The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-08-05, Page 4IP4(Ca FO. - al, :4t a urautost'snriiil •".! THVR,sPAY, AV011sr EfUR 37; - . . . IHEDOG. TAX • AND LIVE ST OK „ • 1,110ft0.1111.11. ACT. Dkis leliOnikin protects liine4e9gkreivitot also- Uts reivoss,!•,of dopy _ . This'Act requires o The taxing Of deg4,-andi' a leaning Of deg -tea `noti shall the - ocal, airier or Reeve Of the , . -where live stock 'Tattle 4•PheeP) are injured. the owner 'MardeiPailti within fort -Pig t hen:ra After discovery of •,,t44,1.1kt!:11a,ge.' • uiiiciPality;' and one for the eiwbet.pf the livestock . • • • ,r • r • .ettlei of the . se notsatisfied ;with the repeat „:2riay appeal to .the' Minister of '.Agriculture , for another, • Valuer by.1:lepOiiititig$25.90. This ineney iaretiarnedriftbd...•• appeal is eucceedfal.bo is forfeited if the.appealls lost» r--theraWard.made.by the Valuer appointed by the , , Ministerie linal..' • . -•• ' • - For copies'of this Ad apply to Oe Live pock Branch ONTARIO: DEPARTMENT OF Partlam•Nt Ontario ' HON, DUNCAN MARSHALL • 'JAMES I. FAIRBAIRN " Minister Deputy Minister •••• r.o. up.!•rr in ourteou AS WE walk about on street, highwoiy; and, bypath weareall , . most courteous to each other as we pass Overtake stop, cross, . and otherwise mingle ivith our fellow -pedestrians. 'None of us would think of being 'otherwise -we are just'netnrally'cour. ' • Hut , tea' often this. native...courtesy; Imre*. wi- lib:in.:we get : behind the wlie'r..1' Of *Motor vehicle.. '.Do not lei your 'finitude Of cciurteaY .leave.YOU ivhen'I.Midrive bit, rather, "Try 'Courtesy". every inr.h of the way • When you meet a zett-motorist pull well over to your right,' , When you overtake .sound your horn -a' short note will •do! Keep to the rlecht on curvei • "blind spote'and, of course, on Drive at.the,spftd of 'the triffie you are in -Y..: don't • up the Never ,PUt the "other -fellow" On "the, ' Dip dim your . lights when you meet sit night-neitlier • you can see •where'.to steer Wilieri• you are "blinded". ' DO not ,"crowd" Pedesiriens, Wo 'milk' at tizzies and we, a dislike being Sunlit& • -. your intention to slow -down, stop or torn and otbarise act to your felloik-man awbeel in the, same con - *devote 'meaner as whin he 1* afoot -"Try C.ourtesy" every,: ineh of the ray. • • IIIITE 7116 New Spirit of Ithe Road MiNisitivot HIGHWAYS PRO'/INE ' OF oNTANO • • se* a Town And Like :It Winghara clung to a chance tit BY R. J. DEACHMAN , For, yearn' I lived in Rities-Llarge, Medlin* and small.. Now I live in a . Own and like it., There , are reasons why 1 should:Troth to tell I was never.enarticoured' of the big City with all its mechanical forces of action, ,its'inaesed' fuss, its „feehle.,aecomri- lishments. We ',should !PAM; to our needs the place we live -hut this ..- fashions „, bar lives to As..:var.rne whims. But let us, together,. go over a few of the. advantages Of the town in the hope thht, we may make them stand forth' in clearer light: ..: • One is the cold' legical, fact that in the town hying'. Costa,' lees..--; in; other *olds one, gets ...Mote .for :whet' :one gives. In the cities We .pay muck for .little. Inthe tovin . weget.a, nun for our ' money. A lot,one hundred 'feet wide and two hundred feet deep, seems like a farm in .a city.