e Sitne ...and. -1.0 of '1"onoOlv:13 "fireti: ok.'',Toroito;•spending"tareT'WeeltS' L.ac visiting wth Mr. and Mrs? David holidaysat the hoineii •Littic and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'i-Ji.t°c 'Poliock, Mrs. Archie ,Aitcheion,, this Week, :•• . 7' John Mrs: Robert • ' Mr..''Aleti.4Pnatrish,":spent: the *ook: Mobray,..mrsT: :Roht.'J Ross• . end. With. friends in Godetick • Thc Misses Murray, •who have been Monday Witi,; friends at Bclmore.. .t0 the4.„0.,!,n .,01.410n ,..01,0itaraayz. . Mr, and Mrs,', Carman Naylor:, 'b.f. spent the week -end with . and Mrs., gen. Naylor.-.. and ',attended. Mr, and Mrs. Rey •• Hall and family the , inneral. of mi. George Naylor On • Mr.. and Mts.... Debson'and:faniiiy: pi Saturday, who was killed in..a motet'. Ethel ,aiid Mks; Chas..SheiII and ;Doris aecidenti;last- Wednesday. :at the 9th of nWinglians. were .recent visitors' at ,con. Jof : „East and West :Wawanosh,:. Mr. Chas. Congrarn's. . , There Was a Very large funerul. ani.:L'MrS..,:C. E. Wilso ::and ,Mr: BroWn, toa)agent;..wag. ii our Ketiaeth. 'of ',Saskatoon' and ,Mts. J. ceininunity iait. Week :selling'"tea etc :Jamleson.,Of::Parainount, were.• recent. Mr. arid • Mrs. Will Egglestone and ...yialtets at •,Mr. 'Thos. Harris:. family,, .who have been .: holidaying at • and Mrs. Harold ilartta, Mar..; .the'...lhke., spent, the Week -end With his . • • •• . .garet: and Murray of Toronto:, Sister; ', MrS....lienry,,•Pattersek,,Whb, acComI)aflied. thein-- houie. to Detroit for-a-fewL-weeks?-yhOlidaysti--- ,•..The of the ,Presbyterian •-'bridA,chateh.-•••haVe:_:_ehaige • of the • service Lonis..:•pf,7.,',Underwiiedd..•Wpre" tecerit: ..nott, "Sunday,. prpratng:• • „visitors nt Mr. RObt..,MaeDenald's.: The of- the Presbyterian ,Mrs Earl Culbert, Mr. Ilobt:.:" I1ar and ITnited Chtirchei :held :a Weiner' • • ,ris of Hilton; , Mr. and , :Austip. I toast at, the Tenth hridge,last !rings- •:, :Legge ..',aricfc,.leonard,..'wete' • Sunday day. eVening. with a •gpod...atteadance• Mr.',Petry, Hoclkini 'spent Sun,. '• ,Was Saddened '..en:• day, at Mr. Albert Thiitsday.::when :they : heard of th • ••• Mrs. : •LeRelr''' (nee, •:Reta Hatlege) death of M. Dunn,- a 'fernier amftwo. daughters .of London, Called f•PpesbYterian--minister of • thialeern- . ott': friends here. •. last.* week:, "' Mrs:. munity, who ;passed .away„, :suddenly• . Leitch ',WaS::11':f.Priner.. :"S.9409.11, thadiet at his :home ij Toronto Thursday . .1. ' .• an:riming. ',Mt., John Gillespie Sr.; was •'• Mr. jaelc,Ackert is. attending, Boys', pallbearer. at his funeral there:. on Camp at Port. i1gin t.liis Week... .0 • • Saturday.... 'Mrs,44Thea, :Harris :',and Earl,111114..",Mr. and Mrs. Rny Cringle and Miss .• and , Mrs. -Howard'', "Harris.' spent . Crinkle TettiFiled, to, their -tibiae " Thursday evening 'With,,Mt. and. Mrs., in .Detroit, ,.after spetindia0 two Weeks. HatOld-ilarriS' at. Bruce Beach.: visitidg,irelativeShere; ',"•.'. - MARRIED.O.h.,,,Saturday '.Inuly. 31 -Mt,,-FranitLiteasp•-tort--ei4i,r4ind41.rsr Mac Ross,.Was united in :marriage to .111d mte., .8,ebbtn Nettie .Caiemere, arilk.daughtei , • • . ..