- It would cost almost as, much. In the town it 'costa relatively little and gives more joy and Satisfactien. -open to the air and the sun. Grass, , fruit and- ilowere„grow better. It you:doubt my. statement come up and see me genie - fin* in July when .strawberries' .and 3.aeptiettleirnare ripe, or in October when the. cOrwie „rea y for the pot.. - = enim;e, . _ cost less, in the town.' thaiilkthe. city; Taxes may .be nominaily bight eepec,-,' hilly, of, late years, but valmitni , are -letver--fand-that,.all-important„-ite existence: 'is not so , great -a bu den in a. town as it Ora eitY'• •T • a.. portation costs less. .Street cards a d taxis, are-q;iever-pressed:into'Servi e. „Youare closer to•the.sourcea of su ply of, the necessities of life, and the e are ways of 'cutting ;cite which e not be done in the larger centred. • Inthe city you are called upon to keep tip .with .the Jones family. erz' don't like them. They t ink more of .their clothed than the 'do of . their .thoughts -quite ntly wiinder if :they really thi The larger - the city the higher, th 'stun - deal of living for. these .who can af- ford it, but to the .niari:-.wh wants a ....retenahleUite;j. he -11 dam, of .living, the lower ietandard of- comfort. In .the :city 9u pay for• things you do not get The greatest things- wide are idiffi to. purchase with Money; The lis would have tp incInder.breakfast • fie with a morn- ing -paper, :tither o. think; .a quiet place to •sleep, a d 'friends; who are capable of under aiding. These dear- est; Whines. are WaySaccessible in the town -not = ways in the 'city. 1Theri. I like .t live in a. place where the children k.'91: me and tell me their • troubles. Today one of., them. wanted me to ke a sliyer out of his .finger and I ,id it 'with a:deftness of '; :surgical. ciency to :„ portrait! What- is the u e:ot living in:S` city where the ",jani or's 'daughter in the apartment bide 'is the .'only • child You really know. True--1--at times they are noisy .and, t y Oared with the 'robins the, hibt of y,,eherry,tree but they paid., for it o e hundred times over with, their 'kin htey and smile - times with their tea .. At 'first questioned :their nwisd • in sawing off. the limbs in order to et thedier-. ries„:ThisTseeined-like-w tow -waste of..".iwit,-yeties-friiit,_and,_ eh:Attie.. niemhered.'thar-govermneri same.,thiitge-saw; off; this Ye , the limbs which *Mild beat fruit. • 'est year, inid governments ' are:..MO • *Ma people are expected to follow, but this.is not a homily On econom- ics. but; a Stray thought Or two on/ life in town. • . , • ./ 'Then • I" like the "way things are organized In the smaller places. They meetthe needs' of ‘.the people who use. them. ,Golf fees , are less • beamed Management' costs little. The: Club :House is not.•so elaborate. No White coated waiter -serves--you ardently - with longing, hopes; for . generous tips. inc course yourThliairce a's as good as the other felloWs and the "green?' are all that -bould-,-fie-desite&- : • ' •' --Almnst every town has=s; bewling. green. The. fees are low do that every find:may., play, The; fun is divided equally .int:O. three parts;' the game iteelf7thir-good-riatereof-the-1.players, and their bantering language. One little let,. bends the:bowls to her Will by the anasterly „-Petimaslyeness." of TV, a 1 Th f the threSher, is. heard in midst.The fall' *heat .which looked 'so pibrnising until harvest, is , praying somewhat disappoin Ingihoth as to 'r infesta- tion of ark rest seriously': damaged , the -9 alit), . of .the.: grain,. timeh. of it , aing shrunken.: resanahl)ag 'Xintt'Oa' • no, 2 or 3, rtiore.than fall wheat. Mr. Milvert Reid t 'resheci an eatimated 1000 bus off -.35 acres. - " • Mr. •and g 8. •James • :Craig, Mr. Melvin Craig. o • St.'. An Stine end Ale. Warren .',Ra ford of, -Westfield,: ' %faited *Zion frien s' on :Sunday, , Mr. Sidney 'S ith of Albert; Col- lege,' BelleVi e,, h th t of !toy. W/4., and M on' • . u • Beach, •vvill have charge of the set." vice on, Anhfield Circuit one :week ,fitim nexit Srinday, -11 a.m.; /licketts, ,:gnd,,,i)4,1ce8 'ag!-Ist ' Mr, Alfred Ritchie , engaged with Mi Ilarvoy • 'Enicardirie 'fee the PaaA 'fe js emphiyed with Mr. \G threkihing prolit: • .Mr and Will Gardner and Ilaroldl, 'visited with : Mr. and •gra; , Jos, Freeman and faintly an Sunday. Mite. Richard, Gardner' on Tuesday' attended the' funeral'd , her ,uncle;* the' "-late -Thernagz---AgAr. ef,:zitrainpton-2, a, , has. been Ckert of rnentha, . Oihsbn, , • former resident of thissection.' Dentist: "Therea tieed to make all that 'fuss, ?dr; Whir, I have . not touched your tooth yet." Yeti t; "No, but • You're standing •Mr Max Ilildred has returned home from Leamington. The Oarden ' :on the United Church logrn last Tuesday 'night was . . irlig socce4. Mr. Robt, Hunter and; Miss, Hazel Stubbs' 'of . Toronto visited over the holiday week -end with gr.- and, grs, Jas ". • • - Mr and 'Mrs A. Wesley and sons of Walkerton 'else Cobntrymati _ •. (nee Mins Vera tiildred)' were calling n414-...htleridie-itr4be--villagee ti ' daY, ;INV,. 13.. IL RObiwcoii Mrs.' nob, insoiC et -Montreal were gnesta of 1‘1,,r, and gra. Jas,. Arnold,during the ee ; .so, eft ,severallyld friends., • , • ' *. • ' 'Re), Bali and mrs.:hali tdilo forMerly.., bervie. Circuit, ::,Vvere gliests of Mr -s. Sturgeon Mr .; Thos. .. Hewitt,. Misses Gertrude and, Alice HeWitt, , visited. 'friends in London and, IcerwoOd last week.. , 'Mr.. and Yrs. D e6,}Inlittirt• and sen •TeesVat:er, ;Were recent yisitots'.itif„ Mr. and Mrs, D.:AL:nem. . , .Nerth Line, Was hOlidaying;in Berie :last we'ek, Mrs. Delgey, POlubi:a., is In Rev. y. ititchi6 th6 rectory, Drritd...:agsith......we hear ,theS,sound_:_e the threshing Machine. Whistle; . making the pleyoffs, by. defeating Port Elgin Saturday to 1. * * * • 'Whighana and Teeswater • were ilIed to, Play' Wednesday in the last ;One' of the sehedule..Wingham must win thie. gaine . to tie Allenford for • , 4th .place, • • • , cunning, - dfauIted their tvve it'reelc.,. • ' • ,* s ; • Jack': MacDonald. 'does not agree yeitht,the plan' thb,,t. allows all " Other clubs two wirie gaMes ;With Leeitn.pw,'*,and: Kincardine,:, who de regardless of'Arhather,..heaa: efulia registered victories or not • 0" * * * * • • • e.' He 'Maintains -the ..garnes,thOse OF' el 'dubs. played should, :stand as .whn, ar losses ' • * "*. throwing the games ont, the s president; Wm. Dobson, stated a; pre- ea:dent -wae,created An 1994 -when, ,OLettivi4nn-,7Bouwinnife.r.gaineaweie dealt with' o.. * * /0 1/4 • . C. PanlitS Mat, • however,, that eligible pitcher, and was only tht games that .4 won that were thrown out. - - .; " * . . It rather' appears that. the mattei reniain as first announced though and either 'Wei *add. have little; anY 'bearing, • . * -4, * • * 'eeley, BanoYer and Pert Elgii definitely 'in, in that Order an 13 ,uc.kneW defeated. Alleniord once anti Kincardine; 'took' a 'win frorr Win Mini „the' pesition of these' tv42' altered unde- aither either system. . • ' - • * ..