•• , • family 62 Stratford, Were „teeent• '4,11'1% Ore0g:P4S*O're the. late' o2rd mrs. 'Mrs- Casemote. CoiittatulatiOns: 1' • :Migs taurine Millet.,'refOrned • With 4,fiem. for weeks', , 01.1‘,itT . , , • • ' • Misf.E.:1'.T: Thinn and RIO . . /..• C. Thompson of .;1'..acknOw,:inototeCt :The O. G 1. Tmheld.:theit .meeting 'Toronto on 'Thursday to visit Miss the'churely'on.,TheradaY:,e.Vening, ' Helen' Omni, who is taking. a ; thr Mr. and Mts. Graham, of .Detroit, months! „training . in ,the • • Sick Child- :visited •the lattees eenain,,,MtS, W. 1'.I1' llospitalhe e. Raulstean daring.. Oen Week: Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto was • Mr.,' • and, .. Mrs. :..• ..'G'.• .Stnith and hoine ;forthe holiday Week -end. 'daughter • of. Toronto 'spent , the Week, • Miss W. D. RtitherfOrd.was a' Weekend with Mr and Mrs. •Elmer .Os- -end,:guest, of Miss 'Elizabeth lyfelcen-, They w'ere.t4cOinpatited1"hoMe •• gie of Kincardine. .. ,. on 'morodi Migeea. J4llian and MiSsn.ternice...Andersoa of 'Belgra:ve .witaA...Cosb whe intend to spend' lipitAi,Rt.1,1Q home of herutiele the • city. "mt:. 111tS. W.. "130, 'Walden! and ,diUghtera' (Ptrge, „McGregor ''' and his Reta. :and 1"•larine, and ' Mra, v.; H. • daughter; ' ML -is Dunna iVieGregar, of Reid attended . then Reid . pienie, . . •, Chicago, are gnests,.. his sister, inincar ine on :Saturday... . Geotge,,Stitatt and Mt.', Stitatt • „. mass ranrna Hamilton IS spending, , . • • They all, ' With ", 'Mlss.•:.MOGreger* of nfew 4 aY's,'yvititi° .h6t parents, Mr. and: tnekiioW.: enjOyed: a•""iiiotoi: trip to Mr A. c :41Amiltott Palltr„, 4, ..The',..annivetaatY services will, 'be., • '11he•-'iogulat meeting Of , the. Y. '1A, 'held' in thechurch iieXt 'Sunday at: wtia held On t e e ure awn, on Iiittit.T.tont.1:3T"Ple.11.-%.-,'-'0.;,....--Moe-4 .$uriclaY evening.; It- Was ()petted by '1,t, Tavish bf OrREIY,We Will be the speak.„ Rbad .'gii,07ide, ',The ,n,Scripttire,,10,4.'ison or. W..' orah Crawford ,of Ripley and Was read liylona Swam Isobel. Millet Mr, ilerltage of Toronto, will provide' . , , a_khanter from,• Speeitil rniiSiC ter the therriiri4getVinee. 40. §tCPS of tho Mtet ' ind vfi 11'`a'rViirtiegew-orAuburn for The SerV,Iee, in tho' tfilited Church the..OVenin0' SerViene. , oirf;Sinid# • 'Iteii,;.•tfilydeii- tor62 Ileirae• 'Mixt •. It 14 'sant't • ArY....w.111' . rib. 'Sunday,.ROV.• Mr', Watt of Long tot$1.8000 ttye USe., Shirt:WWII, -Stiind„ that Miieh Will he in •. . • wssinag,, • • I 0 . Re0D.• . anve;be-eit--holulaying,:at:Bruee7-411eaCh- . wer v)siturs -with-relatives • ; : here. " , . • FIELENS-- ! 1 4 • •!4"74,-, 11;1; K NOVL kami_ - gOTOR INJURIES' FATAL TO: ATAWAINTOSH FARMEL 0 • . • (Continued from Page .1„) 9th• • •Coricelalon, of ,East •WaW,anbshy ifes. with his1'.' Pen Gordon, ` on tbeir, way o. assist a neighbor, .Thomas C. Foran, who l!vei-noarbkand across the hOundarY 440 In West Wawan' oak. Mr..FOraa; driver of the car,.. had called 'fbr NaYlOra and was taking them, to his farm that: after, 410,9114. • • • •• • Mr Wm. _ of the .Advance -Times, Wingham,. 9nroute to ' Goderich • to •bawi'l 440cont- ..pariied by . his wife and toUt!leri nd Mr.. Howard .• •`Sherbon_dy,' • reskaUtant, proprietor, , , ,There is ,said to be a rise in the Division Line 'road, .hack.an distance frPrrt;the corner, with the road :1Viel-.7 ling 'out .leiding UP to the. intersec2.`, tion. The crash occurredpractically• • in the centre ,of.the intersection With the 'Meteor' car, • crashing, broadside into the .Foran 'learn. Both ears...Were' 'overturned by the imPae,ts,' we under- stand.' • Mr, Naylor was ••renioved to • his home, :passing away • about 5.30 that aiterneon frora .internal injuries. HN son,..oOrdint and. Mr. Foran snffered a (1,-.1rOken itiShetbondy pie, Ile"ouffered alarming' .in - .juries 'When...3aramed . into the, front panel in the driver's eat. He has been released from the nhospital and • ,is recovering favorably. Miner injuries arid shock did net•copfine ;the :others' to the hospital.. ' i• • - Large. Funeral' Saturday • • Seldom has -there, been a more largely attended, funeral than onSat-' urday', when si. NaYlorwas..laid to reit in •Winghain cemetery:. •The :fun- 'etal :service was held ,at his .honie -coffductd'byRijHCWi1s�ior. • . . Donnybrook ' United Church. Kinlosp. Council hogrers were ix neighbors. Thomas • - , • • : • • / •"' sPoRt4qupo.witii opoRA sup* pelip. , era at fai,164, arb,414. Go,vertineat aRd freight; fidditional. (Pricet..sub- PO to cb4P8P 1410010 00100 -•F'this yOu can b� aura, that your 'dollars do. double' duty•• when..:704Dgy Popd4c: rirs4y4nciac.gives you, extra-vat:ie. • • Pontiac'sdepndbiiiiyanJ alnWst ' only will 'save you *oney.? yEaraftet'lear. Thigincercd in keeping ' with the !finest-POrtiac ..tradition13 the car is 'built to stand out • thr9ugh.its..4heet:'4414 in:,sfaild.wp..:;py'er, 80 (/0; Of all, Poritiacs, ever builtare still jn daily .,use -and •ah-ast9niSliiag number of these haVe,ntiw.gone over 000004nilesr Hs_ar how,:converiiently. 'ownership can, he, arranged thr6,0413,7the. OC:neral.MbibrS XaSal. ' *nrs,pia,A that pd monthly 'kin-lents:4o pme: , • w • • Robinson,1David Charnney; Minutes Bart : xinioss • *cenneil orneh‘n in the ,• 'fhotriPson, ." James: •Silowdee; Monday July: 26th, 1937..„ • 'Arinstrbagn.,. alld 'Charles . ltahhlaaa. • All inemhers Present. 4r. ; •• • '; • T • `.7*. OO motion of Graham and . Mac 4 • • Kenzie the, mmutes of last meeting mblisherS" tverY• .inail contain re - and had resided for 33 years on the d I Present Pl.rlu;"10.t 28, colleessau write for inforMation, regarding ,1t-te paid; local folici 1i:take 'Dor* t' ha .P* --tentra ara uc n PUBLIC1TY-7DOES• ,• snIT'• MAKE: YOU' RICH? , .s. (Erin Advocate), • This e in the .O.W.34-A. year,- was born in West WaWarmsli • • • •-in•-bis-166th--,-the.--;--ecaldit1PrIs 4:a P-010-..-. 