• 4, *: town -because there.are men of execu- tive her dequenee. If the bowls. ' of -her. own side are. going' astray, she pleads with theta. like a Billy Sunday call- ing 'Upon, sinners to repent -if her. Oppdnents . are. ;gaining • she coaxes the bovils to g� wrong, to slip acro' thedeadline, to daily .by the wayside. or to crash head-on Into some lucky shot which gone 'before. The *en in "mixed doubles" gain steadily in restraijit of, language.. They: carry, often !without .expression, thoughts which, as Wordsworth once remarked do often lie .too deep for tears., • Now ' these things succeed in the 'capacity who direct and encourg age *them arid do it net for what they get. but for the. joy Q f 'doing some- thing worth While. All this 'serves to eneOtirage a conindunitY spirit;•a competitive • entliusiainn Which sur- vives • without _bitterness Or rancor; The • huMari race may live without deinencrecY perhape • without.' goV., ertiment of any kind,, but it is lost if it, fails to hold its capacity to play. Vietbry :is het. everything -,neither is moneY.-the genie is the major part .1 love :to hear the ramn. in town ; It ,falla Rite a tberiedidtion layinS, g_arderis and fields: You think, -as yOu hear' it doming 'of the things it will' • buNGANNoiNt- mrp, - B. J. Crawford entertained Sunday her gr41101010tOf RObert MeeMillan"and• Mr, MacMillan and on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. . Bert White all of Detroit; Mr. and Jilts, Robt, Bean and child- ren Donald and Shirley 3: of Carlowp visited, her mother; Mrs. C. C. Brown on .Monday. The, Ladle? Guild of StiPauls will meet Friday Of next week at the home "-aaa.aa, Miss Floilt .is ' returning frekn. a meter .New ' York, On Monday, ; where 'ehe, study- ing on a' two weeks' courde at Colum- bia ‘. :The Bible . ,Study Group of the Uel;. ted:Chureh, met..,Tuesday„ evening at the,',.home Of. Mtn:: Crawford. •*". , Mr. rind 'Mrs. 'Jack' Grahant. (nee Mattie .Rose). of Detroit, ' have •been. renewing former acquaintances this. week in the village; ." The "MeSon, Order". picnic was held last Wednesday afternoon by. the lake at one .of its member's' .farm,.: Mr, Gee:'Adafris",' Fort Albert: Many from the village -attended -arid'-'rePortecl a very good time, little) the rain after sports. Baseball wa's enjOecl in the Tentative ..play-og., dates were sel The pit Awl 3rd alse. 2ndl and 4th .placed teems _play August 7th and.lithe if necessarrY the,. third ;ante' August. kith. The finals, August .18th and. Slit ,the -third game; if required, : Angusi If wet on ,the datei'set,`the get*: spist-be; played the following play-, ing :day., , • , • • RAPID- CI I• .Mrs., Joe . Jardine (forrikerly Abbie ...dacKenzie) Gwen and Kenneth left or their home in Evanston, Ill. with Jardine on 'ISnmlaY,*.after spend. ...ng,e Month with her Inother,Mrs ".' aikonzi-c---and -Mary. r and--Mts.---Malcolm4Stewart- IUJim England.---Miss--June- Mor - • *els inDetroittlihren.f1°Iras't!f°117rit.hsilPsni'wveieski:t'' Messrs', 'Bill Stimson, Frank , end 'Petersburg, -spent th at their s Mr. • Robert `McNeil wider the .loctor'i-eare-thia-past week. .. e -hope • tem speedy ..recovery. • Mr. , George Hodgins, Ripley, Mr. ind Mks. Bill ...Webster And family -;Pynt- the first of of -the -.-Week with 'crieuds at Chatham. • , Mic".