4Y:- a!, - Mr Naylor who wasasRroesasdawnerem• respnptic;osi•b'e,dtbIntaths6igno bulletin, and is CeetiinlY :fitting ,• of er s which 1 er he ciucsts in v4agroinotuss: odfisgugisebts WawanOsh..14 was a sou of George. C. and Elizabeth Naylor; of, Belgrave, Naylor Was " :I Public-spirited man, deeply inteteat, in the affairs of the eoranninity,. a good neighbor, -al- ways• ready to . lend 'a: helping hand. He was identified with the. ',poilOy- . Whiteclairch 'Indigent. • ' brook United ,Church -and a , member Ross and .McIptoSh, that the prtobou. of the :session and treasurer '• of Of' ItOssMcintag'h d,ated May levy 61 General SchoOl. Rates on S. S: ,Grahain. cand 'Mc,Keniie, that Walker' 'undertaker of Wingham, ; be allowed 8.4).00 on account . fimeral expenses of the, lateikj. ,th4lohnes of 14.: and .M. 'Fnlid..:.'' , ' 25 1937, instructing :ole'i:.1‹ to P1 '' . He is ' eniiii'ved by his Wif forin7.. erlY . piiithetli Robinson, 2.1e: son, il:411iYe7tia‘er;vYyi.,.e.Ag':sredciinagtiOtniie, h°e."°,1h•e!iiiiricikesds.. ZerOon.,:_-4'.atAionie.7i---..9n,,--- daughter,- ,..;--- sicnenzie, a-iid Grahitliii-.1.14"; .4-Edna-Irene,-284-e.ars -a „ ,.7-‘ 4:.,her,...-0-ain:1 ktli...-,..B.Alc'err..04r" s11013.7.,kitt.4 ri'l Year; ' There are alsO-urviving • and "ii.iiiird 7 riy doks an:wanting 'to four brothers,. 'David. of. regor, Manitoba; William of Port Huron; Mich.; Alfred. of "Chatham, and Mil- ton of •Toronto and one *ter, Mrs., Steven Wood, at .Hartney, Manitoba; another. sister, Mrs. William ,Longh-' eed; died Manitoba,1soine years . ago. citiviCH 'nEOPENED. FOR -4,,--7-SPECIAL--:-SRIlVICE SUNDAY • • . , Closed iince• 1926,; Wesley • _Church_ at Purple drove; Huron Township; reopened its doors on Sunday, fOt Special home -coming, anion at .whiCh Iley.''F. Clarke Logan, Of TrillitY United 'Church Kitchener. son of the first secretary the church Wee the speaker. • T' • The service brought n' back many 4oriner-theinbersz4Th*--churchaildin,g 'w.as erected in 1891 on land di:Mated, "by' the late Richard 'Stanley, Penile' Grove was part l -of a :got -point eta,- later being grouped with Kin-, lois And ,BerVie; .• : After. ehurch. union the building was closed. : The •"liist minister, ,was Hey': Harvey. 1 .00 he paid and-that'M.ark-...-T01!.. _ ston bepaid 1.10 inspection fees. ship • aSses.sinent on : the Little -Mc-. Kenzie Municipal Diain :be Paid. McInteall•ard .drahain-Li.that ordeiS. be issped.iii--PiIYiflCflt of all - bilis and alecomiti ' • McKenzie and RQSS .we :do T • t' nnovt' adjourn to 'Meet .again on. Mori dany,the 30th, clay Of August; 1937; at Inc .14Slial time nnd 'plaee, ' - ,-.6heqUeS:-Cssued. a ne,--pos tam! • . .• • -• the :point requests. in the Termer • it iSa of get something for nothing; in the latter, it seems the, Public _is. of :,the opinion that it., is: the duty: :of, the ilocal. paper to • give free: publicity to1,=;:, everything from, a dog fight' to a serriron: They -do not :seem tp.realize that the publisher , has a' heavy, inv,estnient in Inachinery;a:n4 equipment, to ,say .nothing of the dui, lay', for.: Wages, power,,-..-taxes;-paper,. fink, depreciation, and must,eat and assume the usual final?, reSponSilitittlei; Of a lelitiien;-all'n, . , ..Of_..)Vhich-:inuatlid7ifald in hard eash-- none ofitis, free -so why should he, be the target for all, the "give ine',s.” Every publisher is grateful to all wh,b iltfPrin,hinaf of: .orsenti'd him ',news, but. it Seems' iinpoSaible forthe: nab- lic,' to separa.te 'news from free.''Plb- licity; or Overcome the...terotation.of trying to slippast, or intimidate' the. publislierinto printing :• free publicity, ,fOr their SPecial benefit.,. • • A truly striking 'example of that . . and., telephoil .$3.00; tiliclule.,:w....eli,: twbeivaiiknce.gsnis_e•wciausite7aenlePINivfinledi;etsh,eto:otio,h.::: day, :when a citizen • of a.,neighboring tineli. Voters' Lists. " Rte. :$80,p8.,..witin_, 1;ilide_...,for a.L..fe:w_pi.hltea .cardand,.41i ielpal World, supplies, •38.01.;• Dept o,f• so •_ the :n eopiirse ''pf . conversation .-:: Made. Fill'ellagitrlial:1•!ijs'ulgill... 112°..511110A:cs $:34.°:°W°';3.1`k'eri:i.' ••••k'She v.. ne'nintienfrne°intihilecie:r'htaoitinieintoawitertti*gh!t. , . Sheep' ilaim 1.$21.00;: Mark • . , ; . , : , • ,this small • job ; printed. of coursewe Johnston, 'Insp. above 1 10 --- ;,.. A' 11:', teeeived'th„e;,new eustOnrer with open; Thbinnsen'n caretaking: and.. supplies ' ' ^.....• .$7:5,1, 7.1,i(3'..„ ,,,ge. Gui.tt,:,,Tras.,..Twv,..,.. arms -Land -Cash "..with-Oitlertnatr•-Wai- assessineate: ILittle-McK'entie • drain. $230.66 ' .. • .. ''' , . . , :Highway ebeaueS -'/)...; Hallahan, pay list .r2 $ibo'0,ON'.01- lain,tiiiathdsa: Opt. list 53, $3.65.99r .:finelt,andi-,-the---,cnattiraer,- was pleased the job..;, l';14 the •laeonsistency, of „thegeneral. ,piiblie,. Was the,. thing that Seenied to strike; as the, nipst„ ljete ,wa:i!a,,busineas ,Womaiii*ho:_de7 •iist fi4,.$45.66;.' list i,,i4.. $10,.,75;„ .s1,11111,,,Is1.74ti„, 4u,i,„,fii.;,5 pli.lyt ..a.dcloiailcirlite.t.sds.,0,11, .16:,eihnyasiiis'id...osoi;it.,e:stbii.boeultsbi_n4edi4,hst.Idsai..dit,whbh' iSoi 56, $37.25; Read No. 2. pay !list .7,,,1 slie .iyhilted 'free; pablicitY,failed: to $11.80; .1... F. Dawson,... pat' list: .58, - get it -t she 'wain Prevoked plenty, arid, si..,4,65; A0x maLend:, 1' t\ fist: .66: would ...put', herself 'abotO, ,and,. Spend. .. iine and Money to, get her-heCeinsarY" 44-74.09•-iW.ef..ileka,P-11'45Paila-'. twin ing .e sew , ere; not .stopping. or. 61, .$88135; Miss S. Purvis,, staiiips;.• a, mement itO, consider. what she ' was . . • •. paY list 62, $3 00, Roy McInnis : pav 'asking fot; and Whir she did 'not, get ' . . .„ • „ - lady keeps a store -and rip: .• • :,--, ,_, . , • , doubt. the publisher she was So •,down.. The CheSley .Enterprise tells Of. lit'71,thi shopped ',at her •Tilaee of :business Ile .Maty; 'Who. answered: the ' door '' ... .. ', .! i'requeutlY: What would she say . if when , the -minister tailed. I'Mother ,S , . . , , ., out with a bunch. of . pi me • ght , ,,,,71he ••came 'Meng and requested :air order the little 'kiri''. told, him. "What in the of 'goad's' free •oir . the strength that. pwiboia41 tdhn" edro. . •,Y,sohile,,sillpgt,otite?... ictgalr.o.elb.1"....atl,hio 1..igilidadli'obi,eevnieat4.VsotfOnicetti;hf,ort.it?I's‘he.ana,, i ,,. parey,'4 explailied , our hriFht lituol ,_ "' . . 