`715.r:-O.7--Reed 'started. wheat threshing, last Friday with the Bet- -taw sylydrate- machine. • 'Saininy, asked the teacher, bow. Many Make a •million? . ' , AIIStert aal,114. afternoon and two of the oldest anein- fiere;Mr,--W-nidliiiile-et,Ged,g240MIL Sandy Young of , Carlow, Were pres- ent, ': and spoke. a , words of nd- lress at lUneh,tinie,, which Was :riiuch, appreciated. :We regret that Mitt.. Herb Alton on the fith concession, been quite ill th,e Past week and under the doctor's • List Saturday afternoon was pleas- antly: spent Mr's: Ada! Pentland and; deuthti. Margaret dangh-, teisrin7laWi_Mrsz Frani Pentland and Mrs. Wilfred :Pentland and :Mrs: B.. J. Crawford, ' a^ dar partr.:6f.ltrs; Warnock, Goder- ich, Who Was passing the 480,th Mile. :dope, The ;afternoon Was inuch en- joyed Meeting' old :friends and reca family as.ok, 1:frmerds.'::Ite7oHr.4_,4,d of 1 Toronto are visiting her Mc- Clureparent, Mr. and other relatives. . Mr.. and "gr.s,' Wilfred Elliott and :Children, jaequelirie.. and. Jean ..''.of Calgary, are visiting 'his 'Aster? ',Mies. Elizabeth Elliott...and other relatives hate-. '; _•1“ ' :Miss Clare Sproule :returned to 'Stratford, Monday; to resume her opositionterparts. aft6\7:.'a vacation . pleasantly spent with ,Irelotives :here and, .in .'. Miss Melba Armstrong R.N. ' of Toronto, ,joined . her mother, Mrs. Sam..Arinstrong and 'Miss Frances 4Bitdngdesle.innftN6asUontirtAslt.a to visit with Mr.. ant ..1‘Irs. Jack Perry. 'orTeit'z' ,--niticraTlet-beeVirisiting:,-„brerTdiftel7 Afi'Et.-Mhi("Beffilintif'con-the-Ath con:, Visitors:1ith Mr. and kre, ilat+ey Alton have*, been her Meier, ..Miss Helen McCabe Carlow and. Mt: and Mrs. Alf, Armstrong and son Gordon and Mied Pearl:Irvin, :London.... -1;Thlh-6;r1:4!CI:Ciriviisci.711:1-idraeunion picnic wasy in }Iarbor Park, Goderieh, when: about '46. Of the Clan were present: chielcen 'dinner 'win ankh trijciked in the Park pavilion end,relatiVen Were Present from Tor- onto, London,',Stifliornae,' Stratford, Exeter,,Godericii, and -Dungannon. The reunion will be again held next year litlfailibrifl'itric on Civic holiday. : Sam Glenn . and grandaughter Virginia : Strath....et. Detroit, ' and the ladies' brother Mr..,passiriote 'of. Chicago,, have; een visiting: Mrs, J:: J, Ryan, erin and Mrs: Jas, Stonehouse: They nt. to Goderich . , urs. ; • ROMANCE ANI) DRAMA IN 'l'IIE WEST - • 'f, 'VOX " • • • ' • „ n. Tues -,'.W U US i =SPECIAL-, . 0.• II It isort ° 'oco vi ' a 0,11 that biiEsineei i9 • better because John :Smithta7drop- yield"wili-,be' higher. In he oiity, he pleasures things by curves . and graphs. In .the town the question is -what , of the .1growing crops. The railwity‘nian'figtires Pre - ;Tess by .increase OfIcar 'loadings, but :ary loadings are a deed !material thirig-and 'John • mith's • 400 benhel, crop of Wheat on 'ten' tiereS; is real, personal and Vital, both to , John and; the man in town* who : •knows : about it/I.:was in a 'telephone office a few days ago, and.. the: girl answered a. "All 'tight she. said, '„"go, tight, ahead and cut your :hay -wait initiate auk! .give.- ion; the aterr7 And she , read the , 'weather report from ' the morning paper -no doubt the :boy •eht his ' hay: _ • • The farmer is. ,close to the soil and. '.the.town.ie*clefie to the farmer. Mass Impulses .svvaY the city', but individual nitiative begins .further back ainong the, trees. There our cities an intensive localism ' which sees nothing, iave,that which they deem to be their atva harnediate interests -US .Chok., ing influence 1,On our .national life. The -,eity Wows. little of the Country, and . cares. less. " It cannot be intetp. reted, to ' the country nor the ',country o 'the city -.