'Mary,: - • •. . -. :,‘ that ,SOtt' of thing .,..1,Sti t, done, , either ' ' ' . • ' ' ' . • ;,. .1 • by the. Sinart publicity agents, or the . First isteighbOr; rely was Lice general ' public. AO :Why Shenia ..theY" Of 'Jones ' 'to il"):ilYy hig'41 '`iitat..enfla0.-.7154:Sii--periistent; that,. the publisher '-'.--,t'etbird i hb • I'a ,, J...„Kive his , spade -Which - is • his, Mere ,.. sive .neW washing Machine. - , Thd,om One Made $6 :inill'e 1 treise fie. •omlisc7;-',Iree f-.. ' ' . ." • 4, ' ''' -. couldn't Sleep: , : ' , : " I ]Very Publisher is• on the POt . , . , . , -'-'•' Most of the :tinte, irt..this free public.; . : Veryiii....,..salwilinPnitiLAY.to,•:-.111:11t liripritIdatielt.tivleil,ilinalLiiiitYllstreitr?tig.t;Lhaitri'ieris(ittLdiifiPfirni4atit6itle-7.titviiiiiis. I12. his women6fl.ki tc!Ili et,90,,,i1u. u)e,ich,h, e Ent i aCtt'oasifo 8, atliilattiat ittle iporolittirla t?sT.t•!'it6,1,.i4 •1I', -..-T.,. T., .7.--e- ' i tIti•nnt$II6el''"atiliidlIit the`-sarife t-til'ilo Vool) . . . . • • . t , M:tiaV, 'people ily/5 t.4.•Wititing for linfi Pah110 In' gaVr htiniOr'''..".`isild . eha'..- their ship to doine. in fetket that they ,lighten theiri in regitrdq'S the,..inesti., rieVer,,. Setif a Ship • oat. sisteticy of tlieli, requests. MAFEKING $128.10; Wm.' MeRanzie,., pay, 'list 59, . , ip.visiting4rionds- in London this week. - Gordon , Webster of Pori! Credit and his tier, Mrs.' t4.. Arena of In- ditontpoli Were SOnday, visitors with and Mrs. .Will Andrew. Visitors • at 'the .hprnp of 'Mt.' and Mrs.': Will Irvin over the Week -and included ,Mr, ahd,- Mrs. Wes. „ Alton and, 'son Wilmer Of, Loaden, Mr: Alf. ,Armstrong, :' Gordon and. Misitei.D0r-, by terry had Pearl. Irvin aish of London; and Mr. Milten. Naylor and .Sen of Toronto, • the i latter maining for .'the holidays.• • . Howard Blake visited friends Lucknow last 3v"eelt; 0.-`8tOthers an • whohavepast few Weeks at the benne. 'Of , Mr. and HAtirt'Itertorti have gone to their cottiipe at )tintaii ,fo. the rest Of their 'vacation. • , = • 'Mrs. Dennis Donnelly Pinheiton • called on trient4-here•-oir-tuesday`,, , --Mrs, Win. Blake -attended the teat,: tYn.Altstri. .•wedding :lit Ripley* ''Iti;t" Saturday i • 4 list -63; =40 • • J, It, LANE, Clerk. V y 1 • • , A HEALTH SERVICE F vas CANACHAN;m.good,At ' • INSURANCE COM,PARiES. " IN, CANADA , I . ' PASTEURIZED1 MILK 1 'Some ten years ago, 'one of the largest cities of Cana a„d a de- vastating epiderniCpi' t5,72'ph id\ifever, In th§ our.se.;,0 a few morithS, there were zoo casts, of fever and thofe than 300 death's. ' The uthreak etea=. ted Ideal Consternation; .it was • 'of ,great international interest. •Officials ..of health dePrittinfeats •• orri. all patts' of the continent, vrsite the city In, :tent- to learn 'thg' cagia of the dis- aster. Committees ' Were appointed T67.