-one is too far 'froM the !the., lint Own knows 416 dOUR- • do fat' the'CoUntrY and ,of those who try '; and .the'COntitty ,kifewii the tiaveti will rejoiee,at the rain: Rain in the ttrirenkrautarunnine-civater front- filthir eaves. the country it tells the story of freshening lawns and fields, of thing revelling' in the glory of a new life of gray faced dust, dis- because, their iiiterests are "the same •-,---thee-dWeli-lit-unitY-together=--et- leaSt, hi unity ,,of thought., Yes, , I ATI glad t live in a town. I wish the: city people Oho weave in ttnd out the barrow lanes of citi"lifn - snlvi " fagt fieldrf and roads end could Serino,' for a time at ast, the g rieher deeiier "oii-tlfe"-fttce of-heaetY-and";the-freedera706 wn, and all the earth. . country. It. ,iv`oUld - uplift their lives, • Tacre_is MoregOsSIPLin the rnalJ ihiliTOVO their thinking and break the ler •plades, . bat it is if Malicious, tangled' Weave of :ebbwebii "from their Everybody knows " if YOU have been thih.dm They would realize then 'that to charch or out of town,,..or.-tinder- --0,-tra-nn`-y-i)37:a-restd-thIrteattfo,itheii-tittiOni, An getting 6" "bathitig 84it' iikiireui tete tf 11143 n in' t Ord knO WM -in n net too it town at I, • , Keepme that school -girl complex. the w6a.tb6r, all times from .eioser ion isri t f as •ar fat' Mame gala ititiMat h* h brings a keener irt" ttrn gla4 ja"° b that r• hve in tj t•PW,11 y C ;E.tat..04: • ;or TuesdaY te'spend-;:the emaind f ALSO AN ANDY CLipt: coy1047.,'ANIT,•;.• ii[pitTSUBjEcT •• AwitissiONADithits 35c'; CHILDREN • • HFIEL . :Dr. ArnOld Cowan of. Toronte was the. guest of, his father; Mr: :John Cowan- Sr., over ; the week end „Mrs. Dora Lumbers 'of Toronto; spent the week -end and holiday with friends here and in Ripley . • Rev:. lc. and Mrs. MacGillivrity. are spending their vacation at Kea - Wick. Camp, • • • ' .The MacDonald , :annual re -anion. Was held ,at Kintall on ,Satuiday. ' Wheat- 'threshing is .full swing • • • • • ' • • . arid±the • eatis'faCtory. • " yIelcl la , represented et.the :.doderich...:rerinion* whete a full meek • of special.'Ettttaetione_are being. jog-. ed. This is by farthe.mest suecesete reunion they i have ever'. had. Monday was a:tee:era, breaking crowd it being. Civic holiday. in all towns around.' , • aW A .visitors--with-Mr, an -Mrs .- The.Misses Edith and Mary Shep- herd_ of Toronto have been visiting their cousins, Mr. G. Treleaven and I1ar4ey Tteleavenr..LtackifeW. Mr. and Mid., Jas. Figgins and farnily JohnandShirley of Bt. Cath- arines, re visiting aunt,. Mrs. 'Elizabeth' Robb and - other relatives around. ,,$. ,Mr. and Mrs. StanleY. Hughes of Toronto, visited' her parents; Mr. niu Mrs. David, B, -Errington,-. also her Mrs.' Mary Riyett.° Mr. and Mrs. Everett Erringloa„LAnd_fou_. . . • 2 ••.„, ,children,....alstriPrr Sunda: • t th home of 'Thos Rivett • ' ' • the Week i•Witif Merida ' Mr. deb.'. Adams aceOwn and -,..Mrs. C, Congram to London an Saturday, 'Where. _lin Visited 'NITS. doniS at. the .Banaterinm.' .• Mis Sant Armstrong, PranCeS j-30,1gps kiis',Gelia.Pentland visit .to ;4;114 were acceniPanied.on4heir retarn.by ,.' Mr,' Roy... litidg'ee; .* returned Tuesday: • • • . And 1VIric-Chat":,-Elltrift"W son Henry. are leaving :the, first ' , the • week to.s.l)hd the ,month '61 August' ‘7,9th friends at., Golden 'Valley • and New Liskeard,'Nerthern Ontario,: „ DotighiS plenie"Was, flea atAirin- honk Pork last Saturday. . Those who ore... as:Ste:fated , attended ftoni around here were 400 ,Mrs. Chas:: Congrain and f;Ort Gordon ‘iina- their: bleeds 'Meade' Audrey and Gloria Cengte.M... Frieeds. . from Toronto, HS:Milton ' London, Bay City, Mani- toba and Winglitt'm Were • present. Nfr: and ivt*.4,0,.pottjrutit• Bay City, Mich., !viSited. 'VI', and ,Mrs'; Chns.--Cotijrnin ver thc-wtk end: Pbuglas will he TOM:Ciphered by 'thank: 'here he /atm.