-ffilay'llie'71414seS,.'oft the puthreak; there was thorough + -made of the whole s & -et. Most. •• of the cases : of typhoid, ere • • on • the :route of a.. eertain;. daiiy it was _dis- covered that the dalry'-p steuriza-' 'tion Plant • was defetive he , out- break. and its results'rigJitly attributed to the la1 ca, e in the .companY's plant. The: •:ter. of Paa.- thurization is not al'W I understood . It Means; that the milk is heat (1 not boiled) to :a temperature !of grees F. and ;mail, aine temperature fPt 303 Min riiulk is then. ratildr Val 50•nclegreei ,andlept Ithi pera tir , Se s lu prop.etly carried ou of, a host' of dira carried y. k, sevo. Scarlet feve ,.edluala..nitri,feav,d be and the summer. afrequently pr ofre pasteurizad. :beea • the uri 'Seek Ifilion-truce- onservative Nommation, - • W. C Knox.Toronto Business 'Man' Slaled Intentions 631rf Wing Itri ilk 'krill: Name . To. Stand 'IfOr Nomination r . In -Selecting •.Huten,Bilide Conser- vative' 'Candidate , For '• Provincial. Election -Father Conducted Jew- • -Store. Here: •• • • • A.nneimeemerit ,Wai made Thursday hy W. C. Knox, ,' prominent Toronto , 'bugineSs. man, of his intention , to alloisi his tattle to Stand. for nomina....- • - tipn ..as ,Conservative; ,candidate for Harori-Bruce riding in the fortheoptr; big provincial election. , • ' Knox, who NV -4S :):.).rouglit up in the toWn. of Whigham .-and received his: public and highschool education 'there: is well ' known to reaidents, of the. -riding---Where,his-_fathet first. ithught„„schpol and later for 'many Yeats, successfully .carried on jewelrY, -stores-irETeeswaterriLiticknow,..G.orrie iail:taeirWehsati nv7ienh-;nrwi • feel, „if' the people So, Wish,' that I • can. -be .Of service in the inipro,vetnent of livia* gonditions turd' general bus-, „ iness;"' Said Mt.'KnOx, in Making his announeemera. "1 :1• .1. ' :"From a..thorough study, . which for SQhq Vile now Thave made, of eon-. , •ditions in.7the--"riding, I feel .that t 145 • '"de- '.know what the people warit • and., „ itt thii. 'need." 'Mt. Knox : added, "The issue ites. , The in. the.terning election is one to Which ,• _ftii -46 or every elector Should give the utmost - - low .tem- 'thought.': I feel that this. tiding has , nrization been :SerioUSly. neglected 'under ,•_the..,_• . 'he gernis Ilepbui•n adininistration and intend ;fi'cli May be to see; am chosen to stand for ghtsrlYuPej1C0.1 that condritsiionsiwe- in Huron - and Choi- 'eration. , • rethroat"Fo hist -Ince " Mr. Knox Pointed' ,c)i-b-ofes--out,!-Clc-y,:o4.a..___Iealize that with all the 7the use teyemie. that the Province has. coil oiled or ected gasoline,...tax.'alone; :the 'rid- ffect of ing .`of;• Ildron-Bruce. has Only one :milk is piece ot...paVed% highway and 'that is les 'the 20 miles• lengt q",.. • f questioned, about the , :1n thesnioking n , fast train speeding, ,d front. 'a`g'e, .tbein situation, Mr. ,Knox Said .. wtbeeteciet,yigiigicreili sitiam76rtientT) agrouiJaen' 40 would . see thetctliqitor was under , 7. control not out Of centiol and that very voluble Irishniani Governinent."Should. attempt to inapt' figure in the arguai f in Inn -am:. .tfic)•ini,t'ic•ye t%'tdiiiati'?‘119ssh.eosCi Pfti,itehei),n6:11)ajolerict°yri.- '. ee6, 'The Same thing....Mt...! Knoxsaid; was ,true- of ',the Separate ..Seheols: Act. "The;gteat inarrity •of the Pee- . Pie feel., 'as 1 do,.. that . the publie-. ..`be.ont;-Pi.;01*14--Pn-atcin-A-ofed. t'esSary :taxatibb. for other forms.,of far all. taceS..and creeds . and • Utinee- ' school ,set 'hp. is •,:i satisfactory one , , . e Doi ion ig .iniquit.oits," He , a so e aroused once more . the fi ghtin ! in- ,thnt•-•.anie8the.,i.,.egiN ot,th,,pi:ovine. „estkieniciltiskl; eodf :tile.w.Ioruisidblinititni.1.,8v"..ew.,, ,rhyti; t, 0. til,:! „iwe,re very- Cafful that .there,' Was .a ' 'iZed milk in lay '.honse. I.:6ok at„inel". b`46acngt,''''•';ivoeflri '"hi'",ie:lit6,1.110"' .pelhaecreasisra'r.tt.gatiiie. he cried: "I'm .' one of eleven; an nine the e'par4,te. schools.... . - • ' ''' of • hs.„ are ' livin'..an' I'm not a had . ''' Hi a n't ' He' Was a fine, ..'' • . ' upstanding. figure of s ,maii, ii wen. ., ATE, WANT YOUR ItELp, . • On, ,•• , . : . . . , , • • , , .the §uninier Season. is' one. of corn-- :,121sitis'e4Do, on?' he ,knowsthei •It6.tt.liNegvuhtiaritnidko. ti.11,4:11,?iiieitpthoelric' 1 giii4 , h.inoglidaalyu•ltiffi'ollietge:,i,,6!),f4hftliiieliYairme:iti„ \liviOootiiid„, ,_ - ''• • ,hke to ;report , all thee things for , •: - On .the stove antf,hronght .I. 0 n ;10!1:,,,1-'licknow and • vicinity ...as fully as possible but that ca,yi only be.. dont' - 111C111111h;711„ '1'h'i agi. 1 i:hw' :tildh.Abt;:.aog8ilh.;:e.'tli' al:If.k.:11iiilli t ut"nl°8eok: e.b 1 ellii ti '1' d' seiliiidPt. e:Itr;h1:5'o;:. 'otl'i,l'.1.1k:i':1114,01 a:'ats1.1•1::.tri:1);TeolYtii°:.('•11::afitirc'e' ;viii. aelt'isovS18:1111'Pt:ot.vhr:iore'01;lf:li i ell• a:CI::::. .4fAeLl§iel'1, Ile" reP1411`ed'. ti-." ill'h`1sist us' grc,stly it y4u ,W004 let-' .11:, : Allan,' "You . should ;than id'Anil .or . Sueh ,ri: 'inot,,er, .`f t•-"' I. • eti Viii 'on- know. ' '' ' • ' ' i- . -- . , .1,. . ., .1m is-that_wa.s. the-prae icalk..e. uyal , . 1 •, 1 --`4,-----gt--- --.*-- if- '.'1-: 1 'ir fl - " r-- - , oeRnee .,("jfthetlf•etit abstitieatin112wetlas 61)tteial(On',.. Plii();t7 SI a '1111P)Inallgt'''' 0! 1115 srond. e''f'‘eDuid 'Ile' clov°1Ii7.4' he was 'a good sport. ,, n7_11nrfU that,11`0tilr ?'" , : '., , "Sure", he . said, "I: 'ilidn.'' kthirm•t'l 7- "TIT."' 7417p4 ,I.1 P a.CT'haecl' '14.0Tit' ' What I'. WAS talki&' about. 1'1 , never 11`. ecq ..., .1 ''‘i lc' ig; '1" Xbe di*a.' '11: , liaVe-:-.41,1:OtheiL.T.Wbrd-to-t-stry"-L,gi-iiist -'0-vt' him '.na"'.,-cald 14°•'• ' ' F • '71. : . Irishmen at their best, fa miter of British institution' case„ he4 had, the. best . ef th. dcba , , potneone i,no group:ha tne te eirity.., to; suggest -thee thoj t,pideiiic of typhoid, referredto, might not halle oectoted- At all' if.the eitVs milk pasteurized inlik 1s long as 1,Jivc. Pasteurization- '1°1111.14:tbe:ri ili:agefanDf t'11°.it11.11;‘' aye- guarantees-agriinif -iiiill<•ihorrie -Thing more .frierida;-M- ilot fail to deliver a Modl' ' Is aif101:(1.,y•ilit'itt.Ck':d11.e). 1111 1:1111';' " dti.ct. If 'it,. so fails, there linty he dif$.,. its,ter, , •