( . lwvtitfd by Cengtam i'was. his birthplace. Both farnilleg.'attended Sonic Of the '08t1Oftilli; day„..Nthee *ere Oconipanied•'bere by Mr,--Pahri-AtanstorierEainilteei-who-10 .dtfilerithite of 'fee, YetirS ago. rind and',,Mtg,' Addle: Carroll and sons:- Donald! of I) e tit! Were 81;00 Sunday e Mr. andMie. Rat. Moore's grand... children, Lc;reeri,' Donald and "Patsy Nivens of SaltfOrd, returned home ,StifidaY after some holidays spent here. „ Misses, *One's ' and *eon, Figgins oJ Welland, w1� spend the summer, wit}, Mr. and Mre. David Glenn, left last week to, spend some , holidays with 4 .f°1;I:illi17117,10; :i1;k4Irgan.:OfLenden,' vis- iting her grandfather, Mk • Richard Tviainley. '• • ' '• Mr: Iteuhee prei:stq ot North Bay seatfa-laW of Mr; and MTS:' Burton Roach, arid who seriously injured when his gravel truck Overturned, is , , doing ,Very tiCeiy, and Will .he permit. ted to leave the hospital &male' time • ,,h11.Itisrws.cRekebe.cca''.. isassisting the home'ot Mr. Prank' Glenn. • and, 4ft.s.:-.•-mtrot,-);tabel of Port OOlhornt..ore holiday visitors with liek parents,' kr. Finnigan and ' attending "Old* Herne Week" xat Goderieh: . 'Mr, Melville :Glenn of De - reit -and -Mr -and--Mite-,Chasr-thomps- son of London, attended the funeral, of their' fiA0 Eugh, dienal,laSt.FtidaY 'trot the home of their sister, Mrs. J. 3. *am, Sam TrcleOen has rettitited to the West to be :with her. datighter, IlLat. MONUMENTS -it -11m cost Having our factory eqUilaped ,witlt the most modern ,in'achitiWy for the ' execiiiimi, of, high class work, we ask you to See the largest .display of . . „ . ;uinents, of any retail;',factory..„in 01- tario., All finished by sand 'gest 'Ma- chines. We impert all.-"ofit,.granites. froin the Old Country 'quarries dir- eat, in the tough. You can., save • all local dealers!, 'agents' and middleman - Profits by seeing- us. '. E. J. Skelton St Son , _ At West End Bridge-WALKERTON • • • . ' •Tr• a '13E PROUD .0F.YOURcARI, , . Vie C.tooOeir for AsitionoblIMO vialiblnig.-'No7Oollals.: 11 OLAhiolftiouearnegObligewaiideolatitairnolikiotu.ore. On.elurrOveltr:,' ,-;imodo-ersodifor 36:0Z CAN $11.00 AT LOCAL DEALERS' ,TARROFt CSIOULAL.La ," TORNITO, ONT. . „ . , • KINLOUGH Mr, and '311rs.: ,,Durnin !, and ,family: Of Viaighain spent„sdiqrlat ;11;: so , . family, Mr. and Mrs. MerieL: McFatlan; Mr :and Mrs,,' JaCkSo'n and . family and yrc(1._. , . •. • , Ja•t6o:nTrsii-erii:$i•iiiaq"'at •of 0 of t:t74.- Pile: visitingt or anitrie.e. Mis.M. ,Mel,Aean, •;miss.; ;Audrey 'Meritilan is ' spend- ing , feri, claire at 'Lecknow. Mrs. :C. 'Sitilahert , of Walkerton, sPent Sunday With her parents, and Mrs, ilaWkshaW.: :11lts;' M. 'Dudley, 9f BlicknoWc and Mrs. Art lialdenbY, and 'familY,', of Toronto, are visiting ' friends here. 't-forger't e Anglican' Garden patty on ,Friday evening,. Anglia 6th. mr:, and 'Mrs, Jrio, Munro and ,Mies Jean Macintosh of, Einbro, spent the ' iwae,etiokn-se,nd 'w:h., friends here. Mre. 'Roy'. Grithain, a `•*nen-Congraiti- Ilo'sPital, on July '270., to :Mt' and BORN ...---; jn.* Kineardine Generat:". iii'Mndiat. with her °sfiste,Mr;iliMitrrtalilLgterrit:' ham. BOUNDARY. WEST ' the sick list is much itnproVeil. ' Mr. and 'Mrs: George Page, troth kincardine viSited with :friend's 'here - Miss, Eileen Griffin ilk:deed' ,recently with- Miss-Vernn--Hami1to 'Mrs; Lloyd Stein; Who ha S been at ',•• has.. rdttirned,Ao. her_ _ home , •• .1111i88 'Elidde 'Cook Is iPending tt Week With .friends in Atibtirii. • Vita, :Beattie% dibion` trein bottoit,